Soft Skills List
Soft Skills List
Soft Skills List
Active listening
Conflict Resolution
Public Speaking
Nonverbal Communication
Risk Management
Problem Solving
Team work
Critical Thinking
Analytical Skill
Decision Making
Organizational Skills
Conflict management
Growth mindset
Work Ethic
Attention to detail
Time Management
Stress management.
Organizational Skills
Effective communication skills will be helpful through the interview process and in your career overall.
The ability to communicate involves knowing how you should speak to others in different situations or
Active listening is the ability to focus completely on a speaker, understand their message, comprehend
the information and respond thoughtfully. Unlike passive listening, which is the act of hearing a
speaker without retaining their message, this highly valued interpersonal communication skill ensures
you’re able to engage and later recall specific details without needing information repeated.
Active listeners use verbal and non-verbal techniques to show and keep their attention on the speaker.
This not only supports your ability to focus, but also helps ensure the speaker can see that you are
focused and engaged. Instead of thinking about and mentally rehearsing what you might say when the
speaker is done, an active listener carefully considers the speaker’s words and commits the
information to memory.
Conflicts in the workplace can arise when two or more parties have different objectives, opinions or
styles. Conflict resolution is the art of addressing those differences and finding common ground that
enables everyone to work together peacefully. Sometimes, the person who resolves a conflict may be
a neutral party or mediator while at other times, they may be someone involved in the conflict who
takes an outside perspective to find a solution.
Negotiation is a type of discussion used to settle disputes and reach agreements between two or more
parties. Generally, a negotiation results in a compromise where each party makes a concession for the
benefit of everyone involved.
Negotiations occur frequently within the workplace and may occur between coworkers, departments or
between an employee and employer. Professionals may negotiate contract terms, project timelines,
compensation and more. Negotiations are both common and important, so it’s helpful to understand
the types of negotiations you might encounter as well as how to improve your negotiation skills.
Many positions across all experience levels and industries involve some level of public speaking.
Practicing and improving your public speaking skills can help you make advancements in your career
and potentially identify a new strength for your resume.
There are a number of various skills that make a great public speaker, some of which include:
Body language:
Connecting with the audience
Interesting presentation
Writing skills include all the knowledge and abilities related to expressing ideas through the written
word. The ability to clearly communicate ideas through writing is in high demand for employers in any
industry. Well-written documents, emails and posts can persuade customers to purchase a product or
convince investors to partner with a company.
Technical knowledge about writing conventions, style guides and formatting for different situations are
also an important part of writing skills. Knowing what situations call for different styles of writing and
being able to set an appropriate tone over text are both important writing skills that any person can use
at work.
Nonverbal communication is the transfer of information through the use of body language including
eye contact, facial expressions, gestures and more. Verbal communication is the use of language to
transfer information through written text, speaking or sign language.
Paying attention to and developing the ability to read nonverbal communications is an invaluable skill
you can leverage at every stage of your career.
Empathy is one’s ability to understand someone else’s emotions and state of mind. When you’re
exhibiting empathy, you’re not actually sharing the emotion or experience, but you’re imagining what it
would be like to experience the same situation as though you are the other person.
Employers highly value people who can resolve issues quickly and effectively. That may involve calling
on industry knowledge to fix an issue immediately as it occurs, or taking time to research and consult
with colleagues to find a scalable, long-term solution.
Creativity is the ability to think about a task or a problem in a new or different way, or the ability to use
the imagination to generate new ideas. Creativity enables you to solve complex problems or find
interesting ways to approach tasks. If you are creative, you look at things from a unique perspective.
You can find patterns and make connections to find opportunities. There is some risk involved with
being creative, but you can show you are self-motivated to try things that have not been done before.
Research skills are our ability to find an answer to a question or a solution to a problem. Research
skills include the ability to gather information about your topic, review that information and analyze and
interpret the information in a manner that brings us to a solution. Research skills are essential for
employees to have in most positions and industries.
Risk management is the process in which a business, financial manager or individual identifies,
evaluates and prioritizes risks and then formulates a plan to minimize the impact of those risks.
Businesses use various resources, including financial resources, to monitor risks, minimize them and
control the probability of certain risks coming to fruition.
Teamwork skills are the qualities and abilities that allow you to work well with others during
conversations, projects, meetings or other collaborations. Having teamwork skills is dependent on your
ability to communicate well, actively listen and be responsible and honest.
Critical thinking is the act of analyzing facts to understand a problem or topic thoroughly. Critical
thinking often occurs in order of a few steps from identifying a problem or issue to developing a
Analytical thinking is observing and researching a problem or topic to develop more complex ideas
about it. Your analytical thinking should result in additional knowledge, solutions or ideas related to the
problem or topic.
Decision-making skills show your proficiency in choosing between two or more alternatives. You can
make decisions once you process all the information available to you and speak with the right points of
contact involved in a certain situation. Overall, it's important to identify processes that help you make
the right decision on behalf of the organization and make a concerted effort to uncover biases that may
affect the outcome of it.
Creativity is a broad ability incorporating many different skill sets including other soft skills and
technical skills. Employees with creativity can find new ways to perform tasks, improve processes or
even develop new and exciting avenues for the business to explore. Creativity can be used in any role
at any level.
Curiosity can help you to get to the root of a problem, stop workplace drama, and promote better
workplace relationships. Curiosity keeps you out of assumptions and helps you navigate the unknown,
especially when conducting difficult performance conversations.
Some benefits of learning from experience: opportunities for reflection, very personal learning,
internalizing the information, and unintended discoveries. On the flip side, some benefits of learning
from others: avoiding common pitfalls, not recreating the wheel, access to wisdom, and a vast source
of information.
Open-mindedness is a characteristic that involves being receptive to a wide variety of ideas,
arguments, and information. Being open-minded is generally considered a positive quality. It is a
necessary ability in order to think critically and rationally.
A chance of exposure to loss or injury that might be undertaken after its advantages and
disadvantages have been carefully weighted and considered. Many business operators need to take a
calculate risk to expand their business activities into a new competitive arena.
Business innovation is when an organisation introduces new processes, services, or products to affect
positive change in their business. This can include improving existing methods or practices, or starting
from scratch
The number of new ideas, the strangeness of some of them, and their practical value all argue that
self-experimentation is worthwhile.
How easily do you adapt to changes? If you’re working in a technology-driven field or startup,
adaptability is especially important. Changes in processes, tools or clients you work with can happen
quickly. Employees who are capable of adapting to new situations and ways of working are valuable in
many jobs and industries.
Consistency tends to be associated with the concept of standardization, namely the formulation,
publication, and implementation of guidelines, rules and specifications for common and repeated use,
aimed at achieving an optimum degree of order or uniformity in a given field
Employees with strong organizational skills are essential to helping a business function and remain
productive. When an employee possesses strong organizational skills in the workplace, they are
practicing time-management skills and strong goal achievement efforts. Below are types of
organizational skills an employee may need to remain successful in the workplace.
A collaborative team is a group of individuals who share common beliefs and work towards common
goals. Collaborative team members spend time discussing what they hope to accomplish as
a team and set team and individual goals for reaching that vision.
A goal is a specific target, an end result or something to be desired. It is a major step in achieving the
vision of the organisation. In the strategic planning context a goal is a place where the organisation
wants to be, in other words a destination.
Deadlines are used in the workplace so that businesses can maintain momentum and remain
productive at a constant rate. Regardless of where we work or what we do, each workplace is going to
have deadlines. Being able to finish our tasks on time is crucial to organizational productivity and
effective time management. With deadlines, the pace of employees’ work is coped so that similar types
of team members are working on the same things at similar times. This encourages teamwork
because employees will all be up to date with each other, and it also encourages productivity because
not meeting a deadline would mean that one has fallen behind and has let its co-workers and the team
Conflict management is the process of limiting the negative aspects of conflict while increasing the positive
aspects of conflict. The aim of conflict management is to enhance learning and group outcomes, including
effectiveness or performance in an organizational setting.
Consistency in communication requires teamwork, focus and discipline. It advances the idea that
one message can have many facets and many voices, but still sounds unified. It also advances the
concept of simpler by design, one message that can cut through the clutter and reach a target
Problem solving is the act of defining a problem; determining the cause of the problem; identifying,
prioritizing, and selecting alternatives for a solution; and implementing a solution.
Being detail-oriented means paying close attention to all of the small particulars when working on a
task or project. ... Detail-oriented employees focus closely on each project and constantly find ways to
finish their tasks efficiently.
Disposed to take a favorable view of events or conditions and to expect the most favorable outcome.
reflecting a favorable view of events and conditions and the expectation of a positive outcome;
demonstrating optimism: an optimistic plan.
The ability to bend without breaking. However, people often use it to describe the ability to adjust to
changes in your life without creating stress or drama. Being flexible in life means that you can change
your plans and adapt to new situations easily.
Enthusiasm refers to the ability to show a keen interest in a subject or an activity, as well as a
readiness to get involved. It is one step above a mere interest. Enthusiastic people work with
passion, even when the financial rewards are scanty.
Workplace cooperation is a process whereby employees or their representatives participate with
management, through consultation and discussion, in resolving issues of common concern. It is a
communication mechanism enabling both parties to understand each other's needs, interests and
Being patient means listening, observing, waiting for information to come, consulting other people and
seeking relationships that provide new resources to make good decisions. Patience is good for
ourselves and others
The 'growth mindset' definition is the belief that talent and intelligence are growable and
changeable. Employees with this mindset consider effort a crucial element of success. For them, it's
normal to fail before acquiring a new skill, and setbacks are viewed as learning opportunities
Work ethic is the ability to follow through on tasks and duties in a timely, quality manner. A strong work
ethic will help ensure you develop a positive relationship with your employer and colleagues, even
when you are still developing technical skills in a new job. Many employers would rather work with
someone who has a strong work ethic and is eager to learn than a skilled worker who seems
Being detail-oriented means paying close attention to all of the small particulars when working on a
task or project. Detail-oriented employees complete each assignment as flawlessly as possible before
moving to the next task. This means the projects they submit are usually high-quality work with little to
no errors. Detail-oriented employees focus closely on each project and constantly find ways to finish
their tasks efficiently.
Workplace integrity is a set of core values and attributes that guide you to be honest, trustworthy,
dependable and use good judgment in your work. Having integrity in the workplace means always
choosing to do what is right and being accountable for your actions. There are several ways you can
use your actions and behavior to show integrity in the workplace.
f you have persistence, you continue to do something even though it is difficult or other people are
against it. Skill comes only with practice, patience and persistence. Chandra was determined to
become a doctor and her persistence paid off.
Time management skills include a variety of skills that will help you manage your time well
Staying organized can help you maintain a clear picture of what you need to complete and when.
Being well-organized might mean maintaining an up-to-date calendar, being able to locate certain
documents easily, having a tidy environment and taking detailed, diligent notes.
Assessing each of your responsibilities for priority is key in being a good time manager. There are
many ways to prioritize what you need to accomplish. You might decide to complete fast, simple items
followed by longer, more involved ones. Alternatively, you might prioritize your tasks starting with the
most time-sensitive, or a combination of both.
is the first step to becoming a good time manager. Goal-setting allows you to clearly understand your
end goal and what exactly you need to prioritize to accomplish it. Setting both short and long-term
goals can lead to success in your career.
A fundamental part of time management is planning. Being efficient in planning out your day, meetings
and how you will accomplish things will help you stick to your schedule.
Being a good time manager means only completing work that will help you and your company
accomplish goals. While this skill is most often done by managers, you can also practice delegating
tasks if you are managing a project. While it can often be difficult to say “no” when someone asks you
to do something at work, it is important to practice having boundaries to manage your time well and
ultimately accomplish your goals.
When practicing good time management, you should also be attentive to your mental health. Handling
stress in a positive way can help you stay motivated and perform well when going through your
schedule. You might do this by including small breaks throughout your day, or by rewarding yourself in
small ways as you accomplish tasks
Employees with strong organizational skills are essential to helping a business function and remain
productive. When an employee possesses strong organizational skills in the workplace, they are
practicing time-management skills and strong goal achievement efforts.
Dependability is the characteristic of being able to be counted on and relied upon by providing services
that be trusted within a period
When employees are incentivized at work, they reach higher levels of success and provide the
company with greater value through their performance.