Working in Close Proximity To Overheadpowerlines: Huawei Confidential
Working in Close Proximity To Overheadpowerlines: Huawei Confidential
Working in Close Proximity To Overheadpowerlines: Huawei Confidential
This Safe Work Method Statement details how specific risks associated with working near Overhead Power lines are to be managed.
It outlines the common risks and dangers associated with this work and how to best control them based on the Hierarchy of Controls.
The control measures listed in this SWMS must be implemented on site.
If other hazards are identified that are not identified in this SWMS a Risk Assessment for the new hazard must be completed on the RA checklist.
Emergency Procedure
If unplanned contact with electric lines occurs, the following action is to be taken:
Stay away.
Do not try to break contact between the machinery (cranes or any third party machines) and the power line because lines can be damaged.
Stay in the cabin. Machinery operators must not leave their machinery until the power is switched off and the area declared safe by
Call relevant KPLC authorities in charge of the line immediately. Only perform rescue to the personnel when the lines are switched off and confirmed.
Keep all employees and other persons on Safaricom worksites no less than 8 m away.
If immediate evacuation is necessary:
o Do not touch the ground and the machinery at the same time.
Stay well clear of tyres. Contact with live high voltage may cause vehicle tyres to explode, not necessarily immediately.
If power lines are brought down:
o Do not go near them.
o Keep well clear and barricade off, making the site safe.
Huawei Confidential
This SWMS has been developed in consultation with Subject Matter Experts. Reviews will be conducted two years, or in the event that an incident occurs, or if
there is a change in operational practices and if there is a change in legislation. It will also be reviewed in conjunction with any review of associated
procedures and/or training programs. A record of reviews and amendments will be recorded in the table below. Effectiveness of control measures will be
monitored by on site supervisors
1.Identification Hazard: H 1. LOOK UP AND LIVE: Identify overhead electric lines and treat as L Admin
of overhead Inadequate being live unless otherwise confirmed in writing by the KPLC
power lines planning relevant authority.
2. Identify communications cables such as those used by ZUKU for Admin
Risk: Internet and cable television. These could carry up to 100 volts
Unsafe work site and are to be considered as ‘insulated low-voltage overhead
electric line’.
3. For responsive work the Team Leader must notify the site Admin
Supervisor of any site where overhead power lines could
present a greater risk as a result of leaning poles or illegal
4. Identify work areas and processes that may require equipment Admin
(transformer) to be operated in the Safety Observer Zone or
Exclusion Zone. A reduced Exclusion Zone of 1m applies to all
communication lines.
5. Obtain permission from the KPLC to enter the exclusion zone, Admin
e.g. Regional Engineers. The KPLC team must respond within
7 days of notification.