Fire hydrants must be installed according to county code and design standards. They must provide a minimum flow of 1,000 gpm and be equipped with specific threaded connections. Hydrant bonnets, caps, and barrels are to be painted distinctive colors to indicate water flow capacity. Hydrants must be spaced appropriately along streets and near buildings to provide adequate fire protection based on calculated fire flow needs. Physical protection of hydrants from vehicles is also required.
Fire hydrants must be installed according to county code and design standards. They must provide a minimum flow of 1,000 gpm and be equipped with specific threaded connections. Hydrant bonnets, caps, and barrels are to be painted distinctive colors to indicate water flow capacity. Hydrants must be spaced appropriately along streets and near buildings to provide adequate fire protection based on calculated fire flow needs. Physical protection of hydrants from vehicles is also required.
Fire hydrants must be installed according to county code and design standards. They must provide a minimum flow of 1,000 gpm and be equipped with specific threaded connections. Hydrant bonnets, caps, and barrels are to be painted distinctive colors to indicate water flow capacity. Hydrants must be spaced appropriately along streets and near buildings to provide adequate fire protection based on calculated fire flow needs. Physical protection of hydrants from vehicles is also required.
Fire hydrants must be installed according to county code and design standards. They must provide a minimum flow of 1,000 gpm and be equipped with specific threaded connections. Hydrant bonnets, caps, and barrels are to be painted distinctive colors to indicate water flow capacity. Hydrants must be spaced appropriately along streets and near buildings to provide adequate fire protection based on calculated fire flow needs. Physical protection of hydrants from vehicles is also required.
with requirements of the Rockingham County Fire hydrants shall be painted in the following Fire Prevention code and this design standard. manner: Any reference to distance shall be measured along an approved path of travel for fire 1 Hydrant bonnet and caps shall be color coded to apparatus operating at the site. an approved path indicate hydrant flow (DeVoe’s safety paint or of travel for the laying of hose lines shall not be equivalent *) across a four-lane roadway. In order to receive A Rate capacity of 1,500 gpm or greater: credit for existing hydrant they must be light blue (# 58108) brought into compliance with this standard B Rated capacity of 1,000 to 1,499 gpm: green (#58111) General Requirements C Rated capacity of 500 to 999 gpm: orange (# 58172) Fire hydrants shall be equipped with one 4 1/2 D Rated capacity less than 500 gpm: inch and two 2 1/2 inch connections. All red (#58106) threads shall be NST. 2 Hydrant barrels shall be painted silver. The minimum size water line used for fire 3 Hydrants shall be marked with a reflective protection to properties zoned agricultural or collar, located below the bonnet, and above the single family residential shall be 6 inches in connections. Collar shall be of a type approved size. The minimum size water line used for by the Fire Marshal’s Office. fire protection in all other areas shall be 8 4 Hydrants installed on a private fire main, inches in size. supported by a fire pump shall have the above The minimum sized fire service lines above color scheme reversed. (i.e. barrel color shall shall be looped to provide feed from at least indicate the available water flow, caps, and two directions. bonnet shall be painted silver. Not more than one fire hydrant shall be installed on a 6 inch dead line. * Chip numbers for DeVoe paint are listed above. Dead end lines shall not contain more than 600 feet of the minimum sized line. All new hydrants installed shall be designed to Physical protection. Where fire hydrants are subject to impact by a motor vehicle, guard Hydrant Spacing Along Streets provide a minimum flow of 1,000 gpm. No fire hydrant shall be placed closer than 50 posts or other approved means, (See Fig. feet from the face or overhang of any building 508.5.6) A fire hydrant shall be installed at each to be protected. Guard Posts shall comply with all of the intersection A 3 foot clear space shall be maintained following requirements In residential areas intermediate hydrants shall be around the circumference of fire hydrants. 1 Constructed of steel not less than 4 inches (102 provided between intersection so that the distance All new fire hydrants shall be flow tested in mm) in diameter and concrete filled. between hydrants does not exceed 600 feet accordance with American Water Works 2 Spaced not more than 4 feet (1219 mm) In business, industrial or commercial areas Association, manual 17, Chapter 6. Test between posts on center intermediate hydrants shall be provided between results shall be provided to this office. 3 Set not less than 3 feet (914 mm) deep in a intersections so that the distance between hydrants Clear space around hydrants. A 3-foot clear concrete footing of not less than a 15-inch (381 does not exceed 300 feet space shall be maintained around the mm) diameter. When possible these intermediate hydrants shall circumference of fire hydrants except as 4 Set with the top of the posts not less than 3 feet be installed along a lot separation line otherwise required or approved. (See Fig. (914 mm) above ground. 508.5.5) 5 Located not less than 3 feet (914 mm) from the protected object. Site Fire Hydrants Fire flow shall be calculated for each struc- ture using ISO’s Needed Fire Flow formula. Fire hydrants shall be provided to meet the Structures protected by automatic sprinkler systems, or equipped with a fire department standpipe shall have a dedicated fire hydrant Standard for calculated fire flow. Fire flow credit will be at the following rate: for the fire department connection located within 50 feet of the fire department connection. This fire hydrant shall be located Installation of 1000 GPM maximum credit for hy- drants within 300 feet of structure 670 GPM maximum credit for hydrants along a fire access road or fire lane. this dedicated hydrant is not credited towards meeting the fire flow requirement Fire Hydrants 301 to 600 feet of structure 250 GPM maximum credit for hydrants Where fire hydrants are subject to impact, 601 to 1000 feet of structure guard posts or other approved means of No credit toward required fire flow shall protection shall be provided be given for hydrants greater than 1000 feet form the structure. When evaluating Posts, fences, trash, storage, dumpsters, existing hydrants to meet fire flow re- landscaping and other materials or objects shall quirements, no credit will be given for not be placed or kept near fire hydrants, fire any hydrant with a flow of 500 gpm or department inlet connections, fire department less connections or fire protection system control valves in a manner that would prevent such Fire hydrants shall be provided to within 300 equipment from being immediately discernible feet of all portions of the facility or building or that would prevent immediate access by the as measured along an approved route around fire department the exterior of the facility or building
No fire hydrant shall be placed closer than 50
feet from he face or overhang of any building to be protected
Where feasible, fire hydrants shall be located
on the building side of roadways, streets, fire access roads or fire lanes
When determining the location of hydrants in
close proximity to the building, consideration Rockingham County should be given to placing the hydrants out- side the building’s collapse zone. Department of Fire Fire hydrants located in parking areas shall be installed in an island to ensure quick and easy access for fire apparatus attempting to utilize Rockingham County Department of Fire and Rescue 20 East Gay Street & Rescue the hydrant Harrisonburg, Virginia 22802 (P) 540-564-3175 (F) 540-564-1823 (540) 564-3175