Daily Lesson Plan: Teacher'S Name: Ruban A/L Uthirapathy

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Daily Lesson Plan


Subject : English
Class : 5 seran
Date : 30 January 2023
Day : Thursday
Time : 11:30pm – 12:30pm
Attendance : / 20
Theme : World of Knowledge
Topic : Module 8: Going Away

Focussed Skills: Speaking

Integrated Skills: writing
Content Standard: 2.1 Communicate simple information intelligibly
4.2 Communicate basic information intelligibly for a range of
purposes in print and digital media
21ST CL METHOD: Pupil-centred

Learning Standard: 2.1.4 Ask about and describe future plans

4.2.3 Narrate factual events and experiences of interest

Learning Objective: By the end of the lesson, pupils should be able to

a) write about at least 4 things that they will bring for the holiday.
b) pupils will be able to speak and pronounce at least 2 sentence
correctly about the holiday they choose.
Success Criteria: 1. ask about and describe future plans based on at least 1 holiday.
2. write about at least 4 things that they will bring for the holiday.

Previous knowledge: Pupils knows about the variety of things needed for vacation
CCTS : Thinking skills, Constructivism, ICT skills.
Multiple Intelligence: Verbal- linguistic, interpersonal
Value inculcates: Respect others, work cooperatively, rearrange appropriately, write
Teaching aids: Textbook, pictures, songs/audio clips, puzzle , worksheet

Stages/ Learning content Teaching and Learning Remarks

Duration Strategies

Set induction Introduction of the MI: Thinking skills,

topic 1. The teacher will ask Constructivism,
(10 minutes) few pupils about
1. Brainstorming previous lesson CCTS: Identifying,
previous lesson. remembering
2. Introduction for the 2. The teacher will divide
the pupils into 4
Rationale: 3. The teacher will give
puzzle to pupils. Picture puzzle
- To get the pupils’
attention and to 4. The pupils will solve
know about the the puzzle and find out
house works the picture
MV: answer
- To teach the pupils
grammar items in a
fun way.

Presentation about MI: verbal

activities that can be 1. The teacher will linguistics,
Presentation present a video Thinking skills,
done in cruise and
(10 minutes) camping. about cruise and Constructivism
Rationale: 2. The teacher will CCTS: Listening
give bubble map
- To get the students worksheet to
familiar with the pupils.
words, before TA: video
3. Pupils will jot down
proceeding to the the activity that
next activity. mentioned in the Using a video song
video to introduce the
4. Teacher will subjects to the
explain about the students
activities in cruise
and camping.
MV: using good

1. The teacher will MI:

Practice ask questions. Verbal-linguistics,
(15 minutes) Thinking skills,
Question: What is
your favourite
a. Pre lesson: activity?
: b. While answering: Constructivism
Activity 1:
CCTS: listening,
1. Teacher will play a video. analysing

2. Teacher explains that TA:

pupils are going to listen worksheet,video
to the four people talking
about their holidays.

3. Pupils should focus on the

places the people like to

Rationale: 4. Pupils will write down the

things that mentioned by MV: Listen
four peoples. attentively,
-To enhance the respect others
students’ reading and 5. Teacher explain that eco-
reading skills holidays are when people
stay in the natural
environment and make
sure they protect it. (21st

Question : Ask pupils why

it’s important to look after
the environment and ask
what they can do on a
holiday to protect it.
Product -Pupils will listen Activity 1 : MI: Verbal-linguistic,
(20 minutes) to the song played visual-spatial, bodily
by the teacher and kinaesthetic,interpersonal
1. Teacher will
divide the pupils CCTS: listening, speking
Rationale: Into 4 groups, ,analysing, applying
and pupils
- To test the choose which TA: worksheet
pupils’ holiday to
understanding discuss.
and using 2. Pupils work MV: Work
proper individually cooperatively, respect
pronunciation within their others
groups and list
- To relate the things they might
classroom need for the
learning in a holidays. 
real-life 3. Teacher will
context handover
worksheet to
4. People in groups
need to choose
wisely which
holiday they
want to go.
5. Teacher writes
on board
“I think we
“It’s good to
“It depends

6. Pupils take turns

sharing with the
class what they
have decided to
bring and why.
Summarize the The teacher will explain MI: Verbal-linguistics
Closure whole lesson the lesson,
(5minutes) CCTS: Recalling
- Teacher will - The teacher will CCE: Environment
call some ask about their friendly
students to favourite holiday.
talk about
- The teacher will
their holiday.
teach eco-friendly
- Emphasise rubbish bins to
the values students so they
learned can use them
during their
Rationale holidays.

-To recall what

students have
learnt through
entire lesson.

Trainees reflection of lesson: _

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Lecturer’s comments:


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