Application of The Astronomical Triangle

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The key takeaways are the description and application of the astronomical triangle, the apparent motion of the sun in the ecliptic, and problems related to longest and shortest days.

The three main projections used in drawing figures of the celestial sphere are the equinoctial system of coordinates, horizon system of coordinates and the terrestrial coordinates.

In the equinoctial system, the North and South poles of the earth are projected in intersecting the celestial sphere, the equator projected the celestial sphere and it becomes the Equinoctial. The latitude parallels projected and it becomes the diurnal circles, the meridians projected and it becomes the celestial meridians, the declination of the body is measured angularly from the equinoctial to either north or south and also the polar distance is known. In the Horizon System of celestial coordinates, the celestial horizon, the prime vertical and the observer’s meridian are formed. The altitude of a body is found by measuring from the celestial horizon to a certain angle called the altitude with its compliment from the body to the zenith is the Zenith Distance.


Description of Astronomical Triangle

The two meridians and the vertical circle shown in figure intersects each other and form
spherical triangle. The three vertexes of this triangle are at the ELEVATED POLE, the
ZENITH, and the observed HEAVENLY BODY.

From an inspection of the diagram, it can be seen that the three sides of the astronomical
triangle are:
PZ - the co-latitude or 90 – Latitude
PX - the polar distance or 90 – Declination ( co-decl.)
ZX - the co-altitude or 90 – Altitude
Angle: P - is the LHA or meridian angle (t)
Z - is azimuth
X - the celestial body


1. In every problem where heavenly body X is at the horizon, ZX is 90 degrees.

2. To find the time of sunrise at a given place, find the hour angle ZPX. (12h 00m
minus P in hours = sunrise)
3. The time of sunset is found as in No. 2 procedure then ( 12h 00m plus the P in
4. Angle ZPX multiplied by 2 gives the length of the day.
5. To find the bearing of the body X, find azimuth PZX.
6. To find the declination, find the polar distance of the body PX. This distance is
then subtracted from 90 degrees.
7. To find the altitude of the body, solve for the zenith distance ZX, then subtracted
it from 90 degrees.
8. To find the latitude of the place, look for PZ, this side is then subtracted from 90
9. The longest day is experiences when the sun is at its maximum north declination
(N23°27’) or PX is 66°33’.
10. Shortest day in any place in northern hemisphere is attained when the sun is at its
maximum south declination or when the PX is 113°27’.


The earth really revolves about the sun once in a year in an orbit. As a result of the
earth’s revolution the sun appears to revolve about the earth on an apparent path called
the ECLIPTIC. The plane of the ecliptic is inclined to the plane of the equinoctial (or
celestial equator) at an angle of about 23°27’. The ecliptic and the equinoctial being great
circles of the celestial sphere intersects at two points and bisect each other. These are
called the EQUINOCTIAL POINTS. (See Equinoxes)

1. VERNAL EQUINOXES – The point where the sun in its apparent annual journey
crosses the equinoctial when moving from south to north. This is also called the
FIRST POINT OF ARIES (Y). The sun arrives at this point on or about March 21
each year.

2. AUTUMNAL EQUINOX – The point where the sun appears to cross the
equinoctial when moving from north to south, 180° from the vernal equinox. It
occurs on or about September 23 each year.

3. SUMMER SOLSTICE – The point in the ecliptic at which sun reaches its
maximum northerly declination on or about June 21 each year.
4. WINTER SOLSTICE – On or about December 21 the sun reaches its maximum
southerly declination. Southern hemisphere receives maximum sunlight. It marks
winter in the northern hemisphere.


1. The Longest day at any place in the northern hemisphere is attained when the sun
is at its maximum North declination of 23°27’ North or PX = 66°33’
2. The Shortest day at any place in the northern hemisphere is attained when the sun
is at its maximum South declination that is PX = 113°27’
3. Length of the day – means the number of hours from the time the sun is at the
horizon in the morning up to the time it is at the horizon in the afternoon.
4. Example: In what latitude is the longest day 5 hours longer than the shortest day?
(Hint: The shortest day must be of same as the shortest night, and of course, the
longest day and the shortest night equals 24 hours).

Solution: Let X = length of shortest night

X + 5 = length of longest day
Required to find the Latitude:
X + X + 5 = 24
2X= 24 – 5
2X= 19
X = 19/2 = 9h 30m, length of shortest night

Shortest day occur when declination of the sun is 23°27’S or when PX = 113°27’

24h 00m P = ½ of 14h 30m

_-9h 30m P = 7h 15 or 108°45’
14h 30m = length of day _180
Use P = 71°15’
Sin co-P = Tan co-PZ Tan co-PX
Cos P = Cot PZ Cot PX
_Cos P = _Cot PZ Cot PX
Cot PX Cot PX
Nat Cot PZ = Nat Cos P Nat Tan PX

Nat Cot PZ = Nat Cos 71°15’ Nat Tan 66°33’

Nat Cot PZ = 0.32144 x 2.30534 = 0.74103
PZ = 53°27’37.6”
Altitude = 36°32’22.4”

Q. Find the time of sunrise at Manila on December 21 when the declination of the sun is

A. Given Latitude of Manila 14°36’N, Declination of the Sun 23°27’S, ZX = 90° (at
theoretical sunrise or sunset)


90° 90°
-L 14°36’ N +d 23°27’ S
PZ= 75°24’ PX = 113°27’

Sin co-P = Tan co-PZ Tan co-PX

Cos P = Cot PZ Cot PX

Cos P = Nat Cot 75°24’ Nat Cot 113°27’ (Subtract from 180° = 66°33’)

Nat Cos P = 0.26048 x 0.43378

Nat Cos P = 0.11299

P = 83°30’44.2” E or
P = 5h 34m 02.9s

12h 00m 00.0s

-5h 34m 02.9s
Time of sunrise = 6h 25m 51.1s A.M.
Q. Define the following:

A. Navigation – is an art and science of conducting a ship from one point to another at
the most shortest possible time and at the most safest route.

Latitude – is an angular distance measured from the equator to either North or South
and is determined thru the longitude where it passes.

Longitude – is an angular distance measured from the prime meridian to either East or
West and is determined thru the latitude where it passes.

Magnetic Bearing – is a bearing after deviation is applied to the compass bearing.

Deviation – is an error due to the magnetic attraction of the surrounding irons to the
magnetic needle of the compass.

Declination – is an angular distance measured from the equinoctial to either North or

South and is measured thru the hour circle passing thru the body

Knot – is a unit of speed of the ship per hour.

Set of the Current – means the direction where the current is heading

Magnetic Course – is the course after the deviation is applied to the Compass course

Leeway – is an allowance applied to the heading of the vessel for her to arrive at its
desired point of destination after the effect of current or wind.

Sextant – is an instrument used to take the vertical angle of a heavenly body above
the visible horizon and the horizontal angle of visible objects.

Refraction – is a slight error due to the bending rays of the sun.

Parallax – is a slight error due to the density of the atmosphere.

Distance of visibility of a lighthouse – means the distance the lighthouse could be

visible to a naked eye in a dark night with a clear atmosphere.

Local Mean Time (LMT) – is the time in a particular longitude.

Zone time – is the time within the 15° zone belt.

Visible Horizon – is that line that we can see with our naked eye separating the sky
and the sea.
Sensible Horizon or True Horizon – It is a circle the plane of which passes the eye of
the observer.

Geo-idal Horizon – It is a circle whose plane passes through the point on the geoid
below the observer, tangent to the earth’s surface.

Dead Reckoning – Is the computation of an estimated position on the basis of her

speed, time interval and distance sailed.

Meridian – is a great circle converging towards the poles and is running perpendicular
to the equator.

Q. Discuss the relation between the earth’s orbit and the ecliptic?

A. The earth revolves around its orbit while ecliptic is the sun showing its apparent
motion around the earth.

Q. Explain under what conditions of right ascension and declination are necessary to
cause an eclipse of the sun and the moon?

A. The declination of the moon with the sun is small during new moon, but its right
ascension will be about 12 hours different when they are at opposition.

Q. Explain why is it that the right ascension of the sun always increases while the right
ascension of Venus sometimes increases and sometimes decreases?

A. The right ascension of the sun always increase, because of their positions when at
farthest when they are at opposition then the right ascension increases to its

The right ascension of Venus sometimes increases and sometimes decreases, because
of the nearness of Venus to moon.

Q. Explain briefly the precession of the equinoxes?

A. Precession of the equinoxes is due to the pole of the equinoctial describing a small
circle round the pole of the ecliptic which is fixed in space. This causes the Point of
Aries to move slowly westward along the ecliptic at the rate of about 50” in a year,
this quantity being known as the precession.
Q. What is the value of a simple line in position?

A. A simple line of position can estimates the position of a ship in both terrestrial and
celestial navigation because it is within the line that the ship is somewhere situated.

Q. To correct an altitude of the sun what are the following corrections to be applied?

A. The following corrections to be applied are the index error, either on or off the arc,
height of eye converted to dip and the mean corrections which constitutes the semi-
diameter, refraction and parallax.

Q. What are the corrections to be applied to correct an altitude of a star or planet?

A. For the star and planets the following corrections are the index error, the dip
converted from the height of eye in feet and the apparent altitude corrections. An
additional corrections is applied to planets like Venus and Mars.

Q. What are the corrections to be applied to correct the moon’s alt?

A. The following corrections are the index mirror, the dip from a converted height of eye
in feet, correction for the apparent altitude of the moon and to find out the horizontal
parallax depending upon the GMT for either lower or upper limb of the sun.
Additional correction of 30’ to be subtracted if the upper limb is taken.

Q. What do you understand by lines of position?

A. Lines of position is a line drawn perpendicular to the azimuth of the body depending
on its computed point and it is in this line where the vessel is approximately situated.
Not unless when another line of position intersects the other line of position, the
intersection then becomes the ship’s position.

Q. How is the position of a heavenly body relative to the observed found at any instant?

A. At any instant when a particular heavenly body is observed by an observer, its

altitude and azimuth are immediately computed, thus the relation exists.

Q. When the observer is on the equator, what will be the apparent motion of all celestial
bodies observed?

A. They will appear circumpolar and that is the equinoctial or horizon.

Q. What does the inscription 7 x 50 Field usually engraved in binoculars signify?

A. It is the power of the binocular to magnify object 50 times.

Q. What is the difference between a sensible horizon and geo-idal horizon?

A. A sensible or true horizon is that line tangent to the surface of the earth while geo-idal
horizon is that portion of the sea where the water is mixed with fresh and salt.

Q. What is easily obtainable in the following cases?

1. Line of position is parallel to course

2. Altitude of body is 090°

Q. What is meant by geographical position of a celestial body and how is her position

A. By geographical position of celestial bodies, that it must have a latitude and longitude
in the globe

The longitudes can be found by knowing first the meridian angle of the body and for
latitudes to be found, the declination of the body must be known.

Q. The four planets used in navigation according to their brightest are Mars, Venus,
Jupiter and Saturn. Where can you find their relative brightness or magnitude?

A. In the Nautical Almanac

Q. What is the difference between a planet and a star?

A. Stars, twinkle while planets do not.

Q. Does the heeling magnet once adjusted require a change as the vessel sails from one
magnetic latitude to another?

A. No. It does not require any adjustment.

Q. Why is twilight important to marine navigator?

A. It is important because it is during such period when observation in stars would be


Q. Why does twilight last longer in higher latitude?

A. Because of the declination of the sun.

Q. What causes the seasons?

A. It is due to the apparent motion of the sun around the earth for a period where the
declination of the sun is the main factor.

Q. What is the difference between a celestial meridian and an hour angle?

A. A celestial meridian is the projection of the meridian of the earth that converges
towards the north and south celestial poles while an hour angle is an angular distance
from certain meridian westerly to the hour circle passing thru the body.

Q. Why is the subject of time of importance to the navigator?

A. To keep up with the correct local mean time with a ship’s position obtained, to know
the correct Greenwich Mean Time, to compute correctly the estimated time of arrivals
and to adjust the correct time whenever crossing longitudes.

Q. What is the difference between local hour angle and meridian angle?

A. Local hour angle is measured from the observer’s meridian westerly to the hour circle
passing thru the body, while meridian angle is an angle between the observer’s
meridian and the hour circle passing thru the body. The meridian angle is named east
when the body lies to the right of the observer’s meridian and west when on the left
of the observer’s meridian.

Q. What is meant by the terms “morning star” and “evening star”?

A. Morning stars are stars appearing in the heavens during morning twilight while
evening stars are stars appearing during evening twilight.
Q. When is Venus the brightest?

A. When Venus is nearest the sun.

Q. In the spherical triangle A, B, C given the three sides a, b, and c. Write down the
formula for finding each of the angles.

A. For Angle A: Hav A = hav BC – hav (AC-AB) csc AC csc AB

For Angle B: Hav B = hav AC – hav (AB-BC) csc AB csc BC

Q. What is meant by circle of position?

A. Circle of position means when a line is plotted on a center of a circle and another
circle is drawn adjacent to the former circle, that line drawn to the center of another
circle will give an intersection, thus called the circle position.

Q. What information required in order to plot a position line on a chart?

A. In order to plot a line of position on a chart, the intercept should be known whether
the computed point is towards or away from the body, the basis of which is from the
DR position.

Q. What is a position line?

A. A position line is a line where the vessel is situated for its approximate position.

Q. Name the three methods of determining a position line?

A. 1. By the azimuth of a heavenly body with a computed intercept gives the line of
position drawn perpendicularly

2. By taking the true bearing of two lines of position and its intersection is the ship’s

3. By taking a single bearing on a single object, the bearing is a line of position and
that the vessel is situated somewhere along that line.
Q. What is meant by the magnitude of a star and where do you find it?

A. Magnitude of a star means her brightness as indicated by a scale of stellar

magnitudes. These could be found in the American Ephameria and the Nautical

Q. In some years the maximum declination of the moon is greater than that of the sun
and in some years it is less. Why?

A. Because of the position of the moon regards to the sun. since the moon revolves
around the sun, in its annual revolution, there occurs a maximum and minimum

Q. Why does the same side of the moon always face the earth?

A. Because it is the earth that rotates around the moon.

Q. Why can a meridian altitude of Venus never be observed in any latitude about

A. Because Venus appears only early in the morning and early in the evening.

Q. What are the three main projections used in drawing figures of the celestial sphere?

A. They are the equinoctial system of coordinates, horizon system of coordinates and the
terrestrial coordinates.

Q. Compare each projection.

A. In the equinoctial system, the North and South poles of the earth are projected in
intersecting the celestial sphere, the equator projected the celestial sphere and it
becomes the Equinoctial. The latitude parallels projected and it becomes the diurnal
circles, the meridians projected and it becomes the celestial meridians, the declination
of the body is measured angularly from the equinoctial to either north or south and
also the polar distance is known.

In the Horizon System of celestial coordinates, the celestial horizon, the prime
vertical and the observer’s meridian are formed. The altitude of a body is found by
measuring from the celestial horizon to a certain angle called the altitude with its
compliment from the body to the zenith is the Zenith Distance.
The azimuth and azimuth angle is found. Azimuth is measured angularly from the
observer’s meridian to the vertical circle passing thru the body, while azimuth angle
is measured from N or S to either E or W.

On the terrestrial coordinates, we have the equator, the prime meridian where we
could measure the latitude and the longitude.

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