Cluster Based Local Outlier Factor (CBLOF) : Use Squeezer Clustering Algorithm To Perform Clustering
Cluster Based Local Outlier Factor (CBLOF) : Use Squeezer Clustering Algorithm To Perform Clustering
Cluster Based Local Outlier Factor (CBLOF) : Use Squeezer Clustering Algorithm To Perform Clustering
(large and small cluster).
The set of clusters in the sequence that |C1 | > |C2 |.... > |Ck |.
Given two numeric parameters α and β,
define b as the boundary of large and small cluster if one of
the following formulas holds.
(Cluster-based local outlier factor). For any object O, the
cluster-based local outlier factor of O is defined as:
|Ci | ∗ min(distance(O, Cj )) where O ∈ Ci , Ci ∈ SC
and Cj ∈ LC
CBLOF (O) = for j = 1 to b
|Ci | ∗ (distance(O, Ci )) where O ∈ Ci
and Ci ∈ LC
Outlier detection for Large dataset