Life Saving Rules Basic Awareness Training
Life Saving Rules Basic Awareness Training
Life Saving Rules Basic Awareness Training
的工作制度 completed
▪ Respond to identified change in the working environment
or LOTO situation
没有许可证-- ▪ Immediately stop the work if the work conditions, as
documented in the work permit, change
----没有工作 ▪ Ensure the work site is left in a safe condition when work
is complete or suspended
Work Permits
Work Permits
Work Permit Process Flow
Work Permit Validity
Confined Space Entry
Danger to life by exposure to a hazardous
atmosphere in a confined space
When required to use WP I will:
▪ Confirm a valid work permit with risk assessment has
been completed and verify suitable air test results and
ventilation are in place
▪ Understand the hazards of my activity in context of the
entry and ensure there is a plan to control the risk
▪ Read and understand the rescue plan
▪ Ensure that myself and all affected workers are trained
Lifting Operations
Energy Isolation
Danger to life from exposure to mechanical,
electrical, radiation or other forms of energy
When required to use WP I will:
▪ Ensure an appropriate energy isolation
procedure is in place (Lock-Out, Tag-Out,
▪ Put my personal lock on the lock box or
在正在运行的设备 lock out device as specified in the work
工作之前 ▪ Follow approved methods to verify that the
energy sources have been isolated
LOTO,工作指导, ▪ Communicate to all parties involved
批准的方法,与所 ▪ Never cut LOTO locks or devices or remove
禁用时 ▪
Communicate the change to all affected workers
Stop and report any concerns / observations with regard
车辆移动时 ▪
essential and driver have been given authorization
Comply with the related rules and regulations and local
健身,能力, ▪
highway code
Observe rules for banks men / flagmen when reversing
授权,车辆检 ▪
Secure the vehicle when not in use
Park in an appropriate manner, consistent with site rules
Line Breaks
Danger to life from release of hazardous
chemicals or trapped pressure.
When required to use WP I will:
▪ Comply with the appropriate safe system of work
▪ Barricade the work area and provide containment for
potential released material in advance of the line
▪ Confirm the identity of the correct line
▪ Confirm standard isolations are in place: LOTO
▪ Follow approved methods to confirm the system is
在你开始前 free of process material and/or trapped pressure
▪ Follow agreed risk assessment if not able to prove
许可证,障碍物, empty
FIRE 3333
Questions ?