Factsheet: Eukaryotic Genome Annotation

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The NCBI Eukaryotic Genome Annotation Process

Enhancing the value of assembled genomes through annotation using a standardized pipeline
National Center for Biotechnology Information • National Library of Medicine • National Institutes of Health • Department of Health and Human Services

The NCBI Eukaryotic Genome Annotation Pipeline provides content for various NCBI resources including
the Nucleotide, Protein, and Gene databases, the BLAST sequence alignment services, and GDV, the Ge-
nome Data Viewer. The pipeline uses a modular framework for the execution of all annotation tasks from
the fetching of primary and curated data from public repositories (NCBI sequence and Assembly data-
bases) to the alignment of sequences, the prediction of genes, the generation of annotated genomic se-
quence records, and finally the submission of the accessioned annotation products to public databases.
Core components of the pipeline are alignment programs (Splign and ProSplign) and an HMM-based prediction program
(Gnomon) developed at NCBI. Important features of this annotation pipeline include:
• Flexibility and speed
• Reliance on experimental data, in particular RNA-Seq data
• Production of models that compensate for assembly issues
• Tracking of gene loci from one annotation to the next

The flow-chart (right) provides an overview

of the annotation process. The genomic
sequences are masked (grey) and tran-
scripts (blue), proteins (green), RNA-Seq
reads and long SRA reads (orange) are
aligned to the genome. If available for the
organism being annotated, curated RefSeq
genomic sequences are also aligned (pink).
Gene model prediction based on transcript
and protein alignments is then performed
(brown). Small non-coding RNAs
(sncRNAs) are predicted using tRNAscan-
SE for tRNAs. rRNAs, snoRNAs and snR-
NAs are annotated by searching eukaryotic
RFAM HMMs against the genome with In-
fernal's cmsearch (lavender). The best
models are selected among the RefSeq
and the predicted models, named and ac-
cessioned (purple). Finally, the annotation
products are formatted and deployed to
public resources ( ).

See more information at: go.usa.gov/xp7Ey

Data Access
The products of an annotation run
(chromosomes, scaffolds and model tran-
scripts and proteins) are labeled with an
Annotation Release number. The Annota-
tion Release name is the combination of
the organism name and Annotation Re-
lease number (e.g. NCBI Papio anubis An-
notation Release 104) and is used through-
out NCBI as a way to uniquely identify an-
notation products originating from the same
annotation run.

The data produced for each Annotation Release is available

• In Entrez Nucleotide and Protein
• For download from the assembly FTP site
• In the Gene database
• In GDV for browsing
• In Blast databases, including nr
A web report summarizing the annotation results and listing the inputs used for the annotation is available for each Anno-
tation Release. See for example: www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/genome/annotation_euk/Papio_anubis/104/
Contact: info@ncbi.nlm.nih.gov NCBI Handout Series | Eukaryotic Genome Annotation Pipeline | Last Update December 31, 2019
Page 2 NCBI Eukaryotic Genome Annotation Pipeline

Annotated Organisms
Only genomes with assemblies that are public in INSDC (DDBJ, ENA or GenBank) are considered for annotation by the
Eukaryotic Genome Annotation Pipeline. NCBI makes this selection based on several factors. These include:
• NIH/NCBI priorities
• Assembly quality www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/genome/annotation_euk/all/ (shown partially)
• Biological, evolutionary, or economic importance
• Public availability of supporting transcript evidence
• Community interest
See the full list of annotated organisms online (right).
Request an annotation at: go.usa.gov/xpsEJ

Input Data Sets

Source of genome assemblies: The RefSeq assem-
blies annotated by NCBI are copies of the genome assemblies publicly available from DDBJ, ENA and GenBank. Details
of a specific assembly can be found in the Assembly database (www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/assembly/).
Transcripts: The set of transcripts selected for alignment to the genome varies by species. It is constrained by what is
available in the public databases (Nucleotide, Protein, dbEST) for the species and closely-related organisms. It may in-
• Curated RefSeq transcripts, if available
• Full-length cDNAs and ESTs
Next generation transcriptomic data: runs of high-throughput sequences available in SRA for the annotated species
or closely related species.
• RNA-Seq data
• Long read data (PacBio IsoSeq, Oxford Nanopore Technologies transcriptomes)
Proteins: Like transcripts, the set of proteins selected for alignment to the genome varies by species. It most often con-
tains proteins from other organisms. It may include:
• Curated RefSeq proteins
• Model RefSeq proteins annotated on high quality genomes and supported by experimental evidence
• GenBank proteins derived from cDNAs (not conceptual translations)
Curated RefSeq genomic sequences: For certain organisms, a special set of genomic sequences is curated. These
sequences are designated with the NG_ prefix and represent either non-transcribed pseudogenes, RefSeqGene records
(human only), or complex gene clusters that are difficult to annotate by automated methods. They are aligned to the ge-
nome and their features are projected on the genome.

Annotated Gene and Transcript Features

The final set of annotated features comprises the following:
• models based on curated RefSeq entries (NM_, NR_, and NP_ prefix): annotated based on alignments of curat-
ed same-species RefSeq
• miRNAs (NR_ prefix): annotated based on alignments of transcripts imported from miRBase into RefSeq
• rRNAs, snoRNAs and snRNAs (NR_ prefix): annotated based on eukaryotic RFAM HMMs hits
• models based on Gnomon predictions (XM_ and XP_ prefix): based on the alignments and chaining of the RNA-
Seq, transcripts and protein provided on input, and in a minority of cases ab initio extension
• tRNAs: predicted using tRNAscan-SE
Gene naming and locus type selection follow a set of rules:
• Genes represented by curated RefSeq sequences inherit the information from the RefSeq sequence
• Vertebrate and plant genes represented by predicted models are named based on orthology to human and Ara-
bidopsis thaliana, respectively.
 In the absence of an ortholog, genes are named by homology to SwissProt proteins
• Most predicted models with insertions, deletions or frameshifts are labeled as pseudogenes
• Predicted models with insertions, deletions or frameshifts may still be considered coding if they have a strong unique
hit to SwissProt entries or appear to be orthologs of known protein-coding genes. Their titles will be prefixed with

Link to Relevant Resources

Entrez Assembly go.usa.gov/xp7pg All annotated genomes: go.usa.gov/xp7pc
Downloads: go.usa.gov/xp7px Genome Data Viewer: go.usa.gov/xp7p2
Reference Sequence: go.usa.gov/xp7pb Splign and prosplign: go.usa.gov/xp7pa
Gnomon: go.usa.gov/xp7pC
NCBI Handout Series | Eukaryotic Genome Annotation Pipeline | Last Update December 31, 2019 Contact: info@ncbi.nlm.nih.gov

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