Cse 218 Summer2022
Cse 218 Summer2022
Cse 218 Summer2022
Email adiba@cse.uiu.ac.bd
Homework will be given throughout the session.
Assignment will be provided in the class. Copied assignments will cause 0 of both.
Continuous Evaluation
Tasks given at the lab will be evaluated by class performance. Marks will be assigned on this performance.
Mid-term and final exam will be closed book, closed notes. The materials for Mid-term exam and final exam will be informed in
due time. There will be no grade exemptions from the final. Final examination is not comprehensive.
Attendance 10%
Class Evaluation 30%
Assignments 25%
Mid-term 10%
Final Exam 15%
Presentation/Viva 10%
Course Grade The following scale will be used to convert numerical grades to letter grade:
Marks Grade Point Letter Grade Marks Grade Point
A (Plain) 90-100 4.0 C+ (Plus) 70-73 2.33
A- (Minus) 86-89 3.67 C (Plain) 66-69 2.00
B+ (Plus) 82-85 3.33 C- (Minus) 62-65 1.67
B (Plain) 78-81 3.00 D+ (Plus) 58-61 1.33
B- (Minus) 74-77 2.67 D (Plain) 55-57 1.00
(i) To learn basic concept of different data structures.
(ii) Implement different data structures using C programming.
(iii) Analysis their running time.
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(i) Improve programming skills.
(ii) Enhances knowledge in the area of data structures.
Week Topics
1 Introduction and basic discussion
2 Sorting (selection, insertion, bubble)
3 Searching (linear, binary)
4 Singly linked list – Intro + Insertion
5 Singly linked list – Deletion + Search
6 Doubly + Circular Linked List
7 Midterm Exam
8 Stack (array + LL)
9 Queue (array + LL)
10 Graph representation
11 BFS + DFS
12 Tree (traversal technique), BST
13 Final Exam
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