18 - Confined Space THA-AHA
18 - Confined Space THA-AHA
18 - Confined Space THA-AHA
Project Manager: "Probability" likelihood to cause an incident, near miss, or accident and
RAC Chart
Superintendent: Identified as: Frequent, Likely, Occasional, Seldom or Unlikely.
Foreman: "Severity" is the outcome/degree if an incident, near miss, or accident did E = Extremely High Risk
occur and identified as: Catastrophic, Critical, Marginal, or Negligible H = High Risk
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DN Tanks
Task/Activity Hazard Analysis (THA/AHA)
Task/Activity Name: Confined Space Task/Activity Number: 18 Dept. Construction
List TASK/ACTIVITY Process in sequence
to be performed: REGULATION
*This list is separate from the hazard list and the NUMBER
orders do not correlate
1. Establish Confined Space procedures Daily inspection of the rescue equipment is required
2. Train crew on Confined Space The rescue equipment must be quickly available or
procedure assembled and ready to use
3. Inspect ladders or staircase (if Determine means of access and egress, review and
present) implement the job specific Rescue Plan
4. Inspect and set up crane Rescue Plan must be set up 100% before work begins in the
Rescue M
5. Inspect rigging Confined Space
6. Inspect and distribute rescue If Rescue Plan involves any element that involves vertical
equipment rescue, Fall Protection must be worn at all times
7. Inspect Fall Protection User of rescue equipment must be trained and authorized
8. Set up signs make sure the entrance to use equipment
has the proper barricades. Make All Rescue Plans shall be practiced on an annual basis
sure there is a proper barricade All areas around a Confined Space opening must be kept
around the edge of the roof as well clean and clear of any material that would interfere with
9. Turn on and bump test air monitor the safe passage of a worker
10. Test tank atmosphere Slips, Trips, Falls All Confined Space require extra attention when it comes to M
11. Set up and start ventilation system (if housekeeping because the limited access to a Confined
applicable), which includes brining Space makes it more difficult to remove a injured employee
fresh air in Respect and adhere to all barricades
All valves which could introduce water to the tank shall be
Locked Out and Tagged Out of service by the Confined
Space Supervisor before entry into the tank
Water/ Drowning Only Confined Space Supervisor can implement and M
closeout the Lock Out/Tag Out System
Keep drains unplugged or sump pumps running to avoid
Atmospherical Set-up air monitor by trained and authorized personal L
The air monitoring results shall be document on the
Confined Space Permit
The monitoring must be done prior to any workers entering
the space
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DN Tanks
Task/Activity Hazard Analysis (THA/AHA)
Specific engineering control measures shall be
implemented for each individual potential atmospheric or
If the atmosphere in the Confined Space does not contain
any hazardous atmosphere and the oxygen level is correct,
no further monitoring will be required for that entry unless
something is introduced inside the Confined Space that
could alter the atmosphere or change the oxygen level
If a permit required Confined Space, continuous air
monitoring shall be done throughout the time in the Permit
Required Confined Space
All electrical equipment shall be inspected and approved
for use in Confined Space and shall be GCFI protected
Intrinsically safe equipment shall be used if there is a
potential flammable or combustible atmosphere in the
Electrical Permit Required Confined Space L
Remove all damaged cords immediately
Keep cords and tools out of standing water
Only non-conductive material shall be used to hang or
suspend electrical equipment
A Confined Space is dark and requires the appropriate
lighting for the work to be done
Lighting L
Lighting must be intrinsically safe if there is the potential
for a combustible or flammable atmospheric change
Worker Workers inside the tank should properly communicate with L
operation outside of the tank
Workers should not enter or exit the tank through the roof
hatch without ensuring that there is no operation going on
outside the tank that they could be stepping into
Be aware of employees working above you
Always avoid working directly below another employee
All workers must be trained in Confined Space to enter a
Confined Space
The Confined Space Program must be implemented before
any worker can enter a Confined Space
All Confined Space must be identified and a sign posted
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DN Tanks
Task/Activity Hazard Analysis (THA/AHA)
next to the confined space
All Confined Space are Permit Required Confined Space
until atmospheric testing has been done to establish that
no atmospheric hazards exist and all other serious hazards
must be mitigated
When the Heat Index rises to become a danger to the
workers inside the tank, fans shall be used to reduce that
Potable drinking water shall be available inside the tank at
all times
Heat Stress L
Drinking cups and a trash can, must be present
Stay properly hydrated and cool down as necessary
Working inside a Confined Space is a humid environment
that will raise the potential to Heat Illness and fatigue
See Heat Illness Prevention Program
An instrument must be used to evaluate the atmosphere
inside all Confined Space, all recordings must be
documented on required permit
The monitoring must be done without any workers
entering the Confined Space
As long as the atmosphere in the Confined Space does not
contain any hazardous atmosphere, and the oxygen level is
correct, no further monitoring will be required for that
entry unless something is introduced inside the Confined
Inhalation L
Space that could alter the atmosphere or change the
oxygen level
The atmosphere must be evaluated before every entry
Ventilation must be used to keep the atmosphere safe and
legal in all Confined Space
Store pressure washer on the outside of the tank, far
enough away to prevent fumes from going into the tank
Reduce nuisance dust with water or must use Respiratory
Eye Hazards 100% eye protection is required at all times L
Crane/ Forklift Authorized and trained Rigger to direct Crane or Forklift L
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DN Tanks
Task/Activity Hazard Analysis (THA/AHA)
Authorized Operator
Barricade areas were loads are being picked from
Review Crane or Powered Industrial Truck THA/AHA
Use good work practices and body mechanics
Always use proper lifting techniques
Manual Lifting L
Evaluate all workers on lifting techniques, additional
training may be needed
Never place body part under any overhead load
Never allow a load to be moved over any persons
An audible warning shall be used to alert workers of
Elevated Loads incoming loads so that the workers can reposition L
themselves so as not to be exposed to an overhead load
Taglines shall be used to keep workers at a safe distance
from all loads
Never allow any worker to place a body part in a pinch
Pinch Points L
Always find the pinch points and find a way to eliminate
such a hazard
All Confined Space must be monitored for any combustible
or flammable atmosphere
No flammable or combustible products shall be used in a
Explosion/fire L
Confined Space
Ventilation shall be used to exchange the air in a Confined
Space if any flammable or combustible atmosphere exist
All workers exposed to a fall of 6’ (1.83m) or more must use
appropriate Fall Protection
All workers who need to use Fall Protection must be
trained to do so
Heights/Falls The use of a legal guardrail maybe be a system used to L
keep workers safe around a hatch opening on the roof
The use of a barricade in conjunction with a Full Body
Harness, SRL, Lanyard and anchor point may be used as
Noise All workers who are exposed to a noise of 85 db must use L
appropriate and approved Hearing Protection
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DN Tanks
Task/Activity Hazard Analysis (THA/AHA)
All workers who use hearing protection must be trained in
Hearing Protection
Training Requirements/Competent
Tools Required: Equipment to be Used: Inspection Requirements:
or Qualified Personnel:
Confined Space: Documented Atmosphere: Documented
4 Gas Monitor: Documented Rescue Equipment: Visual
3 or 4 Gas Air monitor Ladder: Documented Fall Protection:
Ladder Stairtower: Documented Visual/Documented
Stairtower Rescue Equipment: Confined Space: Documented
Documented Ladder: Documented
Fall Protection: Documented Stairtower: Documented
By signing below, each employee acknowledges that they have reviewed this complete Task/Activity Hazard Analysis.
Employee Name (Please print) Employee Signature Date Reviewed
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DN Tanks
Task/Activity Hazard Analysis (THA/AHA)
Supervisor that provided this THA/AHA Training to the above Employee(s):
Supervisor Name Supervisor Signature Date Reviewed
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