47 - Hand Blasting THA-AHA

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DN Tanks

Task/Activity Hazard Analysis (THA/AHA)

Task/Activity Name: Hand Blasting Task/Activity Number: 47 Dept. Prestressing
Revision #: 1 Revision Date: 12/21/2016
Project Name: Overall Risk Assessment Code (RAC) (Use highest code)
Project Location: Risk Assessment Code (RAC) Matrix
Project Number: Probability
Contract Number: Severity
Frequent Likely Occasional Seldom Unlikely
Catastrophic E E H H M
Date Prepared: 12/7/2015
Critical E H H M L
Prepared by: Rodney McNabb
Marginal H M M L L
Date Reviewed: 12/21/2016
Negligible M L L L L
Reviewed by: Dan Wallace
Step1: Review each "Hazard" with identified safety "Controls" and determine RAC (See above)

Project Manager: "Probability" likelihood to cause an incident, near miss, or accident and
RAC Chart
Superintendent: Identified as: Frequent, Likely, Occasional, Seldom or Unlikely.
Foreman: "Severity" is the outcome/degree if an incident, near miss, or accident did E = Extremely High Risk

occur and identified as: Catastrophic, Critical, Marginal, or Negligible H = High Risk

Step 2: Identify the RAC (Probability Severity) as E, H, M, or L for each M = Moderate Risk
Concrete demolition/preparation using high
Description of Work:
pressure water "Hazard" on THA/AHA. Annotate the overall highest RAC at the top of THA/AHA L = Low Risk

Competent/Qualified Person Required for Programs Below*

Hearing Protection, Fall Protection, PPE, Heat *Must attach Training Documents if Required
APSP Programs:
Illness Prevention, Task/Activity Qualified
Y ☒ N ☐ Name:
Hard Hat, Safety Glasses, High Viz. Garment, Respiratory Protection: Y ☐ N ☒ Name:
Steel/Safety Toe Work Boots, Leather Gloves,
PPE Required:
Metatarso Guard, Steel shin protector, Rain gear, Confined Space: Y ☐ N ☒ Name:
Face Shield,
Diesel, Gas, Motor Oil, Hydraulic Oil, ABC Fire Fall Protection: Y  N ☒ Name:
Chemicals/SDS Used:
Extinguisher, Coolant fluid Forklift Certification: Y  N ☒ Name:

First Aid/CPR Hydroblasting Y ☒ N ☐ Name:

Certified Employees: Y  N ☐ Name:

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DN Tanks
Task/Activity Hazard Analysis (THA/AHA)

Task/Activity Name: Hand blasting Task/Activity Number: 47 Dept. Prestressing

List TASK/ACTIVITY Process in sequence
to be performed: REGULATION
*This list is separate from the hazard list and the NUMBER
orders do not correlate
1. Inspect Work area  Hearing Protection, minimum of earmuffs and foam earplugs must
2. Inspect Waterblaster (Must be be worn while performing this operation
Noise M
depressurized, turned off, and key in  Any person within 50’ (15.24m) of this operation will be required
pocket) to wear the above Hearing Protection
3. Inspect Waterblaster gun  PPE-rubber gloves, goggles, face shield, rain gear, steel toe
4. Inspect High Pressure Hose boots, shin protectors, hard hat, barricades(yellow caution tape)
5. Erect barricades area must be large enough to prevent someone from getting
6. Layout Equipment within 25 feet (7.62m) of gun operator in any direction
7. Wear required PPE  Training must include demonstration of damage high pressure
8. Insert key and turn on equipment water can do to soft materials using wood, ham, rubber or
9. Test Equipment something similar
10. Demolition of Concrete Surface  Equipment must be inspected (using checklist) each day before
11. Depressurize equipment use
12. Remove key and place in pocket Pressurized
 Two people must be involved, one operates the pump and the M
13. Disassemble and roll up equipment Lines
other does the demolition work
 Person operating water blast gun must be able to communicate
with person operating high pressure pump using hand signals
previously agreed on for the following operations, increase
water pressure, decrease water pressure, turn off water
pressure, start water pressure and turn off engine
 The system must be turned off, key placed in operators pocket,
and depressurized before inspection, assembly, tightening lines,
disassembly, or fixing any part
Microbial  Training – the risk of dangerous infection is very high from water M
Infection from blasting injuries
Water blast  Operator must never allow the gun tip to face a person at anytime
injury  The person operating the water blasting gun, the person operating
the pump unit and the site superintendent must each have a
“important medical information” card (wallet size with orange

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DN Tanks
Task/Activity Hazard Analysis (THA/AHA)
band on top) on their person while on the jobsite
 In the event of an injury this card must be given to the treating
physician as soon as possible
 Face shield and safety glasses must be used
 ¾’ plywood shield (independently secured about ground to chest
hazard/Flying M
in height) can be placed in front of gun operator to deflect debris if
 Boots with rubber soles to prevent slipping on wet surfaces on an
area large enough,
Slips, Trips and  Stay clear of all obstructions for person operating water blasting
Fall gun to be able to properly brace themselves
 The hose must always be placed behind the operation to avoid
tripping while performing task/activity
 Training and proper lifting techniques for bulky/heavy tools and
Overexertion L
 Operator must wear Steel/safety toe work boots
Cut/ Abrasions  Operator must wear Matatarso guard L
 Operator must wear metal shin guards
 Training have proper stance and bracing techniques L
 Safety harness, proper anchor point, guardrail system around
Heights L
work areas over 6’ (1.83m) above ground
 Rest schedule – person operating water blast gun must rest 5
minutes for every 45 minutes of actual water blasting time
 Drinkable liquids (water) must be available onsite
Heat Stress  Person blasting must be monitored by another person for heat L
stress signs
 A cool area, shaded from the sun, must be provided for the
water blast gun operator for mandatory rest periods
Aerial Lift/  Person operating lift must be trained in safe use of equipment L
Basket used
Platform on  All equipment used must be inspected daily and unsafe
Arm of problems repaired before using equipment
Machine  Barricades (yellow caution tape) must be placed around area
where equipment will be used

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DN Tanks
Task/Activity Hazard Analysis (THA/AHA)
 See Aerial/Scissor Lift THA/AHA
 All work to be performed must be surveyed and unsafe
conditions must be fixed before water blasting operation
Demolition L
 Area to be repaired must be isolated enough to prevent injury to
other workers from flying debris using tarps, temporary walls etc

Training Requirements/Competent
Tools Required: Equipment to be Used: Inspection Requirements:
or Qualified Personnel:

 High Pressure Water Blaster  High Pressure Water Blaster:

 High Pressure Water Blaster:
 High Pressure Hose Documented
 Hand Tools Documented
 Waterblaster gun and tip  Fall Protection:
 Fall Protection: Documented
 Fall Protection Visual/Documented

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DN Tanks
Task/Activity Hazard Analysis (THA/AHA)

Task/Activity Name: Handblasting Task/Activity Number: 47 Dept. Prestressing

By signing below, each employee acknowledges that they have reviewed this complete Task/Activity Hazard Analysis.
Employee Name (Please print) Employee Signature Date Reviewed












Supervisor that provided this THA/AHA Training to the assigned Employee(s):
Supervisor Name Supervisor Signature Date Reviewed

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