On The Relavance of IP Tracking
On The Relavance of IP Tracking
On The Relavance of IP Tracking
Nevertheless, besides Opera that natively integrates a VPN to The remainder of this paper is organized as follows. Section 2 de-
hide the IP address of its users [22], none of the aforementioned scribes the background and related Work. Section 3 details our input
browsers protect against IP address based tracking techniques. Thus, dataset and how we cleaned it. Section 4 goes over our methodology
we argue that many of these efforts present few benefit if users and the analysis of our dataset. Section 5 discusses our results and
can be tracked solely because of their IP address. Indeed, while some of the privacy implications. Section 6 concludes the paper.
mobile network IP addresses are commonly shared by multiple users
because of carrier-grade NAT [18], it is less the case of residential IP
addresses. Even though most Internet Service Providers (ISP) provide
dynamic IP addresses, they still remain the same for long time, as 2 BACKGROUND & RELATED WORK
long as the user does not turn off their WiFi router for long enough. An Internet Protocol (IP) address is a numerical label assigned to
Nevertheless, no large-scale longitudinal study has been conducted each device connected to a computer network that uses IP for
on the duration for which such IP addresses are retained by users communication. IP serves two main functions: host or network
and its implications in terms of privacy. interface identification and location addressing. The IP address
Our study leverages a dataset of public IP addresses collected space is managed by Internet Assigned Numbers Authority (IANA)
over a period of 111 days from 5,443 users. The IP addresses were and by 5 regional registries for different parts of the world. These
collected using two browser extensions advertised on the AmIU- registries assign blocks of addresses to Internet Service Providers
nique website.1 Using this dataset, we study the stability of the (ISP) who further assigns an IP address to each device connected on
public IP addresses a user’s device uses to communicate with our its network. These IP addresses can be static or dynamic, depending
server. The public IP addresses we obtain could be those that are on the usage.
directly assigned to the users’ devices or, more commonly, the users’ In general, static IP addresses are used to host services and are
devices are behind a gateway, such as a residential router, in which more expensive. Most residential IP addresses are dynamic, allowing
case, our server obtains the IP addresses of the routers. Over time, a the ISP to optimize how the address space is used. They are assigned
same device communicates with our server using a set of distinct IP by the ISP using the Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol (DHCP),
addresses, but we find that devices reuse some of their previous IP and each address is given a lease with an expiry period. If the lease
addresses for long periods. We call this IP address retention and, the is not renewed before the expiry period, the address is released
duration for which an IP address is retained by a device, is known back to the DHCP server and can then be assigned to a different
as the IP address retention period, or simply retention period. In device. However, if the lease is renewed the device retains the same
many cases, a device’s list of retained IP addresses show repeti- IP address. Depending on policies and configuration, this lease
tive patterns. In its simplest form, this may be a home-work-home can be renewed an indefinite amount of times. In practice, if our
routine. We define these patterns as IP address cycles. WiFi set-top-boxes remain connected and the ISP’s policies allow
We first study the retention period of each IP address, how it it, contrary to being dynamic, the same IP address may be retained
varies from country to country, the presence of short-lived and for a long duration.
long-lived IP addresses, and when a device uses a new, previously Dynamic IP addresses constitute a significant portion of assigned
unknown, IP address, we test to see its similarity to previous IP addresses. In 2007, Xie et al. [28] observed that more than 40 % of
addresses by removing the last—least-significant—octet. Then, we IP addresses collected from Hotmail user logins in a month were
derive cycles of long-lived IP addresses for each user, which shows dynamic. They also studied the volatility of dynamic IP addresses
potential to discriminate and track users. Our intuition is that, given and they showed that over 30 % of dynamic IP addresses were
the portable nature of personal devices, IP cycles reflect human shared by more than one user within 1 to 3 days. Despite the very
behavior and can be used as a proxy to infer other information, like large dataset, the IP address is only collected when a user logs
user routines. Our evaluation also shows that even simple metrics, in, and important information, like the ID of the device or any
such as the Jaccard similarity between sets of IP addresses, provide IP changes between two user logins, is lost. As we propose in
unique and stable information that could be used by trackers, and this paper, we believe that better understanding the stability of
could be also be used for respawning cookies. IP addresses requires a finer-grained dataset that can associate
In summary, this paper reports on the following results: IP addresses to specific devices, and retrieve IP address changes
(1) 87 % of users have at least one IP address that was retained rapidly.
for more than 30 days, Maier et al. [19] studied the dominant characteristics of residen-
(2) Among the 10 countries that contributed the most IP ad- tial broadband traffic in 2009. On a DSL network, they found that
dresses to our dataset, the Netherlands shows the highest 50 % of IP addresses were assigned to residential routers at least
average IP address retention period of 36.96 days, twice in 24 hours, whereas 1–5% of IP addresses were reassigned al-
(3) 93 % of users have a distinct set of long-lived IP addresses, most 10 times a day. In our study, we look at the public IP addresses
that is, the set of IP addresses with a retention period at least from which devices connect to the Internet, not at any specific ISP.
30 days proves to be highly discriminating, We observe that some IP addresses are used by devices for only a
(4) 20 % of users have at least one cycle of long-lived IP addresses few hours and then they change. Our study confirms that devices
that lasts for more than 30 days. access the Internet across a large amount of short-lived IP addresses,
but we also found that devices have some very long-lived IP ad-
dresses that they reuse over time, with induces important privacy
1 https://amiunique.org/ risks, such as online tracking.
Don’t Count Me Out: On the Relevance of IP Address in the Tracking Ecosystem WWW ’20, April 20–24, 2020, Taipei, Taiwan
Number of users
80 % of the users who deleted their cookies purely based on the
IP address and the user-agent of the browser. Sebastian et al. [30] 3,200 80,000
showed that the IP addresses along with browsing history of a user 70,000
can be used effectively for cross-device tracking. However, their 3,100
dataset is quite small with only 126 users and 1,994 IP addresses. 60,000
Their objective was to study cross-device tracking, but they do 3,000 50,000
not study the stability of IP addresses, how they are assigned, how
0 19 019 019
06/2 07/2 08/2
portable devices, like laptops and cellphones, cycle through IP ad-
dresses when moving across networks.
We show the existence of IP address cycles, that is, IP addresses Figure 3: Evolution of the number of active extensions and
that the devices use to connect to the Internet over long periods of IPs collected per month.
time. We argue that this is a proxy to the user’s behavior, inherent
in the way modern, portable, personal devices are used, and can clearly stated when the users install it. Every four hours, the exten-
reveal information on the user daily routine. De Montjoye et al. [7], sion sends a browser fingerprint and IP address to the AmIUnique
in a study in 2013, showed that human mobility traces are highly servers. The AmIUnique initiative, including the online website
unique. They showed that 95 % of individuals from a dataset of 1.5 and the associated extensions, obtained the agreement from the
million individuals can be uniquely identified if their location is IRB to collect such information.
specified hourly. The results of this study highlight the impact of We used the Maxmind GeoLite2 database3 to gather geolocation
learning an individual daily routine. data on the collected IP addresses. Our dataset of 41,566 IP addresses
In this paper, we focus on studying i) the stability of IP addresses, originates from 131 countries, with the majority of them coming
including variations among countries, ii) the uniqueness of a set of from either Europe or North America. Figure 1 reports on the Top 10
IP addresses assigned to a user device, and finally, iii) we show the countries contributing IP addresses to our dataset and Germany is
presence of cycles of IP addresses allocated to a user device, which the highest represented one with 8,352 distinct IP addresses.
has privacy implications, as suggested by De Montjoye et al. [7]. We also gather the ISP (Internet Service Provider) associated with
the IP addresses in our dataset from the website Who is my ISP? 4
3 INPUT DATASET for this purpose. Our dataset of 41,566 IP addresses are assigned
and owned by 3,087 ISPs. Figure 2 reports on the Top 10 ISPs con-
The dataset we study contains 41,566 unique IP addresses from
tributing users to our dataset—i.e., those ISPs which are used by
5,443 browser instances and has been collected between June 6, 2019
the most number of users in our dataset.
and September 25, 2019 using the AmIUnique browser extensions
Figure 3 summarizes the evolution of the number of active users
for Chrome and Firefox.2 AmIUnique [2] is a website that aims
for our extensions, together with the number of collected IPs over
to study browser fingerprinting. To better understand stability of
time. It is important to note that the x-axis reports browser in-
fingerprints over time, AmIUnique also provides two browser ex-
stances, and not users: a user can have the extension installed in
tensions, available for Chromium-based and Gecko-based browsers.
multiple browsers and we do not try to link those two installations
Our dataset focuses on desktop devices, as these extensions are
to a single user. Furthermore, the extension assigns a unique iden-
not supported by mobile browsers. Users are fully aware that these
tifier at install time and, if users reinstall the extension, a unique
extensions collect data about their fingerprint, the timestamp and
identifier is generated again and we consider it as a new instance.
the IP address, since it is the main purpose of the extension and is
3 https://dev.maxmind.com/geoip/geoip2/geolite2/
2 Available from https://amiunique.org/timeline 4 https://www.whoismyisp.org
WWW ’20, April 20–24, 2020, Taipei, Taiwan Vikas Mishra, Pierre Laperdrix, Antoine Vastel, Walter Rudametkin, Romain Rouvoy, and Martin Lopatka
which are present for only a few days, thus, we remove these users
from our study for better quality of results.
Individual retention period of each IP
Dataset cleaning. We remove users that contribute IP addresses
for less than 60 days from our dataset, as they do not contribute to
our objective of studying stability of IP address over long durations. 0.2
After removing these users from the dataset, we are left with 2,230
users and 34,488 distinct IP addresses in the dataset.
0 20 40 60 80 100 120
Figure 4: Retention period of IP addresses. The green line
In this section, we introduce our observations from the analysis of
shows that, individually, most IP addresses are very short lived
the input dataset described in Section 3. We first study the stability
(90% are retained for less than 10 days), while the red line shows
of IP addresses assigned to a user, then analyze the uniqueness of a
that, on average, users retain their IP addresses much longer (53%
set of IP addresses assigned to a user, which enables the discrimina-
of users have an average retention of 20 days or more).
tion of users based on their sets of IP addresses. Finally, we report
on the presence of cycles in the user IP addresses and present its
impact on privacy and tracking.
Germany 5.42
USA 18.93 0.8
France 21.38
China 4.52
United Kingdom 18.39 0.6
Russia 3.95 Max Retention Period per ISP
Netherlands 36.96 0.4
India 19.62
Canada 5.04 0.2
Switzerland 11.59
0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 0.0
Retention Period (days) 0 20 40 60 80 100 120
Figure 6: Average retention period for the Top 10 contribut-
Figure 7: Maximum Retention period per ISP
ing countries. Countries ordered from highest number of IP ad-
dresses in our dataset (top), to lowest (bottom).
About 77 % of all the distinct IP addresses in our dataset have a M247 Ltd 8.16
retention period of less than a week while 7.1 % of IP addresses are Orange 11.79
retained for more than 2 months. Furthermore, only 22 users in our Comcast 21.69
dataset do not have any IP address retained for more than a week, Deutsche Telekom 4.16
whereas 99 % (2, 208) of users have at least one IP address retained Spectrum 40.27
more than a week, ~87 % (1, 948) users have at least one IP that was Chinanet 3.2
retained for at least one month, and 70 % (1, 569) users have at least Vodafone Kabel (DE) 8.51
one IP address that was retained for more than 2 months.
BOUYGUES Telecom 6.66
Micfo 9.53
Total Server Solutions 5.29
Impact of country on retention period. We also study
how the retention period varies per country. We gather country 0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45
Retention Period (days)
information using Maxmind’s geolite database and compute the
average retention period of each IP address per country. Figure 6 Figure 8: Average Retention period for the Top 10 contribut-
shows the average retention periods of the Top 10 countries. There ing ISPs. ISPs ordered from highest number of users in our dataset
are 31 countries with an average retention period greater than 10 (top), to lowest (bottom).
days, with Turkey having the maximum retention period of about
97 days and Indonesia having the minimum with about 4 hours. longest retention periods may indeed be higher. We can see from
We believe the reason for differences in retention period among the figure that about 45 % of ISPs in our dataset have at least 1 IP
these countries is due to the difference in the lease time set by address that was retained for at least 30 days. Moreover, there are
DHCP servers from ISPs in different countries. However, we could 392 ISPs for which the maximum retention period is more than
not verify this hypothesis as it is challenging to gather lease times 100 days. This shows that a significant portion of ISPs all over the
of specific ISPs given that their IP address configurations are often world suffer from the issue of assigning long-lived IP addresses,
considered sensitive and are not published. making these users susceptible to IP-based tracking. Furthermore,
in Figure 8, we present the average retention periods of the top
Impact of ISPs on the retention period. As explained in 10 ISPs contributing the highest number of users in our dataset.
Section 2, the retention period of an IP address depends on the In conclusion, we observe significant differences between ISPs. It
lease time and renewal policy used by the DHCP servers of an remains to be seen if these results generalize at a larger scale with
Internet Service Provider (ISP). Padmanabhan et al. [23] reported a more representative numbers of users and ISPs per country.
that some ISPs renew IP addresses after a fixed duration, ranging
from one day to two weeks, and even more. Here, we want to see Amount of changes in IP addresses. Finally, we also
if we can observe similar behaviors in our dataset. By querying observed several cases wherein, after a change in IP address, the
the whoismyisp.org website, we identified 3,087 distinct ISPs new IP address is very similar to the previously assigned address.
and we plotted, in Figure 7, the maximum observable retention IPv4 addresses are made of only 4 octets, and we observed several
period for each of them. We consider the maximum period we cases where only the last octet of the IP address changed. For
were able to identify in our dataset, per ISP, as the lower bounds of instance, assume a user had an IP address that
the worst case scenario in terms of IP retention for that ISP. This is changed to, while on the same network. This
because we collected data over a limited amount of time and this occurs often because ISPs generally assign IPs from a relatively
might not reveal the complete behavior of IP assignments; the small range. To measure the prevalence of such changes in our
dataset, we calculate the average retention period of each user
WWW ’20, April 20–24, 2020, Taipei, Taiwan Vikas Mishra, Pierre Laperdrix, Antoine Vastel, Walter Rudametkin, Romain Rouvoy, and Martin Lopatka
by ignoring the last octet of every IP address in our dataset. 4.2 Presence of Cycles
Thus, IP simply becomes 89.158.242 for further With our dataset, we have observed that the list of distinct IP ad-
calculations of retention period. The average retention period more dresses is enough to identify, and potentially track, our user base
than doubles from 9.3 days to 19.51 days after ignoring the last over time. We also observed that there are users in our dataset
octet of the IP address. Thus, showing that even in cases when IP who exhibit connectivity patterns in their IP addresses, with one
addresses change, they often do not change completely, and retain IP in the morning and the other at night, often repeated over long
much of their previous information. durations. We define these repeated patterns as cycles.
In Section 4.1.1, we showed that there are both short-lived and
Our analyses and observations show that users have both short- long-lived IP addresses for each user. In this section, we only look at
and long-lived IP addresses. This can intuitively be explained by the those cycles, which are made of IP addresses with retention periods
fact that IP addresses are a proxy to user behavior, as users travel, greater than a month, since they are more interesting in terms of
they connect to new networks and obtain short-lived IP addresses. tracking a user’s routine. We observed 443 users in our dataset who
However, other networks are more prevalent in the user’s routine, have at least 1 cycle, repeating every week (frequency of 1 week)
for example, their home or work networks, or the WiFi hotspot of and lasting more than a month. The maximum duration of a cycle
their favorite places. Moreover, whenever IP addresses do change, detected in our dataset is 105.5 days. These cycles can consist of
much of the time the changes involve the least-significant octet of various numbers of IP addresses. 443 users have a cycle of 2 IP
the address. This shows potential privacy issues for users in regards addresses, 78 users have a cycle of 3 IP addresses. The maximum
to tracking. size of cycle, in terms of number of distinct IP addresses, observed
in the dataset is 4 IP addresses, which was observed for 7 users.
4.1.2 Uniqueness. Our observations from the above subsection
gives us the key insight that users retain IP addresses for long
durations and reuse a given IP address multiple times over a period 4.2.1 Impact on Privacy. Our hypothesis is that the IP address
of weeks or months in some cases. The fact that IP addresses are cycles present in our database can be attributed to a simple cause:
retained and reused for a long period of time alone cannot be the user’s behavior and daily routines. As we have shown in
exploited to track people over time. Multiple users can share the Section 4.1.1, IP addresses are stable over time. If we observe the
same IP address behind a NAT router. For instance, in our dataset, same IP address multiple times for a given user over long durations,
there are 1,046 users who share 1 IP with another user. However, we and this IP address is interleaved by other IP addresses, this likely
observed in our dataset that there are multiple IP addresses that are means that the user reconnected through the same network, from
reused and retained for a long duration by a user. The chances that the same physical location as before. In essence, the user came
two users connect to the same network at multiple locations and back to the same network. These cycles then present two major
share multiple IP addresses is quite low. Thus, set of IP addresses privacy problems, as we describe next.
retained by a user over a long duration can be considered to be
unique, as well as stable, for a long duration. Insight into the user routine. First, it can give an adversary
To evaluate this hypothesis, we compute a pair-wise comparison incredible insight into someone’s weekly or daily routine. If we
between the set of long-lived (greater than 30 days) IP addresses for observe the same set of addresses during the day and a different
each user in our dataset and compute the Jaccard similarity to verify one during the night, we can deduce when the user is at work or
if a set of IP addresses can be used for discriminating different users. at home. From our dataset of IP addresses, we observe that 5, 633
We use the following formula to calculate the Jaccard similarity of them are always present in either day or night. Furthermore,
between 2 users A and B with IPA and IP B being the sets of IP we also detected 58 users in our dataset, which have IP cycles
addresses used by the corresponding users. that resemble mobility traces. Their IP address changes every
morning, remains the same until the evening, and the same
cycle continues the next day. We also saw differences for these
IPA ∩ IP B users over weekends, where the IP address that was observed
J (A, B) =
IPA ∪ IP B between morning and evening was not present for these users
on Saturdays and Sundays. It is intuitive to think that the reason
This results in us performing 2,485,335 comparisons for 2,230 users behind this could be that these IP addresses are assigned to the
in our dataset. From this pair-wise comparison, we find that the user’s device at work. If one is able to acquire fine-grain data,
Jaccard similarity is zero for 99.97 % of pairs of users in our dataset. identifying cycles can even help predict where the user will be next.
We further observed that ~93 % of users have a unique set of long- In 2015, Libert et al. crawled the Alexa Top 1M websites and found
lived IP addresses. Thus, showing the high uniqueness offered by that 78.07 % of websites initiated third-party HTTP requests to a
sets of IP addresses assigned to a user. Furthermore, we also ob- Google-owned domain [17]. Such a massive presence on the web
served a perfect Jaccard similarity of 100 % for 44 pairs of users. gives Google a lot of power in acquiring a very fine-grained set of IP
After manually analyzing the browser fingerprints of these users, addresses that could be used to identify one’s routine with precision.
we came to the conclusion that these users are actually the same,
but are marked as different. We believe the reason for this is that Tracking through IP address cycles. The second problem is
these people use our extension in multiple browsers, thus, having that the identification of cycles can ease user reidentification. In the
multiple extension IDs. case a user deletes her cookies or uses a different device, identifying
Don’t Count Me Out: On the Relevance of IP Address in the Tracking Ecosystem WWW ’20, April 20–24, 2020, Taipei, Taiwan
a cycle that has been seen in the past can help in linking two distinct exit node IP addresses are public, meaning any service can know
profiles to the same user. if the client is connecting through the Tor network, and many ser-
In the end, the stability of individual IP addresses combined with vices already block Tor. The user also faces a degraded experience
the uniqueness of sets of IP addresses involved in the cycles creates on the web, as the Tor browser limits some functionality in order
an important privacy threat. While software bugs can be fixed with to improve privacy and security. And finally, the Tor network in-
patches or redesigns, human behavior is not so simple. These cycles creases latency by a considerable amount, which may, or may not
are inherently linked to peoples’ behavior, as exemplified by the be, acceptable to the user.
typical home, work, home daily routine. Using VPNs or the Tor Finally, in 2016, Padmanabhan et al. [23] measured how often
network can mitigate the effects of IP address tracking, at the cost some IP addresses change depending on the ISP or the country.
of changing the user’s quality of experience, while including the They found that some ISPs in Germany and in France dynamically
inherent added risks of trusting a potentially unknown server (e.g., change residential IP addresses every day. Moreover, they observed
TOR exit node snooping [27], VPN server). However, we believe that IP address changes typically span prefixes and most users are
that further research should be done to study these aspects of cycles not reassigned addresses that are very close numerically to their
and we argue that the problem should be fixed at its core, through old ones. This study proves that dynamic changes are possible
smaller retention periods and higher diversity of IP addresses. on a daily basis without causing drastic service interruptions or
routing inflation. In the end, we argue that the simplest solution
that can benefit all users is to work closely with ISPs to reassign
5 DISCUSSION new addresses more frequently and ensure, as best as possible,
While the current tracking ecosystem exploits numerous ways to that the address changes are difficult to link. This would mitigate
track users online, particularly with the use of UUIDs in persis- most of the long-term impacts of IP tracking and prevent trackers
tent storage (e.g., cookies), not enough attention has been given from building IP address cycles that can give insight into users’ lives.
to tracking using IP addresses. In this study, we looked at the sta-
bility of public IP address and found that long-lived addresses are Threats to Validity Our dataset is inevitably biased as we col-
stable and can enable long-term tracking of users. IP addresses are lected data from desktop users who visited the AmIUnique web-
retained, and reused, and can form cycles that could potentially site and installed our extension. Our findings are intended to be
allow inferring information about a user behavior or routine. These challenged with a larger population and data coming from mobile
findings are comparable to what can be seen with mobility traces. devices. Moreover, we do not have concrete details on the renewal
In a study published in 2013, De Montjoye et al. [7] showed that policies of different ISPs that would confirm and put into perspec-
human mobility traces are highly unique. They found that 95 % of tive the retention periods we observed in our study. Yet, our results
individuals from a dataset of 1.5 million individuals can be uniquely show that IP-based tracking is still very much alive. With both long-
identified if their location is specified hourly. Their results high- lived IP addresses and the presence of cycles, most users in our
lighted the impact of learning an individual’s daily routine and the dataset can be tracked just because of the network environments
privacy violations that go with it. Our intuition is that IP addresses they connect to.
of portable, personal devices can be used as a proxy to a user’s
mobility traces.
To mitigate the privacy implications of IP tracking, we can look at 6 CONCLUSION
the advantages and disadvantages of different solutions. In the field In this paper, we studied IP addresses to assess their impact in the
of geolocation, methods like the one proposed by Andrés et al. [4] current tracking ecosystem. With the help of 2,230 participants,
where noise is added to the traces of a user can increase privacy we collected IP addresses over 111 days and analyzed both their
without impacting the quality of the desired service. However, for stability and uniqueness. Out of 34,488 distinct IP addresses we
IP addresses, one cannot simply change the IP address and modify collected, we found that 11.3 % of them were present for more than
bits of it. The packets will never reach their destination and the a month. Many endpoints from which our users connected to the
quality of service will simply drop to zero. Web remained stable throughout the 111 day period and, as such,
One solution may include using VPNs, but this also presents renders users vulnerable to long-term tracking based solely on
some shortcomings. For a VPN to fully work against IP tracking, their IP address. For about 20 % of users, we also identified cycles
a user always has to use it. VPNs introduce additional latency, of long-lived IP addresses, which have the potential to provide
most are for-profit services, and in locations such as the work insights into users’ lives, and also allows easier re-identification in
environment, user’s might not be allowed to use them or may find the case of cookie removal. We found 58 users with a very specific
themselves unable to access the local services. Some services can cycle which resembles a typical home, work, home daily routine,
also detect the use of VPNs, adding information to enable tracking, including weekends off.
and even block them, such as Netflix who attempts to geo-lock their Our analysis shows that 93 % of users in our dataset had a unique
content. Finally, users must also trust the VPN service since they set of long-lived IP addresses (minimum retention period of 30
are ideally positioned for snooping the users’ activities, as has been days) that remain stable over time, presenting a bleak picture of the
shown in existing work [21]. state of online tracking. Despite much effort to fight stateless and
Another solution would be to use the Tor Browser [1] that fun- stateful tracking mechanisms, such as cookies, cookie syncing or
nels all network packets through the Tor network. This solution browser fingerprinting, the role of IP addresses in tracking remains
works against IP tracking, but the user has serious drawbacks. Tor significant and, in regards to recent large-scale research studies, an
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