TANCET MBA Model Paper 2
TANCET MBA Model Paper 2
TANCET MBA Model Paper 2
A large departmental stores chain decided to organise a New Year sales in ail its 14 branches in the
City. The M.D. set the goals for the sales.
High volume low margins should be the major thrust.
New customer base has to be created through the sales and at the same time sustaining the existing
customer has to be ensured. He asked the Sales staff to select good quality products carefully and
work out the discounts ensuring customer attraction. There should be no stock-outs during the
sales and hence, agreements should be made with the suppliers to ensure the availability of the
products for New Year sales.
Separate teams were formed for selection of products, advertising including product displays,
selection and training of temporary staff, liason with suppliers / Credit Card agencies and
Customer Relations. Elaborate arrangements were customer convenience – queueing, catering -
services, etc. It was decided to ask for police bandobust. Special uniforms were made for the sales
staff. It was decided to have a VIP to inaugurate the sales at each centre. Prizes / additional
incentives were worked out on volume of purchases without violating statutory regulation. The
staff worked hard to ensure, the success of the sales. Manager of each branch was made the
Coordinator, who was allowed to mobilise all the resources needed and take appropriate decisions.
M.D. had also assigned the total responsibility to his GM(Pur). He was asked to lay down all the
activities both at the Corporate / branch levels and assign them to various people. Delegation was
the key aspect and control was to be discrete and minimal. Sales people were to be motivated
through Performance Awards, Commissions, etc.
M.D. sent a circular to all the staff, soliciting their cooperation in making the D day a success –
paving the way for further growth of the Company.
Directions: The questions that follow relate to the preceding passage. Evaluate, in terms of
the passage, each of the item given. Then select your answer from one of the following
1) A Major Objective in making the decision: one of the goals sought by the decision.
2) A Major Factor in making the decision : an aspect of the problem, specifically mentioned in
the passage, that fundamentally affects and/or determines the decision.
3) A Minor Factor in making the decision: a less important element bearing on/or affecting a
Major factor, rather than a Major objective directly.
4) A Major Assumption in making the decision: a projection or supposition arrived at by the
decision maker before considering the factors and alternatives.
5) An Unimportant issue in making the decision: an item Sacking significant impact on, or
relationship to, the decision.
1. M.D. Assigning the total control to GM (Pur).
2. Suppliers are to be approached to ensure availability of goods.
3. Discounts for each product to be worked out to attract customers.
4. A V.I.P. to inaugurate the sales at each branch.
5. Recruitment and Training of temporary staff.
6. Police bandobust to be arranged.
7. Formation of teams for each activity to ensure planning and co-ordination.
8. Objectives for sales clearly defined and communicated.
9. Advertising, product displays etc. to ensure a good response for the sales.
10. Delegation at every level would ensure effectiveness.
Coirfoam, a small company producing foam rubber mattresses was in financial trouble, and its
owners wanted to sell it. The company has been established some twenty years ago, but its market
share had steadily declined over the last five years. Since Mr. krishnan had no previous experience
in the mattress business, he requested his friend to tell him what he could do about it.
His friend analysed the company's resources. Its best resources was its product and brand name.
However, synthetics are much cheaper than foam rubber mattresses. . Latex mattresses are known
for their orthopaedic and anti-allergic qualities, among others. The coirfoam brand name had very
nearly become a genetic term for all types of rubber mattresses. Coirfoam, however was the only
latex mattress produced locally.
Apart from a superior product, the company had few resources. Its equipment; though satisfactory,
was old. It operated in leased premises on a year-to-year basis, although the landlord was willing
to conclude a long-term agreement on favourable terms. On the other hand, the company's labour
force was experienced and dedicated and its production manager had more than ten years'
experience in latex manufacturing.
The Chairman of the company, was seventy years old and wanted to retire. Apart from the Sales
Manager, no one else shared responsibility for marketing or administration. He told Krishnan's
friend that if the company were sold, he had no intention of remaining in service; he had eighteen
years of experience in the mattress industry. If the sales manager left the company Krishnan might
not find a suitable replacement. This was another issue that Krishnan's friend had to study.
Coirfoam's financial position was precarious. The company was heavily in debt and its line of
credit fully extended. There was some question as to whether the company would be able to
purchase enough latex to keep production going, but the manager assured, that the company had a
bank letter of credit to purchase an additional three month's supply.
Inspite of the Chairman's optimism, the fact was that his company had steadily lost market share.
Once the dominant mattress manufacturers with fifty percent of the local market, its market share
has declined to less than ten percent. The Chairman attributed this decline to popularity gained by
spring mattress manufacturers, who had only begun production five years ago. Spring mattress
now accounted for seventy percent of the total market, another company ten percent, with the
remaining twenty percent shared by a number of small plants producing synthetic rubber
mattresses. Spring mattresses had some attributes similar to those of foam rubber, such as
orthopaedic qualities. They were less costly to manufacture but sold to the customer at about the
Same price as coirfoam mattresses.
Because of coirfoam financial difficulties, it ceased advertising in newspaper and on radio for over
the past five years. As a result, retailers were reluctant to handle the product. In contrast to it, two
spring mattress manufacturers had advertised heavily in the mass media. One of those
manufacturer's products was sold exclusively by the largest furniture chain in the country. During
his study of the mattress market, a number of retailers had expressed the opinion to Krishnan's
friend that a whole generation of young people largely unaware of coirfoam product because of the
lack of advertising. One retailer was quoted as saying "It is true that older people remember
coirfoam but these mattresses last for almost twenty years". The big market is not the replacement
market, but sales generated by family formation. Thousands of young couples get married every
year and every marriage means another mattress sale. But these young couples only see
advertisements for spring mattresses. It is obviously easier for any salesman to sell a mattress
which his customers have seen in countless advertisement that one which is relatively unknown.
Krishnan's friend was aware of the fact that if con-foam was ever to regain some of its lost market
share, it would have to launch a major advertising programme to educate young adults about the
important attributes found in its product. A major question that needed an immediate answer was :
"To what extent are people aware of coirfoam mattresses and their attributes?" Other question
involved the attitudes of people toward foam rubber mattresses in general and how these attitudes
compared to those toward spring mattresses. Krishnan's friend ordered a market research survey to
obtain answers to his questions. In brief, the study of coirfoam mattresses showed that customers
over twenty-five years of age who were aware of coirfoam mattresses had favourable attitudes
towards their attributes. About three quarters of these people expressed a preference for foam
rubber mattresses for their children (by contrast with other mattresses for their own use).
Awareness among younger segments of the population of the attributes of foam rubber mattress in
general, and of coirfoam in particular was very low. Few people expressed an intention to buy
foam rubber mattresses. On the basis of the preliminary research Krishnan was optimistic that he
could turn the company around, in support of his belief, he cited the recognition of the company
among a significant portion of the population and that fact that they would buy a coirfoam for their
children. He believed that once retailers became aware that new management had taken over the
company, they would be willing to stock the product, Krishnan was aware that the research
findings were not always in agreement with his conclusions. However, the findings that young
people were relatively unaware of coirfoam did not seem to worry him. He felt that a well-
designed advertising program would convince many people to buy a foam rubber mattresses,
rather than any competing type. Moreover the introduction of the new management team would
instil confidence among coirfoam bankers, credit lines would be increased thereby improving the
company's financial position. However, before making a final decision as to whether to purchase
coirfoam, Mr. Krishnan waited for his friend's final report and recommendations.
1) A Major Objective in making the decision: one of the goals sought by the decision maker.
2) A Major Factor in making the decision: an aspect of the problem, specifically mentioned in the
passage, that fundamentally affects and/or determines the decision.
3) A Minor Factor in making the decision: a less important element bearing on/or effecting a
Major factor, rather than a Major objective directly.
4) A Major Assumption in making the decision: a projection or supposition arrived at by the
decision maker before considering the factors and alternatives.
5) An Unimportant issue in making the decision: an item lacking significant impact on, or
relationship to, the decision.
16. Public awareness of the high quality of coirfoam mattresses.
17. The anti-allergic qualities of coirfoam mattresses.
18. Attitude of older consumer towards coirfoam mattresses.
19. Willingness of retailers to stock coirfoam products in the future.
20. Need to import latex rubber.
21. Coii-foam's present market share.
22. Krishnan's friend's recommendations.
23. Coirfoam leased its premises.
24. Orthopaedic qualities of coirfoam mattresses.
25. Age of manufacturing equipment.
Directions: This Section contains three passages. You have to read each carefully. Each
passage is followed by questions based on its contents. After reading each passage choose the
best answer to each question. The questions are based on what is stated or implied in each
Ocean water plays an indispensable role in supporting life. The great ocean basins hold about 300
million cubic miles of water. From this vast amount, about 80,000 cubic miles of water are sucked
into the atmosphere each year by evaporation and returned by precipitation and drainage to the
ocean. More than 24,000 cubic miles of rain descend annually upon the continents. This vast
amount is required to replenish the lakes and streams, springs and water tables on which all flora
and fauna are dependent. Thus, the hydrosphere permits organic existence.
The hydrosphere has strange characteristics because water has properties unlike those of any other
liquid. One anomaly is that water upon freezing expands by about 9 percent, whereas most liquids
contract on cooling. For this reason, ice floats on water bodies instead of sinking to the bottom. If
the ice sank, the hydrosphere would soon be frozen solidly, except for a thin layer of surface melt
water during summer season. Thus, all aquatic life would be destroyed and the interchange of
warm and cold currents, which moderates climate would be notably absent.
Another outstanding characteristic of water is that water has a heat capacity which is the highest of
all liquids and solids except ammonia. This characteristic enables the oceans to absorb and store
vast quantities of heat, thereby often preventing climatic extremes. In addition, water dissolves
more substances than any other liquid.
It is this characteristic which helps make oceans a great storehouse for minerals which have been
washed down from the continents. In several areas of the world, these minerals are being
commercially exploited. Solar evaporation of salt is widely practiced. Potash is extracted from the
Dead Sea and Magnesium is produced from sea water along the American Gulf Coast.
26. The author's main purpose in this passage is to
1) Describe the properties and uses of water 2) Illustrate the importance of conserving water
3) Explain how water is used in commerce and industry
4) Reveal the extent of the earth's ocean masses 5) Compare water with other liquids
27. According to the passage, fish can survive in the ocean because
1) They do not need oxygen 2) Ice floats
3) Evaporation and conduction create a water cycle
4) There are currents in the ocean 5) Water absorbs heat
28. Which of the following characteristics of water does the author mention in the passage?
I. Water expands when it is frozen
II. Water is a good solvent HI. Water can absorb heat
1) I only 2) II only 3) I and II only 4) II and III only 5) I, II and III
29. According to the passage, the hydrosphere is not
1) Responsible for all forms of life 2) Able to modify weather
3) A source of natural resources 4) In danger of freezing over
5) The part of the earth covered by water
30. The author's tone in the passage can best be described as
1) Dogmatic 2) Dispassionate 3) Speculative 4) Biased 5) Fascinated
31. The author organizes the passage by
1) Comparison and contrast 2) Juxtaposition of true and untrue ideas
3) General statements followed by examples
4) Hypothesis and proof 5) Definition of key terms
32. Which of the following statements would be most likely to begin the paragraph
immediately following the passage?
1) Water has the ability to erode the land
2) Magnesium is widely used in metallurgical processes.
3) Now let us consider the great land masses
4) Another remarkable property of ice is its strength
5) Droughts and flooding are two types of disasters associated with water
A newly issued report reveals in facts and figures what should have been known in principle that
quite a lot of business companies are going to go under during the coming decade, as tariff walls
are progressively dismantled. Labour and capital valued at 600 billion rupees are to be made idle
through the impact of duty-free imports. As a result, 35,000 workers will be displaced. Some will
move to other jobs and other departments within the same firm. Around 15,000 will have to leave
the firm now employing them and work elsewhere.
The report is measuring exclusively the influence of free trade with Europe. The authors do not
take into account the expected expansion of production over the coming year. On the other hand,
they are not sure that even the export predictions they make will be achieved. For this presupposes
that a suitable business climate lets the pressure to increase productivity materialize.
There are two reasons why this scenario may not happen. The first one is that industry on the
whole is not taking the initiatives necessary to adapt fully to the new price situations it will be
facing as time goes by.
This is another way of saying that the manufacturers do not realize what lies ahead. The
Government is to blame for not making the position absolutely clear. It should be saying that in ten
year's time tariffs on all industrial goods imported from Europe will be eliminated. There will be
no adjustment assistance for manufacturers who cannot adapt to this situation.
The second obstacle to adjustment is not stressed in the same way in the report; it is the attitude of
the service sector. Not only are service industries unaware that the common market treaty concerns
them too, they are artificially insulated from the physical pressures of international competition.
The manufacturing sector has been forced to apply its nose to the grindstone for sometime now, by
the increasingly stringent import - liberalization program.
The ancillary services on which the factories depend show a growing indifference to their work
obligations. They seem unaware that over manned ships, under utilized container equipment in the
ports and repeated work stoppages slow the country's attempts to narrow the trade gap. The
remedy is to cut the fees charged by these services so as to reduce their earnings - in exactly the
same way that earnings in industrial undertakings are reduced by the tariff reduction program
embodied in the treaty with European Community.
There is no point in dismissing 15,000 industrial workers from their present jobs during the
coming ten years if all the gain in productivity is wasted by costly harbour, transport, financial,
administrative and other services. The free trade treaty is their concern as well. Surplus staff
should be removed if need be, from all workplaces, not just from the factories. Efficiency is
everybody's business.
33. The attitude of the report as described in the passage may best be expressed as
1) Harshly condemnatory because industry is not more responsive to the business climate
2) Optimistic that Government will induce industry to make needed changes
3) Critical of labour unions
4) Pessimistic that anything can be done to reduce the trade gap
5) Objective in assessing the influence of free trade oh employment
34. What is the meaning of free trade?
1) Unlimited sale of goods in Europe
2) Trade on barter basis
3) The elimination of tariffs
4) Sale of price - discounted goods to European Countries
5) Trade with only the so - called "free countries", i.e., Western Europe
35. It can be inferred that the term adjustment assistance refers mainly to
1) Unemployment compensation
2) Some sort of financial assitance to manufacturers hurt by free - trade
3) Help in relocating plants to Europe 4) Aid in reducing work stoppages
5) Subsidy payments to increase exports
36. The author's central recommendation seems to be that
1) Unemployment should be avoided at all costs
2) Redundant labour should be removed in all sectors
3) Government should control the service sector
4) Tariffs should not be lowered 5) Workers should be retrained
37. Which of the following titles describes the context of the passage?
1) The prospects of Free Trade 2) Government Intervention in World Trade
3) Trade with the common market 4) What lies Ahead?
5) Unemployment and adjustment assistance
38. Which of the following will occur because of duty free imports?
I. 600 billion rupees of capital will be idled.
II. Thirty-five thousand workers will be unemployed
III. Fifteen thousand firms will face bankruptcy
1) I only 2) II only 3) I and II only 4) II and III only 5) I, II and III
39. According to the passage, the Government is responsible for
1) Increasing tariffs 2) Subsidizing exports
3) Not explaining its position 4) Adjustment assistance 5) Over manned ships
40. Tariffs will be reduced on
1) All manufactured goods 2) Manufactured and agricultural goods
3) All goods 4) Industrial goods 5) Industrial and consumer goods
41. Which industries will be affected by tariff reductions?
I. Services II. Manufacturing III. Extracting
1) I only 2) II only 3) I and II only 4) II and III only 5) I, II and III
Observe the dilemma of the fungus; it is a plant, but it possesses no Chlorophyll. While all other
plants put the sun's energy to work for them combining the nutrients of ground and air into the
body structure, the chlorophyllous fungus must look elsewhere for an energy supply. It finds it in
those other plants which, having received their energy free from the sun, relinquish it at some point
in their cycle either to other animals (like us humans) or to fungi.
In this search for energy the fungus has become the earth's major source of rot and decay.
Wherever you see mold forming on a piece of bread, or a pile of leaves turning to compost, or a
blown - down tree becoming pulp on the ground, you are watching a fungus eating. Without
fungus action the earth would be piled high with the dead plant life of past centuries. In fact,
certain plants which contain resins that are toxic to fungi will last indefinitely; specimens of the
redwood, for instance can still be found resting on the forest floor centuries after having been
blown down.
42. Which of the following words best describes the fungus as depicted in the passage?
1) unevolved 2) Sporadic 3) Enigmatic 4) Parasitic 5) Toxic
43. The passage states all the following about fungi EXCEPT:
1) They are responsible for the decomposition of much plants life
2) They cannot live completely apart from other plants
3) They are vastly different from other plants
4) They are poisonous to resin - producing plants
5) They cannot produce their own store of energy
44. The author's statement that “you are is best watching a fungus eating" described as
1) Figurative 2) Ironical 3) Parenthetical 4) Erroneous 5) Contradictory
45. The author is primarily concerned with
1) Warning people of the dangers of fungi 2) Writing a humorous essay on fungi
3) Relating how most plants use solar energy 4) Describing the actions of fungi
5) Explaining the long life of some redwoods
1) If you can get the answer from (a) alone but not from (b) alone.
2) If you can get the answer from (b) alone but not from (a) alone.
3) If you can get the answer from both (a) and (b) but not from (a) alone or (b) alone.
4) If either statement (a) or (b] is sufficient to answer the question asked.
5) If you cannot get the answer from statement (a) and (b) together, but need even more data.
Questions :
71. Is the number N/3 an odd integer? (You may assume that N/3 is an integer)
a) N = 3K, where K is an integer
b) N = 6J + 3, where J is an integer
72. What was the value of sales of ABC Company in 1980?
a) The sales of ABC Company increased by Rs. 1,00,000 each year from 1970 to 1980.
b) The value of the sales of ABC Company doubled between 1970 and 1980.
73. If x6 - y6 = 0, what is the value of x3 - y3?
a) x is positive
b) y is greater than 1 ,
74. If a and b are the both positive numbers, then which is larger, 2a or 3b ?
a) a is greater than 2b
b) a is greater than or equal to b + 3
75. How far is it from town A to town B? Town C is 12 km east of town A
a) Town C is South of town B
b) It is 9 km from town B to town C
76. Is x greater than y?
a) xy = 5
b) x/y =2
77. Which of the four numbers w, x, y and z is the largest?
a) The average of w, x, y and z is 25
b) The numbers w, x and y are each less than 24
78. How much does Susan weigh?
a) Susan and John together weight 100 kg.
b) John weighs twice as much as Susan
79. Find x + y
a) x - y = 6
b) -2x + 2y = -12
80. What percentage of families in a state have annual income over Rs. 2,25,000 and
own a car?
a) 28% of the families in the state have an annual income over Rs. 2,25,000
b) 40% of the families in the state with an annual income over Rs. 2,25,000 own a car
81. Does every bird fly?
a) Tigers do not fly
b) Ostriches do not fly
82. A piece of wood 5 feet long is cut into three smaller pieces. How long is the longest of the
three pieces?
a) One piece is 2 feet 7 inches long
b) One piece is 7 inches longer than another piece and the remaining piece is 5 inches long
83. How much is John's weekly salary?
a) John's weekly salary is twice as much as Fred's weekly salary.
b) Fred's weekly salary is 40% of the total of Chuck's weekly salary and John's weekly salary
84. If a group of 5 craftsmen take 3 hours to finish a job, how long will it take a
group of 4 apprentices to do the same job?
a) An apprentice works at 2/3 the rate of craftsman.
b) The 5 craftsmen and the 4 apprentices together will take 1(22/23) hours to finish the job
85. A sequence of numbers a1, a2, a3 ...... is given by the rule an = an+1. Does 3
appear in the sequence?
a) a1 = 2 b) a3 = 16
88. Even after hearing
leader the
for a long time
1 2
the followers could not make out which he was talking about.
3 4