Gulf Times: HMC Providing State-Of-The-Art Treatment To All Covid-19 Patients

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MONDAY Vol. XXXXI No. 11552
May 18, 2020
Ramadan 25, 1441 AH

www. 2 Riyals

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Amir sends
greetings to
king of Norway HMC providing
His Highness the Amir Sheikh
Tamim bin Hamad al-Thani and His
Highness the Deputy Amir Sheikh
treatment to all
Abdullah bin Hamad al-Thani sent
yesterday cables of congratulations
to King Harald V of Norway on
his country’s Constitution Day. HE
the Prime Minister and Minister of
Interior Sheikh Khalid bin Khalifa bin
Abdulaziz al-Thani also sent a similar
cable to Prime Minister Erna Solberg. Covid-19 patients
Eid al-Fitr holidays l To date, 91 patients have received plasma
from May 19-28 for from 79 recovered donors
govt employees l Severely ill Covid-19 patients are currently
Eid al-Fitr holidays for ministries, being treated at the Intensive Care Unit of
other government entities and
public institutions starts on Tuesday,
Hazm Mebeireek General Hospital
May 19 and ends on Thursday, May
28, according to an Amiri Diwan QNA
announcement. Employees will Doha
resume their work on Sunday, May 31. Qatar’s residents, both citizens and expatriates, were found to be strictly following government orders to wear
As for Qatar Central Bank (QCB), facemasks while going out of their homes yesterday. PICTURE: Jayan Orma

banks and financial institutions amad Medical Corporation
working under the supervision of (HMC) is using state-of-the-

Residents comply with govt order;

QCB and Qatar Financial Markets art treatment options for pa-
Authority (QFMA), HE the Governor tients with Covid-19 who are currently
of QCB shall specify the start and the under its care.
end of the holiday. (QNA) The healthcare provider has six Dr Ahmed al-Mohamed and Dr Muna

demand surges for masks, gloves

hospitals dedicated to the treatment al-Maslamani.
QOC: sports activities of Covid-19 patients who require
to resume after July 20 specialised care – Hazm Mebeireek Most critically ill Covid-19 patients
General Hospital, the Communica- are currently being treated at the In-
Qatar Olympic Committee (QOC) ble Disease Centre (CDC), The Cuban tensive Care Unit (ICU) of Hazm Me-
has extended the suspension of all By Joey Aguilar even beyond the Covid-19 pandem- Hospital, Ras Laffan Hospital, Me- beireek General Hospital and severely
local sports activities until July 20, Staff Reporter
MoPH reports 4,370 ic, he said these items will always be saieed Hospital and the newly opened ill Covid-19 patients often require me-
2020. Events from the 2019-2020 Covid-19 recoveries available at all their stores across the field hospital in Al Sheehaniya, bring- chanical ventilation. A small percent-
sporting calendar will resume after country. ing the total bed capacity in all these age will require extracorporeal mem-

that date. QOC said in a statement he demand for protective The Ministry of Public Health It is learnt that many employees, facilities to more than 4,000. brane oxygenation (ECMO) therapy.
yesterday that the decision came in gear against the novel coro- (MoPH) yesterday announced 1,632 particularly those who regularly re- “There are no approved vaccines or “The ECMO technology can oxy-
line with the protective measures navirus (Covid-19) surged as confirmed new cases of Covid-19, port to work, also bring extra pieces medicine for Covid-19, but patients genate a severely sick Covid-19 pneu-
taken by Qatar to limit the spread the wearing of face masks in public and 582 new recoveries in the last of face masks whenever they leave can receive medical care to relieve their monia patient’s blood without the
of the novel coronavirus (Covid-19), became mandatory in Qatar yester- 24 hours, bringing the total number home. symptoms. While most Covid-19 pa- need to transfer the oxygen through
and in co-ordination with the day. of recovered cases in Qatar to “A face mask is an extremely im- tients in Qatar experience only mild fluid-filled lungs. ECMO replaces the
Ministry of Public Health. Last The latest directive from the gov- 4,370. During the last 24 hours, the portant item, which we should not symptoms, some do require additional function of the lung like the dialysis
week, QOC announced extending ernment forms part of its efforts to MoPH recorded 18 cases admitted forget to take before going out. It is levels of care and support,” said Dr Muna function for a kidney,” said Dr Ahmed
the suspension of all local sporting prevent and control the spread of to intensive care unit (ICU) due to on top of my checklist,” said Filipino al-Maslamani, CDC medical director. al-Mohamed, acting chairman of
events until May 31. Sport Page 1 Covid-19 and ensure the safety and complications resulting from the expatriate Joseph R, who has “at least One treatment uses the blood plasma HMC’s Intensive Care Units.
welfare of people in the country. infection, bringing the total number two more masks” in his bag. He said of recovered Covid-19 patients. The Dr al-Mohamed said Covid-19 pa-
Based on Decree Law No 17 of 1990 of cases receiving care in the ICU to he also constantly wears goggles for plasma contains antibodies that have tients who undergo ECMO therapy are
RAMADAN THOUGHT regarding the prevention of infectious 165. Page 2 added protection against Covid-19. been shown to help improve immunity among the sickest being treated.
diseases, violators will face jail time According to a number of shops, against Covid-19. Dr al-Maslamani says “Severely ill Covid-19 patients re-
And when We cause mankind not exceeding three years and a fine the demand for face shields and gog- there is some evidence suggesting the quire sophisticated treatment and we
to taste of mercy, they rejoice of up to QR200,000, or either of these of such items and enough stocks for gles also continues to increase. plasma treatment improves the overall have not only sufficient numbers of
1 therein; but when some evil two penalties. several months. Under a recent Cabinet decision, condition of Covid-19 patients. staff and equipment but also the spe-
afflicts them because of (evil The implementation of this new This was echoed by a staff member people in Qatar have to compulsorily “The plasma therapy is showing cialised skills and experience required
deeds and sins) that their directive witnessed many pharmacies of an online shop that sells similar wear face masks while stepping out of promise as a treatment for Covid-19. to care for the sickest patients,” said Dr
1 (own) hands have sent forth, and other shops in Doha receiving items, saying they recorded a surge in home for any reason, except “when a It is also called convalescent plasma al-Mohamed.
behold, they are in despair! more customers for face masks and the number of orders yesterday. person is alone while driving a vehi- treatment and requires blood plas- “The average length of stay for
(Qur’an 30: 36) face shields. “Besides individuals, we also re- cle”. The Ministry of Interior is au- ma donations from people who have Covid-19 patients in the ICU has been
Speaking to Gulf Times, an em- ceived many additional orders of face thorised to take necessary measures recovered from Covid-19. We have between two and three weeks but pa-
Prayer times ployee at a leading pharmacy in Qatar masks from companies, which I think to enforce the rule. started using plasma treatment at the tients with existing medical conditions
said most of the customers yesterday will be distributed to their employ- The decision will remain in effect Communicable Disease Centre us- often take longer to recover from the
Fajr....3.22 Zuhr....11.30 Asr....2.57 bought face masks, gloves and hand ees,” the staff member said. until further notice. ing plasma from patients who have virus. Should the number of Covid-19
Maghrib.....6.16 Isha.....7.46 sanitisers. LuLu Group International regional On its part, the Ministry of Public recovered from Covid-19,” said Dr al- patients who require ICU-level care
“We are extremely busy, a lot of manager Shanavas P M said all their Health has stressed the need for peo- Maslamani. rise, HMC has contingency plans in
Fasting times customers today (Sunday). We expect stores have enough supplies and ple to properly dispose of used masks To date, 91 patients have received place which would enable us to rede-
Iftar today.................................6.16 pm the demand to increase further in the stocks of face masks to meet the de- and gloves. “Inappropriate disposal plasma from 79 recovered donors and the ploy manpower from other parts of
Suhoor tomorrow................ 3.22 am coming days,” she observed while mand surge. can put others’ lives at risk,” it noted team is seeing the number of donations the healthcare system,” added Dr al-
noting that they have a steady supply Expecting the demand to continue in a video advisory. Page 20 from recovered patients rise each week. Mohamed.

‘No spike in virus cases in US areas reopening’

here has so far not been a surge he said, pointing to possible health The president’s son, Eric Trump, on
in coronavirus cases in areas of consequences of maintaining shut- Saturday accused the Democrats of
the United States that are reo- downs, such as suicides and a lack of milking” coronavirus lockdowns in or-
pening, US Health Secretary Alex Azar cardiac procedures and other vacci- der to “deprive” his father of campaign
said yesterday. nations. rallies and hurt him in November’s
“We are seeing that in places that Asked about images of crowded out- election, including through tactics
are opening, we’re not seeing this lets in some parts of the country, the such as mail-in ballots in pandemic
spike in cases,” Azar told broadcaster health and human services secretary relief legislation.
CNN. “We still see spikes in some ar- said that was the cost of freedom. “You watch, they’ll milk it every
eas that are in fact close to very local- “I think in any individual instance single day between now and Novem-
ized situations.” you’re going to see people doing things ber 3. And guess what, after Novem-
Many states across the nation, that are irresponsible, that’s part of the ber 3 coronavirus will magically all of
which has seen more than 88,000 vi- freedom that we have here in America,” a sudden go away and disappear and
rus-related deaths — by far the most Azar said. everybody will be able to reopen,” the
in the world — are starting to ease re- Peter Navarro, a top economic advi- younger Trump told broadcaster Fox
strictions to varying degrees. sor to Trump, slammed the Centers for News.
US President Donald Trump is Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) He claimed the presumptive Demo-
pushing for a swift reopening of the for its response to the virus outbreak, cratic presidential nominee, former
economy, amid warnings by health of- saying the agency “really let the coun- vice president Joe Biden, was happy
ficials about a resurgence of the virus if try down” on testing. that the Republican president was not
states move too quickly. “Not only did they keep the testing able to “draw massive crowds.”
Azar said local leaders must judge within the bureaucracy, they had a bad “Biden loves this. Biden can’t go on
“whether an outlet being open, a res- test, and that did set us back,” Navarro stage without making some horrible
taurant, a school is the right thing.” told NBC, referring to delays in diag- blunder...
“These are very localised determi- noses due to faulty test kits developed So his campaign is thrilled that he’s
nations; there should not be a one size by the CDC in February that took sev- not going out there,” he said. “And
fits all to reopening,” he said. eral weeks to fix. they think they’re taking away Donald
“But reopen we must because it’s Trump has come under fire for his Trump’s greatest tool, which is being
not health versus the economy. handling of the pandemic, including People are seen practising social distancing in white circles in Domino Park, during the Covid-19 pandemic yesterday able to go into an arena and fill it with
It’s actually health versus health,” for a lack of testing capability. in Brooklyn borough of New York City. 50,000 people every single time.”
Gulf Times
2 Monday, May 18, 2020


Sheikha Alya: Qatar is an active player at the UN

QNA ate freely and independently, in it has a demonstrated an active in the world, and to continue the by presenting our sober politi- Council of the International La-
Doha accordance with the standards role in promoting human rights path of prosperity and progress cal and legal position, has man- bour Organisation, which repre-
adopted by the UN, she added. and protecting it, and accordingly, in various areas. This is what mo- aged to refute the allegations sent an aspiration of every state
Sheikha Alya stressed that the Permanent Delegation is ac- tivates us to exert our utmost ef- and falsehoods of the blockade that wished to assume an active

E the Permanent Rep- Qatar is an essential pillar of tive in all matters that fall within forts to preserve the status and countries, as well as by hold- role in multilateral international
resentative of Qatar international co-operation for the priorities of the state’s foreign reputation of our country, which ing meetings with the American action and it is a challenge that
to the United Nations, burden-sharing and for the UN policy.” has become respected and appre- and international media, which must be successfully met.
ambassador Sheikha Alya bint to carry out its functions and “As Permanent Representa- ciated by all.” further weakened the blockade Sheikha Alya said, “In rec-
Ahmed bin Saif al-Thani has achieve its goals, in accordance tive of Qatar, I have been as- Sheikha Alya pointed to the countries’ position.” ognition of Qatar’s position at
affirmed that Qatar is an active with its Charter. signed by the UN to many of core success of Qatari diplomacy, led Sheikha Alya pointed out, the UN and at the international
player in most activities of the She said that Qatar’s role and functions of the international by HE the Deputy Prime Min- “There is a common saying in level, I, as a Permanent Repre-
UN organs, and in regional and contributions could be seen in organisation of interest to mem- ister and Minister of Foreign the UN, that we in Qatar “say and sentative of Qatar, and the Per-
international groups, thanks the political, humanitarian and ber states,” she added. Affairs, particularly during the do”, unlike the blockade states manent Representative of Swe-
to the wise policy of the State social fields of concern to the Sheikha Alya said, “My ap- blockade, stressing: “Defending that ‘say and do not do”, speaking den, had been entrusted with a
leadership. international community, as pointment as the first perma- our interests was impressive and about Qatari contributions, prac- key task by the President of the
In an interview with Al-Diplo- also its role in promoting inter- nent representative in Geneva had become an approach to our tically, in drying up the sources of General Assembly to lead inter-
macy Magazine, prepared by the national peace and security and and New York was a tribute to diplomacy.” terrorism, underscoring that the governmental negotiations to
Diplomatic Institute of the Minis- human rights, implementation Qatari women by the leadership She added, “The delegation crisis greatly consolidated Qatar’s develop and adopt a political
try of Foreign Affairs, HE Sheikha of the UN Development Plan HE Sheikha Alya bint Ahmed bin of the State, a message that con- has adopted a strategy based position internationally, as the declaration of world leaders
Alya said that the UN’s selection 2030, the response to the effects Saif al-Thani firmed the confidence in their on Qatar’s record, position and sound legal and political position on that occasion. The decla-
of Qatar to open offices for its or- of climate change, fight against capacities and responsibilities, world’s confidence in it to re- of Qatar has helped the world to ration will be adopted at the
ganisations is an important mes- terrorism and extremism, the Sheikha Alya said, “Perhaps which placed me with additional spond to the baseless accusa- see how it respects international High-level Meeting, with the
sage indicating that Qatar is at the dialogue of civilizations, cul- the last major achievement of the responsibility to fulfill that task tions that the blockade states law and conventions and its role participation of heads of state
forefront of the reliable countries tures, and religions, education, State is the signing of the peace and towards our leadership.” have been charging Qatar with, in promoting the security and sta- and government, on September
in the region, as an effective and youth, women and children, and agreement by the US and the Af- She pointed out: “The inter- where we have strongly re- bility of the region and the world. 21, 2020”.
trustworthy partner for the UN in humanitarian relief. ghan Taliban at the end of Feb- national status achieved by His sponded, with argument and Shaikha Alya touched on the The interview addressed many
facing challenges and its regional In addition, this role is visible ruary in Doha after four decades Highness the Amir places us with clear evidence, to any attempt multilateral action, in which topics of concern to children’s
impacts. in mediating peaceful settle- of cruel wars. Worth mention- a great responsibility to maintain by those states to convince the Qatar was a member of the Hu- rights, empowering women to
Stability, prosperity, and the ment of disputes. So, these ef- ing, Qatar is also a signatory to a this status. As His Highness has member stales of their allega- man Rights Council, the Execu- hold leadership positions, many
space of freedoms in Qatar al- forts and the impressive results number of international treaties, so well deservedly placed Qatar in tions.” tive Board of the World Health UN-related issues, and Qatar’s
low those organisations to oper- are universally admired. agreements, and instruments, and the ranks of influential countries “The permanent delegation, Organisation, the Governing relevant role.

PHCC Covid test centres MoPH reports 4,370 total

open for walk-in patients Covid-19 recovery cases
z Muaither, Rawdat Al Khail, Um Slal and Gharafat Al Rayyan Doha
HCs designated as Covid-19 Test and Hold centres
he Ministry of Public
z PHCC health centres have to date tested more than 14,500 patients Health (MoPH) yesterday
announced 1,632 con-
z Testing is being further expanded to protect the most vulnerable firmed new cases of Covid-19,
and 582 new recoveries in the

n individual can now visit nated for Covid-19 testing have last 24 hours, bringing the total
a Covid-19 Test and Hold highly qualified and trained staff, number of recovered cases in
centre as a walk-in pa- as well as the necessary facilities, Qatar to 4,370.
tient to be swabbed if s/he dis- to handle cases. This was stressed During the last 24 hours, the
plays novel coronavirus symp- by Dr Mohamed al-Otaibi, senior MoPH recorded 18 cases admit-
toms, the Primary Health Care consultant of family medicine at ted to intensive care unit (ICU)
Corporation (PHCC) has said. the PHCC’s Leabaib Health Cen- due to complications resulting
The corporation has dedicated tre, while speaking to Qatar TV on from the infection, bringing the
four of its health centres (HCs) Saturday. total number of cases receiving
as Covid-19 Test and Hold cen- The staff at the four centres care in the ICU to 165.
tres in response to the Covid-19 have the necessary protective The ministry pointed that the
outbreak, it was highlighted in equipment and know how to new cases are expatriate work-
an infographic published on the properly use them, and con- ers who were infected as a result
social media pages of the Minis- stant training is imparted in line of contact with individuals who
try of Public Health, PHCC and with the latest updates and data were previously infected, in ad-
Hamad Medical Corporation received from the entities con- dition to recording new cases
yesterday. “Committed to curbing the states. “Testing is being further cerned with Covid-19, as new of infection among groups of
The four health centres are disease, PHCC health centres expanded to protect the most information on different aspects workers in different regions. The
Muaither, Rawdat Al Khail, Um have to date tested more than vulnerable.” of the novel coronavirus keeps new cases have been identified
Slal and Gharafat Al Rayyan. 14,500 patients,” the infographic The four health centres desig- coming in, he added. after conducting investigations
by the research and investigation
teams of the MoPH.
Cases of infection have also

Regular virtual contact with elderly to increased among citizens and

residents as a result of contact
with infected family members people through intensive and last 24 hours, as many as 157,570
who had been infected in the proactive investigations of large have been tested so far in Qatar.

maintain positive mental state urged workplace or through visits and

family gatherings, MoPH said
stressing that the high number
numbers of contacts with people
who have been confirmed with
the virus recently.
The total number of infected
people in Qatar since the start of
the Covid-10 outbreak is 32,604.
of cases among citizens and The MoPH further noted that The total number of current ac-

ince the social distancing tive news as much as possible. infection if they have to go out elderly patients to check their residents is due to the lack of the number of daily tests that it tive cases is 28,219. The total
as part of the preventive This is very important for the and seek such services. health complaints and follow compliance by some with pre- conducts on people depends pri- number of people currently un-
and precautionary meas- positive mental state of the eld- “Besides, HMC has opened a up accordingly. It is also set to cautionary measures, the most marily on the number of contacts der acute hospital care is 1,421,
ures against Covid-19 could erly who are a high risk group speedy health care unit at Ru- launch virtual physiotherapy important of which are social with individuals confirmed to be including 242 acute hospital ad-
cause some depression among when it comes to the Covid-19 mailah Hospital for the elderly clinics for them to give them the distancing, staying home and infected with the virus, as it con- missions in the last 24 hours.
the elderly, relatives and friends infection. to serve their immediate needs necessary physical training at not going out on social visits. ducts random checks in different A total of 165 Covid-19 pa-
should maintain regular virtual “The department concerned and give due care without the home and guide them through The MoPH also said that Qatar places of the country as a proac- tients are currently in ICU, with
contact with them, Dr Kawa at HMC has initiated a process to requirement for reporting to the the process as the limitation on has now entered the peak phase tive measure. This is in addition 18 admitted in the last 24 hours.
Amin, a consultant geriatrician make phone calls to all residents departments concerned at HMC their movement and physical of the virus outbreak, causing to the tests performed on patients The total number of Covid-19
at Hamad Medical Corporation who are above 65 years to inquire and the involved referral proce- activities outside home could a rise in the number of infec- in health centres and emergency deaths so far in Qatar is 15.
(HMC) has said. about their health, wellbeing dures. impact their health negatively.” tions recorded daily. It is there- departments. The number of tests The MoPH also called on
Speaking to Qatar TV yester- and their needs for any related “HMC also launched vir- Dr Amin added the hotline fore more important than ever performed daily is not linked to anyone who has symptoms of
day, Dr Amin cautioned that the health service to spare them any tual clinics where audiovisual 16000 is always available for as- to strictly follow recommended the number of cases detected in Covid-19 should either quickly
elderly should be spared nega- chance of contacting Covid-19 contact is maintained with the sistance. prevention and social distancing terms of any rise or fall. contact the 16000 helpline or
measures. The MoPH stressed that be- go directly to one of the desig-
The ministry underlined the cause the Covid-19 outbreak is at nated health centres for testing
importance for the elderly or the peak stage in Qatar, it is im- the virus. The earlier the disease

QRCS, QFFD to provide medical, food

those suffering from chronic portant not to leave the house ex- is detected the easier it will be to
diseases and their family mem- cept when absolutely essential. It receive the right treatment and
bers to follow strict measures also highlighted the importance of recover from it.
to reduce the chances of infec- adhering to all measures to protect The four main testing centres

aid for Palestinian refugees in Lebanon

tion with the virus and to refrain against virus infection, includ- are Muaither Health Centre;
from social visits during the rest ing maintaining social distancing Rawdat Al Khalil Health Centre;
of Ramadan as well as on the oc- both in the workplace and public Um Slal Health Centre; and Al
casion of Eid Al-Fitr. places, as well as wearing a medi- Gharafa Health Centre, MoPH
The reasons for the high num- cal mask and avoiding social visits said.

atar Red Crescent So- aid and hygiene kits to the tar- bers of new cases are the minis- to reduce the risk of contracting The MoPH also urged the
ciety (QRCS) and Qatar get camps as soon as possible. A try’s redoubling of its efforts in Covid-19. public to regularly visit its web-
Fund for Development rapid assessment will be done to tracking the transitional chains According to a tweet from site regularly to view the latest
(QFFD) have signed a memo- identify the exact needs of each of the virus and expanding the the MoPH, with a total of 4,866 information and instructions
randum of understanding (MoU) health facility. circle of searching for infected people tested for Covid-19 in the related to Covid-19.
to co-launch an immediate re- the statement explains. At the community level,
sponse to Covid-19 at Palestin- Also, 1,000 families will re- priority will be given to poor
ian refugee camps in Lebanon. ceive hygiene promotion kits for families with elderly persons,
“The project is part of Qa- prevention of infection, while families headed by women
tar’s ongoing support for many
friendly countries of the world.
It is aligned with the United Na-
27,800 families would receive
food parcels to meet their needs
during the lockdown period.
and families having members
with chronic diseases or dis-
PHCC launches Community Call Centre
tions Sustainable Development Beirut, two in the North, and one The project will be co-im- For maximum safety of per-
Goals (SDGs) 2 and 3,” a press in Al-Bekaa. plemented by QRCS’s repre- sonnel and beneficiaries, the z Service launched in collaboration with MoPH and HMC
statement notes. As for the detailed com- sentation mission in Lebanon, distribution of health items,

The joint project seeks to re- ponents of the project, 10 the Lebanese Red Cross and food parcels and hygiene kits he Primary Health Care pages of the country’s health English
duce the spread of Covid-19 at hospitals and health centres Palestine Red Crescent Society will be arranged so that crowd- Corporation (PHCC) has entities. z Step 2 - Press (2) for PHCC
the camps and lessen the socio- will receive personal protec- in Lebanon. They will work to- ing and gathering is avoided all launched the Community medical services
economic impact of the nation- tive equipment to protect at gether on selecting lists of ben- the time. Call Centre to answer all ques- z Step 3 - Press (1) for rou-
wide virus mitigation measures least 400 healthcare providers eficiaries, identifying the tar- Among the outcomes of the tions and respond to all enquir- tine medical consultations; then
on vulnerable Palestinian fami- while dealing with cases, five get health facilities, procuring project are to achieve food se- ies about the services provided, press (1) for dental clinics, press
lies. ambulances will be provided and storing medical, food and curity for the vulnerable fami- it has been announced. An accompanying infographic (2) for general practitioner (GP)
The total estimation of direct to transfer an average of 300 nonfood items, and distribut- lies in a manner that preserves The service has been launched explains how people can avail of or press (3) for other clinics -
beneficiaries is 139,400 individ- cases per month from camps to ing the aid through their field their dignity, help them during in collaboration with the Minis- the service: Press (2) for urgent medical con-
uals, mostly children, including hospitals, and one quarantine personnel. the period of market lockdown try of Public Health (MoPH) and z Step 1 - Dial the Qatar sultations; then press (1) for ur-
8,430 individuals with disability. hospital will be equipped and A scheme has been developed and provide them with much- Hamad Medical Corporation healthcare unified contact cen- gent medical consultation with
Twelve refugee camps are tar- prepared to serve camp inhab- to ensure data update and de- needed hygiene items to prevent (HMC), according to informa- tre number, 16000; then press a doctor, or press (2) for urgent
geted, six in the South, three in itants infected with Covid-19, livery of medical supplies, food infection, the statement adds. tion shared on the social media (1) for Arabic or press (2) for dental consultation
Gulf Times
Monday, May 18, 2020 3


World needs Covid-19 clarity to check

mental health decline: Doha Debates “However, the latest data shows we are
afeguarding jobs, provid- “In psychiatry, there is the
ing the public with clear
governmental guidance, now at an inflection point where we are idea of defence mechanism –
unconscious ways of dealing
and not using the phrase “social muddling through, and there are the with difficulty – and they in-
distancing” have been marked
out as key to avoiding people’s first signs of things pointing downward clude creativity and altruism,”
he said. “People can be inclined
mental health plummeting again, partially driven by people being to help others as a way of helping
across the world amid Covid-19, themselves through this.
an online discussion by Qa- fed up. I think that’s because people are Emmy Award-winning writer
tar Foundation’s Doha Debates now coming to terms with the idea this and speaker Suleika Jaouad, a
pointed out. cancer survivor, told #Dear-
Coping With The Crisis: is not going to be a V-shaped recovery WorldLive: “We need to recog-
Mental Health and Covid-19 – where we sprint back to the old normal” nise how the imprints of an ex-
perience like a global pandemic
the theme of the latest edition
of Doha Debates’ #DearWorld- will remain long after the crisis is
Live series – saw a University shows we are now at an inflec- a general decrease in our mental over – there will be a long-term
of Oxford academic whose work tion point where we are mud- health and well-being without fallout, and we need to give peo-
focuses on human well-being dling through, and there are government guidance on what ple space and give a language to
warn that, after a period of early the first signs of things point- to do, what is right, and what is the very real hardship people are
resilience, people’s mental state ing downward again, partially wrong.” experiencing.
may now be starting to decline driven by people being fed up. I The #DearWorldLive dis- “It’s important to focus on
with no end to the pandemic think that’s because people are cussion, moderated by Nelufar acts we can do beyond our own
currently in sight. now coming to terms with the Hedayat, also included psychia- lives, in the service of others,
Dr Jan-Emmanuel De Neve, idea this is not going to be a V- trist, writer, filmmaker, and en- and take precautions to protect
an economics professor who has shaped recovery where we sprint trepreneur Dr Kamran Ahmed, our mental and emotional well- Screenshot of the online discussion by Qatar Foundation’s Doha Debates.
won accolades for his contribu- back to the old normal. who specialises in treating being just as we take precautions
tions to the scientific study of “People are fearful about mental issues. He told the show in terms of staying at home. The year medical student at Qatar may seem on pause, it is not call it post-traumatic growth,
happiness, told the show: “In what will happen in the next few he has seen patients “severely temptation is to focus on physi- Foundation partner university necessarily a pause on yourself. which is a form of connectedness
the first month following the months and governments are anxious about catching the vi- cal illness without also focusing Weill Cornell Medicine – Qa- “We should try to take this and togetherness. There are no
lockdown, people adapted, and not being clear on this. This rais- rus”, struggling with losing jobs on the more holistic impact of tar, said: “People should look at time to learn more about our- sides in this pandemic – we are
we were quite resilient. es uncertainty and psychologi- and businesses, and grieving for this pandemic.” this as a time for self-learning selves and reflect on what we all on the same side, battling the
“However, the latest data cal instability, and we could see loved ones. And Dana al-Ali, a fourth- and self-growth – although life have seen to become stronger. We same thing.”

Doha Bank MC debit card customers

to get 5% cashback on online spending
QCRI offers I
n continuation of its constant efforts ation, combating the spread of Covid-19, ing safely at their homes. Our clients can
to cater to the various needs of its a plenty of precautionary measures have now pay with ease via the internet for
customers, Doha Bank has announced been put in place by the Qatari govern- multiple purposes, such as shopping for
its e-commerce MasterCard (MC) debit ment, including instructing people to goods, bill payment, food delivery and

cards’ campaign. use cashless and contactless modes of online subscription.”
The promotion, which takes place un- payment instead of banknotes. In order to qualify for the 5% cashback
til July 31, rewards Doha Bank customers “Therefore, Doha Bank, in support of reward on their online spending, Doha
with 5% cashback upon using their Mas- such directive, has recently launched the Bank clients have to execute at least seven

on coronavirus
terCard Debit cards for online purchases. E-Commerce MasterCard Debit cards’ online transactions, a month with their
The step comes in synch with the promotion, which encourages its cus- MasterCard Debit cards.
Qatari government directives to curb tomers to secure their transactions elec- The promotion comes as part of facili-
the spread of the the novel coronavirus retail banking Braik Ali al-Marri said, tronically to get the chance of earning 5% tating the use of e-commerce and online

treatment, news
disease (Covid-19), advising people “Doha Bank once again reasserts its com- cashback on their spends.” marketplaces for Doha Bank customers
to perform financial transactions us- mitment to serve its clients during differ- He added: “With such an offer, our cus- following the closure of shopping malls,
ing cashless and contactless payment ent circumstances and under all condi- tomers can use their MasterCard Debit a preventive action implemented by the
methods. tions. As our country and the world are cards online and get rewarded QR300 Qatari government to contain the spread

On the new campaign, Doha Bank chief now experiencing an extraordinary situ- maximum per month in total while stay- of the infection.

he Qatar Comput-
ing Research Institute
(QCRI), part of Hamad
Bin Khalifa University (HBKU),
“The prolifera-
tion of fabricat-
ed news that
Indian forum is mulling chartered
flights for Kerala-bound passengers
delivered the fifth and sixth
instalments of its webinar has accompa-
series centred on Covid-19. nied the Cov-
Organised by QCRI’s Qa-
tar Centre for Artificial Intel- id-19 pandemic
ligence, the series focuses on is putting many
the use of artificial intelligence approve the proposals, we can for the needy community mem- ernments permit us. It is done
and data science for Covid-19 lives at risk and By Joseph Varghese
Staff Reporter arrange the flights to the four bers from Kerala to fly home, without any profit and purely
data. impeding the international flights in Kerala according to Basheer. on humanitarian consideration,”
continued, Basheer.
The presentations focused within a few days on a very com- “What we are offering is a
progress in
on the race to develop vaccines n Indian organisation petitive and reasonable fare,” he one-way ticket on discounted The KMCC official said that
and treatments and the ‘info-
demic’ of inaccurate and false
containing the is mulling the idea of
chartering flights to the
It is learnt that over 44,000
rates to Kerala. We are in talks
with the Indian Embassy, Min-
among the stranded people,
there are many jobless people
S A M Basheer

news undermining efforts to virus” southern state of Kerala at a ‘rea- Indians, including several thou- istry of Civil Aviation, Ministry without any income and not in food kits to over 20,000 people
overcome the pandemic. sonable and competent fare’ to sand Keralites, have registered of External Affairs and different a position to meet their daily as well as 1,250 Iftar kits daily
A ‘Data-Driven Perspective Da San Martino scientist), repatriate community members with the Indian embassy for re- airlines to charter the flights. We needs. There are also many during the holy month of Ra-
on Drug Discovery’ highlight- discussed the politicisation stranded due to Covid-19. patriation citing urgent matters. have already submitted applica- suffering from illnesses. madan. In collaboration with
ed technologies and meth- of the pandemic and its effect “We are in talks with vari- The number of flights allotted tion to the authorities concerned “The number of chartered Hamad Blood Donation Centre,
odologies used by scientists on the perception of medical ous ministries of the Govern- to Kerala from Qatar as part of and waiting for approvals. The flights will depend on the ap- KMCC recently organised blood
in their pursuit of finding a realities. ment of India as well as various ‘Vande Bharat’ mission are few facility is exclusively for Keral- proval from the government donation camps twice.
treatment or a vaccine for They also presented tools airlines to charter flights,” S A in number while the demand is ites, not just for our members,” and the number of people who KMCC has also a ‘Medichain’
Covid-19. developed by QCRI to help M Basheer, president of Qatar so high. Basheer explained. come forward to register for the service to bring medicines from
QCRI speakers Raghvendra address misinformation and Kerala Muslim Cultural Centre KMCC has over 26,000 mem- “We are happy to make the facility, noted Basheer. India for patients, which was
Mall, research scientist; and information manipulation in (KMCC), told Gulf Times. bers in Qatar. The organisation necessary arrangements to char- The official highlighted that helpful to thousands of expats
Ehsan Ullah, software engi- the context of social media “If the authorities concerned is happy to make arrangements ter the flights, provided the gov- last month, KMCC delivered suffering from illnesses.
neer in the Health Group, dis- and traditional media out-
cussed the pros and cons of lets. These include “Tanbih”,
some of the directions being a news aggregator developed
pursued in search of a treat-
ment, showcasing quantita-
to limit the effect of fake
news, propaganda, and me- 17 environmental violations detected in Industrial Area
tive measures that are widely dia bias by promoting media
utilised to measure a drug’s literacy and critical thinking.
effectiveness. They present- Dr Nakov said: “The
ed an AI-based approach to proliferation of fabricated
design the drug repurpos- news that has accompa-
ing task to identify potential nied the Covid-19 pan-
drug candidates for the Sars- demic is putting many lives
CoV-2 virus. at risk and impeding the
Speaking after the lecture, progress in containing the
Dr Mall said, “As scientists virus. With this webinar, we
across the globe work non- aimed to educate and direct
stop to find a vaccine for the public to resources that
Covid-19, the world waits can help them identify fake
with hope and uncertainty. news.”
This webinar explored the The final instalment in
scientific techniques and QCRI’s online webinar series
methodologies used by these on Covid-19 will be a panel
scientists and provided a titled Responding to Global
perspective on the possi- Crises in the Age of Data and
ble consequences of fast- Information Overload to-
tracking the process.” day. Experts will discuss the
Flattening the Curve of the outcomes of Covid-19 cov- The Ministry of Municipality and Environment’s (MME) Department of Industrial Inspection and Pollution
Covid-19 Infodemic, pre- ering the physical reality on Control has carried out a number of inspections on the industrial organisations and facilities with the
sented by QCRI’s principal the ground and the overload Industrial Area to ensure that that all relevant environmental standards are followed strictly. The campaign
scientists Kareem Darwish of new information. The free covered more than 92 factories and resulted in spotting 17 environmental violations. Reports were issued
(acting managing director of webinar can be accessed at to the violators who were referred to the security entities concerned. In addition, three factories were
Arabic Language Technolo- asked to modify their environmental conditions based on the plans they had submitted earlier.
gies), Preslav Nakov (Giovanni en/data-science-covid-19.
Gulf Times
4 Monday, May 18, 2020

Ooredoo Money sub-wallets to benefit family members, domestic staff
he Ooredoo Money service has This will enable them to access the type as the main wallet, either basic necessarily have their mobile number
a brand-new feature that al- raft of services offered by Ooredoo or full — being assigned a share of the registered under their QID, including
lows users to register family Money from the safety of their home. main wallet limit. family members and domestic staff.
members and domestic staff by shar- Family or staff members can request The main wallet holder can edit lim- “Now, with our new sub-wallet fea-
ing their wallet’s limit so they can have a sub-wallet by using the ‘Register’ its at any time via the Ooredoo app. ture, these customers will be able to ac-
their own sub-wallet and get the same option on the Ooredoo Money app, Once set up, sub-wallet holders can cess all the Ooredoo Money services the
quick, easy, and efficient access to and the main wallet-holder will then use their sub-wallet as an independ- main wallet holder can access, meaning
Ooredoo Money services. be prompted to approve the request. ent wallet and enjoy Ooredoo Money they can take care of a number of eve-
The new feature means family mem- A sub-wallet can be assigned by the services including sending remit- ryday tasks quickly, easily and digitally
bers over the age of eight for Qatari na- main wallet holder by using the ‘sub- tances, recharging mobile numbers, via the Ooredoo Money app.”
tionals, and over the age of 18 for residents wallet’ option on the app, entering the recharging international numbers, He added: “This is a timely devel-
of other nationalities, and any domestic holder’s QID and uploading images of paying bills, booking movie tickets, opment, given we are all following the
staff with their Ooredoo mobile number the sub-wallet holder’s QID. and much more. stay-home directive for the safety of
registered under the main wallet holder’s Main wallet holders will be able to Sabah Rabiah al-Kuwari, director, our community, and we’re pleased to
QID can have their own sub-wallet, which set transaction limits for all their sub- PR at Ooredoo, said: “We recognise be able to help our customers manage
they can operate independently. wallets with sub-wallets – the same that many of our customers don’t these challenging times.”

QF opens way for entrepreneurs

CRA cautions and startups to fight Covid-19
telecom users Q
atar Science and Tech-
nology Park (QSTP)
and Qatar Foundation
Research, Development, and
Innovation (QF RDI) are fast-
tracking programmes and fund
The Tech Venture Fund (sup-
ports embryonic companies in
Qatar, and also provides back-
ing to more established, inter-
national start-ups with invest-
ment of up to $500,000 at a seed

about fraud
applications from innovators stage and up to $3m at a Series
with potential solutions for B round.
Covid-19. Meanwhile, QSTP’s Product
“Although much of the world Development Fund and the QF
remains in lockdown in the RDI Innovation Coupon aim to
fight against an invisible enemy strengthen the private sector
called Covid-19, people are con- and contribute to the diversi-

tinuing to work around the clock QSTP executive director Yosouf al-Salehi. fication of Qatar’s economy by
in search of ways to overcome funding SMEs and start-ups
the challenges global society geared towards supporting any Covid-19 continues to affect our that develop products and serv-
is facing,” a QF statement said eligible tech ventures, they are world, we are striving to address ices relevant to the local market
yesterday. now specifically calling for en- the challenges it has created and needs.
Among them are the world’s trepreneurs who have novel so- to be what these unprecedented The QSTP Incubation Center
entrepreneurs, who are shifting lutions to the challenges posed times demand. accelerates the establishment

he Communications Reg- of fraud messages and its pur- focus and re-evaluating their by Covid-19 – in the fields of “We want to make a posi- and growth of promising tech-
ulatory Authority (CRA) poses and that they take the nec- priorities in order to help devel- healthcare, remote learning, tive and tangible contribution nology startups by offering
has cautioned telecom essary measures to protect them- op creative, functional, and ef- and supply chain optimisation to developing solutions that co-working space and support
consumers not to respond to selves and devices from hacking, fective solutions to the difficul- – to apply. our world urgently needs right services – including access to
fraud messages. by either ignoring the messages, ties that the Covid-19 pandemic These programmes usually now, and that is why we want mentors, funding, training, and
The CRA had conducted re- deleting it, or by blocking the has presented. run on a yearly schedule, but to hear from local and interna- prototyping facilities – over
cently a bi-lingual survey in Ara- number and report it to their tel- Whether it’s helping parents are now accepting applications tional start-ups and SMEs with a 12-month period, while the
bic and English, on social media ecom service provider. school their children whilst jug- on a rolling basis with no dead- ideas that can support the fight two-month QSTP XLR8 pro-
channels about fraud messages. Also, through the survey around gling household duties and full- line, and applications with ideas against Covid-19.” gramme enables tech entre-
“We urge telecom consumers 83% stated that they can spot time jobs, providing Personal specifically targeting issues sur- Start-ups and SMEs accepted preneurs to determine whether
not to respond to fraud messages, fraud messages through some Protective Equipment to medi- rounding Covid-19 will be ex- into these programmes have the their idea has commercial po-
delete them to avoid the risk of re- signs, such as the sender number cal staff, or ensuring the deliv- pedited, with the Mena Dojo be- opportunity to be incubated, tential and take it to the proto-
plying accidentally, avoid calling or grammar and spelling mistakes. ery of necessities to people who ing open to regional applicants acquire funding, and gain access type stage.
the mentioned number, report it Amel Salem al-Hanawi “Due to the increase of fraud are self-isolating, entrepre- and the Tech Venture Fund open to mentorship, training, and Established through a part-
to their telecom service provider messages recently, I want to con- neurs, start-ups, and SMEs are to international applicants. technical guidance that sup- nership with 500 Startups, the
or bank to validate this message, of measuring telecom consum- firm that telecom service provid- playing their part in combating “At Qatar Foundation, we are ports them in taking their prod- Mena Dojo is a six-week invest-
and avoid opening the link at- ers level of awareness of fraud ers and banks will never contact this crisis. determined to play our part in ucts and services to the point of ment programme offering in-
tached as hackers use this method messages, that inform consum- their customers through messag- QF RDI offers a number of the global fight against Cov- commercialisation. tensive one-to-one training and
to obtain their personal informa- ers that they won a prize, or that ing and Voice over IP (VoIP) mo- programmes that help entre- id-19,” said Yosouf al-Salehi, QSTP is a premier environment mentoring for tech startups that
tion or direct them to a malware their bank card has been sus- bile applications to ask for their preneurs take their ideas from QSTP executive director. for start-ups and SMEs to develop have already raised investment
site that can affect the data on pended or compromised, and ask passwords, activation code, or the drawing board to the mar- “Technology and innovation their technologies, with its Incu- but are now looking to scale up.
their devices,” said Amel Salem them to call as suspicious mobile personal and financial informa- ket. These include QSTP’s Incu- are at the forefront of this glo- bator offering an array of benefits For more information about
al-Hanawi, director of Consumer number, so they can get their tion. By following these preven- bation and XLR8 programmes, bal battle against the pandemic. that include rapid and affordable QSTP’s programmes and how
Affairs Department at CRA. personal or bank information. tive measures, telecom consum- Product Development Fund, QSTP has been a byword for incorporation in a collaborative to apply, visit
The survey was conducted in The bi-lingual survey covered ers can help to limit these fraud Tech Venture Fund, and Mena tech innovation that addresses co-working space, business fa- qa. More information about QF
line with CRA’s efforts to spread around 1,200 participants. messages and save their devices Dojo, as well as QF RDI’s Inno- the needs of Qatar and global cilitation, and access to a network RDI’s Innovation Coupon can
awareness among telecom con- The results indicate that 95% and personal information from vation Coupon. society since its establishment of mentors, funding schemes, and be found at
sumers in Qatar and with the aim of telecom consumers are aware being hacked,” she added. While these programmes are more than 10 years ago, and, as prototyping facilities. qa/innovation-coupon

Lexus, Toyota
Qmic report finds significant reduction in congestion levels in Qatar models recalled

he Ministry of Commerce and In-

eekly congestion level in Qatar has daily basis about mobility behaviour in Qatar. our extensive traffic data bank can be used to dustry, in co-operation with Ab-
dropped significantly by 55% to 66% Using mobility behaviour during the first half track mobility behaviour in Qatar which can be dullah Abdulghani & Bros Co, an-
since late March, with biggest drop of of February as a baseline (before the Covid-19 useful in aiding decision makers and planners in nounced the recall of Lexus ES350 and
66% in the first week of May, according to the Pandemic), the report focuses on a few key per- assessing compliance with national guidelines Toyota Avalon Models of 2018-2019, due
Covid-19 Mobility Analytics report released by formance metrics that show how mobility be- associated with Covid-19”. to a possible fuel pump malfunction that
the Qatar Mobility Innovations Centre (Qmic) haviour has changed on a weekly basis since the For many years, Qmic has been utilising its may cause the vehicles to stop functioning.
yesterday. middle of February till the first week of May. vast multi-source data collection network and The ministry confirmed the recall cam-
The Qmic report also points upto 80% reduc- These metrics include: weekly change in con- mobility analytics platform to collect various paign comes within the framework of its
tion in weekly airport trips since early April. gestion level, weekly change in city outdoor ac- metrics and inputs in order to analyse and draw ongoing efforts to protect consumers and
The weekly outdoor mobility activity dropped tivity, weekly change in number of car trips, and important conclusions regarding mobility in ensure that vehicle dealers follow up on
by about 45% in late March to late April, how- weekly change in trip activity to/from Hamad Qatar. defects and repairs.
ever level of activity increased in early May and International Airport. This data is in turn used to power a number The ministry has said that it will co-or-
weekly number of car trips dropped by about Such data and metrics give an indication of applications and services, including but not dinate with the dealer to follow up on the
50% in late March to mid-April, however level about public compliance with stay-at-home in- only the annual Qatar Traffic Report as well as maintenance and repair works and will
of activity increased in late April and early May structions and shed light into changes in social monthly reports shared with Qmic’s key part- communicate with customers to ensure
which coincides with Ramadan. distancing behaviour. ners. that the necessary repairs are carried out.
The Qmic statistics provides insight into “For the last few weeks, our team has been Qmic plans to update its mobility report on a The ministry customers to report any vio-
movement and mobility behaviour in Qatar busy into looking into how we can utilise our ex- weekly basis starting on the second half of May lations to its Consumer Protection and Anti-
since the beginning of the pandemic until the isting digital platforms and how to leverage our in order to track weekly trends and changes in Commercial Fraud Department, which proc-
first week of May 2020. technology know-how to build new applications mobility behaviour. esses complaints, inquiries and suggestions
The report is based on the unique and rich and services to support the national fight against Additionally, this data could serve as a rich through the following channels: Call Centre:
traffic data bank produced by Qmic’s Advanced Covid-19,” Dr Adnan Abu-Dayya, the executive and informative source for stakeholders and a 16001, e-mail:, Twitter: @
Traffic Monitoring & Analytics Platform (Masa- director (CEO) of Qmic said. valued tool for future and current planning pur- MOCIQATAR, Instagram: MOCIQATAR, mo-
rak) which collects millions of data records on a “Today’s mobility report is an example of how poses. Qmic’s Dr Adnan Abu-Dayya. bile app for Android and IOS: MOCIQATAR.

Qatar National Library supports open access for Qatari research

xperts at Qatar National any institute of higher education QNL also has open access to assist researchers in Qatar this
Library (QNL) have guided or non-profit research institute agreements with other tradition- week to understand how they can
researchers through the within Qatar. ally subscription-based publish- finance their research publica-
Library’s Open Access Author Qatar National Library is a lead- ers, including Springer Nature, tions. Open access is one of our
Fund, as part of a commitment to ing centre in open access in the Taylor and Francis, Emerald, core values, which can also be
sharing knowledge and informa- Gulf and Middle East and North Sage, Ovid, Wolters, Karger, De seen in our commitment to of-
tion across the world. Africa (Mena) region, and is work- Gruyter and Wiley. fering free, unrestricted access to
The online sessions saw prac- ing towards making a global im- Dr Alwaleed Alkhaja, senior our collections and services such
tical advice given to researchers pact, particularly in areas where intellectual property librar- as the Qatar Digital Library and
wishing to publish open access access to information is limited ian and OA fund manager at our repository.
articles, as well as detailed in- due to factors such as funding. QNL said: “We are committed “We have created opportuni-
structions of gaining access to QNL has funded 782 articles to supporting the researchers ties for scholars across Qatar to
funding for publishing in open since 2017. The QNL Consortium of Qatar to disseminate their publish in open access journals
access journals. recently announced a partner- findings as far and wide as pos- by covering article processing
The Open Access Author Fund ship with a major publisher Else- sible. Wherever we can, we will charges for local and interna-
aims to support Qatar-based re- vier for an open access publish- support innovative scholars, tional journals, as well as nego-
search through the provision of ing pilot in Qatar. creative thinkers and scien- tiating agreements with major
a national fund that covers costs This linkup represents the tific pioneers to maximise the publishers to make sure that re-
related to open access publishing. company’s first combined read- impact of their findings across search findings create as many
It is available for students, fac- ing and publishing agreement in the world.” waves as possible across the re-
QNL is a leading centre in open access in the Gulf and Mena. ulty, researchers and staff from the Gulf region. “We were delighted to be able search community and beyond.”
Gulf Times
Monday, May 18, 2020 5

Qatar Charity distributes Zakat Al-Fitr
to thousands of people worldwide
atar Charity (QC), with the generous support
of donors in Qatar, continues to distribute
Zakat al-Fitr to families in need, families
of orphans and refugees in 23 countries around the
Zakat al-Fitr is distributed in the form of food
baskets that include the main food items, especially
rice, or by providing coupons that allow beneficiaries
to choose their necessary foodstuffs.
The project aims to benefit 341,583 people at a cost
of more than 5.1 million Qatari riyals to alleviate the
suffering of the vulnerable, especially in light of the
current situation due to the coronavirus.
In Albania, 6000 food baskets were distributed to poor families and orphans in many governorates
within the framework of the Zakat al-Fitr project, in the presence of His Excellency Ali bin Hamad Al-
Marri, Qatar’s ambassador to Albania, in addition to local officials including Mr. Erion Veliaj, Mayor
of Tirana.
In Turkey, coupons were distributed to needy families of Syrian refugees and Turkish families in
major provinces of the country. Some 7,500 coupons were distributed to 4,000 families, bringing the
total number of beneficiaries to 20,000.
In the Gaza Strip, the Zakat al-Fitr project is under the implementation. Some 1,442 families
sponsored by Qatar Charity are expected to benefit from the project by providing them with food
In Kyrgyzstan, zakat al-Fitr was distributed to those in need, benefiting 7,635 people.

Zakat al Fitr: A source of delight for the poor and needy

s only a few days of the blessed month of Ramadan are left to go, Qatar Charity
seeks to make Zakat al Fitr a source of delight for the poor and needy across
the globe. By distributing Zakat al Fitr, Qatar Charity aims at lightening the
burdens upon poor families, meeting the needs of orphans, and promoting solidarity and
cooperation among people.
Zakat al-Fitr is one of the seasonal projects of Qatar Charity. This year, it targets 500
families with 2,500 individuals in Qatar, at a total cost of 1,477,230 Qatar riyals, and
341,583 people outside Qatar in 23 countries, a total cost estimated at more than five
million Qatari riyals.
Qatar Charity urges people in Qatar to pay their zakat al-Fitr in the remaining days of
the blessed month of Ramadan, as a purification of the fasting from empty and obscene
talk and as food for the poor. Zakat al-Fitr is QR15 for each individual this year. Qatar
Charity will continue to receive donations from benefactors in Qatar until the morning
of Eid Al-Fitr.
Ways to Pay Zakat al-Fitr
Zakat al-Fitr can be given at Qatar Charity’s headquarters, branches, and collection
points across the country, in addition to paying it by dialing 44667711, and through Qatar
Charity’s website and app.

Qatar Charity distributes 10 x 10: Charity for the Orphans in Gaza and
Eid gifts and clothes to last ten days of Kyrgyzstan receive Eid
orphans in Qatar Ramadan clothes from Qatar Charity
atar Charity (QC) has started its preparations to implement the Eid Gift and atar Charity (QC) launched the “10 nights x 10 projects” charity for the last
Eid Clothing projects within the State of Qatar to share the joy of Eid with ten days of Ramadan to allow donors to increase their rewards by donating Qatar Charity (QC) has distributed clothes to over 400 orphans in Gaza
orphans, and low-income families. daily in an easy way for charitable projects. and Kyrgyzstan on Eid al Fitr.
The Eid Gift Project targets 450 orphans sponsored by Qatar Charity, while the Donors can contribute to the “10 nights x 10 projects” charity by visiting the In Kyrgyzstan, 80 orphans sponsored by Qatar Charity received Eid
Eid Clothing Project targets 400 children belonging to low-income families. A sum link ( or through Qatar Charity’s mobile app, using credit and debit cards, clothes through its office in Bishkek, while these clothes were distributed to
of money will be deposited in the bank accounts of these families to enable them to in addition to donating by dialing 44667711.
purchase clothes and other necessary items for Eid. 333 orphans in Gaza, with the support of benefactors in Qatar.
Qatar Charity, with the support of benefactors in Qatar, aims to provide
How to Donate
Eid clothes to 3,355 orphans in 25 countries worldwide.
Benefactors can donate to the Eid Gift Project by sending an SMS with the code It is worth mentioning that Qatar Charity has earlier distributed Eid
QARA. To donate QR50, QR100, and QR500, an SMS with the code ‘QARA’ can clothing to orphans in Indonesia, benefiting 160 children in Jakarta, Depok,
be sent to 92632, 92642, and 92428, respectively. Also, donations can be made by and West Java.
visiting the website ( and dialing 44667711.
To donate the Eid clothing, you can contribute through the link (
kswa) or you can send an SMS with the code ‘QARC’. To donate QR50 and QR150,
please send an SMS with the code ‘QARC’ to 92632 and 92014, respectively.
Gulf Times
6 Monday, May 18, 2020

Zakatul-Fitr: When Zumba break for nurses

is the payment due

maams Ash-Shaafi’ee and Ah- foods, such as rice, meat, milk and
mad state that the Zakatul-Fitr so forth, but should be valued in
payment becomes obligatory accordance with the items specified
after sunset on Eid’s eve, or the by the Prophet, sallallaahu ‘alaihi wa
last day of fasting, because this is sallam. Moreover, it is permissible
the end of Ramadan. Abu Haneefah to give Zakatul-Fitr in currency by
(and also Ash-Shaafi’ee in an earlier paying the equivalent value of what is
opinion of his) held that the sum of obligated. Those Muslim institutions
Zakatul-Fitr becomes obligatory entrusted with its collection and
at the dawn of Eid day because it is distribution are required to assess the
reported that the Prophet, sallal- value of the originally specified items
laahu ‘alaihi wa sallam, commanded in their areas, and to disseminate that
his Companions to pay Zakatul- information in their communities,
Fitr before going out to perform accordingly.
the prayer of Eid [Al-Bukhari and 4. Zakatul-Fitr must be given
Muslim]. (Therefore, if one has a before the prayer of Eid. It is
newborn before the dawn of Eid, or forbidden to delay it until after
one dies after the sunset of the final the Eid day. If one, for any reason,
day of fasting, his or her Zakatul- is prevented from giving it at that Nurses assigned to the Infectious Diseases Unit (IDU) at the Kenyatta University Hospital dance during a Zumba class
Fitr must be paid, according to Abu particular time, one must pay it after held at the hospital compound in Nairobi, yesterday. Coinciding with the morning shift rotation, the class aimed to
Haneefah). that time passes. If there is a need, offer some respite to nurses charged with the management of patients infected with Covid-19 coronavirus, and was
Also, according to Abu Haneefah Zakatul-Fitr may be given at any time organised by the Nursing Council of Kenya (NCK) and the Kenyatta University Teaching, Referral and
it is possible to pay Zakatul-Fitr from the beginning of the month of Research Hospital in the capital.
in Ramadan in advance, or even Ramadan that is, its first day—until
just prior to the commencement of the end of the specified time [of Eid
Ramadan. Ash-Shaafi’ee however, concern for the payment and day].
holds that Zakatul-Fitr can be given collection of all Zakaah resources 5. It is permissible for one to
on the first day of fasting Ramadan. and charities—especially Zakatul- delegate another to give Zakatul-Fitr
Imaams Maalik and Ahmad state
that its payment becomes obligatory
after the sunset of the last day of
Ramadan, but can be paid one or two
days earlier.
Fitr —is an auspicious sign, indeed,
for the Muslim community. Zakaah
has increasingly taken a central place
in contemporary Muslim discourse,
as its dynamic (almost miraculous)
on one’s behalf.
6. It is permissible for the
institutions that collect Zakatul-
Fitr to exchange it from goods to
currency, and vice versa, based on the
Armed group kills 20
Where should Zakatul-Fitr be
In general, the best place for
the collection and distribution of
one’s Zakaah and charity—and this
possibilities are again being realised
by Muslims. It is one of the most
blessed and pleasing expressions of
our worship, to which Allah alone has
guided us. And all goodness and truth
general interest of the community.
7. It is permissible, in special cases,
to transfer Zakatul-Fitr collections
from the people or locality in which it
was collected to nearby communities
in northeast Congo
includes Zakatul-Fitr—is one’s is from Him alone. in more need. And it is equally Reuters “It’s unbearable to see people die like orders yet, said army spokesman Ju-
locality or community, be it in 1. Zakatul-Fitr is obligatory upon permissible to spend Zakatul-Fitr Beni that.” les Ngongo. Rich in natural resources
one’s city, state, or country. This is every Muslim who has the food in another community, if the giving The attackers fled after United Na- including gold, diamonds and coltan,
strongly implied in the statement or provision to sustain himself, community has no one in need of it. tions peacekeepers arrived at the vil- Ituri province was the site of some of

of the Prophet, sallallaahu ‘alaihi and those whom he is obligated to 8. One must have a clear intention n armed group killed at least 20 lage and they later fired on a nearby UN the country’s worst fighting between
wa sallam, in sending the famed support, on the eve and the day of before giving one’s Zakatul-Fitr. If civilians in an overnight raid on base, a UN source said. 1999 and 2007, after a power struggle
Companion Mu’aath Ibn Jabal, Eid, provided that this exceeds his one delegates, or gives permission, a village in northeast Demo- Fighting by an array of armed groups between rebel groups descended into
radhiallah ‘anhu, to teach the people basic needs. to another to give Zakatul-Fitr on cratic Republic of Congo yesterday, the in the region has complicated Congo’s ethnic violence — much of it between
of Yemen. He said to him, “Inform 2. A man is obliged to pay Zakatul- his behalf, it is considered an explicit latest incident in a surge of ethnic vio- response to the coronavirus pandemic the Hema and Lendu.
them that Allah has made the paying Fitr for his wife and minor children intention. lence that has forced 200,000 people and an Ebola epidemic that has killed After several years of relative calm,
of Zakaah obligatory on them. Take who have no money of their own. In 9. The Zakatul-Fitr payment from their homes in two months. more than 2,200 people since 2018. tit-for-tat fighting erupted again in
it from their rich and give it to their the case of one who has independent should be dedicated to the poor and Fighters from the Co-operative for Codeco split into several compet- December 2017, reviving longstanding
poor.” children, one is not obliged for their the needy. In some cases, however, the Development of the Congo (Co- ing factions after the Congolese army tensions over land.
There are provisions for payment. it can be given to eligible recipients deco) militia group, which is made killed its leader Justin Ngudjolo in late The unrest has since evolved into
transferring Zakaah resources to 3. What is obligatory is the giving of Zakat of wealth; namely those up of fighters from the Lendu ethnic March. more co-ordinated attacks by the
other communities among Muslims; of a Saa’ (four handfuls) of dates, stated by Allah in the following verse group, attacked the Hema village of Earlier this month Ngabu Ngawi Ol- Lendu community on the army and the
however, special guidelines for doing barley, raisins, or other such grain, (which means): “for the poor and the Ndjala in Ituri province at around 1am ivier, who claimed to have taken over Hema ethnic group.
so have been established by Muslim equal to about 2.25kg of wheat. needy, and for those who work [to yesterday, the army and local authori- the leadership of Codeco, surrendered Late last year the army launched a
scholars in accordance with Islamic Originally, the giving of Zakatul- administer it], and for those whose ties said. to the army and called for the militia to large-scale operation to uproot a con-
legislation, to which the institutions Fitr was limited to the kinds of food hearts are to be reconciled, and for “They cut with the machetes several lay down its weapons. stellation of militias operating in the
responsible for the collection and that had been stated in the relevant freeing captives (or slaves), and for of my compatriots, 20 have already Another faction later issued a state- east of the country, sparking a back-
distribution of Zakaah among statement of the Prophet, sallallaahu those in debt, and for the cause of died and more than 14 seriously in- ment denouncing Olivier as an im- lash that has seen at least 350 people
Muslims must adhere. ‘alaihi wa sallam. However, jurists Allah, and for the wayfarer…” [Qur’an jured,” said Solo Bukutupa, a local ad- poster. killed by armed groups in Ituri, the UN
Zakatul-Fitr: A favourable sign have established (through proper 9:60] ministrator. No fighters have followed Olivier’s source said.
for our community methods) that it may be given out Article source: http://www.
The reemergence of Muslim of other commonly consumed

Benin votes in disputed

Somali governor
 
    
 
     killed in Al Shebaab
suicide blast
          
poll despite coronavirus
 
  
  
A Somali governor and three bod-
yguards were killed in a suicide
                                                attack claimed by the Al Shebaab

 
militant group in the regional capi-
        AFP of the election agents” to move forward tal of Galkayo yesterday, a security
Parakou to cast his vote. official said.
 
 
   
 
 “It may seem excessive but it’s nec-
essary,” Hounga said.
The attacker rammed a scooter
taxi into a car carrying Ahmed

enin staged local elections minus Campaigning has been limited to Muse Nur, the governor of the
 
    
      key opposition parties yesterday posters and media appearances as can- north-central Mudug province, and
with authorities pushing ahead didates were forced to call off rallies due his security detail before detonat-
      
   despite the coronavirus threat and calls
for a delay.
to a ban on gatherings of over 50 people.
Critics warned the health risks were
ing an explosive device, official
Muse Ahmed said.
The West African nation of 11mn this too high for a vote that opponents of A witness named Bile Mohamed
      
                week lifted a raft of restrictions aimed President Patrice Talon insist should described the attack in a phone
at halting the spread of the virus. not be happening in the first place. call with AFP, saying: “Everyone in
Covid-19 has caused 339 confirmed Talon sported a mask when he voted the vehicle including the governor
 (106              infections and two deaths in the coun- early in Cotonou’s Zongo-Ehuzu area. and his driver died, there was
try. In the city’s first district Arnold Mi- smoke and fire all everywhere.”
  
    
    The autonomous national election
commission (CENA) made face masks
gan voted early in the morning. “With
the threat from Covid-19 it’s best to
Muse Ahmed confirmed the toll
of four and added: “There are

  
  
 
mandatory for voters and enforced so- vote quickly and go home before a lot of other casualties but the details
cial distancing measures at polling sta- people arrive,” he said. are still being investigated.” In late
 March, the governor of Puntland,
     
tions. “We have received a lot of hydro- Benin, seen as one of the region’s
  
      alcohol gels and masks for all voters,” most stable democracies, has been in a neighbouring semi-autonomous
returning officer Mathieu Daki said at political crisis since a disputed parlia- province, was killed in similar cir-

     
   
cumstances. Al Shebaab, a militant
N’dali in the north of the country. mentary poll last April sparked protests.
In the economic capital Cotonou Talon, a former business magnate group waging a deadly insurgency
where most coronavirus deaths have who came to power in 2016, has been in Somalia, claimed responsibility
    
  occurred, election officials ensured
voters were more than a metre apart.
accused of a crackdown that drove key
rivals into exile.
for that attack as well.

    
  
  
However, not everyone appeared to Parties allied to the president won all
have been reassured. the seats at the polls last year after op-
In the city’s 5th district election position groups were effectively banned Tanzania plans
    
   
 agent Dimitri Assani admitted voters
were “few and far between”. Donatien
from standing but turnout was only
25%. Now leading opposition parties to lift virus
     
  
     
 
Sagbo Hounga wore a mask to enter the again find themselves barred from the restrictions
polling station, but said he was waiting vote for control of 77 councils across
“till there were no other voters in front the country. Tanzania’s President John Magu-
     
 fuli said yesterday he plans to
reopen universities and allow the

       

resumption of sports and interna-
 
 tional flights if the decline in new
coronavirus infections continues,
             Reuters reported. The Tanzanian
government closed schools,
 
     
 
stopped international flights and
  banned large gatherings but much
of the regular economic activity has
    
   
  
 continued and religious services
have been allowed to continue

      

unlike neighbours like Rwanda
and Uganda which imposed total
lockdowns. Magufuli, who has ques-
      
         tioned the quality of Covid-19 test
kits and at one time asked citizens

  
to pray away the virus, said activities
  
  
 could resume in the coming days.
“If the trend I am seeing continues
           in the coming week, I plan to open
up universities so students can con-
tinue with their education,” Magufuli
        
  Voters queue at a primary school in Cotonou yesterday, to cast their vote for the said while speaking at a church
Benin local election. service in northwest Tanzania.
Gulf Times
Monday, May 18, 2020 7


Embattled Syrian
Getting prepared for Eid al-Fitr

tycoon vows not to

quit despite pressure
DPA war, I did not give up my post, overdue taxes in order to avoid
Damascus my country and my president,” collapse.Yesterday, Makhlouf
he added in the video, his third said the firm was ready to pay
since late last month. the money as a sort of support

business tycoon in Syria The 50-year-old tycoon said of the state, but not as taxes.
— the cousin of Presi- negotiations to free employ- “This money was unfairly lev-
dent Bashar al-Assad ees being detained by security ied,” he added.
— said yesterday that he would agencies have been unsuccess- Syrian security forces have
not let himself be ousted from ful so far. cracked down on Makhlouf’s
his telecommunication firm Makhlouf warned that the businesses since late April,
despite pressure from agencies collapse of his company would detaining so far 60 employees,
inside the regime. be a “big catastrophe” for the a monitoring group reported
The United States and the Syrian economy. yesterday.
European Union have put Rami “The continuation of this The clampdown took place
Makhlouf, co-owner of the approach will lead to the ruin of in five Syrian provinces includ-
Syrian telecommunications the company that is serving the ing the capital Damascus and
company Syriatel, on their country and employing 6,500 Aleppo in the north, the Syrian
sanctions lists because of his people. Observatory for Human rights
links to al-Assad’s government, This will result in a big ca- added.
but a rift has emerged between tastrophe for the Syrian econ- Many Syrians see Makhlouf,
him and the regime. omy,” he said. who made his fortune in the
In a video posted online, Ma- “The company is one of the telecommunications and con-
khlouf said agencies he did not most successful in Syria and struction fields, as one of the
name had demanded he step probably in the Arab world.” most notorious members of
down as the board chairman of Late last month, Makhlouf the ruling elite and a symbol
Syriatel. appealed in a video to al-Assad of corruption in the war-torn
“I won’t quit. During the to give his business time to pay country.

Palestinian women, wearing protective face masks and gloves during the Covid-19 pandemic, form traditional cookies in preparation for

Zarif warns US against

the upcoming Eid al-Fitr holiday which marks the end of the holy month of Ramadan, in the southern Gaza Strip city of Rafah, yesterday.

disrupting oil shipments

Iran’s coronavirus AFP
measure.” Iran’s Fars News claimed Saturday that
it had received information that four US Navy
warships are in the Caribbean for a “possible

deaths near 7,000

confrontation with Iran’s tankers.”

ran’s foreign minister yesterday warned the Elliot Abrams, the State Department’s Ven-
US against deploying its navy in the Carib- ezuela envoy, has alleged that Caracas is paying
bean to disrupt Iranian fuel shipments to Iran in gold to restore its troubled oil sector.
Venezuela. The US has imposed unilateral sanctions aimed
In a letter to United Nations chief Antonio at ending oil exports by both Iran and Venezuela,
Guterres, Mohamed Javad Zarif warned against both major crude producers. Zarif’s deputy has
AFP chistan”. “Khuzestan province month. A virus taskforce of- 120,198. Over 1,460 of the new “America’s movements in deploying its navy to summoned the Swiss ambassador, who represents
Tehran is still in a critical situation,” he ficial said yesterday that the cases were “outpatients, in- the Caribbean in order to intervene and create Washington’s interests in Tehran, to communicate
added. increase was due to a surge in cluding those who had been in disruption in (the) transfer of Iran’s fuel to Ven- Iran’s “serious warning”. Abbas Araghchi said any
The southwestern province testing, not just of Covid-19 close contact with the infect- ezuela.” potential threat to Iran’s tankers would be met with

ran said yesterday it had re- has become Iran’s new coro- patients with severe symp- ed,” he said. He said that any such action would be “illegal a “quick and decisive response.”
corded nearly 7,000 deaths navirus focal point, with the toms. The ministry said 94,464 and a form of piracy,” according to a foreign min- Venezuela has the world’s largest proven oil
from the novel coronavirus, most critical “red” ranking on Early in the outbreak “our people hospitalised with the istry statement. Zarif added that the US would be reserves but analysts say that the sector operates
warning of infection clusters the country’s colour-coded focus was on severe cases that virus have recovered and been responsible for “the consequences of any illegal below capacity.
in new regions after it partially risk scale. It is the only region had to be hospitalised, but as discharged.
eased lockdown measures. so far where authorities have we started to manage the dis- Iran also cancelled rallies
Health ministry spokesman reimposed business lockdowns ease we looked at those infect- held annually in solidarity with
Kianoush Jahanpour said the after a country-wide relaxation ed and not hospitalised,” said the Palestinians, set for Friday Chinese envoy to Israel found dead, ‘health reasons’ likely cause: Beijing
Covid-19 illness had claimed a in April. Ali Akbar Haghdoost, head of next week.
further 51 lives over 24 hours into Iran stopped publishing pro- the taskforce’s epidemiology President Hassan Rouhani China’s ambassador to Israel, Du Wei, died at his Rosenfeld said that officers had gone to the
yesterday. vincial figures for the corona- committee. “It is possible that had said Saturday that the home in Tel Aviv yesterday, apparently from natu- scene as part of “regular procedure”, but that
The ministry raised the overall virus last month, but the health the reported number of infec- Qods (Jerusalem) Day parades ral causes, a statement from Beijing said. police did not conduct an investigation into Du’s
death toll to 6,988 since Iran an- ministry’s latest report said tions have gone up, but this in would go ahead with some The 57-year-old envoy, who had arrived in Israel death. Du’s wife and son were not with him in
nounced its first fatalities in the there is a “rising trend or the no way means more have been measures against the virus. in mid-February, was found dead in his home Israel. Du had previously served as ambassador
pilgrimage city of Qom in Febru- beginning of a peak” in eight infected with Covid-19,” he But organisers said yester- in Herzliya, north of the city, spokesman Micky to Ukraine, according to his biography on the
ary. provinces, including Khuz- told ISNA news agency. day the event could not be Rosenfeld said. A statement from China’s foreign embassy’s website. Du had undergone a 14-day
Jahanpour warned that cases estan. According to Jahanpour, held “decently” and would be ministry said: “The preliminary verdict is that home quarantine on arrival in Israel because of
were rising “in the province of The country on Friday re- 1,806 new cases had been scrapped apart from a televised ambassador Du Wei died unexpectedly of health the new coronavirus outbreak, according to an
Lorestan, and to some extent in ported its highest number of confirmed across Iran in the speech by the supreme leader reasons. The details await further confirmation.” interview with local media in May.
Kermanshah, Sistan and Balu- new infections in more than a past day, bringing the total to Ayatollah Ali Khamenei.


Lebanon PM says on track to end

Israel parliament
Outcry in Algeria swears in unity
after pregnant doctor
dies of Covid-19
lockdown despite virus uptick Israel’s parliament swore in a new
unity government yesterday led by
Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu
and his former rival Benny Gantz,
AFP mosques and many people ending the longest political crisis in
Beirut were back at work. the nation’s history.
AFP off. Colleagues of the victim Diab also said that authori- After more than 500 days without
Algiers had backed her request and ties will impose quarantines a stable government and three

signed a petition in solidarity, ebanon will gradually lift on “neighbourhoods and re- inconclusive elections, lawmakers in
one of them said. a coronavirus lockdown gions with high infections the 120-seat parliament approved a

he death of a pregnant Benbouzid on Saturday or- that has compounded its rates” to stem the spread of three-year coalition, with 73 voting
Algerian doctor from the dered an investigation into the economic crisis, Prime Minis- the virus. for and 46 against.
Covid-19 disease after she death of Boudissa and, in an ter Hassan Diab said yesterday, Lebanon is in the thick of One member was absent.
was denied maternity leave has unprecedented move, tasked despite an uptick in cases that its worst economic crisis since The new government was set to
sparked an uproar and prompted the inspector general of the prompted a four-day lock- the 1975-1990 civil war, com- confront serious crises in its first
the dismissal yesterday of a hos- health ministry to head the down. pounded by the coronavirus weeks, including the economic dev-
pital director. probe. The source close to the Speaking on television, Diab pandemic. astation wrought by the coronavirus
Health Minister Abderrahman case said that anyone found di- said that the country would A picture taken yesterday, shows a deserted road on the Forty-five per cent of Leba- and a looming battle over Israel’s
Benbouzid sacked the director rectly responsible for her death “reopen based on the five- southeastern outskirts of the Lebanese capital Beirut, during non’s population now lives be- possible annexation of large parts of
of the Ras El Oued hospital in could face trial for negligent stage plan” as of today, refer- a lockdown imposed by the authorities due to Covid-19. low the poverty line, and tens the occupied West Bank. Address-
eastern Algeria after Wafa Boud- homicide. ring to a government roadmap of thousands of people have ing the parliament, or Knesset,
issa succumbed to Covid-19, a State television meanwhile aiming to completely lift re- sions.” Lebanon has recorded He said the number of cases lost their jobs or seen salaries before the vote, Netanyahu said his
source close to the case said. broadcast footage showing strictions by early June. 911 cases of Covid-19, includ- had spike late last week, in- slashed because of the down- incoming government should apply
The 28-year-old doctor was Benbouzid visiting the hospi- “We realise that continu- ing 26 deaths. creasing almost five-fold over turn. Israeli sovereignty over West Bank
eight months pregnant and tal and then Boudissa’s family ing the lockdown has serious The prime minister spoke a period of 10 days. The Lebanese pound — settlements. “It’s time to apply the Is-
worked at the IC surgery unit of home to offer his condolences. economic and social reper- on the last day of a four-day Prior to the four-day lock- pegged to the dollar at 1,500 raeli law and write another glorious
the hospital when she died on In the footage, Benbouzid cussions,” he added. “We are lockdown that went into force down, restaurants and cafes since 1997 — has seen its value chapter in the history of Zionism,”
Friday. said he could not comprehend trying, as much as we can, Wednesday night, following had reopened at 30% capac- plunge by more than half on Netanyahu said. Such a move is
She had asked the hospital why a pregnant woman was to minimise these repercus- an uptick in infections. ity, prayers had resumed at the black market. seen as likely to cause international
chief, who was not named, for forced to work, while Boud- uproar and inflame tensions in the
early maternity leave, but he issa’s co-workers denounced West Bank, home to nearly 3mn
refused to let her take any time those behind her death. Palestinians and some 400,000
Israelis living in settlements consid-
Tanker repulses pirate attack in Gulf of Aden
Sudan airports to remain closed until May 31 ered illegal under international law.
Netanyahu told the chamber that
annexation “won’t distance us from
peace, it will bring us closer”. The
Armed pirates attacked a British-flagged chemical tanker in the Gulf Reuters/AFP gan in March due to the coronavirus out- the army said, AFP reported. “A speed- coalition government was agreed
of Aden yesterday but were repulsed, the ship’s manager Stolt Tankers Cairo break. The airport will remain open only ing motorised rickshaw drove through a last month between veteran right-
said, Reuters reported. The pirates approached the Stolt Apal in two for flights for cargo, humanitarian aid, military checkpoint in Khartoum with- wing leader Netanyahu and the
speedboats some 75 nautical miles off Yemen, it said, in one of the oil organisations’ workers and evacuat- out 9:00pm” Saturday centrist Gantz, a former army chief.

most important trade routes for oil heading from the Middle East to udan will keep its airports closed ing foreigners. evening, army spokesman Brigadier Plans had been set for an inaugura-
Europe. “After multiple warning shots were fired by the armed guard for both internal and international Meanwhile, a Sudanese soldier fatally Amer Mohamed al-Hassan said in a brief tion last Thursday, but Netanyahu
team aboard Stolt Apal, the skiffs opened fire on the ship. The armed commercial passenger flights until shot the occupants of a tuk-tuk that statement. asked for three more days to decide
guard team returned fire, disabling one skiff and ending the pursuit,” a May 31, the state news agency SUNA said sped through a military checkpoint in He said the two people in the vehicle on cabinet assignments among his
company spokesman told Reuters in e-mailed comments. yesterday, extending a shutdown that be- Khartoum during a coronavirus curfew, were taken to hospital, where they died. Likud party loyalists.
Gulf Times
8 Monday, May 18, 2020


Leaders aren’t even pretending to be in charge: Obama

AFP of the pandemic during the on- responsibility, fairness, generos- benefits as America grapples mindset is operationalised in our
Washington line event, without naming any ity, respect for others.” with the fallout from months of government,” he said in that call.
specific leaders. The ceremony, carried by all lockdown and business closings. In his comments on Saturday,
That celebration was fol- the major American television The gravity of Obama’s mes- Obama also highlighted how the

ormer president Barack lowed by a second, star-studded networks, flashed between stir- sage was underscored by the fact health crisis has underscored ra-
Obama on Saturday crit- prime-time ceremony for high ring speeches and performances it was the second time in a week cial inequality in America, and
icised the response to the school students in which Obama students and celebrities alike, in- he had hit out at the response expressed outrage at the shoot-
Covid-19 pandemic ravaging continued along the same lines, cluding basketball superstar Le- to the pandemic, having point- ing death of 25-year-old Ahmaud
America, in what was widely telling students to step up where bron James and singers the Jonas edly refused to criticise Trump Arbery, killed on February 23
regarded as a rare public re- leaders had failed. Brothers. in public in the three years since while out for a jog in Georgia.
buke of his successor Donald “If the world is going to get James echoed Obama’s call leaving office. “A disease like this just spot-
Trump. better, it’s going to be up to you,” for the students to step up, urg- He kept his profile low despite lights the underlying inequali-
His remarks came as he spoke he said. ing them to “Stay close to home” being frequently attacked by the ties and extra burdens that black
at two virtual commencements “Doing what feels good, what’s and help rebuild communities president. communities have historically
for high school and university convenient, what’s easy — that’s devastated by the virus and shut- But on May 9, in remarks leaked had to deal with in this country,”
students locked down instead of how little kids think. Unfortu- downs. from a web call with people who he said at the first ceremony.
celebrating their graduations, a nately, a lot of so-called grown- The US leads the world with worked in his administration, he “We see it in the dispropor-
rite of passage every spring in the ups, including some with fancy coronavirus cases and deaths, called Trump’s handling of the tionate impact of Covid-19 on
United States. A graduating student and family and friends watch former president titles and important jobs, still at 1.4mn and nearly 90,000, re- pandemic a catastrophe. our communities. Just as we see
“More than anything, this Barack Obama deliver a virtual commencement address at home in think that way — which is why spectively. “It would have been bad even it when a black man goes for a
pandemic has fully, finally torn San Diego on Saturday. things are so screwed up,” he This year’s graduates face a with the best of governments. jog and some folks feel like they
back the curtain on the idea that continued. grim reality: the US unemploy- It has been an absolute chaotic can stop and question, and shoot
so many of the folks in charge eral dozen historically black col- “A lot of them aren’t even pre- “I hope that instead, you de- ment rate has shot up to nearly disaster when that mindset — of him, if he doesn’t submit to their
know what they’re doing,” leges and universities at the first tending to be in charge,” he said cide to ground yourself in values 15% and more than 36mn peo- ‘what’s in it for me’ and ‘to heck question,” he continued, without
Obama told graduates from sev- ceremony. as he discussed the implications that last, like honesty, hard work, ple have filed for unemployment with everybody else’ — when that naming Arbery.

Georgia rally for slain black jogger

White House hits calls for removing district attorneys

out at ‘Deep State’

Reuters “Ahmaud’s death won’t be in would have been swept under
Atlanta vain,” his aunt Thea Brooks said the rug,” he had said in a Reuters
on the steps of the Glynn Coun- interview on Friday.
ty Courthouse as other family The suspects, former police

rotesters on Saturday de- members stood next to her. officer Gregory McMichael, 64,
manded the removal of two “We are going to fight for Ah- and his son Travis, 34, were ul-
district attorneys accused maud. We are going to get an- timately arrested and charged on
AFP erwise apolitical civil service they see as launched a probe into the late night dismiss- of dragging their feet in arresting swers when it comes down to May 7 with aggravated assault
Washington committed to undermining the president. al of an official they say was investigating two white men suspected in the justice for Ahmaud.” and murder, after the Georgia
There is no evidence that such a move- Secretary of State Mike Pompeo. shooting death of a young black Speakers told the crowd that Bureau of Investigation began to
ment exists. “The president has the right to fire any fed- jogger in the Brunswick, Georgia Jackie Johnson and George Barn- probe the case.

he White House yesterday hit back at Navarro said officials leaving the adminis- eral employee,” House speaker Nancy Pelosi, area. hill — the district attorneys for Last week, Georgia Attorney
fierce criticism over the firing of the tration could always be replaced by someone the top Democrat in Congress, told CBS. Speeches rang out from the the Brunswick and Waycross General Chris Carr asked the
State Department’s top watchdog, more “loyal.” “But the fact is, if it looks like it is in retali- steps of the small coastal com- judicial circuits — must be re- US Justice Department to open
suggesting he was a disloyal member of a “Not to the president necessarily, but to ation for something that the IG, the inspec- munity’s courthouse during a moved from office for their han- a probe into how the case was
“Deep State” conspiracy out to get President the Trump agenda. That’s what’s impor- tor general, is doing, that could be unlawful.” rally that drew hundreds out- dling of the case. handled by Johnson and Barnhill
Donald Trump. tant,” Navarro added. Democratic Senator Bernie Sanders told raged by the video of the killing It took 74 days after the shoot- as well as the Glynn County Po-
Trump told the House of Representatives Linick was Trump’s fourth dismissal of an ABC Trump believed he was “above the law, of Ahmaud Arbery, 25. ing for the suspects to be arrest- lice Department.
late on Friday he planned to dismiss Steve official tasked with monitoring government he’s above criticism.” Activists saw his death as the ed and charged. According to Carr, both pros-
Linick, the fourth inspector general to be misconduct and abuse since April, and drew “And he does not understand that, in the latest US case of white perpetra- “Racism is real in America ecutors recused themselves from
ousted by the president in the last six weeks. criticism even from members of his own function of government, you have a Con- tors killing a black man and go- and racism is real in Brunswick, the investigation.
Asked about the move by ABC, White party. gress, you have inspector generals who say, ing unpunished. Georgia and we come today to One of them, the Waycross
House trade adviser Peter Navarro slammed Casualties of the purge include corona- by the way, Mr President, what you’re doing The father-and-son suspects send a message to the racists district attorney, had provided
“a bureaucracy out there” of people who virus response watchdog Glenn Fine and is wrong, and it may be illegal.” were not arrested until weeks and the supremacist that we will police with a written opinion
“think they got elected president and not intelligence community inspector general By law, the administration must give Con- after the shooting, and just days fight you with everything that that no arrests should be made in
Donald J Trump.” Michael Atkinson, who was involved in the gress 30 days’ notice of its plans to terminate after the video surfaced online. we have,” said Rev Timothy Mc- connection with the February 23
“And we’ve had tremendous problems impeachment investigation. an inspector general, in theory giving law- Some of the protesters made a Donald, the pastor of First Ico- shooting.
with — some people call it the ‘Deep State,’ Trump has also ousted health and hu- makers time to study the move — and protest four-hour trek from Atlanta on nium Baptist Church in Atlanta Both defendants remain in jail
I think that’s apt. So I don’t mourn the loss man services watchdog Christi Grimm, who if warranted. Saturday morning. said. without bond and have yet to en-
of people when they leave this bureaucracy,” reported on dire shortages in US hospitals But previous such firings have gone They chanted “Justice of Ah- Atlanta civil rights attorney ter a plea.
Navarro said. fighting the coronavirus outbreak. through unimpeded, and those dismissed maud” and “I am Ahmaud,” and Mawuli Davis, 51, one of the or- No court date has been set yet.
Trump and his allies regularly rail against Navarro’s comments were immediately have been replaced by political allies of the also wore T-shirts memorializ- ganizers of the demonstration, The US Department of Jus-
a “Deep State” of shadowy forces in an oth- countered by top Democrats, who have Republican president. ing Arbery. said the case reflects a US justice tice is investigating why charges
Local clergy led prayers for his system that is biased in favor of were not brought sooner and
family members, some of whom whites. whether to charge the suspects
Reusable drone for space experiments launched Tropical Storm Arthur attended the rally. “If it wasn’t for the video, this with federal hate crimes.

The US Air Force yesterday suc-

cessfully launched its high-tech
earlier this month, elaborating on
what up to now has been a highly takes shape off Florida
drone X-37B, placing the reusable secretive project.
Bloom gloom
vehicle into orbit for its sixth “This X-37B mission will host he National Hurricane Center sent its Air Force Reserve
secretive mission in space. more experiments than any prior Hurricane Hunter aircraft into a tropical depression
The drone, which resembles missions,” said Barrett, who also churning off the east Florida coast and confirmed late on
a smaller version of the manned heads the recently created US Saturday it has strengthened into the year’s first named storm.
space shuttles retired by the US Space Force. The Center’s 11pm advisory announced Tropical Storm
space programme in 2011, was Among the experiments: Arthur’s forming and said it’s moving at 19kph in a north-
launched from Cape Canaveral in testing the effect of radiation north-east direction. The Center has calculated maximum
Florida, the Air Force said. on seeds and other materials, winds at 72kph.
It will spend months in orbit, and transforming solar power This is the sixth season in a row in which a named storm has
remotely conducting a series of into radio-frequency microwave formed before the official June 1 start of hurricane season.
experiments. energy that could be transmitted A tropical storm watch remains in effect for a portion of the
“Congratulations on the 6th to the ground. North Carolina coast, as South Florida will see no threat from
mission of the X-37B reusable The X-37B is 9m, with a wing the storm.
spacecraft,” Defense Secretary span of 4.5m. The Pentagon has The current projection of the tropical depression shows it
Mark Esper tweeted shortly after published photos of the drone, but continuing to travel up the East Coast of the US and briefly
the launch. up to now had revealed few details touching North Carolina’s east coast.
The huge Atlas V launch vehi- about its missions and capabilities. The Center also said dangerous coastal surf conditions and
cle took off with an earth-shaking On each of its successive rip currents are expected to spread northward from Florida to
roar at 9.14am to loft the drone, flights — the first took place in the mid-Atlantic states during the next few days.
also known as an Orbital Test 2010 — the solar-powered craft At the most practical sense, the state is getting another run
Vehicle (OTV), into space. has remained in orbit for longer through of what to expect for the next six months or so until
The drone in turn will deploy periods. hurricane season ends November 30.
a small research satellite dubbed Its last flight ended in October “This is a reminder that hurricane season is coming up real
FalconSat-8, to carry out additional 2019, after 780 days in orbit. soon and a good reminder to start thinking about what your
experiments, Secretary of the Air That brought the craft’s cumu- risk is and get ready in the general sense,” Michael Brennan,
Force Barbara Barrett explained lative time in orbit to 2,865 days. branch chief of the centre’s Hurricane Specialist Unit, told The People wear facemasks as they shop for flowers in Washington, DC.
Miami Herald last week.

Canada parliament goes virtual during pandemic

By Michel Comte, AFP Anthony Rota said when it be- Liberal government of Trudeau Thirty MPs also meet each concerns such as job losses, and Interpreters who translate Bains, a devout Sikh, actually
Ottawa gan, while admonishing MPs over uses daily press briefings to dis- Wednesday in person — striking challenges of politicking by phone English into French and vice ver- won praise from viewers for using
sounds of camera clicks “not to cuss policy. “a balance that is yielding very across 5,500km from coast to coast. sa, meanwhile, reported a steep a painting of colourful turbans as
post photos on the Internet of the “It’s very difficult in these mass good results,” Trudeau said. “When people are scattered increase in workplace injuries a backdrop.

anada’s parliament has screen,” as per parliamentary rules. virtual sessions to put a minis- No legislation except emer- across the world’s largest de- including acute acoustic shock Others noted what books were
gone virtual through the A few others including the ter or the prime minister on the gency spending bills have been mocracy (geographically) it takes and tinnitus. MPs were urged on the prime minister’s shelf.
pandemic, assembling British and Latvian parliaments spot,” Conacher said, describing passed during the nationwide longer to actually get people on to “please speak at a reasonable This “peek inside of MPs’
MPs across six time zones and have also gone online to limit the sessions as “chaotic.” lockdown. the phone,” he said, versus walk- pace” for their sake. homes,” said Julien, has “allowed
giving a rare peek at Prime Min- person-to-person spreading of He also warned of the risk of A ban on assault weapons was ing down the hall to MPs’ offices The speaker also chided MPs Canadians to learn a bit about their
ister Justin Trudeau’s bookcase, a the Covid-19 virus. abuse if parliamentary oversight enacted by executive order after a in Ottawa “for a quick face-to- over their choice of backdrops, personalities, it’s humanising.”
deer head and a stifled opposition. “We cannot be vectors for the is curtailed. mass shooting in Nova Scotia. face meeting.” which should be neutral, he Another upside: no heckling
Every Tuesday and Thursday virus,” New Democrat MP Peter The official opposition Tories Western provinces, which Now, an MP in Newfoundland wrote in a letter the House affairs online, although one MP accused
over the past month 338 Cana- Julien told AFP, explaining why had from the start objected to the elected mostly Conservatives, say might start work at 8.30am lo- committee, to “ensure that what Rota of being “a little dictatorial”
dian MPs logged into Zoom from his party pushed for this arrange- virtual confabs. they’re not seeing their priorities cal time, when it’s 4am in British is debated and decided upon in for threatening to mute MPs who
home to question ministers in ment to maintain democracy in a “Mr Trudeau should not be us- reflected in the Liberal agenda. Columbia. the House remains more impor- interrupted.
lieu of holding a daily in-person crisis. ing a pandemic to avoid account- And the government has A committee report released tant than what is seen.” In the coming days, parties will
question period. “The only way to ask questions ability and oversight and should racked up C$325bn (US$230bn) on Friday called for setting up a A deer head, for example, was need to agree to extend the virtu-
The first sessions were marred on behalf of constituents and not be eliminating the role of the in pandemic aid. “secure electronic voting sys- mounted on a wall behind an MP al parliament beyond May 25.
by glitches — “Can you hear me hold government accountable peoples’ representatives,” leader Working from home in a sub- tem” for the virtual parliament to criticizing the government’s new Some said regular sessions
now?” “There’s an issue with the without endangering the public Andrew Scheer said last Friday. urb of balmy Vancouver, Julien fully function. gun control measures. likely won’t resume until next
translation.” “The minister is be- is a virtual parliament,” he said. But the prime minister, with the doesn’t miss Ottawa, which had It noted that Zoom also did not Another MP streamed in front year.
ing cut off.” “Please unclick your Critics such as Democracy backing of New Democrats and the flurries this week. provide sufficient security for in- of a white bedsheet, described Alternately, one MP suggested
mute.” “You might also hear my Watch co-founder Duff Co- Bloc Quebecois, had said it would “It’s nice spending more time camera meetings. as looking like a “hostage video moving parliament into the NHL
son, he doesn’t sound too happy, nacher lamented that it has di- be irresponsible to have regular in Vancouver,” he said. Dozens of rural and northern situation.” It was meant to hide Senators’ hockey arena, with
in the background.” minished the role of the official sittings while public health offi- But his days are longer as he MPs have also been unable to home renovations. 17,000 seats to allow social dis-
“This is a historic day,” Speaker opposition, while the minority cials urged social distancing. deals with a surge in constituents’ connect due to poor Internet. Industry Minister Navdeep tancing.
Gulf Times
Monday, May 18, 2020 9


Move Rohingya
on Bangladesh
island to refugee
camps: UN chief “The 308 refugees on Momen said he had yet to re-
ceive the letter, but said those
Dhaka Bhashan Char island concerned about Bhashan Char
– a silty strip of land – where facilities for 100,000

undreds of Rohingya people were built last year –
rescued by Bangladesh prone to violent and should host the Rohingya in
and sent to a flood-prone potentially deadly their own countries.
“We don’t want any more
island after being stranded at sea Migrant people travel back to their home places on a ferry ahead of the Eid al-Fitr festival which marks the end of Ramadan, during a government-
for weeks should be moved to monsoon storms – Rohingya,” Momen said. imposed lockdown as a preventive measure against the coronavirus, in Munshiganj on the outskirts of Dhaka yesterday.
existing refugee camps, the UN
secretary-general said.
should be moved to “We don’t have any other
place to keep them. If they (oth-

Bangladesh issues warning to

The appeal by Antonio Gu- the camps after their er countries) don’t like Bhashan
terres to Bangladesh’s foreign
minister in a letter obtained yes-
time in quarantine is Char, let them take them back
to their countries. (Or) else, let
terday by AFP comes as concern completed” them return to Myanmar.”
grows over a coronavirus out- He said more pressure should

ports as cyclone Amphan nears

break in the sprawling, crowded Dhaka has not said how long be put on Myanmar to repatriate
camps near the border with they will remain in isolation. the Rohingya to their home state
Myanmar. “While those rescued at sea of Rakhine.
The Rohingya were rescued may be quarantined for public The foreign minister previ-
in early May after floating adrift health purposes, they must also ously said the refugees would
in the Bay of Bengal. Dhaka has be extended the protection they “most likely” have to live in the
said they were not sent on to the deserve as refugees,” Guterres shelters on Bhashan Char until DPA The cyclone, Amphan, Maritime ports were asked to A powerful cyclone devas-
camps in the southeast as au- said in the letter to Foreign Min- they return to Rakhine. Dhaka with wind speed of 89 to remain alert. tated the south-eastern parts
thorities were afraid they might ister A K Abdul Momen dated Nearly 1mn Rohingya live in 117km per hour within 64km Fishing boats in the bay were of Bangladesh on April 29,
have Covid-19. Friday. squalid camps in Cox’s Bazar. of its centre was located advised not to venture into the 1991, killing more than 100,000

Guterres said the 308 refugees “I trust that they too, will Many fled Myanmar after a 2017 angladesh has issued 1,230km away from south- deep waters, according to a spe- people and making millions
on Bhashan Char island – a silty benefit from the humanitarian military crackdown. a warning to its mari- ern Payra port by yesterday cial bulletin of the meteorological homeless.
strip of land prone to violent services offered to the Rohingya Emergency teams are racing to time ports as a cyclonic afternoon, meteorologist department. Cyclone Sidr, with wind
and potentially deadly mon- in Bangladesh and that, at the contain the spread of the coro- storm in the Bay of Bengal Aftab Uddin said. Cyclonic storms are very speed up to 240km/h lashed the
soon storms – should be moved end of their quarantine period... navirus in the camps after three heads toward its south-west- The storm is likely to intensify common in the Bay of Bengal. south-west coast of Bangladesh
to the camps after their time in they will be allowed to rejoin Rohingya tested positive late last ern coast, meteorologists said further and move towards the They often cross the coastline on November 15, 2007, leaving
quarantine is completed. their families in Cox’s Bazar.” week. yesterday. coast, he said. of Bangladesh and India. 3,500 people killed.

Thai malls reopen after virus shutdown Nepal reports

first virus death ing, while one restaurant placed
cardboard dinosaurs opposite
customers to indicate the place
was not to be used.

hoppers flocked to Thai- The government is also urging
land’s top-end malls yes- retailers and shoppers to check AFP lems. When her condition
terday, eager for retail in on a digital platform when Kathmandu worsened, she was referred to
therapy as shopping centres entering malls – it will send a another hospital.
reopened in a gradual easing of message if a coronavirus case is Her newborn and other

restrictions to revive the virus- discovered in a specific store. epal reported its first family members will be test-
ravaged economy. “We would have to wait until a coronavirus death late ed to see if they have con-
Hundreds of masked custom- few weeks to see if this is a good Saturday – a 29-year- tracted the virus, local media
ers passed through temperature idea and if they (the government) old woman who recently gave reported.
checks, disinfection stations, can still control Covid-19,” said birth – as the total number of Nepal, which has a popula-
and had their photos taken be- Jason Noel, 25, who was eyeing people infected in the country tion of 28mn, has conducted
fore they were allowed into plush up some purchases. reached 281. fewer than 100,000 tests so
malls in Bangkok. Shopping centres – along with The victim – who was from far. Experts say the lack of
In the main downtown shop- other public spaces like stadi- Sindhupalchowk district, mass testing may have pre-
ping district, Central World ums, gyms and parks – were some 90km (about 55 miles) vented identification of other
touted a “new normal” of do- ordered to close in mid-March from the capital Kathmandu fatalities.
ing business on posters, while as Thailand entered a state of – was on her way to a hospital “I don’t think this is the first
screens on the mall’s exterior emergency to curb the spread of for treatment when she died. death. There have been cases of
declared “We are open”. infections. “It has been proven that deaths where similar symptoms
The shopping centre relaunch But retailers have felt the is this the first case of death were seen, but the cause was
comes with Thailand’s infec- slump since January when an caused by Covid-19 in Nepal,” unclear,” said epidemiologist
tion numbers slowing in recent economic malaise settled over a the deputy spokesman for the Lhamo Sherpa.
weeks – authorities announced People stand in line to enter the Siam Paragon shopping mall as it reopened after restrictions to halt the kingdom heavily dependent on health ministry, Samir Kumar “There needs to be more
three new cases Sunday, with spread of the coronavirus (Covid-19) were lifted in Bangkok yesterday. spending from Chinese tourists. Adhikari, said in a statement. tests, contact tracing... and
the total at just over 3,000. Thailand on Saturday extend- The woman gave birth at more transparency.”
Shopper Taewich Penpattakul better that all the malls are now lowed in retail spaces and a ban ping centres – filled up quick- ed a ban on inbound interna- a hospital in Kathmandu on In January, Nepal was the
said he was “not really wor- opened,” the 23-year-old said. on alcohol sales in restaurants. ly, and a mobile robot roamed tional flights until June 30. May 6 and then returned to first south Asian country to
ried” about contracting Cov- Customers and businesses Cinemas, however, remain around monitoring people’s Its economy is forecast to her home district a day later. report a case of coronavirus.
id-19 because of Thailand’s low were advised to adhere to re- closed. temperatures. contract by more than 6% – the She was treated at a local The country has been under
caseload. strictions, which include limits The food court – often the Tables had plastic dividers set sharpest plunge since the crisis hospital after suffering from lockdown since March 24 after
“Mentally, it makes me feel on the number of people al- most popular part of Thai shop- up to encourage social distanc- of 1997. fever and respiratory prob- a second case was confirmed.

reports 2
Indonesia plans $8.6bn bailout for state firms
Reuters lawmakers and still need Presi- curbs on travel and work to

new Covid Jakarta dent Joko Widodo’s approval,

she said.
National flag carrier Garuda
control the coronavirus out-
break, which as of Saturday
has infected 17,025 and killed

cases I
ndonesia is planning an
$8.6bn bailout for 12 state-
owned firms, to reduce the
Indonesia, which is trying to
restructure $500mn worth of
Islamic bonds that mature next
1,089 in the Southeast Asian
Steelmaker Krakatau Steel
Reuters impact of the coronavirus pan- month amid a plunge in pas- would also receive 3trn rupiah
Hanoi demic, mostly as cash com- sengers, would receive 8.5tn in working capital investment
pensation and working capital rupiah in working capital in- under the plan.
investments, according to gov- vestments, according to the Outright capital injections of

ietnam yesterday reported ernment documents reviewed by documents. 7.5tn rupiah and 6tn rupiah are
two new coronavirus cas- Reuters. Kartika Wirjoatmodjo, deputy each planned for construction
es, both imported, taking The government has pro- minister of state-owned enter- firm Hutama Karya and insur-
the country’s tally to 320 with no posed to parliament to provide prises, told Reuters last week ance holding company Bahana
deaths, the health ministry said. 128.04tn rupiah ($8.63bn) in the government was arrang- Pembinaan Usaha Indonesia.
Both of the cases are Vietnamese financial support to the com- ing a $500mn bridging loan for Bahana’s subsidiaries are tasked
citizens repatriated from Russia and panies, according to Ministry Garuda. to provide credit guarantees
were isolated on arrival, the health of Finance documents pre- Power utility Perusahaan for micro, small and medium
ministry said in a statement. Over sented in a May 11 meeting Listrik Negara would receive companies.
80% of Vietnam’s confirmed cases with parliament’s financial cash compensation of 35.42tn The bailout funds will be pro-
have recovered and 9,000 people commission. rupiah this year, while oil and vided on top of capital injection
have been under quarantine. A finance ministry spokes- gas firm Pertamina would get plans made before the pandemic.
Vietnam has won plaudits for its woman yesterday confirmed the 43.91tn rupiah paid in instal- The documents also showed
fast and aggressive response to the authenticity of the documents ments through to 2022, the the government plans to help
spread of the coronavirus, which and that they were used in the documents showed. commercial banks restructure
has so far kept infections down to parliament presentation. But, Both companies have previ- souring loans by making 35tn
320 with zero deaths despite its the documents were used in an ously said sales of electricity rupiah of funds available to the
long, porous border with China. early stage consultation with and fuel declined because of banking industry. Motorists wearing face masks amid concerns of the coronavirus in Takengon, Indonesia’s Aceh province yesterday.
Gulf Times
10 Monday, May 18, 2020

S Korea reports single digit coronavirus cases; plans to reopen schools
Reuters After weeks of nearly no new bars in the capital were ordered to tion entering South Korea from of Korea Centers for Disease firmed that 6,800 out of about or students have a fever using
Seoul domestic coronavirus cases, close again, and authorities have abroad. Control and Prevention (KCDC) 9,000 bars and nightclubs na- an online self-diagnostic system
South Korea relaxed its lockdown also delayed the planned reopen- It was the second consecutive warned the clubgoers to stay in tionwide were shut down on Sat- and anyone with a temperature
on May 6, but a subsequent spike ing of schools by a week. South day in single figures for new do- isolation as their incubation pe- urday and 61,000 tests have been over 37.5C (99.5F) would be kept

outh Korea yesterday re- in infections linked to Seoul’s Korea reported 13 new cases as of mestic cases since the latest scare riod hasn’t passed yet. carried out linked to the Itaewon from attending school.
ported five new domestic Itaewon nightlife neighbourhood midnight Saturday, bringing the erupted, but so far there have “Even if you have been tested outbreak, Health Minister Park The ministry will partner
cases of coronavirus, all forced a rapid re-think. country’s total to 11,050 with 263 been 168 cases linked to the Itae- negative, there still is a risk of Neung-hoo told a briefing. Park with the National Fire Agency to
linked to a cluster of cases cen- The government has stood by deaths. won cluster, including clubgoers infection during the incubation said schools will reopen in phas- transfer any students who devel-
tred around bars and nightclubs its decision to ease broader re- Of those new cases, five were as well as secondary infections period. Please do get tested again es as planned, starting with high op symptoms at schools to local
in the capital which has raised strictions by reopening offices, linked to the outbreak from the in family members, co-workers, if you have any symptoms,” said school seniors on Wednesday. health clinics to get tested, Vice
fears in the country of a fresh public facilities and sports cen- night spots in Seoul, and seven and students. Jeong. The education ministry will Minister of Education Park Baeg-
wave of contagion. tres, but some nightclubs and were people with the infec- Director Jeong Eun-kyeong South Korean authorities con- keep track of whether teachers beom told a briefing.

Chinese state media

China adviser says risk slams ‘lawless’ HK
schools after test row
of second wave remains Reuters
Hong Kong
lously promote heresies, attack
the ‘one country, two systems’
and discredit the nation state,”
Xinhua wrote on its website.

Reuters hinese state media said “Some immature students
Beijing Hong Kong schools have have been tricked into use by
become “lawless” as con- the anti-China forces and have
troversy builds over a history become pawns to disrupt Hong

ainland China reported question in a school exam, re- Kong.” Hong Kong Educa-
five new confirmed kindling tensions over academic tion Secretary Kevin Yeung has
Covid-19 cases for May freedoms in the semi-autono- asked the Hong Kong Examina-
16, down from eight the previous mous city. tions and Assessment Authority
day, the National Health Com- Beijing and some Hong Kong (HKEAA) to investigate why the
mission (NHC) said in a state- officials have frequently flagged question was part of the history
ment yesterday. Two of the five the education system as a po- exam, sat by 5,200 students, and
confirmed cases were so-called tential breeding ground for the asked for it to be invalidated.
imported infections, while three large-scale, often-violent pro- The question “seriously hurt
were locally transmitted in the democracy protests which roiled the feelings and dignity of the
northeastern Chinese city of Jilin. the city in the second half of last Chinese people who suffered
The number of confirmed cas- year. great pain during the Japanese
es in the mainland now stands The latest row was sparked invasion of China,” Yeung said
at 82,947 and the death toll at over a question on a Diploma of yesterday.
4,634. China does not include Secondary Education test, which Public broadcaster RTHK re-
people who have been tested asked students to argue whether ported on Saturday, citing un-
and found to be asymptomatic Japan had done “more good than named sources, that two officials
carriers in its tally of confirmed harm to China during the period from the HKEAA had resigned
cases. The three domestically- between 1900 and 1945.” A Xin- following the controversy. In an
transmitted cases are related to a hua commentary published late interview with pro-Beijing pub-
district in Jilin city called Feng- Friday said Hong Kong schools lication Ta Kung Pao, Hong Kong
man, which has been classified had failed to ‘decolonise’ and the chief executive Carrie Lam said
by Chinese officials as a high- territory’s education system had last week the government would
risk area for Covid-19. not developed in line with the examine the future structure of
Heightened disease control ‘one country, two systems’ rule. the subject, which is part of the
measures in the district include Hong Kong returned to Chi- university entrance exams cur-
allowing only one person from nese rule in 1997 under an agree- riculum.
a family to go out and purchase ment with former colonial mas- An attempt by the government
daily necessities each day, ac- ter Britain that the city would to introduce “national educa-
cording to the district’s official have a high degree of autonomy tion” in Hong Kong in 2012 to
post on WeChat. People walk in Moshan Scenic Area Qinshui Platform in the East Lake in Wuhan, in China’s central Hubei province. Authorities in the pandemic and enjoy some freedoms una- instil patriotism and promote
Residents were advised not ground zero of Wuhan have ordered mass Covid-19 testing for all 11mn residents after a new cluster of cases emerged over the weekend. vailable in the mainland. “The appreciation of mainland China
to leave the city and any who schools seem to have become a was met with large protests and
do need to leave must provide a lawless place that can unscrupu- scrapped.
negative test result taken within
the previous 48 hours.
Jilin is the second largest city
of Jilin province, which borders
North Korea and Russia. It tem-
Saturday night fever back in Wuhan PM Ardern turned away from
cafe under coronavirus rules
porarily suspended passenger Reuters fresh cases on the virus. While and mostly kept apart. “It’s accounting for about 80% of the
train services last Wednesday. Wuhan most large indoor gatherings quite hard to breathe when country’s coronavirus cases, but Hailed for her leadership during the coronavirus pandemic, New Zealand
Fengman district said in a We- are still banned, people are re- wearing this mask to dance and the strict lockdown helped stifle Prime Minister Jacinda Ardern and her partner were turned away from
chat post on Sunday that it will claiming their daily lives and you can’t get rid of the perspi- new infections, allowing curbs a cafe on Saturday because it was too full under the physical distancing

tighten the lockdown by clos- earing masks and hobbies, which in many parts of ration, but my mood is great, we on movement to be relaxed. guidelines. Ardern’s government relaxed many social distancing rules
ing stores including depart- keeping about a metre China includes “square danc- can finally gather,” said Zhang Last week, however, the city on Thursday, reopening cafes, cinemas and malls after two months of
ment stores, house appliance apart, men and wom- ing”, or mass dances, usually in Jing, 42, adding that she had re- reported its first cluster of new some of the tightest restrictions in the world to stop the spread of the
stores and furniture stores but en in Wuhan were dancing once the evenings in public squares, joined her dancing group at the infections since the lockdown coronavirus. Ardern and Clarke Gayford walked for a brunch to a cafe
will keep supermarkets open to again on a Saturday night by the plazas or parks. start of May. Still, worries about was lifted, stoking fears of a in the country’s capital, Wellington, where they were initially told it was
maintain supply to residents. side of the Yangtze river, which On Saturday night, over a the virus linger. second wave, and prompting too full, New Zealand media reported. An employee ran after them a
The number of China’s new winds through the central Chi- hundred masked people danced “I do still feel a little con- authorities to launch a cam- few minutes later when a table became free and the couple went back.
asymptomatic cases of the nese city where the novel coro- on an open-air riverside walk- strained, (dancing) doesn’t feel paign to test all 11 million resi- Arden’s partner, Clarke Gayford, took the blame on himself. “I have to
coronavirus fell to 12 from 13, navirus pandemic began. way in central Wuhan as loud- as free with a mask, and I am dents for the coronavirus. take responsibility for this, I didn’t get organised and book anywhere,”
the NHC said. Zhong Nanshan, Wuhan’s 76-day lockdown speakers blared out everything a little afraid that there could Mainland China reported five Gayford said on Twitter. “Was very nice of them to chase us down st when
the Chinese government’s sen- ended on April 8, and the city from electronic dance music to be cross infection,” said Fang new confirmed Covid-19 cases a spot freed up. A+ service.” The prime minister’s press service said that
ior medical adviser told CNN is slowly getting back on its Japanese pop. Yuanyuan, 50. for May 16, down from eight waiting at a cafe is likely with the virus restrictions. “The PM says she
on Saturday that the danger of feet, hopeful that the worst Some waltzed in pairs. Others Covid-19 first struck Wuhan the previous day, the National just waits like everyone else,” the public Television New Zealand cited
a second wave of infections is is passed, but worried by the moved in sync to choreographed late last year, and it became the Health Commission (NHC) said Ardern’s press service as saying. New Zealand has managed to contain
looming large. emergence last week of a few dance routines. All wore masks, epicentre of China’s outbreak, in a statement yesterday. the coronavirus pandemic before it strained the public health system.

Penang reopens
Australia says China ignores
calls to reduce trade tension
Reuters Relations between countries in pushing for the probe
Melbourne Canberra and Beijing when the World Health Assembly,
have been strained amid the decision-making body of the
Australian accusations World Health Organisation, gath-

ustralia urged China yes- of Chinese meddling ers next week in Switzerland for
terday to respond to its in domestic affairs and its first annual meeting since the
requests to discuss easing concern about what Covid-19 pandemic began. Cov-
tensions between the two trading Australia sees as China’s id-19 is the respiratory disease
partners after Canberra called for growing influence in the caused by the coronavirus.
an international enquiry into the Pacific region The pandemic has caused more
origins of the novel coronavirus. than 4.6mn infections and more
China, accusing Australia of Organisation if Beijing imposed than 310,000 deaths worldwide,
playing “petty tricks”, has recent- the tariffs on Australian barley. according to Reuters data, para- Shoppers visit a mall as businesses reopened in Penang yesterday
ly suspended beef imports from Relations between Canberra lysing life in major cities and dev- with Malaysia relaxing its partial lockdown to contain the spread
four of Australia’s largest meat and Beijing have been strained astating economies. Australia has of the coronavirus.
processors and is considering im- amid Australian accusations of so far succeeded in containing the
posing hefty tariffs on imports of Chinese meddling in domestic pandemic with swift and strict,
barley. affairs and concern about what albeit economically very costly,
Australian Trade Minister Si- Australia sees as China’s growing social distancing measures and
mon Birmingham has requested influence in the Pacific region. aggressive testing.
discussions on the trade issues The call for the probe into the The country, with a population
with his Chinese counterpart, he coronavirus’ origins came amid of 25mn, has recorded 7,036 Cov-
said in a television interview on rising criticism of China’s han- id-19 cases and 98 deaths, signifi-
the Australian Broadcasting Corp dling of the outbreak by US Presi- cantly below the levels reported in
(ABC) yesterday. dent Donald Trump, who has said North America and Europe. As
“That request has not been met that Beijing should face conse- of Saturday, the government has
with a call being accommodated quences if it was “knowingly re- reported testing more than 1mn
at this stage,” he said on the ABC’s sponsible” for the pandemic. people for the virus.
‘Insiders’ programme. “We are Canberra has insisted the call With new daily cases falling,
open to have that discussion, even for the enquiry into the pandem- Australia has begun easing its so-
where there are difficult issues to ic, which it says most likely origi- cial distancing restrictions with
be discussed.” nated in a wildlife market in the most states allowing for public
Birmingham said Australia re- Chinese city of Wuhan, was not gatherings and some allowing Young shoppers go around a shopping mall as businesses Workers in a food court prepare for social distancing measures at
served its rights to bring a case politically targeted at Beijing. pubs, malls, parks and beaches to reopened in Penang yesterday. a shopping mall as businesses reopened in Penang yesterday.
against China at the World Trade Australia is set to join other reopen after weeks of lockdown.
Gulf Times
Monday, May 18, 2020 11

20% of patients ‘got Covid-19 while in hospital for another illness’
Guardian News and Media navirus were responsible for the Senior figures at several NHS not get tested for the virus. Extensive swab testing at the leading NHS trust in the north In a parliamentary debate
London others. trusts have confirmed to the Doctors say that hospital-ac- trusts and analysis of how long of England found that 7% had Laurence Robertson, the Con-
The figures represent NHS Guardian that a senior official at quired Covid-19 is a significant patients had been in hospital coronavirus but had no symp- servative MP for Tewkesbury,
England’s first estimate of the NHS England said in the brief- problem and that patients have revealed that between 10% and toms, and thus posed a risk to told the prime minister that

p to a fifth of patients size of the problem of hospital- ing, held by telephone confer- died after becoming infected 20% had become infected dur- patients. “just a few days ago my father
with Covid-19 in several acquired Covid-19, which Boris ence in late April, that the rate of that way. ing their stay. Two weeks ago, hospitals be- Jim died of coronavirus in hos-
hospitals contracted the Johnson last week said was caus- hospital-acquired Covid-19 in- One surgeon, who did not But the headline figure passed gan testing all new admissions pital. He did not catch the virus
disease over the course of the ing an “epidemic” of deaths. fections was running at 10-20% want to be named, said: “Mul- on in the national briefing was upon their arrival. in the community; he caught it
pandemic while already being In a national briefing last and that asymptomatic staff had tiple patients my department skewed because one trust was While it is also easier now for in the hospital when he went in
treated there for another illness, month on infection control and caused some of the cases. treated who were inpatients pre known to have poor infection staff to get swabbed than earlier for another illness.” In a little-
NHS bosses have told senior Covid-19, NHS England told Senior doctors and hospi- lockdown got the bug and died. control procedures in place. in the pandemic, problems of noticed reply Johnson referred
doctors and nurses. the medical directors and chief tal managers say that doctors, Obviously the timeline supports NHS chiefs remain concerned access remain. to the need to tackle “these twin
Some of the infections were nurses of all acute hospitals in nurses and other staff have in- that they acquired it from staff about the extent of a problem Johnson last week acknowl- epidemics” of both care home
passed on by hospital staff who England that it had found that advertently passed on the virus and other patients.” doctors call nosocomial infec- edged that people had died residents and hospital patients
were unaware they had the virus 10-20% of people in hospital to patients because they did not However, NHS sources main- tion. after contracting Covid-19 dying after picking up the infec-
and were displaying no symp- with the disease had got it while have adequate personal protec- tain that the true rate nationally More recent research among in hospital and described the tion while being looked after.
toms, while patients with coro- they were inpatients. tive equipment (PPE) or could is currently between 5% and 7%. staff in the hospitals run by a problem as an epidemic.

death toll
rises by 170
Schools are
safe to open,
he number of people who
have died in the United
Kingdom after testing
positive for Covid-19 rose by
170 to 34,636, Business Minis-
ter Alok Sharma said yesterday,
the lowest increase in the official
death toll since March 24.
The increase reported yes-
terday was sharply down from
the 468 rise in deaths reported
24 hours earlier and the lowest
since Britain brought in a lock-
down to curb the spread of the
virus on March 23.
However, at weekends the
tells councils
Guardian News and Media doors to children from reception, run the new system.
number of recorded deaths has London year 1 and year 6 from next month. The Northern Ireland Secre-
been lower than the number But some councils, including Liv- tary, Brandon Lewis, suggested
reported during the week, and erpool, Hartlepool and Greater last week that just 1,500 had been

health officials in England also ichael Gove has told lo- Manchester, have said they will hired, but when Gove was asked
said its Covid Patient Notifica- cal authorities refusing not be implementing the plan. for a number yesterday, he said,
tion System had not operated for to reopen their schools In a letter to parents, Liv- “just over 17,000”.
a while on Saturday. on June 1 to “look to their respon- erpool’s director of children’s The Health Secretary, Matt
“The consequences of this sibilities”, saying: “If you really services, Steve Reddy, said: “Our Hancock, had suggested 18,000
situation may therefore be re- care about children, you’ll want guiding principle is that schools contact tracers would be in place
flected in the number of deaths them in schools.” can only reopen to other pupils by the middle of this month.
reported,” NHS England said. Appearing on the BBC’s The when it is safe to do so and not a Gove heaped praise on Han-
The rise in the number of Andrew Marr Show, the Cabinet moment before.” cock, amid reports of a testy re-
deaths in Britain from the vi- Office minister said: “We are con- In the clearest explanation yet lationship between the health
rus peaked at 1,172 on April 21 fident that children and teachers of the government’s rationale secretary and No 10. “We’re on
according to official data and will be safe.” for its “stay alert” approach to course to meet that target. It’s
has been falling steadily since He said schools could imple- the next phase of the crisis, Gove more evidence that we have, in
then. ment staggered lunch breaks and said it was impossible to elimi- Matt, an energetic and deter-
Other government statistics arrival times, seat children at in- nate completely the risk of catch- mined health secretary who is
which include deaths due to dividual desks and teach them in ing Covid-19, unless people were throwing everything into the fight
suspected cases indicate that classes of 15 at most, supervised kept “perpetually imprisoned in against this virus,” he said.
Britain’s toll is over 40,000. by one adult. their homes”. The government gave up trying
Sharma said 243,303 people in Asked what he would say to “The whole point about life is to track every case of Covid-19 in
Britain had so far tested positive councils, including Liverpool’s that you need to manage risk,” he March, when the virus began cir-
for the virus, an increase of 3,142 and Greater Manchester’s, which said.“We cannot have a situation culating in the community, with
since Saturday. have questioned the plan, he said: where we keep our economy and the deputy chief medical officer
Sharma also said that Oxford “I respectfully ask them to think our schools and our public serv- for England Jenny Harries saying
University and drug maker As- again. ices continually closed down, be- at the time: “There comes a point
traZeneca had struck a global “The clear scientific and clini- cause the health consequences of in a pandemic where that is not an
licensing deal for a vaccine that cal advice is that it is safe to have doing so would be malign as well.” appropriate intervention.”
Oxford scientists were working schools reopen, accompanied In a separate interview on Sky But the shadow health sec-
on, one of the front runners in with social distancing.” News’s Sophy Ridge on Sunday, retary, Jon Ashworth, and Han-
the global race to provide pro- He added: “Children only have Gove announced that the gov- cock’s predecessor Jeremy Hunt
tection against the new coro- one chance at education. Over the ernment had recruited 17,000 have consistently called for com-
navirus causing the Covid-19 course of the last decade we’ve coronavirus contact tracers, and munity tracing.
pandemic. made significant strides in clos- would be ready to roll out the sys- The government also an-
If the vaccine proves success- ing the gap between the richest tem nationwide by the end of this nounced this weekend a third
ful, AstraZeneca will mass pro- and the poorest in our schools. month. large-scale study to track the
duce 100mn doses with up to This lockdown has put that back- Building up the ability to find progress of the virus, and try to
30mn doses available for people wards. If you really care about and control new local outbreaks establish how many people may
in the UK by September. children, you’ll want them to be is a central part of the govern- have built up some immunity to it.
“The UK will be first to get ac- in schools. You will want them to ment’s approach to progressively Teaching unions have said the
cess,” Sharma said, adding that be learning. You will want them to reopening schools, and the wider implementation of a testing and
the government was providing have new opportunities. So look economy. tracking system should be a pre-
an additional £84mn in funding to your responsibilities.” The outsourcing giant Serco condition for schools reopening
to British researchers working People cycle through Parliament Square in central London yesterday following an easing of lockdown The government has asked was given the contract to recruit – so that individual outbreaks can
on potential vaccines. rules in England. schools to prepare to open their the call-centre workers needed to be controlled.

Out for a swim

Socialite suing Andrew and Baby’s body found
dumped in waste skip
wife ‘was once close friend’ Daily Mail ing is that the baby was born
London within the last 48 hours and dis-
Daily Mail is taking action against the royal skiing holidays there with their posed of. The vast majority of
London couple and said the “case is really children. collections to arrive at the site

very difficult”. After their divorce, de Rou- olice are searching for were from Ipswich and the im-
“I am now charged with a law- vre became the sole owner of the the mother of a newborn mediate surrounding area.

he millionaire suing the yer,” she told the Mail. “They have property. whose body was found at a “It’s a really busy plant and we
Duke and Duchess of York a lawyer and I have mine too. What She employed six full-time staff waste recycling centre. are still working with them to try
over claims they missed you read in the newspapers is really and rented it out for more than The baby, thought to be barely and understand the movement of
payments on their luxury chalet is the reality of the case.” £22,000 a week. 48 hours old, is said to have been waste.”
a glamorous French socialite who A source close to de Rouvre said Said to be decorated with chic dumped in a skip that was taken He said officers were keeping
was once a close friend, it was re- her aggressive court action has antiques, the master bedroom is to the facility by a bin lorry. an open mind over the investi-
vealed. “severely tarnished” her friend- draped in animal furs, and there is Horrified staff made the dis- gation, adding: “We understand
Isabelle de Rouvre, who is dat- ship with Prince Andrew and Sa- a 650sq ft indoor swimming pool, covery while they were sorting this would have been a very
ing French art dealer Michael rah Ferguson, both now 60. sauna, sun terrace, boot-room and through recycling on Thursday distressing experience for the
Kennedy, is pursuing the couple “Isabelle always loved having lavish entertaining area. afternoon. mother. Our current priority is to
through the courts for £6.7mn. the Yorks to stay in their chalet and Neighbours include Sir Richard Detectives are waiting for re- ensure she receives the care and
The 74-year-old mother-of- was particularly fond of their two Branson and singer James Blunt. sults of a post-mortem examina- assistance she requires and we
four became friends with the children,” the source said. De Rouvre is understood to still tion to show whether the infant would urge that she contacts us
Yorks when they repeatedly rented “So she was thrilled that the live in Verbier with Kennedy, who was alive when she was dumped so we can help.
her chalet in the Swiss ski resort of chalet, which has given her so is in his late 60s and who dated and to determine cause of death. “There is no doubt she may
Verbier. many happy memories, was be- Donald Trump’s first wife Ivana in They are urging the mother to be frightened but it is very im-
Aware of their fondness for the ing bought by friends. Sadly this 2011. come forward and seek medical portant that we reach her or we
seven-bedroom luxury lodge, she dispute has ruined everything. The socialite’s former hus- attention. speak to someone who might
decided to sell it to the couple for Isabelle is deeply upset that it has band became incredibly wealthy They are also trying to estab- know her.”
about £18mn in 2014, rather than come to this.” through tragic circumstances at lish which skip in Ipswich the girl Helen Crapnell of Sackers said
put it on the market with an agent. Born in Paris, de Rouvre was the age of 33. had been dumped in and where staff who found the baby were
But de Rouvre now claims the previously married to the col- He inherited his family’s busi- it had been before it reached the being supported by the firm.”Our
Yorks missed a deadline on De- ourful French businessman Cyril ness empire when his father Evrard Sackers waste centre nine miles recycling sorting facilities are
cember 31 by which another chunk Bourlon de Rouvre. was stabbed to death by his valet in A member of the Serpentine swimming club trains near a away at Needham Market. so thorough that we believe the
of the outstanding £6.7mn was The couple are thought to have 1979. Ten years later Cyril de Rou- swan in the Serpentine Lake in Hyde Park yesterday during a Detective chief superintend- baby was found very quickly
supposed to be paid. bought Chalet Helora during their vre, now 74, was elected mayor of test session prior to it’s official reopening today. ent Eamonn Bridger of Suffolk once she was at our Needham
The socialite confirmed that she marriage and enjoyed numerous Chaumont. Police said: “The current think- Market site,” she added.
Gulf Times
12 Monday, May 18, 2020


Russia’s Covid-19 spread stabilising: top health official

AFP for the third day this week at gions have managed to stabilise Britain, France, Italy and Spain. Baby born with coronavirus in Russia’s Caucasus region
Moscow 9,709. the situation,” she said. Critics have cast doubt on
“We’ve moved towards the The state watchdog Rospot- Russia’s low official mortality A baby was born with the coronavirus in Russia’s In North Ossetia, “a pregnant woman was infected by
level of stability that we’ve all rebnadzor announces daily coro- rate, accusing the authorities of Caucasus region, health officials were quoted by Tass the coronavirus, and her baby was born infected”, a

he growth of novel coro- been waiting for,” said the head navirus numbers and has been under-reporting deaths in order news agency as saying yesterday, to a mother who is regional health ministry spokesman was quoted by
navirus cases in Russia is of Russia’s public health watch- working to develop a viable vac- to play down the scale of the cri- also infected. the state agency Tass as saying.
stabilising, a top health of- dog, Anna Popova, in a televised cine within months at its Vector sis. The birth in the North Ossetia city of Beslan follows “They are now at home, their state is satisfactory,” the
ficial said yesterday as the daily interview. virus research centre, located in Russian health officials say one in mid-April in Peru, which health officials there spokesman added.
tally fell under 10,000 for the “I would say that of today, we Siberia. one of the reasons the count is said was the second known case of a Covid-19 positive The head of the hospital’s maternity unit, Hassan
third time this week. have halted the growth” in num- Popova said that it is too early lower is that only deaths directly newborn worldwide. Tagaiev, was quoted by local television as saying that
The coronavirus causes the bers of cases, Popova said on to say if Russians can make plans caused by the virus are being in- The Covid-19 respiratory disease is caused by the 17 of 35 women who were about to give birth there
Covid-19 respiratory disease. Rossiya-1 television. for summer travel, saying “we cluded. coronavirus. had tested positive for Covid-19.
The country has the world’s “For the last 10 or 11 days need to look at the next two or Deputy Prime Minister Tatiana
second highest number of infec- now, we haven’t seen additional three weeks”. Golikova denied any manipula-
tions at 281,752, topped only by growth or it’s been very small,” Russia on Saturday announced tion of numbers, saying yester- cated more money to treat such an interest in diagnosing more virus came later to Russia, the
the United States. she said. the highest daily death rate at 119, day that hospitals had a financial patients. “Covid cases”, she said in tel- country had more time to prepare
Yesterday, it announced new “Stabilisation can be seen over while it has confirmed a total of interest in identifying corona- “From the economic point of evised comments. hospital beds and launch wide-
cases had dropped below 10,000 the whole country. All the re- 2,631 deaths, 10 times fewer than virus cases since they get allo- view, any hospital should have Authorities say that since the scale testing to slow its spread.

Spain’s daily coronavirus staff snub

death toll falls below 100

Italy’s daily coronavirus rope’s strictest lockdowns on istry is gathering reserves, but obligatory use of masks,” Health seek parliament’s approval to The number of confirmed cas-

death toll and new cases drop

March 14 in a bid to contain the now there is enough material for Minister Salvador Illa told a news extend the country’s state of es amounts to 225,435, the sixth taff at a Brussels hospital
virus, which threatened to over- current needs.” conference. emergency until the end of June, highest global tally behind those gave Belgian Prime Minis-
Reuters whelm the country’s health serv- A doctor in Madrid told Reu- From today, inhabitants of the when most regions should have of the United States, Spain, Brit- ter Sophie Wilmes a frosty
Madrid/Milan ice. ters that she is worried hospitals sparsely populated Canary Is- returned to normality. ain, Russia, and Brazil. reception, turning their backs on
As the population has re- would not be able to cope if there lands of La Graciosa, El Hierro, In Italy, meanwhile, the daily People registered as currently her as she visited the frontline of
mained largely confined to their was a second surge of the disease. and La Gomera, and Formentera death toll from the coronavirus carrying the illness fell to 68,351 the fight against the coronavirus

pain’s daily death toll from homes, the rate of new infections “I have to say that we are not in the Balearics, will be able to go epidemic in Italy fell to 145 yes- from 70,187 the day before. pandemic.
the coronavirus fell below and fatalities has steadily fallen, yet ready to face a second wave for walks at any time of day. terday, the lowest since March There were 762 people in in- Nurses and other staff lined
100 for the first time in two prompting the government to even if it is smaller,” said Be- However, in Madrid and Bar- 9, against 153 the day before, the tensive care yesterday, down up at the entrance of the Saint
months, the health ministry said begin unwinding the lockdown. len, who did not give her second celona, which have been particu- Civil Protection Agency said, from 775 on Saturday, maintain- Pierre hospital in Brussels as
yesterday, as some parts of the Health emergency chief Fern- name. larly badly hit, tougher restric- while the daily tally of new cases ing a long-running decline. Wilmes arrived on Saturday and
country prepared for a further ando Simon cautioned however, As the government begins to tions will remain in place. fell to a March-4 low of 675 from Of those originally infected, pointedly turned away as her of-
loosening of lockdown measures. that the low death tally yesterday lift restrictions on movement, Protests have sprung up 875 on Saturday. 125,176 were declared recovered ficial car drew up.
Total deaths from the virus could be due to delays in report- authorities are considering ex- around the country in the past The total death toll since the against 122,810 a day earlier. They were protesting about
rose by 87 to 27,650, while the ing at weekends. tending mandatory mask use on week, with Spaniards airing their outbreak came to light on Febru- The agency said yesterday that under-resourcing in hospitals
number of confirmed cases edged Asked at a press conference if public transport to cover all pub- frustration at the government’s ary 21 now stands at 31,908 the a total of 1.933mn people had and against official decrees that
up to 231,350 from 230,698, the health authorities had sufficient lic spaces. handling of the crisis. agency said, the third highest in been tested for the virus, against could compel them to work if the
ministry said. resources to deal with current “There is an ample consen- Prime Minister Pedro Sanchez the world after those of the Unit- 1.900mn on Saturday, out of a virus crisis demands it, Belgian
Spain introduced one of Eu- patient levels, he said: “The min- sus that we should reinforce the said on Saturday that he would ed States and Britain. population of around 60mn. media reported.
“Politicians constantly turn
their backs on our appeals for
help,” one protesting nurse,

No children’s parade speaking anonymously, told the

RTBF broadcaster. “The teams
are under-staffed and the burn-

as Norwegians mark out rates show it. We want the

profession to be valued prop-

Constitution Day A spokesman for Wilmes said

she had spoken for 40 minutes
with representatives of the pro-
testing staff, and that the at-
DPA ever performed in front of the mosphere inside the hospital had
Stockholm palace, and some school children been more cordial.
were also present. Wilmes tweeted that meeting
Afterwards, the royals left the and talking to the hospital staff

housands of Norwegians palace in two convertibles for had been an “important mo-
– many online, others in a drive around Oslo, waving to ment”.
parks, balconies, and at cheering bystanders.
home – joined in singing the na-
tional anthem yesterday to cel-
The drive included a brief stop
at Oslo University Hospital, Ul-
Rescued migrants
ebrate Constitution Day in the leval where corona patients have put on quarantine
shadow of the coronavirus pan- been treated.
demic. Earlier, the crown prince and A group of migrants rescued
In Oslo, King Harald, Queen his family greeted a small dele- off the coast of Fuerteventura
Sonja, Crown Prince Haakon and gation of school children, a band have been placed in mandatory
Crown Princess Mette-Marit and local politicians outside the quarantine as Spain moves to
and the crown prince couple’s gates to their residence Skau- reduce the likelihood of imported
children Ingrid Aexandra and gum, outside Oslo. virus cases, local officials said on
Sverre Magnus appeared on the The crown prince and his fam- Saturday.
main balcony of the royal palace ily drove in the same convertibles Their boat was pulled to safety by
to join in the anthem. to a nearby nursing home. the Spanish coastguard on Friday
The anthem was preceded by a May 17 marks the 1814 signing night and all 38 migrants were
21-gun salute fired at 1pm (1100 of Norway’s first constitution, taken to a port on Fuerteventura
GMT) from batteries around the and the end of over 400 years of in the Canary Islands.
country. Danish rule. They were rescued on the day
Traditionally, thousands of However, the powers of the day that Spain began imposing a new
school children and bands march did not accept full Norwegian mandatory 14-day quarantine
past the royal palace to mark the independence and in November requirement on any incoming
day. 1814 Norway and Sweden formed travellers arriving by sea or air
Due to the pandemic the chil- a loose union that was dissolved in a bid to avoid any imported
dren’s parades – first held in in 1905. coronavirus cases.
1906 – were cancelled all over The constitution was briefly On arrival, the migrants were
Norway. shown yesterday at parliament in placed in quarantine, a Canaries
The King’s Guard Band how- the presence of the speaker. A cortege of boats are seen at Blindleia, Norway’s 20km-long inland waterway, during the Norwegian Constitution Day. government official told AFP.

Pandemic drains Vatican coffers as income falls and deficits loom

By Philip Pullella, Reuters People urged to follow health rules during worship from the Vatican Museums, Another unknown is that there member of a Vatican commission up diplomatic relations with
Vatican City which received some 7mn visi- is no indication when the Pope that the Pope set up to advise him more than 180 countries.
Pope Francis called on worshippers to take care and to follow regula- tors last year and are the city’s can resume activities which at- on the social effects of the crisis, Its income is from real estate
tions to contain the spread of the novel coronavirus when taking part in most reliable cash cow. tract tens of thousands of people told reporters on a conference holdings, investments and con-

ate last month, the Vatican religious services in a statement yesterday. The museums, which gener- at a time, such as general audi- call. tributions such as Peter’s Pence.
announced the coronavirus “In some countries, liturgical celebrations with the faithful have begun ate an estimated $100mn yearly, ences and Masses on religious “As any company or state, you It has run a deficit for many
pandemic had forced Pope again, while in others this step is under consideration,” he said. “Please, have been closed since March 8, feast days. have some reserves and emer- years.
Francis to postpone an annual let us follow the guidelines we are given to protect the health of each resulting in up to three months of Many pilgrims and tourists gency funds and we are reaching The other budget is for Vatican
fund raising campaign among individual, and of the people.” lost revenue. who come to Rome primarily to for that, but that is only tempo- City, a 108-acre city-state sur-
Catholics worldwide to help him In Italy, religious services may be celebrated as of today, but the public is Even after they reopen, offi- see the Pope also leave donations rary,” said Zampini, 50, an Argen- rounded by Rome.
carry out his ministry. called on to observe social distancing to prevent the spread of the virus. cials fear that enhanced security in St Peter’s Basilica, where there tine who was a lawyer before he It includes the vital income
The delay of “Peter’s Pence” measures, social distancing re- is no entry fee. became a priest. from the Vatican Museums and it
by more than three months to quirements, new health regula- But they pay to visit the Vati- Bishops conferences in rich traditionally runs a surplus.
the first weekend in October has They ordered a freeze on pro- The Peter’s Pence fund, which tions and the expected dearth of can Museums, which boast some countries such as the United The surplus from the Vatican
come at a particularly bad time, motions and hirings, and a ban on brings in an estimated $50-65mn international tourists will erode of the world’s greatest master- States and Germany make large City budget, as well as contribu-
as other revenues, notably from overtime, travel and large events. yearly, aims to help the Pope’s ticket and souvenir sales for pieces. contributions to the running of tions from the faithful and profits
the Vatican Museums, slow to a An internal memo seen by activities as head of the 1.3bn- years. Adding to the income short- the Vatican but the pandemic has from the Vatican bank, have been
trickle. Reuters said that the decisions, member church and support “We definitely have difficult fall, the two Vatican departments also hit their finances. used to plug the Holy See’s defi-
The pandemic has wreaked effective for the rest of the year, charitable projects in the world’s years ahead of us,” Father Juan that manage real estate holdings The headquarters of the Ro- cits for years.
havoc with the Vatican’s financ- were taken “to mitigate, at least neediest areas. Antonio Guerrero, the new head in Italy offered reduced rents for man Catholic Church has two The last year for which the
es, forcing it to dip into reserve in the short-term, the grave eco- However, for more than 30 of the Vatican’s Secretariat for commercial tenants whose busi- budgets. Vatican has published full budget
funds and implement some of the nomic impact ... and to avoid any years the Holy See has been the Economy, told the official nesses have been adversely af- One is that of Holy See, the figures was 2015, when the Holy
toughest cost control measures further immediate drastic meas- forced to tap into it to keep regu- Vatican News website this week. fected by the pandemic, such as government of the Catholic See had a deficit of $13.1mn.
ever in the tiny city-state. ures”. lar operations going and to plug He estimated that Holy See some 600 stores and offices in Church which is recognised as a Since then, Guerrero said, the
Against this bleak backdrop, A follow-up letter in April told the Holy See’s administrative income would fall between 25% Rome. sovereign entity in international Holy See has had yearly income
top Vatican administrators held department heads that, in keep- budget deficit. and 45% because of the coro- “I don’t think that we are in a law. of about $293mn and expenses
an emergency meeting in late ing with the Pope’s policy, they The pandemic has also dras- navirus, depending on how well different situation than anybody It includes the central admin- of about $347mn, resulting in a
March. could not fire people. tically slowed the flow of funds cost-cutting measures worked. else,” Father Augusto Zampini, istration and embassies that keep yearly deficit of about $54mn.
Gulf Times
Monday, May 18, 2020 13


Corona negative report must for people entering Haryana

IANS to the central government that must be made compulsory,” he majority of the prisoners were lice to release on bail “declared guidelines and allowing a sen- the government rules and behav-
Chandigarh commercial activities may be said in a statement. released for a specific period fol- foreigners” who have completed ior police officer and groups of ing very irresponsibly for a gov-
resumed in areas excluding con- Vij said “the world is in a crisis lowing a Supreme Court order, two years in detention camps. people inside the park during the ernment servant,” he said.
tainment zones in Haryana dur- and we have to think before tak- while others were freed as per In other developments, a sen- lockdown period,” Horticulture However, the identities of the

he Haryana government ing the fourth phase of the na- ing any step.” normal legal procedures and oth- ior horticulture department Department Principal Secretary senior police officer and others
said yesterday those en- tionwide lockdown. Meanwhile, over 3,160 pris- er reasons. employee in Bengaluru was sus- T Manjappa said. who visited the park were not re-
tering the state from the Vij said in this hour of crisis oners, including those in deten- The Supreme Court in March pended for allowing a police of- He said that Kusuma was sus- vealed.
national capital must have a “we have to save lives and focus tion camps, have been released had asked all high courts, states ficer and others to enter the Cub- pended for the violation under Located in the heart of Ben-
negative test report for Covid-19 on expanding business. Hence, from jails across Assam in a bid and Union Territories to consti- bon park amid the lockdown, an Karnataka Public Service Rules galuru abutting the Karnataka
as more than 70% of the corona- there is a need to formulate strict to decongest prisons amid the tute high-level committees to official said. (Movement and Prohibition). High Court and Bangalore Press
virus cases are reported from four laws along with relaxation in Covid-19 pandemic, officials said consider releasing prisoners on “Horticulture department of “Kusuma has violated govern- Club, Cubbon park is a major
districts adjoining Delhi. lockdown”. yesterday. parole or interim bail. Karnataka has suspended Ku- ment guidelines and allowed peo- lung space of the city.
Haryana Home Minister Anil “Just as wearing helmets is Assam’s Inspector General The Gauhati High Court last suma, deputy director, Cubbon ple to go into the park during the The park is also famous for
Vij said the state has indicated mandatory, wearing face masks of Prisons Dasaratha Das said a month also asked the Assam po- park for violating government lockdown period, thereby breaking massive bamboo trees.

sees surge in
virus cases as
63 more die
IANS basic screening of its residents for
Mumbai Covid-19.
Moved by around a dozen
deaths of police warriors in the

aharashtra yesterday re- state, legendary singer Lata Man-
corded the highest figure geshkar sent her prayers and best
of new Covid-19 cases wishes to the police personnel in
- 2,347 - and the second highest the state.
number of 63 deaths - exactly 60 “With heartfelt gratitude, I send
days after the first fatality due to my best wishes and prayers to the
the highly infectious disease was entire police force of Maharashtra.
registered in Mumbai on March 17, You all are putting your lives at risk
officials said. to safeguard ours. Proud of you all.
This comes to a staggering surge Stay safe and blessed,” she said in
of roughly 98 new cases every a tweet.
hour in the state and a death rate New Delhi has witnessed more
of roughly one fatality every 22 than 2,800 new cases and 75 more
minutes. deaths, as the tally reached 9,755 Stranded migrant workers and their families wait to get thermally screened outside the Guru Nanak Auditorium in Amritsar before going to a railway station to take a train to
With 63 fatalities - slightly positive cases and toll mounted to Bhagalpur in Bihar, yesterday.
down from the previous high of 67 148 yesterday.
on May 16 - the state’s death toll The data from the Health De-
now stands at 1,198. partment says the 11th week (May

Coronavirus lockdown
The total number of corona- 11-17) recorded 2,832 new cases -
virus patients increased from the highest in a week.
30,706 to 33,053 yesterday, after In Chennai, officials said 639
the previous steepest single-day more people tested positive for
jump of 1,606 recorded on May 16. coronavirus in Tamil Nadu even as
The Health Department said of 634 Covid-19 patients were cured
the total number of cases, 24,161 and discharged.

extended until May 31

were ‘active cases’. Four patients died, taking the
Of the total deaths, 38 were re- total death toll to 78 in the state.
corded in Mumbai alone, taking In Thiruvananthapuram, Kerala
up the city’s toll from Saturday’s Chief Minister Pinarayi Vijayan
696 to 734, and the number of 14 new cases were detected in the
Covid-19 positive patients here state, taking the total number of
shot up by the highest ever - 1,595 active cases to 101.
cases - to touch 20,150. “Of these two came from abroad, Agencies public movement, except for es- India also softened its stance es to 90,927 with 2,872 deaths. There were some nationwide
Mumbai’s Dharavi slum alone 10 are from within the country,” Vi- New Delhi sential services, will be kept in on a contact tracing app, which Health experts say infections relaxations for industry and agri-
continued to be a major hotspot jayan said in a Facebook post. place between 7pm and 7am. it previously said was mandatory may only peak in June or July, culture last month, while offices
and a headache for the health au- As of yesterday, 497 people have Restaurants however will now for all public and private sector and have called for more testing last week were allowed to operate

thorities, notching 44 new cases, been cured of coronavirus in the ndia extended yesterday its be allowed to operate their kitch- employees returning to work. to determine the spread of the with one-third capacity.
taking the total number of patients state. coronavirus lockdown until ens for takeaway services. While it once said that heads disease. Limited service resumed
to 1,242, and 56 deaths so far. Vijayan also said that at present, the end of May as the country Sports complexes and stadi- of companies and organisations Earlier yesterday, India’s Tuesday on the country’s mas-
Besides Mumbai’s 38, there there are 61,855 people under ob- reported its biggest single-day ums are permitted to host events needed “to ensure 100% cover- worst-affected coronavirus state sive rail network.
were nine deaths in Pune, six in servation at home while 674 are in jump in cases, but said some sec- - but without spectators. age” of the Aarogya Setu app Maharashtra extended its lock- The dire economic situation
Aurangabad, four in Raigad, three various hospitals. tors would be permitted to open Inter-state and intra-state among employees, it now says down to end-May ahead of the has sparked a migrant worker
in Solapur, and one each in Thane, In a related development, the up to ease the economic pain. buses and passenger vehicles employers should get employees national announcement. crisis, as many businesses shut
Latur and Amravati. state government announced The lockdown affecting 1.3bn were authorised to operate, but to use the app on a “best effort Maharashtra, with a popula- down when the lockdown was
The victims comprise 44 men those wishing to opt for paid people - the world’s largest - has with the discretion of states and basis”. tion of 112mn, has reported 30,706 imposed.
and 19 women, and 65% of them quarantine can do so as the the been in force since late March union territories. The National Disaster Man- cases including 1,135 deaths. Jobless and hungry, many mi-
suffered from other serious ail- authorities have prepared a list of and has been devastating for the But outside of containment agement Authority said the re- Mumbai - India’s worst-hit grants fled the cities, some walk-
ments such as diabetes, hyperten- 169 hotels with 4,617 rooms across poor, with millions of migrant zones with high numbers of ac- strictions would be updated “as city - has 18,555 infections, and ing hundreds of kilometres.
sion, heart problems and asthma. the state. workers losing their jobs. tive cases “all other activities will necessary, keeping in view the the pandemic has pushed its hos- Dozens have lost their lives to
On the positive side, 600 more They can book their room “Lockdown measures to con- be permitted”, the ministry said, need to open up economic activi- pitals to breaking point. accidents or exhaustion.
fully cured patients returned through the Norka-Roots website. tain the spread of Covid-19 will potentially allowing commerce ties” while containing the virus. A city authority spokesman Some of those stranded in ur-
home, taking the number of those Meanwhile, a 54-year-old man continue” until at least May and industry to reopen across “India will not see the worst said Mumbai was considering ban areas have also clashed with
discharged to 7,688. from Udupi succumbed to Cov- 31, the Home Ministry said in a much of the country. of Covid-19, like in other coun- turning Wankhede Stadium - the police in a recent spate of pro-
In a heart-warming develop- id-19, even as 54 new positive cas- statement. Several states, some of which tries,” Health Minister Harsh site of India’s cricket World Cup tests as they clamoured to be
ment, a six-week-old girl and her es raised Karnataka’s tally to 1,146, Schools, places of worship, had lobbied the federal govern- Vardhan tweeted, adding that final triumph in 2011 - into a vi- allowed to return home to their
4-year-old brother valiantly con- an official said. shopping malls, cinemas and ment for a relaxation in the lock- state governments had the flex- rus treatment facility. villages.
quered Covid-19 and returned to “Positive case number 1,093, a gyms must remain closed, the down, immediately said they ibility to implement locally tai- The conversion could hap- Yesterday, five policemen and a
a rousing welcome at their home 54-year-old male resident of Udupi ministry said, and bans on large would allow many businesses to lored measures. pen if other facilities get over- journalist were injured in Rajkot
in Pimpri-Chinchwad, Pune yes- died due to cardiac arrest on Thurs- gatherings for religious and restart. The third extension to the whelmed with the onset of the in Gujarat after up to 3,000 mi-
terday. day. Tested positive for Covid on sporting events will be extended. Gujarat Chief Minister Vijay lockdown came as India recorded monsoon, which usually starts grant workers clashed with offic-
Meanwhile, Minority Af- Saturday,” the official tweeted. City metro train services and do- Rupani said all industries and its biggest single-day jump in around mid-June - and mon- ers when a special train to bring
fairs Minister Nawab Malik has This is Karnataka’s 37th death mestic and international air travel offices would be allowed to oper- cases with 4,987 new infections soon-related illnesses, although them home was cancelled.
said that each housing society in due to the coronavirus and Udupi’s will remain suspended, it said. ate, barring those in containment in the last 24 hours. “nothing has been decided yet”, Twenty-nine people were ar-
Mumbai will now carry out the first. A night curfew restricting zones. It took the total number of cas- the spokesman said. rested.

Migrant risks his life, stays with friend till the end
IANS been quarantined. break the journey midway to help breadwinner, Kumar was always friend’s forehead with a kerchief
Shivpuri, Madhya Pradesh Shivpuri Chief Medical Of- Kumar get medical assistance. tense. till the ambulance arrived.
ficer Dr A L Sharma said samples Neither the workers nor the He earned around Rs10,000 and The doctors who untiringly
were taken because Kumar and truck driver wanted to wait. had to send enough money to sup- tried to save Kumar gave up on

his is the tale of stark con- his friend had arrived from a red The others insisted that Kumar port his five siblings and parents. Friday night.
trasts in human behaviour. zone. be offloaded as he could be a risk Saiyub had asked the driver His lungs were clear but he
One part shows how a The family members of Kumar to them. to pay some money back as they had severe dehydration. He was
friend put his life at risk to save who reached here on Saturday “I wanted him to get better so were being dropped midway and shifted to ICU and was kept on
another. The other shows how after learning of his death were that we could reach home safely. needed some money for Kumar’s a ventilator but he died around
governments are looking the allowed to take possession of the Our parents were waiting for us. I treatment. midnight.
other way while truck opera- body. will stay with him till he is cured,” But he refused to pay. Kumar was taken to the com-
tors make a killing out of migrant Kumar had a fever when he Saiyub said. As Kumar continued to sink, munity health centre in Kolaras
workers’ misery. along with Saiyub and other mi- Having forced Kumar to get Saiyub sat cradling his friend by where Dr Vivek Sharma tried to
Mohamed Saiyub could not grant workers boarded a truck at off, the driver asked Saiyub to the roadside. revive him.
save his friend Amrit Kumar de- Surat early on Thursday. hand him his luggage and stay Some bystanders clicked an “His sugar was low.I gave him
spite his best efforts, and now he The two friends, both 23, from aboard. image that went viral on social ORS. His temperature was high.
himself is awaiting a verdict on Devri village in Basti district in A worker wearing protective gear attends to a customer at a hair “How could I leave him in such media. I thought it was a case of heat
his health status in an isolation Uttar Pradesh, worked in dif- and beauty salon located in an area declared as green zone for the a condition,” Saiyub said as he re- A half-empty water bottle and stroke. He had febrile convul-
ward as doctors hope he would ferent textile units but shared a coronavirus pandemic, in Nadiad some 50km from Ahmedabad alised the gravity of the situation a red backpack lay next to the two sions,’” said Dr Sharma, who
test negative for the dreaded room. yesterday. and tried to speak to Kumar who friends. thought Saiyub was Kumar’s
coronavirus. Kumar had taken paracetamol was too weak. When an ambulance arrived a brother because he was con-
They were touched by the tablets but it did not help much. than 40 others was going to be Kumar’s health deteriorated. Local journalist Samuel Das, few minutes later, another image stantly touching his friend.
strong bond between the friends. The journey for which the two treacherous in the hostile sun. The truck crew, who had al- who helped the two friends, said showed Saiyub hurrying to move “Even ward boys are scared to
Till the reports come, doctors paid Rs8,000 to travel cattle class When the truck reached Kolar- ready charged over Rs1,60,000 Kumar’s father was handicapped. his friend inside. touch patients these days. They
and staff who treated Kumat have in a fully loaded truck with more as in Madhya Pradesh on Friday, from the passengers, refused to Saiyub said, being the sole Saiyub kept sponging his had to be pushed to do so.”
Gulf Times
14 Monday, May 18, 2020


Suspended doctor ends up in mental hospital

IANS Health, the preliminary investi- doctor behaved rudely with a and referred him to the mental The main opposition Telugu Meanwhile, family members since his suspension he was very
Visakhapatnam gations show K traffic policeman, snatched his hospital. Desam Party (TDP) and Left of the doctor met him at the upset.
Sudhakar Rao is suffering mobile phone and threw it away. Rao was suspended two parties alleged that the inhuman mental hospital yesterday The family members blamed
from acute and transient psy- He allegedly behaved aggres- months ago after he publicly treatment was meted out to the His mother Kaveribai broke the government for his current

n Andhra Pradesh gov- chosis. sively with an auto-rickshaw criticised the government for doctor for questioning the gov- down on seeing him. condition.
ernment doctor, who was After the late Saturday inci- driver and others and caused a failing to provide N95 masks to ernment. She alleged that he was sus- Andhra Pradesh Civil Liber-
suspended for question- dent at Akkayapalem in Visa- traffic jam. the doctors treating Covid-19 TDP president N Chandrab- pended for demanding N95 ties Committee condemned the
ing the shortage of N95 masks khapatnam, police shifted the Police claimed that as the patients. abu Naidu demanded that the masks for doctors for their pro- attitude of the police with Dr
for doctors treating Covid pa- doctor to King George Hospital, doctor could have harmed him- Video clips of the police ty- policemen who manhandled the tection and now his life was Rao.
tients, was admitted to a mental where the doctors found him un- self, he was taken into custody ing the doctor’s hands, dragging doctor be arrested and booked being ruined by branding him APCLC president M Subba
hospital yesterday, a day after he der the influence of alcohol. and since he was in an inebriated and manhandling him triggered under SC/ST (Prevention of mentally unsound. Rao demanded that the police-
was manhandled by police for Hospital Superintendent G condition, he was shifted to the outrage and opposition parties, Atrocities) Act. Stating that there is a threat to men who attacked the doctor be
creating nuisance on a road. Arjun referred him to the gov- KGH for an alcohol test. doctors’ associations and Dalit Naidu’s son Nara Lokesh his life, she demanded that he be arrested and the unfair suspen-
According to doctors at the ernment mental hospital. The doctors found him to be groups condemned the police termed the state government as shifted to a private hospital. sion of the doctor immediately
Government Hospital for Mental According to the police, the suffering from mental problems action. “anti-Dalit”. His wife Manjari said ever revoked.

Lockdown wedding
West Bengal
and Odisha
brace for
Govt opens
cyclone fury
all sectors
to private
New Delhi

he India Meteorological
Department (IMD) said
yesterday that Cyclone
Amphan has gathered strength

and turned into a very severe cy-
clonic storm.
The weather phenomenon will
cause heavy rainfall and high-
velocity wind in coastal districts
of Odisha, West Bengal and An-
daman and Nicobar.
It is likely to make landfall on Agencies small business and tax reliefs, viding adequate quantities of
the West Bengal coast on May 20. New Delhi would cost the exchequer about PPEs (personal protective equip-
The National Disaster Re- Rs20tn (about $263bn). ment) for healthcare workers will
sponse Force has sent 10 teams Sitharaman also said health ensure their protection in the

to Odisha and seven to West he government will open expenditure will be increased ongoing fight against Covid-19
Bengal to tackle the cyclone. all business sectors to and health reforms will be epidemic,” said Barman.
“The severe cyclonic storm Am- private ownership, while made at the grassroots level. “Healthcare planning should
phan over central parts of South leaving room for state-run en- “To prepare India for any fu- include necessary inputs from
Bay of Bengal and neighbourhood terprises to still operate in some ture pandemic, health expendi- doctors working at ground level
moved slowly northwards with defined areas, Finance Minister ture will be increased and in- and by introducing the Indian
speed of 4kmph during past six Nirmala Sitharaman said yes- vestment at the grassroots level Medical Service (IMS) cadre.
hours. It has further intensified terday. will be ramped up for health and Healthcare system needs to
into a very severe cyclonic storm,” The announcement is part of wellness centres, with par- be strengthened at every level
IMD scientist R K Jenamani said. a series of measures Sithara- ticular focus on aspirational along with an improved disease
The cyclone currently lies cen- man has announced during the districts. All districts will have surveillance system. Research
tred at about 960km south of past four days aimed at tackling infectious diseases block in hos- in the health sector should also
Odisha’s Paradip, 1,110km south- the economic fallout of the new pitals. Public health labs will be be stepped up.”
southwest of West Bengal’s Digha new coronavirus. set up at block levels,” she said. Dr Sudarshan Ballal, presi-
and 1,230km south-southwest “One to four public sector Talking about the steps taken dent of NatHealth – Healthcare
of Bangladesh’s Khepupara. It is enterprises would continue to by the government for the con- Federation of India, said: “The
very likely to intensify further play a critical role in strategic tainment of Covid-19 in the healthcare industry welcomes
into an extremely severe cyclonic sectors,” Sitharaman said. country, the minister said that these strategic reforms and
storm during the next 24 hours. India’s state-run enterpris- the government has commit- looks forward to working with
According to the weather de- es, many dating back to the so- ted Rs150bn for health-related the government on expanding
partment, the cyclone is also cialist economic programmes measures for the containment India’s healthcare footprint. In
very likely to move nearly north- immediately post independ- of Covid-19, which includes view of the tremendous head-
wards slowly during next 12 ence in 1947, operate in a range Rs5mn insurance per person for winds faced by the industry, we
hours and then re-curve north of sectors from mining, manu- health professionals. look forward to continuously
by northeastwards and move fast facturing of steel, chemicals, “More than Rs4,113 crores engaging with central and state
across northwest Bay of Bengal fertilisers, telecom and more. (Rs41.13bn) have been released governments for short-term
and cross West Bengal and Bang- The railways and atomic en- to states,” Sitharaman said. support to sustain and maintain
ladesh coasts between Digha and ergy are the two major sectors The medical fraternity wel- resilience in the face of Covid”.
Hatiya islands on May 20. where private players are not comed Sitharaman’s meas- Dr Shankar Narang of Paras
The weather agency said there allowed. ures for health reforms, saying Healthcare, which is among
can be light to moderate rainfall in The new public sector enter- these would go a long way in ‘hospitals-turned Covid-19
Andaman and Nicobar in the next prise policy is likely to see both strengthening the healthcare centres’ in Ranchi, said, “If there
24 hours. Coastal districts of West the dismantling and privatisa- services across the country as is one positive that can be pulled
Bengal are also likely to experience tion of public sector enterprises well as help prepare India for out from the calamitous Cov-
light to moderate rainfall at many that employ hundreds of thou- any future outbreak. id-19 crisis, it is the fact that it
places with heavy rainfall at iso- sands of people. “The government’s decision has woken us up to the need for
lated places on May 19. Asked which sectors would to allot funds for public health giving healthcare its due. We are
Over 560 cyclone shelters and be deemed strategic and in labs and build infectious dis- happy that the finance minister
7,000 buildings have been iden- which the public sector enter- ease blocks in all district-level has announced a slew of reforms
tified to accommodate about prises would play a role, Sithar- hospitals is praise-worthy. This and measures to improve health-
1.1mn people in Odisha. aman said a list of these would will go a long way in strength- care infrastructure, including
In view of the cyclone, the be drafted soon. ening healthcare services in increased public expenditure
Bhubaneswar-New Delhi-Bhu- Sitharaman said the total ex- the country as well as prepare on health, greater investment
baneswar special train will run on penditure of the government the country for any future out- in ramping up grassroots-level
diverted route via Bhubaneswar- on various measures to provide break,” Federation of Resident healthcare systems, creating in-
Angul-Sambalpur City-Jharsu- A Sikh bride and groom wearing masks hold bouquets of flowers as they arrive for their relief to the poor, workers and Doctor Association India presi- fectious disease hospital blocks
guda-Rourkela-Tata bypassing wedding at a gurdwara on the outskirts of Amritsar in Punjab yesterday. vendors affected by the lock- dent Dr Shivaji Dev Barman. in all districts and boosting IC-
Bhadrak-Balasore-Hijli route. down, as well as farmers and “Allotment of funds for pro- MR’s research capability.”

Covid-19 cases see huge surge in NE region

IANS 138th) and their family members. three women, returned to Ma- the region in dealing with the
Guwahati/Agartala Manipur had reported its first nipur from Mumbai, Kolkata and Covid-19 management, had
case of coronavirus on March Chennai. on April 27 declared five of the
24 when a 23-year-old woman According to health officials eight northeast states – Sikkim,

n around two weeks, the who returned from the UK tested in Guwahati, the lone corona Nagaland, Arunachal Pradesh,
northeast states have seen a positive, making it the first case patient from Nagaland, a trader, Manipur and Tripura – coro-
huge increase in the number in the northeast region, which is was admitted to the Guwahati navirus-free after the patients
of coronavirus cases, even as home to only 4% of the country’s Medical College and Hospital on of Arunachal Pradesh, Manipur
they also face the challenge population. April 12 after he tested positive. and Tripura recovered.
of hundreds of thousands of Sikkim and Nagaland have not The patient was released from Meanwhile, for the past four-
stranded migrant workers re- reported positive any case; and the hospital earlier this month days, a three-member central
turning home. Arunachal Pradesh and Mizo- after he recovered. team continued their study
According to the health offi- ram have no active cases as two The Nagaland government about the coronavirus infection
cials, as on May 1, there were 61 patients, one each in state, have continues to maintain that there is among the BSF troopers and
coronavirus cases in six of the recovered and discharged from no positive case in the state, while their family members, visiting
eight northeastern states. hospital. the Assam government’s corona- the 86th and 138th Battalion
But by yesterday, the number On May 1, Assam with 42 virus update makes no mention of headquarters in Ambassa, 82km
had mounted to 286, with an positive cases and one death was the 33-year-old trader’s case. north of Agartala, yesterday and
abrupt rise in the number of leading in the corona cases in the Federal Minister of State for different parts of Dhalai district,
cases in Tripura and a steady in- northeastern region. Development of North East- including India-Bangladesh
crease of infection in Assam. But yesterday, Tripura leads ern Region Jitendra Singh held bordering areas.
Assam Health Minister with 167 of the total cases, of several meetings through video The central team, led by G K
Himanta Biswa Sarma and health which 101 are active, followed by link with senior North Eastern Medhi of the Shillong-based
officials in Manipur attributed Assam with 96 (51 active and two Council (NEC) officers and of- North Eastern Indira Gandhi
the rise in corona cases to the re- deaths), Meghalaya 13 (1 active ficials of northeastern states as Regional Institute of Health and
turn of people in the region. and 1 dead) and Manipur with well representatives of different Medical Sciences, is studying
In Tripura, the rise is due to seven cases, of which five are ac- government bodies and public the source and other aspects of
infections among the 159 Border tive cases. sector units. the coronavirus infection among
Security Force (BSF) person- All the latest five coronavi- Singh, appreciating the steps troopers, officials and their fam- Satyendra Kumar, a migrant worker, massages the feet of his daughter after walking for three days, as
nel of two battalions (86th and rus-infected people, including of the state governments of ily members. they wait to cross the border to their home state of Uttar Pradesh, in New Delhi yesterday.
Gulf Times
Monday, May 18, 2020 15

Mexico fears pandemic will push millions into poverty
Mexico food The economic fallout from
coronavirus could add 9mn
Mexico’s overall poverty
rate, a different measure that
“Facing this challenge, it is
necessary to broaden and
policymakers consider
introducing minimum universal
the poverty line, said David
Kaplan, lead labour market

markets stir
people to Mexico’s poor, includes income and factors strengthen the response pensions, unemployment specialist at the Inter-American
according to a government like education and access to measures.” insurance or universal basic Development Bank (IADB), a
study calling for aid like food, dropped in the decade Mexico has about 35,000 incomes to help the most lender to governments in the
pensions and insurance in the before 2018 to about 42% of the confirmed cases of coronavirus, vulnerable. region.

unease about
country that provides no federal population, it said. which has killed at least 3,400 Currently, there is little help for “It doesn’t take a big hit to knock
jobless benefits. During that time, access to people. workers who lose their jobs these people into poverty,”
Increased hardship could health care and the quality of With businesses forced to close because Mexico has no federal he told the Thomson Reuters
translate to at least 70mn housing improved most, the to help stop the spread of the unemployment benefits. Foundation.

virus infections
Mexicans, 56% of the country, report said. disease, more than 346,000 Jobless workers are mostly In Mexico, women have been
not earning enough to cover “The general conclusion is that formal jobs were lost between forced to rely on savings, their particularly vulnerable to the
basic needs, said CONEVAL, the this crisis threatens Mexico’s mid-March and early April, the families or upon private charity pandemic as they make up the
autonomous public agency that advances in social development government said, with further to survive. majority of healthcare workers
measures poverty. and will disproportionately layoffs expected as the economy The effects of losing a job are and face longer hours, risk
That would be an increase from affect the most vulnerable shrinks. long lasting, and many workers of illness and housekeeping
Reuters spread of the disease in part to about 50% in 2018. groups,” CONEVAL said. CONEVAL suggested in Mexico earn salaries near responsibilities, the report said.
Mexico City the location of the neighbour-
hood, the most populous in the
capital, connecting the centre

very day, thousands of of the sprawling city with the
Mexicans crowd a mas- dense suburbs of the state of
sive food market that is Mexico.
a lynchpin of the capital’s food Residents are further handi-
supply, though it sits at the capped by poor public services,
heart of a major hotspot for the such as scarcity of drinking wa-
virus. ter.
Mexico City’s sprawl- More than a third of the pop-
ing Central de Abasto mar- ulation lives in poverty in the
ket, stretching across an area city borough, according to gov-
equivalent to about 327 foot- ernment data.
ball pitches, poses a major Two of the four public hospi-
headache for officials trying tals serving Covid-19 patients
to keep food supplies flowing in Iztapalapa were saturated on
without magnifying the spread Saturday, according to govern-
of the coronavirus. ment data.
It is a daunting task in a mar- Area funeral homes and cre-
ket known to attract about a matoriums have also said they
half a million people a day in were getting slammed.
normal times, according to fig- Reuters made repeated re-
ures from officials in Iztapala- quests for an interview with
pa, a neighbourhood with the Clara Brugada, mayor of the Iz-
highest numbers of coronavirus tapalapa area, but she was not
infections in Mexico. made available in time for pub-
In addition to shoppers and lication.
wholesale buyers who throng Due to the coronavirus, the
the market at night to supply market is operating at 85% of
retail outlets in the metropolis, capacity.
another 100,000 workers typi- It typically receives more
cally cram the corridors lined than 15,000 products every
with sacks of potatoes, rice and day from all over the country in
boxes of bananas. more than 60,000 cargo vehi-
Local officials have not de- cles, officials say.
tailed how many visitors the The decision to tighten sur-
market is receiving during the veillance came just after mar-
quarantine, but the market’s ket authorities acknowledged
organisers say vehicle traffic about 25 people had been in-
has fallen by about 30%. fected and reported two deaths
In early May, the capital’s related to the virus at the facil-
government included the shop- ity, where about $9bn changes A boy runs after geese at a park after authorities allowed children to go out for an hour for recreational purposes according to the ID number of their parents – some on Saturdays
ping complex in a list of 89 ar- hands each year. and others on Sundays – amid the lockdown imposed against the spread of the new coronavirus in Buenos Aires.
eas deemed to have “high-risk As part of the precaution-
of contagion” as part of efforts ary measures, children and
to prevent an outbreak. pregnant women are prohib-
Still, completely shutting the ited from entering, while health
market that serves a sizeable
swathe of Mexico’s 25mn peo-
ple is not an option, said Mexico
City mayor Claudia Sheinbaum,
because it would devastate the
personnel have begun to carry
out Covid-19 tests.
Hundreds of police officers
and other public employees are
stationed to measure visitors’
Dengue stalking Latin America
in Covid-19 shadow: experts
regional food supply. temperatures.
“Central de Abasto cannot “What we are trying (to do)
be closed,” Sheinbaum said late is cut the transmission chain,”
last month.”We are taking very said Javier Serna, health officer
strict measures so that as few at the Iztapalapa mayor’s of-
people as possible go.” fice.
Unlike those living in the However, Serna said 34 ad- Reuters care units and kill patients. Spread by mosquitoes, dengue do not get tested are at risk of dan- ourselves (to Covid-19),” Fernan-
leafy upscale areas of Mexico’s ditional cases of coronavirus Bogota Around the world, Covid-19 has outbreaks typically occur three gerous complications. dez said.
cosmopolitan capital, the driv- were detected last week after affected other diseases in different to five years after the previous Such medical intervention can- All three have since recovered.
ers, cleaners and vendors in the conducting 450 tests among ways. epidemic. And with four strains of not be given if patients stay home, Dengue cases in Paraguay have

working class Iztapalapa area market personnel. s the coronavirus kills Though in Europe measures to dengue in circulation, people may worried about contracting the exploded this year.
say they have no choice but to In the neighbourhood around thousands and dominates stop the coronavirus have ban- catch it more than once, with sec- coronavirus, or if overcrowded In the first 18 weeks of 2020,
risk the virus. the market, dozens of shops government attention ished seasonal flu, in Africa border ond cases more likely to be severe. hospitals have to turn them away. the country reported 42,710 con-
“The government says to remain open and residents can across Latin America, another closures have stopped transporta- “Covid is the star right now, so With relatively few cases of firmed cases and 64 deaths, com-
stay in quarantine. So how are be seen walking without face deadly viral infection is quietly tion of measles vaccines and other all of the attention is being put on Covid-19 in the province where he pared to 384 confirmed cases and
we going to eat?”, asked Fern- masks — in contrast to the des- stalking the region. supplies. Covid, but there are still problems works, Gomez said his clinic had six deaths in the year-earlier pe-
ando Torres, one of the thou- olate streets in more affluent Dengue — colloquially called In Latin America, a dengue epi- with dengue,” said doctor Jaime seen hospitalisations fall by half, riod.
sands of people who work in areas of the capital. breakbone fever for the severe demic which started in late 2018 is Gomez, who works at a hospital as people were fearful of venturing In Ecuador, where the corona-
the market. Angeles Medina, 33, lost her joint pain it causes — is endemic in still being felt. in Floridablanca, in Colombia’s outdoors. virus outbreak has hit hard and
With about 2,500 confirmed job in a plastic factory after the much of Latin America, but Cov- Dengue infections in the Santander province. Paraguayan lawyer Sonia Fern- hospitals in the largest city of
cases and more than 200 coronavirus outbreak, and now id-19’s arrival has pulled crucial Americas surged to an all-time Although dengue is not usually andez avoided seeking care when Guayaquil been overwhelmed, an
deaths, Iztapalapa accounts for sells tacos and coffee outside a attention and resources away from high of 3.1mn in 2019, with over fatal and can be treated with pain- she and her two daughters, ages 11 apparent fall in the number of den-
about a fifth of the total number metro station 10 minutes from the fight against it, doctors and of- 1,500 deaths in Latin America and killers, some sufferers deal with and 8, got sick with dengue at the gue cases could mask other issues.
of infections and deaths related the market. ficials say. the Caribbean, according to the persistent symptoms like fatigue, beginning of April. According to Ecuador’s health
to the virus in Mexico City, the “I am afraid of getting infect- The Pan-American Health Or- PAHO. weight loss, and depression that “All three of us had dengue, we ministry, dengue cases peaked at
epicentre of the pandemic in ed or bringing an infection to ganisation (PAHO) expects 2020 Cases of the disease should be- affect their ability to work. had all the symptoms, the pain, the 888 in the week ending March 14,
the country. my house, but we have to work,” to be marked by high rates of gin to decline in the second half of Severe dengue is treated with rash, but we didn’t go to a clinic or two weeks after the country con-
Experts attribute the rapid Medina said. dengue, which can fill intensive the year, the organisation said. intravenous fluids and those who a health centre so as not to expose firmed its first case of Covid-19.

‘Indescribable pride’ for Peru set to build

hospital in Amazon
Cuban medic in Italy AFP
means to care for patients with
Covid-19,” said Federico Tong
Hurtado, a spokesman for the
AFP than half of whom have experience problems, Arias said. social security services.

Crema, Italy fighting Ebola in Africa. In terms of technical language, eru said it will construct Prime Minister Gustavo Ze-
Their mission began on March “we understand each other per- a fast-build hospital in ballos said the government would
22, a rainy day marked by “abys- fectly.” the Amazon as it seeks to ensure the supply of oxygen and

either the northern Ital- mal” cold, recalled the Caribbean Moreover, Arias said he ap- respond to a growing Covid-19 other vital medical materials via
ian chill nor the unfamiliar islander. The group of Cubans was preciated the good humour and emergency sweeping through the “an air and land bridge” to the
language has deterred a dispatched to the city of Crema, warmth of the Italians, even under indigenous population. region.
young Cuban doctor who for the whose 34,000 inhabitants were trying circumstances. State social security body Es- Roads are practically non-
past two months has been helping suffering under a dizzying rise in “Italian doctors have a person- Salud said it expects the 100-bed existent in the Peruvian jungle
in the fight against coronavirus in the number of coronavirus cases ality like the Cubans,” Arias said. hospital in Pucallpa, capital of and rivers are the main means of
Europe, thousands of miles from and a seemingly relentless number “They’re cheerful, they all greet the remote Ucayali region on the transportation.
home. of deaths. you, they thank you for being here. border with Brazil, to be opera- The government has pledged
Roberto Arias Hernandez, one In Lombardy, over 15,000 peo- Some of them make jokes.” tional within three weeks. to ramp up the frequency of
of Cuba’s so-called “Army of ple have died from the virus, nearly Arias, father of an 11-month- “EsSalud will install a fast- flights from Lima to ensure aid
White Coats” sent by his country half of the 31,610 recorded so far old baby, said he has been filled build hospital in Ucayali to serve deliveries.
in March to help Italy battle a spi- in the entire country, according to with “indescribable pride” hear- Covid-19 patients,” the govern- An oxygen plant will begin op-
ralling epidemic of Covid-19, said latest figures on Saturday. ing Italians applauding from their ment body said in a statement. erating in Iquitos, capital of the
he and his colleagues were “simply “Fear is always felt, because balconies and windows for the The Peruvian Amazon is already neighbouring Amazon region of
doctors.” you’re going to the epi- doctors, nurses and health workers facing a dire emergency, with Loreto, today, supplying a local
“Today it is our turn more centre of the pandemic world- during the quarantine. hospitals in its largest city Iquitos 40-bed hospital.
than ever to play our role,” the wide,” confessed Arias. He has received hundreds of overwhelmed with Covid-19 pa- Desperate Covid-19 patients
28-year-old internist said on a “You want to do it, but you’re messages and letters of thanks, tients and local morgues unable to have been dying in the region’s
recent morning, before starting also afraid that you won’t be up to many from children. cope with the number of bodies. hospitals for lack of oxygen, of-
his shift at the Crema Maggiore it,” he said, adding that after the Some people in Crema, hung The government said it would ficials say.
Hospital in the heart of Lom- initial worries subsided, the team signs from their windows saying rush 220 healthworker rein- “The world’s lung is dying
bardy, the region hardest hit by “performed quite well.” “Thank you Cuba,” he said. forcements to the Amazon. from lack of oxygen and this is
the virus. Working side by side with The head of the Cuban contin- “We have been working inten- our sad reality,” the director of
Arias, who is on his first mission colleagues from the other side gent, Carlos Perez Diaz, said the Doctor Roberto Arias Hernandez examines an elderly patient in sively to expand the services and health for the Amazon region of
abroad, is part of a group of 51 oth- of the world who trained at dif- team would stay as long as neces- a non-Covid medicine ward at the Maggiore Hospital of Crema, provide hospitals in the Peruvian Loreto, Carlos Calampa, said in a
er doctors and specialists, more ferent universities posed no sary to fight the coronavirus. southeast of Milan. Amazon with all the necessary video call.
Gulf Times
16 Monday, May 18, 2020

Sindh to
Pakistan’s coronavirus resume

cases rise above 40,000

16 health staff isolated after 873, with 39 new deaths reported The official said the hospi- without adhering to Punjab’s partment, where they were re- Chaklala Cantonment Board
contact with suspected during the last 24 hours. tal authorities allowed the de- standard operating procedures ferred to him with requests for vice-president Raja Irfan Imtiaz Karachi
Covid-19 case Six doctors and 10 nurses at ceased’s relatives to take the body (SOPs) for suspected Covid-19 screening. has tested positive for the disease
the Benazir Bhutto Hospital to Sargodha in a private vehicle, cases and waiting for the final “We screened both the pa- and is isolated at home, while

Internews (BBH) in Pakistan’s garrison city where the burial was carried out test results. tients, took their samples, and RCB vice-president Malik Munir indh Transport Minister
Islamabad of Rawalpindi have been isolated without taking any precaution- The hospital official said doc- sent them for testing in laborato- was taken to a private hospital on Awais Shah has said that
after coming in contact with two ary measures. tors and nurses have been iso- ries,” he said. Saturday with Covid-19 symp- the province will permit
suspected patients of Covid-19, The deceased was brought to lated as a precautionary measure. To a question, he said that toms. the resumption public transport

he nationwide tally of one of whom died on Saturday. the BBH from Sargodha by his The BBH’s focal person for doctors and hospital staff are at- Also on Saturday, 37 new pa- services after Eid al-Fitr.
coronavirus cases in Paki- The Covid-19 respiratory dis- family in critical condition, with Covid-19, Dr Mohamed Inayat, tending to patients according to tients in Rawalpindi took the tally The development comes a day
stan has soared to 40,151, ease is caused by the coronavirus. difficulty in breathing. when contacted, said that the the government’s SOPs. of Covid-19 cases to 1,616, while after he refused to allow the re-
with 1,352 new cases reported The deceased was a 38-year- Doctors admitted him to the hospital’s management is work- “We routinely test doctors and nine patients were discharged sumption of transport services,
during the last 24 hours. old resident of Sargodha, while ICU instead of the high depend- ing with dedication and commit- nurses for Covid-19 before they from hospitals after recovering. citing the rising number of coro-
Overall 14,584 cases have so the other patient is a resident of ency unit. ment, and is fighting the corona- go home after 15 days of continu- The 146 passengers quaran- navirus patients in the country
far been detected in Punjab, Rawalpindi. Six doctors and 10 nurses at- virus around the clock. ous duty, and when they return tined in the district have been al- and a “critical situation” in the
15,590 in Sindh, 5,847 in Khyber Six nurses in the paediatric tended to the patient in different He said the test results of the from 15 days of rest,” he said. lowed to leave after testing nega- province as cases, deaths, and
Pakhtunkhwa, 2,544 in Balu- intensive care unit (ICU) were shifts without being provided deceased patient are still bring The Rawalpindi Cantonment tive. recoveries continued to increase
chistan, 527 in Gilgit Baltistan, isolated earlier after they treated personal protective equipment awaited, while the other patient Board (RCB) has also directed 26 Commissioner Captain (re- simultaneously.
947 in Islamabad, and 112 in Azad a child who had contracted Cov- (PPE). had tested positive for Covid-19 staffers to quarantine themselves tired) Mohamed Mehmood said Shah said: “[Sindh] has start-
Jammu Kashmir. id-19. During that time, the patient and three nurses have been iso- at home after they were found to that the number of new patients ed preparations to reopen public
A total of 11,341 patients have The ICU in question has not was tested for the coronavirus. lated. have been in contact with a col- reported in the Rawalpindi divi- transport under standard oper-
so far recovered from the virus been sealed yet, a hospital official After the patient died, the rel- Dr Inayat said both patients league in the tax branch who was sion is falling, and no deaths have ating procedures (SOPs).”
whilst the death toll stands at said. atives took the body to Sargodha were brought to the surgery de- diagnosed with Covid-19. been reported in two days. Talking about providing relief
to the transport industry, since
public transport had been shut
due to the lockdown, he said that
Life goes on a four-point summary had been

Five-day Kalash drafted for them.

“The summary has been sent
to [Sindh] Chief Minister [Mu-

spring fest concludes rad Ali Shah] and a final decision

on the matter will be made in a
meeting on Monday,” Shah said.

without outsiders Meanwhile, Baluchistan gov-

ernment spokesperson Liaquat
Shahwani had said that the pro-
vincial government had not yet
Internews villages where they held a spe- made a decision regarding the
Islamabad cial session of collective danc- resumption of transport serv-
ing and sang in praise of their ices.
near and dear ones who have He said that Chief Minister

he five-day Chilim Jusht died. Jam Kamal will review the situ-
spring festival of Ka- Afterwards, they left for ation across various districts
lash people concluded Charsu in a procession waving and the province overall, before
in Bumburate valley with the green twigs of walnut in their making any decision.
ritual dance by young men and hands escorted by smartly A day earlier, Khyber Pa-
women at the centre of the val- dressed boys and girls. khtunkhwa (KP) and Punjab de-
ley in north of Pakistan. The Kalash people resumed cided to resume transport serv-
This year the festival was a their farming activities a day ices.
sombre event due to the coro- after the festival, with many The announcements came af-
navirus pandemic, as non-lo- leaving for the pastures in the ter Prime Minister Imran Khan
cals and tourists were not al- highlands with their goats, had requested that the provin-
lowed to enter the valley. where they will remain until cial authorities re-open public
It was for the first time that September. transport.
only the Kalash people were Special Assistant to the The KP government has sub-
present in the closing festivi- Chief Minister on Minori- jected the reopening of transport
ties, which used to attract large ties Wazirzada, who was the beginning today on the condi-
crowds from other parts of the special guest on the occasion, tion that the SOPs on prevention
country. distributed gifts among the Fishermen are seen cleaning fishing nets along the deserted Clifton beach in Karachi, as public places remain closed after the Sindh of the deadly coronavirus be fol-
The men and women had to participants and congratulated provincial government imposed a complete lockdown for three days and ordered people to stay home, despite Pakistan starting to ease lowed by all those using trans-
dance at a distance, contrary them for attending yet another the coronavirus lockdown. port as well as operators.
to their customary practice of festival in their lifetime. The KP chief minister’s in-
performing in groups of five to He said the government had formation adviser, Ajmal Khan
eight and hugging each other. taken a number of initiatives to Wazir, said that the SOPs that
Before arriving at the cen- improve the living standard of need to be heeded would be set
tral place in Charsu, the Kalash Kalash people. up by the commissioners in col-
men and women, accompanied
by children, reached a nearby
grassy ground from different
Wazirzada said that efforts
are underway to preserve their
customs and traditions.
Punjab cuts public transport fares by 20% laboration with the regional
transport authority and trans-
porters, and that fares would be
revised on basis of new oil prices.
Internews transport services to operate. them were heavily burdened. given permission to operate, Furthermore, Punjab finalised
Two arrests over ‘honour killings’ Lahore However, all public transport Realising the difficulties of with, the industries department the SOPs in a meeting with the
companies will be required to the common man, he said, the to take measures to ensure the transport association, with the
Pakistani authorities have arrested two men for allegedly ensure implementation of the government had decided to al- implementation on SOPs. latter’s representative agreeing

murdering two female family members after a video which he Punjab government laid-down standard operating low inter-city and inter-district The government also decided to reduce the fares on the back
showed them being kissed by a man was posted online, police said formally granted permis- procedures (SOPs). transport services after approv- to allow communal service in of a steep decline in petroleum
yesterday. sion to resume inter-city Wearing masks have also been ing the recommendations of the churches on Sundays under the prices.
The two women were killed on Thursday in a northwestern district and inter-district transport be- made mandatory for passengers, steering committee. SOPs. It was decided that the pas-
near the Afghan border. sides announcing a 20% cut in drivers and conductors. He said that SOPs evolved for The decisions were taken at a sengers would be obligated to
“Both men have confessed to killing them,” said police official transport fare. Passengers will be required to maintaining social distance at meeting of the Cabinet Commit- wear face masks and maintain
Mohamed Nawaz. In the wake of reduction in pe- observe proper distance. bus stands would be observed tee on coronavirus, held through a distance of three feet during
The two men – one of whom was the father of the first victim and troleum prices, the Punjab gov- Chief Minister Usman Buzdar and buses disinfected after video link and chaired by Chief travel.
the other was the brother of the second, were both being held in ernment has directed transport said that while the well-to-do reaching their destinations. Minister Buzdar at his office. Transporters were also bound
custody pending trial. owners to reduce fares by 20%. were able to travel in their own The government also decided He stressed that the corona- to check the temperature of eve-
Police said authorities were searching for two other suspects who The government also decided vehicles, with public transport to open mega shopping malls. virus threat is not over and that ryone travelling and avoid over-
were believed to have been involved in the killings. to allow online and app-based services shut, those relying on Powerlooms have also been there is a need to be more careful. loading their vehicles.

Railways minister predicts NAB action after Eid

Internews “We have already termed this the Chaudhrys are wise people ment in sugar, wheat and other at Model Town, they said that the “Aleema Khan (Prime Minis- said, adding that like in the past,
Lahore so-called accountability drive a and they will not go against the scams. Most of sugar millers are leaders of the Pakistan Tehreek- ter Khan’s sister) had confessed “Akbar and company” could not
NAB-Niazi Gath Jorr, made just government,” he added. at present sitting in the govern- e-Insaf (PTI) had made mockery in writing that Imran Khan had prove anything against Shehbaz
to target the opposition. Actually Talking about railways, Ahmad ment,” he deplored. of Pakistan’s justice system, as made properties in her name,” Sharif in the court.

inister for Railways this government is itself allegedly said that the department might So, Manzoor said, whatever the Supreme Court had observed Bokhari alleged. Atta Tarar said that “Shahzad
Sheikh Rashid Ahmad involved in corruption as evident default on its financial obliga- is going on against the opposi- that there should not be any She said that the allegations Akbar and company” that had
has said that those en- from the wheat flour, sugar, IPP, tions if its train operations re- tion is pre-planned. “All is pre- political interference in the ac- against Shehbaz Sharif and his earlier been accusing Shehbaz
joying life on bail or any other drugs, etc scams,” he said. mained stopped. planned. And do you think that countability process. family members were nothing Sharif of being involved in cor-
pretext would be taken to task by “But neither the NAB nor the “Now we have even no money the courts are unaware of this?” Earlier in the day, Akbar, but a media trial which Shahzad ruption of billions of rupees were
the National Accountability Bu- courts are taking action. We also to pay salaries and pensions (of speaking at a press conference, Akbar is conducting by waving now hurling the allegation of
reau (NAB) before July 31. don’t see relief from courts if we over Rs5bn). And we may face PML-N Punjab leaders urged the NAB to file a new ref- papers in the pressers. Rs4.9mn corruption against the
He says that Shehbaz Sharif approach them on this issue,” he default soon if the situation re- object to prime minister’s erence against PML-N president The PML-N leader said that on man (Shehbaz) who paid millions
can save himself if he changes his said, adding: “The courts know mains same,” he said. assistant’s ‘directives’ to Shehbaz Sharif and get his name the instruction of the prime min- in taxes every year.
“software”. all this.” He said Pakistan Railways is anti-corruption watchdog placed on the exit control list so ister, the NAB is making prepa- Meanwhile, PML-N informa-
“You are seeing that opposi- While focusing on the Pakistan ready to resume a limited opera- to go after opposition that he could not “escape” to rations to arrest the opposition tion secretary Marriyum Au-
tion party leaders are repeat- Muslim League – Nawaz (PML- tion within 24 hours if the gov- politicians London to evade accountability. leaders after the Eid. rangzeb said that the “NAB-Nia-
edly asking for curtailment of the N), Minister Ahmad said that the ernment allowed it to do so. Bokhari said that when noth- Bokhari alleged that Akbar, in zi alliance” dug a mountain over
NAB. But I tell you clearly that party president Shehbaz Sharif “We have requested Prime Meanwhile, the PML-N has ing is established by the PTI connivance with his brother, had the past two years of persecution
the NAB will sweep till July 31, as would not be allowed to leave Minister Khan to also allow us to raised questions over the federal government in its allegations of occupied the land of Moham- and political victimisation, and
those enjoying life on bail would the country to take some papers resume railways operations since cabinet members’ “open direc- billion-rupee corruption against medmian Soomro. came up with a molehill of “dead,
be no more in such a situation,” about his case in the NAB. public transport (buses, coaches, tives” to the NAB and intelligence the Sharif family, it brought “its She asked Akbar to tell the stinky and petty” accusation of
he told journalists at his weekly “This lockdown will be a lock- planes) has been opened. Let see agencies to take action against its (Sharifs’) residence into politics”. people about the culprits who Rs4.9mn corruption.
press conference here at the Pa- up for Shehbaz Sharif, as he can- what he decides,” the minister leadership. “We demand that Shahzad were involved in sugar and wheat “The faces that are rebuked
kistan Railways (PR) headquar- not save himself. But he can save said. PML-N Punjab leaders Azma Akbar produce allotment letters scams. and embarrassed in courts over
ters. himself if he changes his ‘soft- According to PPP leader Bokhari, Atta Tarar, Rana Mash- of Banigala and Zaman Park resi- Malik Ahmed meanwhile said false allegations against the
Senior Pakistan Peoples Party ware’,” the minister claimed. Chaudhry Manzoor, like Minister hood, and Malik Ahmed de- dences of [Prime Minister] Imran that there had been doubts about PML-N leaders are now using
(PPP) leader Chaudhry Manzoor Ahmad says he does not think Ahmad, the Special Assistant to manded to know under which Khan,” Bokhari said in response Akbar’s law degree. public money for press confer-
Hussain, while commenting on the Chaudhrys would go against the Prime Minister on Account- law the federal cabinet members, to the NAB decision to open an “Do you know about criminal ences at the PID (Press Informa-
Ahmad’s press conference, ac- the government. ability Shahzad Akbar continued particularly Akbar, could control investigation against the Sharif proceedings? You have a fascist tion Department) every day. This
cused the NAB of victimising the “If Moonis Elahi has a meeting to speak against the opposition. the investigation agencies in the family for “illegally acquiring” mindset and believe in media smear campaign and witch-hunt
opposition on the instructions of with Jahangir Tareen, he has right “But no one is here to look into country. land in Raiwind around their Jati trial. We are ready to respond to cannot hide Imran Khan’s mega
Prime Minister Imran Khan. to do so. But I clearly tell you that the corruption of the govern- Speaking at a press conference Umra residence. your so-called 18 questions,” he corruption,” she said.
Gulf Times
Monday, May 18, 2020 17

Palace official

Metro Manila begins gradual

raises funds
for job
A Palace official created a way
to help those not covered by

reopening as worries linger have a valid company ID and es-

government amelioration pro-
grammes because they were not
included in among those most in
need of assistance, Manila Times
reported. Lawyer Michael Kristian
Ablan, assistant secretary of the
Presidential Communications
By Catherine S Valente
Manila Times sential work pass issued by the Operations Office, created the
barangay or village. Hating Kapatid Programme (Sib-
In Quezon City, Mayor Jose- ling Sharing Programme or HKP)

etro Manila began a fina Belmonte issued a memo- that allowed those who were
gradual reopening randum prescribing localised receiving a salary, either from the
even as parts of it were guidelines for an MGCQ. government or the private sector,
hesitant to lift the lockdown, The city government will con- during the lockdown to donate
and parts of Cebu extended the tinue implementing the Special part of their pay to help those
enhanced community quar- Concern Lockdown Areas, where who were not able to receive any
antine because cases there re- select places with high Covid-19 aid. “I thought we in government,
mained high. cases or high probability of virus who are still earning our salaries,
Besides Metro Manila, the spreading will be placed under could help our counterparts in
other areas that transitioned strict containment, Belmonte the private sector by sharing a
from an enhanced community said in a statement. The city portion of our income,” he told
quarantine (ECQ) to a modified would require businesses with 10 The Manila Times in a message
version of it included the prov- or more employees to submit to sent on Viber.
inces of Laguna, Bataan, Bula- the City Health Department their The programme gives qualified
can, Nueva Ecija, Zambales and program for employee testing, at recipients P5,000 in cash, which
Pampanga as well as its capital, cost to the establishments. is transmitted through their bank
Angeles City. The modified ECQ Public transportation would accounts, or through electronic
in those areas will remain in not be allowed in the city, the cash transfer. As of May 16, 2020,
place until May 31, 2020. mayor said. the total number of people who
Navotas, one of 17 cities in She permitted those “opera- were helped by the project is at
Metro Manila, actually appealed tional” establishments under 360, and a total of P1.4mn has
to remain under hard lockdown an MECQ to provide point-to- been raised.
as the number of coronavirus point private transport services Ablan explained they vetted their
disease 2019 (Covid-19) cases or shuttles, including the hiring prospective beneficiaries using
there remained high. Governors of public utility buses, public Facebook messenger, asking
in several provinces near Metro utility jeepneys or high occu- them questions like their salary
Manila had similar concerns. pancy vehicles, for the “exclu- and if they had applied to any
But all those local officials sive use” of their employees. social protection programme of
later accepted the move to grad- Belmonte also allowed tri- the government.
ually reopen under a modified cycles to operate under strict “If they haven’t, then they qualify
ECQ. health and safety conditions for HKP. That’s it. I ask for their
Under a modified ECQ, local and adherence to the route indi- bank details or their GCash num-
governments can allow the lim- cated in their franchise. bers and add them to the list of
ited resumption of public trans- A poster reminding shoppers to maintain social distance to prevent the spread of the coronavirus disease (Covid-19) is placed beside an The mayor encouraged all HKP recipients,” he explained.
portation, certain industries escalator in a shopping mall in Quezon City, Metro Manila, yesterday. drivers concerned to submit Ablan also said he felt heartbro-
to operate at half capacity and themselves for Covid-19 check- ken after hearing stories of those
persons to leave their houses for contact sports like golf, tennis, arrangements, as agencies may Contrary to an earlier pro- permitted tricycles and pedi- ing in one of the city’s commu- who were applying for the pro-
essential goods and work. table tennis and swimming, will deem appropriate, following the nouncement that a GCQ will cabs to operate, but their opera- nity-based centres. gramme, as some of them were
Meanwhile, a hard lockdown be allowed, provided that mini- rules and regulations set by the be part of the “new normal,” tors were told to strictly follow The city government plans dependent on their monthly sala-
will remain in Cebu and Man- mum public health standards Civil Service Commission. the IATF-EID felt comfortable health and safety precautions, to expand its current “Libreng ries not just to pay for their bills,
daue cities until the end of May are strictly enforced, the new Accredited diplomatic mis- enough to lift more restrictions including limiting every trip to Sakay” (Free Rides) bus serv- but also to support their children
because of concerns about the guideline added. sions and international organi- than it had earlier anticipated just one passenger. ices to accommodate residents and other family members. While
high number of cases there. Dine-in service in supermar- sations may also resume full to allow for a rebooting of the “We will also give way for the travelling to and from permitted Luzon was under an enhanced
This move was in accordance kets, grocery stores and food operations. Road, rail, maritime economy. continuation of government in- establishments. community quarantine to coun-
with Resolution 37 of the Inter- preparation stalls will also be and aviation sectors of public Meanwhile in Navotas, Mayor frastructure projects especially Belmonte urged every baran- teract the coronavirus disease
Agency Task Force for the Man- allowed, provided that the seat- transportation in areas under Tobias Tiangco lifted the extreme on flood control and school gay to provide free parking 2019 (Covid-19), many employees
agement of Emerging Infectious ing capacity does not exceed a modified GCQ are allowed to ECQ in his city after the IATF- building,” the mayor added. spaces for residents who use bi- were not able to come to work
Diseases (IATF-EID), which ap- 50%. operate. EID denied his request to retain Tiangco said the curfew and cycles while public transporta- because of government restric-
proved the continuance in those Residential or face-to-face Passengers must strictly be the ECQ because of the increas- three-day limit for going to the tion remained restricted. tions on transportation and the
Visayan cities on Friday. classes may resume in higher seated with one-meter dis- ing number of Covid-19 cases. market would be retained, but All establishments in Que- need for physical distancing,
Most other parts of the Phil- education institutions, pro- tance, and appropriate engi- Like elsewhere in Metro Manila, the liquor ban has been lifted. zon City were asked to assign causing them to lose a source of
ippines saw even more restric- vided that there is strict com- neering controls must be in Navotas shifted to MECQ, de- The city will continue to limit a Health and Safety Officer ac- income to their family.
tions lifted as they were placed pliance with minimum health place. spite Tiangco’s reluctance. residents from going outside. countable to ensure that these While the government offered
under a modified general com- standards, consultation with The IATF-EID also author- “I have no choice even if ac- Only one resident per house- guidelines are strictly imple- aid programmes, such as the
munity quarantine (MGCQ) local government units, and ised the use of private company cording to data, cases are in- hold, whose name is printed in mented. Social Amelioration Programme
from Saturday. compliance with guidelines set shuttles, personal vehicles, creasing and even according to the home quarantine pass, will Businesses like manufactur- or SAP for 18mn poor house-
In those areas, almost all by Commission on Higher Edu- bikes, and non-motorised ve- Department of Health (DOH), be allowed to go out of their ers of food, water and non-al- holds, Covid-19 Adjustment
industries, except those in cation. hicles in areas under an MGCQ. Covid-19 cases in Navotas are homes. And when they do so, coholic beverage, and medical Measures Program or CAMP of
amusement, were allowed to Work in all public and private Also, some gatherings will be accelerating,” he told Manila they must wear face masks and and hygiene products; hospitals the Department of Labour and
operate up to 75% capacity. And offices will also be allowed to allowed under an MGCQ. Times. observe physical distancing and clinics; and essential retail- Employment and the Small Busi-
mass gatherings remain prohib- resume physical work in “full Allowable activities are mov- “We need to take drastic by avoiding large groups and ers could now fully operate un- ness Wage Subsidy (SBWS) of
ited. capacity,” with alternative ar- ie screenings, concerts, sport- measures to help flatten the crowds. der the MECQ. the Department of Finance and
In an MGCQ, all individuals rangements for senior citizens, ing events, entertainment ac- curve of Covid-19 cases, but Essential workers who are They were also allowed to Social Security System, many
residing in these areas can go individuals with health risks tivities, community assemblies, as I had said I have no choice exempted by the IATF-EID, in- operate with up to 50% of their others, particularly in the middle
outside their homes, according and pregnant women. religious gatherings, and non- but abide by the IATF decision cluding those who work at the workforce on-site, including class, did not benefit from these
to the IATF-EID guidelines. Work in government offices essential work gatherings — so for the city to shift to MECQ,” Philippine Fisheries Develop- general manufacturing, office programmes simply because
Individuals and group out- may be at full operational ca- long as the seating capacity at Tiangco said. ment Authority, are allowed administration and support they were “not poor.”
door exercises, including non- pacity or under alternative work the venue is also limited to 50%. Despite his concerns, he has to go to work. But they should services.

Village chief
Private sector-led
project boosts
Government urges shoppers
arrest testing for Covid-19 to follow safety protocols
By Dempsey Reyes By Catherine S Valente Duterte placed Metro Ma- Reuters
Manila Times Manila Times nila, Laguna and Cebu City Manila
under MECQ from May 16 to
May 31, as the government

barangay (village) cap- he private sector-led gradually reopens the econo- he Philippine govern-
tain from Balamban, Cebu Project Antibody Rapid my after a two-month shut- ment yesterday called
eluded arrest in a raid on Test Kits or Project ARK down. for vigilance against the
his “secretly organised” cock- helped the government ramp “With this, we can reinstate coronavirus, a day after hordes
fighting event over the weekend, up testing for coronavirus dis- public confidence. I hope that of people trooped to shopping
although five others were not as ease 2019 (Covid-19) by pro- more businesses will be al- malls and ignored safety proto-
lucky, the Philippine National Po- viding more than a million test lowed to operate under the cols, as authorities began loos-
lice (PNP) announced yesterday. kits. MECQ. ening a two-month lockdown.
A police report identified the Presidential Adviser for En- Congress has already pro- Photos and videos showing
village chief as Wilfredo Al- trepreneurship and Go Nego- posed a very generous stimu- shoppers in some malls in the
varado of Barangay Lamesa in syo founder Joey Concepcion lus package, but we must go capital Manila violating physi-
Balamban, Cebu, whom the PNP said the project had generated back to the ‘real normal’ of cal distancing rules went viral
said was the “target” of the joint 1,021,293 rapid test kits from helping our people by bring- on Saturday, drawing wide-
operations against illegal gam- 186 companies. ing back jobs and livelihoods,” spread public criticism and
bling last Friday. He added that 880,693 of Concepcion said. alarm, prompting the gov-
Alvarado eluded arrest “after the kits would be used by part- “The task of balancing ernment to issue fresh health
sensing the arrival of the operat- ner companies, while 140,600 buhay (life) and kabuhayan warnings.
ing team,” Police BGen. Bernard would go to barangay (village) (livelihood) is very chal- “We advise the public not to
Banac, PNP spokesman, said. donations. lenging.Though we cannot be complacent and to follow
However, authorities were “We are in a war with an achieve that perfect balance, health protocols set by authori-
able to collar five others who invisible enemy. Gaining vis- we must strive to save as ties after we received reports of
were identified as Ruben Gabu- ibility is key to successfully many lives and livelihoods as people who trooped to the malls
tin, 56; Judito Dumdum, 35; overcoming this pandemic. possible,” he continued. with complete disregard of so-
Teodoro Madarang, 61; Jeronio Our goal at Project ARK is to Concepcion said in Antipo- cial/physical distancing meas-
Banate, 49; and Jovanie Basil- bring testing to everybody,” lo City in Rizal, Project ARK ures,” presidential spokesman
lote, 27, who are all residents of Concepcion said. conducted 1,486 tests out Harry Roque said.
Balamban. “Just recently, President of the target 1,700 sampling The government warned
Also seized were two gaff spurs (Rodrigo) Duterte approved size, using antibody rapid test malls would be closed again if
with scabbards, two red fighting the move for some regions kits donated by the Federation they do not strictly implement
roosters, two rooster cages, two to shift from ECQ (enhanced of Filipino Chinese Chambers physical distancing and crowd Shoppers maintain social distance as they queue to enter a store inside a shopping mall, which has
motorcycles and cash amount- community quarantine) of Commerce & Industry Inc control measures. reopened as lockdown restrictions were eased, in Quezon City, Metro Manila, yesterday.
ing to P3,420 used for betting. to modified ECQ (MECQ), “From those tested, 0.5% The Southeast Asian coun-
Banac said the five arrested which is an improvement and were deemed presump- try has reported 12,513 cases of in Germany, new cases in the mies shut down by restric- restrictions in order to revital-
suspects were brought to the it takes us one step closer to tive positive for Covid-19. coronavirus infections and a city of Wuhan in central China, tions aimed at containing the ise the economy, and not be-
Balamban Municipal Police Sta- GCQ (general community This number is signifi- death toll of 824. the origin of the outbreak, and pandemic, although its biggest cause we are safe,” Roque said
tion for proper disposition and quarantine).To completely cantly low and supports the Fears linger over the possibil- in South Korea. cities — Manila and Cebu — re- in a statement.
filing of criminal charges for vio- lift the lockdowns, however, city’s move towards Gen- ity of a new wave of novel coro- The Philippines has joined a main in lockdown. “We must continue to
lating Presidential Decree 449 or we have to test, test, test!” he eral Community Quarantine,” navirus cases following reports growing number of countries “We must understand that be vigilant of the risks of
the Cockfighting Law. added. he added. of infections accelerating again gradually reopening econo- we have started to slowly ease Covid-19.”
Gulf Times
18 Monday, May 18, 2020

Abdullah bin Khalifa al-Attiyah
Faisal Abdulhameed al-Mudahka
Deputy Managing Editor
K T Chacko

P.O.Box 2888, Doha, Qatar
44350478 (News),
44466404 (Sport),
44466636 (Home delivery)

Nations open the
final frontier for
new space mission
While major powers are engrossed in a never-before battle
against the novel coronavirus (Covid-19) epidemic, the US
National Aeronautics and Space Administration (Nasa) initiated
a global debate over the basic principles governing how humans
will live and work on the Moon, as it released the main tenets of

How technology will help

an international pact for Moon exploration called the Artemis
Accords. The document is described by Nasa as ‘Principles for a
Safe, Peaceful, and Prosperous Future.’
Via the Artemis programme, Nasa intends to land the first
woman and the next man on the Moon by 2024, “heralding in
a new era for space exploration and utilisation”. While Nasa

bring life back to normal

is leading the Artemis programme, the agency claims that
“international partnerships will play a key role in achieving a
sustainable and robust presence on the Moon while preparing to
conduct a historic human mission to Mars”.
With numerous countries and private sector players
conducting missions and operations in cislunar space (the
volume within the Moon’s orbit, or a sphere formed by rotating
that orbit), Nasa says it is critical to establish a common set of We are in a time where we ways to safeguard social and economic more are all examples of how technologies the time to entertain falsehoods and
development. They are finding new like 5G and AI are now being combined for rumours. No single company or country
principles to govern the civil exploration and use of outer space. need the most advanced ways to shape a world more suitable the betterment of our society. At the same should be restricted from participating
International space agencies that join Nasa in the Artemis technologies to help reduce to our current needs in which we are time, there’s an urgent need to strengthen in solutions right now. For example,
programme “will do so by executing bilateral Artemis Accords sharing information, collaborating, and the capabilities of telecom networks to there appears to be little benefit from
the risks of Covid-19. This learning in decentralised environments. deal with the pressures they are facing the US administration continuing to
agreements, which will describe a shared vision for principles,
grounded in the Outer Space Treaty of 1967, to create a safe and is ultimately a time to Most importantly, these technologies with the increased demand for data ban a global 5G technology leader for
prevent the situation from are also being used to protect public traffic, in some cases increasing by more geopolitical accusations. Politics do
transparent environment which facilitates exploration, science, health and safety. than 100%. not speak on behalf of technology, and
and commercial activities for the benefit of humanity”. getting out of control These capabilities have, of course, these companies have a lot to offer the
International co-operation only been possible on the back of
incredible technological progress and
Despite all the world through strong research and
development capabilities. We are in a
on Artemis is intended By Kamran Rehmat
Nasa intends not only to bolster space innovation — especially in 2019. It challenges, the time where we need the most advanced
technologies to help reduce the risks
was the year the commercial launch
to land the first exploration but to enhance
peaceful relationships
of 5G technology took place globally, swift embrace of Covid-19 regardless of a company’s

he spread of Covid-19 has with several countries in the Middle origins or trade competition.
woman and the between nations. Therefore, undoubtedly altered all of our East being early pioneers. This was of advanced This is ultimately a time to prevent

next man on the at the core is the requirement

that all activities will be
lives, habits, and behaviour. It
has challenged several of our
supported by national initiatives
to foster applications in AI, cloud technology is giving the Covid-19 situation from getting
out of control. Qatar has been vigilant

Moon by 2024 conducted for peaceful social norms while turning the business
and financial world upside down. This
computing, and related sectors.
International companies have also
many of us hope to in its response to combat the spread of
Covid-19 within the country, taking
purposes, per the tenets
of the Outer Space Treaty. Transparency is a key principle for
is happening as schools and companies
are closed across the world, events are
committed to bringing new solutions
to local governments and industry,
set a new normal in measures that will ultimately reduce
the number of new cases reported.
responsible civil space exploration. Partner nations will be being cancelled, people are quarantined offering the tools that are now our lives The government has acted quickly
and successfully by reinforcing strict
required to publicly describe their own policies and plans in a in their homes, and there’s a possibility connecting our societies in light of
that millions of people may lose their Covid-19. In these crucial times, we must social distancing guidelines and regular
transparent manner. optimise these technological inspections and sanitisation.
jobs. In particular, the impact of 5G
Interoperability of systems is critical to ensure safe and Today the world’s scientists, doctors, technology cannot be overstated. It is capabilities through a unified, co- Partnerships with companies in
robust space exploration. Partner nations have to utilise and policy experts are looking for a not limited to simply downloading HD operative approach. The technology the private sector are more essential
open international standards, develop new standards when lifeboat. In fact, we’re all looking for movies, but includes much more robust sector embodies innovation and is filled now than ever. By allowing private
necessary, and strive to support interoperability to the greatest news that will bring hope to solving this capabilities in connecting humans to with the resources and tools to tackle companies to fulfil their own social
pandemic. humans, humans to machines, and our upcoming challenges. It is not the responsibility role, and activating
extent practical. The Artemis Accords reaffirm Nasa’s and
Despite all the challenges, the swift machines to machines. time to put up walls, but rather, to build communication channels between
partner nations’ commitments to the Agreement on the embrace of advanced technology is This has opened new opportunities for bridges. the private and public sectors, we
Rescue of Astronauts, the Return of Astronauts and the Return giving many of us hope to set a new industries to develop the quality of their In the technology world, this co- can all take advantage of emerging
of Objects Launched into Outer Space. Additionally, under normal in our lives. Through the use of services in a better way, and deal with operation is under threat by a trade technologies to bring things back to
the Accords, Nasa and partner nations commit to taking all 5G connectivity, artificial intelligence, disruptions like Covid-19 faster. Remote war between the United States and normal, faster.
reasonable steps possible to render assistance to astronauts in cloud computing, and big data analysis, studying, emergency response, digital China. While those discussions may
nations and industries are finding new medicine, remote patient diagnosis, and be far from over, it is simply no longer z The writer is Features Editor.
Other salient features include establishment of safety zones
and registration of space objects to protect each country or
company from “harmful interference,” orderly extraction
and utilisation of space resources, release of scientific data,
protection of sites and artefacts with historic value, and orbital
debris and spacecraft disposal. The last objective is among the
most crucial as according to an estimate from January 2019,
there are over 128mn pieces of debris smaller than 1cm. There
are about 900,000 pieces from 1-10cm. The then count of large
debris (defined as 10cm across or larger) was 34,000.
Therefore, under the Artemis Accords, Nasa and partner
nations will agree to act in a manner consistent with the
principles reflected in the Space Debris Mitigation Guidelines
of the United Nations Committee on the Peaceful Uses of Outer
Space. They will also agree to plan for the mitigation of orbital
debris, including the safe, timely, and efficient passivation and
disposal of spacecraft at the end of their missions. Now begins
the long drawn out process of getting all stakeholders on board
for a space mission with a difference.

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NEED OF THE HOUR: In these crucial times, we must optimise technological capabilities through a unified, co-operative approach. The technology sector embodies
© 2020 Gulf Times. All rights reserved innovation and is filled with the resources and tools to tackle our upcoming challenges.
Gulf Times
Monday, May 18, 2020 19


The EU’s nullification crisis

By Daniel Gros In its latest ruling, the GCC accepts a political compromise, because both
Berkeley (with some reservations) a previous sides realised that they had much
CJEU ruling that determined the to lose from open conflict (as would
PSPP to be legal. But it also claims become abundantly clear when the

recent ruling by Germany’s the authority to challenge CJEU Civil War erupted 30 years later). The
Federal Constitutional decisions “where an interpretation tariff schedule was reduced slightly,
Court (GCC) has opened a of the Treaties is not comprehensible allowing South Carolina to declare
deep rift in the eurozone. In and must thus be considered arbitrary victory while avoiding a conflict that
three months, the Bundesbank will be from an objective perspective.” On it could not win (no other state shared
prohibited from participating in the that basis, the GCC argues that its extreme position). Recognising
European Central Bank’s Public Sector the ECB failed to conduct a proper that the South had a legitimate
Purchase Programme (PSPP) unless “proportionality test.” grievance, the federal government
the GCC receives a satisfactory ex- Such “competency” (jurisdictional) (and the northern states) worried that
planation that the ECB’s bond buying disputes are common in all opposition to the tariff would increase
constitutes a “proportionate” meas- federations. The United States unless they did something to relieve
ure for maintaining price stability. experienced a similar debate in the the pressure.
Never mind that the ECB has 1830s, when its federal system was A compromise to defuse Germany
already explained itself in countless still younger than the EU is today. and the EU’s legal conflict over
publications, speeches by its How that crisis came about, and how monetary policy is already on the
Governing Council’s members, and it was resolved, offers interesting table: a simple explanation by the
in academic publications by its staff. clues about the EU’s future. Then ECB should be sufficient for the
That apparently is not enough for as now, the key issue was whether a GCC. Still, some commentators
the German justices, who have long policy instrument that was intended worry that meeting the GCC’s
wrung their hands over the arcane for a specific purpose could be used to demand would threaten the ECB’s
question of whether central-bank favour particular states or sectors at own independence. In any case, the
bond buying constitutes a form the expense of others. ECB will have to walk a fine line.
of fiscal policy. As any economist In antebellum America, the federal In Albert O Hirschman’s famous
knows, all monetary policies have government’s primary economic taxonomy of political strategies –
fiscal implications; and insofar competence was limited to trade exit, voice, and loyalty – the GCC’s
as central banks have deployed policy, because tariffs in that period latest move should be seen as a
“unconventional” instruments, they were the federal government’s main demonstration of “voice,” carrying
may indeed be operating in a gray source of revenue. After the War of an implicit threat of “exit.” But as
zone between monetary and fiscal 1812, additional revenue was sorely Hirschman was always quick to point
policy. needed to service the national debt, out, the choice between exit and voice
The problem is that lawyers so Congress, in the late 1820s, decided The European Central Bank. cannot be understood without the
abhor gray zones. The Treaty on the to increase tariffs substantially. But third element.
Functioning of the European Union raising revenues was not the sole Carolina Exposition and Protest, a by what department to be exercised), considers unconstitutional. In the coming months, the German
stipulates that while the ECB has sole aim. The ulterior motive was to pamphlet later attributed to then- is to convert it, in fact, into a great This idea became so dominant political system’s loyalty to the
authority over EU monetary policy, protect northern manufacturers of vice-president John C Calhoun, consolidated government, with in South Carolina during the tariff European project will be tested.
fiscal policy is the exclusive preserve textiles and other products from the which rejected the Tariff of 1828 unlimited powers, and to divest the debate that, in 1832, the state Fortunately, most German leaders
of member states. This division of industrial superpower of the day, as unconstitutional. Calhoun’s States, in reality, of all their rights.” legislature ordered state officials not place far more value on the EU than
labour implies that the Court of Great Britain. reasoning was very similar to that of Likewise, the GCC contends that to enforce the measure, and later they would on a minor victory in the
Justice of the European Union (CJEU) In the event, the southern states, the GCC today: Germany’s Basic Law is vulnerable to declared the US tariff schedule null GCC’s quibble with the ECB. Much
should decide on any legal issue which exported cotton but had no “In fact, to divide power, and being undermined if an EU institution and void in the state. The GCC’s like South Carolina in the 1830s, the
concerning monetary policy, whereas local textile industries, objected, to give to one of the parties the (like the CJEU) can judge whether threat to bar the Bundesbank from GCC might have scored an “own goal”
national courts should rule on matters arguing that US trade policy was exclusive right of judging of the another EU institution (the ECB) is participating in the ECB’s bond- by picking a fight that it cannot win. -
of fiscal and other economic policies. being misused as a de facto industrial portion allotted to each, is, in adhering to EU treaties. The German buying programme reflects a similar Project Syndicate
The question, of course, is who should policy to serve select constituencies. reality, not to divide it at all; and to justices are channelling the doctrine evolution.
judge whether the ECB has exceeded The case against the policy was reserve such exclusive right to the of nullification: the ultimate right of In the American case, the z Daniel Gros is Director of the
its legal monetary-policy remit. made most forcefully in the South General Government (it matters not a state to reject federal decisions it nullification crisis was resolved with Centre for European Policy Studies.

Managing the coming global debt crisis Three-day forecast

words, their governments now can would be paid off once the crisis passed. pick up anytime soon. And unless the TODAY
By Barry Eichengreen Maximum Temperature : 380c
Berkeley borrow in their own currencies, allowing This of course was not the case. debt overhang is addressed, capital flows
Minimum Temperature : 270c
them greater leeway to use monetary There was no “Phoenix miracle” in will not resume.
and fiscal policies. low- and middle-income countries; Now – and not seven years from TUESDAY

he developing world is on the Unfortunately, this observation instead, there was a lost decade. Not now – is the time for a new Brady Plan, Maximum Temperature : 380c
cusp of its worst debt crisis ignores the inconvenient truth that these only were emerging markets unable to in which debts rendered unsustainable Minimum Temperature : 280c
since 1982. Back then, three countries’ private companies borrow in repay; because their debts had not been through no fault of the borrowers are WEDNESDAY
years had to pass before credi- dollars. It ignores that the dollar debts of restructured, they also were unable to written down and converted into new Maximum Temperature : 380c
tors mounted the concerted response emerging markets (excluding China) have borrow. instruments. This can be done without Minimum Temperature : 280c
known as the Baker Plan, named after doubled since 2008. The creditors’ commitment to destabilising the banks, because Fisherman's forecast
then-US Treasury Secretary James It also ignores that emerging markets, put in new money was particularly emerging-market bonds are held
Baker. This time, fortunately, G20 gov- aside from the “Favoured 4” (Mexico, problematic. In practice, each bank mainly outside the banking system. A
ernments have responded more quickly, Brazil, Singapore, and South Korea), preferred that other banks contribute large-scale conversion would also be WARNING
calling for a moratorium on payments by lack swap lines with the US Federal new finance – a free-rider problem if an occasion for many countries to issue Inshore : Nil
low-income countries. Reserve. True, the Fed recently added ever there was one. innovative instruments with stabilizing
Predictably, perhaps, the G20’s a “repo facility” through which central By 1989, seven unproductive years properties, such as GDP-indexed and Offshore : Nil
declaration resembles the Baker Plan. banks can borrow dollars against their after the onset of the crisis, the Baker commodity-price-indexed bonds, WEATHER
There’s just one problem: the Baker Plan holdings of US Treasury securities. But Plan finally was superseded by the without requiring them to pay a novelty
didn’t work. that is cold comfort to countries that Brady Plan, named after a subsequent premium. Inshore : Hot daytime with some
clouds, mild by night
The crisis currently engulfing the have already run down their reserves. US Treasury secretary, Nicholas Brady. This debt crisis is also a humanitarian WIND
emerging and developing world is All of this means that, when it comes Debts were written down. Bank loans crisis and a global public-policy crisis.
unprecedented. More than $100bn of to the stabilising use of monetary and were converted into bonds – often The appropriate entity to organize the Inshore : Northwesterly-North-
easterly- 05-15 KT
financial capital has flowed out of these fiscal policies, emerging markets are a menu of securities from which response is therefore the International
markets – three times as much as in hamstrung. investors selected their preferred terms Monetary Fund, not the Institute of Offshore : Northwesterly-North-
the first two months of the 2008 global Which is why we are back to Baker and maturities. Advanced-economy International Finance, the house organ easterly 03-12 KT
financial crisis. Plan 2.0. The G20 has offered to suspend governments facilitated the transaction of the creditors (as recommended by the Visibility : 4-8 KM
Remittances are poised to fall by an interest payments on intergovernmental by providing “sweeteners” – subsidies G20). As a United Nations organisation,
additional $100bn this year. Developing loans for the poorest countries. Private that collateralised the new securities the IMF could request that Chapter VII Offshore : 1-3 FT
countries’ oil and gas revenues may creditors, for their part, agreed to roll and enhanced their liquidity. of the UN Charter be invoked to shield
plunge by 85%. Global trade is on course over an additional $8 billion worth Today’s crisis is also being treated debtors from disruptive legal action by Around the region
to fall by up to 32%, three times as much of commercial debt. That, at least, is as temporary, with a moratorium on opportunistic investors. A crisis of this
Weather Weather
as in 2009. All this is unfolding against something. interest payments and a promise of magnitude warrants no less. - Project
today Max/min tomorrow Max/min
the backdrop of a plague of locusts in But, to borrow the baseball apostle commercial credits remaining valid Syndicate
Baghdad Sunny 43/24 Sunny 43/24
Africa. Yogi Berra’s line, it is also “déjà vu all only through the end of the year. The
Kuwait City Sunny 39/27 P Cloudy 39/27
The financial context is an over again.” The Baker Plan likewise reality is different. Weak global growth zBarry Eichengreen is Professor
Manama M Sunny 37/27 P Cloudy 38/28
international monetary system that is proceeded on the premise that the shock and depressed primary commodity of Economics at the University of
Muscat Sunny 36/31 Sunny 37/31
still disproportionately dollar-based. was transient and that a temporary debt prices will persist. Supply chains will California, Berkeley. His latest book is
Tehran M Sunny 28/19 P Cloudy 28/17
For five years, we have been reassured standstill would be enough. Creditors be reorganised and shortened, auguring The Populist Temptation: Economic
that emerging economies have fully would roll over their loans. Growth further disruptions of trade. Receipts Grievance and Political Reaction in the
atoned for their “original sin.” In other would resume. Interest arrears then from tourism and remittances will not Modern Era.

Live issues
Remote working set to stay post pandemic Around the world

AFP “We will find ways to operate with tiser WPP are working remotely. But they cautioned: “Employers should Weather Weather
London more distancing over a much longer Real estate developer Land Securities be aware of the potentially negative effects today Max/min tomorrow Max/min
period of time,” he added. last week estimated that only 10 % of its this may incur over the longer-term. Athens P Cloudy 33/19 P Cloudy 32/18
French car giant PSA, which makes office space was being used. “For example, reduced wellbeing and Beirut Sunny 32/26 Sunny 33/26

n explosion in remote working Peugeot and Citroen vehicles, now sees “There will never be a back-to-nor- loyalty to the organisation may lead to Bangkok P Cloudy 36/28 S T Storms 34/28
owing to the coronavirus pan- remote working as a benchmark for tens mal,” said Alex Ham, joint chief execu- reduced productivity, which will serve to Berlin M Cloudy 21/11 M Cloudy 19/08
demic could see companies of thousands of its office-based staff. tive at brokers Numis. deplete any savings made from reduced Cairo M Sunny 42/24 Sunny 43/27
slash office space, saving them Twitter has indicated that some of “It would be a great shame if, having office space and resources.” Cape Town M Cloudy 20/12 P Cloudy 21/12
money but not necessarily improving its employees could do their jobs from been through this virtual working that we According to Roach, “real estate is Colombo T Storms 29/27 T Storms 29/27
productivity among staff, according to home on a permanent basis. were thrust into, we didn’t make some one of the areas that cost businesses the Dhaka P Cloudy 36/27 Cloudy 32/26
experts. “The revolution is going to come with permanent changes to the way we work.” most” but “just because of real estate Hong Kong T Storms 27/24 T Storms 28/25
Businesses allowing staff to work a mindset shift,” said Cydney Roach, A recent survey by real estate con- exigencies in small spaces like Manhat- Istanbul P Cloudy 24/16 P Cloudy 26/16
from home on a permanent basis, even global chair of employee experience at sultancy Cushman & Wakefield of 300 tan, skyscrapers will never go away”. Jakarta I T Storms 33/26 S T Storms 33/26
as lockdowns ease worldwide, calls into US consultancy Edelman. companies worldwide showed 89% of Corporate giants may however be Karachi Sunny 35/27 Sunny 39/27
question the future of skyscrapers used “Companies have been debating them believed remote working would tempted to reduce the number of their London P Cloudy 23/11 P Cloudy 25/12
by multinationals which are seen as on the future of work for 10 years, but continue beyond the pandemic. buildings to slash costs following the Manila S T Storms 33/28 T Storms 33/28
symbols of modern capitalism. people were really not very keen to pull In a recent blog, professors Clare economic shock caused by Covid-19. Moscow Rain 12/04 P Cloudy 14/06
Major financial districts, such as the trigger and commit to it fully,” she Lyonette and Beate Baldauf pointed out According to VPN provider Nor- New Delhi M Sunny 41/25 Sunny 41/24
London’s Canary Wharf and La Defense told AFP, adding that the “pandemic has the advantages of home working. dVPN, some remote employees are New York M Cloudy 22/12 M Cloudy 18/10
in Paris, remain extremely quiet, even as proven that the technology is supportive “The majority of research highlights working longer hours than they would in Paris P Cloudy 24/09 M Sunny 25/12
governments lift restrictions on social of this kind of remote working”. positive organisational outcomes... an office, affecting their work-life bal- Sao Paulo P Cloudy 25/13 P Cloudy 25/14
distancing and travel by public transport. Roach said “flexibility is going to including cost savings, better pro- ance while not necessarily making them Seoul T Storms 26/11 Rain 16/09
Jes Staley, chief executive of British take on a bigger meaning”, adding that ductivity, improved recruitment and more productive. Singapore M Cloudy 33/26 S T Storms 33/28
bank Barclays, has said “the notion of bosses should listen to employees’ retention and reduced absenteeism,” NordVPN said US employees were Sydney S Showers 18/12 M Sunny 20/12
putting 7,000 people in a building may views on the matter. Already, around said the academics from the University on average working three hours a day Tokyo Cloudy 22/18 Rain 21/17
be a thing of the past”. 95% of 107,000 staff at British adver- of Warwick in central England. longer.
Gulf Times
20 Monday, May 18, 2020


A view of the newly opened underpass

Ashghal opens new underpass to

traffic on Mesaimeer Interchange The new underpass is the eighth
he Public Works Author- that the new underpass provides Industrial Area Road and Rawd- It’s located in a vital area that terchange, which is a strategic

in a series of openings among

ity (Ashghal) yesterday free flow for vehicles coming hat Al Khail Street. has many facilities including Al link between the southern part
announced the opening of from Doha Expressway and 22 The interchange provides a vi- Thumama Stadium, which is one of Doha Expressway and its main
a new 600m underpass on Me- February Street towards Rawdat nine underpasses on Mesaimeer tal traffic link between the south, of the World Cup stadiums.
Here, the interchange has
highway. This link provides free
flow traffic between the north
Interchange and with it the
saimeer Interchange to traffic Al Khail Street to serve residents central and north of the coun-
towards Rawdat Al Khail Street of Nuaija and those heading to E- try. It links traffic from the south three pedestrian bridges to ease and south of the country through
and D-Ring Road from Doha Ex-
Ring Road, Al Mansoura, Rawdat
Al Khail and Doha Central. Ac-
construction of the interchange through the southern part of
Doha Expressway, main carriage-
people’s access to Al Thumama
The project is one of the vi-
The opening was carried out in cordingly, it will reduce traffic has reached 87% way of Doha Expressway and Al The interchange also serves tal interchanges in the country,
co-ordination with the General congestion on other surrounding Shamal Road. many important educational, with two levels comprising three
Directorate of Traffic. roads and provide new alterna- other one connects E-Ring Road 2020, the new interchange will It also connects traffic be- health and commercial facilities bridges and four underpasses for
The new underpass is the tives. with the southern part of Doha significantly improve traffic flow tween Industrial Area Road and such as the Medical Commission, easy access of vehicles to nearby
eighth in a series of openings, Expressway in one direction en- reducing travel time by more the heart of Doha through a con- Meteorological Department, residential areas of Al Thumama,
among nine underpasses on Me- Features of the Interchange suring a smooth flow of traffic in than 70%. nection to Rawdat Al Khail Street many schools, health centres and Mesaimeer, Bu Hamour, Nuaija,
saimeer Interchange. With the Described as the first of its all directions. that intersects with D-Ring nearby shopping malls. Al Wakra and Al Wukair.
new opening, the construction kind in Qatar, the interchange The 6.1km-long interchange Hexagon Interchange and C-Ring Road as well as be- The interchange provides free
of the interchange reached 87%. contains nine underpasses and consists of three to four lanes in The Mesaimeer Interchange tween the busy areas of Nuaija, Integration with Sabah Al flow traffic for commuters from
The new one-lane underpass two major bridges. One of the each direction to accommodate connects roads of Mesaimeer Al Thumama, Bu Hamour, Al Ahmad Corridor these areas to Hamad Interna-
can accommodate about 2,000 bridges connects Rawdhat Al about 30,000 vehicles per hour Interchange, Doha Expressway, Maamoura, Mesaimeer provid- The Mesaimeer Interchange tional Airport, to southern areas,
vehicles per hour. Ashghal’s en- Khail Street and Industrial area in both directions. Once com- southern part of Doha Express- ing an easy access to Al Wakra, Al integrates with Sabah Al Ahmad Doha and northern areas of the
gineer Hassan al-Ghanim said road in both directions and the pleted in the second quarter of way, Sabah Al Ahmed Corridor, Wukair and the Industrial Area. Corridor linking Al Watiyyat In- country.

Demand rises for masks, gloves as govt order takes effect

The wearing of face masks in public became mandatory in Qatar yesterday spiking the demand for
protective gear against the novel coronavirus . People across the city were in compliance with the
govt order as is seen in the pictures taken from different public places yesterday. PICTURES: Noushad
Thekkayil, Ram Chand, Jayan Orma, Shemeer Rasheed and Shaji Kayamkulam

Goggles are in high demand.

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