Pence To Keep Campaigning As Close Aides Test Covid Positive
Pence To Keep Campaigning As Close Aides Test Covid Positive
Pence To Keep Campaigning As Close Aides Test Covid Positive
Vaccine verdict due by Workers eradicate nest SpaceX launches Venezuelan politician
early December: Fauci of ‘murder hornets’ in US 60 more satellites Lopez arrives in Madrid
US infectious disease expert Anthony Fauci Agricultural department workers wearing California-based rocket builder SpaceX has Venezuelan opposition politician Leopoldo Lopez
yesterday said it would be clear whether a protective suits have eradicated the first nest successfully launched its latest fleet of Starlink arrived in Madrid yesterday, Spain’s foreign
Covid-19 vaccine was safe and effective by of giant “murder hornets” discovered in the US, Internet satellites into orbit, marking the second ministry said in a statement, after spending the
early December, but that more widespread vacuuming them out of a tree in Washington such mission this week. A previously flown past year at the Spanish ambassador’s residence
vaccination would not be likely until later in state. The nest of Asian giant hornets was found two-stage Falcon 9 rocket blasted off from Space in Venezuela to escape house arrest. Lopez’s
2021. “We will know whether a vaccine is safe by Washington State Department of Agriculture Launch Complex 40 here at Cape Canaveral Air decision to leave the Spanish embassy in
and effective by the end of November, the (WSDA) entomologists on a property in Blaine, Force Station at 11.31am EDT (1531GMT) carrying Venezuela was “personal and voluntary”, it said.
beginning of December,” Fauci told the BBC. near the border with Canada. They spent weeks a set of 60 new Starlink satellites for SpaceX’s Lopez’s party, Popular Will, did not say how he
“When you talk about vaccinating a substantial searching for the nest, trapping hornets and ever-expanding mega constellation. Following an left Venezuela, but two people familiar with the
proportion of the population, so that you can tracking them, using dental floss to tie tiny radio on-time liftoff, the company capped the mission matter said he travelled via Colombia. Lopez, in
BC NDP leader John Horgan speaks at the have a significant impact on the dynamics of trackers on the insects, which are nearly two with a successful rocket landing at sea. SpaceXs a series of tweets hinted he had left Venezuela.
party’s headquarters following a majority the outbreak, that very likely will not be until inches in length and have a painful sting. A team goal with Starlink is to provide broadband service “Venezuelans, this decision has not been easy,
government win in Vancouver, British the second or third quarter of the year,” he of workers vacuumed the insects out of their globally at speeds and with latency previously but rest assured that you can count on this
Columbia, Canada. added. nest in the cavity of a dead tree. unavailable in hard-to-reach and rural areas. servant to fight from anywhere,” Lopez tweeted.
‘We’re not
going to
Pence to keep
Trump aide
campaigning as
Washington close aides test
D Covid positive
onald Trump’s chief
of staff said yesterday
“we’re not going to con-
trol the pandemic,” drawing a
rebuke from the Biden campaign
that “they are admitting defeat.”
Chief of staff Mark Mead-
ows was speaking amid a sharp Reuters Devin O’Malley, a spokesman can facilitate the spread of the
resurgence of the coronavirus Washington for the vice president, said on virus.
across the US, with case num- Saturday that Pence and his wife Biden’s running mate, senator
bers setting daily records and both had tested negative and that Kamala Harris, took four days
the death toll fast approaching S Vice President Mike Pence would maintain his sched- off the campaign trail earlier this
225,000. Pence pressed ahead with ule “in accordance with the CDC month after her communica-
When a CNN interviewer asked campaigning including (Centers for Disease Control and tions director tested positive for
Meadows why the administration a trip yesterday to the battle- Prevention) guidelines for essen- Covid-19.
would not get control of the virus, ground state of North Carolina tial personnel.” Former New Jersey gover-
he replied, “Because it is a conta- after multiple close aides tested It was the latest reminder of nor Chris Christie, who himself
gious virus just like the flu.” positive for the coronavirus, as the way that Trump — who was caught Covid-19 and was hospi-
He then qualified that, saying, the pandemic remained front and hospitalised for three nights talised for a week after spending
“We are making efforts to con- centre in the presidential race. this month after contracting several days at the White House
tain it.” With nine days to go before the Covid-19 — and those around without wearing a mask, yes-
Democrat Joe Biden’s run- November 3 election in which him have downplayed the advice terday said he was “surprised”
ning mate Kamala Harris was Democrat Joe Biden is challeng- of public health experts to wear Pence was continuing cam-
asked during a campaign stop ing Republican President Donald masks and observe social dis- paigning.
in Michigan about Meadows’ Trump, the White House cited tancing guidelines to stem trans- “Everybody’s gotta put the
comments and said: “They are Pence’s status as an “essential mission of the virus. health of the people they’re going
admitting defeat, and I’ve been worker” as justification for his In an appearance on the CNN to be in touch with first,” he told
saying that, and Joe Biden has travel despite exposure to his programme ‘State of the Union,’ ABC’s This Week programme.
been saying that since the be- chief of staff, Marc Short, who Meadows yesterday cited the Meanwhile, an influential
ginning.” tested positive on Saturday. “essential personnel” distinc- newspaper in New Hampshire
She criticised Meadows for Multiple other senior aides tion for Pence as justification for with a record of endorsing Re-
likening the coronavirus to the to Pence also tested positive for the vice president not adhering publican presidential candidates
flu, according to a pool report. Covid-19, the White House chief to CDC guidelines for isolation endorsed Biden yesterday.
“This is the greatest failure of of staff said, as new nationwide after potential exposure to an in- “America faces many chal-
any presidential administration infections soared to record num- fected person. lenges and needs a president to
in the history of America,” she bers in recent days amid a pan- Meadows said Pence would build this country up. This ap-
said. demic that has killed 225,000 continue to campaign and speak pears to be outside of Trump’s
Biden and Harris have been Americans. at rallies. skill set,” the New Hampshire
hammering Trump over his han- In addition to dominating “I spoke to the vice president Union Leader said in an editorial.
dling of the pandemic, which the campaign policy debate — at midnight,” Meadows told Trump is running out of time
has seen the US suffer roughly with Trump insisting the US is CNN. “And what I can tell you and opportunities to change
one-fifth the world death total “rounding the turn” on the crisis he’s doing is wearing a mask, minds and shift the race in his
though its population is only 4% while Biden has blasted Trump’s socially distancing, and when he favour. After voting early in his
the total. disjointed response — the pan- goes up to speak he will take the home state of Florida on Satur-
CNN interviewer Jake Tapper demic has changed Americans’ mask off and put it back on.” day, Trump raced through rallies
pressed Meadows about Pence, voting habits, with 58.7mn bal- Meadows declined to say in three states — North Carolina,
who heads the White House lots already cast. whether Pence, who has headed Ohio and Wisconsin.
coronavirus task force, seem- White House chief of staff the White House coronavirus Biden, who made two cam-
ingly flaunting guidelines of the Mark Meadows told report- task force, would be tested daily paign stops in Pennsylvania
federal Centers for Disease Con- ers that White House doctors going forward, but did say “we do on Saturday, had no campaign
trol by travelling and not self- cleared Pence travel after Short test on a regular basis.” events yesterday.
quarantining after exposure to tested positive. Trump has mocked Biden for During his swing through
Short. Pence is scheduled to address wearing a protective mask and Pennsylvania, Biden renewed his
“I can tell you he is wearing a rallies in Kinston, north Carolina has addressed packed rallies in criticism of Trump for not tak-
mask and will be wearing a mask and Hibbing, Minnesota. which many of his supporters are ing the health crisis seriously
today,” Meadows said. “Obvi- US President Donald Trump speaks during a campaign rally at the Manchester-Boston Regional Air- While Biden holds a wide lead not wearing masks. enough and warned of a resur-
ously, when you have an expo- port in Londonderry, New Hampshire yesterday. Trump’s re-election campaign yesterday sought to in national opinion polls, polls Public health experts have said gence during the winter months
sure you have to take additional brush off another Covid outbreak in his team by focusing its attacks on Joe Biden’s energy levels and show closer contests in those two such events with many people in of the virus, which is on the rise
mitigation factors.” accusing him of “47 years of failure” in Washington. key states. close quarters not wearing masks in numerous states.
Security ‘incident’
Labour vows to force new Britain’s oldest person
dies at the age of 112
vote on free school meals Guardian News and Media refused a card from the Queen on
London her 100th birthday because “she
Guardian News and Media the government has so far dug in added: “The public want to see did not want people to know how
London to defend its position. the government taking a na- old she was”.
In an apparent softening tional lead on this and I think ritain’s oldest person, Joan Born in Holland Park, west
of tone after a No 10 spokes- the government will probably Hocquard, who drove am- London, Hocquard spent much
abour has thrown down man last week refused to have to think again on that, bulances during the World of her childhood in Kenya, where
the gauntlet to Down- praise councils and firms of- particularly if there’s going to War II, has died aged 112. her father was a colonial of-
ing Street by pledging to fering help, the Northern Ire- be more votes in the House of Hocquard died at her home in ficer in charge of shipping on the
force another Commons vote if land Secretary, Brandon Lewis, Commons. Poole, Dorset, on Saturday. Great Lakes in east Africa.
it does not U-turn on its refusal said Rashford deserved “huge “I think when you have got the Her nephew, Paul Reynolds, She later worked as a cook in
to provide free school meals in credit” for his work on the issue chairman of the education se- 74, said she had always sought a French hotel near Geneva in
England during the holidays, as although he stood by Downing lect committee (Robert Halfon) to live life to the full and that she Switzerland, and met her hus-
a senior Conservative MP ad- Street’s line. not supporting the government “loved eating butter and cream band, Gilbert, through their
mitted the government has mis- It comes as Sir Bernard on this – and he’s a Conserva- and didn’t believe in dieting”. shared love of sailing.
judged the country’s mood over Jenkin, the Conservative chair tive – I think the government She was born on March 29, During World War II, she drove
the issue. of the influential Commons liai- has to listen to the Conservative 1908, under the reign of Edward ambulances in London before
In a fresh intervention that son committee, said the govern- party.” VII, the same day as the world’s she and Gilbert moved to the
will boost the campaign being ment had “misunderstood the Asked how he would vote in former oldest man, Bob Weighton, south coast of England.
led by the footballer Marcus mood of the country” on free any further Commons divi- who died in Hampshire in May. The couple travelled across
Rashford, the Labour leader, school meals. sions, Jenkin said: “I shall wait Their final birthday celebra- Europe in a camper van and went
Keir Starmer, yesterday said his As the government contin- to see what the government says British police yesterday said they had been called by a vessel tions were held behind closed on yachting holidays until his
party would push for another ues to resist appeals to reverse and how they respond to the off England’s south coast amid reports of a security incident doors because of the national death in 1981.
vote if there is no change of its move, Jenkin told the Sophy situation.” involving stowaways on an oil tanker. “We are aware and coronavirus lockdown. In the late 1980s she met wid-
course before Christmas. Ridge on Sunday programme on Halfon, who voted against the dealing with an ongoing incident on board a vessel which The pair also shared a birthday ower Kenneth Bedford, who was
Labour was defeated by the Sky News: “I think we have to government on the free school is situated south of the Isle of Wight,” a spokesman for with Alf Smith from St Madoes 20 years her junior, at the Bourne-
government in a vote on the pol- admit that we have misunder- meals motion on Wednesday, Hampshire police said. British media, including Sky News, in Perthshire, who shared the mouth Gramophone Society and
icy last week, prompting busi- stood the mood of the country wrote in the Spectator on Sat- reported that around seven stowaways had attempted to title of Britain’s oldest man with they had lived together since in
nesses and councils – some of here.” urday: “Combating child hun- take over the ship, although lawyers Tatham and Co, who Weighton until his death in 2019 Poole. She lived “an extraordinary
them Tory-led – to step forward Highlighting that the gov- ger should, therefore, be a cause represent the vessel’s owners, told the BBC that it was “100% at the age of 111. innings and died peacefully in her
to offer to feed children in the ernment had funded local that all Conservatives can em- not a hijacking”. Reynolds described Hocquard own home, which is all you could
October half-term break, but councils to provide support, he brace.” as an independent spirit who had wish for”, said Reynolds.