Lesson Plan 1

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Subject : English Language

Class : 3 Topaz
Date / Day : 21st September 2020 / Monday
Time / Duration : 1.30 pm – 02.30 pm (60 minutes)
Enrolment : 34 pupils
Level : Low – Intermediate
Focal skill(s) : Listening and Speaking
Integrated skill(s) : Writing
Theme :
Topic : Unit 6: Street Food
Previous Knowledge : Pupils know certain names of street foods around them
Learning Standards :
Learning Outcomes : By the end of the lesson, the pupils will be able to:
Vocabulary : burger, pizza, apple, yoghurt
Educational Emphases : Higher Order Thinking Skills (HOTS), Multiple Intelligences
Element Across the : Language, Thinking Skills, Contextual Learning
Curriculum (EMK)
Values : Grateful, Respect, Cooperation, Attentiveness
Thinking Skills : Generating ideas, Enhancing conclusion, creating mental pictures, Analysing, Applying
Multiple Intelligences : Interpersonal, Visual-Spatial, Verbal-linguistics
Teaching aids :

Stage/Time Content T-L Activities Notes

Set Induction  Imagine Time 1. Teacher asks pupils to say the name of TA: -
 To arouse pupils interest on the clothes that they know
(± 4 minutes) topic 2. Pupils give responses to the teacher’s
Example: question CCTS : Generating
i) Burger 3. Teacher introduces the topic for today
ii) Pizza

MI : Visual-spatial

Presentation  Look and Listen 1. Teacher paste some pictures of clothes TA:
 Instructions: on the whiteboard
(± 18 minutes) 2 CCTS: Creating
2. Teacher write down the instructions
mental pictures
3. Pupils listen to the teacher explanation
on the whiteboard MI: Verbal-linguistic
4. A few pupils are selected to do a role
play in front of the classroom
MV: Attentiveness
Practice  Pick and Point 1. Pupils sit into four groups TA: Mini pictures of
2. Each groups are provided with a manila clothes
(± 15 minutes)
card and a few pictures of clothes with
CCTS: Analysing
different colors
3. Teacher explain the rules of mini game
4. Pupils listen to the teacher’s instructions
5. A few pairs are selected to do a role MI: Verbal-linguistic
play in front of their classroom
Production  Let’s Write 1. Each pupil use their own workbook TA: Workbook
2. Pupils discuss with their friends
(± 20 minutes)
3. A few pupils are selected to answer the
question posed by the teacher CCTS: Applying
4. Teacher check the pupils’ answer on
their workbook
MI: Interpersonal
Closure Reflection 1. Teacher asks the pupils about the topic CCTS : Enhancing
(± 3 minutes) 2. Teacher appoint some pupils to recap
what they have learnt
3. Teacher sums up the lesson MV: Responsiveness



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