State Wise Health and Safety Requirements Version 140

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State wise quarantine regulation - Customer Support Guide Version-140

Last updated: 14/Jun 12:00

Region Station State Health & Safety Requirements

Health  In view of the surge in number of COVID-19 cases, random sample collection will
Screening be done for passengers arriving from states where there has been a spurt in
number for COVID-19 cases. Passengers will be allowed to exit after sample
 Thermal screening will be done for all passengers upon arrival
Quarantine  Passengers who are found positive will be quarantined at home or
CCC/CHC/Hospital for 10 days.
International Passengers:
For international arrivals (foreign country to India) please visit the following link for
detailed guidelines
DEL Delhi
Passenger Domestic Passengers
Obligation  All passengers must download Aarogya Setu App
International Passengers:
For international arrivals (foreign country to India) please visit the following link for
detailed guidelines
Airlines  None
Airport/State  Thermal screening will be done for all passengers upon arrival

Health  COVID Test is not required
Screening  Thermal screening will be done for all passengers upon arrival
Quarantine No Quarantine
Passenger All passengers must download Aarogya Setu App
Airlines  To provide a passenger manifest to State Health Authority on following email
Obligation addresses:
o Punjab :
o Chandigarh :

Airport/State  Suitable COVID 19 precautionary measures announcements to be made at airport

obligation  Thermal screening will be done for all passengers upon arrival
Health  COVID Test is not required
Screening  Thermal screening will be done for all passengers upon arrival
Quarantine  No quarantine

Himachal Passenger  All passengers must download Aarogya Setu App

Pradesh Obligation
Airlines None
Airport/State Thermal screening will be done for all passengers upon arrival.
State wise quarantine regulation - Customer Support Guide Version-140
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Health RT-PCR test is mandatory for all passengers, except

Screening SXR : for the Defense Personnel
IXJ : for the Defense Personnel arriving to join duty.
Quarantine  No institutional quarantine now. Pax if tested positive will be sent for 14 days
home quarantine.
 Please visit State Government’s website for detailed Quarantine Regulations.
Passenger  Passenger is required to fill up ICMR Health form on arrival
IXJ Obligation  Passenger is required to undergo COVID-19 Test at the Airport
SXR  All passengers must download Aarogya Setu App
Airlines  Inform passenger that there will be mandatory test on arrival and quarantine if
Obligation found positive.
 Deplane passengers from the rear of the aircraft.
Airport/State  Conduct COVID-19 test for passenger
obligation  Fulfill quarantine requirements

 Thermal screening shall be done for all passengers.

Health  Negative RT-PCR report on arrival (not earlier than 96 hours prior to arrival) is
Screening required for all passengers arriving into Leh. RT-PCR timeline starts from the swab
collection time.
 If passengers are not carrying negative RT-PCR report, then mandatory 7 days of
home quarantine. COVID test may be conducted at the end of quarantine period.
 Passengers may have to be tested for COVID & if tested positive, passengers will
be transferred to COVID facility for further processing.
 If test report is negative then the passengers shall be released from mandatory
IXL quarantine.
 Exception: Personal of Defense & Central Armed Police are exempted from above
 All passengers must download Aarogya Setu App
 COVID negative report (not earlier than 96 hours of arrival) are MANDATORY for
entry into Ladakh.
Airlines None
Airport/State  COVID test & thermal screening shall be done for all passengers.
Health  Thermal screening and health profiling shall be done upon arrival.
Screening  If passenger is found symptomatic, COVID test to be performed
 For passengers arriving from Maharashtra into the district of Bhopal (BHO), it is
mandatory for passenger to carry negative RT-PCR report from an ICMR approved
lab not earlier than 72 hours. RT-PCR timeline starts from the swab collection
Madhya Quarantine  COVID test will be done for passengers arriving without RT-PCR report & will be
Pradesh advised for 07 days of isolation.
 Institutional Quarantine till the test result is available.
 If the test result is positive, passenger shall be sent to COVID Care Centre. Post
which passenger may be required to re-test followed by Home Quarantine as
deemed fit by the competent authorities.
 If the result is negative, further Institutional or Home Quarantine is not required.
 No quarantine for business and corporate traveler.
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Passenger  Passenger is required to undergo COVID-19 Test at the Airport if advised by the
Obligation Health Authorities
 For passengers arriving from Maharashtra into the district of Bhopal (BHO), it is
mandatory for passenger to carry negative RT-PCR report from an ICMR
approved lab not earlier than 72 hours prior to departure. RT-PCR timeline starts
from the swab collection time.
 All passengers must download Aarogya Setu App

Airlines None
Airport/State  Thermal screening and health profiling shall be done upon arrival.
obligation  If passenger is found symptomatic, COVID test to be performed
 Felicitate the passengers arriving from Maharashtra for checking RT-PCR report
and guide passengers arriving without RT-PCR report.
Health  Thermal screening will be conducted for all passengers
Screening  It is mandatory for passengers arriving in the state of Punjab from other states/UT
to carry a negative RT-PCR report not earlier than 72 hours from an ICMR
approved laboratory or be in possession of vaccination certificate (at least one
dose) over 2 weeks old. RT-PCR timeline starts from the swab collection time.
Quarantine Domestic Passengers: No Quarantine.
International Passengers: International travelers arriving in Punjab to be tested by
RAT kits at airport in case of unavailability of RTPCR report for test conducted within
96hrs of arrival (Pax travelling to India).Home quarantine will be there for next 07
For international arrivals (foreign country to India) please visit the following link for
detailed guidelines
ATQ Punjab
Passenger Domestic Passengers :
Obligation  All passengers must download Aarogya Setu App
 All passenger must register on COVA Punjab App before commencing their
 Carry a negative RT-PCR report not earlier than 72 hours from an ICMR approved
laboratory or be in possession of vaccination certificate (at least one dose) over 2
weeks old

Airlines  Ensure passengers are not boarded from origin station unless in possession of RT-
Obligation PCR negative report or vaccination certificate as mentioned in the health
screening section.
Airport/State  COVID-19 test shall be performed on random basis
obligation  Thermal screening will be conducted for all passengers.
Health  Thermal screening will be done for all passengers
Screening  It is mandatory for passengers arriving in to Chandigarh from other states/UT to
Union carry a negative RT-PCR report not earlier than 72 hours from an ICMR approved
Territory laboratory or be in possession of vaccination certificate (at least one dose) over 2
weeks old. RT-PCR timeline starts from the swab collection time.
Quarantine  No quarantine.
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Passenger  Passenger is required to fill up Health Declaration form upon arrival

Obligation  All passengers must download Aarogya Setu App
 All passenger must register on COVA Punjab App before commencing their
 Carry a negative RT-PCR report not earlier than 72 hours from an ICMR approved
laboratory or be in possession of vaccination certificate (at least one dose) over 2
weeks old

Airlines  Customers to be informed about COVID 19 arrival process before boarding

Obligation  Airlines to ensure that all other arriving passengers (not belonging to Punjab)
names, address & mobile numbers to be provided to the State
 Station managers to provide arriving passenger list to Nodal officer in advance
 Ensure passengers are not boarded from origin station unless in possession of RT-
PCR negative report or vaccination certificate as mentioned in the health
screening section.
Airport/State  Thermal screening will be conducted for all passengers
Health  Thermal screening will be done for all passengers.
Screening  Passengers arriving from Kerala and Maharashtra will require RT-PCR
negative report from ICMR accredited labs done within last 72hrs. RT-PCR
timeline starts from the swab collection time.
 For Lucknow only
o Passengers arriving from all states will require RT-PCR report from
ICMR accredited labs within 72 hours of departure. RT-PCR timeline
starts from the swab collection time.
o Passengers arriving without RT-PCR negative report will have to
undergo Rapid Antigen at arrival at no charge
o Effective 08th April’21, RT-PCR test upon arrival shall also be
available at a cost of INR 900 per passenger to be borne by the
passenger him/herself
 For Agra only
o All passengers arriving into the city of Agra shall be mandatorily
VNS Uttar
required to undergo RT-PCR test upon arrival free of cost.
IXD Pradesh
o Note: Passengers who arrive with a negative RT-PCR/RAT report
shall still be required to undergo the RT-PCR test arrival
Varanasi : For passengers arriving in Varanasi from Maharashtra & Kerala below shall
 If the passengers are not carrying the RT-PCR negative report, then they will
undergo the “RAPID ANTIGEN TEST” at Varanasi Airport.
 Any passengers found with SYMPTOMS and not carrying the RT-PCR negative
report will only undergo “RT-PCR test” at Varanasi Airport.
 Both RAPID ANTIGEN & RT-PCR test will be free of cost by the state
Quarantine Domestic passengers: 14 days of Home Quarantine
Exception to Quarantine:
Passengers exiting Uttar Pradesh within 7 days of arrival shall be exempted from
mandatory quarantine subject to validation of return/onward travel.
International Passengers:
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For international arrivals (foreign country to India) please visit the following link for
detailed guidelines
Passenger  Passengers arriving from Kerala and Maharashtra will require RT-PCR negative
Obligation report from ICMR accredited labs done within last 72hrs. RT-PCR timeline starts
from the swab collection time.
 Carry RT-PCR negative report as per the guidelines mentioned in Health Screening
section above for travel to Lucknow
 Passenger will need to register on state website before they exit the arrival hall
using below web link or phone number
Web Link : or call 1800-180-5145
 Passengers exiting Uttar Pradesh within 7 days of arrival shall be exempted
from mandatory quarantine subject to validation of return/onward travel
 All passengers must download Aarogya Setu App
Airlines None
Airport/State  Thermal screening will be conducted for all passengers.
obligation  Passengers without RT-PCR report need to be tested at the airport.
 Validation of registration shall be performed before allowing the passenger to
exit from arrival hall
Health  Thermal screening shall be conducted for all passengers.
Screening  It is mandatory for passengers to carry RT-PCR negative report from ICMR
accredited labs done within last 72hrs. RT-PCR timeline starts from the swab
collection time.
 COVID Test will be done (free of cost) for passengers arriving from Maharashtra,
Kerala, Punjab, Karnataka, Chhattisgarh, Madhya Pradesh, Tamil Nadu, Gujarat,
Haryana, Uttar Pradesh, Delhi & Rajasthan.
 Passengers with positive COVID result will be sent to quarantine center for
further processing.
Quarantine  If the passenger is found positive necessary protocols laid down by state
Uttarakha authorities will be followed.
nd Passenger  It is mandatory for passengers to carry RT-PCR negative report from ICMR
Obligation accredited labs done within last 72hrs. RT-PCR timeline starts from the swab
collection time.
 All passengers travelling to Uttarakhand are required to register on state website
before boarding the flight
 All passengers must download Aarogya Setu App
Airlines  Arrival/Departure Passenger manifest should be provided to state authorities
Obligation  Ensure all passengers travelling to Uttarakhand register on before boarding the flight
Airport/State  Thermal screening will be conducted for all passengers
Region Station State Health & Safety Requirements
Health  Thermal screening will be done for all passengers

Screening  All Incoming passengers arriving shall have to mandatory carry RT-PCR negative

IXZ test report issued from a ICMR approved lab, subject to condition that RT-PCR
test should have been taken within 48 hours. RT-PCR timeline starts from the
swab collection time.
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 In addition to being in possession of negative RT-PCR report, all arriving

passengers shall mandatorily undergo RAT test upon arrival at designated testing
centers located within 2Kms of the airport
Quarantine  Mandatory 7 day home quarantine for all passengers even if the test of the
result conducted on arrival is negative
 If any passenger tests positive will be sent for institutional quarantine for
further treatment.
Passenger  All passengers must download Aarogya Setu App
Obligation  RTPCR Negative test report within 48 hours of journey will continue to be
mandatory. Any passenger not carrying RTPCR negative report will be sent back to
origin on the same day.
 Any passenger arriving without RT-PCR negative test report will be deported on
the same flight.
 Passengers shall not be allowed to pick up their checked-in baggage at the arrival
hall. The same shall be handed over to them at the testing center
 Tourism activities are temporarily suspended
Airlines  Airline shall make onboard announcement for proper disposal of PPEs in Bio-
Obligation Hazard bins before leaving the airport terminal
 Ensure passengers are not boarded from origin station on flights until they are in
possession of a RTPCR negative certificate
 Ensure to hand over customer baggage in a safe and secure manner at the testing
center with the assistance of the local administration
 Ensure passengers travelling for the purpose of tourism are not accepted on
flights destined to Andaman & Nicobar Islands
Airport/State  Thermal screening will be conducted for all passengers
obligation  Testing of arriving passengers as per the above mentioned protocols
 Ensure to hand over customer baggage in a safe and secure manner at the testing
center with the assistance of the local administration

Health  Thermal screening will be conducted upon arrivals

Screening  All passengers arriving into any airport in Assam shall mandatorily undergo RAT
test upon arrival free of cost
 If the test result of the RAT test is positive, the passenger will have to undergo
home isolation or get admitted in private hospital or Government Health
Institution depending on his/her medical condition
 If the test result of the RAT test is negative, the passenger will have to undergo RT-
PCR at the airport itself. The cost of the RT-PCR test (maximum INR 500) shall be
borne by the passenger
Assam  Passengers shall be allowed to leave the airport once the sample/swab for RT-PCR
test has been collected and with the condition that he/she shall remain under
home quarantine until the result is declared
 If the test result of the RT-PCR test is positive, the passenger will have to undergo
home isolation or get admitted in private hospital or Government Health
Institution depending on his/her medical condition
 If the test result of the RT-PCR test is negative, the passenger can continue his/her
activities adhering to COVID-19 behavior and norms of the state
Quarantine  Mandatory 7 day home quarantine for all passengers even if the test of the result
conducted on arrival is negative
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 Exemption from Quarantine and on Arrival Tests

 Residents of North Eastern States other them Assam who are arriving in
any airport in Assam from outside the state and are directly travelling
onwards to any other Norther Eastern States shall be exempted from on
arrival testing provided they are able to produce proof of address in the
North Eastern States and are asymptomatic
 All Transit passengers of Intra Assam and Inter North Eastern States shall
be exempted from on arrival testing provided they are able to produce
proof of address in the North Eastern States and are asymptomatic
 Government officials and those travelling due to medical reasons and
family bereavement shall exempted from mandatory quarantine
Passenger  All passengers must download Aarogya Setu App.
Obligation  All passengers must pay the cost of RT-PCR test upon arrival themselves
Airlines  Airlines are required to furnish the passenger manifest to the State government
Obligation Health Authorities.
 Airline shall make onboard announcement for proper disposal of PPEs in Bio-
Hazard bins before leaving the airport terminal
Airport/State  Carry out testing of all incoming passengers as per the state regulations
obligation  Thermal screening will be conducted upon arrivals
Health  Thermal screening will be conducted upon arrivals.
Screening  Passengers arriving from Maharashtra, Kerala and Punjab will require RT-PCR
negative report from ICMR accredited labs done within last 72hrs. RT-PCR timeline
starts from the swab collection time.
 Random RAT test will be free of cost at arrivals for passengers from other sectors.

 For GAYA only

o Passengers arriving from Delhi & NCR, Maharashtra, Kerala & Punjab must
carry RT-PCR negative report from ICMR accredited labs. RT-PCR timeline
starts from the swab collection time.
Quarantine  Mandatory 10 days quarantine for passengers arriving Maharashtra, Kerala &
GAY Punjab
PAT Bihar  For GAYA only
 Mandatory 10 days quarantine for passengers arriving Delhi & NCR,
Maharashtra, Kerala & Punjab
Passenger  All passengers must download Aarogya Setu App.
Obligation  Carry RAT/RT-PCR negative report as per the guidelines mentioned in Health
Screening section above.
Airlines  Ensure passengers are boarded as per health screening guidelines from origin
Obligation station for Bihar bound flights
Airport/State  Thermal screening will be conducted upon arrivals.
obligation  RT-PCR reported to be checked for passengers arriving from Maharashtra, Kerala
& Punjab.
 Random test to be conducted for passengers arriving from other states.
Health  Thermal screening will be conducted for all passengers
Screening  All passengers travelling to Chhattisgarh are advised to be in possession of RT-
RPR PCR negative report not earlier than 96Hrs or a COVID vaccination Final
Certificate (after 2 doses of vaccination). RT-PCR timeline starts from the swab
collection time
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 Passengers not in possession of RT-PCR negative report or vaccination certificate

shall be required to undergo test upon arrival free of cost
 Children below the age of 12 years shall be exempted from pre-departure RT-PCR
and on arrival test
Quarantine  Passengers undergoing test upon arrival shall be required to remain in home
quarantine till the test result is declared
Passenger  NIL
Airlines  If passenger found symptomatic upon arrival, airline will guide customer along with
Obligation their bags to the dedicated medical room.
 Covid19 Positive / Suspected cases baggage to be handled by Airlines to Isolation
Airport/State  Thermal screening will be conducted for all passengers
obligation  Carry out test on arrival for passengers reporting without RT-PCR negative report
or COVID vaccination final certificate (after 2 doses of vaccination)
 Contact details and Passenger journey details will be recorded at Covid desk at
arrival hall.
Health  Mandatory thermal screening will be conducted for all passengers arriving from
Screening Maharashtra, Kerala & Telangana.
 Symptomatic passengers will be tested for RT-PCR/TRUENAT & if found positive
will be home isolated.
 It is mandatory for passengers arriving from ANY state to carry a RT-
PCR/TRUENAT negative report from ICMR approved lab not earlier than 72 hours.
RT-PCR timeline starts from the swab collection time. Passengers arriving without
negative RT-PCR report will be subject to RT-PCR test (free of cost) & fill up self-
declaration form.
Quarantine  Mandatory 7 day home quarantine for all passenger arriving into the state of
 Following passenger categories are exempted from the mandatory 7 day home
quarantine period
o Passengers who have a return journey within 72Hours from the
arrival into the state of Jharkhand
o Airline Personnel
IXR Jharkhand o Passengers passing through the state during interstate movement
o Government of India officials on official duty
o Passengers who undertake daily interstate travel for purpose of
mining/industrial/agriculture/health care related activities
Passenger  RTPCR Negative Report within 72 hours is mandatory for all passengers arriving
Obligation into Ranchi from all states.
 All passengers are required to register on Government of Jharkhand website preferably before departure
 All passengers must download Aarogya Setu App
Airlines  Airlines to provide arrival manifest with names & seat nos. 30 min before each
Obligation arrival to the APHO Team inside the Arrival hall.
 Airlines to ensure that manifest of passengers travelling to be emailed to dc-
Airport/State Thermal screening of passengers.
obligation Facilitate passenger processing for RT-PCR/Self declaration form.
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Health  Thermal screening will be conducted for all passengers.

Screening  Mandatory for passengers arriving from ANY state to carry a RT-
PCR/TRUENAT/CB-NAAT/RAT negative report from ICMR approved lab not earlier
than 72 hours. RT-PCR timeline starts from the swab collection time
 Passengers of Manipur origin who have to undertake travel in an emergency
situation shall be exempted from being in possession of COIVD-19 negative
report at the time of entry as a special case and will have to undergo testing
upon arrival. This shall only allowed with prior information of such emergency
travel being communicated to Covid Control Room helpline number 1800-345-
IMF Manipur 3818 for necessary arrangements to be made
Quarantine  None
Passenger  All passengers must download Aarogya Setu App.
Obligation  Carry RT-PCR/TRUENAT/CB-NAAT negative report as per the guidelines mentioned
in Health Screening section above
Airlines  Ensure passengers travelling to the state are not boarded from origin station on
Obligation flights until they are in possession of a RT-PCR/TRUENAT/CB-NAAT/RAT negative
Airport/State  Thermal screening will be conducted for all passengers.
Health  Thermal screening will be conducted for all passengers
Screening  All passengers travelling to Nagaland mandatorily need to be in possession of RT-
PCR/TrueNAT/CBNAAT negative report not earlier than 72 hours or a COVID
vaccination Final Certificate (after 2 doses of vaccination). RT-PCR timeline starts
from the swab collection time. If not in possession of the above the customers
shall be denied boarding at the origin station
 Customers who are residents of Nagaland can travel to the state without RT-
PCR/TrueNAT/CBNAAT negative report with the below mentioned conditions
o Shall mandatorily undergo RAT test upon arrival at their own cost
o If the test result of the RAT test is positive, the passenger will have to
undergo home isolation or get admitted in private hospital or
Government Health Institution depending on his/her medical condition
o If the test result of the RAT test is negative, the passenger will have to
undergo RT-PCR at the airport itself. The cost of the RT-PCR test shall be
borne by the passenger himself
DMU Nagaland  Passengers who residents of any of the North Eastern States other than Nagaland
and are transiting and directly travelling onwards to any other North Eastern
State shall also be mandatorily required to be in possession of RT-
PCR/TrueNAT/CBNAAT negative report not earlier than 72 hours or a COVID
vaccination Final Certificate (after 2 doses of vaccination). Such customers should
also satisfy arrival guidelines of their final destination
Quarantine  All passengers arriving into the state of Nagaland shall be required to undergo 7
days of home/paid institutional quarantine
Passenger  Carry RT-PCR negative report as per the guidelines mentioned in Health Screening
Obligation section above
 All passengers must download and register Aarogya Setu App
 All passengers must download and register on nCOVID Nagaland Visitors App
 All passengers must submit self-declaration for home quarantine through nCOVID
Nagaland Visitors App/ online at by whatsapp to helpline
No 7630877991
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Airlines  Ensure passengers are boarded from origin station as per health screening
Obligation guidelines of the state
Airport/State Thermal screening will be conducted for all passengers
Health  Screening as per COVID protocol passengers arriving from any state
Screening  All passengers travelling to Odisha are advised to be in possession of RT-PCR
negative report or RAT negative report not earlier than 48 hours or a COVID
vaccination Final Certificate (after 2 doses of vaccination). RT-PCR timeline starts
from the swab collection time.
 Passengers without RT-PCR/RAT report or vaccination certificate shall have to
undergo RAT test upon arrival free of cost.
Quarantine  NIL
BBI Odisha Passenger  All passengers must download Aarogya Setu App
Obligation  Advised to carry RT-PCR/RAT negative report or a COVID vaccination Final
Certificate (after 2 doses of vaccination) as per the guidelines mentioned in
Health Screening section above for travel or else undergo RAT test upon arrival
free of cost
Airlines  NIL
Airport/State  Ensure passengers arriving without RT-PCR/RAT negative report or final
obligation vaccination certificate undergo RAT test upon arrival
Health  Passengers arriving from ANY state are required to carry a RT-PCR/TRUENAT/CB-
Screening NAAT negative report from ICMR approved lab not earlier than 72 hours. RT-PCR
timeline starts from the swab collection time
 Passenger not in possession of RT-PCR/TRUENAT/CB-NAAT negative report shall
be required to undergo testing upon arrival into the state
 Thermal screening shall be done for all passengers
Quarantine  All Symptomatic passenger shall undergo 14 days Quarantine.
 Asymptomatic passengers are exempted from quarantine.
Passenger  Bangladesh Passport holders intending to enter Bangladesh can do so via Akhaura
Obligation check-post. S/he will be transported to Akhaura check-post in special transport on
payment basis
IXA Tripura  All passengers must download Aarogya Setu App
Airlines  Airlines are instructed to provide the list and details of all incoming
Obligation passengers from Maharashtra and abroad at the following mail for easy
tracing of the passengers:
 A copy (cc) of the mail is to be sent to DM(West) at the following mail:
 This information of the above may be provided one day in advance or the
same day just before the first arrival of the day so that necessary
arrangement can be made depending on the no of passengers. This is for
strict compliance.
Airport/State  COVID test shall be done on random basis
obligation  Thermal screening shall be done for all passengers
Health  All Passengers arriving from all states are mandatorily required to carry RT-PCR
Screening negative report from ICMR accredited labs within 48 hours of departure. RT-PCR
timeline starts from the swab collection time. If not in possession of the same the
passengers shall be denied boarded at the origin
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 All Passengers shall also undergo RT-PCR test upon arrival at their own cost with
the following exceptions
SHL o Passengers arriving from any state except Maharashtra, Delhi, Uttar
Pradesh, Bihar, West Bengal, Karnataka and Kerala shall be exempted if
in possession of valid final certificate of vaccination
 Passenger having day return journey shall also undergo RT-PCR test upon arrival
Quarantine  If tested positive, passengers will be transferred to COVID facility for further
 Passengers who have undergone testing upon arrival shall remain under home or
institutional quarantine till the result is declared
Passenger  All passengers must download Aarogya Setu App
Obligation  All passengers must register on the State portal to generate a unique e-invite
 E-invite can also be generated on Meghalaya Tourism App.
 Both e-invite & COVID negative report (not earlier than 48 hours) are
MANDATORY for entry into Meghalaya state. RT-PCR timeline starts from the
swab collection time.
 Tourists shall not be permitted entry into the state of Meghalaya till 10th May,
Airlines  Send the list of arriving passengers to
Obligation  Ensure passengers travelling for the purpose of tourism are not permitted to
board the flights
 Ensure passengers without RT-PCR negative report are not boarded on flights
bound for Meghalaya State
Airport/State  E-invite validation, COVID test & thermal screening shall be done for all
obligation passengers
Health  Thermal screening shall be done for all passengers.
Screening  All passengers with or without negative COVID report will be subjected
mandatory Rapid Antigen Test upon arrival.
Quarantine  All passengers shall be required to undergo mandatory 10 day home or
institutional quarantine even if Rapid Antigen Test upon arrival is negative.
AJL  Passenger will undergo RT-PCR/TrueNAT test after completion of the 10 day
quarantine period
 Passengers visiting the state for a short period, i.e., upto 96Hrs shall not be
required to self-isolate if they are able to produce a RT-PCR negative report not
earlier than 72 hours and valid return ticket. RT-PCR timeline starts from the
swab collection time.
Passenger  All passengers must download Aarogya Setu App
Obligation  All passengers must obtain m-Pass from or mCovid19
Airlines  Must ensure all passengers must obtain m-Pass from
Obligation or mCovid19 App without which passenger shall not be allowed to travel from
origin stations
Airport/State  Thermal screening shall be done for all passengers
obligation  Rapid Antigen Test for passengers on arrival

CCU West Health  Thermal screening shall be done for all passengers
IXB Bengal Screening
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RDP  It is mandatory for passengers arriving in the state of West Bengal from other
states/UT to carry a negative RT-PCR report not earlier than 72 hours from an
ICMR approved laboratory. RT-PCR timeline starts from the swab collection time.
 Following passenger categories from the above-mentioned states are exempted
from pre-departure RT-PCR test
o Children below 2 years are exempted from RT-PCR test
o Passengers travelling incase of death of kin however shall be required to
undergo testing upon arrival at their own cost. Exemption to be applied
o Transit passengers are exempted from RT-PCR test provided they do not
exit the airport premises
Quarantine  Passengers arriving without RT-PCR negative report into the state of West Bengal
shall be subject to 14 days institutional quarantine at their own cost
International Passengers:
For international arrivals (foreign country to India) please visit the following link for
detailed guidelines
Passenger Domestic Passengers
Obligation  All passengers must download Aarogya Setu App
 All passengers must fill up and submit the declaration form using Sandhane
App developed by H&FW Department West Bengal.
 It is mandatory for passengers arriving in the state of West Bengal from other
states/UT to carry a negative RT-PCR report not earlier than 72 hours from
an ICMR approved laboratory. RT-PCR timeline starts from the swab
collection time.
 App can be downloaded through this link
International Passengers:
For international arrivals (foreign country to India) please visit the following link for
detailed guidelines
Airlines  Digital self-declaration form which is to be submitted by airlines to State
Obligation Health Authority on daily basis.
 Ensure all passengers travelling to any airport in West Bengal are in
possession of a valid negative RT-PCR report
Airport/State  Self- declaration form to be taken from arriving passenger
obligation  Thermal screening shall be done for all passengers
 COVID test passengers.

Region Station State Health & Safety Requirements

State wise quarantine regulation - Customer Support Guide Version-140
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Health  Mandatory for all passengers arriving into Goa from other States/UT to be in
Screening possession of RT-PCR/TrueNAT/CBNAAT/Rapid Antigen Test negative report from
ICMR accredited labs done within last 72hrs. RT-PCR/TrueNAT/CBNAAT/Rapid
Antigen Test timeline starts from the swab collection time. Passengers not
fulfilling the requirements shall be denied boarded at the origin station
 Following passengers are exempted from the above mentioned requirement
o Passengers entering Goa for a medical emergency on production of
proof or coming in an ambulance
o All persons entering the state in goods vehicles making essential supplies
however such vehicles shall not carry any passengers unconnected with
GOI Goa the transportation of essential supplies
Quarantine  None
Passenger  All passengers must download Aarogya Setu App.
Obligation  Carry a negative RT-PCR/TrueNAT/CBNAAT/Rapid Antigen Test report not earlier
than 72 hours from an ICMR approved.
Airlines  Ensure passengers are not boarded from origin station unless in possession of RT-
Obligation PCR/TrueNAT/CBNAAT/Rapid Antigen Test negative report as mentioned in the
health screening section.
Airport/State  None
Health  Ahmedabad
Screening o Thermal screening shall be conducted for all arriving passengers

o Symptomatic passengers upon arrival shall be required to undergo RT-

PCR test at their own cost
 Vadodara & Rajkot
o Thermal screening shall be conducted for all arriving passengers
 Surat
o Thermal screening shall be done for all passengers.
o It is mandatory for passengers arriving into the city of Surat from other
states/UT to carry a negative RT-PCR report not earlier than 72 hours
from an ICMR approved laboratory. RT-PCR timeline starts from the
swab collection time.
o Children below the age of 12 years will be exempted.
AMD Quarantine Domestic travelers
BDQ  None
STV International Passengers:
RAJ For international arrivals (foreign country to India) please visit the following link for
detailed guidelines
 It is mandatory for all international passengers arriving at Surat to fill online
"Novel corona self-reporting form" and to download "SMC COVID-19
Tracker" app by clicking on below mentioned links:
o Step 1(fill online self-reporting form and generate traveler ID):
o Step 2( download SMC covid-19 tracker app and enter traveler ID):

Passenger  All passengers must download Aarogya Setu App.

Obligation  Carry a negative RT-PCR report not earlier than 72 hours from an ICMR approved
laboratory if travelling to Surat. RT-PCR timeline starts from the swab collection
State wise quarantine regulation - Customer Support Guide Version-140
Last updated: 14/Jun 12:00

 Domestic travelers from other states arriving at Surat have to fill online "Novel
corona self-reporting form" and to download "SMC COVID-19 Tracker" app.
Step 1 (Instructions for Individuals Planning to travel to Surat City):
Step 2 (fill online self-reporting form and generate traveler
Step 3 (download SMC covid-19 tracker app and enter traveler
Airlines  Ensure passengers travelling to Surat are in possession of RT-PCR negative at the
Obligation time of boarding
 Airlines must ensure that all passengers fill online self-declaration form prior to
arrival at Surat airport.
 Ensure the availability of arriving passenger data to SMC Officers.
 Providing the hard copy of Passenger Manifest to on duty SMC officers at Surat
Airport regarding arriving passengers on timely manner.
 Sending soft copy of Passenger Manifest to SMC commissioner on daily basis on
below mail:
Airport/State  Thermal screening shall be done for all passengers.
obligation  For Surat (STV) only: Passengers arriving without RT-PCR report shall undergo
Rapid Antigen Test on arrival
 For Ahmedabad (AMD) only: Conduct RT-PCR test for symptomatic passengers on
Health  Thermal screening shall be done for all passengers.
Screening  For passengers arriving from Maharashtra into the district of Indore (IDR), it is
mandatory for passenger to carry negative RT-PCR report from an ICMR
approved lab not earlier than 48 hours. RT-PCR timeline starts from the swab
collection time.
Quarantine  Self isolation for passengers arriving from Maharashtra without negative RT-PCR
report till the report results are not received. Upon giving the sample for testing,
passengers are expected to contact the COVID team at the airport & download
the Indore-311 app for monitoring of self isolation status.
 Fees for COVID test will be borne by passengers (Sodani Lab & Central Lab- ₹1200
per test)
 Not required for other states/UT
IDR Passenger  All passengers must download Aarogya Setu App
Obligation  For passengers arriving from Maharashtra into the district of Indore (IDR), it is
mandatory for passenger to carry negative RT-PCR report from an ICMR approved
lab not earlier than 48 hours. RT-PCR timeline starts from the swab collection
 Self-declaration is mandatory for all arriving passengers to Indore. Link for self-
declaration is given below.
Airlines None
Airport/State Thermal screening shall be done for all passengers.
obligation Felicitate the passengers arriving from Maharashtra for checking RT-PCR report and
guide passengers arriving without RT-PCR report.
State wise quarantine regulation - Customer Support Guide Version-140
Last updated: 14/Jun 12:00

Health  Thermal screening shall be done for all passengers

Screening  It is MANDATORY for passengers arriving from other states to carry a COVID
negative report from an ICMR approved lab not earlier than 72 hours of arrival
into the state of Rajasthan. RT-PCR timeline starts from the swab collection time.
 Following are exempted from having RT-PCR negative report while entering
Rajasthan State
o Passengers in possession of final vaccination certificate (2 doses
complete) and have completed 28 days after receiving the 2nd dose
o Passengers holding constitutional positions
o Medical Personnel (Doctors/Nurses)
o Defense Personnel
Quarantine  Symptomatic passengers shall be isolated and taken to nearest health facility
Passenger  All passengers must download Aarogya setu App.
Obligation  It is MANDATORY for passengers arriving from other states to carry a COVID
negative report from an ICMR approved lab not earlier than 72 hours. RT-PCR
JDH Rajasthan
timeline starts from the swab collection time.
 All passengers must submit Self-Health Declaration and go through screening
 Passengers travelling to Udaipur are mandatorily required to upload a copy of their
RT-PCR negative report on

Airlines  All airlines must submit passenger’s details with mobile numbers in advance:
 Ensure all passengers travelling to any airport in Rajasthan are in possession of a
valid negative RT-PCR report
 Ensure all passengers travelling to Udaipur have uploaded their RT-PCR negative
report on

Airport/State  Thermal screening shall be done for all passengers

Health  Thermal screening shall be done for all passengers
Screening  It is mandatory for passengers arriving into Aurangabad from other states/UT to
carry a negative RT-PCR report not earlier than 48 hours from an ICMR approved
laboratory. RT-PCR timeline starts from the swab collection time.
Quarantine No quarantine & hand stamping for asymptomatic passenger
Passenger  All passengers must download Aarogya setu App
Obligation  It is mandatory for passengers arriving into Aurangabad from other states/UT to
carry a negative RT-PCR report not earlier than 48 hours from an ICMR approved
IXU laboratory. RT-PCR timeline starts from the swab collection time.
ra  Passenger not having RT-PCR report must undergo RT-PCR test at the airport at
their own expense.
 Submit contact details with authorities, in case the test result come positive the
state officials will contact.
Airlines Detailed list of arriving passengers with arrival flight, time, mobile number &
Obligation residential address to be shared with Nodal officer.
Airport/State  Thermal screening shall be done for all passengers
Health  Thermal screening shall be done for all passengers
State wise quarantine regulation - Customer Support Guide Version-140
Last updated: 14/Jun 12:00

 It is mandatory for passengers arriving into Pune from other states/UT to carry a
negative RT-PCR which will have to be issued from up to a maximum of 48Hours
before the time of arrival into Pune. RT-PCR timeline starts from the report
issuance time. Passenger not in possession of the same shall be denied boarded
at the origin station
 Following passenger categories are exempted from the above mentioned
o Armed Forces personnel and their family members
o Members of Parliament
Quarantine No quarantine & hand stamping for asymptomatic passenger
Passenger  All passengers must download Aarogya setu App
Obligation  It is mandatory for passengers arriving into Pune from other states/UT to carry a
negative RT-PCR which will have to be issued from up to a maximum of 48Hours
before the time of arrival into Pune. RT-PCR timeline starts from the report
issuance time.
 Submit contact details with authorities in case the test result come positive the
state officials will contact.
Airlines  Ensure passengers without RT-PCR report are not boarded for Pune bound flights
Obligation  Details for all arrival passengers in given format needs to be forwarded to Collector
office, Pune on the below mentioned email id’s:
Airport/State  Thermal screening shall be done for all passengers
Health Thermal screening shall be done for all passengers
Screening Mandatory for passengers arriving from NCR/DELHI, Kerala, Rajasthan, Gujarat & Goa
to carry RT-PCR report not earlier than 72 hours. RT-PCR timeline starts from the swab
collection time.
Quarantine  Symptomatic passengers shall be sent to nearest COVID Care Center.
 APHO team will put a quarantine stamp on left hand of the passenger.
 No quarantine & hand stamping for asymptomatic passenger
Passenger  All passengers must download Aarogya setu App
Obligation  Mandatory for passengers arriving from NCR/DELHI, Kerala, Rajasthan, Gujarat &
SAG Goa to carry RT-PCR report not earlier than 72 hours. RT-PCR timeline starts from
the swab collection time.
 Passenger not having RT-PCR report must undergo RT-PCR test at the airport at
their own expense.
 Submit contact details with authorities, in case the test result come positive the
state officials will contact.
Airlines Detailed list of arriving passengers with arrival flight, time, mobile number &
Obligation residential address to be shared with Nodal officer.
Airport/State  Thermal screening shall be done for all passengers

NAG Health  Thermal screening shall be done for all passengers

State wise quarantine regulation - Customer Support Guide Version-140
Last updated: 14/Jun 12:00

 It is mandatory for passengers arriving into Nagpur from other states/UT to

carry a negative RT-PCR report not earlier than 48 hours from an ICMR
approved laboratory. RT-PCR timeline starts from the swab collection time.
Quarantine  Symptomatic passengers shall be sent to nearest COVID Care Center.
 No quarantine & hand stamping for asymptomatic passenger
Passenger  All passengers must download Aarogya setu App
Obligation  It is mandatory for passengers arriving into Nagpur from other states/UT to carry
a negative RT-PCR report not earlier than 48 hours from an ICMR approved
laboratory. RT-PCR timeline starts from the swab collection time.
 Passenger not having RT-PCR report must undergo RT-PCR test at the airport at
their own expense.
 Submit contact details with authorities in case the test result come positive the
state officials will contact.
Airlines Detailed list of arriving passengers with arrival flight, time, mobile number &
Obligation residential address to be shared with Nodal officer.
Airport/State  Thermal screening shall be done for all passengers
Health  Thermal screening shall be done for all passengers
Screening  It is mandatory for passengers arriving into Mumbai from other states/UT to
carry a negative RT-PCR which will have to be issued from up to a maximum
of 48Hours before the time of arrival into Mumbai. RT-PCR timeline starts
from the report issuance time. Passenger not in possession of the same shall
be denied boarded at the origin station
Quarantine International Passengers:
For international arrivals (foreign country to India) please visit the following link for
detailed guidelines
Domestic Passengers: No quarantine & hand stamping for asymptomatic passenger

Passenger  All passengers must download Aarogya setu App

Obligation  It is mandatory for passengers arriving into Mumbai from other states/UT to carry a
BOM negative RT-PCR which will have to be issued from up to a maximum of 48Hours
before the time of arrival into Mumbai. RT-PCR timeline starts from the report
issuance time.
 Submit contact details with authorities, in case the test result come positive the
state officials will contact.
International Passengers:
For international arrivals (foreign country to India) please visit the following link for
detailed guidelines
Airlines  Detailed list of arriving passengers with arrival flight, time, mobile number &
Obligation residential address to be shared with Nodal officer.
 Ensure passengers without RT-PCR report are not boarded for Mumbai bound
Airport/State  Thermal screening shall be done for all passengers.
Health  None
State wise quarantine regulation - Customer Support Guide Version-140
Last updated: 14/Jun 12:00

 Mandatory for passengers arriving from NCR/DELHI, Kerala, Rajasthan, Gujarat &
Goa to carry RT-PCR report not earlier than 72 hours. RT-PCR timeline starts from
the swab collection time.
Quarantine  No quarantine & hand stamping for asymptomatic passenger
Passenger  All passengers must download Aarogya setu App.
Obligation  Mandatory for passengers arriving from NCR/DELHI, Kerala, Rajasthan,
Gujarat & Goa to carry RT-PCR report not earlier than 72 hours. RT-PCR
timeline starts from the swab collection time.
 Passenger not having RT-PCR report must undergo RT-PCR test at the airport
at their own expense.
 Submit contact details with authorities, in case the test result come positive
the state officials will contact.
Airlines  None
Airport/State  None

Region Station State Health & Safety Requirements

Health Screening Domestic
 Thermal screening shall be done for all passengers
International Passengers:
For international arrivals (foreign country to India) please visit the
following link for detailed guidelines

Quarantine International Passengers:

For international arrivals (foreign country to India) please visit the
following link for detailed guidelines
Passenger Obligation International Passengers:
Andhra For international arrivals (foreign country to India) please visit the
Pradesh following link for detailed guidelines
All passengers are required to register themselves on Spandana website
All passengers must download Aarogya Setu App.
Airlines Obligation  Airlines to ensure passenger has registered on Spandana website, before
Airport/State  Thermal screening for all departing and arriving passengers.
obligation  COVID test for passengers at the discretion of Health Officials.
State wise quarantine regulation - Customer Support Guide Version-140
Last updated: 14/Jun 12:00

Health Screening Thermal screening shall be done for all passengers

Quarantine International Passengers:
For international arrivals (foreign country to India) please visit the
following link for detailed guidelines
Passenger Obligation International Passengers:
HYD Telangana
For international arrivals (foreign country to India) please visit the
following link for detailed guidelines
Airlines Obligation None
Airport/State Thermal screening shall be done for all passengers
Health Screening  Thermal screening for all arriving passengers
Quarantine  None
Passenger Obligation International Passengers:
BLR For international arrivals (foreign country to India) please visit the
HBX following link for detailed guidelines
IXG Airlines Obligation  None
MYQ Airport/State  Ensure all passengers arriving into the state of Karnataka follow covid
obligation appropriate behavior
 Thermal screening to be conducted

Health Screening  Thermal screening shall be done for all passengers

 All passengers travelling to Kerala are required to be in possession of
RT-PCR negative report not earlier than 72Hrs. RT-PCR timeline starts
from the swab collection time.
 Passengers who are not in possession of the RT-PCR negative report
shall be required to undergo RT PCR test upon arrival at their own cost
at facility outside the airport if their port of arrival is Trivandrum. If the
port of arrival is Kochi the RT-PCR testing facility is available at the
CCJ  Passengers who don’t want to undergo RT-PCR test upon arrival shall
CNN be required to undergo mandatory 14days home quarantine
COK  Passengers who visit the State for a short period for purposes like
TRV business, official, trade, medical, court cases, property management or
any like purposes shall be mandatory required to carry RT-PCR
negative report not earlier than 72Hrs. RT-PCR timeline starts from the
swab collection time
 Kannur
o Thermal screening shall be done for all passengers.
o It is mandatory for passengers arriving into the city of Kannur
from other states/UT to carry a negative RT-PCR report not
earlier than 72 hours from an ICMR approved laboratory. RT-
PCR timeline starts from the swab collection time. Passengers
State wise quarantine regulation - Customer Support Guide Version-140
Last updated: 14/Jun 12:00

not in possession of RT-PCR negative report shall be

mandatorily required to undergo testing upon arrival at their
own cost
 Calicut
o Thermal screening shall be done for all passengers.
o It is mandatory for passengers arriving into the city of Calicut
from other states/UT to carry a negative RT-PCR report not
earlier than 72 hours from an ICMR approved laboratory. RT-
PCR timeline starts from the swab collection time. Passengers
not in possession of RT-PCR negative report shall be
mandatorily required to undergo testing upon arrival at their
own cost
Quarantine International Passengers:
For international arrivals (foreign country to India) please visit the
following link for detailed guidelines
Domestic Passengers:
14 days of Home Quarantine for all passengers who are not in possession of
RT-PCR negative certificate and are not willing to undergo RT PCR upon
arrival. Not applicable for passengers arriving into the city of Kannur

For Calicut Only

 Passengers undergoing test on arrival shall remain under
home/institutional quarantine till the test result is declared. The
transportation from airport to quarantine facility/home
quarantine shall be in double chambered vehicles
Passenger Obligation  All passengers must download Aarogya Setu App
 All passengers shall mandatorily be required to register their details on and obtain e-pass
 Upon arrival, passengers are required to show their e-pass to the Health
Officials at airport
Airlines Obligation  Ensure every passenger is carrying valid e-pass for Kerala
Airport/State  Thermal screening shall be done for all passengers
obligation  Verification of e-pass
Health Screening Domestic Passengers
 Thermal screening mandatory for all passengers
 No COVID Testing for passengers arriving from other airports in Tamil
Nadu, other states & UTs.
 COVID Testing will be done to only symptomatic persons coming from
Maharashtra & Kerala.
For passenger arriving in CJB, following shall apply
CJB Tamil
IXM Nadu  It is advisable for all passengers arriving in CJB to have carry a
negative RT-PCR report not earlier than 72 hours. RT-PCR timeline
starts from the swab collection time. The same is not applicable
for passengers travelling from other cities within Tamil Nadu
 In case the passenger arrives without RT-PCR report, COVID testing
shall be done free of cost at the airport and the passengers shall
be released after sample is taken. Further action will be taken
basis the test result.
Customers who undergo test on arrival and are.
State wise quarantine regulation - Customer Support Guide Version-140
Last updated: 14/Jun 12:00

 Found to be positive and symptomatic – will be taken to hospital

 Found to be negative and asymptomatic – will have to undergo for self-
monitoring for 14 days.
 Found to be negative and symptomatic – will be taken to hospital
isolation and decided based on Medical Opinion.
International Passengers:
For international arrivals (foreign country to India) please visit the
following link for detailed guidelines
 The State Government has clarified that RT PCR test is mandatory on arrival
airport to the passenger's (Including Air Crews) who are arriving from United
Kingdom to Tamil Nadu
Quarantine Domestic
 07 days of Home Quarantine & 07 days of self monitoring for all
passengers arriving into Tamil Nadu from Maharashtra & Kerala.
 14 days of self monitoring for all passengers arriving into Tamil Nadu
from other states/UT.
 Business travelers coming to Tamil Nadu for short stay (less than 72
hours) are exempted from home quarantine. Not applicable for
passengers arriving into CJB.
 Symptomatic passengers will be required to go for Institutional
Quarantine till the time COVID test results are available, at the
discretion of Health Officials. Post which they will be required to
complete remaining period of Home Quarantine.
International Passengers:
For international arrivals (foreign country to India) please visit the
following link for detailed guidelines

Passenger Obligation Domestic

 All customers coming from other states/UTs/countries and cities with
Tamil Nadu are mandatorily required to obtain auto generated e-Pass
 All passengers must download Aarogya Setu App

International Passengers:
For international arrivals (foreign country to India) please visit the
following link for detailed guidelines

Airlines Obligation Domestic

 Ensure passengers travelling to TN from other states/UTs/countries
and cities with Tamil Nadu have e-pass.
Airport/State  Thermal screening shall be done for all passengers
obligation  COVID test for passengers at the discretion of Health Officials.

a. For details on other states visit our website

State wise quarantine regulation - Customer Support Guide Version-140
Last updated: 14/Jun 12:00

b. Conditions are changing on everyday basis and customer should check state
government website also for latest updates.

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