DSP Mid 1 Obective
DSP Mid 1 Obective
DSP Mid 1 Obective
Step response which is a running sum of impulse response can be written as CO4 CO4
In DIT FFT algorithm input is in_________________________
9 [ ] 20
A s(n)= ∑_(k=-∞)^n▒〖h(k)〗 B. s(n)= ∑_(k=0)^n▒〖h(k)〗
C. s(n)= ∑_(k=-∞)^∞▒〖h(k)〗 D. None
The system described by the input-output equations y(n)=x(-n) is a [ ] CO2
10 A. Static B. Non-Linear C. Causal D.
I. Choose the correct alternative: SET-II
Number of samples in a sequence after decimation is [ ] CO3
1 A. Reduced B. Increased C. Remain Same D. II Fill in the Blanks
The total number of additions required for evaluation of the DFT is [ ] CO3
A. N(N-1) B. 4N2 C. N(4N-2) D. N(4N-3)
Number of samples in a sequence after interpolation is [ ] CO4
3 11 The Filter used in Decimation is ______________________. CO3
A. Reduced B. Increased C. Remain Same D. zero
DFT only supports [ ] CO4
A. Circular Convolution B. Linear Convolution C. both
A discrete-time signal x[n] = sin(π2n) , n being an integer, is [ ] CO4 12 The Filter used in Interpolation is ______________________ CO3
5 A. Periodic with period π B. Periodic with period π2
C. Periodic with period π/2 D. Not periodic 13 If the response of the system depends on the past or future CO5
The energy of signal x(n) = (1/3)nu(n) is [ ] CO3
6 samples then the system is called
A.3/8 B. 9/8 C. 1/8 D. None
A necessary & sufficient condition for LTI system to be BIBO stable is CO3 _________________
[ ]
7 A ∑_(n=-∞)^(n=∞)▒〖⋮h(n)⋮〗>∞ B. ∑_(N=- 14 A discrete time system, if it’s output at any instant n depends CO5
∞)^(n=∞)▒〖⋮h(n)⋮〗<∞ C. ∑_(n=-∞)^(n=∞)▒〖⋮h(n)⋮〗= on the input samples at the same instant are called
∞ D. None
_____________ ____________
The discrete time system, y(n)=x(n-3)-4x(n-10) is a [ ] CO5
8 A. dynamic system B. memory less system C. Time varying
15 In _______________ method the overlapped samples in one CO4
system D. none
Step response which is a running sum of impulse response can be CO5 of the output sequences are discarded.
written as [ ] 16 Linear convolution of two sequences of length N1 and N2 CO4
9 A s(n)= ∑_(k=-∞)^n▒〖h(k)〗 B. s(n)= ∑_(k=0)^n▒〖h(k)〗 produces an output sequence of length The twiddle factor
C. s(n)= ∑_(k=-∞)^∞▒〖h(k)〗 D. None WN is given by____________
17 Circular convolution of two sequences of length N1 and N2 CO5
The system described by the input-output equations y(n)=x(-n) is a CO3 produces an output sequence of length ____________
10 [ ]
A. Static B. Non-Linear C. Causal D. Non-causal 18 Circular convolution of two sequences of length N1 and N2 CO5
produces an output sequence of length =========