Life-Saving Rules: Comply The So That Everyone Goes Home Safely

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1. Work with a valid work permit when

required. Comply the 12
Life-Saving Rules
2. Conduct gas tests when required.
so that everyone
3. Verify isolation before work begins
and use the specified life protecting
goes home
4. Obtain authorisation before entering
a confined space.

5. Obtain authorisation before

overriding or disabling safety critical
equipment. I am
6. Protect yourself against a fall when RESPONSIBLE
working at height.
for my safety
7. Do not walk under a suspended load.
and safety of
8. Do not smoke outside designated others
smoking areas.

9. No alcohol or drugs while working or


10. While driving, do not use your Our top priority

phone and do not exceed speed limits.
is to achieve
11. Wear your seat belt.

12. Follow prescribed Journey

Management Plan.

Source: Shell 12 Life-Saving Rules

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