Our World Level 5 Scope and Sequence: Units 1-9

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Our World Level 5 Scope and Sequence

Units 1-9
Unit Theme Goals Vocabulary 1 Grammar 1 Vocabulary 2 Grammar 2 Reading Writing Mission/Explorer Project

1 Extreme Weather • weather • talk about types of a blizzard a range Future predictions with an emergency Zero conditional Tornado Trouble Personal Narrative Mission: Understand weather. A wind speed indicator
• preparedness extreme weather a drop a rise going to + verb evacuate (present tense) Explorer: Tim Samaras
for weather • describe the damage a drought a sandstorm Is it going to rain a flashlight Severe Storm Researcher
If the weather is cold,
emergencies storms can cause a flood speed tomorrow? Emerging Explorer
a plan (n.) I put on my winter coat.
• identify ways to prepare a heat wave a tornado
for extreme weather No, it’s going to snow a shelter Quote: “It all started when
a hurricane a tropical tomorrow. I was about six years old and
• write a personal supplies
an ice storm storm saw that fantastic tornado in
narrative thunder
lightning The Wizard of Oz.”

2 Copycat Animals • animal • describe animal features camouflage poisonous Equative comparisons attack Tag questions Copycats Paragraphs of Mission: Protect biodiversity. A classroom mural of
adaptations • describe how animals a characteristic a predator with as + adj + as avoid Classification ecosystems or habitats
The jaguar is dangerous, Explorer: Krithi Karant
protect themselves copy (v.) prey The katydid is as green confuse isn’t it? Conservation Biologist
• talk about ways animals frighten resemble as the leaf it sits on. Emerging Explorer
defend That frog wasn’t
imitate others hide species
escape poisonous, was it? Quote: “We need to increase
• write a paragraph of hunt a spot (n.) people’s interest and
classification imitate stripes awareness about wildlife and
insect conservation issues and reduce
the general disconnect from

3 Music in Our World • music • identify musical a band a note Present perfect with ever classical Comparisons with adverbs It’s All Music Paragraphs of Mission: Change through Musical instruments
• musical instruments a beat perform and never hip-hop (more/less … than; Contrast music. made out of recycled
instruments • talk about musical styles a chord a piano jazz as … as) materials.
Have you ever listened Explorer: Jack Johnson
• musical • express preferences a concert practice to hip hop? pop He sings more loudly National Geographic
styles • write a paragraph a drum rhythm rock than I do. Arts Ambassador for the
Yes, I have.
of contrast a flute a saxophone He practices piano Environment
a guitar a violin Have you ever been to a less often than I do. Quote: “Music can change
a lead singer I play the guitar the world. It can inspire
a melody No, I never have. as well as my brother. people to care, to do
something positive, to make a

Let’s Talk “It’s my turn.” “Who’s going to take notes?”

Units 1–3 Goals: Goals:
• take turns • talk about a classroom task
• give commands • make a request
• talk about who won a game • offer to do something

Unit Theme Goals Vocabulary 1 Grammar 1 Vocabulary 2 Grammar 2 Reading Writing Project
Geographic Explorer
4 Life Out There • the universe • discuss life in space atmosphere orbit Speculation with may an astronaut Indefinite pronouns Listening for Life Paragraphs of Mission: Live curious. Model of another
• space • discuss space a comet a planet and might communicate (v.) (everyone, someone, Persuasion planet with life
Explorer: Kevin Hand,
exploration exploration data a solar system There might be life on a rocket anyone, no one) Planetary Scientist/
• possibility of • express my opinion debate (v.) space other planets. Astrobiologist
search (v.) Did everyone see that
life in space • write a persuasive an the universe Emerging Explorer
Yes, but it may be very a space station comet?
paragraph extraterrestrial
simple life. a spacecraft Does anyone want to be “We finally have the tools
an astronaut? and technology to answer
a galaxy
this age-old question: Are
a journey Someone will go to Mars
we alone? Jupiter’s moon
one day.
Europa is a beautiful place
No one can see all the to go and explore that
stars in the universe. question.”

5 Arts Lost and • traditional • talk about why it’s good art proud Gerunds as subjects embroidery Gerunds as objects Modern Music with Blog Entries Mission: Value your cultural A time capsule showing
Found arts to save traditions a community share (v.) handcrafted Ancient Roots traditions. our culture
Knowing your history is My friends are good at
• arts and • explain how the past culture storytelling important. jewelry making making jewelry. Explorer: Elizabeth
crafts makes me who I am future a tourist Kapu’uwailani Lindsey,
Creating art is a good pottery I like eating traditional
• keeping • write a blog a generation a tradition Filmmaker/Anthropologist,
and passing way to share your a sculpture foods.
hold on (v.) weave (v.) National Geographic Fellow
down culture.
a language Quote: “I’m committed to
local protecting the cultures of
pass down (v.) the world in hopes that the
wisdom of their elders is

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Unit Theme Goals Vocabulary 1 Grammar 1 Vocabulary 2 Grammar 2 Reading Writing Mission/Explorer Project

6 Amazing Plants! • plants • talk about how adapt a stem Passive voice, present a daisy Defining relative clauses Is That a Plant? Descriptive Mission: Value plants. A local plant guide
• plant plants adapt attract stink tense a petal with that Paragraphs
Explorer: Maria Fadiman,
adaptations • discuss the importance bacteria a strategy Insects are attracted to a rose I don’t want a plant that Ethnobotanist,
of plants behavior survival the plant’s sweet smell. a thorn smells like rotting meat! Emerging Explorer
• compare plants digest trap a vine
How is the insect I like plants that trick and “On my first trip to the rain
• write a descriptive ground trick (v.) trapped? trap insects. forest I met a woman who
paragraph a leaf was in terrible pain because
light no one in her village could
roots remember which plant
would cure her. I saw that
knowledge was truly being
lost, and in that moment I
knew this was what I wanted
to do with my life.”

Let’s Talk “Can I borrow your bike?” “It could work.”

Units 4–6 Goals: Goals:
• make an informal request • make a suggestion
• make an excuse • agree and disagree
• show understanding / accept “no” for an answer • counter

Unit Theme Goals Vocabulary 1 Grammar 1 Vocabulary 2 Grammar 2 Reading Writing Project
Geographic Explorer
7 Volcanoes • how • discuss volcanoes ash gas First conditional: active Cause and effect with Active Volcanoes Process Paragraphs Mission: Help in a disaster. Model of an erupting
volcanoes • describe how calm heat (If + present tense, cone because of volcano
form will + verb) Explorer: Patrick Meier
a volcano erupts cover (v.) inside crater Because of the ash, Crisis Mapper
• types of • make predictions crack (n.) melted If rain hits the lava, it’ll dormant the animals could not Emerging Explorer
volcanoes • write a process create steam (n.) turn to steam.
extinct breathe.
paragraph deep a surface Quote: “Crisis mapping can
I will go to a safe place
erupt thick The trees died because of pinpoint urgent needs instantly,
if the volcano erupts.
the heat from the lava. saving time and lives.”
explode a volcano

8 Reduce, Reuse, • the • discuss the importance build natural Passive voice with cardboard Clauses with when Found Art Biographical Mission: Help reduce our An art piece made with
Recycle environment of reducing, reusing, conserve recycle modals, present tense chemicals Paragraphs human footprint. recycled materials
When we recycle trash,
• pollution and recycling design (v.) reduce Natural things can be glass we save on materials and Explorer: Alexandra Cousteau
• recycling • discuss art from recycled energy renewable grown again. energy. Water Advocate and
• art made materials efficient reuse Environmental Filmmaker
• talk about what Many things can be tools An artist’s work may
from environment throw away Emerging Explorer
I can do to help the made into art! surprise us when we first
recycled junk trash (n.)
environment see it. Quote: “People have created
materials a landfill the problem, so it’s critical
• write a biographical
man-made to get the public excited and
eager to participate in a

9 “Cool Vacations!” • types of • talk about different a beach a tent Second conditional an airport Express with would rather Tree House Vacation Reviews Mission: Be a respectful A tourist brochure
vacations vacation places camping a theme park (if + past tense, would a passport tourist.
I would rather go on
• vacation • talk about what I would a guide a ticket + verb) souvenirs an ecotour than go to a Explorer: Joseph Lekuton,
activities do in different situations hike (v.) a tour If we went on a photo a suitcase theme park. Teacher
• vacation • express preferences a hotel a water park safari, I would take sunglasses Emerging Explorer
destinations We’d rather go on a tour
• write a review a photo safari wildlife pictures of lions.
than stay at the hotel. Quote: “To bridge cultures
relax I’d go mountain you must mix people
ruins climbing if I weren’t together. Education and
afraid of heights. travel are the best teachers.”

Let’s Talk, “No way!” “Our presentation is about . . .”

Units 7–9 Goals: Goals:
• agree and disagree • introduce ourselves
• discuss possibilities • explain what our presentation is about
• ask for opinions • check with the audience
• get started

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