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Service Information
Form 5 and Form 5/Triple-Single Recloser Controls
Fiber-Optic and RS-232 Accessories
Installation and Operation Instructions S280-79-4
Applicable to Serial Numbers 3000 and above or beginning with CP57.

Figure 1.
Form 5 Fiber-Optic and RS-232 accessories installed on the back of the control operator panel.

Safety Information ......................... 2 Fiber-Optic–to–RS-232 Converter . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9
Product Information . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3 Converter Power Supply Requirements . . . . . . . . 9
Introduction ............................. 3 Fiber-Optic Cable Specifications . . . . . . . . . . . . .11
Acceptance and Initial Inspection ............ 3 Construction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .11
Handling and Storage ..................... 3 Specifications . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .11
Product Description . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3 Cable Terminations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .11
Field Installation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6 Maximum Cable Lengths . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .11
Removing the Operator Panel . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6 Form 5 Control Programming Setup . . . . . . . . . . .12
Single Communication Accessory . . . . . . . . . . . . 7 Communication Protocols . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .12
Dual Communication Accessory ............. 8 Service Information . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .13

May 2002 • Supersedes 6/01 1

Printed in USA
Form 5 and Form 5/Triple-Single Recloser Control Fiber-Optic and RS-232 Accessories Installation and Operation Instructions


Cooper Power Systems products meet or exceed all applicable industry standards relating to product safety. We actively
promote safe practices in the use and maintenance of our products through our service literature, instructional training
programs, and the continuous efforts of all Cooper Power Systems employees involved in product design, manufacture,
marketing, and service.
We strongly urge that you always follow all locally approved safety procedures and safety instructions when working
around high voltage lines and equipment and support our “Safety For Life” mission.

The instructions in this manual are not intended as a Safety Instructions
substitute for proper training or adequate experience in
the safe operation of the equipment described. Only Following are general caution and warning statements
competent technicians who are familiar with this equip- that apply to this equipment. Additional statements, relat-
ment should install, operate, and service it. ed to specific tasks and procedures, are located
throughout the manual.
A competent technician has these qualifications:
• Is thoroughly familiar with these instructions.
DANGER: Hazardous voltage. Contact with
• Is trained in industry-accepted high- and low-voltage ! hazardous voltage will cause death or severe
safe operating practices and procedures. personal injury. Follow all locally approved safety pro-
• Is trained and authorized to energize, de-energize, cedures when working around high- and low-voltage
clear, and ground power distribution equipment. lines and equipment. G103.3

• Is trained in the care and use of protective equip-

ment such as flash clothing, safety glasses, face
shield, hard hat, rubber gloves, hotstick, etc. WARNING: Before installing, operating, main-
Following is important safety information. For safe instal-
! taining, or testing this equipment, carefully read
and understand the contents of this manual. Improper
lation and operation of this equipment, be sure to read
operation, handling or maintenance can result in
and understand all cautions and warnings.
death, severe personal injury, and equipment dam-
age. G101.0

Hazard Statement Definitions

This manual may contain four types of hazard WARNING: This equipment is not intended to
statements: ! protect human life. Follow all locally approved
procedures and safety practices when installing or
DANGER: Indicates an imminently haz- operating this equipment. Failure to comply can result
! ardous situation which, if not avoided, will in death, severe personal injury, and equipment dam-
result in death or serious injury. age. G102.1

WARNING: Indicates a potentially haz-

! ardous situation which, if not avoided, could WARNING: Power distribution equipment must
result in death or serious injury. ! be properly selected for the intended application.
It must be installed and serviced by competent person-
CAUTION: Indicates a potentially hazardous nel who have been trained and understand proper
! situation which, if not avoided, may result in safety procedures. These instructions are written for
minor or moderate injury. such personnel and are not a substitute for adequate
training and experience in safety procedures. Failure
to properly select, install, or maintain power distribu-
CAUTION: Indicates a potentially hazardous situ- tion equipment can result in death, severe personal
ation which, if not avoided, may result in equip- injury, and equipment damage. G122.2
ment damage only.

FOR LIFE S280-79-4
Introduction Handling and Storage
Service Information S280-79-4 provides installation and
operating instructions for the Kyle® Form 5 Fiber-optic CAUTION: Equipment damage. Always wear a
and RS-232 accessories. These accessories provide a grounding wrist strap to control static electricity before
permanent communications link to the Form 5 control. handling circuit boards. Failure to use this strap may
result in circuit board damage. T253.1
These accessories can be used on these Form 5 reclos-
er controls:
The field kit includes a grounding wrist strap designed to
• Form 5, Standard control static electricity. Wear the strap when unpacking
• Form 5 UDP and during installation of the fiber-optic and RS-232
• Form 5 DC NOVA
Follow these instructions to attach wrist strap:
• Form 5/Triple-Single
1. Unwrap the first two folds of the strap and place
For installation and operation of the Form 5 recloser the exposed adhesive side firmly around your
control refer to the following manuals: wrist.
• Service Information S280-79-10, Form 5, Form 5 2. Unroll the rest of the strap and peel the line from
UDP and DC NOVA Controls Installation and Oper- the copper foil at the opposite end.
ation Instructions
3. Attach the copper foil end to a clean area of the
• Service Information S280-42-3, Form 5/Triple-Sin- grounded back panel inside the control.
gle and Form 5/Triple-Single UDP Controls Installa-
tion and Operation Instructions IMPORTANT: The fiber-optic and RS-232 circuit
boards should each be stored in a static-proof bag.
Read This Manual First
Read and understand the contents of this manual and If the fiber-optic and RS-232 accessory boards are to be
follow all locally approve procedures and safety prac- stored for a period of time, provide a clean, dry storage
tices before installing and operating this equipment. area. Handle carefully to avoid damage to the circuit
Additional Information
These instructions cannot cover all details or variations Product Description
in the equipment, procedures, or process described, nor
to provide directions for meeting every possible contin- The Fiber-Optic and RS-232 communication acces-
gency during installation, operation, or maintenance. sories (Figure 2) provide a permanent link for two-way,
When additional information is desired to satisfy a prob- real-time, serial communications with a remote terminal
lem not covered sufficiently for the user’s purpose, con- unit (RTU), telephone modem, or central computer. Tem-
tact your Cooper Power Systems representative. porary serial communication is made via the operator
panel for limited communications.
Acceptance and Initial A remote operator can reconfigure the control parame-
Inspection ters and remotely open and close the recloser.
In addition, the Fiber-optic and RS-232 communication
Each accessory is tested and inspected at the factory. It
accessories allow an operator at a remote location to
is in good condition when accepted by the freight carrier
monitor the status of the Form 5 control and display data
for shipment.
such as:
Upon receipt, inspect the accessory thoroughly for dam-
• Control programming settings
age incurred during shipment. If damage is discovered,
file a claim with the carrier immediately. • Event recorder information
• Load profile
• Demand current metering
• Recloser duty monitor

Form 5 and Form 5/Triple-Single Recloser Control Fiber-Optic and RS-232 Accessories Installation and Operation Instructions

For versatility in communication, operators have the

option of the following installations:
• Single Fiber-Optic accessory
• Single RS-232 accessory
• Dual Fiber-Optic accessory
• Dual RS-232 accessory
Figure 2.
• A Single RS-232 and a Single Fiber-Optic accessory
Fiber-Optic (left) and RS-232 Communication
TABLE 1 Accessories.
Serial Communication Accessories
Accessory Qty Number (Local PC) (Radio, Fiber-Optic, Modem) (Radio, Fiber-Optic, Modem)

Single RS-232 Accessory KME5-74-1

RS-232 or
RS-232 or
Spacer 4
Pan Head Sems Screws 2
Dual RS-232 Accessory KME5-74-2 AUTO TRANSFER
(Operator Panel
RS-232 Board 2 Connection Disables
Spacer 8
Pan Head Sems Screws 2 PORT 2

Single Fiber-Optic Accessory KME5-75-1

Fiber-Optic Board 1 PORT 1
(Internal Use Only) (Metering, Histograms
Profiles, Alarms, Targets)
Spacer 4
Pan Head Sems Screws 2 Figure 3.
Dual Fiber-Optic Accessory KME5-75-2 Communication port configuration.
Fiber-Optic Board 2
provides uninterrupted communication to the RS-232 or
Spacer 8 Fiber-Optic accessory, and is not affected by any other
Pan Head Sems Screws 2 port or physical connection. Figure 3 illustrates the com-
munication configuration for serial ports1, 2, and 3.
Communication Ports In a single fiber-optic or RS-232 installation, the appro-
The Form 5 control has three communication ports from priate accessory can be configured as either Port 2 or
the CPU module. Two of the three ports are user-acces- Port 3. In a dual fiber-optic or RS-232 installation, the
sible. Communication Port 1 is the operator panel LCD accessory mounted closest to the operator panel should
display where data is exchanged between the CPU and be configured as Port 3. The factory setting is to config-
the operator panel. Though not-user-configurable, Port 1 ure the accessory mounted closest to the operator panel
allows for flexible modifications from the operator panel as Port 3.
for custom designed applications.
Two sets of transmit and receive LEDs on the operator
Port 2 provides a dual communication interface for the panel indicate the communication status of the accessory
user. This port includes a software switch for two exter- boards. See Figure 4. The TX2 and RX2 LEDs illuminate
nal connections; the front port on the operator panel RS- when communicating with the operator panel RS-232
232 DB-9 connector, or the fiber-optic/RS-232 port or with either the fiber-optic or RS-232 accessory
communication accessories. The front port on the opera- board configured as Port 2. The TX3 and RX3 LEDs illu-
tor panel RS-232 communication Port 2 provides tempo- minate when communicating with either the fiber-optic or
rary local personal computer (PC) access when RS-232 accessory board configured as Port 3.
connected with a standard 9-pin cable. Local connection
to the operator panel RS-232 connection takes prece- TX 3 TX 2
dence over the communication accessory. Disconnect-
ing the operator panel RS-232 communication
automatically re-enables the communication accessory
configured to Port 2. Communication can then be
reestablished to the Port 3 Communication Accessory. RS232
RX 3 RX 2
Accessory Ports 2 and 3 are optional accessories that Figure 4.
are added to the back of the operator panel and can be Fiber-Optic/RS-232 receive and transmit LEDs and
configured to either 2179 or DNP3.0 protocols. Port 3 data port on the operator panel.

FOR LIFE S280-79-4

Communication Port Selection Dip "R" Receive

Switches "T" Transmit
The fiber-optic and RS-232 communication boards each
have two banks of dip switches for Communication Port
configuration. Port 3 is the primary communication port
for single-accessory applications. In dual communication
accessory applications, one accessory must be config-
ured for Port 2 and the second accessory must be con-

figured for Port 3.

Note: It is recommended that the accessory installed closest
to the operator panel be configured as Port 3. ECHO/NON-ECHO
Switch ST-Type
Figure 5 describes the configuration procedure. Connectors
Figure 6.
For connection to Port 2 Fiber-Optic communication accessory.
SW1: All CLOSED (down)
SW2: All OPEN (up)
For connection to Port 3 RS-232 Communication
SW1: All OPEN (up) The RS-232 accessory is a half duplex Data Terminal
SW2: All CLOSED (down) Equipment (DTE) device with a 9-pin male connector.
SW2 Connection is made directly to a DCE device (radio or
SW1 modem) through a customer-supplied RS-232 cable.
A NULL modem cable is required when connecting to
another DTE device (i.e. laptop computer).
Dip Switches
(SW1 and SW2) Pin 1 CD: Carrier Detect. “Handshaking” from an
outside connection to the control; indicat-
Figure 5. ing the outside connection is active.
Dip switches on both Fiber-Optic and RS-232 acces-
Pin 2 RX: Receive Data. Data from an outside con-
sories direct communication to Port 2 or 3. (Config-
nection is received by the control.
uration shown is for Port 3.)
Pin 3 TX: Transmit Data. Data from the control is
sent to an outside connection.
Fiber-Optic Communication Pin 4 DTR: Data Terminal Ready. This pin is always
biased high via a pull up resistor.
The Fiber-Optic accessory board converts the Form 5
control output data from electrical pulses to light pulses Pin 5 SG: Signal Ground.
and transmits the information through the “T” (transmit) Pin 7 RTS: Request to Send. “Handshaking” from the
terminal. The board also converts data received through control to an outside connection; signaling
the “R” (receive) terminal from light pulses back to elec- the control has data available.
trical pulses for operation and programming of the Form
5 control. Pin 8 CTS: Clear to Send. “Handshaking” from an out-
side connection to the control; indicating
The Fiber-Optic accessory contains 2 standard ST-type the outside connection is ready to receive
connectors (“T” and “R”) for customer connection to a data.
digital communications system via customer-furnished
fiber-optic cables. See Figures 6 and 12. Fiber-optic Note: When the RS-232 Communication option is first
installed, the red RX LED will remain lit until a proper
cabling provides excellent electrical isolation and pro-
cable is connected to a DTE or DCE device and 12 V
tects transmitted data from electrical interference. is detected.
On the Fiber-Optic accessory is a ECHO/NON-ECHO
switch. In the ECHO mode, all data entering the receive
terminal is re-sent (echoed) out the transmit terminal.
ECHO mode is required when multiple controls are
operated in a fiber-optic loop. NON-ECHO is recom-
mended for most non-loop applications.

Form 5 and Form 5/Triple-Single Recloser Control Fiber-Optic and RS-232 Accessories Installation and Operation Instructions


CAUTION: Control damage. De-energize both ac

and dc power prior to removing or installing any inter-
nal connections or circuit boards in the control. Failure
to comply can result in damage to the control. T241.1

Removing the Operator Panel

1. Bypass the recloser. Follow all locally approved
procedures for removing the recloser from service.
2. Disconnect all ac and dc power from the control.

CAUTION: Equipment damage. Always wear a

grounding wrist strap to control static electricity before
handling circuit boards. Failure to use this strap may
result in circuit board damage. T253.1

3. Remove the four screws that secure the operator

panel to the mounting rails of the control cabinet.
See Figure 8.
Figure 7.
4. Carefully turn the operator panel over and locate The Fiber-Optic and RS-232 accessories are mount-
the four spacers at the bottom of the panel. See ed on back of the operator panel.
Figure 9.

Remove four mounting

screws from the operator
Figure 8.
Form 5 operator panel. Communication accessory
mounts in lower corner of the back side of the

FOR LIFE S280-79-4

Single Communication Sems Screws (2)

(from operator panel PCB)
Accessory Installation Sems Screws (2)
(provided with accessory)

CAUTION: Equipment damage. Always wear a

Communication Accessory
grounding wrist strap to control static electricity before (Fiber-Optic shown)
handling circuit boards. Failure to use this strap may
result in circuit board damage. T253.1

Refer to Figure 9 and follow these instructions to install
a single communication accessory.
1. Remove the two sems screws at the bottom of the Spacer (4)
(provided with accessory)
Operator Panel printed circuit board (PCB).
Note: A sems screw is a one-piece screw and lock-
washer assembly.
Note: Place these screws aside; they will be used to
secure one side of the accessory.
2. Insert two spacers, from the appropriate accessory Spacer (4) mounted
to Operator Panel
kit, through the PCB and screw into the spacers
mounted to the operator panel.
Operator Panel Operator Panel
3. Screw the other two spacers into the remaining Printed Circuit Board
spacers mounted on the operator panel.
Figure 9.
4. Carefully remove the appropriate communication
accessory (fiber-optic or RS-232) from its static- Single Communication accessory installation.
proof bag.
Note: For single communication accessory applications, RS-232 Accessory
it is recommended that the accessory be config-
ured as Port 3 for uninterrupted communication. 12. Connect the RS-232 cable (customer-supplied) to
the RS-232 connector on the accessory circuit
5. Configure the accessory dip switches for Commu-
nication Port 3 as shown in Figure 5.
13. Place the operator panel over the mounting rail
6. Place the circuit board, with component-side up,
and secure with the four panel mounting screws.
over the four spacers.
See Figure 8.
7. Secure the accessory with the kit-provided sems
14. Make connections to the SCADA communications
screws and the screws previously removed from
equipment. See Figure 13.
the operator panel PCB. See Figure 9.

Fiber-Optic Accessory
8. Connect one cable to the “T” transmit terminal on
the fiber-optic circuit board.
9. Connect one cable to the “R” receive terminal on
the fiber-optic circuit board.
10. Set the ECHO/NON-ECHO switch to NON-ECHO.
Note: An optional Fiber-Optic–to–RS-232 converter is avail- FIBER-OPTIC CONVERTER
able for interfacing with a RTU, modem, or personal
computer with RS-232 connection. See the FIBER-
OPTIC–TO–RS-232 CONVERTER section of this DCE
manual. DTE

11. If Fiber-Optic–to–RS-232 converter part number

KME4-163 is used, set the DCE/DTE switch. See
Figure 10.
• For connecting to a modem, switch to DTE.
Figure 10.
• For connecting to a computer, switch to DCE.
Fiber-Optic converter DCE/DTE switch in DCE

Form 5 and Form 5/Triple-Single Recloser Control Fiber-Optic and RS-232 Accessories Installation and Operation Instructions

Dual Communication Accessory Sems Screws (2)

(from operator panel PCB)

Installation Sems Screws (2)

(provided with accessory)

CAUTION: Equipment damage. Always wear a

grounding wrist strap to control static electricity before
handling circuit boards. Failure to use this strap may
result in circuit board damage. T253.1

Refer to Figure 11 and follow these instructions to install

Dual Communication
two communication accessories. Accessories*

1. Remove the two sems screws at the bottom of the

Operator Panel printed circuit board (PCB). *Dual Communication Accessory
Combinations include:
Note: A sems screw is a one-piece screw and lock- 1–Fiber-Optic and 1–RS-232
washer assembly. 1–RS-232 and 1–Fiber-Optic
Note: Place these screws aside; they will be used to
secure one side of the accessory.
2. Insert two spacers, from the appropriate accessory Spacer (8)
kit, through the PCB and screw into the spacers (provided with accessory)
mounted to the operator panel.
3. Screw the other two spacers into the remaining
spacers mounted on the operator panel.
4. Carefully remove the appropriate communication
accessory (fiber-optic or RS-232) from its static- Spacer (4) mounted
to Operator Panel
proof bag.
Note: It is recommended that the communication Operator Panel Operator Panel
accessory mounted closest to the operator panel Printed Circuit Board
be configured as Port 3. (PCB)

Note: If a combination of a fiber-optic and RS-232 Figure 11.

accessories is required, mount the fiber-optic cir- Dual Communication accessory installation.
cuit board closest to the operator panel and con-
figure as Port 3. 14. Set the ECHO/NON-ECHO switch to NON-ECHO.
5. Configure the accessory dip switches for Port 3 Note: An optional Fiber-Optic–to–RS-232 converter is
communication as shown in Figure 5. available for interfacing with a RTU, modem, or
6. Place the circuit board, with component-side up, personal computer with RS-232 connection. See
the Fiber-Optic–to–RS-232 Converter section of
over the spacers.
this manual.
7. Screw four spacers, from the appropriate accesso-
15. If Fiber-Optic–to–RS-232 converter part number
ry kit, to the spacers that support the first commu-
KME4-163 is used, set the DCE/DTE switch.
nication accessory board.
• For connecting to a modem, switch to DTE.
8. Carefully remove the appropriate communication
accessory (fiber-optic or RS-232) from its static- • For connecting to a computer, switch to DCE.
proof bag.
RS-232 Accessory
9. Configure the accessory dip switches for Port 2
configuration as shown in Figure 5. 16. Connect the RS-232 cable (included in the RS-232
communication accessory) to the RS-232 connec-
10. Place the circuit board, with component-side up, tor on the accessory circuit board.
over the spacers.
17. Place the operator panel over the mounting rail
11. Secure the accessory with the kit-provided sems and secure with the four panel-mounting screws.
screws and the screws previously removed from See Figure 8.
the operator panel PCB. See Figure 11.
18. Make connections to the SCADA communications
Fiber-Optic Accessory equipment. See Figure 13.
12. Connect one cable to the “T” transmit terminal on
the fiber-optic circuit board.
13. Connect one cable to the “R” receive terminal on
the fiber-optic circuit board.

FOR LIFE S280-79-4

Direct fiber-optic connection to a radio, RTU, or modem Converter Power Supply
may not be possible in certain applications. The Fiber-
Optic–to–RS-232 Converter (KME4-163) provides a Requirements
conversion of the fiber-optic connections to an RS-232 A 9-32 Vdc power supply is required to operate the fiber-
connection at a radio, modem, or RTU unit. See Figure optic–to–RS-232 converter’s electronic circuitry. A power
13. jack is located on the converter. To convert the input
The converter has a 25-pin RS-232 connector on one voltage to 9 Vdc, a power supply adapter is required.
end and a pair of ST-type connectors on the other end. The adapter options available are:
One ST-connector is for transmitting data and the other • 120 Vac to 9 Vdc power supply adapter.
for receiving. The RS-232 connector is adaptable direct-
• 240 Vac to 9 Vdc power supply adapter.
ly to a 25 pin serial port.
Note: For a device that has a 9-pin serial port, a standard The power supply adapter accessory is a cable that
DB-25 male to DB-9 female adapter must be used. plugs into the converter at one end and has non-termi-
This adapter can be obtained at a local computer nated wires that connect to a 9-volt battery, or a dc
store. power supply at a remote terminal unit. See Figure 12.
The Fiber-Optic–to–RS-232 Converter has three distinc- The Power Supply adapter rectifies and steps down the
tive features. It has a metal enclosure and two LEDs input voltage (120 Vac or 240 Vac) to a 9 Vdc output.
marked TRANSMIT and RECEIVE. The LEDs blink This cable is used in areas where a 120 Vac power out-
while the device is transmitting or receiving data as a let is readily available.
visual indication that the Form 5 control is communicat- For information on ordering a Fiber-Optic–to–RS-232
ing. A selector switch can change the converter to either converter and the 9 Vdc power supply adapter, contact
a DTE or a DCE device. your Cooper Power Systems representative.
The converter is used as a Data Terminal Equipment
device when it is connected to a modem and set to the
DTE position. The converter is used as a Data Commu-
nications Equipment device when it is connected to a RECEIVE
Power Supply Adapter
computer and set to the DCE position. The selector FIBER-OPTIC CONVERTER
KME4-163 Cable
switch allows the converter to be custom-fitted to specif- DCE


ic applications.

Figure 12.
Optional Fiber-Optic–to–RS-232 Converter shown
with a 9 Vdc power supply adapter accessory.


Figure 13.







Connection Personal
NO. 1 NO. 2 NO. 3

Communication Accessory (Single or Dual)

TX 3 TX 2
TAG or
RS-232 Cable (customer-supplied) RTU
Form 5 Recloser Control
Operator Panel Receive
Fiber-Optic Cables
(customer-supplied) RADIO/MODEM
Note: Communication accessories are
mounted behind the TRIP and
CLOSE pushbuttons on the Fiber-Optic to
operator panel. RS-232 Converter From Fiber-Optic
Receive Accessory
Note: Connection from the RS-232 RECEIVE

communication accessory to a personal
computer requires a Transmit

Fiber-Optic and RS-232 Communication accessory connections.

NULL modem cable.
Power Supply (customer-supplied)
Note: Connection from the operator panel Adapter
RS-232 connection to a personal (customer- Cable
computer, requires a standard supplied)
"1-to-1" RS-232 cable. To Customer-Supplied
9-32 Vdc Power Source
Set KME4-163
Set KME4-163
Converter to DTE ST-Type
Converter to DCE
Computer RTU
or or
Form 5 and Form 5/Triple-Single Recloser Control Fiber-Optic and RS-232 Accessories Installation and Operation Instructions
FOR LIFE S280-79-4


Construction Maximum Cable Lengths
Multi-mode glass fiber-optic cable suitable for direct bur- 1. The maximum cable length depends on the output
ial and/or outdoor use. power of the transmitter, the input power level that
the receiver can detect as well as the attenuation
Specifications of the fiber-optic cable.
1. Operating Temp. Range: -40°C to +65°C 2. The Form 5 control uses ST-type fiber-optic con-
nectors. The output power of the transmitter is
2. Strength Member: KEVLAR® dependent on the fiber-optic core size.
Note: The strength member cannot be steel or any
Fiber Core Size Output Power P(dBm)*
other conductive material as electrical isolation
will be lost. 50.0 µm -20.5
3. Inner Jacket: PVC 62.5 µm -16.0
4. Outer Jacket: Polyethylene 100.0 µm -10.5
5. Optical window: 850 nanometers (nm) 200.0 µm - 5.5
6. Core size: 62.5 microns (µm) *P (dBm) = 10 log (PµW/1000)
Note: Other core sizes are allowable; however, they
will affect the output power of the optical trans- 3. Input power level detection: . . . . . . . . -24.0 dBm
mitter. See Maximum Cable Lengths section. Note: Regardless of fiber core size
7. Attenuation at 850 nm: 3.5 dB/km 4. Cable length calculation example:
Note: Cables with different attenuations are accept- Typical 62.5 µm fiber cable attenuation: . . . 3.5 dB/km
able; however, maximum allowable cable length
will be affected. See Maximum Cable Lengths Transmitter, Output Power: . . . . . . . . . . . . -16.0 dBm
section for an example of how to calculate maxi-
mum permissible cable length. Receiver, Input Level: . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . -24.0 dBm
Safety Margin: . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .-1.5 dBm
Cable Terminations
Budget for Cable:
“ST” style connectors must be used to mate with the . . . . -24.0 dBm - (-16.0 dBm) - (-1.5 dBm) = -6.5 dBm
fiber-optic circuit board and the KME4-163 fiber-optic to
RS-232 converter. -6.5 dBm
Max. Cable Length = -3.5 dB/km= 1.86 km

Form 5 and Form 5/Triple-Single Recloser Control Fiber-Optic and RS-232 Accessories Installation and Operation Instructions


Proper operation of the Form 5 control Fiber-Optic and RS-232 Accessory
RS-232 accessories requires programming the Commu-
nication Port information using the Form 5 interface soft- If no Fiber-Optic accessory is installed, the RS-232
ware. Refer to Service Information S280-79-2 Form 5 accessory should be configured as Port 3. If a dual com-
Recloser Control Interface Software User’s Guide for munication installation was made using a Fiber-Optic
information on connection and programming with a per- accessory, the RS-232 accessory is configured as Com-
sonal computer. munication Port 2.
1. From the operator panel, access LCD Display
Fiber-Optic Accessory Communication Port 3 (Screen 39) or Port 2
(Screen 38). Note the settings.
If the Fiber-Optic accessory is used alone or with the RS-
232 accessory, configure it for Port 3 communication. 2. Open the interface software as described in Ser-
vice Information S280-79-2.
Customer-supplied fiber-optic cables must have ST-
Type connectors to transmit and receive data. Refer to 3. Select: SETUP/COMMUNICATION
the FIBER-OPTIC CABLE SPECIFICATIONS section of 4. Into the “PC Port Configuration” screen, enter the
this manual. settings that appeared in Screen 39 or 38 on the
1. Connect one cable to the “T” transmit terminal on operator LCD Display
the fiber-optic circuit board. Example:
2. Connect one cable to the “R” receive terminal on Protocol: 2179
the fiber-optic circuit board.
Serial Port: COM1
3. Be sure the ECHO/NON-ECHO switch on the fiber-
optic board is set to NON-ECHO. Speed: 9600
PC Address: 1
4. From the operator panel, access LCD Display
Communication Port 2 (Screen 38), or Port 3 Control Port Address: 1
(Screen 39). Note the settings. 5. Click on “Advanced” and select “Normal”.
5. Open the interface software as described in Ser-
vice Information S280-79-2. Communication Protocols
6. Select: SETUP/COMMUNICATION Three protocols are available for the Form 5 control
7. Into the “PC Port Configuration” screen, enter the and are factory-configurable to communication Ports 2
settings that appeared in Screen 38 or 39 on the and 3.
operator LCD Display. The protocols are:
Example: • Cooper Power Systems 2179
Protocol: 2179 • DNP3.0, Level 3
Serial Port: COM1 • S-Comm Protocol accessory
Speed: 9600 Protocol DNP3.0 includes “Unsolicited Report by Excep-
PC Address: 1 tion” functionality and Protocol 2179 includes 2-bit status
Control Port Address: 1 functionality.

8. Click on “Advanced” and select “NORMAL”. Complete documentation for Cooper Power Systems
communication protocols are:
• Reference Data R280-90-12, Serial Communication
Protocol 2179
• Reference Data R280-90-13, Communication Point
Database for Protocol 2179
• Reference Date R280-90-14, Communication Point
Database for Protocol DNP3.0
For additional information on digital communications with
a Form 5 recloser control, contact your Cooper Power
Systems representative or local SCADA manufacturer.

FOR LIFE S280-79-4


CAUTION: This equipment requires routine Factory-Authorized Service

! inspection and maintenance to ensure proper Centers
operation. If it is not maintained it can fail to operate
Factory-authorized service centers are located through-
properly. Improper operation can cause equipment
out the continental United States to provide mainte-
damage and possible personal injury. G105.1
nance, repair and testing services for Kyle® controls and
reclosers. For further information, contact your Cooper
Replacement Kits Power Systems representative.
Replacement kits for the Kyle® Form 5 Control are avail- Factory Maintenance Classes
able through the factory Service Department. To order
these kits, refer to the Replacement Parts price list for The factory service department offers a basic testing
catalog numbers and pricing. Contact your Cooper and troubleshooting course for the Form 5 Microproces-
Power Systems representative for additional information sor-Based Electronic Recloser Control and Reclosers.
and ordering procedures. This course, taught by experienced service technicians,
is held at the factory‘s in-house training facility. For addi-
tional information, contact your Cooper Power Systems

Form 5 and Form 5/Triple-Single Recloser Control Fiber-Optic and RS-232 Accessories Installation and Operation Instructions

FOR LIFE S280-79-4

Form 5 and Form 5/Triple-Single Recloser Control Fiber-Optic and RS-232 Accessories Installation and Operation Instructions


1045 Hickory Street

©2005 Cooper Power Systems or its affiliates. Pewaukee, WI 53072
Kyle® is a registered trademark of Cooper Power Systems or its affiliates.
KA2048-494 Rev: 01 KDL

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