Comptel Business Service Tool™: Release Notes
Comptel Business Service Tool™: Release Notes
Comptel Business Service Tool™: Release Notes
Release Notes
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EventLink Encapsulated ARM-FR, EventLink FTP Collector, EventLink FTP Distributor, EventLink Java FTP Collector, EventLink Java
FTP Distributor, EventLink Java SFTP Collector, EventLink Java SFTP Distributor, EventLink Java Local Collector, EventLink Java Local
Distributor, EventLink Multi-format Encoder, EventLink Remote File Agent, EventLink Reporter, Comptel EventLink SDK, EventLink UDP
Collector, EventLink UDP Distributor, EventLink User Interface, EventLink Record Correction Tool, InstantLink Business Service Tool,
Comptel Business Service Tool, InstantLink Developer's License, InstantLink NE Interface SDK, InstantLink Provisioning Client,
InstantLink Workflow Client, FlowOne OrderHub, Fastermind for Customer Engagement Automation, Fastermind for CEA, OnlineLink
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1 Overview 1
3 Changes 3
3.1 Release 9.0 3
4 Documentation 19
4.1 Legal Notices 19
1 Overview
This document describes the changes and new features in Comptel Business Service
Tool release 9.0. The product release supports the following UNIX platforms:
• HP-UX 11i v3 (11.31, Itanium)
• IBM AIX Version 7.1 (POWER)
• Red Hat Enterprise Linux 6 and 7 (X86-64, Intel and AMD)
• Oracle Solaris 11 (SPARC)
Comptel Business Service Tool release 9.0 is compatible with Comptel InstantLink
release 9.0.
Note If you are using a popup blocker in your Internet browser, you may not be able
to view the online help for the Comptel Business Service Tool user interface
and view the online help. Configure your blocker settings.
Note You also need Java software to be installed to your desktop and to your web
browser before using the Comptel Business Service Tool 9.0 user interface.
Installation can be made from Note that Java Runtime
Environment (JRE) 1.8.0 or later is required.
3 Changes
3.1 Release 9.0
Defect ID Description
ILBSTFD-715 Defect description:
Lookup table editor attempts to use stale database connections.
Defect correction:
Lookup servlet now creates a new lookup database instance for each operation
instead of creating one on servlet initialization.
This causes database connections to open when needed and close after
completing an operation on a database..
ILBSTFD-717 Defect description:
The SME throws a NullPointerException when there is a reference to a missing
Defect correction:
Now the reference to a missing parameter provides a correct error message
without a null pointer exception.
ILBSTFD-730 Defect description:
Status message ID is missing if the BST logic execution fails.
Defect correction:
The error message now contains also SMESSAGE_ID parameter and it is set to
RSEXE900 if the request is failed or partly failed.
ILBSTFD-808 Defect description:
SME Terminates/Cannot restart with no WARNING in the logs about DB
password Expiry
Defect correction:
The Comptel InstantLink database connection pool can be instructed not to
terminate the current process when failing to acquire a database connection.
Accordingly, the database and PL/SQL steps of the BST no longer cause the
SME to terminate when a database connection failure occurs. The Complte
InstantLink connection pool can now propagate the last connection error
encountered to the caller, which allows the affected BST steps to log and raise a
detailed alarm for the error.
Defect ID Description
ILBSTFD-340 Defect description:
A number of Step details tabs in Business Service Tool Logic Editor are not
fully visible with 1024x768 resolution.
Defect correction:
The Step details tab now provides vertical scrollbars when Business Service
Tool Logic Editor is used on a low resolution or if the view size is reduced
ILBSTFD-342 Defect description:
Coverage Analysis Tool does not find any requests when the search period is
defined with the date picker, even though it finds requests from the same period
when the search period is set manually.
Defect correction:
The date picker in Coverage Analysis Tool now uses the correct date format and
searching requests using the date picker now works.
ILBSTFD-343 Defect description:
UpdateBaseline step is saved with overwrite set to "no" by default. The logic
containing the step cannot be opened when the overwrite_support GRC
parameter has been set to NO, which is the default.
Defect correction:
The UpdateBaseline step now has overwrite set to "yes" by default.
ILBSTFD-350 Defect description:
Various InstantLink Business Service Tool steps contain elements that are not
available due to, for example, unsuitable panel size or lack of scrollbars.
Defect correction:
All step panels have now been defined so that the components within them
always remain visible.
ILBSTFD-351 Defect description:
ParallelSend2 step gets stuck when it contains a task parameter that references
to a parameter that does not exist.
Defect correction:
Task parameters that reference to missing parameters in the pool are not sent in
the task. An INFO message is displayed indicating the error.
ILBSTFD-361 Defect description:
Writing BST context to database fails in recursion cases because the context ID
grows too large to fit into the table column.
Defect correction:
Table column length has been extended to 256 characters, allowing longer IDs
for contexts.
ILBSTFD-363 Defect description:
Requests get stuck if InstantLink Business Service Tool workflow is in an
infinite loop.
Defect correction:
This correction only applies to loops that contain LogicLibrary step(s). The
number of calls a logic library can make to a lower level logic library is now
limited to 1000. This is overridable by setting a -Dlibrary_call_limit=N
(where N is an integer representing the limit) option in the Service Module
Engine start script start_ServiceModuleEngine.ksh in the
<installdir>/sas/bin directory
Defect ID Description
ILBSTFD-371 Defect description:
Uploading a single lookup table as a flat file from the command line does not
Defect correction:
Lookup tables can now be uploaded as flat files from the command line
ILBSTFD-374 Defect description:
ParallelSend2 step used in a logic library generates mismatching response
Defect correction:
Task mapping in ParallelSend2 step has been made compatible with logic
ILBSTFD-383 Defect description:
ILBSTFD-533 Logic Rules page does not show missing logics in red.
Defect correction:
The missing logics are now highlighted with red background colour and the
error message has been changed to: The logic version(s) marked with red cannot
be found from the file system.
ILBSTFD-387 Defect description:
When you try to open a not-executed BST logic step in BST Tracer, BST Tracer
hangs without an error or detectable deadlocks. For recovery, BST Tracer
windows need to be closed.
Defect correction:
The user interface does not freeze anymore if a step outside the execution path
is clicked.
ILBSTFD-398 Defect description:
BST Audit Trail does not show all the entries matching the given search criteria
when there are one or more logs with zero entries within the search criteria. The
Audit Trail page does not use GRC parameter 'Number of lines shown per page
in component logs' defined in the User Interface section and does not support
Defect correction:
The BST Audit Trail UI page can now handle cases where there are empty log
files. The Audit Trail page now uses paging, and the number of rows shown per
page is determined by the GRC parameter 'Number of lines shown per page in
component logs' in the User Interface section.
ILBSTFD-399 Defect description:
Business Service Tool Logic Editor is slow when opening methods that have
been upgraded to InstantLink Business Service Tool 8.1.
Defect correction:
The slowness was caused by unnecessary validations, which have been
Defect ID Description
ILBSTFD-404 Defect description:
Deactivating the default provisioning logic under Logic Versions, by clicking
the deactivation button, causes the UI to forward the user to the Logic Library
management interface with the following message:
'Provisioning logics have been activated successfully. Please perform Comptel
InstantLink system refresh for the activation to be effective.'
The logic in question remains active.
Defect correction:
When Comptel InstantLink is in configuration mode:
• If more than one logic rule has been defined, no play or stop buttons are
shown on the Logic Versions page. With multiple logics the activation and
deactivation are done on the Logic Rules page.
• If one logic rule has been defined, the active logic has a (disabled) stop
button with a tooltip: 'Activating another logic will automatically
deactivate this one'. All the rest have (active) play button with tooltip
• Redirection to Logic Library page has been disabled.
ILBSTFD-406 Defect description:
The default security settings of Java 7 Update 51 block Comptel InstantLink
and InstantLink Business Service Tool applets from running.
Defect correction:
The applets are now signed with a trusted certificate.
ILBSTFD-409 Defect description:
It is not possible to delete input/output parameters for a method. The parameters
can be removed but when the method is opened again, they reappear. When the
values are edited, new parameters are added to the table but the old parameters
Defect correction:
All method's input and output parameter changes are saved now, not only new
ILBSTFD-418 Defect description:
Activating more than one logic in succession produces an HTTP 405 error code.
Defect correction:
Logics can be now activated without problems.
ILBSTFD-422 Defect description:
When using SAS3 and RB flavours of Extended API defined with a GRC
parameter, the status values between sas3 and sas5 are not mapped. The request
has status 'Partly failed' although all tasks have status 'Ready'.
Defect correction:
In crash recovery InstantLink Business Service Tool waits for responses for all
the tasks sent in parallel before continuing the logic execution. The request is
set to failed status if unanticipated status is set in the SendResp step.
Defect ID Description
ILBSTFD-432 Defect description:
In BST Tracer the Tasks tab is not cleared when clicking a step which is not on
execution path.
Defect correction:
BST Tracer has been fixed. When clicking a Step that sends tasks, the task panel
contains the correct task information and if the step is not on the execution path,
the Task tab contains “No Tasks".
ILBSTFD-454 Defect description:
Headings must be clearly marked with heading tags.
Defect correction:
Appropriate h1/h2 heading tags have added to all relevant InstantLink Business
Service Tool pages.
ILBSTFD-458 Defect description:
The BST Database step does not support multiple databases. The step always
uses the first database connection.
Defect correction:
The BST Database step now selects the correct database instance based on the
database information given in the step configuration.
ILBSTFD-469 Defect description:
Clicking OK on the Dynamic split and join details tab in the Dynamic Split
and Join method resets the configuration parameters to default parameters.
Defect correction:
Clicking OK on the Dynamic Split and Join details tab now correctly saves
the parameters configured in the method.
ILBSTFD-544 Defect description:
BST Logic Report does not show methods for Comptel Order Management
Defect correction:
Now the images are available, but the mainline is not visible with Comptel
Order Management workflows.
ILBSTFD-551 Defect description:
When the Business Service Tool GRC parameter
use_sas3_task_status_values is set to YES, Business Service Tool maps
the task statuses got from Task Engine from SAS5 values to SAS3 values. In
some rare cases the status value passed to Business Service Tool is unexpected
and BSTException is thrown, resulting the request processing to end.
Defect correction:
In case the task response value is invalid, the response status is mapped to
failed status (8) and a WARNING log message is written to the log file.
However, no exceptions are now thrown, which allows Comptel InstantLink
and Business Service Tool continue request processing, instead of stopping the
request processing.
Defect ID Description
ILBSTFD-563 Defect description:
When the GRC parameter use_sas3_task_status_values is set to YES,
ParallelSend2 step always sets the OVERALL_STATUS parameter to ready (9)
no matter what the statuses of the tasks are.
Defect correction:
ParallelSend2 step did not check if the Business Service Tool GRC parameter
use_sas3_task_status_values is on or off, and it always used the SAS5
status values when generating the value for the OVERALL_STATUS parameter.
The GRC parameter value is now taken into consideration. If the GRC
parameter is set to YES, OVERALL_STATUS gets the following values after
execution of the ParallelSend2 step:
• All tasks are ready: 9 (ready)
• All tasks have failed: 8 (failed)
• Some ready, some failed: 7 (partly_failed)
ILBSTFD-580 Defect description:
The order fails when the number of executed steps exceeds 9999.
Defect correction:
It is now possible to execute a nested logic that consists of up to 99 999 999
steps (8 digits) successfully.
ILBSTFD-596 Defect description:
There is an error message BST execution error: Request processing failed:
null when an error occurs in InstantLink Business Service Tool flow.
Defect correction:
The error message BST execution error: Request processing failed: null is no
longer shown in the Status message in the UI when a null pointer exception
occurs in InstantLink Business Service Tool execution flow. Now a relevant
message is shown.
Defect ID Description
ILBSTFD-39 Defect description:
Transactions into BST_REQ_CONTEXTS table are slow under heavy load, which
is visible as high amounts of requests and task responses in the Service module
queue in the Load Distribution page in Comptel InstantLink UI.
The slowness can happen when many DB sessions (from SMEs) perform insert/
update on the table concurrently, for example, when processing a batch of task
responses. When that happens, the top Oracle wait is related to contention on
the internal LOB structure (Oracle wait event: "enq: HW - contention").
Defect correction:
The database table is now recreated using the SECUREFILE parameter for the
LOB, which offers better performance.
ILBSTFD-252 Defect description:
The SendRequest step does not accept parameters with empty (null) values. If it
receives a parameter with no value, the step fails. Additionally, requests created
with the SendRequest step are not added to the locking list.
Defect correction:
The SendRequest step now ignores parameters with empty (null) values.
The SendRequest step now supports request locking and new requests are
locked by default. To allow bypassing request locking the SendRequest step
provides a new check box "Bypass request locking" in the Step Details dialog.
ILBSTFD-259 Defect description:
Importing or loading large BST trace files from InstantLink BST UI fails.
Defect correction:
The default workstation timeout configured in Java Control Panel was not large
enough to allow importing/loading of large BST trace files without errors. The
default value has now been increased to 300 seconds. For more information, see
InstantLink Business Service Tool Reference Manual, Section 7.4 Configuring
Workstation Timeout Usage.
ILBSTFD-265 Defect description:
The database connection is not released after the 'context not found in DB' error
message. This can happen in a crash recovery situation, after which all the
database connections are in use and recovery crashes.
Defect correction:
The database connection is now always returned to the database connection
pool for use by another thread. If the context is not found, it does not hinder
other requests from making progress by getting a free database connection.
Defect ID Description
ILBSTFD-280 Defect description:
Changes made with BST Lookup Editor are not visible in Comptel InstantLink
Monitoring > System Status page when using HTTPS protocol on IBM AIX
platform. The Apply configuration changes button is not enabled and there are
no new entries in the Configuration changes table.
Defect correction:
When using HTTPS on IBM AIX the value of sslProtocol parameter defined
under "SSL HTTP/1.1 Connector" entry in Tomcat configuration file
<installdir>/sas/ui/conf/server.xml must be changed. By default
sslProtocol = TLS. This configuration works with Oracle Java but is not
supported by IBM Java. Therefore when using IBM AIX, the parameter must be
set to SSL or SSL_TLS.
The HTTPS configuration instructions in Comptel InstantLink Installation
Guide have been updated accordingly.
ILBSTFD-283 Defect description:
In the LogicLibrary step, parameters added to the Input parameters tab are not
added to the parameter pool that is passed to the library logic during execution.
Defect correction:
Because the input parameters are not used in the LogicLibrary step, the Input
parameters tab has been removed.
ILBSTFD-288 Defect description:
Standalone Testing of selected units does not work in Standalone BST Logic
Defect correction:
Standalone Testing of selected units now works correctly in Standalone BST
Logic Editor.
ILBSTFD-289 Defect description:
Importing number ranges from command line does not work properly if there
are overlapping ranges. The import does not replace the existing ranges with the
imported ones.
Defect correction:
Old number range data is now removed before the import, and if the imported
data contains overlapping number ranges, they are displayed on the screen.
ILBSTFD-314 Defect description:
The Database step opens a new database connection every time it is called,
resulting in poor performance when under load.
Defect correction:
The Database step has been improved to use a pool of connections. Database
connections are now re-used, improving the performance significantly.
4 Documentation
This chapter lists the Comptel Business Service Tool Release 9.0 customer