JPP Paper Published
JPP Paper Published
JPP Paper Published
E-ISSN: 2278-4136
P-ISSN: 2349-8234 Protective effect of ENervin on diabetic
JPP 2020; 9(5): 1349-1352
Received: 15-07-2020 neuropathic condition in Schwann cells
Accepted: 22-02-2020
Diabetic Neuropathy (DN) is the damage to automatic, motor and/or sensory nerves that result
from metabolic or vascular derangement in patients with long standing Diabetes mellitus [1].
The relationships among Schwann cells, axons, and the perineurial barrier emphasize the key
role Schwann cells plays normal functions of the nerve. Schwann cells are responsible for
action potential velocity through insulation of axons, maintenance of axonal calibre, and
correct localization of Na+ channels; immunological and functional integrity of the nerve
through the perineurial blood-nerve-barrier; and effective nerve regeneration. In diabetic
neuropathy, many of these facets of nerve function are defective. The Schwann cells were
selected for experimental DN model, this may be due to the apparent localization of aldose
reductase enzyme in Schwann cells. Thus, measurements derived from whole nerve were
largely assumed to relate to Schwann cells [2]. Although increasing knowledge of the
complexity of the etiology of diabetic neuropathy has highlighted the need for in vitro studies,
much of this work has yet to be done. The present study attempts to find the role of ENervin
on Schwann cells in diabetic neuropathy condition. The most common form of neuropathy in
diabetes is known as distal symmetrical polyneuropathy: it can act on all types of neurons, but
affects those with longest axons first. Distally innervating neurons must maintain a larger
cellular volume (and hence higher metabolic efficiency) [3]. This also implies a greater
dependence on Schwann cells and target tissues for mechanical and neurotrophic support.
Therefore, these neurons are susceptible to defects in support cells [4]. Patients present with
numbness, tingling, and/or pain that typically started in their toes and slowly spreads
proximally. Painful diabetic neuropathy (PDN) is a debilitating consequence of diabetes that
may be present in as many as one in five patients with diabetes. The objective assessment of
PDN is difficult, making it challenging to diagnose and assess in both clinical practice and
clinical trials. No single treatment exists to prevent or reverse neuropathic changes or to
provide total pain relief [5].
There’s no cure for diabetic neuropathy, but studies showed that treatment can slow its
progression. Keeping your blood sugar levels within a healthy range is the best way to
decrease the likelihood of developing diabetic neuropathy or slow its progression. There is a
growing need for studies to evaluate the most potent drugs or combinations for the cure of DN
to improve the pain relief and quality of life. Herbal formulations are found to be very
Corresponding Author: effective to rejuvenate nervous system and in the management of diabetic neuropathy [6]. Thus,
Subashri Beulahpriyadarsini B the present study was conducted to find the protective effect of ENervin on diabetic
NRight Nutrition Private
Limited, Guindy, Tamil Nadu,
neuropathic conditions in Schwann cells.
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Journal of Pharmacognosy and Phytochemistry
Cell culture
Schwann cells (ATCC: CRL-2765) were purchased and
cultured in T75 flasks with DMEM (containing 4 mM 1-
glutamine, 1.5 g/L sodium bicarbonate, and 5.5 mM glucose),
supplemented with 100 U/ml penicillin, 100 mg/ml
streptomycin, and 10% fetal bovine serum in an incubator.
Schwann cells were cultured for 48 h under hyperglcemic
conditions with or without ENervin treatment and then
Fig 1: HPLC analysis of ENervin
collected for further analysis.
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The most recent studies have demonstrated that Schwann cells pathogenic process in DN. The vascular mechanism of the
regulate many aspects of axonal function, so that disruption of neuropathy involves impaired endoneurial blood flow to
their metabolism by diabetes results in the accumulation of peripheral nerves leading to the destruction of neuronal and
neurotoxic intermediates and compromises production of Schwann cells (SCs).
neuronal support factors, contributing to axonal degeneration, Actually the destructed Schwann cells in neuropathic
endothelial dysfunction and diabetic neuropathy. The earliest condition were reduced after ENervin treatment similar to that
descriptions of pathology in diabetic neuropathy indicated of standard control, which proves that ENervin formulation
that schwann cell neuropathy accompanied axonal showed a positive effect on injured nerve cells in DN patients
degeneration. . In this experiment, the schwann cells treated with
The majority of clinical and basic research in diabetic ENervin concentration at 10mM showed 35.6% glucose
neuropathy since then has focused on the effects on neurons. destructed nerve cells viability whereas the schwann cells
However, accumulating data from research into the cultured in glucose condition treated with pregabalin showed
development and regeneration of the PNS has identified 28.7% cell viability (Table 2, Figure 2).
Schwann cells as equally indispensable components that The diabetic injured schwann cells without treatment showed
maintain neuronal structure and function, nourish axons and 100% viability. Therefore ENervin showed 64.4% protection
promote survival and growth upon injury [10]. whereas pregabalin showed 71.3% against diabetic
Treatment which repairs nerves has yet to be found and neuropathy condition.
translated into clinical trials and eventually approved therapy
in clinical practice. Whilst a number of treatment options exist Table 2: The MTT assay results of Schwann cells treated with
and various guidelines and algorithms have been formulated, ENervin
none are satisfactory. Treatment Conc (mM) Cell viability (%)
Various symptomatic treatments have been proposed to SC untreated cells - 100.0 ± 8.4
manage neuropathic pain but few have been found to be SC + EN 1 74.1 ± 5.8
effective, with only three medications currently FDA SC + EN 2.5 60.8 ± 4.1
approved for DN [11]. The effect of ENervin on Schwann cells SC + EN 5.0 51.4 ± 4.5
(cell line for diabetic neuropathy research) was done in SC + EN 10.0 35.6 ± 2.7
comparison with the standard pharmacological drug SC + PG 1mg 28.7 ± 1.4
Pregabalin. Values are expressed as Mean ± SEM (n=3).SC-Schwann cells;
High glucose can induce oxidative stress and inflammatory SC+EN – Schwann cells +ENervin; SC+PG - Schwann cells +
responses to activate the Toll-like receptor 4 (TLR4)/nuclear Pregabalin, The IC50 of the ENervin test product against SC cells is
factor-κB (NF-KB) signal pathway, which plays an important
Fig 2: Effect of various concentration of ENervin on Schwann cells in comparison with pregabalin Results were expressed as Mean ± SEM
(n=3). *p< 0.05; **p< 0.01; ***p< 0.001 statistically significant as compared with SC untreated group.
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This polyherbal formulation showed a significant protection
against diabetic neuropathy condition and this effect was
comparable with that of Pregabalin. Therefore, further
preclinical and clinical studies required to support the ongoing
trial of ENervin on diabetic neuropathic patient.
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