PDSA Cheat Sheet: What Is A PDSA?

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PDSA Cheatsheet - Life QI

PDSA Cheat Sheet

What is a PDSA?
A Plan-Do-Study-Act (PDSA) cycle is a four-step model for improvement, which can be used to provide a
framework for quality improvement changes. PDSAs are based on scientific method and provide a rapid
way to test out small changes then build on them. PDSAs gives stakeholders the opportunity to see if
proposed changes will succeed and can be a powerful tool for learning from ideas and establishing what
does and what doesn’t work.

Plan - Agree on the change that will be tested

Plan and plan your actions for the cycle.

Do - Carry out the change or test.

Study - Study the data you have collected,
review, discuss and reflect. Agree next steps.

Act – Either plan your next change cycle based

Study on the reflection of the test or implement change.

How do I write a PDSA?

There are many other resources you can use to create a continuous culture of improvement, but the
below will help to kick start your PDSA:

Keep it Simple - If your change ideas are relatively The PDSA itself - This is made up of Plan, Do, Study,
simple - and therefore easy to measure - you will have Act and can be as large or small as you want.
a greater chance of success.
You’re going to need a really good team - Be
Good things come in small packages - Don’t be afraid prepared to face questions and, reluctance to
of trying out what might seem like small changes, as change, no matter how small your changes are. It’s
the accumulation of many small ideas can achieve important to pick a team who have a positive
incremental marginal gains. attitude to cultural change.

Imitation is the sincerest form of flattery - Look for How to approach your PDSA process – Start off
great ideas elsewhere, no need to reinvent the wheel! with small changes!
If you find a project that could work in your healthcare
environment, try it before you start to write your own
PDSA cycle.
PDSA Cheatsheet - Life QI

How do I write a PDSA? (cont’d)

It is often necessary to run sequential iterations of a PDSA cycle to rapidly and incrementally refine your
theory of change. These sequential iterations of related PDSA cycles make up a PDSA ramp. Ramps are
typically used to take a very small scale test and incrementally build on it with follow up tests, larger scale
tests of change and eventually the implementation of changes.

PDSA Ramp Changes that result in


Implementation of change

Wide-scale tests of change

Follow up tests

Very small scale test

Adopt, Adapt, Abandon – How do I choose?

Plan Do Stud y Act

Adopt Adapt Abandon

When to Adopt When to Adapt When to Abandon

If you got the results that you If your results are not quite you’ve tested several times –
had planned for – then this is what you wanted – but could but it’s just not working out.
the time to adopt them going be tweaked.

Measuring Success of PDSA Cycle?

Measuring success within your PDSA is a crucial part of the process. If you can create a clear set of evaluation
measurements these will keep the process agile and mean that you objectively judge the success of your
tests, allowing for effective data-driven decision making.

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