A Project report submitted in the partial fulfillment of the requirements for the award of
degree of
This is to certify that the project entitled “DESIGN AND IMPLEMENTATION OF MULTI
LEVEL INVERTER” being submitted by B.SRI CHARAN TEJA (20331A0213) partial
fulfillment for the award of the degree in BACHELOR OF TECHNOLOGY in ELECTRICAL
AND ELECTRONICS ENGINEERING is a record of bonafide work done by them under my
guidance and supervision during the academic year 2023- 2024.
I wish to express my sincere gratitude to Dr. R. GOWRI SANAKARA RAO, Professor &
Head of the Department, Electrical and Electronics Engineering, MVGR College of Engineering,
for his inspiration and above all the moral support and the constant encouragement in carrying out
this project work.
Last but not the least, I wish to convey my sincere thanks to all those who have directly and
indirectly contributed for the successful completion of this work.
Project Students:
1. PSO1: An ability to design & develop models as well as analyze & assess the performance of different types
of generation, transmission, distribution and protection mechanisms in core engineering.
2. PSO2: An ability to devise control strategies and provide optimal solutions for industrial and societal
electrical energy requirements
Ability to
concepts of M H H H H M H H H H H M
Electrical and
Ability to
design and
a Multilevel H H H M H L M H M H H H M L
Inverter based
on the
Ability to
understand the
knowledge of
simulate the real H H M M M H H H H M M
time application
Acknowledgement ............................................................................................ iii
Abstract .............................................................................................................. iv
Program outcomes ................................................................................................ v
Chapter 1 ....................................................................................................................................... 12
Introduction .................................................................................................................................. 13
1.1 Introduction ........................................................................................................................ 13
1.2 Classification of Multilevel Inverter .................................................................................. 14
1.3 Diode Clamped Multilevel Inverter ....................................................................................15
1.3.1 Advantages ............................................................................................................................. 16
1.3.2 Disadvantages ........................................................................................................................ 16
1.3.3 Applications............................................................................................................................ 16
1.4 Capacitor Clamped Inverter ................................................................................................ 17
1.4.1 Advantages ............................................................................................................................. 17
1.4.2 Disadvantages ........................................................................................................................ 18
1.4.3 Applications............................................................................................................................ 18
1.5 Cascaded H-Bridge Multilevel Inverter ......................................................................................... 18
1.5.1 Types of Cascaded H-Bridges ............................................................................................... 19
1.5.2 Calculations ............................................................................................................................ 19
1.5.3 Advantages ............................................................................................................................. 19
1.5.4 Disadvantages ........................................................................................................................ 20
1.5.5 Applications............................................................................................................................ 20
Chapter 2 ....................................................................................................................................... 21
Literature Review.......................................................................................................................... 22
Chapter 3 ....................................................................................................................................... 24
Project Description........................................................................................................................ 24
3.1 Three-Level Inverter............................................................................................................ 25
3.1.1 Circuit Diagram .......................................................................................................... 25
3.1.2 Output waveform ........................................................................................................ 26
3.1.3 FFT Analysis .............................................................................................................. 26
3.2 Five-level Inverter ............................................................................................................... 27
3.2.1 Circuit Diagram .......................................................................................................... 27
3.2.2 Output waveform ........................................................................................................ 28
3.2.3 FFT Analysis .............................................................................................................. 28
3.3 Seven-level Inverter ............................................................................................................ 29
3.3.1 Circuit Diagram .......................................................................................................... 29
3.3.2 Output waveform ........................................................................................................ 30
3.3.3 FFT Analysis .............................................................................................................. 30
3.4 Nine-level Inverter .............................................................................................................. 31
3.4.1 Circuit Diagram .......................................................................................................... 31
3.4.2 Output waveform ........................................................................................................ 32
3.4.3 FFT Analysis .............................................................................................................. 32
3.5 Eleven-level Inverter ........................................................................................................... 33
3.5.1 Circuit Diagram .......................................................................................................... 33
3.5.2 Output waveform ........................................................................................................ 34
3.5.3 FFT Analysis .............................................................................................................. 34
Chapter 4 ....................................................................................................................................... 35
Hardware Model .......................................................................................................................... 36
4.1 Hardware Component Used ................................................................................................ 36
4.2 Gate Driver Unit ................................................................................................................... 40
4.3 Cascaded H-Bridge Circuit ................................................................................................. 42
4.4 Working Model ................................................................................................................... 42
4.5 Generalized Output ............................................................................................................. 43
4.6 Three-Level Model.............................................................................................................. 43
4.6.1 Switching Sequence...................................................................................................... 43 Mode 1 ............................................................................................................. 43 Mode 2 ............................................................................................................. 43
4.6.2 Arduino Code ............................................................................................................... 44
4.6.3 Theoretical Calculations ............................................................................................... 45
4.7 Five-Level Model ................................................................................................................ 45
4.7.1 Switching Sequence...................................................................................................... 45 Mode 1 ............................................................................................................. 46 Mode 2 ............................................................................................................. 46 Mode 3 ............................................................................................................. 46 Mode 4 ............................................................................................................. 46
4.7.2 Arduino Code ............................................................................................................... 47
4.7.3 Theoretical Calculations ............................................................................................... 48
Chapter 5 ....................................................................................................................................... 49
Result and Conclusion .................................................................................................................. 50
5.1 Simulation Model of 3-Level Inverter ........................................................................... 50
5.2 Hardware Output of 3-Level Inverter............................................................................. 50
5.3 Simulation model of 5-Level Inverter ............................................................................ 51
5.4 Hardware output of 5-Level Inverter………………………………………………… 51
List of Figures
Fig 1.1.1 Waveform of 3 level inverter ........................................................................................ 13
Fig 1.1.2 waveform of 31 level inverter ...................................................................................... 13
Fig 1.2: DC-AC power conversion techniques ............................................................................ 13
Fig 1.3: Diode clamped multilevel inverter ................................................................................. 14
Fig 1.4: Capacitor Clamped multilevel inverter .......................................................................... 16
Fig 1.5: Cascaded H-Bridge multilevel inverter ........................................................................... 17
Fig 3.1.1: Simulation Model of Three level Inverter ......................................................................25
Fig 3.1.2: Output Voltage waveform of 3-Level Inverter ............................................................. 26
Fig 3.1.3: FFT Analysis of 3-Level Inverter ................................................................................. 26
Fig 3.2.1: Simulation Model of Five Level Inverter ..................................................................... 27
Fig 3.2.2: Output Voltage waveform of 5-Level Inverter ............................................................. 28
Fig 3.2.3: FFT Analysis of 5-Level Inverter ................................................................................. 28
Fig 3.3.1: Simulation Model of Seven level Inverter ..................................................................... 29
Fig 3.2.2: Output Voltage waveform of 7-Level Inverter ............................................................. 30
Fig 3.3.3: FFT Analysis of 7-Level Inverter ................................................................................. 30
Fig 3.4.1: Simulation Model of Nine level Inverter ........................................................................31
Fig 3.4.2: Output Voltage waveform of 9-Level Inverter ..............................................................32
Fig 3.4.3: FFT Analysis of 9-Level Inverter .................................................................................32
Fig 3.5.1: Simulation Model of Eleven Level Inverter ..................................................................33
Fig 3.5.2: Output Voltage waveform of 11-Level Inverter ........................................................... 34
Fig 3.5.3: FFT Analysis of 11-Level Inverter ............................................................................... 34
Fig 4.1.1: TLP250 Pin Configuration ........................................................................................... 36
Fig 4.1.2: N-Channel MOSFET .................................................................................................. 37
Fig 4.1.3: Arduino ......................................................................................................................... 37
Fig 4.1.4: Bridge Rectifier DB 107 ............................................................................................... 38
Fig 4.1.5: Zener Diode .................................................................................................................. 38
Fig 4.1.6: PN Junction Diode FR 107 ........................................................................................... 39
Fig 4.1.7: Transformers 220v/12v ................................................................................................ 39
Fig 4.1.8: Transistor ...................................................................................................................... 40
Fig 4.2: Block Diagram of Gate Driver unit ................................................................................. 40
Fig 4.2.2: Gate Driver Circuit Unit ............................................................................................... 41
Fig 4.3: H-Bridge unit .................................................................................................................. 42
Fig 4.4: Multi-Level Inverter ........................................................................................................ 42
Fig 4.5: Output Waveform for cascaded Bridge ........................................................................... 43
Fig +ve Logic Sequence .................................................................................................. 43
Fig ve Logic Sequence ..................................................................................................... 43
Fig 4.6.3: Output Waveform of 3 Level Inverter .......................................................................... 45
Fig +ve Vdc Logic Sequence ........................................................................................... 46
Fig +2Vdc Logic Sequence ............................................................................................ 46
Fig -Vdc Logic Sequence ............................................................................................... 46
Fig -2Vdc Logic Sequence ............................................................................................. 46
Fig 4.7.3: Output Waveform of 5-Level Inverter ......................................................................... 48
Fig 5.1 : FFT Analysis of 3-Level Inverter .................................................................................. 49
Fig 5.2: Output Waveform of 3 Level Inverter ............................................................................ 49
Fig 5.3: FFT Analysis of 5-Level Inverter ................................................................................... 50
Fig 5.4 Output Waveform of 5-Level Inverter ............................................................................. 50
List of Tables
Inverter is a device which converts DC power into AC. The power in the battery is in DC mode
and the motor that drives the wheels usually uses AC power, therefore there should be a conversion
from DC to AC by a power converter; an inverter is used for this conversion . The two-level is the
simplest topology used for this conversion that consists of four switches. Each switch needs an anti-
parallel diode, so there should also be four anti-parallel diodes. There are many other topologies for
inverters. A multilevel inverter (MLI) is a power electronic system that produces a sinusoidal voltage
output from several DC sources. These DC sources can be fuel cells, solar cells, ultra-capacitors, etc.
The major function of multilevel inverters is to generate a better sinusoidal voltage and current in
the output by using switches in series. Since many switches are put in series the switching angles are
important in the multilevel inverters because all of the switches should be switched in such a way
that the output voltage and current have low harmonic distortion (THD). Comparing two-level
inverter topologies of the same power ratings, MLIs also have the advantage that the harmonic
components of line-to-line voltages fed to the load are reduced owing to its switching frequencies.
The multilevel inverters have become increasingly attractive for researchers andmanufacturers due
to their advantages over conventional three-level pulse widthmodulated (PWM) inverters. The MLI
produces improved output waveforms, low EMI, lower total harmonic distortion (THD) and reduced
filter size. Multilevel inverter topology requires the least components for a given number of levels.
The THD is decreased by increasing the number of levels. Though an output voltage with low THD
is desirable, increasing the number of levels leads to more hardware, also the control will be more
Fig:1.2 shows the classification of DC-AC power conversion techniques. Multilevel inverters can be
classified into different types based on the type of source used. The most frequently used MLIs are
Diode clamped multilevel inverters , flying capacitor multilevel inverters and cascaded H- bridge
multilevel inverters . Among these multilevel topologies the diode clamped inverters (DCMLI),
particularly, the three-level structure has a wide popularity in motor drive applications besides other
multilevel inverter topologies. But, it has limitations such as complexity and number of clamping
diodes for the DCMLIs, as the level exceeds. The Flying Capacitor Inverters (FCMLI) are based on
balancing capacitors on phase buses and generate multilevel output voltage waveform clamped by
capacitors instead of diodes. Even these flying capacitors also have limitations due to the presence
of capacitors, as they induce ripples into the output waveform. The Cascaded H- bridge multilevel
inverter will produce an output waveform which is quite similar to the sinusoidal wave even though
filters are not used. As they do not need capacitors or diodes for clamping, they are extensively used
in industries.
● A k level diode clamped inverter needs (2k – 2) switching devices, (k –1)input voltage
source and (k – 1) (k – 2) diodes in order to operate.
● The notable drawbacks are Clamping diodes are increased with the increase ofeach level and
DC level will discharge when control and monitoring are not very precise.
● When compared with other types of inverters the advantages are that back inverters can be
used, capacitors used here are pre charged and at fundamentalfrequency the efficiency is high.
● This inverter is mostly applied in high voltage power drives and in power compensators.
1.3.1 Advantages:
• All of the phases share a common DC bus, which minimizes the capacitancerequirements of
the converter.
• The capacitors can be pre-charged as a group.
• Efficiency is high for fundamental frequency switching.
• Real power flow is difficult for a single inverter because the intermediate DClevels will tend
to overcharge or discharge without precise monitoring and control.
1.3.3 Applications:
1.4.1 Advantages:
• Phase redundancies are available for balancing the voltage levels of thecapacitors.
• Real and reactive power flow can be controlled.
• The large number of capacitors enables the inverter to ride through shortduration
outages and deep voltage sags.
1.4.2 Disadvantages:
• Pre charging all of the capacitors to the same voltage level and startupcomplex.
• Switching utilization and efficiency are poor for real power transmission.
• Complicated control, leading to high switching frequency and losses, when
transferring real power.
1.4.3 Applications:
• Each H-Bridge Cell consists of four switches and four diodes as shown in theFig1.5
1.5.2 Calculations:
The design calculations for single-phase m-level CMLI is explained below.
Number of main switching devices = 2(m-1)
1.5.3 Advantages:
1.5.4 Disadvantages:
• Every H Bridge needs a separate dc source.
• Due to a large number of sources, Applications are Limited.
1.5.5 Applications:
• Motor Drivers
• Active Filters
The paper discusses the advantages of cascaded H-bridge inverters over conventional diode-
clamped or capacitor-clamped inverters, emphasizing their suitability for various applications due
to fewer components required. It highlights the utilization of single-phase inverters connected in
series to generate high voltages from renewable energy sources such as solar PV cells, biofuel
cells, or wind turbines. However, a limitation arises from the necessity of a separate DC source for
each H-bridge module. To modulate the power switches effectively, the paper employs sinusoidal
pulse-width modulation (SPWM) wherein a reference sinusoidal wave of fundamental frequency
is compared to a high-frequency carrier wave. The PWM technique varies the level, frequency, or
amplitude of multiple carrier signals to achieve desired output characteristics
The paper explores the utilization of stacked basic DC source units in series to achieve
higher voltage levels and introduces different pulse-width modulation (PWM) techniques such as
PD, POD, and APOD, which are differentiated based on carrier wave signals. These techniques
are implemented and compared through Matlab simulation in the context of a 15-level multi-
inverter system. Evaluation metrics include Total Harmonic Distortion (THD) levels, the number
of switches required, and the selection between MOSFETs and IGBTs. Additionally, the paper
investigates the number of quadrants each switch operates in, providing insights into the system's
operational characteristics and efficiency.
[4] Sathyam and H. R. Ramesh, "Design of New Cascaded Multilevel Inverter Topology,"
2019 IEEE 5th International Conference for Convergence in Technology (I2CT),
Bombay, India, 2019, pp. 1-6, doi: 10.1109/I2CT45611.2019.9033719.
The paper conducts a comparative analysis between a 19-level symmetrical multi-level
inverter (MLI) and a proposed asymmetrical MLI topology, which utilizes unequal DC voltage
sources. The study focuses on cascaded H-bridges interconnected in series to achieve the desired
output voltage levels. The modulation technique employed is the equal phase method, and the
paper calculates the number of H-bridges necessary for the proposed configuration.
[5] S. Vadhiraj, K. N. Swamy and B. P. Divakar, "Generic SPWM technique for multilevel
inverter," 2013 IEEE PES Asia-Pacific Power and Energy Engineering Conference
(APPEEC), Hong Kong, China, 2013, pp. 1-5, doi: 10.1109/APPEEC.2013.6837117
In this paper, the proposed control method stands out due to its simplicity and efficiency, as
it utilizes only one sine wave and one carrier wave, unlike other control methods that may require
multiple waves. The simulation methodology involves using a separate repeating sequence block
for the carrier wave and a sine pulse block for the sine wave. Additionally, relational and logical
operators are employed to trigger the MOSFETs, enabling precise control over the switching
signals. The outputs of the simulation are visually represented using scope blocks.
[7] R.Mathew and S. Agarwal, “Modified reduced switch symmetrical multilevel inverter,” 2017
International Confernce on circuit, power and computing Technologies (ICCPCT), Kollam,
In this paper, a novel 7-level topology is introduced, designed with only 6 switches,
representing a reduction in component count compared to conventional designs. The Total
Harmonic Distortion (THD) of the proposed topology is calculated manually using Fourier series
formulas for both odd and even functions. These calculated THD values are then compared with
simulated results to validate the accuracy . Additionally, practical measurements of harmonics are
conducted using a harmonic analyzer to further validate the performance of the proposed topology.
The comparative analysis is carried out between the 7-level topology utilizing 7 switches and the
proposed topology with 6 switches.
This chapter deals with the brief description of operation of proposed MULTI-LEVEL
• THD % = 41.30%
• THD % = 15.14%
• THD % = 13.90 %
• THD % = 11.55%
• THD % = 9.35%
1. N.C.
2. Anode
3. Cathode
4. N.C.
5. GND
6. Vo (output)
7. Vo
8. Vcc
The TLP250, like any driver, has an input stage, an output stage and a power supply
connection. The TLP250 is an optically isolated driver, meaning that the input and output are
"optically isolated". The isolation is optical - the input stage is an LED and the receiving output
• Dynamic dV/dt rating
• Repetitive avalanche rated
• Fast Switching
• Ease of paralleling
• Simple drive requirements
The IRF840 is an N-channel power MOSFET from International Rectifier that can switch
loads up to 500V and 8A. It has fast switching, low on-state resistance, and high transconductance.
It's also cost-effective, has superior reverse energy, and can withstand extreme dv/dt rate and
higher avalanche energy. The IRF840 is designed for applications such as switching power
supplies, motor controls, inverters, choppers, and audio amplifiers.
3. Arduino UNO:
4. Bridge Rectifier :
The bridge rectifier is a type of full-wave rectifier that uses four or more diodes in a bridge
circuit configuration to convert alternating (AC) current to a direct (DC) current.
5. Zener Diode:
Zener diodes are semiconductor devices that allow current to flow in both directions but
specialize in current flowing in reverse. Also known as breakdown diodes, Zener diodes are the
most common electronic components used as stable voltage references for electronic circuits.
A PN Junction Diode is one of the simplest semiconductor devices around, and which has
the electrical characteristic of passing current through itself in one direction only. However, unlike
a resistor, a diode does not behave linearly with respect to the applied voltage.
7. Transformers:
A transformer is a device that moves electric energy from one alternating current (AC)
circuit to another, while increasing or decreasing the voltage. Transformers are used in power
transmission and work on the principles of electromagnetic induction and mutual induction.
A gate driver circuit is the most important tool for connecting the power semiconductor
switches with the microcontroller. Therefore, a proper selection of the gate driver circuit is required
which provides adequate quality and quantity of output control power and consistency of the
inverter. Deviation from the above may lead to the occurrence of a fault in the driver circuit. We
need a harmless and less cost-efficient gate driver solution for power electronics applications. Gate
driver circuits are one of the important links. These gate drive power semiconductor switches
(MOSFETs and IGBTs) and produce high output voltage and less current abilities with gate driver
voltages which are generally, up to 12V. There are various types of gate driver circuits used for
MOSFETs and IGBTs. The gate driver circuits are differentiated based on its configuration, the
S1 S2 S3 S4
+Vdc 1 0 0 1
0Volts 0 0 0 0
-Vdc 0 1 1 0
Table 4.6.1: Switching sequence of Three level Model
Fig : +ve Logic Sequence Fig : -ve Logic Sequence
void setup() {
// put your setup code here, to run once:
void loop() {
// put your main code here, to run repeatedly:
1. Tnk*Fa : 𝒌 +𝟑𝒌+𝟐
; (k= 0,1,2,3,4,………...)
2. Van: 𝟒𝑽𝒅𝒄
(𝒄𝒐𝒔(𝒏𝜶𝟏 )
3. V1: 𝟒𝑽𝒅𝒄
𝒄𝒐𝒔(𝜶𝟏 )
𝒏=𝟑,𝟓,𝟕,… [
𝒄𝒐𝒔(𝒏𝜶𝟏 )]
4. THD%: 𝟒𝑽𝒅𝒄
𝒄𝒐𝒔(𝜶𝟏 )
S1 S2 S3 S4 S5 S6 S7 S8
0 Volts 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Vdc 1 0 0 1 0 0 1 1
2Vdc 1 0 0 1 1 0 0 1
-Vdc 0 0 1 1 0 1 1 0
-2Vdc 0 1 1 0 0 1 1 0
Fig +ve Vdc Logic Sequence Fig4.7.1.2: +2Vdc Logic Sequence
Fig : -Vdc Logic Sequence Fig -2Vdc Logic Sequence
float f=50;
float t=(1/f) *1000000;
float al=10;
float a2=40;
float alpl=(al*t)/360;
float alp2=(a2*t)/360;
float d=5;
int pinl=9;
int pin2=1;
int pin3=12;
int pin4=4;
int pin5=5;
int pin6=11;
int pin7=7;
int pin8=10;
void setup() {
pinMode (pinl, OUTPUT);
pinMode (pin2, OUTPUT);
pinMode (pin3, OUTPUT);
pinMode (pin4, OUTPUT);
pinMode (pin5, OUTPUT);
pinMode (pin6, OUTPUT);
pinMode (pin7, OUTPUT);
pinMode (pin8, OUTPUT);
void loop(){
digitalWrite(pinl, HIGH); digitalWrite(pin2, HIGH); digitalWrite(pin5, HIGH);
digitalWrite(pin6, HIGH); delayMicroseconds (alpl-d);
digitalWrite(pin2, LOW); delayMicroseconds (d); digitalWrite(pin4, HIGH);
delayMicroseconds (alp2-alpl-d);
digitalWrite(pin6, LOW); delayMicroseconds (d); digitalWrite(pin8, HIGH);
delayMicroseconds (t/2-(2*alp2)-d);
digitalWrite(pin5, LOW); delayMicroseconds (d); digitalWrite(pin7, HIGH);
delayMicroseconds (alp2-alpl-d);
digitalWrite(pinl, LOW); delayMicroseconds (d); digitalWrite(pin3, HIGH);
digitalWrite (pin4, LOW);
digitalWrite(pin4, LOW); delayMicroseconds (d); digitalWrite(pin2, HIGH);
delayMicroseconds (alp2-alpl-d);
digitalWrite(pin8, LOW); delayMicroseconds (d); digitalWrite(pin6, HIGH);
delayMicroseconds (t/2-(2*alp2)-d);
digitalWrite (pin7, LOW); delayMicroseconds (d); digitalWrite(pin5, HIGH);
delayMicroseconds (alp2-alpl-d);
1. Tnk*Fa : 𝒌 +𝟑𝒌+𝟐
; (k= 0,1,2,3,4,………...)
2. Van: 𝟒𝑽𝒅𝒄
((𝒄𝒐𝒔(𝒏𝜶𝟏 ) + (𝒄𝒐𝒔(𝒏𝜶𝟐 ) )
3. V1: 𝝅
(𝒄𝒐𝒔(𝜶𝟏 )+ 𝒄𝒐𝒔(𝜶𝟐 ))
𝒏=𝟑,𝟓,𝟕,… [ ( ) ( )]
((𝒄𝒐𝒔 𝒏𝜶𝟏 +(𝒄𝒐𝒔 𝒏𝜶𝟐 )
4. THD%: 𝟒𝑽𝒅𝒄
( ) ( )
((𝒄𝒐𝒔 𝜶𝟏 +(𝒄𝒐𝒔 𝜶𝟐 )
The design parameters are considered to make the calculations with Symmetrical Cascaded
H-Bridge because it works efficiently. Hence the results of both Simulation and Hardware were
compared and detailed.
The design calculations are done with different Number of Levels, Input Voltage of each
level, Number of Switches, THD. Here, the characteristics need to be satisfied while selecting the
Inverter design.
From the above results as the number of levels increases, the number of bridges are also
As the number of bridges increases, the switches count to the respective bridges are also
increases whereas each bridge contain four switches.
The THD % keeps on decreasing with the increase in number of level.
Input Voltage to the each bridge is 12 VOLTS.
Peak Voltages will also increases with increase in levels of multilevel inverter.
Multi-level inverters (MLIs) have been experiencing significant growth and innovation due
to their ability to produce high-quality voltage waveforms with lower harmonic distortion and
reduced electromagnetic interference. This makes them highly sought after in various applications,
from renewable energy systems to electric vehicle (EV) drivetrains and industrial drives. Looking
ahead, we can expect several advancements and opportunities in the field of MLIs:
1. Integration with Renewable Energy Systems: As the world shifts towards
renewable energy sources like solar panels and wind turbines, MLIs will play a crucial role in
efficiently converting and managing power. Their capacity to handle high power levels with
minimal losses makes them ideal for these applications.
2. Advancements in Electric Vehicle (EV) Technology: MLIs are set to become more
prevalent in EVs, especially in managing power flow between batteries and motors. Their high
efficiency and ability to operate at different voltage levels can contribute to improved performance
and longer battery life, essential for the widespread adoption of EVs.
3. Energy Storage Systems: With the growing demand for energy storage solutions,
MLIs can enhance the efficiency and reliability of battery storage systems. They can facilitate
better integration of storage systems with the grid and renewable energy sources, thereby
improving the stability and flexibility of the power system.
4. Smart Grids and Microgrids: MLIs will be vital in the development of smart grids
and microgrids, offering superior control over power distribution and quality. Their capability to
minimize harmonics and manage power flows efficiently makes them well-suited for the complex
energy systems of the future.
[3] R .Nair, Mahalakshmi R and Sindhu Thampatty K.C., "Performance of three phase 11 level
inverter with reduced number of switches using different PWM techniques," 2015
International Conference on Technological Advancements in Power and Energy (TAP
Energy), Kollam, India, 2015, pp. 375-380, Doi: 10.1109/TAPENERGY.2015.7229648.
[4] Sathyam and H. R. Ramesh, "Design of New Cascaded Multilevel Inverter Topology,"
2019 IEEE 5th International Conference for Convergence in Technology (I2CT), Bombay,
India, 2019, pp. 1-6, doi: 10.1109/I2CT45611.2019.9033719.
[5] S. Vadhiraj, K. N. Swamy and B. P. Divakar, "Generic SPWM technique for multilevel pu
rainverter," 2013 IEEE PES Asia-Pacific Power and Energy Engineering Conference
(APPEEC), Hong Kong, China, 2013, pp. 1-5, doi: 10.1109/APPEEC.2013.6837117.
[7] R. Mathew and S. Agarwal, "Modified reduced switch symmetrical multilevel inverter,"
2017 International Conference on Circuit, Power and Computing Technologies
(ICCPCT), Kollam, India, 2017, pp. 1-8, doi: 10.1109/ICCPCT.2017.8074253.
[8] J. Rodriguez, Jih-Sheng Lai and Fang Zheng Peng, "Multilevel inverters: a survey of
topologies, controls, and applications," in IEEE Transactions on Industrial Electronics, vol.
49, no. 4, pp. 724-738, Aug. 2002, doi: 10.1109/TIE.2002.801052.
[9] Sarika D Patil and Akshay D Kadu, “Analysis for Selective Harmonic Elimination in a
Multilevel Inverter”, International Journal for Modern Trends in Science and Technology,
Vol. 06, Issue 04, April 2020, pp.:293-298.