Module 1 - The Teacher and The Curriculum (MDBondoc)
Module 1 - The Teacher and The Curriculum (MDBondoc)
Module 1 - The Teacher and The Curriculum (MDBondoc)
Learning Outcomes:
These essential questions, “Why to teach?” “What to teach?” and “How to teach” are the focus of the
teaching and learning process. Teachers start the teaching process by having a clear goal in mind
and eventually identifying significant concepts, values, and skills of the subject to enable him/her
and his/her students achieve the set goals. Afterward, the teacher has to make an instructional
decision on how these identified competencies should be best and appropriately delivered to the
leaners. All of these processes are part of the school curriculum. As a future classroom teacher, you
must clearly understand this multi-dimensional educational term because it will influence and
direct all your academic endeavors. It is also vital that you uphold the value of “open-mindedness”
in understanding the curriculum from different perspectives. Being open-minded manifests one’s
willingness to listen from various ideas and views. It is one of the significant values that we need to
cultivate because we live in this dynamic world where diversity exists.
The following are the links to other learning resources for your further reading process.
Body/Lesson Proper
For module 1, please read your textbook, “The Teacher and The School Curriculum,” by
Greg Tabios Pawilen (2019), pages 1-13.
The following are the guide questions that you may answer during your reading process:
1. What is a curriculum?
2. What are the different types of the curriculum?
3. What are the various elements of the curriculum?
4. Why is the curriculum important in the educative process?
5. How are the known curriculum scholars define curriculum?
6. How are the types and elements of the curriculum differ from each other?
7. How was the curriculum founded and conceived?
8. How do we understand one another despite our differences?
Reflect: Based on your reading experience, make a two-paragraph reflective essay. Please
consider the provided guide questions.
Respond: Please apply what you have learned by answering the tasks provided in your
textbook as follows:
Main Reference:
Pawilen, G. T. (2019). The Teacher and the Curriculum: A Guide for Teachers and Students. (1st Ed).
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