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Developing communicative skills at English language

(Integrated teaching practice)


Lili Kelaptrishvili

Professor: Eka tkavashvili


Table of Contents
Introduction .....................................................................................................................................4
Degree of knowledge.....................................................................................................................4
listening ...........................................................................................................................................5
reading .............................................................................................................................................5
speaking ..........................................................................................................................................5
writing ...............................................................................................................................................5
Describe the lesson................................................................................................................................88
Describe the lesson................................................................................................................................92
Describe the lesson................................................................................................................................96
Describe the lesson..............................................................................................................................100
Describe the lesson..............................................................................................................................104
Describe the lesson..............................................................................................................................108
Describe the lesson..............................................................................................................................112
Describe the lesson..............................................................................................................................116
Describe the lesson..............................................................................................................................119
Describe the lesson..............................................................................................................................124
Describe the lesson..............................................................................................................................127
Describe the lesson..............................................................................................................................130
Describe the lesson..............................................................................................................................134
Describe the lesson..............................................................................................................................138
Describe the lesson..............................................................................................................................119
Describe the lesson..............................................................................................................................124
Describe the lesson..............................................................................................................................127
Describe the lesson..............................................................................................................................130
Describe the lesson..............................................................................................................................134
Describe the lesson..............................................................................................................................138
This course for us, students was very important, in the way that was practical. We had the
opportunity to take part in the task process. This is very important for us because we are
future teachers. In practice we got more knowledge and got more experience. This practice
will help us to learn lessons in the future.

We went to school in 175th public school. On the first day, we talked to the school director
and told us why we should go to school. She has been an English teacher who we have to
practice. During the whole semester we attended classes and observed as teacher and pupils.
We also had a lesson to take classes where the students evaluated each other. The work with
the teacher was very pleasant because she was sociable and work with her was not difficult.

In general, this lecture course has taught us a lot and has given us new knowledge.

Listening is so important that many top employers provide listening skills training for their
employees. This is not surprising when you consider that good listening skills can lead to better
customer satisfaction, greater productivity with fewer mistakes, and increased sharing of information
that in turn can lead to more creative and innovative work.

Listening is the ability to accurately receive and interpret messages in the communication process.

Listening is key to all effective communication. Without the ability to listen effectively, messages are
easily misunderstood. As a result, communication breaks down and the sender of the message can
easily become frustrated or irritated.

If there is one communication skill you must aim to master, then listening is it.


There are some goals that must be achieved before students attempt to listen to any text. These are
motivation, contextualization, and preparation.

• Motivation
It is enormously important that before listening students are motivated to listen, so you will find
interesting and then design tasks that will arouse your students' interest and curiosity.

• Contextualization

When we hear in our everyday lives we hear language within its natural environment, and that
environment gives us a huge amount of information about the linguistic content we are likely to
hear. Listening to a tape recording in a classroom is a very unnatural process. The text has been taken
from its original environment and we need to design tasks that will help students to visualize and
access their existing knowledge and expectations to help them understand the text.

• Preparation

To do the task we set students while they can there be specific vocabulary or expressions that
students will need. It's vital that we cover this before they start to listen as we do not want to do
what they have to do.

While listening

When we hear something in our everyday lives we do so for a reason. Students need a reason to listen
that will focus their attention. For our students to really develop their listening skills they will need
to listen to a number of times - as I've found that first time many students listen to a text they are
nervous and have to tune in to accents and the speed at which the people are speaking.

Ideally the listening tasks we design for them must be graded so that the first listening task they do
very easy and helps them get a general understanding of the text. Sometimes a single question at this
stage will be enough, not putting the students under too much pressure.

The second task for the second time students listen to a greater and more detailed understanding of
the text. Make sure though that task does not demand too much of a response. Writing long responses
as they hear can be very demanding and is a special skill in itself, so keep the tasks to a single word,
ticking or some sort of graphical response.

The third listening task could just be a matter of checking their own answers from the second task or
could lead students towards some more subtle interpretations of the text.
Listening to a foreign language is a very intensive and demanding activity and for this reason I think
it's very important that students must have 'breathing' or 'thinking' space between listenings. I
usually get my students to compare their answers to listenings as this gives them not only a break
from the listening, but also to check their understanding with a recipient before listening again.


There are two common forms that post-listening tasks can take. These are reactions to the content of
the text, and the analysis of the linguistic features used to express the content.

Reaction to the text

Of these two I find that tasks that focus students reaction to the content are the most important.
Again this is something that we naturally do in our everyday lives. Because we listen for a reason,
there is usually a following reaction. This could be a discussion as to what we've heard - do they agree
or disagree or even believe what they have heard? - or it could be some kind of reuse of the
information they heard.

Analysis of language

The second of these two post-listening task types involves focusing on students on linguistic features
of the text. This is important in terms of their knowledge of language, but less so in terms of
developing students' listening skills. It could take the form of an analysis of the form from a script of
the listening text or vocabulary or collocation work. This is a good time to do the work of the
students have already developed an understanding of the forms that express those meanings much

Reading is fundamental to functioning in today's society. There are many adults who do not
read well enough to understand the instructions on a medicine bottle. That is a scary
thought - especially for their children. Filling out applications becomes impossible without
help. Reading road or warning signs is difficult. Even following a map becomes a chore.
Day-to-day activities that many people take for granted become a source of frustration,
anger and fear.
Reading Stages- Stage 1: Pre-reading • The pre-reading stage is where the teacher activates
background knowledge, sets purposes, introduces key vocabulary terms, and previews the
text with the students. • This involves the students giving students information about the
books they will be reading (if its a historical book give a background about what will happen
in the book, why that is happening, and how it came to be), informing them of the purpose
for the first look at the book (cover, any illustrations, chapter titles, etc.)

Stage 2: Reading • The second stage, reading, is where students start reading the material
through any type of reading (buddy, shared, guided, etc.). It includes reading strategies /
skills, the examination of illustrations, reading from beginning to end, and taking .

Stage 3: Responding • Responding is the stage where students respond to what they read
through reading logs, journals, or grand conversations. • Responding deals with what a
child has learned after reading a book. This might involve reading logs where the student
writes about what they read and connects it to real life or through discussions that can be
either whole group or small group.

Speaking is a process of communication where in the speakers talk to give information, opinion,
thoughts or ideas about a certain topic. The speaker should be knowledgeable enough on the topic
he is going to discuss/deliver. He is willing to accept feedbacks from audience to assure better
understanding between him and his listeners to avoid conflicts among them.
PRE-SPEAKING: PLANNING AND ORGANIZING • Just as pre-writing precedes drafting, students
actually speak before pre-speaking starts. Students' experiences, observations, and interactions
inside and outside the classroom have an impact on what they say and how they say it. Pre-
speaking activities involve thinking and reflection, and provide opportunities for students to plan and
organize for speaking.

Writing is a medium of human communication that represents language and emotion with signs and
symbols. In most languages, writing is a complement to speech or spoken language. Writing is not a
language, but a tool used to make languages be read. Within a language system, writing relies on
many of the same structures as speech, such as vocabulary, grammar, and semantics, with the added
dependency of a system of signs or symbols. The result of writing is called text, and the recipient of
text is called a reader. Motivations for writing include publication, storytelling, correspondence,
record keeping and diary. Writing has been instrumental in keeping history, maintaining culture,
dissemination of knowledge through the media and the formation of legal systems.


Lecture 1 Thenational curriculum and communicative competence

Task 1. When did you start to learn English?

1. What exercises did you do?

2. Describe your English lesson at school.
3. What was your role as a learner?
4. What was the teacher’s role?

Task 2. What do you know about teaching foreign languages in Georgian schools?

Fill in the KWL chart given below:

K stands for “ I know”

W stands for “I want to know”

L stands for “ I learnt”

You are supposed to fill in K and W columns before reading ეროვნული სასწავლო გეგმა.

and L column after reading it. (Please see the file ეროვნული სასწავლო გეგმა 1
გვერდიდან დან15 გვერდის ჩთვლით ინდექსებამდე in order to complete the L

I know I want to know I learnt

Task 3 Read the article about communicative competence from

https://linguisticator.com/communicative-competence/ and answer the questions given


1. What is the goal of a language course?

2. What are the components of communicative competence?
3. What does “immerse into the target culture” mean and how it is different from
learning English in the classroom?
4. Does the article change your views about learning/teaching English?
If yes, explain how?

Communicative Competence
If a language learner is asked what they think the goal of a language course is, they would
probably answer that it is to teach the grammar and vocabulary of that language. However, if
they are asked what their goal is as language learners, they would most probably answer that
it is to be able to communicate in that language.

I am not saying that in actuality the goal of a language course is to teach solely grammar and
vocabulary — well, at least it shouldn’t be just that anymore. Fortunately, the focus of
second language teaching has moved from purely teaching grammar and vocabulary, to
providing the skills for effective communication. In linguistics terminology, a language
course should not only have “linguistic competence” as its goal, but “communicative
competence” in general.

But what do these terms mean? Communicative competence is a term coined by Dell Hymes
in 1966 in reaction to Noam Chomsky’s (1965) notion of “linguistic competence”.
Communicative competence is the intuitive functional knowledge and control of the
principles of language usage. As Hymes observes:

“…a normal child acquires knowledge of sentences not only as grammatical, but also as
appropriate. He or she acquires competence as to when to speak, when not, and as to what to
talk about with whom, when, where, in what manner. In short, a child becomes able to
accomplish a repertoire of speech acts, to take part in speech events, and to evaluate their
accomplishment by others.”
(Hymes 1972, 277)

In other words, a language user needs to use the language not only correctly (based on
linguistic competence), but also appropriately (based on communicative competence). Of
course, this approach does not diminish the importance of learning the grammatical rules of
a language. In fact, it is one of the four components of communicative competence:
linguistic, sociolinguistic, discourse, and strategic competence.

1. Linguistic competence is the knowledge of the language code, i.e. its grammar and
vocabulary, and also of the conventions of its written representation (script and
orthography). The grammar component includes the knowledge of the sounds and
their pronunciation (i.e. phonetics), the rules that govern sound interactions and
patterns (i.e. phonology), the formation of words by means of e.g. inflection and
derivation (i.e. morphology), the rules that govern the combination of words and
phrases to structure sentences (i.e. syntax), and the way that meaning is conveyed
through language (i.e. semantics).
2. Sociolinguistic competence is the knowledge of sociocultural rules of use, i.e.
knowing how to use and respond to language appropriately. The appropriateness
depends on the setting of the communication, the topic, and the relationships among
the people communicating. Moreover, being appropriate depends on knowing what
the taboos of the other culture are, what politeness indices are used in each case, what
the politically correct term would be for something, how a specific attitude
(authority, friendliness, courtesy, irony etc.) is expressed etc.
3. Discourse competence is the knowledge of how to produce and comprehend oral or
written texts in the modes of speaking/writing and listening/reading respectively. It’s
knowing how to combine language structures into a cohesive and coherent oral or
written text of different types. Thus, discourse competence deals with organising
words, phrases and sentences in order to create conversations, speeches, poetry, email
messages, newspaper articles etc.
4. Strategic competence is the ability to recognise and repair communication
breakdowns before, during, or after they occur. For instance, the speaker may not
know a certain word, thus will plan to either paraphrase, or ask what that word is in
the target language. During the conversation, background noise or other factors may
hinder communication; thus the speaker must know how to keep the communication
channel open. If the communication was unsuccessful due to external factors (such as
interruptions), or due to the message being misunderstood, the speaker must know
how to restore communication. These strategies may be requests for repetition,
clarification, slower speech, or the usage of gestures, taking turns in conversation etc.

These four components of communicative competence should be respected in teaching a

foreign language —and they usually are by modern teaching methods employed in second
language teaching. Usually most of the above are best learned if the language learner
immerses into the culture of a country that speaks the target language. Wouldn’t it be great if
the language teaching methodologies helped language learners reach communicative
competence to a great degree even if the learner has never immersed into the target culture?

Chomsky, Noam (1965). Aspects of the theory of syntax. Cambridge: M.I.T. Press.
Hymes, Dell H. (1966). “Two types of linguistic relativity”. In Bright, W. Sociolinguistics.
The Hague: Mouton. pp. 114–158.
Hymes, Dell H. (1972). “On communicative competence”. In Pride, J.B.; Holmes, J.
Sociolinguistics: selected readings. Harmondsworth: Penguin. pp. 269–293.

Lecture 2 Listening

Why should students listen to English

Earlier in the chapter we stated that people listen primarily for information and pleasure.
Here we will look at the reasons for listening specifically to English. There are actually two
questions subsumed in the title of this section: 1) Why English (as opposed to Finnish, German or
Xhosa)?; and 2) Why listen (as opposed to read, write or speak)?

Access to the world

Ever since Paul Julius Reuter started sending news by carrier pigeon in 1850, to be followed
shortly afterwards by the founding of Reuter's news agency in London (its growth was
based on journalistic scoops such as the assassination of President Lincoln), the spread of
international news has been dominated by Britain and the US. Today, although there are a
number of large media organisations growing rapidly in other countries, most foreign news · on
the world's television screens comes from either Reuters (UK) or APTN (a US company). , Besides
these media giants, the BBC was founded in 1922 to broadcast over the radio, and its first
Director General, John Reith, announced that the company should 'inform, educate and
entertain'. These are also three very good reasons for listening to English.


Perhaps even more than through news and information-sharing, the English language has
spread through entertainment, primarily Hollywood and pop music. For many students,
music is the first contact point with English and it can be a great motivator, especially for
teenagers who want to understand just what it is that well-known singers like Coldplay,
Eminem or Britney Spears are really singing. For young learners, who have a shorter
concentration span than older students and little experience of the world to apply, enjoyment
is one of the main criteria for any activity.


Music crosses borders easily, and so do people. It is often the case that the common language
between the traveller and the host, wherever he or she may be, is English. For this reason
English is sometimes called a lingua franca. It is a tool for international communication.

Work purposes and academic requirements

English is the international language of the seas (sailors have their own dialect called Seaspeak,
based on a simplified version of English), of medicine, science and t echnology. All over the world,
conferences serving almost any modern field of inquiry - biotechnology, quantum physics- often
take place in English. This also means that as an academic requirement in a number of fields, the
ability to comprehend spoken English becomes mandatory.

Business, too, in the age of globalisation, has come to rely on English as the common language for
people from disparate nations. For many individuals, job prospects, status, financial reward and
opportunity for travel all depend partly on their English. Furthermore, companies seeking to
expand beyond their own borders realise they will often need to operate in what is sometimes
called international English, a variety that some regard as simplified.

These are all valid reasons for listening to English, but it must be conceded that no one knows how
long the language will retain its predominant position. While the dominance of English is, of
course, connected with historical and political factors such as colonisation, which are beyond the
scope of this book, it must also be mentioned that Spanish, Mandarin Chinese and Arabic are also
spreading rapidly
So far in this-lecture we have mainly focused on the question 'Why English?', and looked at 'real
world' reasons for listening to the language. We will now move on to 'Why listen?' and examine
some of the methodological reasons for listening.

Why is Listening difficult?

Many of the differences between reading and listening illustrate just why listening is considered a
difficult skill. The difficulties can be grouped into four general categories: Characteristics of the
message, the delivery, the listener and the environment.

Characteristics of the message

As Rick Altman wrote, 'For us [teachers], Listening is like reading speech. For students it is more
like finding the objects hidden in the drawings of trees'. K nowing the written form of a word is no
guarantee that students will recognise the spoken form. As already mentioned, recognising word
boundaries is problematical, but also the irregular spelling system of English does not help
matters. A sentence (however unlikely) such as: Mr Clough from Slough bought enough dough.
would probably cause problems for students to pronounce even if they 'knew' the words,
because of the variety of ways in which one combination of letters (ough) can be pronounced.

There are also, of course, 'sli ps of the ear' - simple mishearing - as when the anti hero of
Bret Easton Ellis's novel American Psycho hears 'murders and executions' instead of 'mergers and
acquisitions' (although some would call this a Freudian slip, bearing in mind the character's
murderous habits).

Other linguistic difficulties include unknown words, lexical density (short spaces of time between
content words, forcing the listener to concentrate.

Characteristics of the delivery

Mode of delivery is a vital factor. It may be helpful here to distinguish between Interactional and
noninteractional listening. Interactional listening involves interaction between two or more
people; in other words, there is a conversation. Interactional listening allows the use of repair
strategies: listeners can ask for clarification, ask the speaker to slow down, etc.
Noninteractional listening describes a situation in which the listener has no opportunity to
contribute to a dialogue, for example while watching television or listening to the radio. In these
situations, the listener's lack of control over the input is a crucial issue. The listener has no
influence over factors such as the speed' at which the speaker talks, the vocabulary and
grammar used, and no opportunity to ask for repetition of a word if the speaker's
pronunciation is difficult to understand. It seems surprising to us now, but when American
'talkies' were first shown in the cinema in Britain, audiences had great difficulty in
understanding the American accent.

For all of the above reasons, noninteractional listening is usually considered to be more
difficult than interactional listening.

Other characteristics of delivery include organisation (do the speakers ramble on,
jumping from topic to topic, or are they concise?), duration, number of speakers (the more
speakers, the more difficult it is to follow the conversation) and accent.

Characteristics of the listener

As any teacher can testify, some students get sidetracked easily and simply lack the ability to
maintain concentration. Other students have problems motivating themselves to listen. These are
often long-term issues. Yet other students learn better using modes that are different from
listening. According to Multiple Intelligences theory, people possess different 'intelligences',
such as linguistic, logical-mathematical, spatial, bodily-kinaesthetic, musical, interpersonal,
intrapersonal and naturalist. These can be related to preferred modes of learning. Most people,
at some unconscious level, realise they are more predisposed to one way of learning than to
another. Someone with musical intelligence may choose to learn a language through listening
to songs; someone with bodily-kinaesthetic intelligence might prefer to learn by acting, moving
to sounds or physically piecing together words on wooden blocks.

Besides the students' individual dispositions, there is the age factor. Young learners can be loosely
categorised as anything from the age of seven or eight (younger than this may be considered
very young learners) up to those in their mid to late teens. Students at this age differ from
adults considerably in their needs as listeners. Some of these differences may include shorter
attention spans, fewer cognitive abilities, difficulties concentrating on voices and the importance
of visual stimuli and music.

At the other end of the scale, older learners - those above the age of seventy, for example-
sometimes have difficulties with listening due primarily to physiological factors.

Some temporary characteristics that affect listening might include anxiety (for example, in test
conditions), tiredness, boredom, e t c .
Characteristics of the environment

Environmental conditions which may affect listening performance include the temperature
of the room (hot rooms induce sleep), background noise (heavy traffic, for example) or
defective equipment which affects the clarity of a recording. Another problem which does not
fit neatly into any of our other categories is the role of memory in listening. As we process one
word, another word is 'incoming'. The mind gets flooded with words. Unless we are well attuned
to the rhythm and flow of the language, and the way in which a piece of discourse is likely to
continue, this can lead to overload, which is one of the main reasons why students 'switch off'.

Related to memory is the process of activating the listener's prior knowledge, a technique
that can help to reduce the memory load. We describe this process as activating schemata. What
is a schema? Imagine I say that I am going to the bank. Your mental model of this activity
probably goes something like this: a person walks towards a brick building, pushes open a door
made of wood and glass, and stands in a queue for half an hour. This is your schema for 'going
to the bank'.

Activating the students' schemata allows them to tune in to the topic and helps them to develop
their expectations of the input, a crucial factor in getting them to predict content. There are
many ways of activating our students' schemata (showing pictures and asking questions are
among the most common), as we will see in the following lecture.

The primary purposes of human listening are information-gathering and

pleasure, though there are other reasons, such as empathy, assessment and criticism. The
types of listening we engage in on a day-to-day basis can be categorised as follows:

Listening for Gist-

This refers to the occasions when we want to know the
general idea of what is being said, as well as who is
speaking to whom and why, and how successful they are
შინაარსის გაგება
in communicating their point.

Listening forspecific This refers to the occasions when we don’t need to

information understand everything, but only a very specific part. For
example, while listening to a list of delayed trains, we are
only interested in hearing news about one particular
ინფორმაციის train- the one we want to catch-and so we listen
ამოსაკრეფად მოსმენა
selectively for this specific information. We ignore
everything else.

Listening in detail
This refers to the type of listening we do when, for
დეტალური მოსმენა example, we need to find errors or determine differences
between one passage and another. We can’t ignore
anything because, unlike listening to a list of delayed
trains, we don’t know exactly what information will help
us to achieve our task.

Task 1 Complete the statements in any way you choose

We listen when…

We don’t listen when…

Listening is difficult when….

Listening is easy when …

A good listener is someone who…

The best listener I know…

Task 2 Answer the questions

1. Make a list of things what we listen to in the real world:




2. Make a list of the things we listen to in the classroom
1. CDs




3. What are the differences between listening to Language 1 (L1) outside the classroom and
Listening to English inside the classroom? Give at least 3 reasons.

4. Rate (from the least difficult to the most difficult (1-6)) these types of listening in terms of their
likely difficulty for a second language learner:

 Watching the news on TV

 Listening to the news on the radio
 Listening to a song on the radio
 Talking about the news with a friend face to face
 Talking to a recording of the news in the classroom

Task 3 . The requirements for developing Listening Skills according to the National Curriculum.
(Refer to the document: ეროვნული სასწავლო გეგმა pp. 1-15). Describe them in detail according to
the stages:დაწყებითი, საბაზო და საშუალო.

TASK 4. რეფლექსია ლექციაზე

1. Why should students listen to English?

2. Why is listening difficult?
3. What are types of listening?

Task 5. Make a glossary . Find 10-15 terms in the lecture. Write them in the left-hand column and
give definitions in the right-hand column.










Lecture3 listening stages

Model Lesson Description

Lesson procedure

Stage 1: The teacher writes on the board the following quotation from the Dalai Lama: “Mother planet
is showing us the red warning light. “Be careful” she is saying. To take care of the planet is to take care
of our own house.”

She divides the class into small groups and asks them to discuss the following questions:

How would you express the quotation in your own words?

Do you agree with the quotation? Why or why not?

The teacher allows 5 minutes for this small group discussion. Then she asks for volunteers to report the
results of their group’s discussion to the class.
Stage 2: The teacher shows pictures and asks students to talk about these points in groups of 3: Our
climate is changing all the time. Many scientists think that the world is getting warmer. Why? What
things are changing the climate? Is it important?

After a few minutes the groups report back to the class.

Suggested answers: Planes cause pollution and tremendous heat which affect the environment.

Deforestation in many parts of the world affects the production of oxygen and the climate.

Aerosol sprays can damage the environment. Volcanoes produce tremendous heat and throw dust into
the air which can cause “dust rain”, pollution and climate change. Factories and exhaust fumes from
cars also cause the temperature to rise and affect air quality. Changes in the sun (sunspots) also affect
our climate. Rising temperatures may cause ice at the poles to melt, which will lead to a rise in the level
of the sea. This will cause flooding in many parts of the world, and changes in the climate. This will
then affect how we live - plants and animal life and so on.

Note: As key vocabulary comes up, the teacher puts this on the board. Some key vocabulary items are:
pollution, air, oxygen, ozone layer, exhaust fumes.

Stage 3: Listening for general information. The teacher asks the students to listen to a recorded text
about an international climate conference, and to identify the main topic of the conference is. The
students listen and produce the answer: To help the environment by taking action against the use of

Listening for specific information. The students work in pairs. One of them can choose List A and the
other one list B. They have to copy and complete the table about each country’s plans.

List A Plan




List B Plan

The US

The UK

The students produce their answers and the teacher writes them on the board.


List A: Spain: Ask car companies to make smaller cars; Italy: Stop car traffic in city centres; Japan: Look
for a new gas for refrigerators.

List B: USA: Change the type of petrol we use, or ask oil companies to make cleaner petrol; Germany:
Have cheaper buses and trains; United Kingdom: Recycle more paper and glass.

Stage 4: Writing. It has recently been announced that a new factory may be built in your
neighbourhood. Write a short article to your local newspaper, trying to persuade them to take action
against building a new factory.

End of lesson description

A short lecture In this task you will read a lecture on developing listening skills and identify the most
effective listening strategies.

Background Listening Text: Developing listening Skill

Listening is a complex skill. Teachers need to prepare students psychologically for the listening activity,
telling them that they will not be able to understand everything they hear.
The learners’ success in understanding the content of a spoken text depends to what extent they have
developed the following listening strategies.

- Identifying the topic: Good listeners are able to pick up the topic of a spoken text quickly with the
help of their own schemata, which is “pre-existing knowledge of the world’. Every person carries in
their heads mental representations of typical situations that we come across. When they are stimulated
by particular words, discourse patterns, or contexts, such schematic knowledge is activated and they are
able to recognize what they hear because it fits into patterns that they already know. Such schemata
arouse expectations which allow listeners to predict what will happen in the conversation.

- Predictive skills: Efficient listeners anticipate what they are going to hear. The process of
understanding the text is the process of seeing how the content of the text matches up to these

- Extracting specific information: Very often we listen to something because we want to extract
specific bits of information - to find out certain facts. We listen fast, and focus only on the specific
information we are searching for.

- Getting the general picture: Students listen to things to ‘get the general picture’. They get an idea of
the main points (an overview) without being too concerned with the details

What are the main stages in a listening skills lesson?

There is no one way of doing a listening skills lesson. It depends on such factors as the aim, the text
type, and the level of the students. The following are guidelines on one way of conducting a listening
skills lesson.

Pre-listening stage

Before listening, students should be “tuned in” so that they know what to expect, both in general and
particular tasks. This kind of preparatory work is generally described as “pre-listening work” or just

Students find it helpful if they know in advance how many items or points they are expected to find.
This bit of information helps them concentrate on the task and gives them a comforting sense of having
achieved the objective, which in turn acts as a motivating force on future occasions.
The choice of activities will depend on a number of factors, such as;

 the time available;

 the material available;
 the interests of the class;
 the interests of the teacher;
 the place in which the work is being carried out;
 the nature and content of the listening text itself.

Teaching key words or phrases before listening: It may be helpful to teach a few key words – words
without which the spoken text would be very difficult to understand. It is rarely a good idea to teach
in advance more than about five words out of context. It is useful to pick proper names, such as the
names of people or places, write them on the board, and tell the students how they are pronounced.

The pre-listening activities should not be seen as isolated activities. They flow naturally into the
while-listening stage. Pre-listening can consist of reading, writing, speaking or all three. It provides
opportunities for listening to be integrated with the other parts of the students’ work.

The while-listening stage

The purpose of while-listening activities is to help learners develop the skill of eliciting messages from
spoken language.

Some while-listening activities require no overt response. For example, in ‘obeying instructions’ the
learners do not have to do anything in response to the listening, although facial expression and body
language often show if they are following or not.

Other activities such as : Ticking off items, True/False, Detecting mistakes, and Cloze, entail short

At a more advanced level activities with longer responses may be used. Here are a few examples:

Answering questions. One or more questions demanding fairly full responses are given in advance, to
which the listening text provides the answer(s). Because of the relative length of the answers
demanded, they are most conveniently given in writing.
Summarising. Learners write a brief summary of the content of the listening passage.

Long-gap filling. A long gap is left, at the beginning, middle or end of a text. Learners guess and write
down, or say, what they think might be missing.

Extended responses. Here, the listening is only a starting point for extended reading, writing or
speaking. In other words, these are “combined skills” activities.

Interpretation: An extract from a piece of dialogue or monologue is provided, with no previous

information. The listeners try to guess from the words, kinds of voices, tone and other evidence what is
going on. At a more sophisticated level, a piece of literature that is suitable for reading aloud ( some
poetry, for example) can be discussed and analysed.

Whatever activities you choose to use, it is important to provide immediate feedback on whether, and
to what extent, the students have succeeded in the task(s), and why or why not. It is extremely difficult
to provide useful feedback at a later lesson, as it is generally necessary to replay the listening text in
order to refer to the salient points.

Frequently, pair or group checking can follow while-listening activities and can lead to interesting
post-listening consideration of the text and the task(s)

Note-taking, paraphrasing and translating are all possible while-listening activities.

The post-listening stage

Post-listening activities include all the work which is done after the listening is completed. They are
extensions of the work done at the pre-listening and while-listening stages.

If the pre-listening stage has built up expectations in the listeners, and the while-listening stage has
satisfied these expectations, it is hard to sustain interest at the post-listening stage unless the post
listening activity is intrinsically motivating.
Problem-solving and decision making, role play, writing a summary or even an essay are popular post
listening activities and follow naturally from many while-listening activities.

Task 1 Reflection. Think about the stages that you went through in learning to understand
spoken English, and make notes on these questions. (write about your school

1. What tasks did the teacher give you before listening to the text?
2. Did you make notes or tick boxes while listening?
3. How did the teacher check listening comprehension?
4. How many times did you listen to the same text?
5. Did the teacher change the task before each listening?
6. What were the problems you came across while listening?

Task 2 Analysing and reconstructing. This task consists in reading and thinking about the description
of a

model lesson dealing with listening. (Refer to Lecture 3 Listening stages –Model lesson description pp.)

1. Does the teacher start the lesson directly with the task to listen to the tape?
2. How many times do the students listen to the tape?
3. What is the aim of the first listening?
4. What is the aim of the second listening?
5. What activity finishes the lesson?

Task 3 Defining new words. The following words are used in the lecture on Listening Stages. Match
them with their corresponding definitions.

1.schemata a. wanting to learn a language in order to communicate with

people of another culture who speak it.

2.anticipate b. what is done after having listened to a recorded text

3. elicit c. what listeners do before the recording is played

4. intrinsic motivation d. what is done at the same time as listening (e.g. learners
might tick boxes as they are listening to a recording)

5. pre-listening e. expect, think about what is going to happen

6. while-listening f. get learners to produce language, or to give information

7. post-listening g. the background knowledge on which the interpretation of

a text depends

Task 4. Explain why the statements from the lecture are true.

1. Good listeners are able to pick up the topic of a spoken text quickly with the help
of their own schemata.

2. Efficient listeners anticipate what they are going to hear.

3. It is rarely a good idea to teach in advance more than about five words out of

4. The purpose of while-listening activities is to help learners develop the skill of

eliciting messages from spoken language.

5. Whatever activities you choose to use, it is important to provide immediate

feedback on whether, and to what extent, the students have succeeded in the task(s),
and why or why not.

Task 5 Summary of the lecture

Reflect on the lecture. The questions below will help you to focus on the key points.

1. What are the two aims of teaching listening?

2. What aspects are involved in listening as a skill?
3. What are extensive listening and intensive listening?
4. The role of “live” listening in ensuring genuine communication.
5. What listening strategies should learners develop to become successful listeners?
6. How does the pre-listening stage act as a motivating force to arouse learners’ expectations?
7. What kind of words should be pre-taught?
8. What is the purpose of while-listening activities?
9. The importance of giving immediate feedback
10. Name some popular post-listening activities.

23-27 ოქტომბრის კვირაში სასკოლო პრაქტიკის დავალებები

მოსმენის უნარ-ჩვევა

1. ინტერვიუ პედაგოგთან მოსმენის საკითხებზე. (ინტერვიუს კითხვებს ადგენთ

ჯგუფთან/მეწყვილესთან ერთად) დაახლოებით 5-10 კითხვა. ინტერვიუს პედაგოგთან
აკეთებთ ქართულ ენაზე.

2. გაკვეთილზე დაკვირვება. გაკვეთილის აღწერა და ანალიზი.

პირველი საკითხისთვის თქვენი გამოცდილებიდან და ლექციებიდან გამომდინარე

პედაგოგისთვის ამზადებთ კითხვებს, მაგალითად:

 რამდენ დროს უთმობთ მოსმენის უნარ-ჩვევის განვითარებას?

 რა უჭირთ მოწაფეებს მოსმენის დავალების შესრულების დროს? ა.შ.

რაც შეეხება მეორე დავალებას, ანუ დაკვირვებას, გაკვეთილზე დასწრების დროს, უნდა
ჩაიწეროთ გაკვეთილის მსვლელობა. იხილეთ დანართი 1 გაკვეთილზე დაკვირვება.

აქტივობების რაოდენობა დამოკიდებულია კონკრეტულ გაკვეთილზე. რაც შეეხება

გაკვეთილის მიზანს, აქ დაგჭირდებათ პედაგოგს ჰკითხოთ რომელ საფეხურზეა მოცემული
კლასი: დაწყებითი, საბაზო, თუ საშუალო და რომელ დონეს გადიან I, II, III, ა. შ. ( გაიხსენეთ
წინა ლექციის საკითხავი მასალა-ეროვნული სასწავლო გეგმა ). და რას ისახავს მიზნად მისი

მეორეს მხრივ შედით ბმულზე:


გთავაზობთ სურათს საიტიდან დახმარებისთვის

ამ დოკუმენტში მოძებნეთ მიმართულება მოსმენა და გაეცანით მოთხოვნებს იმ

საფეხურის შესაბამისად, რომელსაც დაესწრებით. როცა გაკვეთილს დაესწრებით,


რამდენად არის გაკვეთილის მიზნები შესაბამისობაში ეროვნული სასწავლო გეგმით

გათვალისწინებულ მოთხოვნებთან. ანუ რა არის გაკვეთილის მიზანი და რა აქტივობებს


პედაგოგი იმისთვის, რომ მოწაფეებმა მიაღწიონ შედეგს. მაგ. თუ გაკვეთილის მიზანია

ეროვნული სასწავლო გეგმის მიხედვით :

უცხ.დ.II.3. მოსწავლეს შეუძლია მოსმენილი ილუსტრირებული აღწერითი/ნარატიული

ხასიათის ტექსტების გაგება.

მაშინ შედეგი თვალსაჩინოა, თუ მოსწავლე:

ამოიცნობს პერსონაჟს, ცხოველს, საგანს აღწერილი ნიშან-თვისებების მიხედვით (მაგ.,

წითელი, მრგვალი, დიდი, პატარა) და მიუთითებს/აფერადებს/შემოხაზავს მას;
გაკვეთილის დროს გამოიყენეთ აღწერა. იხილეთ ქვემოთ მოცემული ცხრილი. შეავსეთ

დანართი 1 გაკვეთილზე დაკვირვება

Communicative skills development

Listening module
School Practice Supervisor
Number of Students:

Learning objectives

გაკვეთილის მიზანი

Stage of Lesson Activity Time

Activity 1

Activity 2

Activity 3


გაკვეთილის შემდეგ

გაანალიზეთ მასწავლებლის მიერ ჩატარებული გაკვეთილი და უპასუხეთ კითხვებს:

1. რა მოგეწონათ გაკვეთილზე და რატომ?

2. რა არ მოგეწონათ? და რატომ?

3. რა ისწავლეს მოწაფეებმა?
4. რას ურჩევდით პედაგოგს?

დავალებას წერთ ინგლისურად და ატვირთავთ მუდლზე. 31 ოქტომბრამდე

Tom’s diner
1. A diner is a type of restaurant in the United States of America. In the pictures, can
you see anyone:
 Sitting at a table?
 Pouring coffee?
 Kissing someone?
 Eating?
 Hitching up her skirt?
 Reading a newspaper?
 Looking out of the window?
 Straightening her stockings?
 Doing the washing up?
2. What are the differences between the two pictures?

For example: In picture (a) the woman is sitting alone but in picture (b) she is with a

3. Pre-teach vocabulary.
4. These are the words from the song. Try to predict what the song is about.
5. Listen to the song and try to confirm your guesses.

6. Listen and fill in the blanks with the missing words from the song.

I 1. in the morning
At the diner on the corner

I 2. at the counter
For the man to pour the coffee

And he fills it only halfway

And before I even argue

He 3. out the window

At somebody 4. in

"It is always nice to see you"

Says the man behind the counter

To the woman who has come in

She 5. her umbrella

And I look the other way

As they 6. their hellos

I 7. not to see them

Instead I pour the milk

I open up the paper

There's a story of an actor

Who had died while he was drinking

It was no one I had heard of

And I 8.-------------------- to the horoscope

And 9.----------------------- for the funnies

When I 10. ---------------------------- someone

Watching me

And so I raise my head.

There’s a woman on the outside

11.------------------ Inside does she see me?

NO she does not really see me

Cause she sees her own reflection

And I 12.------------------- not to notice

That she 13.------------ up her skirt

And while she 14. ---------------------- for her stockings

Her hair has gotten wet.

Oh this rain it will continue

Through the morning as I 15.-----------------

To the bells of the cathedral

I 16.------------------------ of your voice…

And of the midnight picnic once upon a time

Before the rain began…..

I finish up my coffee

It’s time to catch the train.

7. Are these statements about the song true or false?

It’s a bright and sunny day
The singer is having dinner
The man works at Tom’s diner
The woman who comes in doesn’t know the man well
The woman outside is concerned about how she looks
The singer is thinking about someone she knows well
The singer is waiting to take a train.

8. Which is the best summary of the song?

1. A woman is reading a newspaper while she is having coffee in a diner
When she sees the man behind the counter kissing a woman who has just come
in. Outside another woman is using the window as a mirror. The first woman
finishes her coffee and leaves.
2. A woman is having coffee in a diner because it’s raining. She is very interested in
what everyone else is doing, but she pretends she is reading a newspaper. She
leaves to get her train.
3. A woman is waiting to catch her train. She is leaving town after the end of the a
relationship. As she drinks her coffee, she is watching what other people are
doing, but she cannot stop herself from thinking about her ex-boyfriend.

9. Imagine that this is not the end of the song. How do you think it continues?


Pre-listening activities

Linus Pauling once said, ‘The best way to have a good idea is to have lots of ideas.’ He should know -
he won the Nobel Prize for Chemistry and the Nobel Peace Prize. The first goal of brainstorming is to
generate large numbers of ideas based on a topic or a problem. Initially, all contributions are accepted
without criticism. The next stage involves whittling the ideas down to those which may be
practically applicable. Brainstorming is a particularly useful thing to do before listening to factual
passages with one main topic. Here are a few ways to do this in class in order to activate the students’
From one to many: the most basic form of brainstorming is probably the most common - students
work alone, making notes on paper, before sharing their ideas with the group.
Poster display: one of a number of variations on the above, this activity involves students in groups
making a poster based on a given topic. A time limit on this activity tends to keep the students
focused. The logical conclusion to the exercise is to do what we usually do with posters: stick them on
the wall. The teacher and students then wander around the classroom looking at the posters. The
listening passage will touch on many of the words/ideas in the posters and, of course, the students
will be prepared for these words/ideas, having thought about them, written them down and read
Teachers might like to show their students word webs (see below), which are excellent for posters.
Brainwalking: this is based on the poster display activity above, but the students walk around the
room, adding to or enlarging the ideas written by their classmates.
Board writing: the students work in groups and each group is allocated a section of the board and
given a different coloured board pen or piece of chalk. If the students are all brainstorming the same
topic, they first note down their ideas on paper in their groups, and then one scribe (მწერალი)from
each group comes up and writes the group’s ideas on the board. An alternative is to give the students
different questions based on the same topic. They may then work in groups to formulate ideas first or
shout out ideas for their own scribe. The final stage is for the students to sit down and appraise
(შეფასება) all of the contributions on the board before listening.
Shout to the scribe: a variation of the above is for the students to call out ideas which the teacher
writes on the board. This saves time and ensures correct spelling and grammar, which the students
may choose to copy down.
II Visuals
Used in pre-listening activities, visuals have many advantages. One of them is that visuals can help
activate the schemata relating to any theme and any type of listening passage.
Pictures: pictures can be used to help students recognise the lesson theme.
The students can simply look at the picture and guess what the listening text will be about. One
personalised way to use pictures is to ask: What does it remind you of?

Guess what’s happening: in this activity, the students make guesses in groups about what is going on.
Pictures which contain some kind of mystery are the most suitable for this. Usually the pictures will
contain something intriguing, perhaps unusual or out of place. There should be multiple
interpretations possible in order to get the students to think creatively. They generate as many ideas
as they can, share them with the class and listen to find out what is really happening. A variation on
the ‘guess what’s happening’ idea is to use a film clip. The students watch a sequence from a video or
DVD but without sound. They explain what is happening or guess what is being said.

A childhood memory :You will hear Justin and Helen talking about a childhood memory. Look at the
pictures. What do you think happened?

Picture story: in this activity, the students are given a story told in pictures. Their task is to tell the
story in groups.
A well-known alternative is for the students to see the pictures but in the wrong sequence. The task
is to put the pictures in the correct order so that the story becomes clear. Another possibility is to put
the students in groups, then give each student one picture from a sequence. In turn, they describe
their pictures (hidden from other students) in order to piece together the story. The extended
listening stage occurs when the students hear the true story. This activity is particularly popular with
young learners.

Students as artists: as a pre-listening activity and a way to activate the students’ schemata, we can also
use the students’ own drawings. We simply state the topic and allow the students to make a
representation of it. As a follow-up, we may wish to display the illustrations for all to see. This
activity is especially useful for younger learners.
Diagrams: students look at a chart, table or graph. This provides a conceptual framework for their
listening. Their task is to complete it or change incorrect information. An alternative activity
involves using a Venn diagram, Find a listening passage that compares two things (for example, two
sports). The students draw a Venn diagram and label the two circles (one for each sport). As a
prediction activity, the students then write down things or qualities that they associate with each
sport. Those things or qualities that are common to both sports go in the intersecting area of the Venn

KWL charts: Students are given a topic and a chart with a K column, a W column and an L column.
K stands for Know. In this column the students write what they already know about the topic. W
stands for Want to know. Students write questions here that they would like answers to. L stands for
Learnt. After hearing the recording, the students write what they have learnt about the topic. KWL
charts are common in many secondary school contexts, particularly in the US, but can be used
profitably in ELT or ESL contexts with older students, too.

Guides, maps, brochures: we can use these types of realia, as well as numerous others such as menus,
calendars, entertainment sections of magazines, etc, for authentic purposes. For example, maps and
guides can be used as stimuli for conversations about places and travel or features of towns and cities.
Brochures are particularly useful if the teacher can collect a number of them concerning the same
product or service but from different sources.

Gap-fill exercises: the idea of gap-fill exercises is that students read transcripts with blanked out
words or phrases. Their task is to fill the gaps. Some may see this as a grammar or vocabulary exercise
rather than pre-listening, but if we wish our students to listen for detail or to listen intensively, it is
an effective exercise. Here’s an example (from ‘Wonderful Tonight’ by Eric Clapton):
It’s late in the ____ .
She’s wondering what clothes to wear.
She puts on her ___ ,
And ____ her long blonde hair,
And then she asks me,
‘Do I ____ alright?’
And I say, ‘Yes,
You____ wonderful tonight.’
A variation on this is to delete some rhyming words from a song or poem (in the example above, we
could delete hair). The fact that the missing words rhyme with words that the students can see
provides a useful clue.
Another variation is to doctor the text so that it contains incorrect phrases. An amusing exercise is to
put ‘soundalike’ absurdities.
It’s lady in the evening.
She’s wondering what nose to wear.
She puts on her May cup,
And washes her long blonde hair,
And then she asks me,
‘Do I cook alright’?
And I say, ‘Yes,
You cook wonderful tonight.’
Before listening, the students underline anything that doesn’t seem right. As they listen, they make
the necessary changes. One of the benefits of this type of activity is that it can be used with any type
of listening passage; the teacher simply needs to manipulate the transcript.

Keywords: the teacher provides a list of key words from the passage. The students use these words to
predict what will happen in the text, as in the examples below.
1. These words are from a true story. In pairs, predict what happened.

to stock up, a trolley, the checkout

the Ice cream counter, a bunch of flowers ,a cheque book
directory enquiries, embarrassed

2 Listen to the whole story.

Note down three things you learn about Jane.

What happened :
• at the ice cream counter? • at the checkout?
• later that day? • on their date?

Quizzes: students can be asked to do a quiz and to listen for the answers. This is very motivating
because we naturally want to know whether our answers are correct or not. It is a classic ‘Listen to
check’ set-up, which is the most common rubric in published listening materials.

Advance organisers: these are initial statements or questions about a topic, which the students read
and discuss. One type o f ‘advance organiser’ consists o f‘1 to 5’ statements. Students are given a list of
statements based on a topic, and they say how much they agree on a scale of 1 to 5 (1 = completely
disagree —► 5 = completely agree). They might then listen to someone else’s viewpoint. The ideas
above are all ways to activate the students’ schemata and prepare them to predict content. The key
thing is to provide a ‘way in’ that arouses our students’ interest and gives them at least some of the
information they will need in order to understand the text.

Refer to activity: Tom’s Diner in Lecture 4 Listening

1. Do you like this activity? Why? Why not?

2. Which level is it appropriate for?
3. What types of tasks are used (for ex. True/False?)
4. Which tasks are for pre-listening, while listening and post listening stages?
5. What are the advantages and disadvantages of each of them?
6. In your opinion which task will be the easiest or the most difficult for your students to
fulfill and why?
7. If no time, which task or tasks would you leave out? And why?

Task 2.

Choose any text or song. Try to design pre-, while and post listening stages to it. You may
choose the activities from Lecture 3.Listening and Lecture 4. Listening

Observation of the lessons

Give the detailed answers to the questions given below. Use the observation sheet ( სტუდენტის
გაკვეთილზე დაკვირვება) you used at the lesson to help you.
What was the aim of the lesson you observed?

Which resources did the teacher use? Textbook? (Write the title of the textbook) CD? ( which one?)
Video? (which?)

How did the teacher start the lesson?

What did the teacher do to arouse the learners’ interest at the pre-listening stage?

What language material (vocabulary, grammar, phonetics, spelling) did the teacher present or make
students practice?

What While- listening activities did she use?

Were there any Post- listening activities?

Was the time allotted (გამოყოფილი) to each activity enough?

Do you think the lesson was successful? Why? Why not?

Lecture 5

Teaching reading

Reading is one of the four language skills: reading, writing, listening and speaking. It is a receptive skill,
like listening. This means it involves responding to text, rather than producing it.

To do this we need to understand the language of the text at word level, sentence level and whole-text
level. We also need to connect the message of the text to our knowledge of the world.

Our reasons for reading influence how we read, i.e. which reading subskill (a skill that is part of a main
skill) we use.

What sort of definition did you give in Task 1 on page one? Did you use words from one of these

a) Decode, decipher, identify, etc (დეკოდირება, გაშიფრვა, ამოცნობა,ა.შ)

b) Articulate, speak, pronounce, etc (არტიკულაცია,წარმოთქმა, ლაპარაკი, ა.შ)
c) Understand, respond to meaning, etc (გაგება, შინაარსზე რეაგირება, ა.შ.)

Teachers whose definition includes the ideas reflected in group ( a) are focusing on the first thing of all
about reading: unless we can recognize the written words, we cannot even begin to read. This is
certainly important: we know that good readers are able to identify words very rapidly, and helping
learners to do this is a key task for teachers of early reading. But it is debatable whether specific training
can improve word recognition at later stages- and no suggestions are offered. It is more likely that speed
comes from massive amounts of practice.

The words in group (b) reflect common experience: in a great many classrooms, the reading lesson is
used as an opportunity to teach pronunciation, practice fluent and expressive speaking, and so on. For
early readers, again, reading aloud is important: they have to discover how writing is associated with the
spoken words they already use. But this stage does not last long.

Before we deal with the words in group (c), it would be helpful to do Activity below.

Take five minutes to list all the different kinds of things you have read in the last few days, in any
language. Remember to include things like these:

Telephone directory

Label on medicine bottle

Engagement diary

Street map



Instruction leaflet


Application form

Now think about the things you listed in the activity above. Why did you read each one? What did you
want to get from it? Was it only information? What about the letter from home? The detective novel?
You will find that you had a variety of reasons for reading, and if you compared notes with other people,
you would find different reasons again.

Now think about the way you read each item. How did the various reasons influence this? DO you read a
telephone directory the same way as a poem? How about a street map or diagram? Reading these is
very unlike reading a book.

Whatever your reasons for reading (excluding any reading for language learning), it is not very likely that
you were interested in the grammatical structures used. You read because you wanted to get something
from the writing. We will call this message: it might have been facts, but could just as well have been
enjoyment, ideas, feelings (from a family letter, for instance).

Whatever it was, you probably wanted to get the message that the writer intended. You were interested
in what the writer meant; Hence the sort of words found in group (c) turn out to be the important ones
if we are trying to make a definition that covers most authentic reasons for reading.

Why do people read foreign languages?

Perhaps the advantages of knowing a foreign language are clear to your students-better jobs, access to
literature or whatever. Reading is usually recognized as a necessary part of these activities. In other
words sometimes we read for information, sometimes for pleasure.
Reading and the communicative process

On the left is the writer, but since she (we will make her a woman) could equally well speak her
message, we will use the more general term encoder for her role. The encoder has a message in mind (it
may be an idea, a fact, a feeling, etc) which she wants somebody else to share. To make this possible,
she must first put it into words: that is, she must encode it. Once encoded, it is available outside her
mind as a written or spoken text. The text is accessible to the mind of another person who reads or
hears it, and who may then decode the message it contains. After being decoded, the message enters
the mind of the decoder and communication is achieved.

Obviously this model is too simple, for things can go wrong at any stage. That is why there is a question
mark in the decoder’s mind, for we cannot be sure (we will make him a man) has received the message
intended. However, the process is clear enough for us to say that reading means getting out of the text
as nearly as possible the message the writer put into it. (How we respond to this meaning-whether we
accept it, reject it or transform it by using our own imagination-is another matter.) We need to consider
further the parts played by the writer, the reader and the text and we will start with the reader.
Is the reader’s role passive?

The text is full of meaning like a jug full of water; the reader’s mind soaks it up like a sponge. In this
view, the reader’s role is passive; all the work has been done by the writer and the reader has only to
open his mind and let the meaning pour in.

Why do we reject this? One reason is that it seldom happens like this. Not all the meaning in the text
actually gets into the reader’s mind. The fact that the meaning is in the text is unfortunately no
guarantee that the reader will get it out, for we know from experience that a text that seems easy to
one person may seem difficult to another.

What makes a text difficult?

Text may be difficult because it may be in a foreign language, b) about the topic the reader is not
familiar with, c) the vocabulary may be difficult.

It’s important that the reader and the writer should have certain things in common if communication is
to take place. The minimum requirement is that they share a code: that they write and understand the
same language.

A more interesting requirement is that the reader and the writer should share certain assumptions
about the world and the way it works: if the writer expects the reader to have a basic understanding of
chemistry, the text will not be readily understood by anyone who lacks this. Even worse, the writer may
expect or even intend, the reader to share her views (moral, political or whatever). So problems arise
when there is a mismatch between the presuppositions of the writer and those of the reader.

Naturally there is always a mismatch of some kind. No two people have identical experiences, so the
writer is always likely to leave unsaid something that she takes for granted, but the reader does not.

The main aim of a reading development programme can be stated as: to enable students to enjoy (or at
least feel comfortable with) reading in the foreign language, and to read without help unfamiliar authentic
texts, at appropriate speed, silently and with adequate understanding.

Some people claim that reading cannot be taught. However, teachers do have responsibilities for the
learner’s reading skills, which include:

 helping students to enjoy and value reading;

 understanding what reading involves, how language conveys meaning and how texts are
arranged and structured;
 finding out what the students can and cannot do, and working out a programme to develop the
skills they lack;
 choosing suitable texts, effective tasks and activities for learners to work on;
 preparing the students to carry out the tasks that are proposed;
 monitoring their progress to make sure they all make steady improvement.

Learners’ first and foremost responsibility is to be active and take charge of what they do. they should find
out why they don’t understand, and adopt a strategy that will solve their problem. The teacher’s task is to
push the learners by:

 giving encouragement: trying to praise them for what they get right;
 prompting: helping them to complete tasks by giving clues, or asking easier questions, or setting
additional tasks;
 modelling: demonstrating appropriate ways of doing things so that the students will understand
better what is wanted;
 clarifying: giving examples, or rephrasing her instructions, or explanations.

Text talk

One of the main things students have to learn is how to interrogate texts: how to continually stop and ask
yourself questions like “What does the writer mean by saying that?” or “I don’t understand this word, does
it matter?

One common habit that the teacher should try to avoid is asking “Do you understand?” and believing
students when they reply “Yes”. She should think of other ways to check understanding, such as asking a
question which the students cannot answer unless they do understand, or asking them to explain their

Reading strategies

One of the principle characteristics of a good reader is flexibility. He varies his speed, and his whole
manner of reading, according to the text and his purpose in reading it. Reading flexibly means always
keeping in mind how much you need to read in order to satisfy your purpose. He decides which parts of
the text to ignore, which parts he needs to skim to get the gist, and then which parts (if any) to study
Intensive Reading

We often ask students to read intensively in class. This means that they will look at a short reading text
and do various exercises based on it.Texts for advanced students are usually longer than those for
students at lower levels.

Good reading exercises help students with Top-down processing (getting a general idea of meaning) and
Bottom-up processing (understanding individual words, phrases and text construction).

Intensive reading is often used to train students in different reading skills, such as: Reading for Gist
(getting the general meaning from a text) or Reading for specific information (looking for particular things,
such as the times of a film at the cinema, rather than trying to get the general picture).


Skimming is reading for gist i.e. reading quickly through a text to get a general idea of what it is about. For
example, you skim when you look quickly through a book in a bookshop to decide if you want to buy it, or
even go quickly through a book to decide which part will help you write an essay. By skimming we mean
glancing rapidly through a text to determine its gist – to answer the question: What is it about? We very
often skim newspaper articles for example, just to understand their main ideas.

The following instructions are typical of skimming tasks:

1. Read the text and look at the suggested titles. Which title fits the text best?
2. Read the text and the list of topics. Which topics are dealt with in this text?
3. Look at these (photographs, diagrams, pictures), read the text and decide which of them illustrate
the text best?


If we read a text just to find a specific piece or pieces of information in it, we usually use a subskill called
reading for specific information or scanning. When we scan we don’t read the whole text. We hurry
over most of it until we find the information we are interested in, e.g. when we look for a number in a
telephone directory or to get an overall impression of whether the text is suitable for a given purpose.
(e.g. whether a book on gardening includes some information about tulips).

Examples of typical scanning instructions may be:

1. Read the following text and find out how many words are connected with weather.
2. Read the text and find out when Shakespeare died.
3. Read these newspaper advertisements for holidays and answer the following questions: a)
Where can you get a holiday for 180 dollars? b) What is the name of the ship that will take you
to Crete?

A third reading subskill is reading for detail. If you read a letter from someone you love who you haven’t
heard from for a long time, you probably read like this, getting the meaning out of every word.

When we get students to read in class, we often give them a more general task first (such as skimming
or scanning) before asking them to look for more detailed information (relating to both language and

Any text can be mined. All texts are goldmines full of language. We can train our students to be
language miners, digging for the treasure of interesting language examples. For instance, we can ask
them to identify the different past tenses in a story; or we might ask learners to look for all the words in
a text related to a particular topic, or work out the grammar of a particular sentence. The aim of these
activities is to make learners more aware of how language is used. These activities are sometimes called
intensive reading. They are not a reading skill, but a language learning activity.

m to find any two or more adjective combinations in a text and say what order they are in; we can ask
them to identify different past tenses in a story, etc.

Extensive reading involves reading long pieces of text, for example a story or an article. As you read,
your attention and interest vary-you may read some parts of the text in detail while you may skim
through others.

What to do before students read a text?

It helps if we give our students a chance to think about what they are going to read. That’s why we give
them prediction activities so that they are thinking about the topic and getting their brains ready for
reading with the knowledge they have about the genre or the topic of the text.
The activities in a reading lesson often follow this pattern:

1. Introductory activities: an introduction to the topic of the text and activities focusing on the
language of the text.
2. Main activities: a series of comprehension activities developing different reading subskills
3. Post activities: activities which ask learners to talk about how a topic in the text relates to
their own lives or give their opinions on parts of the text. These activities also require learners
to use some of the language they have met in the text.

Reading activities for Pre, during and post stages

# Activity pre-, during or
1 Prediction Students predict content based on illustrations/title. pre

2 Close/Gap fill – Teacher blanks out some of the key words. Students fill in the during
3 Text Quiz – Students prepare questions based on the text for each post
4 Roleplay – Students take the roles of the characters in the text. post
5 Giving the title – Students read the text and decide on a possible title. post
6 Text transformation – Students transform the text in some ways – retell it post
from the perspective of a different character.
7 Talk about the text – Students tell each other about the text they have read, post
usually they talk about different texts.
8 Question preparation – Students prepare questions they’d like to have pre
answered after the text, read and try to answer.
9 Summary – Students sum up the text in certain number of words. post
10 Matching – some sentences are taken away from each paragraph. during
Students try to put them back.
11 T/F Statements – Students mark given statements as T/F during
12 Reconstruct the text – Students read the text, then are given key words, they during
put them in order to reconstruct the text.
13 Prediction – Students skim the first paragraph of the text and then pre/during
predict the upcoming text content.
14 Reactions – Teacher prepares sentences about the text. e.g.: “What I found post
most interesting (Socking, amusing, ridiculous…) about the text was…”
Students fill in and discuss in pairs.
15 Finding a mistake- Students have to find a mistake in illustrations. during
16 Matching headings – Students match a title/heading with each during
section/paragraph of the text
17 Unscrambling –Students put the text in logical order during
18 Using teamwork – Students in groups recall as many facts about the text post
as they can. The group with the most facts is the winner.
19 Speed chatting – teacher prepares one or two questions related to the text. pre
Students ask the questions to each other. They have time limit.
20 Discussions – Students discuss the text in pairs post
6. Some of them may go with different cycles.
7. 34
Before reading the lecture

Task 1.Take a piece of paper and write down a brief definition of the term READING.

Don’t take more than 3 minutes over this.

Task 2. Task .www.mes.gov.ge ვებგვერდზე ეროვნულ სასწავლო გეგმაში ნახეთ

a) რა ადგილი უკავია კითხვას, რა მოთხოვნებია მისდამი წაყენებული.

ამოწერეთ და გაანალიზეთ.
b) იპოვეთ და ამოწერეთ ტექსტის ტიპები, ჟანრები, რისი წაკითხვაც მოწაფეებმა უნდა
შეძლონ 1 კლასიდან 12 კლასის ჩათვლით.

Task 3. Read the statements and decide whether you agree or disagree. Compare ideas with a partner.

A Reading is like listening, except that the input is written, not spoken.

B Comprehension means understanding all the words in a text.

C Reading, in the classroom, means reading aloud.

D For teaching purposes, texts should be simplified.

E reading is a good way of improving vocabulary

F The aim of classroom reading is the appreciation of literary texts.

G If you can read well in your first language, you’ll probably be able to read well in a second one.

Task 4. Read a short lecture on Teaching Reading. First, look through this list of key words and
phrases and match them with their Georgian meanings.
1. skim a. leqsikaze muSaobis unar-Cvevebi
2. scan b.struqturuli sayrdenebi
3. gist c wakiTxva specifikuri informaciis miRebis

4. comprehension d mTavari arsi, dedaazri

5. structural clues e usargeblo leqsika
6. word attack skills f teqstis aRqma da gaazreba
7. throw away vocabulary g teqstis wakiTxva ZiriTadi azris gagebis

After reading the lecture

Task 5. Identify the reasons for reading and the ways of reading for these different text types.

Text type Reason for reading Way of reading

The instructions Pleasure Information Detailed Skimming for Scanning for

for installing a reading gist specific
computer monitor information

A text message
from a friend
The evening’s
programmes in a
TV guide

A newspaper
event of a sports

A short story

A research paper
published in a
scholarly journal

Task 6. Answer the questions

1. Why is reading the communicative process?

2. What is the role of the reader?

3. What makes a text difficult?

4. How can the teacher develop the learners’ reading strategies?

5. What do we mean by intensive and extensive reading?

6. How do the techniques of skimming and scanning help understand the gist of the text?

7. What are typical scanning and skimming activities?

Task 7. Read the list of reading activities below and match them with pre-, during or post reading cycle. Some
of them may go with different cycles.

# Activity pre-, during or

1 Prediction Students predict content based on illustrations/title.

2 Close/Gap fill – Teacher blanks out some of the key words. Students fill in the gaps.

3 Text Quiz – Students prepare questions based on the text for each other.

4 Roleplay – Students take the roles of the characters in the text.

5 Giving the title – Students read the text and decide on a possible title.

6 Text transformation – Students transform the text in some way – for example
retelling it from the perspective of a different character.
7 Talk about the text – Students read different texts and tell a different student each
about the text they have read.
8 Question preparation – Students prepare questions they’d like to have answered
after the text, read and try to answer.
9 Summary – Students sum up the text in certain number of words.

10 Matching – Some sentences are taken away from each paragraph. Students try to
put them back.
11 T/F Statements – Students mark given statements about a text as true (T) or false
12 Reconstruct the text – Students read the text, then are given key words and put
them in order to reconstruct the text.
13 Prediction – Students skim the first paragraph of the text and then predict the
upcoming text content.
14 Reactions – Teacher prepares sentences about the text. e.g.: “What I found most
interesting (shocking, amusing, ridiculous…) about the text was…” Students fill in
and discuss in pairs.
15 Finding a mistake- Students have to find a mistake in illustrations.

16 Matching headings – Students match a title/heading with each section/paragraph of

the text
17 Unscrambling –Students put the text in logical order

18 Using teamwork – Students in groups recall as many facts about the text as they
can. The group with the most facts is the winner.
19 Speed chatting – Teacher prepares one or two questions related to the text.
Students ask the questions to each other in a set period of time.
20 Discussions – Students discuss the text in pairs
Lesson observation (Reading)

Interview with the teacher (Think of 5-10 questions to ask the teacher about the topic of Developing
Reading skills

Analyze the interview with the teacher. How do you think the teacher’s answers match with the
theoretical principles you studied in your course materials about teaching reading skills?

1. Give the detailed answers to the questions given below:

1. Which stage did you observe: დაწყებითი, საბაზო თუ საშუალო? (იხილეთ დავალება
დაკვირვებისთვის -ეროვნული სასწავლო გეგმა- (11-13 გვერდები დოკუმენტის
მიხედვით). What are the characteristics of the stage you observed according to the National
Curriculum- ეროვნული სასწავლო გეგმა? -აქ ინგლისურად მოკლედ დაწერეთ რას ისახავს
მიზნად კითხვა ეროვნული სასწავლო გეგმის მიხედვით.
2. What was the aim of the lesson you observed?

როგორ ფიქრობთ მასწავლებლის მიერ დასახული მიზანი შეესაბამებოდა თუ არა ეროვნული

სასწავლო გეგმის მოთხოვნებს? კერძოდ რომელ მიზანს? მაგალითად: ამონარიდი: გვ.24

უცხ.დ.I.5. მოსწავლეს შეუძლია ნაცნობი და ხშირად გამოყენებული სიტყვების

ორთოგრაფიული ხატის1 პირდაპირი გზით (გაშიფრვის გარეშე) ამოცნობა:

Then at the end of the lesson the pupils can:

 Match the letters with the sounds

 Compare the number of the letters with the number of the sounds and conclude that there
are more letters than sounds because one letter is silent, or two letters are pronounced as one
იგივე ქართულად:
 დამახსოვრებულ სიტყვებში ამოიცნობს ასოებს/ასოთშენაერთებს და აკავშირებს მათ
შესაბამის ბგერებთან;
 ადარებს ერთმანეთს სიტყვის შემადგენელი ასოებისა და ბგერების რაოდენობას და
გამოაქვს სათანადო დასკვნა (მაგ., მეტი ასოა და ნაკლები ბგერა იმიტომ, რომ ერთი
ასო არ იკითხება, ან ორი ასო ერთ ბგერად გამოითქმის);
(ეროვნული სასწავლო გეგმა გვ. 24)

3. Which resources did the teacher use? Textbook? (Write the title of the textbook) ( which one?)

4. . How did the teacher start the lesson?

5. What did the teacher do to arouse the learners’ interest at the pre-reading stage?

6.. What language material (vocabulary, grammar, phonetics, spelling) did the teacher present or
make students practice?

7. What While- reading activities did she use?

8. Were there any Post- reading activities?

9.Was the time allotted (გამოყოფილი) to each activity enough?

10. Do you think the pupils achieved the aim? For example: If the aim of the lesson was:

11. Overall was the lesson successful? Why? Why not?

Activity plan აქტივობის გეგმის შაბლონი

Course name: Developing communicative skills

Date: 06.12.2017

Student’s name: Lili kelaptrishvili

Name of the Task 4. Do you know the film Harry Potter?

Task 5. Answer these questions.

Length of the 20 minute


Topic of the Films


Main aims of the Learn to listen well and answer quickly, become
activity: (i.e. what more responsible, listen to each other's responses.
you hope the students

will achieve/be able to

do better

after your lesson)

Materials used: I used general questions about the film, also top
score 1 ( 7 class)

Reading activities aim to:

-introduce and develop reading skills which are useful outside the classroom

-introduce practice language.

We can break a reading lesson down into three stages:

-pre-reading stage: activities that prepare the learners for what they will read and set the task
for the second stage

-reading stage: activities that provide a purpose for reading and enable the teacher to monitor
the learners

Post-reading stage: activities for checking, giving feedback, and follow-up work.

Pre-reading activities are designed to:

-set a task for the learners

-help the learners prepare for the task

-motivate the learners to read.

Tasks can be divided into two basic types:

-answering questions

-‘doing’ something, for example, drawing, moving, problem-solving

Answering questions

Teachers use questions to check whether the learners have understood a text. For example, if
the learners have read a short story-who is who? What happened? Did it turn out all right in
the end? For an email-did the learners understand the message?i.e. What did the writer want
to know? What should the reader do next? And so on.

The questions should reflect the type of reading skill being practiced, i.e.

-gist questions

-detailed comprehension questions

-scanning questions

Questions also ask the reader to interact with the text-comment on it, evaluate it, say what
they liked about it or found interesting.

Questions can also be set to be answered in the pre-reading activity and then checked in the
reading activity, for example, prediction activities using a news headline:

Lead singer quits band.

The learners could predict why the singer left, what the singer will do next,

The teacher can give them question word prompts to help:

Who Where

What Why

When How

Questions can also focus on the language. For example, which words in the text refer to
food? How is “like” used in the text.
“Doing something”

A task will encourage the learners to interact directly with the text. For example,

Jigsaw reading, For example, reading about two famous people- how are they similar? How
are they different?

Problem-solving, For example, who was the murderer?

Moving, For example, miming a story

Order, for example, in time sequence; prioritize according to likes/preferences, etc.

Pre-reading activities should help the learners achieve the aims of the activity, i.e.

-stimulate what they already know about the topic

-provide them with background information that they need before they read

-help them with words and phrases they will need to know

You can get learners to brainstorm, that is, try to think of as many ideas as possible associated
with the topic. They may use a mind map.

You can give them some key words and ask your learners to note down what they know
about the topic. You can get the learners to do this in groups.

Pre-teaching vocabulary

Remember that at this stage it is important to teach only the new words which are necessary
to understand the text. It is useful to distinguish between receptive and productive

Receptive vocabulary includes the words which are necessary to understand the text, but in
general are not useful for your learners at their present level

Productive vocabulary includes the words which appear in the text which are useful and
therefore should be focused on fully so that the learners can use them correctly.
Reading activities

Here are three types of reading activities:

Teacher-learner interaction activities

Learner-learner interaction activities

Text-only activities: the learners read the text all the way through, answering questions or
doing the activities set.

Teacher-learner interaction activities

You can stop learners during their reading to ask them questions. For example, questions
about what they have just read, or prediction questions about what they expect to read next.
This activity works well with short stories where the learners will be more involved if you
are asking questions about the text they are reading. These questions can be written after
certain paragraphs in the text if you are making a worksheet.

Learner-learner interaction activities

These involve the learners interacting with one another and the text, for example:

-jigsaw reading: each learner has one half of a text. They have to ask questions to find out
what is in the other learner’s text.

Problem solving: a group of five learners have five different texts, for example, about a
murder. They have to share this information to find out who the murderer was.

Reading race: Put the class into small teams and give each team a copy of the text. The
players take it in turns to come out to the front and collect a question on a slip of a paper, a
different team member writes the number of the question and the answer, and then shows it
to the teacher, who then gives them a different question. They continue like this until all the
questions are answered and the first team to finish are the winners. This activity is a good
way of encouraging learners to scan read.

Text-only activities:

Ordering: the learners have to put a list of events into the right time sequence, for example, a
Jumbled paragraphs: a story is cut up and learners have to put the paragraphs into the correct

Note-taking: if it is a factual text, learners can take notes of the main points as they read. The
note-taking can be structured for them by giving them appropriate headings under which to
write their notes.

Checking pre-reading activities: if you have done prediction, question-forming,

brainstorming, ranking or discussion activities in the pre-reading stage, it is obviously
appropriate to use these as the basis for the reading activities. For example: Were your
predictions correct? What are the answers to the questions you made? Is there any other
information in the text that you did not come up with in your brainstorming?

Identifying a picture related to the text

Following directions: for example, learners read a note giving them directions to a friend’s
new house. They look at a map and draw a line from where they are to their friend’s new

Drawing a picture from a text: for example, learners are given a police description of a
criminal who is wanted in connection with a burglary. They read the description and draw a
‘Wanted’ poster.

Choosing a title or headline: for example, learners read a newspaper article and decide on a
suitable headline.

Post-reading activities

This stage can involve other skills, such as writing, speaking or vocabulary development.


You can use some of the words in the text as a springboard for language focus/vocabulary
learning activities after the reading text has been used for reading comprehension and
reading skills development. For example, you may use a text about a holiday, which has the
words ‘train’ and ‘travel’. You could then use this as the basis for a lexical set of words in a
language focus follow-up: ‘car’, ‘plane’, ‘journey’, ‘arrive’, ‘suitcase’, ‘hotel’. The learners
could then write a paragraph describing how they get to school or to work.
You can highlight words that may be new to learners and get them to work out what they
mean from the context. For example, you can do this by giving them multiple-choice options
for the meanings of the words. These activities build learners’ confidence so that they realize
that they do not have to look up every unknown word in their dictionary.

Learners can write down the meanings of some of the new words that they have guessed
during reading and can check these with the teacher afterwards.


Ask learners to change the ending of the text, or rewrite the last few sentences if it is a story.

Break it down: we ask th e stu d en ts to w rite a su m m a ry o f th e listening passage in fifty

words, a n d th e n h a n d it to th e ir p a rtn e r w ho cuts it dow n to th irty words. Finally,
th e th irty -w o rd su m m a ry is h a n d e d back to its original w riter, w ho cuts it dow n to
te n

w ords. This is a w ritin g activity as m u c h as a listening one. M ore pertinently, it is a

thinking activity. It engages the b ra in on different levels. The first level is co n te n t - th e
stu d en ts m u s t include the m ain in fo rm a tio n every tim e, an d this involves creating a
hierarchy o f facts from w h at they heard. The second level is fo rm - th e stu d en ts have to
decide w hich w ords can be o m itte d w ith o u t losing the sense o f th e sum m ary.


One person starts and each person following adds a bit more of the story. Learners can also
act out the story in a role play or draw a flowchart of the plot.

Questions: the teacher can devise a n u m b e r o f questions based on the topic o f the reading
passage. An alternative, perhaps for higher levels, is for the teacher to devise two sets of
questions based on the topic. The class is divided into two. The groups discuss their own
questions before pairin g up w ith someone from a different group an d explaining the gist o
f th e ir g ro u p ’s original discussion.

H ot seat: the stu d en ts read som e k in d o f narrative or situ atio n in w hich there is
conflict. After a lot o f solid co m p reh en sio n w ork w ith the passage, one o f the

students takes o n the role o f one o f the characters. This stu d e n t sits in the ‘h o t seat’,
in fro n t o f o th e r stu d en ts w hose job is to interview them . The activity works well as
long as th e stu d e n t in the h o t seat rem ains ‘in ch aracter’. For this reason, the

teacher m ight w ant to dem o n strate by sitting in the h o t seat for a m in u te o r two first.
The rest o f the class will also benefit from a few m inutes to prepare questions.

H ere are som e techniques for sum m arising:

Take it in turns: one stu d e n t says one th in g they u n d e rsto o d a b o u t th e passage;

their partn e r does th e same; th e n the first stu d e n t says a second thing, an d so on. This
is a very sim ple idea, a n d effective in th a t it evens up the speaking tim e and provides
for a stru c tu re d response: w henever it is th e ir tu rn , th e stu d e n t will offer one u n it
o f in fo rm atio n . It also gives q u ieter stu d en ts an o p p o rtu n ity to speak.


You can develop exercises which encourage learners to notice or to practice particular
language structures.

Word Attack Skills: Active, Receptive, and Throwaway Vocabulary

We find two categories of known words: an active vocabulary of words we know well enough to use
ourselves, and a receptive vocabulary of words we recognize, but do not confidently use.. If a word is
important enough, students will meet it again and again – and this is where the extensive reading
programme is so important - until they are confident enough to use it themselves.

Not all the words we meet are worth learning, even for receptive purposes. Therefore, students must
learn to ignore the words that are not important for their immediate purpose (throwaway vocabulary).

One mark of a skilled reader is the ability to decide what may be ignored. Here are some suggested
activities to help the students.

1. Supply a gapped text. Ask some simple questions that can be answered from the incomplete text
without understanding missing words.
2. To help students identify the words they really need to look up, supply a short text containing a
few new words, and simple questions requiring understanding of some of them.
3. As an extension of the previous activity students are supplied with a text and asked to look up the
meaning of only five words. This can be done in small groups, and be followed by a discussion of
the words chosen and the effect the choices had on the answers.

Structural clues: grammatical function

One of the most useful word attack skills is the ability to use structural information to decide on the
meaning of a word. Two kinds of information are relevant: 1) the grammatical function of the word: its
place in the sentence, and 2) the morphology of the word: its internal structure.
Consider the sentence: The sploony urdle departed. Then write down three questions you could use to
check understanding of this sentence. Then write down three real words that might replace urdle in this
context. And finally, for each suggested substitute for urdle, think of two possible meanings for sploony
that would fit the context.

The explanation of this given sentence can be presented as follows:

-Either sploony or urdle must be a noun, because the gap between ‘the’ and a verb is always filled with a

-Sploony looks like an adjective, because -Y is a common adjective suffix. In that case, urdle must be a

This activity shows that, although we may not be able to fix the exact meaning of an unknown word, we
can use our knowledge of grammar to limit the number of possible meanings.

Dealing with new language

Teachers may want to pre-teach a few key words, but other words can be used for practice in guessing
meaning from context. A long list of key words is a warning that the text is too difficult. It’s highly
recommended to help the students use the context as a guide to meanings of some new language, and
allow them to practise new items after reading, not before. The main point to be considered is that
students need to be trained to read the text as a unified whole, and to understand the main information
from the context.

Read the following text and decide what really happened?

Can you guess the meaning of these words from the context?

Which words can you guess the exact meaning of and which can you only guess the general

What other words in the text helped you guess the meaning? Are there any gapped word that you
can’t guess the meaning of?

When you find a word you don’t know in a text, do you always have to know the exact meaning,
or is the general meaning sometimes enough?

When Mark was walking home, he noticed a man was sitting on the --------------------- with his head in his
hands. Mark saw that there was blood all over the man’s shirt, so he walked over to him and -----------------

On the shoulder.

“Are you OK? Asked Mark.

“Three men have just beaten me up and ----------------------------- my money, said the man. Can you lend
me five pounds so that I can get home?

“Of course, said Mark, and he took out his ------------------------------and gave the man a five-pound note.

“Thanks a lot,” said the man with a ---------------------------. He stood up and handed Mark a brown paper-
--------. “This is for you,” he said, then ---------------------- across the road before Mark could do anything.
Mark watched him disappear, then ------------------------------ his shoulders and opened the bag. The only
thin inside was an empty bottle of tomato ketchup….

The Role of Authentic materials

Authentic materials increase overall motivation which in turn advances comprehension skills.
These texts introduce students to real world language that will benefit them as they develop life- long
reading habits. Disadvantages of using authentic materials can be addressed by carefully selecting the
texts that are used with students. Teachers should take into account the piece's linguistic,
psychological and cognitive simplicity and make sure it is appropriate for the audience. Authentic
texts should be appropriate in terms of grammatical structure, age-appropriate themes, and social
norms. The overall benefits to student comprehension far outweigh the disadvantages when the texts
are carefully chosen and instruction is competent.

The use of authentic materials in the classroom has been discussed, with the student benefiting
from the exposure to real language being used in a real context. One of the main reasons for using
authentic materials in the classroom is once outside the “safe”, controlled language learning
environment, the learner will not encounter the artificial (ხელოვნური) language of the classroom
but the real world and language how it is really used. The role of the teacher is not to delude the
language learner but to prepare him, giving the awareness and necessary skills so as to understand
how the language is actually used.

To reach the reading purposes, we need to understand the content of the text and there a very
important role plays an authenticity of the text.

Creating reading environment

In order to motivate learners to read it is important to create a positive reading environment/

Label things in the classroom, for example, “paper”, “pencils”, “door”, “desk”, board”,

Display learners’ work-this will encourage them to read each other’s work and to present their own
work neatly.

Many ELT publishers produce very useful posters for the classroom
Create a reading corner. This is a comfortable space in the school or classroom with a selection of
books where learners can go to read.


In this lecture we have looked at the reading process and at different ways of reading. We
have looked at the kind of activities we can use to practice reading in class and how to
structure a reading lesson. Also, word attack skills and how to use the structural clues to work
out the meaning of the unknown vocabulary are important skills to consider when we teach
reading skills. Finally, the significance of authentic materials and creating reading
environment in the classroom was stressed.

Reading Lesson: LEVI’S SUCCESS STORY for analysis refer to Lecture 6

Reading assignment ამ აქტივობას აანალიზებთ მეთოდურად. იხილეთ
კითხვები Lecture 6 Reading assignment-ში

1.1. Brainstorm the questions in groups and try to fill in the first (KNOW)
column in KWL CHART
 What are Levi’s? What do you know about them?
 What kind of people wear them?
 Which country do you think started making them? What sort of people do you think
they were originally made for?

K W L chart

Know Want to know Learnt

1.2. Match the pictures with the captions below. Write the answers (letters) in the boxes below
the images

a) Flares b)Originals c)Drainpipes d)Baggies e) Patched f)Embroidered

1.3. You are going to read the text on the LEVI’S JEANS. What
would you like to know about them? Fill in the second(WANT TO
KNOW) column in KWL chart given in 1.1.
1.4. Now read the text Are your questions answered there?

The History of Blue Jeans

A. Nowadays blue denim in the form of jeans, jackets and shirts can be seen throughout
the world. But where did it all start?
B. The word “denim” comes from Nimes, the town in France where the heavy canvas
material originated. It was known as “Serge de Nimes”. The cloth was used as long ago
as the 15th century to make trousers for the Genoese sailors who dominated the
Mediterranean at the time. The word comes from the word “Genoese”.
C. The modern history of jeans, however, started with the arrival of the Bavarian
émigré, Levi Strauss, in San Francisco in 1853. Originally he intended to use the
“Serge de Nimes” he had brought with him to make tents for the gold miners, but it
soon became clear to him that the demand for hard-wearing work trousers was much
greater than for tents.
D. A warehouse was used to store his materials and each material was given a different
number. The indigo-dyed “serge de Nimes” carried the now famous number 501 and
was the main material used for making heavy-duty work trousers.
E. Gradually Strauss added the details which we now recognize as the trademarks of his
jeans. First the buttons were embossed with the company’s name and then, in 1873,
the copper rivets were added to strengthen stress points (especially the pockets). In
the same year the back pocket stitching known as the “arcuate”, which some people
say represented the American Eagle, was put on. In 1886, in a celebrated publicity
stunt, two horses failed to pull apart a pair of Levi’s. This led to the now famous
leather label being added to the waistband.( a band of fabric that circles the waist at
the top of a garment such as a skirt or pair of pants-band holding garment on waist).
The final distinguishing feature, the red tab, was not added until 1936, years after
Strauss’s death.

rivet arcuate
Leather label Red tab

F. When Strauss died in 1902, 46 years after opening his first shop in America, he was
worth $6 million and the market for denim clothes was still growing.
G. It was in 1930s that jeans, which had previously been regarded as working clothes,
became fashionable with the rich of the East Coast of America. The fashion magazine
“Vogue” told its readers in 1935that to be in fashion, they needed to wear “severe blue
jeans of Levi’s”.
H. Having entered the European markets after the Second World War, jeans became the
hallmark of youth on both continents in the 1950s. Young people found their role
models in singers like Elvis Presley and film stars like James Dean, all of whom wore
jeans. Since then jeans have adapted to every new style: flares, drainpipes, baggies,
embroidered, stonewashed, given faded look) washed with small pumice pebbles to give
a worn faded look) patched etc.
I. While remaining popular as work trousers, jeans have become almost a uniform for
the young, and many adults who wore them in their youth during the 50s, 60s, 70s
and 80s continue to do so.
1. 5. Fill in the missing information in the table.

Date Event
Copper rivets and the “arcuate” introduced
Levi Strauss died

1.6. Match the headings with the correct paragraph letter from the passage.
a) Jeans become a youth fashion
b) The significance of 501
c) The trademarks of Levi’s jeans
d) The origins of the words “denim” and “jeans”
e) Jeans become fashionable on East Coast
1.7. Match the words with the definitions

a) Trademark i) a place where materials are
b) miner ii) a man who gets minerals from
under the ground
c) warehouse iii) a person someone chooses to
imitate because they admire
him or her
d) publicity stunt iv) something which is typical
of, or unique to, a certain
e) role model v) an event organized to make
people take notice of a
particular product

1.8. Discuss in pairs

Do you think people ought to wear different clothes for different activities?(e.g.
working and going to a wedding? If you do, explain why.
DO the clothes people wear tell you anything about them?
Give examples.

Task 1.
Match the terms with the definitions:

1. Pre-reading stage F a. კითხვის შემდგომი ეტაპი

2. While-reading stage J b. რეცეპტული ლექსიკა
3. Post-reading stage A c. გონებრივი იერიში
4. Comprehension questions K d. პროდუქტული ლექსიკა
5. Gist questions L e. შენიშვნების გაკეთება
6. Brainstorm C f. კითხვამდელი ეტაპი
7. mind-map N g. არეული აბზაცები
8. receptive vocabulary B h. რანგირების აქტივობა
(კლასიფიცირება პრიორიტეტის
9. productive vocabulary D i. თანმიმდევრობით დაწყობა
10. jigsaw reading O j. კითხვის ეტაპი
11. ranking activity H k. გაგების შემოწმების კითხვები
12. Ordering I l. მთავარი შინაარსის გაგების
13. jumbled paragraphs G m. ლექსიკის ტექსტის წაკითხვამდე
14. note-taking E n. გონების რუკა
15. Pre-teach vocabulary M o. ერთი და იმავე ტექსტის
სხვადასხვა ნაწილის წაკითხვა
სხვადასხვა სტუდენტის მიერ და
შინაარსის ურთიერთგაზიარება
მთლიანი ტექსტის აღდგენის
(კითხვა ჯიგსოს ტექნიკით)

Task 2 Comment on the following points given the lecture in Written form. Besides Get
prepared to talk to them in class

1. Reading activities aim to

2. Tasks can be divided into
3. 3 types of reading activities
4. Post reading activities
5. Grammar
6. Dealing with new words
7. Authentic materials
8. Creating reading environmnent

Task 3 Answer the following questions.

1. Do you like Reading Lesson: LEVI’S SUCCESS STORY Why? Why not?
2. Which level is it appropriate for?
3. Which tasks are for pre-reading, while reading and post reading stages?
4. What are the advantages and disadvantages of each of them?
5. In your opinion which task will be the easiest or the most difficult for your students to fulfil and
6. If no time, which task or tasks would you leave out? And why?

Task 3. Reflection on the lecture.

1. What have you learnt?

2. How did you learn?
3. How will you use the knowledge gained from this lecture in your future teaching

Lecture 7

What is Speaking?

Speaking is one of the four language skills: reading, writing, listening and speaking. Speaking and
writing are productive skills. That means that unlike listening and reading, they involve producing
language rather than receiving it. Very simply, we can say that speaking involves using speech to
communicate meanings to other people. We use language in order to keep up relationships, to
influence people, to win negotiations, to make effective presentations, to chair meetings, and to
persuade someone about something.

Speaking as a skill can be characterized in the following way:

 What is spoken takes place in a context, which can make clear what might be unclear.
 The speaker and listeners interact and exchange roles.
 Immediate feedback is given and expected: verbal (questions, comments….) and non-verbal
(facial expressions, bodily movements, and gestures help to convey the meaning)
 In speech, sentences are often elliptical and ungrammatical. Hesitation, pauses and repetition
are common.
 To make a message clear and explicit, we have to make use of explanation, repetition, and

Speaking proficiency is made up of four competences:

Grammatical Competence enables the students to understand and use various grammatical structures
accurately in fluency activities.

Effective speakers have Sociolinguistic Competence which they use to vary their speech according to
the purpose of the talk. Thus, they can use conversation for interactional purposes (to establish social
relations) or transactional purposes (to convey information or complete tasks or for different genres
(e.g. for academic discourse: lectures, debates and discussions).

Effective speakers who have mastered Discourse Competence are capable of turn-taking in
conversation (opening/closing it, keeping it going). Also, they have also acquired a repertoire of
discourse markers, expressions that are used to express ideas, show relationships of time, indicate
cause, contrast, etc.

Strategic Competence allows effective speakers to communicate with confidence and ease in the new
language. They can use compensatory strategies (using gestures, using synonyms if one doesn’t know
the exact word, topic selection-select topics which one feels comfortable with) to help them when
they do not know what to say.

On the basis of this we can say that speaking involves more than just using grammar and vocabulary
accurately in speech.

Speaking involves a range of different subskills, such as, intonation, accuracy, connected speech,
appropriacy, fluency, Interaction, body language, inference.

Accuracy means using the correct form of the language. In other words, accuracy means not making
any grammatical or phonological mistakes.
Fluency is the ability to speak confidently at a normal speed without big pauses and hesitations,
irrelevant of the mistakes they may make.

Someone may speak with accuracy (NO mistakes) but with bad fluency, or vice versa, with good
fluency, but with some mistakes

Connected speech- spoken language in which words are joined to form a connected stream of sounds.
Features include: contractions, linkage, vowel shortening in unstressed words, dropped sounds, etc.

Appropriacy-Choosing language that is not just correct but also appropriate to the situation (in terms of
who we are talking to, how formal or informal we want to be, etc)

Interaction- two-way communication using language and body language to keep our listener involved in
what we are saying and to check that they understand what we mean.

Intonation The movement of the level of voice, i.e. the tune of a sentence or a group of words. We use
it to express emotion and attitudes, to emphasise or make less important particular things we are

Body language using gestures and facial expressions to reinforce what we say with words.

Inference- To decide how a speaker feels about something from the way that they speak rather than
from what they actually say or the words they use.

Types of Classroom Speaking Performance

The process of achieving expertise in a skill –such as speaking has at least three stages: presentation,
practice and production.

After the presentation of new items (e.g. a structure, a vocabulary item,) which is accompanied by
some imitation and repetition, students should be given an opportunity to practice the newly
presented item for themselves. (We will deal with grammar and vocabulary presentation strategies
more thoroughly in Spring semester in the course: ენის სისტემის ასპქტების სწავლება)
At the practice stage all activities are tightly-controlled and this means that the teacher mainly uses
various practice activities with the whole class to help students to reproduce the newly acquired
language as accurately as possible. They focus on accuracy in speaking by helping students to use
grammar, vocabulary and pronunciation correctly. They can motivate learners by giving them
confidence that what they are saying is right. Controlled practice activities provide useful, if limited
preparation for speaking, as they do not give practice in fluency, interaction or successfully
communicating a message. In controlled activities the teacher usually corrects learners’ accuracy, as
accuracy is the purpose of these activities. We will talk about fluency based activities in Lecture 8.

In this lecture we will look at practice activities which involve the repetition of the language material-
vocabulary and grammar. It is known from psychology that language learning is habit formation.
Learners need to practice using the material before they are able to use it freely while speaking. One of
the exercises which involve repetition is drilling. Below we are going to talk about different drilling


Drilling -that is imitating and repeating words, phrases and even whole utterances may in fact be a
useful noticing technique, since it draws attention to material that learners might not otherwise have
registered. Thus, after learners have listened to a taped dialogue, and studied the transcript, the teacher
can isolate specific phrases or utterances and ask learners to repeat them. Learners may be asked to
repeat phrases like the ones: By the way, The thing is, See you later, That reminds me, Can l take a
message? As I was saying, It's on the tip of my tongue, etc.

Drilling involves quick choral (i.e., all the class) repetition of the teacher's model (or a recorded model on
tape), followed by individuals randomly nominated by the teacher. It's important that the learners
mimic the stress and intonation of the model: there's a world of difference between how do you SPELL
that? And How do you spell THAT?, for example.

For the phrases with 'empty slots', such as sentence starters, the teacher can provide prompts to fill the
slot. For example:

Teacher: Do you mind if I sit here?

Student1: Do you mind if I sit here?

Teacher: smoke
Student 2: Do you mind if I smoke?

Teacher: open the window

Student3: Do you mind if I open the window?


Chants-.a more playful form of practice is the use of chants. And because they are contextualized, the
chunks (phrases) in chants may in fact be more memorable than in standard drills. To work best, the
chants should consist of repeated examples-of short, multi-word sequences, and should have a
consistent rhythm.

Students Teacher
Watch out! Watch out! Watch Out! Watch out! What?
Watch out!
There is a hole in a floor
A hole Where?
In a floor A hole in a floor
Yes, a hole in a floor But I don’t see any hole in a floor
A great big hole in a floor I don’t see any hole
It’s there. Where?
Right there Right here?
Yes, right there Are you sure?
Sure. I am sure. Big?
It’s big as a house
It’s huge Huge?
It’s huge I think you are kidding. You are teasing me.
A huge hole There’s no hole in the floor.
A great, big hole. A great big hole in a floor

The noise… …………Ok. Now I believe you.

Having heard it a few times, learners can attempt to reconstruct it in written form, before chanting it in
unison. If there is a dialogic element, as in the above chant, the class can be divided in two, each half
taking alternate lines. The chanting should be relatively fast, regular and rhythmic.
Dialogues: These involve two or more people and can be divided into those exchanges that maintain
social relationships (interpersonal) and those which aim to convey or exchange factual information

Memorizing scripts - many speech events follow fairly predictable paths. Typically, interactants in
transactional encounters- such as obtaining service in a shop, ticket office, restaurant, or lost property
office -follow certain shared scripts: a greeting and its response, an offer to provide service, a request
etc. Learners can prepare for these kinds of encounters by learning the script (and any plausible
variations).One way of doing this is first to ask them to order a jumbled dialogue. For example:

Yes, it's first on the right, after the lights.

Thanks very much.
Excuse me?
You're welcome.
Can you tell me where Hills Road is, please?

Below is the page from one of the textbooks which presents the work on dialogues

Things people buy

I At the market
1 Look at the market stall. What can you see?

II Here are three conversations, Put them in the right order.

Yes, here you are. l'll have one, please. It’s size 38.
&25. Here you are. That's & 1 Hello. Can I help you?
Blue,I think. Yes. What size is that jacket?
How much is it? How much are these lighters? Oh that’s too big. Thanks
All right, 20 then. What colour do you want? anyway.
Oh no, that's too expensive They are &1 each.
Can I see the radio?

Now listen and check your answers.

III Choose some other things on the market stall. What questions can you ask about them?
('can I see...?-) ('How much...?') (what size...?) (-...?)
IV Role-play
Student A: You work at the market stall. Sell things to B.
Student B: You're a customer. Buy things from A.

Dialogue building -this is similar to the script memorizing ideas above, except that the dialogue is not
presented to the learners but is elicited from them line by line, using visual and verbal prompts. The
stages of the process of building a dialogue are the following:

1. Establish the situation, using drawings of (usually two) stick figures on the board.

Ask questions to elicit the situation based on visual clues in the picture,


'Where are they? “Who are they? Do they know each other?,

2. Having established a context and a purpose for the exchange, e.g., the man wants a room for the
night', the teacher starts to elicit, line by line, the conversation. Depending on the level of the students,
as well as the predictability of the dialogue, it can be prepared in advance, so that the teacher has a
clear idea of how the dialogue will develop. Or it can simply be constructed organically, on the basis of
what the students come up with.

3. The teacher starts by eliciting the first line of the dialogue. In the hotel reception scenario, it might be
the receptionist saying, ‘Good morning. Can I help you?' This is drilled a few times, both chorally and
individually, the teacher correcting where necessary and insisting on natural sounding rhythm and
intonation. It helps if students are familiar with the question 'where's the stress? It is also important
that, for drilling purposes, the lines of the dialogue are short, e.g. not more than about eight to ten
words. Anything longer may need to be segmented, preferably into tone groups.

4. The teacher then elicits ideas for the second line of the dialogue, i.e. how the guest responds. The
teacher shapes and corrects the class’s suggestions, until an acceptable response has been achieved,
e.g. Yes, I'd like a room for the night.

5. Now, the two lines are put together. (This is why the technique is called 'dialogue building'.)Using the
interactional framework outlined above, the teacher and an individual student practice the two-line
exchange before it is 'handed over ' to the class in open and closed pairs.

6. This process continues until the complete dialogue has been built up, each line 'laid down' and drilled,
with frequent repetitions of the whole dialogue, using picture or word prompts on the board as memory

7.Finally two students are chosen to perform the dialogue in front of the class.

Model dialogue and keywords. The students may be asked to work with a model dialogue together
with a list of words to produce new versions of the dialogue. The students can also be given a set of 4-
5 dialogues which are related to the same topic or theme.

Gapped dialogues: In these, one speaker has to provide the missing parts. Although the students will
know which functions to use according to the way the dialogue is structured, they will have to
choose the right words – or exponents - to respond in an appropriate way.

Disappearing dialogue- the text of a dialogue is written on the board. Learners practice reading it
aloud in pairs (either open or closed) and then the teacher starts removing sections of it. At the
beginning these sections may simply be individual words, but then whole lines can be removed. By
the end of the activity, the dialogue has “moved” from the board into the learners’ memories. They
can then be challenged to write it out from memory.
(ზოგიერთი ტერმინის განმარტება)

Grammatical Competence გრამატიკული კომპეტენცია- გულისხმობს ენობრივ კომპეტენციას-ლექსიკის,

გრამატიკის, წარმოთქმის ცოდნას)

Discourse Competence დისკურსული კომპეტენცია გულისხმობს იმას, თუ როგორ შეუძლიათ საუბრის

დროს მოსაუბრეებმა გაინაწილონ როლები. მოსაუბრე-მსმენელი როლებს ცვლიან. თუ მხოლოდ ერთი
მოსაუბრე აქტიურობს და მეორე შემოიფარგლება დიახ -არა-ს თქმით ეს არ ჩაითვლება საუბრად.
დისკურსული მარკერები, როგორიცაა well, right, by the way, anyway , ა.შ. აუცილებელია საუბრის
დაწყების, გაგრძელების და დამთავრების, სხვა თემაზე გადასვლის მისანიშნებლად.

Strategic Competence სტრატეგიული კომპეტენცია არანაკლებ მნიშვნელოვანია იმ შემთხვევაში თუ

შესატყვისი სიტყვა ან გრამატიკული ფორმა არ ვიცით, როგორ შეიძლება ამის დაძლევა იმისთვის, რომ
საუბარი გაგრძელდეს და არ ჩაიშალოს.

Sociolinguistic Competence სოციოლინგვისტური კომპეტენცია გულისხმობს იმას, რომ მოსაუბრეები

ირჩევენ შესაბამის ლექსიკურ და გრამატიკულ ერთეულებს მიზნის შესაბამისად. მაგალითად,
ოფიციალურ სიტუაციაში საუბარი იღებს ფორმალურ სახეს, ხოლო მეგობართან საუბრის დროს
სასაუბრო ლექსიკა და გრამატიკული ფორმები გამოიყენება. აქ გასათვალისწინებელია
ინგლისურენოვანი ქვეყნებისთვის დამახასიათებლი თავაზიანობის ეტიკეტი). მათ შეუძლიათ
გამოიყენონ საუბარი ინტერაქციური(სოციალური ურთიერთობის დამყარების) მიზნით ან
ტრანზაქციური (აქ იგულისხმება: ინფორმაციის გადაცემა ან დავალების შესრულება სხვადასხვა
ჟანრისთვის, როგორიცაა აკადემიური დისკურსი: ლექციები, დებატები და დისკუსიები)

tightly-controlled (მკაცრად კონტროლირებადი), ანუ მასწავლებელი აწოდებს ენობრივ

მასალას( ლექსიკას და გრამატიკულ სტრუქტურებს და მოწაფეები მზა ფორმებს იყნებენ. აქ
შემოქმედება მოწაფის მხრიდან ძალიან მცირეა შინაარსის თვალსაზრისით) და ეხმარება მოწაფეებს
რომ ახლად შესწავლილი მასალა აღადგინონ რაც შეიძლება სწორად, შეცდომების გარეშე.

Task 1. Answer the following questions:

1. What kind of speaking activities did you usually do when you were learning English at
2. What activities did you like/dislike?
3. What problems did you come across while speaking in class?

Task 2. Refer to ეროვნული სასწავლო გეგმის მოთხოვნები ლაპარაკის სწავლებისადმი

დაწყებით, საბაზო და საშუალო საფეხურზე and summarize the information in written

Task 3 Read a short lecture on teaching speaking. Match the terms on the left with their Georgian

1 Transactional D a. გუნდური მუშაობა


2 Interactional C b. მნიშვნელობაზე ორიენტირებული პრაქტიკა


3 Verbal feedback F c. ენის ინტერაქტიური გამოყენება


4 Nonverbal feedback E d. ენის ტრანზაქციური გამოყენება


5 meaningful practice B e. არავერბალური უკუკავშირი (ჟესტი, მიმიკა,

. სხეულის მოძრაობა)

6 chorus work A f. სიტყვიერი უკუკავშირი


Task 4. Give details answers to the following topics ( in written form). Be ready to discuss them in
class without referring to notes.
1. What is speaking skill? (How is it different from reading and listening?)
2. Talk about the characteristics of Speaking skill
3. What are the components of speaking proficiency? Briefly describe them.
4. Discuss the main types of classroom speaking performance: Drills, chants, script
memorization, dialogue building, etc.

Task. 5 Match the terms with the definitions.

Sub-skills of speaking Definitions

1. Intonation H A. Choosing language that is not just correct but also
appropriate to the situation (in terms of who we are talking
to, how formal or informal we want to be, etc)
2. Appropriacy A B. Spoken language in which words are joined to form a
connected stream of sounds. Features include: contractions,
linkage, vowel shortening in unstressed words, dropped
sounds, etc.
3. Connected speech B C. Speaking naturally without worrying too much about being
100% correct.
4. Accuracy C D. Two-way communication using language and body
language to keep our listener involved in what we are
saying and to check that they understand what we mean.
5. Fluency E E. Using gestures and facial expressions to reinforce what we
say with words.
6. Body language F F. To decide how a speaker feels about something from the
way that they speak rather than from what they actually
say or the words they use.
7. Interaction D G. The degree of correctness which a student achieves
when using grammar, vocabulary and pronunciation
8. Inference G H. The movement of the level of voice, i.e. the tune of a
sentence or a group of words. We use it to express
emotion and attitudes, to emphasise or make less
important particular things we are saying.

Task. 6. Pick out all the methodology terms from the lecture.

Classify them according to:

1. the ones you understood easily

2. the terms which you found difficult at first (what helped you remember)
3. the terms you still find it difficult to understand ( what are you going to do to solve the

Task 7. Reflection on the lecture.

Write about :

One thing you found useful

One thing you found surprising

One thing you found interesting

Lesson observation (Speaking)

2. Interview with the teacher

Teaching speaking skills

Analyze the interview with the teacher. How do you think the teacher’s answers match with the
theoretical principles you studied in your course materials about teaching speaking skills?

3. Give the detailed answers to the questions given below. Refer to the observation sheet (
სტუდენტის გაკვეთილზე დაკვირვება) you used at the lesson to help .
4. Which stage did you observe: დაწყებითი, საბაზო თუ საშუალო? (იხილეთ დავალება
დაკვირვებისთვის -ეროვნული სასწავლო გეგმა- (11-13 გვერდები დოკუმენტის
მიხედვით). What are the characteristics of the stage you observed according to the National
Curriculum- ეროვნული სასწავლო გეგმა? -აქ ინგლისურად მოკლედ დაწერეთ რას ისახავს
მიზნად მიმართულება ლაპარაკი ეროვნული სასწავლო გეგმის მიხედვით. იმ საფეხურის
მიხედვით, რომელსაც აკვირდებით/ ანუ დაწყებითი. საბაზო, საშუალო?
2.What was the aim of the lesson you observed?

როგორ ფიქრობთ მასწავლებლის მიერ დასახული მიზანი შეესაბამებოდა თუ არა ეროვნული

სასწავლო გეგმის მოთხოვნებს? კერძოდ რომელ მიზანს?

მიმართულება: ლაპარაკი

უცხ.დ.I.9. მოსწავლეს შეუძლია უცხოური ენის ბგერების, ჟღერადობების, ინტონაციების

აღქმა, მიბაძვა-გამეორება.

შედეგი თვალსაჩინოა, თუ მოსწავლე:

 ზეპირად კითხულობს ლექსებს, გათვლებს, ასრულებს სიმღერებს;

 ლექსის/სიმღერის შინაარსს ადეკვატურად უსადაგებს არავერბალურ მეტყველებას
(ინტონაციას, მიმიკას, ჟესტიკულაციას, რიტმულ მოძრაობებს);
 იმეორებს მასწავლებლის მიერ წარმოთქმულ ბგერებს, სიტყვებს, მოკლე ფრაზებს,
ენის გასატეხებს;
 ტექსტის წარმოთქმისას იცავს შესაბამის ინტონაციას, მახვილებს, რიტმულ

უცხ.დ.I.10. მოსწავლეს შეუძლია მარტივ ინტერაქციაში მონაწილეობის მიღება.

შედეგი თვალსაჩინოა, თუ მოსწავლე:

 თითო სიტყვით პასუხობს მარტივ კითხვებს ან რეაგირებს მათზე არავერბალური

საშუალებებით (მაგ., ეს ბურთი რა ფერისაა? – წითელი; სად არის მანქანა? –
მიუთითებს შესაბამის ნახატს).

3. Which resources did the teacher use? Textbook? (Write the title of the textbook) (which one?)

4. How did the teacher start the lesson?

5. What language material (vocabulary, grammar, phonetics, spelling) did the teacher present or
make students practice?

6.Was the time allotted (გამოყოფილი) for each activity enough?

7. Do you think the pupils achieved the aim? For example: If the aim of the lesson was:

უცხ.დ.I.10. მოსწავლეს შეუძლია მარტივ ინტერაქციაში მონაწილეობის მიღება.

Then at the end of the lesson the pupils can:

 Give short answers to the teacher’s or classmates’ questions.

(e.g. Teacher: what colour is the pen?
Pupil: It’s blue.
(ეროვნული სასწავლო გეგმა 2011-2016 მოქმედი რედაქცია გვ. 26)

8. Overall, was the lesson successful? Why? Why not?

Continued from Lecture 7

In lecture 7 we talked about different tightly controlled activities which are repetitive and help
learners automatize the language material, such as various drills, chants and dialogue work.

In this lecture we continue to talk about developing speaking skills, such as Interactive activities and
a variety of production activities, such as problem-solving, discussion, debate, etc. Let’s start with
interactive activities

Interactive activities

Find Someone Who or Milling activities -One way of providing repetitive practice of formulaic
language in a more communicative framework is to set up a milling activity. This involves learners
(space permitting) walking around, asking all the-other learners questions with a view to completing
a survey. As soon as somebody finds another student who answers “Yes” to one of the questions, he
writes his name in the space and goes on to question someone else, because each name may be used
once. After a given time (15 minutes) or when someone has filled in all the blanks, the questioning
stops. Remember that handout must contain as many sentences as there are students. You might
decide to give a prize to the student who completes the activity first or within the time limit.
However, a teacher must be careful about offering a prize. When the activity is timed, sometimes
students get so focused on winning the prize that they just start writing in people’s names. As a
follow up, when everyone is seated again, ask students to report back to the class. For example, Ani
could say, I found out today that Giorgi owns a car.

Find someone who. . .

Your teacher will give you a card which begins Find someone who. . .
Find someone who knows what lads and lasses mean.
Decide on the question, for example:
Do you know what lads and lasses mean?
Stand up and ask everyone in the class
Ask questions to find out more.
Report back to the class.
Worksheet for the student
Activity Name of the classmate
Likes doing jigsaw puzzles
Likes to have very hot baths
Reads more than one book a week
Wears socks in bed
Believes in ghosts
Collects something
Dreams about flying
Likes travelling abroad
Likes going to the theatre
Likes working in the garden
Takes dance classes
Does work-out in the gym
Likes math
Speaks more than one foreign language
Owns a car

The information gap activity.

We often interact with other people to give or ask for information. If one learner knows or can see
something that the other doesn’t, this gives them a genuine reason to speak. Classroom activities that
stimulate this type of situation are called information gap activities.

In Information gap activities, different parts of the information are given to the interactants in order
to complete the task. There is a knowledge gap, therefore, between them, and this can only be filled
in by using language. So, in order to achieve the task outcome, the interactants have to communicate.
Here, for example, is an information gap activity from a coursebook:

For example: Find the differences if the type of information gap activity in which in pairs each
learner has a similar picture but with some differences. They have to describe their pictures to each
other in order to find the differences

Picture B: There is a newsagent’s next to the travel agent

Picture A: There is a florist next to the newsagent

Picture A: The boy is playing the guitar

The task continues for some time until all the differences has been identified, generating a good deal
of output on the part of both learners, and some fluent, if inaccurate, runs.
Other examples of information gap activities are:

-Describe and draw- one learner has a picture and has to describe it to a partner, who draws the

Describe and arrange- learners have to arrange objects according to instructions from a partner.

Describe and identify- learners have to identify which picture from a series of pictures is being
described by their partner.

Speaking activities at the production stage

At the production stage the students are free to talk directly to one another without constant
supervision, correction or interference from the teacher.

Acting from a script is both a learning and a language producing exercise. Students are asked to act
out scenes from plays or from their coursebooks. They are also encouraged to write up dialogues
which can be performed in front of the class.

Discussions are exchanges of ideas and opinions within the group. In order to help students overcome
shyness or unwillingness to speak in front of the whole group, they are first asked to work in small
groups for a quick discussion before going public.

To stimulate a discussion an activity has to be presented in such a way that the students are motivated
and want to talk. The teacher may bring interesting or attractive visual aids which she thinks will
spark off the discussion, but it will definitely go off in other direction unless the materials are related
to the student’s background, interests or experience.

Problem-solving activities (debates) require learners to share information in order to find “solutions”
to various kinds of problems - similar to the ones we have to face in our everyday lives.

Role-play, one of the types of drama, helps learners to interact with one another in imaginary
situations, or they themselves can be imaginary characters.

Role-play is mainly used at the production stage to assist learners in using language freely,
purposefully and creatively. Free use of language implies an element of choice (as is the case with
respect to other fluency-oriented activities), purposeful use of language implies orientation on task
completion and, finally, creative use of language calls for imagination. Although some of the
situations are the ones in which the learners are likely to find themselves, they are still not real. In
order to participate in a make-believe situation the learners have to imagine it and act appropriately.

There are two main types of role-play: a. the learners can play themselves in an imaginary situation
(e.g. You are walking in the street, a passer-by stops you and asks you the way to the nearest bank.
Give him the necessary directions.) b. The learners can be asked to play imaginary people in an
imaginary situation (A is an untidily-dressed character waiting impatiently outside a shoe shop. B is a
policeman who decides to arrest him. The man starts protesting and tries to explain why he is there.)
The production stage should make a balanced use of both “realistic” and “fun” type situations. In the
case of “realistic’ everyday situations, the teacher can predict which bits of useful language to feed in
(e.g. asking the way, giving directions, etc.) However, fanciful situations might prove to be far more
stimulating and enjoyable for the learners.

Board games- One other type of game that also provides plenty of opportunities for free expression is
board games. They have a good motivational value since they practise three language skills - listening
and speaking (players have to listen to one another in order to interact during the game) and reading
(players have to understand the rules). One board game consists of a track with as many squares as
possible. Some squares have dots on them which represent “penalty” squares. If a player lands on one
he has to carry out a variety of tasks written on cards: e.g. give the names of
countries/animals/sports/illnesses, sing/dance/draw/recite a poem/tell a story, perform an action, etc.).

Pictures are one type of visual aid which can be used at the production stage on a regular basis. Their
main value lies in stimulating interpretation and discussion. And this is done by making students go
beyond what can be seen to what is implied; in other words, students express their own points of
view on the “unknown” aspects of a picture that represents an object, a scene, an event or a situation.

Songs are another means of encouraging discussions on realistic topics that link the classroom and the
outside world. One obvious advantage in using songs is that they are real fun. Apart from trying to
understand and interpret certain lines in the song which might be a good start for a discussion, the
students can also join in by singing the song.

The teacher’s main job at this stage is to keep the discussion going without interfering in the activity
or talking too much. At the same time, the teacher’s manner should be informal and relaxed to show
that she is genuinely interested in the ideas and opinions, rather than the way they are expressed. In
this kind of atmosphere the students feel free to say what they want without being afraid of their
teacher’s criticism.

In summary, thus the activities for developing speaking skills can be divided into practice or accuracy
based activities which aim at grammatical correctness that is why they are more repetitive and less
communicative. Production activities, on the other hand are designed to give learners more freedom
for self-expression.

Production activities are more communicative tasks, thus, they fulfil two important language learning
needs: they prepare learners for real-life language use, and they encourage the automization of
language knowledge.

Communicative activities
Communicative activities are characterized by the following features:
 the motivation of the activity is to achieve some outcome, using language;
 the activity takes place in real time;
 achieving the outcome requires the participants to interact, i.e. to listen as well as speak;
 Because of the spontaneous and jointly constructed nature of the interaction, the outcome
is not 100%o predictable;
 There is no restriction on the language used.

Feedback and correction

Learners need encouragement and they need to know when they are making mistakes that might
cause other people not to understand or misunderstand them. Teachers should also use the
opportunity to praise learners for getting something right, doing something well, trying hard, and
showing a positive attitude towards learning. This could be when they produce an accurate sentence,
do an amusing role play, make an interesting contribution to a discussion, or show that they can use a
new item of vocabulary.

It is more difficult to decide when to correct. Teachers can choose to correct as soon as the mistake is
made or at the end of the activity or class. The advantage of immediate correction is that the learner
can correct the error and use the corrected language for the rest of the activity. The disadvantage is
that it can break the flow of communication and possibly demotivate or embarrass the learner.

Hence, it is not desirable to correct mistakes during a communicative activity while it is relevant to
correct the learner’s mistake while doing drills and controlled practice activities.


Speaking is a complex process which involves constructing a message in a form that other people can
understand, and delivering the message using the correct pronunciation, stress and intonation.
Speaking also involves interaction-communicating with other people. To do this learners need to be
able to respond to what other people say, and use the language appropriate for the situation they are
in and the person they are talking to. At the same time they need to be accurate and to fit into the
flow of conversation. To be able to do all of this learners need lots and lots of practice,
encouragement, and correction.


Mill- or mingle ნიშნავს შერევას (Milling activities)ეს არის ისეთი აქტივობები, როცა მოწაფეები
დგებიან, დადიან საკლასო ოთახში, შეკითხვებს სვამენ და ცდილობენ, რათა რაც შეიძლება
მეტი ჯგუფელი გამოკითხონ, დროის გასვლის შემდეგ მასწავლებელი სთხოვს მოწაფეებს
მოახსენონ კლასს თუ რა გაიგეს თავიანთი ჯგუფელებისგან მათ მიერ დასმულ
Interactant ინტერაქციაში-საუბარში მონაწილე პირები-

Formulaic language is a linguistic term for verbal expressions that are fixed in form, often non-literal
in meaning with attitudinal nuances, Along with idioms, expletives and proverbs, formulaic language
includes pause fillers (e.g., "Like", "Er" or "Uhm") and conversational speech formulas (e.g., "You've
got to be kidding," "Excuse me?" or "Hang on a minute").

Interference from the teacher -ჩარევა მასწავლებლის მხრიდან

Practical part

Aim of the activity: practising ‘Wh-questions’

Type of the activity: role play
Techniques: pair or small group
Time limit: 3 mins for preparation, 2 min. for presentation

Invite your friend on a week-end tour to Svaneti. Agree on a time and place to meet to start your
journey. When you are ready, role play the conversation in front of the class.

Use the prompts below

What time…? / When do we …? / Who will …?/How about….? / Where exactly?

 What, apart from ‘Wh- questions’, can be practised during this activity?
 What other simple and realistic role play activities like this can you think of?
 For which age group is this activity especially useful and why?
 What language items can be pre- taught before starting the game?


Aim of the activity: developing debating skills

Type of the activity: role play
Techniques: small groups of three
Time limit: 5 min for preparation, 3 min. for presentation

There is a nice small forest on the edge of the village in the mountains. An investor is invited to
build a skiing resort on the place of the forest. Some plants in the forest are for building a skiing
resort there and some are against it. Read what an old tree, a young tree and a flower think about
the issue, then prepare and act out a dialogue. Each ‘person’ should think of at least three
arguments to defend his position.

Read the information on the next page first:

An old tree is for building a resort in the place of the forest. He thinks he will anyway die soon
and so, prefers to ‘invest’ his trunk in building small and beautiful huts; he will be happy to see
young people sitting around a fireplace inside the huts, etc, etc. And, of course, tourism will
A young tree loves every bush and every flower in his forest and wants to keep it as it is. He also
worries about the nature and the environment; he thinks that the small village nearby shouldn’t
be ‘spoilt’ by tourist….
A flower can’t really decide what is better. On the one hand, she wants to keep their small forest
and her sister and brother flowers as they are, but on the other hand, she’d really like to see noisy
children around. She is trying to ask questions to both, old and young trees, to make the final

Use the prompts below:

It will make the place noisier.. / I agree to some point but….. / I can’t agree with you…../ I
understand what you mean…/ preserve the nature…/ think of future generations…

 Did you like the activity? Why/Why not?
 How can you modify it in terms of its task and content?
 How would you ‘force’ your students to use a ‘richer’ language, vocabulary as well as
structures, while preparing and acting out the dialogue?

Task . We have discussed two role-play activities above. Discuss which of them is more
communicative: Activity 1 or activity 2? The comment about communicative activities in the box on
page 6 may help you to give an answer.

Task 1. Refer to https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=R_nPUuPryCs


Watch the video and ask the questions:

1. What are jazz chants?

2. What was the origin of jazz chants
3. The factors to take into account when you choose jazz chants
4. What is a vocabulary chant?
5. What is a grammar chant?
6. What are the advantages and disadvantages of using jazz chants
7. Would you use Jazz chants in your teaching practice? If yes, why, if not why?
Task 2. Briefly summarize the information about the topics given in the lecture in written form. Get
prepared to participate in the discussion.

The topics from the lecture:

o Find someone who

o Information gap activities
o Acting from a script
o Discussion
o Problem-solving activities
o Role play
o Board games
o Pictures
o Songs
o Teacher’s main job
o Production activities versus controlled practice activities
o Characteristics of communicative activities
o Feedback and correction

Task 3. Choose 3 activities from the lecture which did you like most and explain why they are useful
for developing speaking skills. Expand on your answer.

Task 4. Look at the following characteristics of speaking activities and mark them

A if you would associate them primarily with accuracy based activities, or

F if you would associate them with fluency based activities

Note: in some cases the activity may serve both purposes. If this is the case, prove your answer. Make

Put A or F in the boxes provided at the end

1. The teacher corrects mistakes as soon as they occur.

2. The teacher asks the students to repeat words chorally and individually.
3. Students give a talk on a given topic and/or a person.
4. Disappearing dialogue
5. The students say a dialogue or tell a story using their own ideas.
6. Role play
7. Students use questionnaires to interview other students focusing on the words and
structures covered
8. The teacher listens to students speaking without correcting them.
9. The students do a speaking activity in which the same structure is repeated many times.
10. In groups, students tell each other stories about an exciting event
11. The students use whatever language and vocabulary they feel appropriate.
12. Discussion or debate.
13. The students do an activity with an information gap.

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13

Task 5. Look at Activity called DISCUSSION below and answer the questions:

1. Is this more a fluency or accuracy based activity?

2. What can be the aim of the activity apart from practising adjectives?
3. What ’language’ grammar or vocabulary can be pre taught?
4. How would you adapt this activity to different age groups?


Aim of the activity: Practising adjectives

Type of the activity: Discussion
Technique: Small group activity
Time limit: 5 minutes to think, 2 minutes to talk for each group

A good schoolteacher should have the qualities given below. Can your small group agree in what
order of priority you would put them (from 1 to 10). Give your arguments. Present your choice to
the whole group. Use arguments.

sense of humour intelligence

knowledge of subject ability to keep order
love of children ability to create interest
pleasant appearance flexibility
good voice honesty

Lesson observation (Speaking)

5. Which stage did you observe: დაწყებითი, საბაზო თუ საშუალო?
6. What was the aim of the lesson you observed?
7. Was the aim based on the outcomes determined by the National Standards? Which one?

4. Which resources did the teacher use? Textbook? (Write the title of the textbook) ( which one?)

5. How did the teacher start the lesson?

6. What language material (vocabulary, grammar, phonetics, spelling) did the teacher present or
make students practice?

7. Was the time allotted (გამოყოფილი) for each activity enough?

8. Do you think the pupils achieved the aim? Give the evidence. For example, The pupils asked and
answered questions, or they took part in the dialogue, did role play, etc.

Lecture 9

Teaching Writing

Task 1 How were you taught English?

 Did you use writing to practise a grammar point or a vocabulary item?

 Were you ever involved in a writing exercise in which you had to think only about content, and
ignore language mistakes?
 Were you encouraged to write anything which was intended for a “real” audience: your friends or
family members?
 Did your teacher ever make written comments on what you had written? Or did she just give you
a mark?

Task 2. Refer to ეროვნული სასწავლო გეგმის მოთხოვნები წერის სწავლებისადმი დაწყებით,

საბაზო და საშუალო საფეხურზე and summarize the information in written form.
Task 3 You will read a description of an English lesson. Focus on teacing writing during the
lesson. Look at the questions below and look for the answers while you are reading.

 What is the aim of the lesson?

 What kind of material is used by the teacher?
 Why do you think they are asked to arrange the material in alphabetical order?
 Why do you think it is important for the students to compare their lists?
 Are there any follow-up activities which can practice the important vocabulary from the lesson?

Sample Lesson

This particular lesson is taught to a group of 12-year old elementary-level secondary-school pupils. Since
vocabulary (including both pronunciation and spelling) causes a variety of problems in language teaching
and learning, the teacher has decided to direct the students’ attention to the importance of making
reference lists in the form of lexical sets (e.g. clothes, fruit, vegetables, furniture, food, etc) within the
writing programme. The content of the lesson chosen by the teacher is based on the presentation of one
such lexical set – furniture. To facilitate memorisation the teacher presents the selected lexical set as a
meaningful activity, which consists of eight stages:

Stage one: Students get into pairs and are asked to draw a plan of a house which includes various
rooms: a sitting-room, a dining-room, a bedroom, a study, etc. When the plans are ready, the first
thing the students do is write in the names of the rooms. Then, the students think of all items of
furniture and small objects found in the rooms on their plans and write in the names of all the objects.

Stage two: Students dictate to the teacher their lists of items, so that she can put them up on the
board. The words dictated to the teacher include the following: bed, wardrobe, chair, table, lamp,
writing table, computer, plates, fridge, washing machine, etc. Before each word is written up on the
board, the teacher asks the students to tell her how to spell it. Only correctly spelt words are
accepted. When a student makes a mistake, the teacher gives her an opportunity to correct it. Peer
correction is encouraged, if the student fails to correct it.

Stage three: The students are asked to compile six lists (one list for each room). Each list should
consist of all the furniture and small objects found in the room. Some of the items might be found in
more than one room.

Stage four: Then the students put the items in the lists in alphabetical order and copy these lists into
their vocabulary books under appropriate headings. There could be one general heading and several
Stage five: The students compare and share their lists with their peers. They are encouraged to copy
some of the items from their peers’ lists.

Stage six: The students’ vocabulary books are continuously updated by adding new items to the
already existing lists as they are learnt.

Stage seven: Although the activity started as a copying activity, the students are allowed to enrich
their lists through adding to them the items obtained from various sources (including reading or
listening texts, and grammar activities).

Stage eight: The vocabulary material arranged in the way described above can be exploited in a
variety of simple writing or speaking activities.

Why teach writing?

The main objective of teaching writing in a foreign language is to help learners acquire the skills they
need to produce written texts, such as letters, descriptions, essays, messages, postcards, etc. The
purpose of writing is the conveying of a message to the reader. That is writing as an end. On the other
hand, the writer also needs to pay some attention to the formal aspects: neat handwriting, correct
spelling, punctuation, as well as acceptable grammar and careful selection of vocabulary, which is
writing as a means. When teaching writing, it is essential to maintain a “fair balance” between
content and form.

Factors Affecting Writing Development


Successful learners have a positive attitude to writing. They do not feel anxious about it. When
students are allowed to choose topics they write about, they elaborate their ideas, clarify their
thoughts and revise their texts.


When the students write for real audiences, they become so engrossed in communicating that they
focus on the content and organisation their essays as well as on the linguistic form.
Writing practice

The more experience students have writing about specific topics in particular genres and contexts, the
more confidence they gain and the more fluent their writing becomes.

Writing subskills
What have you written in your language in the past week?
Maybe you haven’t written anything in the past week! But perhaps you have written a shopping list,
a postcard, a birthday card, some emails, your diary, some test messages, or maybe a story. If you are
studying, perhaps you have written an essay. All of these are examples of written text types. You can
see from this list that text types involve different kinds of writing, as each text type has different
characteristics, e.g. single words only, short sentences or longer sentences; use or non use of note-
form, addresses or paragraphs; different degrees of formality; different layouts; different ways of
ordering information, i.e. structuring the text. When we learn to write, we need to learn how to
produce these characteristics within text types depending on who we are writing to. For example, if
you write a letter to a close friend, you will probably use a different layout, and different levels of
complexity of grammar, register and range of vocabulary from those you use in a job application
All written text types have two things in common. Firstly, they are written to communicate a
particular message, and secondly, they are written to communicate to somebody. Our message and
who we are writing to influence what we write and how we write. For example, if you write a note
to yourself to remind yourself to do something, you may write in terrible handwriting, and use note
form or single words that other people would not understand. If you write a note for your friend to
remind him/her of something, your note will probably be clearer and a bit more polite.

Writing also involves using writing subskills. Some of these are related to accuracy, i.e. using the
correct forms of language. The others relate to communicating our ideas.
The writing subskills related to accuracy are spelling correctly, forming letters correctly, joining
letters together correctly, writing legibly, punctuating correctly, using correct layouts, choosing the
right vocabulary, using grammar correctly, joining sentences correctly and correctly using paragraphs
( a part of a longer piece of writing which starts on a new line and usually focuses on one idea).
But writing isn’t just about accuracy. It is also about having a message and communicating it
successfully to other people. To do this, we need to have enough ideas, organize them well and
express them in an appropriate style. The writing subskills related to communicating our ideas
include using appropriate style and register, organizing ideas in a helpful way, using the features
typical of the text type we are writing, joining our words and sentences clearly and using appropriate
functions to express our meaning, e.g. narrating (telling a story), complaining, requesting, thanking,
summarizing (expressing main points or ideas in a few clear words), concluding.
There are two aspects of cohesion: making use of linkers to link ideas and writing a paragraph.
The subskills of writing that we choose to teach will vary, depending on our learners’ age and needs.
At primary level we may spend a lot of time teaching learners how to form letters and words, how to
join them together and how to write short texts of a few words or sentences, often by copying.
Learners at primary level are not just learning how to write in English but also how to write letters
and words. This may also be true for learners whose first language does not use the Roman alphabet.
At secondary level we may need to focus more on other kinds of accuracy and the communication
skills required to write longer texts such as letters, emails or compositions.
Before they start writing it’s useful to encourage learners to think about why they are writing and
who they are writing to (Their audience). This helps them focus on what they want to say (content)
and how to say it (register ad style).
Many activities exist to help learners practice accuracy in writing, e.g. Labelling, copying, sentence
completion, gap-filling, sentence transformation exercises, dividing texts into paragraphs, putting
punctuation into an unpunctuated text, proofreading exercises to correct errors in texts.
Many activities exist to help learners practice communicating through writing, e.g. story completion,
jumbled picture stories, writing birthday cards, writing emails of invitation.
We can support learners in their writing by moving on to writing after doing some listening, reading
or speaking on a topic. In this way, learners have already worked on the language of the topic and
may have developed ideas about it.
Teachers sometimes work with models (clear examples) of text types when teaching writing. Models
can show learners what patterns of language, vocabulary, register or layout to use, or how to
structure their writing. They can also help learners get ideas about what to write. Models are used in
guided/product writing.

The writing process

Writing also often involves going through a number of stages. When we write outside the classroom
we often go through these stages:
Brainstorming (thinking of everything we can about the topic) getting or developing ideas
Making notes
Planning (organizing our ideas) Working out the order in which you want to say it
Writing a draft (a piece of writing that is not yet finished, and may be changed)
Editing (correcting and improving the content of the text)
Producing another draft- redrafting
Proof-reading (checking for mistakes in accuracy) or editing again.
These stages form part of the writing process. We can see from them that writing in fact begins
before we put pen to paper or start word processing, and that it involves the writer in carrying out
several steps which each lead in to the next one and aim to improve the quality of the final product.

Experienced writers plan what they are going to write. Before starting to write or type, they try and
decide what it is they are going to say. For some writers this may involve making detailed notes. For
others a few jotted words may be enough. Still others may not actually write down any preliminary
notes at all since they may do all their planning in their heads.
When planning, writers have to think about three main issues. In the first place they have to consider
the purpose of their writing since this will influence (amongst other things) not only the type of text
they wish to produce, but also the language they use, and the information they choose to include.
Secondly, experienced writers think of the audience they are writing for, since this will influence not
only the shape of the writing (how it is laid out, how the paragraphs are structured, etc.),but also the
choice of language - whether, for example, it is formal or informal in tone. Thirdly, writers have to
consider the content structure of the piece - that is. How best to sequence the facts, ideas, or
arguments which they have decided to include.
We can refer to the first version of a piece of writing as a draft. This first 'go' at a text is often done on
the assumption that it will be amended later.
As the writing process proceeds into editing, a number of drafts may be produced on the way to the
final version.
Editing (reflecting and revising)
Once writers have produced a draft they then, usually, read through what they have written to see
where it works and where it doesn’t. Perhaps the order of the information is not clear. Perhaps the
way something is written is confusing. They may then move paragraphs around or write a new
introduction. They may use a different form of words for a particular tend to look at issues of general
meaning and overall structure before concentrating on detailed features such as individual words and
grammatical accuracy. The latter two are, of course, important and are often dealt with later in the
Reflecting and revising are often helped by other readers (or editors) who comment and make
suggestions. Another reader's reaction to a piece of writing will help the author to make appropriate

Final version
Once writers have edited their draft, making the changes they consider to be necessary they produce
their final version. This may look considerably different from both the original plan and the first
draft, because things have changed in the editing process. But the writer is now ready to send the
written text to its intended audience.
We might decide to represent these stages in the following way:
planning + drafting + editing + final draft

The process of writing is not linear, as indicated above, but rather

recursive. This means that writers plan, draft, and edit but then often re-
plan, re-draft and re-edit. Even when they get to what they think is their
final draft they may find themselves changing their mind and re-planning,
drafting or editing. They may even start-as some novelists do-without too
much of a plan, and so their point of entry into the process is that first
draft, a kind of “stream of consciousness”, that only later through a series of
re-plannings, editings, and draftings gradually coalesces into a final version
of the text.

----Writing in the early stages
In the early stages of language learning, writing activities are largely a reinforcenment of language
learned orally. They are also a preparation for more realistic forms of writing at a later stage. Most
writing at this stage is tightly controlled and the teacher’ s job is to decide how to present the
activity. The lower the level, the more help should be provided. Oral preparation is desirable. A
writing activity can be done individually, in pairs or in groups. Besides, the teacher has to decide on
correction procedures. Many students want their work to be looked at. Because of this, the students
can be asked to exchange their completed piece of writing in order to evaluate their partner’s work.
This helps to train them to take a critical look at what has been written.

Types of writing activities

Copying in a writing class is considered valuable because it helps to teach spelling and to reinforce
sentence structure. If the students see copying as a means of making a record of useful information
(words, phrases, sentences that do not appear in the coursebook), their interest will be maintained.

As Reinforcement activities – those which practise language already learnt orally - dialogue writing is
felt to be the most useful. The students write parallel dialogues with the help of key content words:
first, a short dialogue prepared by the teacher is studied, and then the students write a similar
dialogue using the same grammar, but with different content words. Another type of dialogue writing
is dialogue completion. Students choose sentences to fill in the gaps from a jumbled list of sentences.

The goal of sentence linking activities is to familiarise the students with the cohesive devices
necessary for composing a text. First, a selected number of linking devices (a basic kit) can be
introduced and practised through writing. In one type of activity the students are given a short
gapped text (e.g. a letter) which is filled in with suitable cohesive devices (words and phrases) from
their ‘kit.’

Goals of a writing programme at the post-elementary to intermediate stage

At the Post-elementary to Intermediate level writing activities are still guided, but the teacher should
get the right balance of writing activities. The amount of oral preparation for writing activities should
be reduced while the amount of individual writing increases. Pair-work and group-work writing
activities are regarded as extremely valuable.

Writing at the Post-elemenatary to Intermediate Level

Writing notes and letters: By this stage the students are already familiar with writing informal letters.
But the students are also given systematic opportunities to practise writing letters with a specific
language function (inviting, giving advice) which show that such tasks require different uses of
language on different occasions.
Writing short reports: Another format (other than a letter) with a conventional outline is introduced,
but the guidance should focus chiefly on the organisation and orderly presentation of ideas. For
example, the students are given a short model text with cues for writing parallel versions

Reproduction exercises: These resemble dictations, in that the students listen to the text which is read
to them aloud. Students are asked to reproduce the text as accurately as possible, filling in their own
words if they can’t remember the exact original text

Communication activities: On a more extensive scale, sending notes and messages in a more
challenging way demonstrates that writing is a purposeful activity. The students are encouraged to
find pen-friends to extend their communication practice. More use of role-plays and writing reports,
as collaborative tasks, seems to be useful for the students not to get bored.

Writing for fun: Amongst the recommended activities there are questionnaires, quizzes, jumbled
texts, role descriptions, etc.

Note-taking: This involves identifying key items in a text. The initial phase of note-taking consists of
demonstrating to the learners a number of ways of reducing a text to notes so that fundamental ideas
are preserved. It is also useful to give students a text and a set of notes in random order and ask them
to read the text first and then put the notes in correct order.

Summarising: This involves producing a shortened version of a text (read or heard). The students
should be shown what a summary looks like and how different summaries compare so that the
students can decide to what extent the essential ideas have been retained in the text.

Using Visual Material for Writing Practice

Visual materials (single pictures or picture sequences, maps, diagrams, plans) offer an attractive and
stimulating framework for writing practice, but they are much more open-ended than texts.

Life Story. Each group is given a picture of an unknown person and has to make up the life story of
the person. The students should be as imaginative as possible.

Ads. Each group has a picture of a car, or a hotel, etc. and has to write an exaggerated advertisement
of it.

Cartoons. Pairs of students work on writing captions or speech bubbles for cartoons or other pictures.
Jigsaw Writing. The whole group is given a cut up picture sequence, so that each pair has one picture.
The pairs write the information shown in their picture. Then they put their pictures away and start
exchanging information to work out what the whole sequence is about.

Task 1. Match the words with the Georgian equivalents:

1. Writing as a means a. წერის სწავლება ეტაპების

დაფუძნებული სწავლება
2. Planning b. სტილი, რეგისტრი

3. Drafting d. წერა, როგორც საშუალება

4.Editing- revising c. შეცდომების გასწორება
5.Final version d. მოდელის მიწოდება
6.Proofreading e. ენის ფუნქციურად გამოყენება
( მისალმება, საჩივარი,
7.Recursive f. ნაწერის გაფორმება, განლაგება
8.Linear g. მკითხველი,
9.Brainstorming h. დაკავშირება, ბმა
10.Linking /cohesion i. საბოლოო ვერსია
11.Layout j. განმეორებადი involving doing or saying
the same thing several times in order to
produce a particular result or effect
12.Paragraphing k. სამუშაო ვერსიის შექმნა (შავი
13.Forming letters l. გარკვევით წერა
14. Audience m. ასოების მოხაზულობა
15. Process writing n. აბზაცებად დაყოფა
16. Functions o. წერა, როგორც მიზანი
17. Providing Models p. რედაქტირება (შინაარსის
18. register q. სწორხაზობრივი
19. writing as an end r. დაგეგმვა
20. writing legibly გონებრივი იერიში

Task 2. Reflect on the following topics:

1. What is the aim of developing writing skills?
2. Factors affecting writing development
3. Writing subskills
4. The writing process
5. Writing in the early stages
6. Types of writing activities
7. Goals of a writing programme at the post-elementary to intermediate stage
8. Writing at the Post-elementary to Intermediate Level
9. Using Visual Material for Writing Practice

Task 3. The table below is from a writing syllabus for primary school children. Determine
which of them focus on the Accuracy and which of them on communicating ideas.

1. Showing an understanding that letters can be combined to form words, and

producing letter shapes, including capital letters, correctly
2. Completing simple poems and rhymes with some language support and based on
3. Using initial capital letters and full stops to indicate sentences
4. Expressing your own experience by supplying labels for your own drawings
5. Employing a range of connectives to express sequence (e.g. next, then)
6. Making simple greetings cards and invitations based on models
7. Responding to greetings and invitations in short notes based on models

Accuracy Communicating ideas

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