STEM Quiz Answers: Culham Centre For Fusion Energy
STEM Quiz Answers: Culham Centre For Fusion Energy
STEM Quiz Answers: Culham Centre For Fusion Energy
1. What does STEM stand for? Science, Technology, Engineering and Maths.
2. True or False: This is a real STEM job:
Legoland Designer
Sports statistician
Spotify engineer
Professional hacker
All true
3. How many people work in STEM in the UK? 5.8 million people, 20% of the workforce. 72% of
UK businesses rely on people with STEM skills.
4. Where is Europe’s research centre for nuclear fusion?
UK (Oxfordshire) Culham Centre for Fusion Energy
Graduates tend to earn £160,000 more than non-graduates; whereas STEM graduates earn a
whopping £250,000 more in their lifetime. Chemistry and Physics graduates will earn on average over
30% more during their working lifetimes than other A level holders.
False! Examples:
9. How many types of STEM professionals are involved in making sure your water is clean? Nine
A water treatment worker – adds chemicals and microbes to water and monitors it to make sure
it’s safe for people to drink
A civil engineer/water engineer – managing water supply and drainage networks and installing
flood barriers
A geoscientist –searching for new water supplies and assessing safety and impact of work done
by Civil Engineers
A geotechnician – obtaining and analyzing samples and interpreting data to support the work of
A meteorologist – measuring and predicting the weather so people are prepared for floods or
A water quality scientist – maintaining the quality of water by testing and comparing samples
A waste management officer – managing waste so that it does not contaminate water supplies