Frick Compressor Oils: 160-802 SPC (MAR 2009)
Frick Compressor Oils: 160-802 SPC (MAR 2009)
Frick Compressor Oils: 160-802 SPC (MAR 2009)
Johnson Controls - Frick® has manufactured refrigeration compressors for all types of applications and refrigerants
since 1882. Continuous research backed by years of experience has resulted in Frick oils that meet the demands of all
refrigeration and gas compression applications. We offer a wide range of oils that address your specific compressor
lubrication and budget requirements. Our rigid specifications ensure that all Frick oils are produced to the highest
quality standards for premium performance and durability.
Johnson Controls - Frick® offers superior performance lubricants to match your application. Synthetic oils offer
superior breakdown characteristics, better lubricity, extended viscosities, and reduced oil change intervals.
By maintaining these high standards of quality and product excellence, Frick® oils have won approval of the entire
refrigeration industry. Since few end users have the resources to analyze the contents of oil and test their durability,
it is good engineering practice to use oil which is backed by the experience of the leading refrigeration equipment
#3 Excellent medium/heavy weight hydrogenated #11 This premium synthetic lubricant is custom
mineral based oil for ammonia refrigerant. Frick blended with additives for oxidation inhibition,
#3 oil has proven it’s versatility in thousands corrosion protection, defoaming, and antiwear.
of reciprocating and screw compressor #11 oil is highly refined to be totally wax
applications worldwide over the past 30 years. free with an extremely low pour point which
#3 oil is specially formulated with base oil and makes it especially suited for ammonia, low
additives to meet our specifications. #3 oil temperature refrigeration applications. #11
offers greater thermal stability than napthenic oil does not require warming of the system
products and better lubricity and viscosity in low side for oil return above -80°F. #11 oil’s
ammonia applications. #3 oil is a cost-effective high thermal stability resists breakdown and
alternative to most ammonia refrigerant extends service intervals. Recommended for
applications. Recommended evaporator evaporator temperatures of -80°F and above.
temperatures are -50°F and above. Frick #11 is registered as an (H1) lubricant
suitable for incidental contact in and around
#4 High quality, heavyweight, mineral base,
food processing areas.
hydrogenated oil for ammonia applications.
Frick #4 oil is formulated with additives to meet #11ST Similar to Frick® #11 but with additional seal
our specifications. #4 oil is especially well suited treating properties. Frick® #11ST is a custom
for large, low speed reciprocating compressors. blended Polyalphaolefin synthetic hydrocarbon
fluid. #11ST is blended to condition O-rings in
#9 Premium semisynthetic hydro-treated oil
ammonia systems transitioning from napthenic
designed for ammonia applications. Frick® #9
oils to higher quality oils such as Frick® #3,
oil provides high thermal stability for improved
#9, #11. This product is also compatible with
breakdown characteristics and extended
mineral oils and equipment designed for mineral
service intervals. #9 oil is less volatile and less
oils. #11 helps extend the life of elastomers and
soluble in ammonia resulting in decreased oil
reduce leaks.
foaming for better compressor lubrication and
lower oil carryover from the oil separator. This #19 A high quality custom blended Polyalphaolefin
oil’s higher viscosity results in less bearing (PAO) synthetic hydrocarbon fluid which
wear than pure mineral based napthenic oils. provides enhanced lubrication at both high and
Recommended evaporator temperatures are low temperatures, reduced volatility, chemical
-50°F and above. Frick® #9 is registered as a inertness, and compatibility with mineral oils.
lubricant where there is no possibility of food
#20 A high quality blended hydrocarbon fluid. This
contact (H2) in and around food processing
product has good chemical inertness, hydrolytic
stability, and compatibility with mineral oil and
#9ST Similar to Frick® #9 but with additional seal mineral oil equipment. Frick® #20 offers an
treating properties. Frick® #9ST is specially alternative to traditional synthetic lubricants
blended to condition O-rings in ammonia for low temperature properties.
systems changing from napthenic oils to higher
quality paraffinic oils. #9ST helps extend the life
of elastomers and reduce leaks.
#10 Premium quality oil for ammonia refrigeration
systems utilizing direct expansion (DX)
evaporators and rotary screw compressors.
Frick® #10 oil is an ammonia soluble oil which
will mix with ammonia within the refrigeration
system and return to the compressor via the
system suction line. In addition to it’s solubility
with ammonia, #10 oil offers superior lubricity
and foaming characteristics when compared
to PAG oils. Recommended for evaporator
temperatures -20°F and above. Consult factory
for application assistance before use in a new
Frick® ester-based synthetic lubricants are especially #13 Premium quality ester-based synthetic oil.
suited for HFC refrigerants, R-134A, R-507, R-404 and Frick ® #13 oil is recommended for HFC
the new refrigerant blends. Frick® synthetic oils are refrigerant.
custom blended with additives for oxidation inhibition, #13b Premium quality ester-based synthetic oil.
corrosion protection, defoaming, and antiwear. Frick ® #13b oil is recommended for HFC
Synthetic oils have extremely low pour points. The low refrigerant applications where higher viscosity
pour point makes it specially suited for low temperature is required. Particularly suited with variable
refrigeration applications. Frick® synthetic oil's high speed drives, high evap temperatures, and high
thermal stability resists breakdown and extends service refrigerant dilution of the oil.
intervals. Consult factory for application assistance.
OIL @ 40 (104) @ 100 (212) 100°F MAX MAX TEMP. °F @ 60°F
#2A 62 6.9 338 -35 370 300 7.5
#3 70 9.1 365 -22 465 350 7.2
#4 102.2 10.4 541 -25 514 350 7.3
#5 30.2 4.4 159 -50 350 300 7.4
#6 32–34 4.5 150 -35 310 300 7.3
#7 56 5.9 298 -31 355 300 7.2
#9 62.9 8.5 327 -38 440 350 7.4
#9ST 67 9.2 348 -36 465 350 7.5
#10 98.5 11.9 515 -26 456 350 8.3
#11 48 7.9 241 <-76 514 350 6.9
#11ST 45.3 7.5 233 -60 485 350 6.9
#12 153 23.5 785 -30 500 350 8.3
#12b 92.3 18.6 466 -40 500 350 8.3
#13 64 8.9 332 -45 511 350 8.0
#14 68.5 10.4 353 -60 519 350 7.0
#18 98.3 14.0 508 -60 480 350 7.0
#19 68.5 10.4 353 -60 480 350 7.0
#20 64.3 8.8 334 -49 465 350 7.0
#2A HALOCARBONS -50°+ — 111Q0550019 111Q0550020 333Q0001866
#3 R-717 -50°+ 333Q0001842 111Q0550001 111Q0550010 333Q0001861
#4 R-717 -50°+ — — 111Q0550005 —
#5 HALOCARBONS -50°+ — — 111Q0550009 —
#6 HALOCARBONS -70°+ — 333Q0000940 333Q0000941 —
#7 HALOCARBONS -70°+ — 111Q0550024 111Q0550025 —
#9 R-717 -50°+ — 333Q0000850 333Q0000849 333Q0001862
#9ST R-717 -50°+ — 333Q0001905 333Q0001904 —
#10 R-717 -20°+ 333Q0000741 333Q0000740 333Q0000739 —
#11 R-717 -80°+ — 333Q0000852 333Q0000851 333Q0001863
#11ST R-717 -80°+ — 333Q0001907 333Q0001906 —
#12 HYDROCARBONS N/A 333Q0001140 333Q0001141 333Q0001142 —
#12B HYDROCARBONS N/A — 333Q0001883 333Q0001884 —
#13 HFC N/A 333Q0000511 333Q0001253 333Q0001254 —
#13B HFC N/A 333A0001939 333Q0001938 333Q0001937 —
#14 CO2 N/A 333Q0001143 333Q0001144 333Q0001145 —
#18 LANDFILL GAS N/A — — 333Q0001892 —
#19 R-717 N/A — 333Q0001900 333Q0001899 —
#20 R-717 N/A — 333Q0001902 333Q0001903 —
OIL ANALYSIS KIT - 333Q0001853 SHIPPING WEIGHT: 8 lbs 40 lbs 466 lbs 2720+ lbs
(1) For specific application questions, consult factory.
(2) For gases and refrigerants not listed, consult factory.
(3) Reusable Drain Valve for Tote - 333Q0001865.
DO NOT MIX OILS of different brands,
Frick® oils are compatible with the standard materials WARNING manufacturers, or types. Mixing of oils
utilized in refrigeration systems. Changing from one type of
oil to another on equipment which has operated in the field may cause excessive oil foaming, nuisance oil level cut-
may cause shrinkage of elastomers and could cause leaks. outs, oil pressure loss, gas or oil leakage and catastrophic
Replacement of leaking elastomers is required if this occurs. compressor failure.
Consult factory for details.
MATERIAL SAFETY DATA SHEETS NOTE: The Frick® oil charge shipped with the unit is the
Material Safety Data Sheets (MSDS) are available from best suited lubricant for the conditions specified at the
Baltimore Parts Center, phone 800-336-7264. time of purchase.