Instructions For Installation and Use: 60 CM Slot-In Cookers
Instructions For Installation and Use: 60 CM Slot-In Cookers
Instructions For Installation and Use: 60 CM Slot-In Cookers
Introduction, 2
Installation, 3
English, 2
Safety Information, 4
Features, 5
The Controls, 6
It is suggested that any pets be removed from the ENERGY LABEL - Main Oven
room until the smell has ceased. This odour is due Directive 2002/40/EC on the label of electric ovens
to temporary finish on oven liners and elements and Norm EN 50304
also any moisture absorbed by the insulation. Declared energy consumption for
Natural convection Class
heating mode: Fan Oven
Four feet are fitted which can be adjusted up or
down to set the height (900mm - 930mm) and level
the cooker.
The feet can be simply screwed in or out to lower or
raise the cooker.
After the correct height is achieved, lock the feet
into position by tightening the locking nut using an
open ended spanner.
CAUTION: Some soft floor coverings may get
damaged if the cooker is not moved carefully.
NOTE: Ensure oven shelves are level by using a
spirit level on the rod shelves.
Safety Information
- 6 button Timer
(C367E & C368E)
Door Switch
'Stay Clean' liners
Main oven
rod shelves
Although only 2 rod shelves are supplied in the main oven, a third shelf can be purchased from the Parts
department (see back cover).
The controls
C367E &
61DC &
Clock/Minute Minder
Operation (61DC & ARC60)
0.00 The timer incorporates a 24 hour
Step 1 Ensure the time of day
is set correctly.
- + Step 2 Press and release the
'+' button.
0.00 Note: Step 3 must be started
SYMBOLS within 10 seconds, otherwise
A 'Bell' symbol will light up when you must repeat Step 2.
you select a Minute Minder Step 3 Press the '+' button to
0.00 Period and will remain lit for the set the required time period. A
period set. 'Bell' symbol will light up. The
At the end of the Minute Minder time period can be adjusted, by
Period, the timer will emit an using the '+' button to increase
Minute audible tone and the 'Bell' the time period or the '-' button
Minder symbol will flash. to decrease the time period.
SETTING THE TIME OF DAY Release all buttons, the timer display will show the
Step 1 Make sure all oven remaining time period.The 'Bell' symbol will remain
controls are turned off. lit to signify that a time period has been set.
0.00 Step 2 Check the electricity
supply to the cooker is turned At the end of the set time an
on. audible tone will be heard and
Step 3 When switched on, the 0.00 the 'Bell' symbol will flash.
display will flash 0.00
Step 4 Press and release both Step 4 To cancel the audible
buttons simultaneously. tone press the '+' button.
0.00 Step 5 Press the '+' button to
set the Time of Day. The Time of To cancel the minute minder period press the '-'
Day can be adjusted, by using button until 0.00 is displayed in the window then
the '+' button to increase the release the button.
time setting or the '-' button to If at any time the display shows flashing zero's, it is
decrease the time setting. The likely that the electricity supply has been
Time of Day is set if no interrupted.
adjustments are made within 10 Reset the timer to the correct time of day.
THE TIME OF DAY IS NOW SET. Note: The Timer display will show the minute
minder period as follows:
To change the time of day repeat Steps 4 & 5 above.
Any period up to 99 minutes
Here you can set a time period of up to 10 hours, and 50 seconds -
that will count down. When it reaches zero, the timer
will emit an audible tone.
19.50 The display shows MINUTES and
SECONDS (10s intervals) eg. 19
For Example: If you set 20 minutes, the audible minutes 50 seconds
tone will occur 20 minutes later.
Any period between 100
minutes (1 hour 40 minutes)
1.41 and up to 10 hours -
The display shows HOURS and
MINUTES eg. 1 hour 41 minutes
Oven Timer Operation
(C367E & C368E)
The oven timer offers you the following features: 5. We advise dishes containing left-over cooked
GB poultry or meat, for example Shepherds Pie, should
1. Time of Day not be cooked automatically if there is to be a delay
2. Automatic Cooking period.
3. Minute Minder 6. Stews and joints should be cooked by the long slow
method, so that the delay period is kept to a
Automatic Cooking minimum.
The Main Oven (only) can be controlled by the 7. On warm days, to prevent harmful bacterial growth
automatic timer.When the timer control has been set in certain foods (ie poultry, joints, etc) the delayed
for one oven it is possible to use the other oven start should be kept to a minimum.
manually. 8. Wine or beer may ferment and cream may curdle
during the delay period, so it is best to add these
Hints on Automatic Cooking ingredients just before serving.
1. Select foods which will take the same time to cook 9. Foods which discolour should be protected by
and require approximately the same temperature. coating in fat or tossing in water to which lemon
2. Set the oven timer so that the food has just finished juice has been added, prior to placing food in the
or about to finish cooking on your return to the oven. oven.
This will ensure the food has not cooled down and 10.Dishes containing liquid should not be filled too full
does not require reheating before serving. to prevent boiling over.
3. Food should be as cold as possible when it goes 11.Food should be well sealed (but not airtight) in a
into the oven, ideally straight from the refrigerator. container to prevent the loss of liquid during
Frozen meat and poultry should be thawed cooking. Aluminium foil gives a good seal.
thoroughly before it is put in the oven. 12.Ensure food is cooked thoroughly before serving.
4. We advise that warm food should never be placed
in the oven if there is to be a delay period. Stews Timer Operation
prepared by frying the meat and vegetables should 1. Make sure all oven controls are turned Off.
be cooked as soon as possible. 2. Check that the electricity supply to the oven is
turned On.
3. Check that the oven clock is at the right time of
Know Your Timer
(C367E & C368E)
O .
0 00 The timer incorporates a 24 hour
Minute Minder Button
Ensure the correct time of day is Here you can set a time period of up to 23 hours 59
always set, before using your minutes, that will count down. When it reaches zero,
cooker. the timer will emit an audible tone.
For Example: If you set 20 minutes, the audible
tone will occur 20 minutes later.
A 'bell' symbol will light up when AUTO COOKING PROGRAMME
you select a Minute Minder
. Period and will remain lit for the Cook Period Button
0 00 period set. Cook Period is the actual length of time for which,
At the end of the Minute Minder the timer will switch the oven(s) on as part of an
Period, the timer will emit an "Auto Cooking" programme.
audible tone and the 'bell' (e.g. If you set 2 hours, the food will be cooked for 2
symbol will disappear. hours).
0 00
up either:-
- When the timer is in manual
The time of day at which you want an "Auto Cooking"
programme to end.
mode, or For Example: If you set a "Cook Period" for 2 hours,
- During the actual Cook Period. and "End Time" of 11:00. The timer will switch the
oven(s) on at 9:00 and turn the oven(s) off at 11:00.
You will hear a audible tone at 11:00, to indicate that
'AUTO' will light up:- the Auto Cooking Programme has finished.
O .
0 00
- When the timer is first turned
on it will flash. It will go out when Notes:
a time of day is set or when the - When setting an Auto Cooking programme you will
timer is set to manual. need to set the oven control(s) to the required
temperature(s) when you set the timer.
The 'AUTO' symbol will flash at the end of an Auto - If an Auto Cooking programme has been set the
Cooking programme to indicate that the programme oven(s) will only operate during the pre-
has finished. programmed time.
(When the 'AUTO' symbol is flashing, to return
the oven to Manual operation, turn the oven Manual Button
controls off, and press the "Manual" button - The
'AUTO' symbol will go out). Needs to be pressed to cancel an Auto Cooking
programme and return the oven(s) to Manual operation.
Electronic Clock & Automatic Oven
Timer Operation (C367E & C368E)
GB Step 1 Make sure all oven There are two Auto Cooking programmes that can be
O .
0 00
controls are turned Off.
Step 2 Check the electricity
selected using your timer:-
supply to the cooker is turned on. (a) To set the timer to switch the oven(s) On and Off
Step 3 When switched on the Automatically
display will show 0.00 and the (b) To set timer to switch on immediately and OFF
Auto symbol, flashing automatically after a set cook period.
O .
0 00
Step 4 Press & hold in both the
Cook Period & End Time buttons a) TO SET THE TIMER TO SWITCH THE
Step 5 With the Cook Period & This allows you to cook at a specified time for a
End Time buttons still held in, chosen period before the oven switches off
press either the "+" or "-" buttons Automatically.
to set the correct time of day.
Step 6 Release all the buttons simultaneously. Step 1 Check that the correct time of day is set, if
THE TIME OF DAY IS NOW SET. not follow instructions for setting the time
of day.
To change the time of day repeat Steps 4, 5 & 6 Step 2 Place food onto the correct shelf position
above. in the oven and close the oven door(s).
0 00
Step 2 Press and hold the
Minute Minder button.
Step 3 With the Minute Minder
1 4 20
. Release the buttons and the
timer display will revert to the
button held in, set the required time of day with the 'Auto'
Minute Minder period using the symbol and 'cookpot' symbol lit.
"+" and "-" buttons. A 'bell'
symbol will light up.
Release all buttons and the timer display will revert
back to the time of day. The 'bell' symbol will remain lit
1 6 20
O . Step 5 Press and hold in the
End Time button. The display
will read the earliest possible
to signify that a Minute Minder period has been set. end time for the Cook Period that
At the end of the set time an audible tone will be you have set above. The 'Auto'
heard, and the 'bell' symbol will disappear. symbol and 'cookpot' symbol
will be lit.
0 00 Step 6 With the End Time
Step 4 To cancel the audible button still held in, use the "+"
tone press the Minute Minder and "-" buttons to set the 'End
button. Time' (i.e. The time you require
Note 1 When the Minute Minder has been set, the time the oven to switch off ).
remaining can be checked at any time by Release all the buttons and the timer will revert back
simply pressing the Minute Minder button. to the time of day.
Note 2 If necessary the Minute Minder can be
cancelled before the tone sounds by pressing
and holding the Minute Minder button and then
1 4 20
O . The 'Auto' symbol will remain lit
to signify that an Auto Cooking
at the same time pressing the "-" button until Programme has been set. The
0.00 appears in the display window. 'cookpot' symbol will go out.
Step 7 Turn the oven control(s) to the required tem- NOTE: The Cookpot symbol disappears
At the end of the Cook Period
perature, and if necessary select the A the 'Auto' symbol will flash and
appropriate oven function. 1 6 20 an intermittent audible tone will
O . 20 Cook Period the Auto Symbol
will flash and an intermittent
continue until cancelled. The
'Auto' symbol will continue to
bleeping sound will be heard. flash until the timer is returned to
The audible tone will continue Manual operation (see below).
unless cancelled.
The 'Auto' symbol will continue 1 6 20 . Step 6 Press the Manual
button. The audible tone will be
to flash until the timer is returned cancelled and the oven(s) will be
to Manual operation (see below). returned to Manual.
1 6 20
Step 8 Press the Manual Step 7 Turn the oven control(s) to the OFF position.
button, the audible tone will be
cancelled and the oven(s) will be TO CANCEL AN AUTO COOKING
Step 9 Turn the oven control(s) to the OFF position. PERIOD HAS FINISHED.
Note 1 When cooking automatically the Cook Step 1 Turn the oven control to the OFF position.
Period can be checked at any time by
Note 2
simply pressing the Cook Period button.
When cooking automatically the End
1 5 00 . Step 2 Press the Manual
Time can be checked at any time by button to return the oven to
simply pressing the End Time button. "Manual" operation. The 'Auto'
symbol will go out.
Note 1 When cooking automatically the Cook
b) TO SET TIMER TO SWITCH ON Period can be checked at any time by simply
IMMEDIATELY AND OFF AUTOMATICALLY pressing the Cook Period button.
Step 1 Check that the correct time of day is set, if 1. When cooking Automatically the Cook Period can
not follow instructions for setting the time be checked at any time simply by pressing the
of day. Cook Period button.
Step 2 Place food onto the correct shelf position 2. When cooking Automatically the End Time can be
in the oven and close the oven door(s). checked at any time by simply pressing the End
Step 3 Turn the oven control(s) to the required tem- Time button.
perature, and if necessary select the 3. Having set a Cook Period and End Time an
appropriate oven function. electronic device stores the information. The device
within the timer will switch the oven(s) on and off at
1 30
Step 4 Press & hold in the
Cook Period button, the display
the required times.
4. When setting an Auto Cooking Programme and a
will read 0.00 and the 'cookpot' mistake is made, to clear:-
symbol will light up. (a) Press & release the Manual button.
With the Cook Period button still (b) Start the sequence again.
held in set the required Cook 5. If at any time the display shows three flashing zero's
Period using the "+" and "-" 0.00 and 'Auto', it is likely that the electricity supply
buttons. Example: 1hr 30 to the oven has been interrupted. Reset the timer
minutes (as shown). to the correct time of day. Food in the oven may,
Step 5 Release all buttons. therefore, not have been cooked, before serving
check food is thoroughly heated and completely
1 4 20
O . The timer display will revert to
the time of day with the 'Auto'
6. To set each function always press and hold the
symbol lit & 'cookpot' symbol required function button and at the same time press
remaining lit. "+" or "-" buttons.
Conversion Chart
Main Top Main
°F Conventional Conventional Fan
Oven Oven Oven
9 475 - - 220
Using the Ceramic Hob
WARNING: DO NOT USE THE HOB IF IT IS Rear Left Dual Circuit hotplate
SWITCH OFF AT THE COOKER MAINS This is a dual purpose hotplate with two elements.
CONTROL SWITCH IMMEDIATELY AND The settings on the glass control panel will show 1 -
CONTACT YOUR NEAREST SERVICE OFFICE 4 when the control knob is turned clockwise to
(see back page). indicate that the whole hotplate is turned on and can
be used for a larger pan, 4 is the highest setting.
C367E With the control knob turned anti-clockwise the
settings on the glass control panel will show 1 - 4 to
Front Right 6 Heat 1800W indicate that only the inner part of the hotplate is
switched on.
Rear Left Dual Circuit 1800W solarglo This is an energy saving feature and is useful for
cooking with smaller pans or for simmering. The
Rear Right 6 Heat 1200W control will be OFF when the control knob is turned
to the O position.
Front Left 6 Heat 1200W
Choice of saucepan's
It is essential that the saucepan's you use on the
C368E, 61DC, ARC60 ceramic hob are suitable.
Rear Left 6 Heat 1800W • Good quality pans with smooth, flat, heavy
Rear Right 6 Heat 1200W • saucepan's manufactured from aluminium
(enamelled or machined) or stainless steel.
Front Left 6 Heat 1200W • Correct size saucepan's. The base of the pan
must cover the heating zone completely.
The Working of the Heating Zones • saucepan's with lids which are well fitting to
Heating only occurs within the marked circular reduce cooking time and energy use.
cooking zones. The zones heat up and cool down
quicker, providing greater controllability for sensitive NEVER USE:
foods. Each heating zone is equipped with a thermal
limiter which is a safety cut-out which prevents the • Pans with thin, distorted or uneven bases as
ceramic glass from overheating. After several these will extend cooking times, waste electricity
minutes at full power without a pan on the heating and cause damaging, local hotspots on the
zone the thermal limiter will switch the heating glass surface.
elements off and on automatically to avoid any • Pans with ridged or recessed bases.
damage to the ceramic glass. • Pans with damaged or rough bases which could
scratch the glass surface.
• Glass or glass ceramic utensils.
Care of the Ceramic Hob
Grill Pan and Handle
1 2
Guide to Grilling
- Pre-heat the grill for 5 minutes on maximum control setting before grilling
Grill Approximate
Setting Cooking time
Toasting of
4 3 - 10 mins.
Bread products
4 for 4
Small cuts of
reduce to 10 - 20 mins.
bacon, etc.
4 for 6-8
Chops etc.
reduce to 20 - 30 mins.
steaks Chicken
10 - 20 mins. Whole fish
4 and fillets placed in the
base of the grill pan.
Fish in bread
3 15 - 20 mins.
Pre - Cooked
3 15 - 20 mins.
potato products
12 - 15 mins. in the base
Pizzas 3
of the grill pan.
Browning of 8 - 10 mins. Dish placed
food directly on the shelf.
The settings in the above guide have been developed to cook food successfully without excessive fat spitting
and splashing.
Top Oven
Cookery Notes
The top oven should be used to cook small Operation
GB quantities of food.The oven is designed so that the To heat the oven, turn the control knob
grill element operates at a reduced heat output, this clockwise.The top oven pilot light will come on and
is combined with a heating element situated remain on until the oven reaches the required
underneath the floor of the oven. temperature.The pilot light will automatically go on
and off during cooking as the thermostat maintains
To ensure even cooking of the food it is important the correct temperature.
that cooking utensils are positioned correctly on the
oven shelf so that the element is directly above. Cooking meat/poultry
Small joints of meat up to 1.5kg (3 lbs), or poultry,
There are two cooking positions, the shelf placed on up to 3.6kg (8 lbs) (60cm cookers) in weight can be
runner 1 or 2 (from the base), do not use shelves roasted in a small meat pan in the top oven. Larger
upside down. joints of meat/poultry weighing more than 3.6kg (8
lbs) (60cm cookers) should be roasted in the main
Food/utensils must not be placed directly on the oven.
oven floor.
Do not use the grill pan as a meat pan in the
There should always be at least 25mm (1in) between top oven as air circulation will be seriously
the top of the food and the grill element. restricted.
Warning: Items stored in top oven will get hot when
main oven is in use. Top oven as a warming compartment for plates
Place the plates/dishes on the shelf, positioned on
runner 1, turn top oven control to 100°C for 10-15
minutes.Never use grill control.
Main Oven
Cookery Notes
The oven is fitted with wirework shelf supports and Oven positions
two rod shelves. Since the distribution of heat in the circulaire fan GB
oven is very even, most foods will cook satisfactorily
To heat the oven turn the knob clockwise, selecting on any shelf position, but the shelves should be
the require temperature between 80°C (176°F) and evenly spaced.
230°C (450°F) as recommended in the temperature The top oven rod shelf can be used in the main oven
chart. The pilot light will immediately come on and when cooking large quantities of food. Additional
remain on until the oven reaches the required shelves can be purchased through your oven
temperature. This light will then automatically go off supplier or our Parts Department (see Key Contacts,
and on during cooking as the oven thermostat back page).
maintains the correct temperature. Food or utensils should Never be placed
directly an the floor of the oven for cooking.
It should be noted that at the end of the cooking Never use more than 3 shelves in the oven as air
period there may be a momentary puff of steam circulation will be seriously restricted.To ensure oven
when the oven door is opened. This will disperse in circulation do not use meat pans larger than 390 x
a few seconds and is a perfectly normal 300mm (15"x12") and baking trays no larger than
characteristic of an oven with a good door seal. 330 x 255mm (13"x 10"), these should be positioned
centrally on the oven shelf.
Since a circulaire fan oven heats up more Food should not be placed directly on the floor of
quickly,and generally cooks food at a lower the oven. To avoid unnecessary cleaning, rod
temperature than a conventional oven, pre-heating is shelves which are not in use, should be removed
often unnecessary.However, foods such as bread, from the oven.
scones,Yorkshire pudding,do benefit from being
placed in a pre-heated oven. Temperature and time
The 'oven temperature charts' are a guide only, When all three shelves are used to cook large
giving approximate cooking temperatures and quantities of food for home freezing or parties, it
times.To suit personal taste and requirements, it may be necessary to increase the cooking times
may be necessary to increase or decrease given in the temperature charts by a few minutes, to
temperatures by 10°C. allow for the loss of heat due to extra time taken to
load the oven, and the larger mass of food. Baking
Unless otherwise indicated in the charts food should trays should have an equal gap at either side of the
be placed in a cold oven, i.e. without pre-heating. If oven.
food is placed in an already hot oven, the
suggested cooking time should be reduced, Frozen meat and poultry
depending on the type and quantity of food being Joints of meat and whole birds should be defrosted
cooked. slowly, preferably in a domestic refrigerator (allowing
5-6 hours per 450g (1 lb), or at room temperature
(allowing 2-3 hours per 450g (1 lb).
Oven Cooking Charts
- Baking
Top Oven Cooking
Baking Pre-heat Temperature °C Time in mins. Position in Oven
Scones Yes 210/220 10-15 Runner 2 from bottom of oven
Small Cakes Yes 180/190 20-25 Runner 2 from bottom of oven
Victoria Sandwich Yes 170/180 20-30 Runner 2 from bottom of oven
Sponge Sandwich Yes 180/190 20-25 Runner 2 from bottom of oven
Swiss Roll Yes 200/210 10-15 Runner 2 from bottom of oven
Semi-rich Fruit cakes Yes 150/160 60-75 7 inch Runner 2 from bottom of oven
Rich Fruit Cakes Yes 140/150 Depending on size Runner 1 or 2 from bottom of oven
Shortcrust Pastry Yes 190/200 Depending on size Runner 2 from bottom of oven
Puff Pastry Yes 200/210 Depending on size Runner 2 from bottom of oven
Yorkshire Pudding Yes 190/200 30-40 Runner 2 from bottom of oven
Individual Yorkshire Pudding Yes 200/210 20-30 Runner 2 from bottom of oven
Milk Pudding Yes 140/150 90-120 Runner 2 from bottom of oven
Baked Custard Yes 150/160 40-50 Runner 2 from bottom of oven
Bread Yes 200/210 30-45 Runner 1 from bottom of oven
Meringues Yes 100 150-180 Runner 2 from bottom of oven
Note: If soft margarine is used for cake making, temperatures recommended by the manufacturers should be
followed.Temperatures recommended in this chart refer to cakes made with block margarines or butter only.
Oven Cooking Charts
- Meat
Top Oven Cooking
Meat Pre-heat Temperature °C Time (approx.) Position in Oven
Beef/ Lamb
(slow roasting) Yes 170/180 35 mins per 450g (1lb) + 35 mins over.
Yes 190/200 40 mins per 450g (1lb)
(foil covered)
Veal Yes 170/180 40-45 mins per 450g (1lb) + 40 mins over Runner 1 from
(slow roasting) bottom of oven.
(foil covered) Yes 190/200 40-45 mins per 450g (1lb)
Poultry/Game Yes 170/180 25-30 mins per 450g (1lb) + 25 mins over
(slow roasting)
(foil covered) Yes 190/200 25-30 mins per 450g (1lb)
Cooking Yes 150 2-2½ hrs
Yes 190/200 40 mins per 450g (1lb)
(foil covered)
Veal Yes 170/180 40-45 mins per 450g (1lb) + 40 mins over Runner 1 from
(slow roasting) bottom of oven.
(foil covered) Yes 190/200 40-45 mins per 450g (1lb)
Poultry/Game Yes 170/180 25-30 mins per 450g (1lb) + 25 mins over
(slow roasting)
(foil covered) Yes 190/200 25-30 mins per 450g (1lb)
Cooking Yes 150 2-2½ hrs
The most accurate method of testing the readiness of joints of meat or whole poultry is to insert a meat
thermometer into the thickest part of a joint, or the thickest part of poultry thighs, during the cooking period.The
meat thermometer will indicate when the required internal temp has been reached.
Beef - Rare: 60°C Lamb: 80°C Poultry: 90°C
Medium: 70°C Pork: 90°C
Well Done: 75°C Veal: 75°C
Using The Main Oven
for other Functions
'S' SLOW setting Points to consider when preparing food for
GB "Slow" cook is identified as 'S' on the oven "SLOW" cooking:
temperature scale. This is used for slow cooking, 1. Make sure that the dishes to be used will fit into
keeping food warm and warming plates for short the oven ensuring enough room for air to circulate.
periods. Extra care should be taken when warming 2. All dishes cooked on the slow setting will require a
bone china, as it may be damaged in a hot oven. minimum of 6 hours, however, if they are cooked
for 1-2 hours longer then deterioration in their
DO NOT place food or plates directly on the appearance may be noticed.
oven floor as this could damage both the oven 3. Never cook joints of meat over 2.7kg (6 lb) or poultry
lining and the plates which are being warmed. over 2.0kg (4 lb 8oz). We do not recommend that
joints of meat or poultry are stuffed before cooking
Advantages of "SLOW" cooking are: on the slow setting.
The oven stays cleaner because there is less 4. To seal in the meat juices, always cook meat or
splashing. poultry at 170°C for 30 minutes before wrapping in
Timing of food is not as critical, so there is less fear foil and placing on a rack over a meat tin (to allow
of overcooking. good air circulation) before turning the control to
Inexpensive joints of meat are tenderised. the slow setting and cooking immediately.
Fully loading the oven can be economical. 5. Always ensure that joints of pork and poultry are
Cooking times can be extended in some cases by thoroughly cooked by checking with a meat
up to 2 hours. thermometer before serving.
6. Always thaw frozen foods completely before
Operation: cooking. We do not recommend placing frozen food
1. Place the prepared food in the main oven and ensure in the oven to cook.
the door is fully closed. 7. Always bring soups, liquids and casseroles to the
2. Select 'S' (Slow Cooking Temperature) by turning boil before placing in the oven.
Main Oven Temperature Control clockwise ensuring 8. Ensure that casserole dishes have a good seal (not
the oven door is fully closed. airtight) and cover food first with foil and then the
lid to prevent loss of moisture.
Storage and re-heating of food: 9. Ensure that fruit and vegetables are cut into even
1. If food is to be frozen or not used immediately, sized small pieces to cook properly.
place it in a clean container and cool as soon as 10.Always adjust seasoning before serving.
possible. 11.If using dried red kidney beans it is important that
2. Always thaw frozen food completely in the the beans are soaked and then boiled for a minimum
refrigerator before re-heating. of 10 minutes before using in any dish to destroy
3. Always reheat food thoroughly and ensure it is piping any toxins.
hot before serving. 12.Egg and fish dishes need only 1-5 hours cooking
4. Only re-heat food once. and should be included in day cooking sessions,
where they can be checked from time to time.
Care and Cleaning
TURN OFF THE MAIN SWITCH AND ENSURE • always condition hob after cleaning by using 'Easy
THE COOKER IS COLD BEFORE CLEANING. Do Conditioner' or 'Hob Brite'. Apply a small amount GB
BEFORE SWITCHING ON AGAIN, ENSURE THAT of conditioner with a clean damp cloth or paper
ALL CONTROLS ARE IN THE OFF POSITION. towel. Rub vigorously. Remove excess with a clean
damp cloth or paper towel. Polish with a clean cloth
NEVER USE BIOLOGICAL or paper towel before the conditioner dries.
ABRASIVES, SCOURING Detergent residues must always be completely
PADS, AEROSOL removed with a clean wet cloth, (even if the
CLEANERS OR OVEN instructions for use suggest otherwise), as they can
CHEMICAL CLEANERS OF have an etching effect when reheated.
ANY KIND, UNLESS Then wipe dry.
To maintain hob in good condition, we would
! Never use steam cleaners or pressure cleaners recommend regular use of the 'Easy Do Powder
on the appliance. Cleanser'.
! Clean the glass part of the oven door using a sponge Sprinkle Powder Cleanser on a clean damp cloth or
and a non-abrasive cleaning product, then dry paper towel and rub vigorously for 3 to 4 minutes.
thoroughly with a soft cloth. Do not use rough abrasive Remove all residue with a clean damp cloth or paper
material or sharp metal scrapers as these could towel. Then use conditioner to protect the hob.
scratch the surface and cause the glass to crack.
For more stubborn marks, mix a small amount of the
! The accessories can be washed like everyday powder cleanser with 'Jif Lemon Juice' (from a
crockery (even in your dishwasher). bottle) and carefully spread over the affected area.
Cover with a damp paper towel and leave for a
Cleaning materials to avoid: minimum of 15 minutes. Rub vigorously. Remove
1. Plastic or nylon pads excess with a clean damp cloth or paper towel
2. Household abrasive powders and scourers. These before the conditioner dries. Polish with a clean cloth
may scratch the surface. or paper towel.
3. Oven chemical cleaners, aerosols and oven pads.
Caustic cleaners such as these will etch the surface Easy Do products are available from many electrical
and attack the metal frame. retailers and our Parts Department.
4. Bath and sink cleaners may mark the surface. Homecare 'Hob Brite' is available from leading
Refer to the instructions below for cleaning the 'Stay
Ceramic hotplates: clean' panels.
Clean your Ceramic hob top regularly and avoid
repeated burning of encrusted contamination. How "STAY CLEAN" works:
The surfaces of the 'Stay clean' oven liners are
Your choice of cleaner will depend on the degree of treated on the mottled face with a special vitreous
soiling involved (see below). enamel which absorbs cooking soils. At
temperatures of 220°C (425°F) or above, the special
• minor soiling, where the contamination has not surface enables these soils to be slowly destroyed.
burnt hard, can be wiped off with a clean wet cloth The higher the temperature the more effective it is.
• major soiling and strongly-adhering burnt In most cases normal cooking operations at this
encrustation can be quickly and easily removed temperature will permit this cleaning operation to
with a razor-blade scraper proceed during cooking. However if higher cooking
• hard water stains, grease spots and discoloration temperatures are not used regularly it may be
having a metallic sheen can be removed with 'Easy necessary in order to prevent heavy soiling, to run
Do Cleaner Powder' the oven without a meat pan at maximum setting for
a couple of hours.
Care and Cleaning
Take care during cleaning not to damage or distort Do not use aerosol cleaners on this oven as they
the door seals. Do not lift the door seal from the could adversely affect the fan motor unit, and cannot
oven chassis, if necessary remove the seal by be wiped off the fan blade.
carefully unhooking the corner clips.
Take care that the rating label edges are not lifted Replacement oven lamp:
during cleaning, and furthermore that the lettering is
not blurred or removed. WARNING: To avoid electric shocks - please
ensure that the electricity supply to the appliance
Control Panel: is switched off and the appliance is fully cold,
Wipe with a damp cloth and polish with a dry cloth. before removing the lamp lens.
Stainless trims: Open the oven door and remove the rod shelves.
Regularly wipe with a clean, damp cloth and polish Using a suitable cloth to protect the fingers grip the
with a clean dry cloth. light glass dome, unscrew anti-clockwise and lift.
Reach into the aperture and unscrew the lamp anti-
Grill Door: clockwise. Fit replacement lamp (25W 300°C rated
Wipe over the grill door decorative outer panel; with SES), refit dome.
a cloth wrung out in warm soapy water, then after
wiping with a cloth wrung out in clear water, dry with Wall-mounted splashpanel:
a soft clean cloth. A wall-mounted splashpanel is available as an
Do not use scouring pads or abrasive powder which optional extra from the Spare Parts Department. See
may scratch the surface. back cover for details.
Ensure that the glass panel is not subjected to any Care must be taken that rating label edges are not
sharp mechanical blows. lifted during cleaning and furthermore that the
lettering is not blurred or removed.
For details of your nearest Service Centre please see
the separate service leaflet. If you have any queries
regarding service or spares, our Spares and Service
Division will be pleased to advise.
See back cover for details.
Take particular care not to damage the inner
surface of the door inner glass that is coated with GB
a heat reflective layer. Do not use scouring pads,
or abrasive powder, which will scratch the glass.
Ensure that the glass panel is not subjected to
any sharp mechanical blows.
Stubborn stains can be removed by using a fine
steel wool pad. For slight soiling the inner glass
panel may be cleaned, while still warm, without
removing it from the door. After cleaning, rinse and
dry with a soft cloth.
Cooking Results Not
Problem Check
Fat splattering Ensure that the grill is not set to too high a setting.
Sinking of cakes
The following may cause cakes to sink:
1. Preheating of fan ovens.
Sinking of cakes 2. Cooking at too high a temperature.
3.Using normal creaming method with soft margarine.
(use the all-in-one method). 4. If using soft margarine
use the all-in-one method
Top Oven Baking: Ensure the cooking utensil is positioned centrally under
Uneven cooking front to back the grill element.
Ensure that the shelf is level (see above) and that the
Uneven rising of cakes
food is positioned centrally in the oven.
Something Wrong with your
Before contacting your nearest Service Centre/Installer, check the problem guide below; there may be
nothing wrong with your cooker. GB
Problem Check
Slight odour or
small amount of
smoke when grill / This is normal and should cease after a short period.
oven used for first
If you find that the timer display is blank, then it is likely that there is no electricity supply to
your oven. Check:
Nothing works (i) That the main cooker wall is switched on
(ii) Other appliances, to see if you have had a power cut
(iii) The main circuit breaker for the property
Operating the cooker under the following conditions may cause a safety device to operate:
Top Oven and Grill (a) Grilling with the door closed - Always grill with the door fully open
do not work... Main (b) Grilling for an excessively long period at maximum setting - see Grilling guide.
oven works Switch off appliance and allow to cool for approx 30 mins.
Switch the cooker back on and check that the Grill / Top oven is now operating.
Grill does not work Ensure that the top oven control is turned fully off.
Grill keeps turning When the Grill control is operating at less than its maximum setting, the Grill will cycle on
on and off and off, this is normal and not a fault.
The power supply to your oven has possibly been interrupted, but has now come back on
Timer is showing
again. Reset the timer to the correct time of day using the instructions given in the timer
section of the book.
Check temperature and shelf positions are as recommended in the Oven Temperature
Oven temperatures
too high or low
It may be necessary to increase or decrease the recommended temperature slightly to suit
your taste.
Oven does not
(a) Temperature and shelf positions are as recommended in the Oven Tempera tureCharts.
cook evenly
(b) Oven utensils being used allow sufficient air flow around them.
Something Wrong with your
GB Problem Check
The oven lamp is not covered by the guarantee. The part is easily changed (see the section
Oven lamp does
on oven lamp replacement). A new lamp may be obtained from our Parts department see
not work
Key Contacts, back page.
A gentle flow of air will be blown from beneath the control panel when the appliance is
Draught from
used. If the appliance is still warm, this cooling fan may run on, or restart itself when all
beneath control
controls have been turned off. The fan will stop once the appliance has been cooled. This
is normal and not a fault.
Condensation on Steam and / or condensation may appear from the vent at the rear of the appliance when
the wall at the rear using an oven particularly for foods with a high water content e.g. frozen chips, roast
of the cooker. chicken etc. This is normal, and any excess should be wiped off.
Steam is a by - product of cooking any food with a high water contact. To help minimise
Steam /
Condensation in
a) Try to avoid leaving food in the oven to cool after being cooked.
the oven after use.
b) Use a covered container, wherever possible.
If you have been through the above list and there is still a problem; Contact Service, see Key Contacts
(back cover).
Disposal of your product
To minimise the risk of injury to children please GB
dispose of your product carefully and safely.
Remove all doors and lids. Remove the mains cable
(where fitted) by cutting off flush with the appliance
and always ensure that no plug is left in a condition
where it could be connected to the electricity
To help the environment, Local Authority instructions
should be followed for the disposal of your product.
GB Guarantee
12 months Parts and Labour Guarantee
Your appliance has the benefit of our manufacturer's guarantee, which covers the cost of
breakdown repairs for twelve months from the date of purchase.
This gives you the reassurance that if, within that time, your appliance is proven to be
defective because of either workmanship or materials, we will, at our discretion, either repair
or replace the appliance at no cost to you.
Extended Guarantees
We offer a selection of protection plans that enable you to fully cover yourself against the expense
of repair bills for the life of your policy. To find the ideal plan for you please call our advice line on
08448 226 226 (ROI 01 230 0233)
After Sales Service GB
No one is better placed to care for your Hotpoint appliance during the course of its working
life than us - the manufacturer.
Model number
Serial number
Appliance Registration
We want to give you additional benefits of Hotpoint ownership. To activate your FREE 5 year
parts guarantee you must register your appliance with us.
UK 08448 24 24 24
Republic of Ireland: 01 230 0800
06/2009 - 195056013.04
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