P-1 Poblacion, Nabunturan, Davao de Oro: Assumption College of Nabunturan Graduate Studies

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Republic of the Philippines


Graduate Studies
P-1 Poblacion, Nabunturan, Davao de Oro

Ryan Christian T. Bustillo MAELT-1



Sociology, the scientific study of human social behavior. As the study of humans

in their collective aspect, sociology is concerned with all group activities: social,

economic, political and religious. Sociologist see education as one major institution that

constitutes the society. There are theories that help and guide research and policy

formation in the sociology of education. They also provide logical explanations for why

things happen the way they do. These theories help sociologists understand

educational systems. The two (2) of the most common social theory are Consensus

Theory and Conflict Theory.

Consensus Theory clearly defined as a general or widespread agreement among

all members of a society. Also, it is a social theory that holds a

particular political or economic system in a fair system, and that social change should

take place within the social institutions provided by it. It is also a sociological

perspective or collection of theories, in which social order and stability/social regulation

form the base of emphasis. In other words, consensus theory is concerned with the

maintenance or continuation of social order in society, in relation to accepted norms,

values, rules and regulations as widely accepted or collectively by the society – or within

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Republic of the Philippines
Graduate Studies
P-1 Poblacion, Nabunturan, Davao de Oro

a society itself. It emerged out of the sociology of social order and social stability/social


In contrast, conflict theories as per definition, it is a clash between ideas,

principles and people. Conflict theory, first claimed by Karl Marx, is a theory that society

is in a state of perpetual conflict because of competition for limited resources. According

to this theory, those are wealthy and powerful try to hold on to it by any means possible,

chiefly by suppressing the poor and powerless. This means that this theory sees social

order as manipulated and control by dominant groups especially for some who are in

the position. A basic premise of conflict theory is that individuals and groups within

society will work to maximize their own benefits. The competition between groups within

society over limited resources is one of the focus of this theory. The changes in this

social theory occurs rapidly without making an agreement. Furthermore, it only focuses

on the heterogenous nature of society and the differential distribution of political and

social power (Horton and Hunt, 1984). A struggle between social classes and class

conflicts between the powerful and less powerful groups occur.

Now, therefore, social theory is utilized to form refinements and generalizations

among diverse sorts of societies, and to analyze modernity because it has emerged

within the past few centuries. Conflict theory deals with the emergence of conflict within

a particular human society while consensus is a concept of society in which the

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Graduate Studies
P-1 Poblacion, Nabunturan, Davao de Oro

absence of conflict is seen as the equilibrium state of society based on a general or

widespread among all members of a particular society.

Ryan Christian T. Bustillo MAELT-1



Changes in culture that are originated by a group need cultural support from the

members of the group, or else they will not last long. A supportive cultural environment

is needed for lasting change. Each cultural environment provides a set of standards,

ethics, ideals, values to which we must acclimate. Our behavioral patterns change

dramatically from one cultural context to another. Our families, workplaces, and

communities all have cultures. These cultures have a great , though rarely recognized,

impact upon our behavior as individuals. We are expected to behave according to the

standards of the group. We may choose not to behave in accordance with our cultures,

but if we choose not to go along, we must prepare ourselves for the consequences that

may come. When we choose and select goals in life that may violate the culture, we

must either change our culture or face and endure a never-ending struggle.

Multiculturalism is a policy that emphasizes the unique characteristics of different

cultures, especially as they relate to one another in receiving nations. In addition, it is a

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Republic of the Philippines
Graduate Studies
P-1 Poblacion, Nabunturan, Davao de Oro

situation, event, phenomenon of a multiple groups of cultures that exist in a society

because of the so called “migrants”. Based on its definition, the term “multiculturalism”

refers to the people in the community, in short it describes society or societies. When

we say multiculturalism, simple means that we all have different and distinct cultural

groups. Since we do have distinct cultural groups we do have also difference the way

we act and behave in accordance with the culture that was innate on us. Not only on our

behavior, but as well as in our traditions and cultures. Also, the variations in music,

dress, and in foods. Lastly, multiculturalism is a tool for instituting students with pride

and confidence in their unique and special backgrounds.

On the other hand, is multicultural education. This refers to the equality in

educational opportunities for students even with the presence of diversity in race,

ethnic, social-class, and cultural groups. Multicultural education supports the idea that

students and their backgrounds and experiences should be the center of their education

and the teaching and learning should be in a multiple way of thinking considering the

differences and the diversity of the learners. One main goal of this multicultural

education is to transform and change the classroom so that students from diverse

cultural, social class, racial, and ethnic groups will experience an equal opportunity to

learn. Another is that, this help all the students acquire knowledge, attitudes, and skills

to function effectively in this democratic society to interact and communicate with

peoples from diverse groups. In addition to this, it will be a great help to provide

opportunities to students develop their faith in their ability to create changes in the
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P-1 Poblacion, Nabunturan, Davao de Oro

institutions in which they live and situations to apply the learnings and knowledge they

have learned and acquired. Lastly, considering the diversity of the learners will help

them boosts their confidence and they may not be afraid to showcase their uniqueness,

talents, and intelligence on their chosen fields.

As a teacher, to become a multicultural educator, first, we must respect our

student’s diversity by considering their behaviors and actions. Also, always think that

each student’s having diverse culture, race, and ethnicity are unique. They should be

treated equally. Let us always remember that it’s more fun to learn new culture. Explore

and discover new teaching and learning styles appropriate to the students. Teachers

are the best position to understand and recognize that students have diverse cultural

backgrounds and can adapt their instruction to meet these diverse learning needs.

Education is for all. No matter who you are, and what you are, you are entitled to be

educated and to be respected.

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Republic of the Philippines
Graduate Studies
P-1 Poblacion, Nabunturan, Davao de Oro

Ryan Christian T. Bustillo MAELT-1



We don’t live and operate in isolated islands. As social beings, we are bound to

create a community where unity, harmony, and a genuine concern for another is a

universal everyday mandate.

Globalization is one of the most dominant forces facing education in the 21 st

century. Fundamentally, it is the closer integration of the countries and peoples and it

also refers to an increasing interconnectedness and convergence of activities and forms

of life among diverse cultures throughout the world. Furthermore, this globalization

seeks to explain the integration of economies and societies around the world. They are

joined together by travel, values and ideas, language, trade, labor, communication, and

technology. With the use of internet, mass media, travel, etc., it addresses the political

interconnectedness of nations through global governance arrangements and expanding

cultural exchange. It also affects countries in terms of economic growth and cultural

identity. This links individuals and institutions across the world with unprecedented

interconnection. Globalization has become a widespread idea in national and

international dialogue.

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Republic of the Philippines
Graduate Studies
P-1 Poblacion, Nabunturan, Davao de Oro

Global education extends students’ awareness of the world in which they live by

opening them to the diverse heritage of human thoughts and actions, as well as

creativity. Global education places an emphasis on the changes in communications and

relationships among people throughout the world, highlighting the issues on human

rights and justice, human commonality and diversity, literatures and cultures, and the

impact of the technological revolution. In addition, global education helps us Filipino’s to

become aware of what are the changes of other nations and countries especially in the

field of education. This provides us knowledge on how to become a globally competitive

teacher and globally equipped with the rapid change that our education system has. A

global teacher goes along with the trends that the country has.

Education systems is the core of the globalization process. Recent developments

in the education sector like widened education access for all, creation of new

educational network organizations point to the implications of the global information

society in the education system.

Today, the forces of globalization are affecting youth, families, and education

systems worldwide. All social systems are predicted on the need to impart values,

morals, skills, and competencies to the next generation. Education systems, therefore,

need both rethinking and restructuring if schooling is to best prepare the youth to

engage in globalization’s new challenges, opportunities, and costs.

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Republic of the Philippines
Graduate Studies
P-1 Poblacion, Nabunturan, Davao de Oro

Ryan Christian T. Bustillo MAELT-1



Gender is one of the universal dimensions on which status differences are

based. Unlike sex, which is a biological concept, gender is a social construct specifying

the socially and culturally prescribed roles that men and women are to follow. It shapes

the lives of all people in all societies. It influences all aspects of our lives, the schooling

we receive, the social roles we play, and the power and authority we command.

Population processes – where women and men live, how they bear and rear child, and

how they die – are shaped by gender as well.

Gender roles are socialized primarily in the family and reinforced by other social

institutions. We do have the so-called “gender stereotyping”, means that the beliefs

humans hold about the characteristics associated with males and females. From an earl

age, people construct, form, and bare ideas of what males and females should be,

beginning to accumulate characteristics that they consider male or female, and

assigning labels to those categories. This progress and development simplify the ability

to deal with the world. Gender refers to the different ways men and women play in

society, and to the relative power they exercise and perform. While gender is expressed

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P-1 Poblacion, Nabunturan, Davao de Oro

differently in different societies, there is no society where men and women perform

equal roles or hold equal positions of power.

Gender inequality. First, men and women are situated in society not only

differently but also inequality. Specifically, women get less of the material resources,

social status, power, and opportunities for self-actualization than do men who share

their social location – be it a location based on class, race, occupation, ethnicity,

religion, education, nationality, or any other socially significant factors. Second, this

inequality results from the organization of society, not from any significant biological or

personality differences between men and women. Third, although individual human

beings may vary somewhat from each other in their profile of potentials and traits, no

significant pattern of natural variation distinguishes the sexes. In today’s generation,

gender preference may affect the education. Men and women can act and behave

differently. Some says that men excel in Mathematics subjects while women can’t,

though it hasn’t been proven yet.

It has been said that around the world has shown that gender inequality tends to

slow down economic growth and make the rise from poverty more difficult. The reasons

for this link are not that hard to understand. Half of the population of the world is female;

hence, the extent to which women or girls benefit from development policies and

programs has a major impact on the countries’ overall development and success.

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Graduate Studies
P-1 Poblacion, Nabunturan, Davao de Oro

Women have always had lower status than men, but the extent of the gap between the

sexes varies across cultures and time.

Ryan Christian T. Bustillo MAELT-1



The greatest resource for building a culture of peace are the people themselves,

for it is through them that peaceful relationships and structures are created. Hence,

educating people toward becoming peace agents is central to the task of peace

building. This refers and means generally to the long-term project of building peaceful

communities, a desirable goal.

A new way of thinking about peace is so important today. The power of our own

understanding and views of both as a condition and as a value cannot be

underestimated. It is because our ideas shape our feelings and our actions, as well as

how we live and how we relate with others. The simplest and most widespread

understanding was that of absence of death and destruction because of war and

physical or direct violence. It was realized that it was not only war and direct violence

that caused death and disfigurement. This violence led to death and suffering because

of the conditions that resulted from extreme poverty, starvation, avoidable disease,

discrimination against minority groups and denial human rights. It was then realized that

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Republic of the Philippines
Graduate Studies
P-1 Poblacion, Nabunturan, Davao de Oro

a world marked by said conditions is a world devoid of peace and human security. It

breeds anger and generates tension leading to armed conflict and war.

This peace education also promotes anti-discrimination among men and women,

LGBTQ+ members, black and white person. Respect for others, one of the attitudes and

values that this peace education is concerned of. They want equality in every aspect of

life. Another concern of peace education is to uphold human dignity and well-being

because of the conviction that this is a foundation for peace. In education, the schools

are ought to educate citizens not to accept hateful propaganda about the diversity of

learners or of the different other and instead appreciate other cultures and respect

cultural differences.

As a teacher, we should have a peaceable classroom. This means, it is

characterized by affirmation, cooperation, communication, appreciation for diversity,

appropriate expression of feelings and peaceful conflict resolution. It is a classroom

where students feel safe and secure. It is a place where they grow as persons without

threats of being hurt. Even though learners differ from one another, let us make and

create an atmosphere of love and acceptance in our classroom. As the teacher, let this

peace begin with us. Let us declare a classroom as a zone of peace. We should

encourage our students to do so. Encourage respect for and acceptance of differences.

We should practice cooperative learning by encouraging cooperative learning tasks and

discouraging negative competition or exclusion among students.

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Republic of the Philippines
Graduate Studies
P-1 Poblacion, Nabunturan, Davao de Oro

Peace education is an important educational response in the light of major social

problems that we currently face. It seeks changes in society’s attitude and philosophy,

values and structures which should eventually led us to a world that is more nonviolent,

just and sustainable. It is considered transformative education not only because of its

purpose and content but also because of the teaching learning process it upholds. The

knowledge, the skills, and the value-orientations that are cultivated are meant to inspire

personal and social actions towards a peaceable society.

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Republic of the Philippines
Graduate Studies
P-1 Poblacion, Nabunturan, Davao de Oro

Ryan Christian T. Bustillo MAELT-1

Topic: SOCIAL ISSUE (Teenage Pregnancy in the Philippines)


The issue of teenage pregnancy is widespread in various parts of the country.

Today, we face the painful reality that at a very young age, most young people have

children of their own. It is the condition of being pregnant aged 10 to 19. The victims of

teenage pregnancy are the girl herself, her child, her parents and relatives and the

national society. It will also probably make her economically vulnerable. Also, it is a

communal problem, a family problem, and a personal problem all rolled into one. It

frequently goes hand in hand with premarital sex. Problems come when the news needs

to breach each parent’s party. A spring of thought flash before one’s eyes, and registers

only two; whether, to back the hell up – abort the child or carry on with the pregnancy

but sign up for adoption - or get the hell in – have the child with all its perks and

consequences alike.

After which, these impressions simply serve no purpose but to put them off, and

deduce to mere bother to them when the truth of their situation slowly sinks in. How do

they provide for the child if their parents cut them short financially? Will they be able to

go to grad school? What will become of their future? What will become of their child’s

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Republic of the Philippines
Graduate Studies
P-1 Poblacion, Nabunturan, Davao de Oro

future? By this time, they would have to contend with the pressures of parenthood.

What’ll truly bother them in the long run is the reality of whether they can fulfill their

obligation as parents, and the security of their child’s future. Teenage pregnancy is

becoming a societal problem that branches out to other problems.

One of the reasons why teenagers are already aware with this topic is because

of media. They get a higher knowledge to sex from the magazines, TV shows, internet,

movies and other media. In media, they go to a website where pornography is present.

The immature and irresponsible behavior arising due to complex teenage mindset is

another important cause of teenage pregnancies. Teenagers often go through several

emotions because of their own transition from childhood and peer pressure.

Another reason behind this issue is teenager’s lack of sexual education causes

them to get abortions as they ultimately realize their inability to bear the responsibilities

of being a parent at such a young age. Furthermore, lack of attention and affection from

family resulting in depression forces them to seek love and support from other people,

especially members of the opposite sex. Next, overprotection gives rise to frustration

and a feeling of not being loved and cared for. Thus, balance is the key to avoid this

problem. Lastly, lack of affectionate supervision of parents or guardians result into the

adolescents or teenage girl’s becoming pregnant.

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Republic of the Philippines
Graduate Studies
P-1 Poblacion, Nabunturan, Davao de Oro

What are the effects and might be the consequences of teenage pregnancy? The

issue of teenage pregnancy has several consequences. It is continually increasing the

population growth rate in the society. Many babies are being born through it. The issue

encourages dropping out from schools. Many pregnant female children end up dropping

out from school to avoid shame. Next, due to poverty, many of those involved in

teenage pregnancy die off prematurely because of lack of proper medical attention.

Sex education can reach teenagers through many ways, one of which is through

schools. The government can make it compulsory for school students to undergo at

least a certain number of hours of sex education. Instead of focusing on the dangers

and consequences of teenage pregnancy, schools can also educate teenagers on the

advantages of not having a baby when they are unprepared so that students may be

able to weigh out the pros and the cons. This can be enforced by getting students to

attend service learning trips and having them be exposed to the real world of teenage

pregnancy. Another way that teenagers can be educated about sex is through their

parents but for this to work, there must be a strong relationship between the child and

the parent. Also, with a strong relationship, parents can have more influence in their

child’s sex decisions and may be able to direct their decisions in the right way. So, in

other words, having a good parent-child relationship can help to decrease the affected


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Republic of the Philippines
Graduate Studies
P-1 Poblacion, Nabunturan, Davao de Oro


1. As a teacher, how would you develop your student’s knowledge and curiosity

about the world?

Answer: Being a teacher, it is a tough decision and a challenge to develop our

students’ knowledge and curiosity about the world, but it is need for us to do so.

Develop their knowledge and curiosity by encouraging valuable questions and

tinkering, looking for teachable moments, and building lessons around current

events and critical thinking. Furthermore, it is a need for the teachers to let them

explore variety of cultures and societies. Teach the students to be skeptics or to

inquire and look around. For learners, it is the joy of exploration – a hidden force

that drives learning, critical thinking and reasoning.

2. Seeing the many social issues confronting you as a teacher, what would you do?

Answer: As a teacher, we must be ready always with the issues that we are about

to face. The best thing a teacher would do is to take as an opportunity rather than

a problem.

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Republic of the Philippines
Graduate Studies
P-1 Poblacion, Nabunturan, Davao de Oro

3. Do the attitudes, beliefs, values, and practices affect the performance of a


Answer: Yes, because we have a diverse learner.

4. What do the following concepts imply about your role as teachers of the 21 st

century learners?

Answer: It simply means that a teacher must be aware of the diversity of the

learners. It is a need for the him/her to know varied teaching strategies that is

suitable for the learners with diverse needs and to boosts their confidence and


5. Behavior of the students indicates the diversity in their backgrounds. How would

you, as a teacher, respond to this diversity?

Answer: Students differ from one another. We would create varied strategies and

techniques. The good teacher communicates a deep regard for students' lives, a

regard infused with unblinking attention, respect, even awe. An engaged teacher

begins with the belief that each student is unique. Love for students just as they

are—without any drive or advance toward a future—is false love, enervating and

disabling. Also, to ensure effective learning for all  students in the

classroom, teachers need to develop sensitivity to

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Republic of the Philippines
Graduate Studies
P-1 Poblacion, Nabunturan, Davao de Oro

individual students' needs and respond to them by flexibly adapting

their teaching strategies and content.

July 9, 2020

Dr. Elizabeth Dioso

Professor, Socio-cultural Foundation of Education
Graduate Studies
Assumption College of Nabunturan
Poblacion, Nabunturan, Davao de Oro


Good day!

I am Ryan Christian Tagal Bustillo, from Sta.Josefa, Agusan del Sur. It is my great
pleasure to be one of your lucky students in the Graduate School. Indeed! We are so
blessed to have you as our professor in Socio-cultural foundation of Education. You
have imparted and shared all the knowledge that we should learn with this course
despite of the current situation we are facing nowadays.

Ma’am, attaching herewith are my critique papers on the topics being discussed by my
classmates virtually. I would like to apologize because some of the ideas in this paper

18 | r y a n b u s ti l l o 7 0 @ g m a i l . c o m
Republic of the Philippines
Graduate Studies
P-1 Poblacion, Nabunturan, Davao de Oro

were came and taken from the internet and most of ideas were from my creative and
imaginative mind.


Ryan Christian Tagal Bustillo

MAELT Student

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