Factsheet: Genome Database
Factsheet: Genome Database
Factsheet: Genome Database
The Genome database at NCBI now uses a biologically-relevant schema to organize its records at the spe-
cies-level. Records from the Genome database provide summary of the organisms, genomic information of
available chromosomes and other replicons, and links to genomic sequences (in different stages of se-
quencing), their assembly, as well as annotation. Genome records also provide links to relevant entries in
the BioProject and BioSample databases, which detail the research projects and biological specimens from
which genomes were isolated and sequenced. Additionally, genome records connect to relevant records
from the Assembly database, where individual records representing different versions of genomic assemblies are availa-
ble along with download links. When relevant and available, genome records also provide links to data from sub-species,
different strains/isolates, or from different sequencing attempts.
The “Custom Resources” and “Other Resources” sections (D) provide links to other web pages and databases main-
tained by NCBI. The “Genome Tools” and “Genome Annotation and Analysis” sections (E) provide links to analysis tools
available from NCBI. The “External Resources” section (F) lists links to representative resources outside NCBI.
NCBI Handout Series | NCBI Genome | Last Updated on December 26, 2017 Contact: info@ncbi.nlm.nih.gov
Page 2 The Genome Database at NCBI
Contact: info@ncbi.nlm.nih.gov NCBI Handout Series | NCBI Genome | Last Updated on December 26, 2017
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Contact: info@ncbi.nlm.nih.gov NCBI Handout Series | NCBI Genome | Last Updated on December 26, 2017