Life Saving Rules Basic Awareness Training

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– This Course Belongs To You, And Its Success
Depends Largely On You.
– Please Enter Into Discussions Enthusiastically.
– Please Feel Free To Share Your Experience With

The aim of the course is to improve the knowledge

of anyone involved in the management & execution
of Olefins CW Pipeline Replacement Project. This
includes supervisors, team Leader, foreman and
staff working inside SHARQ premises engage in any
project. The purpose is to ensure that high risk
activities are assessed and risk is within safe limit
and which failure could lead to major injury or
Why Sabic Life Saving Rules
These basic rules related to the highest risk
activities we under-take on our operations. People
have died and been disabled in our industry from
not following them. If there is a reason you are
unable to comply with these rules you must bring it
to the attention of a SABIC supervisor to help you
resolve the problem.
Why Sabic Life Saving Rules
These Life Saving Rules are complementary to
the site’s procedures and processes and are
issued as reminders of the hazards and risks
when performing these tasks.
Before performing a safety critical tasks utilize
the applicable permits as an opportunity to fully
understand the hazards, determine safe work
practices and communicate. then safely perform
the activities
What is a Life saving rules?
The Life Saving Rules are critical actions that you
must always follow when engaging in the identified
activities. These rules do not replace your site
procedures. Rather, the rules highlight those
aspects of the site procedures that require constant
focus and attention to prevent serious injury or
death. The rules also tell you where to get more
detailed guidance and information on these
activities and procedures.
Safe Systems of Work
Danger to life by (potential) exposure to hazards
that must be controlled during planned work.
When required to use WP I will:
▪ Satisfy that all hazards been identified and all risks are
removed or effective controls in place.
▪ Read and understand the WP to ensure the work is
identified by an SOP or listed in the permit before signing
▪ Comply with the specified permit conditions and

遵遵循安全 restrictions and ensure other permits needed are in place

▪ Ensure the (Last Minute) Risk Assessment has been

的工作制度 completed
▪ Respond to identified change in the working environment
or LOTO situation
没有许可证-- ▪ Immediately stop the work if the work conditions, as
documented in the work permit, change
----没有工作 ▪ Ensure the work site is left in a safe condition when work
is complete or suspended
Work Permits
Work Permits
Work Permit Process Flow
Work Permit Validity
Confined Space Entry
Danger to life by exposure to a hazardous
atmosphere in a confined space
When required to use WP I will:
▪ Confirm a valid work permit with risk assessment has
been completed and verify suitable air test results and
ventilation are in place
▪ Understand the hazards of my activity in context of the
entry and ensure there is a plan to control the risk
▪ Read and understand the rescue plan
▪ Ensure that myself and all affected workers are trained

进入前 in confined space entry and understand how to use

required PPE and retrieval equipment
▪ Fit my personal lock to the lock box controlling the
安全的工作系统 LOTO isolations
▪ Confirm with the trained Stand-by attendant that it is
隔离,LOTO,通 safe for me to enter and confirm that I will be quickly
notified when there are changes to the conditions
风,照明,限制 ▪ Obey all instructions given by the Stand-by attendant
▪ Work within the scope of the Work Permit
Confined Space Entry
Safety at Height
Danger to life from people or objects from height
When required to use WP I will:
▪ Work within a suitably guarded platform or use
approved fall arrest equipment
▪ Ensure that worker is well trained in the use of fall
protection equipment and that the worker inspect it
prior to use.
▪ Always use three-point contact to climb or descend a
仅使用 ladder to and from an elevated work space
▪ Minimize and secure any tools and equipment away
防 护平台 ,防坠 from edges
▪ Avoid standing on pipes unless the worker have an
落 设备, 无固定 approved risk assessment
工 具,三 点接触 ▪ Avoid multi-level working or install additional
Safety at Height
Lifting Operations
Danger to life from objects falling from heights
or damaging plant equipment
When required to use WP I will:
▪ Only do so if I have been adequately
trained and authorized
▪ Only use registered lifting equipment and
confirm the inspection date is current
▪ Barrier and sign the area to prevent people
安全起吊 from walking into the drop zone
▪ Never cross erected barriers unless
培训,授权, authorized & safe to do so

检查设备,路 ▪ Never walk under a suspended load

Lifting Operations
Energy Isolation
Danger to life from exposure to mechanical,
electrical, radiation or other forms of energy
When required to use WP I will:
▪ Ensure an appropriate energy isolation
procedure is in place (Lock-Out, Tag-Out,
▪ Put my personal lock on the lock box or
在正在运行的设备 lock out device as specified in the work
工作之前 ▪ Follow approved methods to verify that the
energy sources have been isolated
LOTO,工作指导, ▪ Communicate to all parties involved
批准的方法,与所 ▪ Never cut LOTO locks or devices or remove

有各方沟通 tags without being authorized

Energy Isolation
Energy Isolation
Created Openings
Danger to life for people falling from height
through openings on working surfaces
When required to use WP I will:
▪ Complete the dedicated risk assessment
▪ Only do so with the authority of a dedicated
work permit
▪ Ensure myself and others wear appropriate
开始之前 fall arrest equipment
▪ Identify and protect the opening with both
风险评估,工作许 signage and hard barriers
可证 硬屏障,标 ▪ Ensure the opening is closed and secured
as soon as possible using clips and clamps
牌,防坠落,完工 ▪ Take immediate action to prevent injury to
和关闭 others
Created Openings

Structure Grating Removal UG Pit opening

Disabling Safety System
Danger to life when disable safety systems (EHSS
Critical) fail to provide the protection against the
hazards for which they were designed.
When required to use WP I will:
▪ Only do so if the appropriate risk assessment
(MOC/SAFER) has been completed and the worker has
written authorization
▪ Ensure appropriate records are made
▪ Consider the need for temporary MOC

禁用时 ▪

Communicate the change to all affected workers
Stop and report any concerns / observations with regard

风险评估,MOC,▪ to safety systems

Avoid disabling safety systems as much as possible

Seek clarification if concerned work could affect a safety

Never knowingly tamper with or compromise safety
▪ Communicate the type of change to all affected workers
Disabling Safety System
Vehicle Safety
Danger to life from vehicles coming into contact
with pedestrians, other vehicles, plant,
installation or the presence of an ignition source.
When required to use WP I will:
▪ Ensure driver is fit, authorized, and competent to drive a
▪ Ensure the vehicle is safe to use and fit for purpose
▪ Ensure that bringing the vehicle onto the plant area is

车辆移动时 ▪
essential and driver have been given authorization
Comply with the related rules and regulations and local

健身,能力, ▪
highway code
Observe rules for banks men / flagmen when reversing

授权,车辆检 ▪

Secure the vehicle when not in use
Park in an appropriate manner, consistent with site rules

查,旗手,安 ▪ Always use the pedestrian pathways and crossovers

when walking outside
Vehicle Safety

Line Breaks
Danger to life from release of hazardous
chemicals or trapped pressure.
When required to use WP I will:
▪ Comply with the appropriate safe system of work
▪ Barricade the work area and provide containment for
potential released material in advance of the line
▪ Confirm the identity of the correct line
▪ Confirm standard isolations are in place: LOTO
▪ Follow approved methods to confirm the system is
在你开始前 free of process material and/or trapped pressure
▪ Follow agreed risk assessment if not able to prove
许可证,障碍物, empty

隔离材料,隔离 ▪ Follow agreed communications with Operations

before cutting a line
LOTO , 通 讯 , ▪ Wear the specified PPE for the task and break
flanges away from me to avoid line of fire
Line Breaks
• All line breaks are viewed as having the potential to unexpectedly release
liquids, solids or gases under pressure during initial breaks, subsequent
breaks, and during continued work.
• The physical isolation, identification and clearing of hazards is the primary
control to protect personnel.
• PPE is the back-up protection.
• Both levels of control, primary and back-up, are required.
Management of Change
Danger to life due to changes or modifications to
the equipment, process, installation or staffing
When required to use WP I will:
▪ Ensure the adjustments are with –in the control limits
▪ Verify whether it is a “like-for-like” repair or modification
▪ If it is a modification ensure the MOC work process is
followed and approvals are given
▪ Make sure a MOC is approved for execution and is signed
off by the MOC team review
维修,修改,调整 ▪ After the modification or repair a PSSR is executed to
之前 ensure a safe start-up
▪ Use the updated procedures and drawings following the
遵循限制,批准的 change

MOC, 执行PSSR, Ensure training is completed on changes, processes
prior to start-up
更新,培训,审核 ▪ Ensure emergency changes are reviewed and
Management of Change
Covid-19 Precautionary
Danger to life at high risk of developing more serious
complications from Covid-19, including adults and
those with underlying medical conditions.
When required to use WP I will:
• Wear the specified PPE related to COVID-19 facemasks
three layers, (as required).
• Ensure wearing facemask three layers prior entering
from gate 1.
COVID-19 预 防 措 • Declare any contact with suspected or confirmed case
to your direct management
施 • Satisfy and comply with all COVID-19 precautions and
戴口罩,不直接接 requirements identified for your workplace (maintain
Social distance 1.6 meters, avoid unnecessary
触,保持社交距离, gathering in offices, use personal prayer rug…etc.)
• Declare to SHARQ Clinic if you exhibiting any covid-19
洗手消毒,报告任 symptoms.
何症状 • Never enter CCR unless authorized & allowed to do so.
Covid-19 Precautionary

Cover your nose &

Maintain social Avoid exchange Sanitize routine
Mouth while
distance 1.6m routine use things things frequently
What Happens If I do
not follow the Rules?
Life Saving Rules are there for a very important
reason: people have died and been disabled in our
industry from not following them. A failure to follow a
designated rule will be recorded as an incident and
will be investigated as part of a fair and just culture.
To help identify the root cause and learning of an
incident the model below will be used. It categorizes
why human failures occur. The investigation findings
will determine the actions to reduce the likelihood of
repeating the human failure in the future.
What Happens If I do
not follow the Rules?
Deviation from Life Saving Rules can results in
fatality and/or life-altering injuries, the actions arising
as a consequence of not following LSR’s will depend
on the circumstances that allowed the incident to
occur. Incidents due to ineffective training or lack full
comprehension may be addressed by procedural
changes or improved training / validation. Whereas,
incidents arising from wilful motivation to
consciously deviate from the LSR procedure may
lead to a disciplinary outcome in accordance with
established site procedures.
LSR Breach & Action

FIRE 3333
Questions ?

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