State Wise Quarantine Regulation - Customer Support Guide Version-42 Last Updated: 15/sep 16:00
State Wise Quarantine Regulation - Customer Support Guide Version-42 Last Updated: 15/sep 16:00
State Wise Quarantine Regulation - Customer Support Guide Version-42 Last Updated: 15/sep 16:00
Airlines None
Airport/State Thermal screening will be done for all passengers upon arrival
Health COVID Test is not required
Screening Thermal screening will be done for all passengers upon arrival
Quarantine 14 days of Home Quarantine
Passenger All passengers must download Aarogya Setu App
Airlines To provide a passenger manifest to State Health Authority on following email
Haryana Obligation addresses:
Airport/State Suitable COVID 19 precautionary measures announcements to be made at airport
obligation Thermal screening will be done for all passengers upon arrival
Health COVID Test is not required
Screening Thermal screening will be done for all passengers upon arrival
Quarantine 14 days of Institutional Quarantine for passengers arriving from any Red Zone
district outside of Himachal Pradesh or passengers having ILI (Influenza Like
Himachal Illness) symptoms irrespective of the zone from where they are arriving.
Pradesh 14 days of Home Quarantine for passengers arriving from any Red Zone district
outside of Himachal Pradesh and are carrying COVID-19 negative test report from
ICMR authorized lab which should not be older than 48 hours from the date of
State wise quarantine regulation - Customer Support Guide Version-42
Last updated: 15/Sep 16:00
Quarantine Institutional Quarantine for all passengers till test results are available
If test results are positive, they will be sent to COVID facility/hospital for
treatment and recovery
If test results are negative, mandatory Home Quarantine for 14 days from the
date of testing
Exception to Quarantine:
If arriving passengers have a contactable mobile number with Arogya Setu app
download will be allowed to home quarantine. Passenger will have to wait for
test results.
Pregnant Women in 3rd trimester.
Cancer patients on chemotherapy.
Chronically ill patients.
Jammu Mothers with infants below 1 year
SXR Children below 10 years travelling without a family member.
Govt of India personal on bonna fide government duty.
Defense Personnel
Business travelers with confirmed return or onward ticket within 4 days of arrival
and confirmed Hotel Reservation.
Passengers with RTPCR Negative Test report from ICMR authorized lab, which
should not be older than 48 hours from the date of arrival.
Please visit State Government’s website for detailed Quarantine Regulations
Passenger Passenger is required to fill up ICMR Health form on arrival
Obligation Passenger is required to undergo COVID-19 Test at the Airport
All passengers must download Aarogya Setu App
Airlines Inform passenger that there will be mandatory test on arrival and quarantine if
Obligation found negative.
Deplane passengers from the rear of the aircraft.
Airport/State Conduct COVID-19 test for passenger
obligation Fulfill quarantine requirements
Health Thermal screening and health profiling shall be done upon arrival.
Screening If passenger is found symptomatic, COVID test to be performed
Quarantine Institutional Quarantine till the test result is available.
Madhya If the test result is positive, passenger shall be sent to COVID Care Centre. Post
Pradesh which passenger may be required to re-test followed by Home Quarantine as
deemed fit by the competent authorities.
If the result is negative, further Institutional or Home Quarantine is not required.
No quarantine for business and corporate traveler.
State wise quarantine regulation - Customer Support Guide Version-42
Last updated: 15/Sep 16:00
Passenger Passenger is required to undergo COVID-19 Test at the Airport if advised by the
Obligation Health Authorities
All passengers must download Aarogya Setu App
Airlines None
Airport/State Thermal screening and health profiling shall be done upon arrival.
obligation If passenger is found symptomatic, COVID test to be performed
Health COVID-19 test shall be performed on random basis
Screening Thermal screening will be conducted for all passengers
Quarantine International Passengers: 07 days of Institutional Quarantine followed by 07 days of
Home Quarantine
Domestic Passengers: 14 days of Home Quarantine.
No quarantine for business and corporate traveler.
Passenger All passengers must download Aarogya Setu App
Obligation All passenger must register on COVA Punjab App before commencing their
ATQ Punjab Boarding pass shall be considered as e-pass for movement to & from airport
during curfew period (Saturday, Sunday & Public Holidays)
Night curfew will be imposed from 1900-0500 hrs and on weekends effective 21st
Aug till 31st Aug.
Airlines None
Airport/State COVID-19 test shall be performed on random basis
obligation Thermal screening will be conducted for all passengers
COVA Punjab App registration to be checked for each passenger
Health COVID-19 tests shall be performed on random basis for all passengers travelling to
Screening Punjab
Thermal screening will be done for all passengers
Quarantine If the test result is positive passenger/s shall be shifted to isolation centre
14 days of Home Quarantine for all asymptomatic passengers travelling to Punjab.
No quarantine for business and Corporate traveler.
Passenger Passenger is required to fill up Health Declaration form upon arrival
Obligation Passenger is required to undergo COVID-19 Test at the Airport as directed by the
Health Authorities
Union All passengers must download Aarogya Setu App
Territory All passenger must register on COVA Punjab App before commencing their
Exception to Quarantine:
Passengers exiting Uttar Pradesh within 7 days of arrival shall be exempted from
LKO mandatory quarantine subject to validation of return/onward travel
VNS Passenger Passenger will need to register on state website before they exit the arrival hall
Pradesh Obligation
IXD using below web link or phone number
GOP Web Link : or call 1800-180-5145
Passengers exiting Uttar Pradesh within 7 days of arrival shall be exempted from
mandatory quarantine subject to validation of return/onward travel
All passengers must download Aarogya Setu App
Airlines None
Airport/State Thermal screening will be conducted for all passengers
obligation Validation of registration shall be performed before allowing the passenger to
exit from arrival hall
Health COVID-19 test shall be conducted on random basis
Screening Thermal screening shall be conducted for all passengers
Quarantine 7 days of Institutional Quarantine for passengers arriving from high load COVID-
19 infected cities. Institutional Quarantine can be done at Government facility
without any charges, or at designated hotels with applicable charges
Institutional Quarantine shall be followed by 7 days of Home Quarantine.
Pregnant ladies, seriously ill person, senior citizens (Age>65 years) and person
accompanied by children below 10 years will be exempted from institutional
quarantine & permitted to stay in home quarantine.
14 days of home quarantine for passengers arriving NOT from high load COVID-
19 infested cities.
List of high load COVID infected cities can be found on State Government’s
DED Uttarakhand Travelers having negative RT-PCR test report from ICMR approved lab not earlier
than 72 hours from time of arrival will be permitted to enter the state without
any restrictions. Travelers are required to upload the report on state website
No quarantine for asymptomatic business travelers provided they show
authorization letter from concerned authorities.
Passenger - All passengers travelling to Uttarakhand need to register on state website
All passengers must download Aarogya Setu App
Airlines Arrival/Departure Passenger manifest should be provided to state authorities
Airport/State Thermal screening will be conducted for all passengers
obligation Validation of registration shall be performed before allowing the passenger to
exit from arrival hall.
Region Statio State Health & Safety Requirements
n Code
State wise quarantine regulation - Customer Support Guide Version-42
Last updated: 15/Sep 16:00
passengers. This is applicable for DIB/IXS/JRH. Passenger with Valid Return ticket
within 72 hours are exempted from Quarantine.
For GAU, since Antigen test is available & results are available in 60 mins,
following shall be the steps for arriving passengers from other states.
- If the test result is positive, the passenger will be moved to COVID facility for
further processing.
- If the results are negative, swab test will be done & sent for RT-PCR COVID-
19 test also. The passenger will be allowed to proceed and Home quarantine
for 10 days.
- If the passenger does not wish to Home quarantine, district administration
DIB will facilitate the quarantine option in a hotel. The expenses will need to be
GAU paid by the passengers.
JRH Exception to Quarantine:
Below mentioned categories shall be exempted from Institutional Quarantine,
however they will be required to go for 14 days of Home Quarantine
- Pregnant women
- Elderly person above 75 years
- Person due to attend funeral of immediate relation
- Children below 10 years
- Divyang
- Immediate relative of hospitalized patients
- People with pre-existing health conditions.
- Passengers returning the same day.
Exemption to quarantine shall also to be given for following scenarios
- Husband & Wife traveling to Assam together,
- Husband, wife & their children traveling together to Assam,
State wise quarantine regulation - Customer Support Guide Version-42
Last updated: 15/Sep 16:00
Exception to Quarantine:
IXA Tripura All asymptomatic passengers intending to exit Tripura within 72 hours of the arrival
shall be exempted from quarantine with an advice to self-monitor their health and in
case of any symptoms they must inform the District Surveillance Officer or State
Control Room number –
Passenger Bangladesh Passport holders intending to enter Bangladesh can do so via Akhaura
Obligation check-post. S/he will be transported to Akhaura check-post in special transport on
payment basis
All passengers must download Aarogya Setu App
Airlines None
Airport/State COVID test shall be done on random basis
obligation Thermal screening shall be done for all passengers
Health RT-PCR test for all arriving passengers.
Quarantine 48 hours of Institutional Quarantine for all passengers. If test results are negative,
passengers will be allowed to home to complete 14 days of mandatory home
State wise quarantine regulation - Customer Support Guide Version-42
Last updated: 15/Sep 16:00
If the test result is positive, customers shall be further advised for home
isolation or shall be shifted to medical facility as found appropriate by
competent authorities
If the test result is negative, they shall be required to undergo home
quarantine for 14 days
Business and/or short term visitors intending to stay in Karnataka for less
than 48 hr, shall be exempted from the Quarantine and COVID-19 test
Business and/or short term visitors intending to stay in Karnataka for more
than 48 hr. but less than 7 days shall be exempted from quarantine
provided they get tested for COVID-19 upon arrival and the test results
are negative
Business and/or short term visitors intending to stay in Karnataka shall be
exempted from Quarantine provided they are able to present the
following documents:
o RT-PCR negative test result certificate
o Confirmed return ticket dated not more than 7 days from the
date of arrival
o Document/s pertaining to the purpose of visit/invitation letter
o Place of stay / Hotel reservation
o Valid visa
Students writing exams in Karnataka shall be exempted from home
quarantine after testing negative by RAT or if they submit a negative RT-
PCR test report conducted within 96 hours prior to undertaking the
Customers wanting to take onward flight to any other state, shall be
allowed to do so provided that are found asymptomatic and agree to
undergo home quarantine for 14 days after reaching their final
Airlines Obligation None
Airport/State None
Health Screening Thermal screening shall be done for all passengers
COVID test for symptomatic passengers
Quarantine 14 days of Home Quarantine for all passengers
Exception to Quarantine:
Passengers who visit the State for a short period for purposes like business,
official, trade, medical, court cases, property management or any
like purposes will be exempted. Government have allowed them to visit the
State for a period up to 7 days without mandatory quarantine ONLY after
Kerala obtaining entry passes through covid19jagratha portal. They shall provide
the details of local itinerary along with the purpose of visit and local
accommodation and contact person. Any deviations from this, during visit,
shall be informed to the authorities with valid reasons.
Passenger Obligation All passengers must download Aarogya Setu App
All passengers shall be required to register their details on and obtain e-pass
Upon arrival, passengers are required to show their e-pass to the Health
Officials at airport and undergo Home Quarantine for 14 days.
State wise quarantine regulation - Customer Support Guide Version-42
Last updated: 15/Sep 16:00
All passengers intending to visit any other State or UT after entering
Kerala shall be required to have the entry pass for Kerala and the State
or UT s/he intends to visit
Airlines Obligation Ensure every passenger is carrying valid e-pass for Kerala and for any
other State or UT, passenger intends to visit.
Airport/State Thermal screening shall be done for all passengers
obligation COVID test for symptomatic passengers
Verification of e-pass
Health Screening Domestic & International
Thermal screening shall be done for all passengers
No COVID Testing for passengers arriving from other airports in Tamil
COVID Testing be done to only symptomatic persons coming from
other states/UT/countries.
All customers who are in possession of RT-PCR negative certificate and
are asymptomatic will be allowed to proceed for home quarantine for
14 days.
Passenger Obligation Domestic
All customers coming from other states/UTs/countries are mandatorily
required to obtain auto generated e-Pass through
All passengers must download Aarogya Setu App
All customers are mandatorily required to obtain ePass through
All customers arriving on Air Bubble and Charter flights must carry a
negative RT-PCR test report issued within 96 hr of the departure,
State wise quarantine regulation - Customer Support Guide Version-42
Last updated: 15/Sep 16:00