Mac Death

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the show must go on in this fairy-tale

murder mystery scenario for 5th edition.


penned by Tim Roberts

Adventure Overview

Macdeath is a murder mystery scenario for 5th edition. It is aimed at a party of 4 to 5 low
to mid-level characters. During the performance of a play, in which the players will need
to show-off their acting skills, the lead actor is murdered backstage. The characters must
investigate the crime and hold a trial for the Queen of the Fae and her Summer Court
being a murder mystery for 5th Edition entourage.

Adventure Background
Over the past few years, the Orb Theatre Troupe have become renowned for their hugely
entertaining theatrical productions. A driving factor of their success has been the prolific
output of their founder, a bard named Willerd Rattlesword. The troupe’s fame has
extended beyond the material plane and now Titania, Queen of the Summer Court, has
commissioned a play to be written and performed for her and her fae entourage. The
contract has been signed, and this very afternoon the troupe have set up stage in Whimsel
Grove, a demiplane between the Material Plane and The Emerald Plane.
Unbeknownst to the rest of the troupe, Willerd has a dark secret that is threatening
to come to light: he has been paying someone else to write all of his scripts. Several weeks
Writer: Tim Roberts
ago, the troupe’s lead-actor, the oft-drunk and narcissistic Penrod Peppin, discovered
Story Consultant: Rikh Hart (
Willerd’s secret and is now blackmailing him for more money. Such are Peppin’s demands
Cover Art: Bryn (instagram: @Breezybeetleart)
that, despite performing to sell-out crowds every day, the theatre is struggling financially.
Proofreading: Emily Rowan
Willerd, pushed to the edge, has decided to take drastic measures to save his reputation,
and the theatre.
S Atkinson, Adrian Coles, Tom Thomson, Gordon Patrick, Robin Rayner,
Cassie White, Cora Popat, wolfie4eva, m.plays.dnd and more… Who, How, Why?
Deciding his only course of action is to kill Peppin, Willerd hatches a plan that he believes
will not implicate him or any other member of the troupe. Just before the first act is about
to start, he convinces Hada, the runner, to put something in Peppin´s personal wine cask
that will “help him stay sober”. Hada uses a hand drill she takes from Joldor’s workshop to
make a small hole in the cask and tips in what she thinks is a harmless herbal mixture. She
delivers a glass of wine to Penrod before returning to Willerd’s trailer to confirm she has
done what was asked of her. Willerd then uses a scroll of Modify Memory on Hada to erase
all recollection she has of putting anything in the cask.

Special thanks to Christopher Marlowe for allowing me to steal his idea.

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Running Macdeath
A murder mystery runs a little differently than other types of RPG scenarios. For a start,
it’s unlikely that there will be any combat – though not impossible. As a DM there are a
few tips and tricks that will make it a better experience for both yourself and your players.

• Speak with your players and decide how they ended up with the Orb Theatre
Troupe. Maybe they wanted to try their hand at acting. Perhaps they want a break from the
adventuring life but still have a bit of wanderlust to satisfy. Failing that, it can all just be a
strange, shared dream – the fae work in mysterious ways.

• Don’t worry about your players solving the mystery too fast. There are plenty of
opportunities for interaction outside of the main investigation. If your players figure out
everything quickly, you can make the trial last a little longer by having the players present
Act I - The Skittish Play
evidence to the Summer Court. This adventure is designed to help you pace it to meet your “Nothing in his life became him like the leaving of it”
group’s preference. The performance of Macdeath and the trial bookend the investigation,
This scenario begins in Whimsel Grove (see The Emerald Plane, pg. 15). The Orb Theatre
and you can play these out quickly or embellish them to make them more of a feature. You
Troupe are about to make the performance of their lives before the Queen of the Summer
can also have the fae interact with the party during the investigation for more role playing
Court and her entourage.
Read or paraphrase the following to your players:
• If your players look like they are stuck or getting frustrated, present a piece of
evidence to them. There are opportunities to have the dryads say what they have seen, or
the fae to offer their theories (especially the rarebits and pixies). Maximo Hackett, the producer, paces up and down behind the stage, nervously.
He mumbles to himself about the play starting in 5 minutes and the audience
A good way to run Macdeath is in 3 acts, as follows:
have yet to arrive.
Act I Moments later, the natural light in the forest dims taking on a bluish hue.
The fae arrive and the party begin to perform the play. Once the first act concludes and the A crackling sound fills the air and the hairs on the back of your neck bristle.
party are off-stage, they will discover Penrod has been murdered. Through a gap in the curtains you see two tiny spots of light burst into existence
and begin circling the auditorium. Then, as if stepping out from thin air, dozens
Act II of tiny winged people emerge; some fly, others jump up and down excitedly,
The queen demands to be entertained with a trial, and so the party will begin investigating clapping tiny hands and running around mischievously. Next, 4 rabbit, dressed
the murder. They will visit several locations and speak with some or all of the troupe, in extravagant clothes step into the grove, waving fans and dancing. The
collecting clues. rabbits are closely followed by a satyr. Finally, a tall woman appears. It's hard
to tell where her flowing green gown stops and the forest starts. Leaves drift
from her crown made of branches, floating off into the forest in an endless
The trial and conclusion. The party will present their who, how, and why evidence to the
stream. She sits on a large rock before the stage and claps her hands. Her
Summer Court and, if the queen is satisfied, she will hand out a punishment and reward
entourage fall silent. The Summer Court have arrived.
the party with gifts before she and her entourage leave.

2 3
At this point, Maximo, almost hysterical, will tell the characters to prepare themselves.
Give your players a copy of the script in Appendix C - Handouts and let them choose any
character except the Emperor, who is normally played by Penrod. If your players are not
comfortable with acting out the play, describe it to them and have them make a few
performance rolls to see how the audience reacts.
If your players want to act out the play, all you need to do as DM is read the bold
underlined text and, when it is time for the Emperor to come on, describe the awkward
pause as the young understudy Ned Hackett is pushed on stage to fill in for the absent lead,
Penrod Peppin. As DM, you should read for Ned, highlighting his lack of acting talents.
He often has to be reminded of his lines and delivers them in a stilted fashion.

Alas Poor Penrod

When the curtain closes onAct I, the characters will find Maximo assuring his son, Ned,
that he did a great job. He will then turn to the players and whisper to them that they can’t
do the rest of the play unless Penrod gets on stage. He will ask them to go fetch him from
his trailer (see Locations in Whimsel Grove, pg. 9).
Upon entering the trailer, the party will discover Penrod’s lifeless body on the floor.
Anyone making a DC15 medicine check will be able to tell that Penrod has been poisoned.
Soon after the discovery is made, Kallix (see The Summer Court, pg. 15) will arrive on the
scene and accuse the characters of killing Penrod. Kallix is not overly concerned that
Penrod is dead, but he is worried that the queen will be annoyed if she doesn’t get the
entertainment that the troupe is contractually obliged to provide. He will ask them to
present themselves before the queen. If they refuse to come, the queen will come find
Act II - The Investigation
“False face must hide what the false heart doth know”
The Show Must Go On
This section outlines the various suspects that the characters may wish to question, and the
When the characters find themselves before the queen, she will demand her entertainment
locations they might investigate for clues. Each member of the troupe has the following
contract fulfilled before she allows anyone to leave Whimsel Grove. She orders the
information to help you role play them:
characters to find out the who, how, and why behind the murder and present her with a
trial. She tells them that once she is satisfied they have fulfilled their contract, she will • A brief description of their character.
allow them to leave, as well as bestow gifts from The Emerald Plane upon them. At this • A summary of their movements around the time of the murder.
point the rarebits will begin to entertain her and she will ignore any of the characters • Any motives and alibis they might have.
protestations. • Any special stats or attributes.

As previously mentioned, should your characters seem at a dead-end with their

investigations, you can present clues to them. For instance, the dryads may be able to tell
them something of use, or one of the pixies may come to them with a piece of evidence
they have uncovered.

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Maximo Hackett – Producer (human, he/him)
After the death of his wife, this successful merchant hung up
Dramatis Personae of The Orb Theatre Troupe
his belt of pelts and invested his money in Willerd’s theatre
Willerd Rattlesword – Playwright (human, he/him) troupe. He brought his son, Ned, along with him. Maximo and
Over the past few years, this young bard has built up a Willerd are currently at loggerheads over how much they pay
reputation as one of the best writers of his time. His theatre Penrod. Willerd’s argument is that having him on the bill
troupe is sought after on every continent. What the general brings in the crowds, but Maximo believes with a little
public are unaware of is that Willerd doesn’t write his own training his son could do the job just as well.
plays: he pays another writer named Riath Burgess to pen his Maximo has been stealing wine from Penrod’s personal
works. Willerd is very polite and charming but prefers to cask, so when he finds out the cask was poisoned he will confide in one of the characters,
spend most of his free time alone, taking walks or sitting in his convinced he will die. However, the wine was poisoned after Maximo sneaked his last
trailer trying to write his own material. He will often drift off mid-conversation as if drink just before breakfast. Maximo spent the rest of the morning with Joldor preparing
distracted by some sudden flash of inspiration. the stage for the show.
Willerd has spent the whole morning in his trailer. Hada entered his trailer twice MOTIVE: He wants Penrod gone to save the theatre money and to promote his son, Ned,
during the morning for a couple of minutes. The dryads can testify to this. However, what to lead actor.
they don’t know is that the first time, Willerd convinced Hada to put Desert Flower in ALIBI: He has spent most of his morning overseeing the set up of the stage and
Penrod’s cask, telling her it was something to keep Penrod sober, and the second time he rehearsals. Joldor and the dryads can testify to this.
used a scroll of Modify Memory to wipe her recollection of the event.
MOTIVE: Penrod has been blackmailing Willerd, threatening to reveal that he doesn’t
write his own plays. This has also put increased financial strain on the troupe.
Joldor Mantle – Set Builder (dwarf, he/him)
Joldor is hardworking and an excellent craftsman. He
ALIBI: Willerd didn’t leave his trailer on the morning of the poisoning.
normally keeps his distance from the rest of the troupe, with
STATS: Wisdom +4
the exception of Hada, whom he teaches woodwork. Lately
he has had several arguments with Penrod over the way he
speaks to Hada. He has also had stern words with Maximo
Lyra Lisanne – Musician (elf, she/her)
and Willerd over the reduction of his set budget. Any member
This bard is an extremely talented multi-instrumentalist who
of the troupe can testify to this and he will readily repeat these
composes and performs all the music that accompanies the
accusations to anyone willing to listen.
troupe’s plays. She is extremely laid-back and just happy to
Joldor spent the whole morning preparing the set and has not been anywhere near
have work that allows her to travel and practice her craft. She
Penrod’s trailer or the wine casks in the runner’s tent. The dryads and Maximo can testify
only has kind things to say about Penrod and the rest of the
MOTIVE: Protective of Hada and resents the financial drain Penrod inflicts on the troupe.
Lyra has spent the whole morning in the woods just
ALIBI: Spent all morning building the set. Maximo and the dryads can testify to this.
beyond the grove’s tree line, tuning her guitar and looking for inspiration. No one has seen
STATS: Strength +3
her the whole morning, not even the dryads. However, at the time of the performance she
ACTIONS: Wood axe. Melee Weapon Attack: +6 to hit, reach 5 ft., one target. Hit: 11
was offstage and then returned to the actor’s trailer to rest.
(2d6 + 4) slashing damage plus 2 (1d4) poison damage.
MOTIVE: none
ALIBI: none
STATS: Charisma +4
6 7
Ned Hackett – Understudy (human, he/him) Locations in Whimsel Grove
Just out of his teens, Ned has struggled to find his vocation in
life. However, since his father Maximo brought him into the The following locations are places where the characters might find clues or members of
fold of the Orb Theatre Troupe he has thrown himself into his the troupe to question.
acting. Most of the time he can be found sat in the actors’
The Stage
trailer or on a nearby tree stump practicing his lines which he
The wooden stage is 25ft wide and 10ft deep. It stands 5ft high and faces the auditorium.
invariably forgets once he is on stage. He is always willing to
A low wooden fence runs from either side of the stage to the tree line separating the
stop what he is doing for a chat, but he has very little
auditorium from the camping area for the troupe. Two red curtains can be opened or drawn
awareness of what is going on around him, so wrapped up in
via a pulley from the left hand side of the stage. Unless Maximo is convinced to go
the practice of his craft is he. During the morning, Ned wandered off to practice his lines
anywhere else, he will normally be here, agonising over the production.
beyond the tree line of the grove, only returning 5 minutes before showtime.
MOTIVE: With Penrod out of the way, Ned thinks he has a better chance of becoming a The Auditorium
permanent cast member. This grassy area is a semicircle bordered by small mounds and rocks where the audience
ALIBI: None. Ned often wanders off to practice his lines. Even the dryads can’t be sure can sit and watch the play. A large chair has been made out of several rocks for the queen
where he was on the morning of the murder. to sit on. The queen will not move from her chair for anyone, instead sending loyal servant
STATS: Performance -1 Kallix to attend to anything that would require her to get up. The pixies and rarebits will
spend most of their time on the grassy area in front of the stage and the wisps will float
about 20ft above the auditorium unless they are instructed to do otherwise by their queen.
Hada Cinderwood – Runner (human, she/her) The Grove
Several months ago, Willerd took pity on an orphaned girl
This circular clearing is roughly 60ft in diameter. It is bisected by the stage, creating an
who stole into one of his shows. He offered her a job as
auditorium on one side and the troupe’s camping area on the other. Trees border the
runner in exchange for food, lodging, and a meagre wage.
perimeter. Anyone making a DC12 Perception check will notice dryads in several
Hada is responsible for sewing the costumes, serving food
locations around the tree line. Without permission from the queen, it is impossible to leave
and drink, and helping with any other menial tasks. When
the grove. Anyone travelling beyond the tree line will find themselves emerge on the
there is nothing for her to do, she spends time with Joldor
opposite side of the grove after 50ft.
learning woodwork. One day she hopes to be as good as her
mentor at set building. Hada is shy and will always look to The Runner’s Tent
Joldor for guidance when nervous. This tent is 10ft. By 20ft. and filled with various barrels of dried food, costumes and 2
MOTIVE: Penrod was particularly mean to Hada, treating her like his own wine casks at the far end. One of the casks is featureless, but the one holding Penrod’s
personal servant without even a word of thanks. personal wine has ornate brassware and is engraved with the stamp of the Western Lands.
ALIBI: Even though she administered the poison, she has no recollection of doing
so because of the Modify Memory spell Willerd cast on her. She believes she took Willerd CLUE: Anyone inspecting Penrod’s wine cask and making a DC12 Investigation check
his wine, then went back to the runners tent to fetch wine for Penrod, before heading for will notice a fine hole drilled through the top near the back. Anyone drinking from the
Joldor’s workshop. Anyone speaking to the dryads will discover that Hada went back to cask must make a DC15 Constitution save or be poisoned. They can be cured by Lesser
Willerd’s trailer again after visiting Joldor and was in there for about 2 minutes before she Restoration or Greater Restoration within 10 minutes, otherwise they will drop to 0 HP.
left to see Joldor. This tent is normally empty unless Hada is fetching food, wine or costumes from it.

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Penrod’s Trailer Willerd’s Trailer
This is the most luxurious of all the trailers, painted in gold and blue. Penrod always keeps The door to Willerd’s trailer is always locked, even when he is in it – which is most of the
his door locked but it can be picked with a DC12 Slight of Hand check. There is a desk, a time. This modest trailer contains a bedroll, a small desk and chair, and some writing
bed and a small chest in the trailer. The first time anyone enters the trailer, they will equipment. A rug covers most of the floor.
discover Penrod on the floor, dead. Willerd will let people into his trailer to talk, but will try to get them out as soon as
he can, protesting that he is busy. If anyone accuses him of killing Penrod he will deny it.
CLUE: An unfinished note sits on Penrod’s desk (see Appendix C – Handouts). It’s easy Anyone making a DC14 Insight check will notice Willerd seems a little edgy about
to deduce that Penrod was probably in the middle of writing this note just before he was something.
CLUE: Anyone making a DC13 Investigation or Perception check will notice that a
corner of the rug has been folded over. If they look beneath this corner they will find a
CLUE: Anyone making a DC13 Investigation check or looking specifically under the bed
small removable panel in the floor, under which is a receipt and an envelope containing a
will find an empty wine goblet. The goblet is empty, but has some small splinters of wood
letter bearing a broken wax seal with the initials RB (see Appendix C – Handouts).
in the bottom of it.
Penrod’s chest is unlocked and contains 375gp and 50sp.
When the party feels like they have enough evidence to present to the queen, move on to
The Actors’ Trailer
This is the largest trailer, but also the most modest. It contains 8 bedrolls used by the
performers and Hada. There is a 50% chance of finding Lyra or Ned in this trailer,
otherwise they will be outside near the tree line.

CLUE: Anyone searching the bedrolls will find a hand-drill under Hada’s pillow. She took
this hand-drill from Joldor’s workshop without his knowledge. After Willerd uses Modify
Memory on her, she finds the drill in her pocket but has no recollection of taking it.
Knowing Joldor is protective of his tools, she hides it under her pillow, planning to sneak
it back later in the day whilst he dismantles the stage.

Joldor’s Workshop Trailer

This trailer is lined with neatly stored tools and shelves full of wood. At the far end is a
small bedroll where Joldor sleeps. When the troupe is camped, Joldor is usually outside
smoking his pipe or crafting something with wood. If Hada is not running any errands, she
can normally be found here sorting or sawing wood for Joldor.

CLUE: If the party ask about the hand-drill, Joldor will say his is missing. If Hada
overhears this conversation she will begin to cry, and if questioned will confess that she
must have taken it but doesn’t remember doing so. If she is accused if killing Penrod she
will deny it and Joldor will intervene and tell the party to leave her alone. If anyone
continues to accuse Hada of murder, Joldor will attack them.

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Act III - The Trial of The Summer Court Punishment
If the characters successfully prosecute Willerd to the queen’s satisfaction, she will have
When the characters are ready to present their evidence to the queen, she will demand they Kallix restrain the playwright and, after some consideration, suggest she takes Willerd to
take to the stage to do so. It is entirely up to the players how they do this, be it be her own personal scribe as her last one had his head ripped off by a treant.
methodically, improvised, or in the form of a Lynchian nightmare/dream sequence!
The Summer Court loves the drama of a trial, so there will be gasps, protests, and Exeunt The Summer Court
cheers from the gathered entourage. The pixies my even try to raise objections but will Once the trial has ended and the queen has made her decision the entourage will leave, one
quickly be silenced by the queen. by one, by simply stepping into thin air. The troupe will be left in the tranquility of the
It doesn’t matter if the characters are right in their deductions as the queen just grove, free to leave.
wants to be entertained. She also doesn’t care too much whether justice is meted out under
the standards of the Material Plane.

The Verdict
Once they have presented their evidence, if your party are way off the mark have them
make a group performance check and use the table below to determine the outcome.
However, if they correctly deduce the who, how, and why, use the 15+ row on the table


15+ The queen is satisfied and offers the party members fae gifts (Appendix B),
hand out a punishment to Willerd and allow the troupe to leave the grove.

12+ The queen doesn’t believe the evidence but is suitably entertained. She will
not punish anyone, but present the party with fae gifts and allow the troupe
to leave the grove.

8+ The queen feels barely entertained. She will allow the troupe to leave the
grove without punishment or gifts.

7- The queen has not been entertained and will demand a new contract made
for future entertainment before allowing the troupe to leave.

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Appendix A - The Emerald Plane
The Emerald Plane is split into the Courts of Summer and Winter. These two factions,
however, do not fall into the camps of good and evil along lines that those in the Material
Plane would assume. All fae are considered to be morally dubious by outsiders – even
those who have spent decades amongst them struggle to second-guess how they might
Queen Titania react to even the most mundane of events. Where the fae are predictable is in their love of
inspects a contract and reverence for contracts. They love to strike deals, especially if they are in their favour,
and will go to great lengths to ensure those deals are fulfilled.

Whimsel Grove
Whimsel Grove is a demiplane whose entrance shifts around the Shaeglade Forest. Many
have ventured into the vast forest in search of the grove and most have failed. The truth is
that Whimsel Grove is wrapped up in a 5th dimension that spans the Emerald and Material
planes and the only way to come across it is if the fae wish you to.
The Grove was created millennia ago as a safe space for the fae to conduct business
with outsiders. Within the grove it is not physically possible for the fae to harm anyone
from outside their plane and vice versa. Creatures from the same plane are not subject to
this restriction.

The Fae of The Summer Court

You will notice there are few stats given for the denizens of the Summer Court. This is
because it is not possible to hurt or manipulate them via any means whilst in the safety of
the grove. However, suggested creature stats are included if you wish to run the grove
differently. Feel free to add any other fae you wish to the entourage.

Queen Titania
Millenia old, the queen has seen most things and very little surprises her. She is also very
powerful, and in every sense the definition of “a tough crowd”. She won’t entertain idle
chat with any of the characters and only enters into discourse about their obligations to
her. She also doesn’t barter. The contract says that the troupe will entertain her, and no one
leaves until she’s satisfied that’s the case. Use stats for druid with AC 90, advantage on
saving throws against spells and other magical effects, and the following additional innate
1/day: conjure fey, sunbeam
3/day: charm person, dispel magic
4/day: commune with nature, detect thoughts, polymorph
14 15
Kallix (he/him) Dryads (they/them)
A gift from the Winter Court, Kallix is a loyal assistant to the These tree people are a permanent feature of the grove and
queen. He acts as her eyes and ears (literally as she has a never venture from the forest. They are often
constant telepathic bond to him). Anything Kallix knows, the indistinguishable from the trees (DC12 Perception check to
queen knows. He has no sense of humour, often taking jokes spot). If the characters speak with them, they are able to
literally. Anything the queen demands of him he will do, even recount the whereabouts of members of the troupe as
if it puts him in harms way. Initially Kallix is suspects the described on p6-11. Use stats for dryad.
party are involved in Penrod’s murder but as evidence is
uncovered he will warm to them. Use stats for satyr.

The Pixies
Each year the queen holds a lottery to select a new entourage
of around a dozen pixies. The result is erratic to say the least. Appendix B - Fae Gifts
Some are painfully shy, others extroverted or mischievous.
These tiny fey will provide a constant buzz of activity in the The queen will bestow any or all of the following gifts upon the characters should they
grove. They avoid interacting with the players unless they feel suitably entertain her.
naughty, or have some evidence they think may help. Use
stats for pixie. Forest Quilt
This blanket is made from a hundred silk leaves sewn together. Any
creature taking a short rest in the blanket will gain the benefits of a
The Rarebits (they/them) long rest. Once used, the blanket turns to a pile of crisp brown leaves
What do you get if you polymorph a pixie into a rabbit? The and cannot be used again.
queen once tried and it’s probably the only thing she regrets.
These narcissistic rabbits are constantly seeking attention.
They do not speak or interact with anyone. Their only purpose
in life is to be noticed and whilst they generally do this by 3 Vine Seeds
performing chaotic dances to anyone who will watch, they Casting one of these seeds on the floor will cause a vine to
also believe that negative attention is better than no attention. immediately sprout to a height of 30 feet up any vertical surface.
Use stats for giant badger. Throwing a seed within 5ft of one creature will cause it to wrap around that
creature and restrain them for 1 minute. The restrained creature can use its action
Will-o'-Wisps to make a DC10 Strength check to break free from the vine.
The wisps are always the first to arrive, mainly to help the
queen create an entrance. They float 20ft in the air, constantly
circling around the grove. Use stats for will-o’-wisp. Tuning Bag (requires attunement)
Any instrument placed in this bag for 10 minutes is automatically tuned for the
next 24 hours. Anyone playing an instrument that has been magically tuned in
the bag can make a performance check with advantage.

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Appendix C - Handouts
Bag o’ Cats (requires attunement)
Once a day, any creature attuned to the bag can pull out a literal cat at the cost of a
figurative one. For the cat to remain on the current plane the creature pulling the cat out
must tell the next creature it sees a secret. Otherwise the cat will vanish in 1 minute. Use Letter on Penrod’s Desk
the table below for characteristics:

d12 Fur Colour d12 Distinguising Feature We had an agreement. If you don’t honour
it I will have no option but to
1 Naked 1 Stump tail

2 White 2 Three legs

3 Black 3 One ear

Letter and receipt under Willerd’s Floorboards
4 Ginger 4 Scar
My Dearest Willerd,
5-7 Tabby 5-7 None

8 Tortoiseshell 8 Fangs I have another script ready for you and I think ERNESTO’S CURIOS
it's one of my, sorry, your best ones yet! Next THE PALACE CITY
9 Piebald 9 Moustache
time you are across the waters, do drop in and
I shall give it to you. SCROLL MM 1250
10 Calico 10 Collar with bell
11 Blue 11 Dichromatic eyes I think our little arrangement is working out
well, especially with my need to keep a low Thank you for your business.
12 Rainbow 12 Unicorn horn
profile. Don't worry about the old head-fuzz,
I'm sure the ideas will come rolling in soon. In
the meantime, I'll keep you stocked up. I have
ideas for a few more Rattlesword masterpieces
d12 Temperament that I have planned in the next few weeks.

1 Erratic 7 Indifferent All the best,

2 Spaced-out 8 Aloof Riath Burgess

3 Clingy 9 Playful

4 Idiot 10 Hunter

5 Skittish 11 Feral wanderer

6 Lazy 12 Demonic

18 19
MACDEATH HAG ONE Call me Deandril. Me and Ethril were just looking for
some spoils of war. Saw you coming and thought it best we
being a tragiecomedie
play dead.
penned by Willerd Rattlesword
Hag One kicks a body beside her. Hag Two stands up.
Dramatis Personae
HAG TWO That’s better, my leg was starting to cramp. You
Prince Lineus of Cantorus ~ Ossil Valantina
know, the older you get the harder it gets to play dead.
Hag one ~ Hag two ~ The Emperor
Until, of course, you’re old enough to actually be dead.

Act I PRINCE LINEUS Gads, there are two of them. Ossil, fulfilling your role
The Scar. A desolate landscape post-battle. Several bodies lay dead on the scorched as advisor to the prince would be a welcome course of
earth. Enter Prince Lineus and his loyal assistant, Ossil.
action right now.

PRINCE LINEUS Well, old man, it looks like, once again, we have missed OSSIL Kill them? Run? I don’t know.
our opportunity for glory.
Prince Lineus unsheathes his sword.
OSSIL What bad fortune, my prince.
PRINCE LINEUS I say we run them through. Prepare to die, hags.
PRINCE LINEUS Never mind, onwards to the next battle.
OSSIL Tricky, I don’t have a sword, my prince.
OSSIL Yes, my brave prince. Although might I suggest we
continue with our leisurely pace. We wouldn’t want to PRINCE LINEUS Have you never heard of an unarmed strike?
arrive before the action has concluded.
HAG ONE Hang on. Hang on. No need for any running through or
One of the bodies stands. Prince Lineus shrieks. the likes. We’d probably drop dead of fright before your
sword touches us.
HAG ONE All hail, he who shall be emperor.
HAG TWO Why don’t we give them a prophecy...
PRINCE LINEUS What spectral fiend are you? Since when did the dead
raise themselves without the aide of a cleric? HAG ONE A what now?

HAG ONE Nothing spectral or dead about me, bold prince. ‘ere, HAG TWO You know. A prophecy. Work with me here.
check my pulse.
HAG ONE Oh right. Ethril can give you... er... a prophecy was it?
OSSIL As your advisor, I would advise against that course of
HAG TWO Yes, a prophecy, my prince, in exchange for our lives.
action, my prince. I am low on healing potions.
PRINCE LINEUS I have no intention of touching this… this…
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OSSIL I suppose being prepared can’t be of any harm. THE EMPEROR Now!

PRINCE LINEUS Speak then, foul creation of the dark realms. Exeunt Ossil and Prince Lineus.

OSSIL I think her name is Ethril, my prince. THE EMPEROR Right, ladies, I do apologise for the ill-manners my
offspring has shown you today. Please take 10 gold each by
PRINCE LINEUS Oh, right. Prophecise away then, Ethril.
way of compensation and I trust you will never speak of
HAG TWO I see a crown in your future. You will become a ruler of this event again.
a great nation.
HAG ONE Why thank you, mighty emperor.
PRINCE LINEUS Tell me something I don’t know.
HAG TWO My lips are sealed.
HAG ONE Ooh, that was good, Ethril. Where did you learn that?
THE EMPEROR Then I bid thee farewell.
HAG TWO It’s Prince Lineus, are you blind?
The emperor gallops away.
HAG ONE Just in the one eye. Listen, if he's a prince, do we need to
curtsy or something?
HAG ONE So what?
HAG TWO I think that moment has passed.
HAG TWO You know. Did you get him?
PRINCE LINEUS I’ve heard enough. Prepare to leave this life.
HAG ONE Oh that. Yes, I cursed all three of them just to be sure.
The sound of a horse galloping. The Emperor arrives.
The hags cackle.
PRINCE LINEUS Father? What are you doing here?
HAG ONE Hold on, Ethril, is that a bear I see running towards us?
THE EMPEROR I would ask the same of you, Lineus.
PRINCE LINEUS Ossil and I are defending the dynasty.
Exeunt hags pursued by a bear.
THE EMPEROR Against two old ladies?
Act I Ends.
OSSIL In my defence, your majesty...

THE EMPEROR Not now, Ossil. Take my son back home.

OSSIL As you wish, my emperor.


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System Reference Document 5.1 Copyright 2016, Wizards of the Coast, Inc.; Authors Mike Mearls, Jeremy Crawford, Chris
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based on original material by E. Gary Gygax and Dave Arneson.
Macdeath, Copyright 2021 Critical Kit Ltd.
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Journey beneath the First Citadel to remove a necromancer

from an ancient tomb in this fifth edition adventure
from the creator of Macdeath

Published by Critical Kit


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