Evolution of The Astronomical Eyepiece: Orthoscopic Eyepieces

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The quest for distortionless imaging to 40˚ at f/5. In the mid-1930’s Barr
characteristics of photographic objec- and Stroud patented an orthoscopic
tives in the 1850’s and 1860’s led C.A. eyepiece in which the simple eye lens is
Steinheil to design the Periscop lens in bi-convex, with the steeper convex sur-
1865. Prior to this in 1859 the Petzval face remote from the eye having a par-
Orthoskop appeared. The fundamental abolic figure. This widened the distor-
property of any orthopscopic lens is tion free field to 64˚ and the eye clear-
that it should have a wide flat field free ance was extended to 0.91Fe. Th e
from rectilinear distortion and angular glasses used were boro-silicate crown
magnification distortion. and extra-dense flint.

In 1880 Ernst Abbé brought out an Another aspheric variant was designed
Ortho scopic eyepiece for Zeiss. The for Zeiss, probably by Robert Richter in
field lens is an overcorrected triplet 1934.
combination with a negative compo-
nent in the middle, followed by a simple A c c o rding to th e British paten t, the
plano-convex eye lens, convex surface t h i rd surface (a steeply con ve x face
almost in contact. This eyepiece is of an over- c o r rect ed eye triplet) was
remarkable for great eye clearance and p arabolized and pro vided a wide-
has given rise to a whole family of eye- an gle eyepiece with a 53˚ field in
pieces, some of them of very complex w hich distortion was eliminated; the
form. In Abbé’s design hard crown and lateral colour removed witho ut use
dense flint glasses were used to secure bein g made of mo re than o ne lens of
an apparent field of 30˚, and an eye flint glass; ast igmatism reduced t o
clearance of 0.8Fe. The Zeiss t hat resulting from the Pe tzval cur-
Orthoscopic patented in 1930 made v a t u re, and spherical aberration o f
use of less usual glasses; barium the exit pupil eliminat ed or marg i n-
crown, extra-dense flint an d borate ally reve rsed. Eye c learance was
flint. This increased the apparent field reduced sligh tly to 0.66Fe.


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