Pop Cycle 1 - 10 11 20
Pop Cycle 1 - 10 11 20
Pop Cycle 1 - 10 11 20
Fall 2020
POP Cycle 1
Submitted: 10/25/20
Date of Observation: 10/15/20
Section 1
Section 2
-Lesson Objective: Comprehensive review of a 6-week unit on the English Colonies in North
Student will complete a warm up lasting 5-10 minutes. (10 Minutes)
Warm Up question; “Why was the French and Indian War called the French and Indian
War? Who were the combatants during the war and what were they fighting over?
The lesson introduction serves as a recall from the previous online lesson about the
French and Indian War and the effects of the Great Awakening and the Enlightenment
on the English Colonies given to student two days prior. I will read the warm up
question allowed to students twice and I will refer them back to the previous day’s
lecture notes. When the five-minute timer goes off I will review the answer with
students and type the correct answer in the chat box for all students to copy down if
they had trouble hearing. I will take questions.
-Lesson Body:
Part 1 (15 Minutes); Students will participate in a review game on the online Kahoot
gaming platform. Kahoot is a platform that students enjoy working with in their previous
experience. The questions on the Kahoot directly correspond to their assessment study
guide, which will be assigned at the completion of the game, and the assessment that
will be given to students next week. I will read the questions allowed to students and
run the game providing commentary.
Part 2 (20 Minutes); Students will be assigned their unit study guide and will have a
chance to complete the study guide during class with their teacher available for
questions. I will monitor the chat and take student questions, avoiding giving them
answers but directing student to where they can find the answers to the study guide on
their own.
Students will IEP’s, 504’s, and EL designations will have extra time on the study guide.
They have been provided with a subject specific vocabulary list to help them with the
subject specific verbiage in the study guide. They have also been given specific
accommodations including larger fonts, or translation programs per their individual
learning plan.