United International University (UIU)
United International University (UIU)
United International University (UIU)
Text A handout and power point slides to be supplied from the department.
Reference a. Electrical Wiring by Arthur C. Seale, Jr. 1st Edition, Howard W. Sams & Company.
b. Electrical Wiring Estimating and Costing by Uppal, 6th Edition, Khanna Publisher
Exam Quiz & Final exam will be closed book, closed notes.
Exam Policy If you are absent from an exam and you have not spoken to me personally before hand,
your grade for the exam will be zero.
Attendance For 3 consecutive absences from class without any valid reason, one quiz mark will not
be considered.
Grading The course grade will be determined from a weighted average of the attendance, quizzes,
design problem and the final quiz. The weights are as follows:
Attendance 10%
Quiz 1(on design) 20%
Quiz (2&3) 2*15%
Weekly submission + Final project 10%+20%
Viva 10%
Total 100%
Objective To learn basics of electrical drafting, safety rules for electrical wiring, wiring diagram
and conduit layouts for electrical connections, television cables, telephone/intercom,
computer network etc.
Outcome Students would be able to perform basic electrical drawing for household applications
and understand the drawings and layouts used in professional fields.
The following scale will be used to convert numerical grades to letter grade:
Introductory Class
Drawing Lecture 1
2 Drawing Lecture 2
3 Drawing Lecture 3
4 Drawing Lecture 4
5 Drawing Lecture 5
6 Quiz 1on Drawing lecture 1,2,3,4,5
7 Theory Lecture 1: Chapter 1
8 Theory Lecture 2: Chapter 2
Quiz 2 on Theory lecture 1 & 2
Theory Lecture 3: Chapter 3
10 Theory Lecture 4: Chapter 4 & 5
11 Quiz 3 on Theory lecture 3 & 4
12 Project Submission & viva