Cluster Based Local Outlier Factor (CBLOF) : Use Squeezer Clustering Algorithm To Perform Clustering

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Outlier detection for Large dataset

Cluster based Local Outlier Factor(CBLOF)

Use squeezer clustering algorithm to perform clustering.

Initially, the first object is read into a newcluster.
For the consequent objects, the similarity between the object
and the existing cluster is measured.
If the max-similarity is > S add object to the cluster else add
new cluster.
Outlier detection for Large dataset

Cluster based Local Outlier Factor(CBLOF)

(large and small cluster).
The set of clusters in the sequence that |C1 | > |C2 |.... > |Ck |.
Given two numeric parameters α and β,
define b as the boundary of large and small cluster if one of
the following formulas holds.

(|C1 | + |C2 | + ... + |Cb | > |D| ∗ α (1)

|Cb |/|Cb+1 | > β (2)

set of large cluster LC = {Ci |i 6 b}
set of small cluster SC = {Cj |j > b}.
Outlier detection for Large dataset

Cluster based Local Outlier Factor(CBLOF)

(Cluster-based local outlier factor). For any object O, the
cluster-based local outlier factor of O is defined as:

 |Ci | ∗ min(distance(O, Cj )) where O ∈ Ci , Ci ∈ SC
and Cj ∈ LC

CBLOF (O) = for j = 1 to b

|Ci | ∗ (distance(O, Ci )) where O ∈ Ci

 and Ci ∈ LC
Outlier detection for Large dataset


Input: Data set D(A1 , ..., Am ) and parameters α and β

Output: Values of CBLOF for all records.
Clustering the Data set D, Producing {C = C1 , C2 , ..., Ck } and
|C1 | > |C2 |.... > |Ck |
Calculate CBLOF for object O
Greater the valve of CBLOF more the deviation.

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