SZ-V Series User's Manual: Safety Laser Scanner

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Safety Laser Scanner

SZ-V Series
User’s Manual
1 Before Use
Part Names and
2 Functions
Installation on
3 a Machine

4 Wiring

5 Basic Functions

6 Advanced Functions

7 Operation Status
How to Configure
8 (SZ-V Configurator)

9 Operating the SZ-V

10 Specifications

11 Troubleshooting
Inspection and
12 Maintenance
This user's manual describes handling, operation, and precautionary
information for the SZ-V Series Safety Laser Scanner (“SZ-V”). Read
this user's manual thoroughly before operating the SZ-V in order to
understand the device features.
Always keep this manual in a safe place for future reference.
Also, ensure that the end user of this product receives this user's
In this manual, “SZ-V04 type” is used to represent a comprehensive
SZ-V unit that uses SZ-VU04 as the Display unit; “SZ-V32 type” is used
to represent a comprehensive SZ-V unit that uses SZ-VU32 as the
Display unit; and “SZ-V32N type” is used to represent a comprehensive
SZ-V unit that uses SZ-VU32N as the Display unit.
“Model” (page 124)

This manual is the original instruction manual.

The following symbols alert you to important messages. Be sure to read
these messages carefully.

It indicates a hazardous situation which, if not

avoided, will result in death or serious injury.

It indicates a hazardous situation which, if not

avoided, could result in death or serious injury.

It indicates a situation which, if not avoided, could

result in product damage as well as property damage.

Important It indicates cautions and limitations that must be

followed during operation.

Point It indicates additional information on proper


Reference It indicates tips for better understanding or useful


It indicates the reference pages in this manual or the reference

pages in separate manuals.

- SZ-V Series User’s Manual -

Safety Information for SZ-V Series Precautions on use

General precautions
 In order to operate the SZ-V correctly, the responsible
 SZ-V is an active opto-electronic protective device personnel, maintenance personnel and machine
responsive to diffuse reflection (AOPDDR). It is a device, operators must fulfill all of the procedures described in
whose sensing function is performed by opto-electronic this user's manual.
emitting and receiving elements, that detects the diffuse DANGER
 No person other than the responsible personnel,
reflection of optical radiations generated within the maintenance personnel and machine operators
device by an object present in a protection zone should be allowed to install or test the SZ-V.
specified in two dimensions.  When performing electrical wiring, always fulfill the
 You must verify that the SZ-V is operating correctly electrical standards and regulations for the country
in terms of functionality and performance before the or region in which the SZ-V is used.
start of machine and the operation of the SZ-V.
 KEYENCE does not guarantee the function or Environment of use
performance of the SZ-V if it is used in a manner that
differs from the SZ-V specifications contained in this
user's manual or if the SZ-V is modified by the customer.  Do not use the SZ-V in an environment (temperature,
humidity, interfering light, etc.) that does not conform to
 When using the SZ-V to protect machine operators
the specifications contained in this user's manual.
against a hazard or hazardous zone or when using
 Do not use a device that emits strong
the SZ-V as a safety component for any purpose, electromagnetic waves near the SZ-V.
always follow the applicable requirements of the
 The SZ-V is not designed to be explosion-proof.
laws, rules, regulations and standards in the country Never use it in the presence of flammable or
or region where the SZ-V is used. For such explosive gases or elements.
regulations, you should directly contact the  Do not use the SZ-V in the presence of substances,
regulatory agency responsible for occupational such as heavy smoke, particulate matter, or
safety and health in your country or region. corrosive chemical agents, that may induce
 Depending on the type of machine on which the SZ-V is deterioration in product quality.
to be installed, there may be special safety regulations
 Install the SZ-V in such a way so that no direct or
related to the use, installation, maintenance, and indirect light from inverter-type fluorescent lights
operation of the safety component. In such a case, you (rapid-start type lights, high-frequency operation
must fulfill such safety regulations. The responsible type lights, etc.) enters the optical window.
personnel must install the SZ-V in strict compliance with  Be sure to absolutely confirm that there is nobody in
such safety regulations. the hazardous zone, before the interlock is released
DANGER (i.e. the machine system restarts) by the interlock
 The responsible personnel must do the training to
reset mechanism. Failure to follow this warning may
the assigned personnel for the correct use,
result in a significant harm to the machine operators,
installation, maintenance, and operation of the SZ-V.
including serious injury or death.
 “Machine operators” refers to personnel who have
 Be sure to confirm that there is nobody in the hazardous
received appropriate training from the responsible
zone, before the override is activated. Failure to follow
personnel and are qualified to operate the machine
this warning may result in a significant harm to the
machine operators, including serious injury or death.
 "Maintenance personnel" refers to personnel who
have received appropriate training from the
responsible personnel, the responsible personnel Target machine
can send approved settings to the SZ-V, and are
qualified to operate the machine correctly.  The SZ-V has not undergone the model certification
 Maintenance personnel and machine operators examination in accordance with Article 44-2 of the
must have specialized training for the SZ-V, and they Japanese Industrial Safety and Health Law. The SZ-V,
must understand and fulfill the safety regulations in therefore, cannot be used in Japan as a "Safety Device
the country or region in which they are using the SZ. for Press and Shearing machines" as established in
 If the SZ-V fails to operate, maintenance personnel Article 42 of that law.
and machine operators must immediately stop the  The machine on which the SZ-V is to be installed must be
susceptible to an emergency stop at all operating points
use of the machine and the SZ-V and report this fact
during its operation cycle. Do not use the SZ-V for
to the responsible personnel. machines with irregular stop times.
 The SZ-V is designed with the assumption that it would  The SZ-V cannot be used as a PSDI because it does not
be correctly installed in accordance with the installation fulfill the requirements of OSHA 1910.217(h). Refer to
procedures described in this user's manual and DANGER OSHA 1910.217 for the PSDI mode.
correctly operated according to the instructions in this  Do not use the SZ-V to control (stop forward motion, etc.)
user's manual. You must perform an appropriate trains, cars and other transportation vehicles, aircraft,
installation of the SZ-V after performing a sufficient risk equipment for use in space, medical devices, or nuclear
assessment for the target machine. power generation systems.
 Be sure to absolutely confirm that there is nobody in  The SZ-V is designed to protect the people or objects
approaching into the specified protection zone against a
the hazardous zone, before you remove the SZ-V machine's hazard or hazardous zone. It cannot provide a
from the machine for replacement or disposal. protection against objects or materials that are expelled
from the machine’s hazard or hazardous zone, so you
Important  When disposing the SZ-V, always follow the must establish additional safety measures such as
applicable requirements of the laws, rules, installing safeguards when there is the possibility of such
regulations and standards in the country or region projectiles.
where the SZ-V is used.
 The SZ-V should be processed as an industrial
waste product when being disposed.

- SZ-V Series User’s Manual - 1

Installation region in which the SZ-V is used. It depends on the
machine application or the result of your risk
assessment. If it is necessary for you to provide the
 SZ-V must be installed in such a way that the screws do
muting lamp, you must fulfill the requirements because
not loosen due to vibration and/or shock. The screw
you are fully responsible for installing the muting lamp.
loosen may cause the displacement of detection plane
and SZ-V cannot make a protection as intended. Failure
 The override is a function to allow a temporary manual
suspension of the SZ-V safety functions. Therefore,
to follow this warning may result in a significant harm to
additional safety measures are required for the whole
the machine operators, including serious injury or death. machine system on which the SZ-V is installed in order to
 The installation of the SZ-V must ensure the required ensure safety while the override is activated.
safety distance in compliance with the requirements of  The override devices, the installation of those devices,
laws, rules, regulations and standards in the country or and the procedures to activate the override must fulfill the
region in which the SZ-V is installed. conditions specified in this user's manual as well as the
 When changing the minimum detectable object size and requirements of the laws, rules, regulations, and
response time for SZ-V, the safety distance must be standards in the country or region in which the SZ-V and
recalculated, and the SZ-V must be reinstalled based on those devices are used. Failure to follow this warning
the result of recalculation to keep the required safety may result in significant harm to the machine operators,
distance. including serious injury or death.
 The SZ-V must be installed so that the machine operator  The override devices, which are used for activation of
is able to go into or approach the hazardous zone or override, must be manual operating devices. When
hazards only by passing through the protection zone of installing the devices to activate the override (override
the SZ-V. Strictly avoid installation that allows the device), those devices must be installed so that the whole
machine operator or a part of the machine operator's hazardous zone can be checked by responsible
personnel and so that it is not possible for the device
body to go into or approach the hazardous zone or
operators to operate those device in the hazardous zone.
hazards without passing through the protection zone of
the SZ-V or to remain in a position between the
 The installation of the indication for override may be
required by the laws, rules, regulations and standards in
protection zone of the SZ-V and the hazardous zone or
the country or region where the SZ-V is used. It depends
hazard. on the machine application or the result of your risk
 You must always perform the pre-check tests after assessment. If it is necessary for you to provide the
installing the SZ-V in accordance with the pre-check test indication for override, you must fulfill the requirements
procedures, such as the item specified in this user's because you are fully responsible for installing the
manual, in order to verify that the test pieces can be indication for override.
detected in all of the protection zones.  The customer is fully responsible for complying with the
 The interlock reset mechanisms (such as switches) must requirements for the muting function and override
be installed so that the whole hazardous zone can be function. KEYENCE accepts NO responsibility or NO
checked by the responsible personnel and that liability for any damage or any injury due to the
operations of the interlock reset mechanisms are not unauthorized installation, usage, or maintenance, which
possible within the hazardous zone. are not specified in this user's manual, and/or due to
 Reference point monitoring function must be applied noncompliance with the laws, rules, regulations and
when the SZ-V is used for the access protection standards in the country or region in which the SZ-V is
specified in IEC61496-3: 2008 Annex A.12 and A.13 (the used.
application where the angle of the approach exceeds  Securely tighten mounting brackets and cable
connectors used for the installation of the SZ-V in
±30° to the detection plane).
accordance with the torque values specified in this user's
 The muting is a function to allow a temporary automatic manual.
suspension of the safety function while the SZ-V receives
a signal from one or more muting devices (such as  Do not put the additional housing, such as glass covers
sensors or switches). Therefore, additional safety or clear polymeric covers, in front of the window of the
measures are required for the whole machine on which SZ-V. This may lead to the loss of the detection capability
the SZ-V is installed in order to ensure safety while the of the SZ-V.
muting is activated.  If the object to be detected moves perpendicular to
 The muting devices, the installation of those devices and the detection plane, SZ-V cannot detect the object
the procedure to activate the muting must fulfill the moving at speed over 1.6m/s, regardless of the
conditions specified in this user's manual and the encoder setting.
requirements of the laws, rules, regulations, and
standards in the country or region in which the SZ-V and
those devices are used. Failure to follow this warning
may result in a significant harm to the machine operators,
including serious injury or death.
 When you install the muting devices (such as sensors or
switches), the following conditions must be fulfilled.
(1) Muting devices must be installed so that the muting
cannot be activated if the hazard is still existing during
machine cycle.
(2) Muting devices must be installed so that the muting
cannot be activated if someone approaches into the
protection zone of the SZ-V.
 The muting device must be installed such that only
responsible personnel have access to that device to
change its installation or orientation. Special tools must
be required to ensure that only responsible personnel
are capable of installation, orientation or change of
muting device.
 Only the responsible personnel may be allowed to install
or wire the devices to activate the muting function or
override function.
 The installation of muting lamp may be required by the
laws, rules, regulations, and standards in the country or

2 - SZ-V Series User's Manual -

Circuit design and wiring Testing and maintenance

 Always turn off the power to the SZ-V when performing  You must always perform the pre-check test in
electrical wiring. accordance with the pre-check test procedures, after
 You must fulfill the electrical standards and regulations maintenance, adjustment or alignment of the target
in the country or region in which the SZ-V is being used machine or the SZ-V and before the machine startup.
when you perform the electrical wiring.  If the SZ-V does not operate properly when you
 To avoid the risk of electric shock, do not connect any of perform pre-check test in accordance with the
the SZ-V inputs to DC power sources outside of the pre-check test procedures specified in this user's
range of 24 V DC +20% or to any AC power source.
manual, do not operate the machine.
 To avoid the risk of electric shock, be sure that the DANGER
 You must periodically examine the machine to verify
hazardous voltage must be isolated from all wiring of the
that all brakes, other stop mechanisms, and control
SZ-V with the reinforced insulation or double insulation.
devices operate reliably and correctly in addition to
 If the power supply for the SZ-V is the converting type,
checking the SZ-V.
the power supply for the SZ-V must meet the conditions
listed below in order to meet the requirements specified  The responsible personnel must perform
in IEC61496-1, UL61496-1, and EN61496-1. maintenance procedures as specified in this user's
(a) A rated output voltage of 24 V DC (SELV circuit, manual at least once every six months to ensure
Overvoltage Category II) within +20% -30%. safety to the machine and SZ-V.
(b) Double insulation or reinforced insulation between
the primary and secondary circuits.
(c) Output holding time of 20 ms or more. Safety Precautions on Laser Product
(d) A power supply must meet the requirements of the
electrical safety and electromagnetic compatibility This product employs a semiconductor laser for its light source. Follow
(EMC) regulations or standards in all countries and/or the instructions mentioned in this manual. Otherwise, injury to the
regions where the SZ-V is used. human body (eyes and skin) may result.
 Do not install the electric wiring of the SZ-V together with
or in parallel with the high-voltage electrical or power lines.  Use of controls or adjustments or performance of
procedures other than those specified herein may
 For the wiring between SZ-V and a safety-related
machine control system, both OSSD 1 and OSSD 2 must result in hazardous radiation exposure.
be always wired to a safety-related machine control  Precautions on Class 1 Laser Product
system in order to ensure the safety. Similarly, both  Do not disassemble this product. Laser emission
OSSD 3 and OSSD 4 must be always wired to a from this product is not automatically stopped
safety-related part of a machine control system if you when it is disassembled. Turn off the SZ-V before
assign a function for OSSD 3/4. If one OSSD is only when you replace the window.
wired to a safety-related machine control system, it
results in a significant harm to the machine operators,
including serious injury or death, due to OSSD
 If PNP/NPN selection is set as PNP, do not cause
short-circuit between the OSSD and +24V. Otherwise,
OSSDs keep staying at the ON-state and it causes a
dangerous situation.
 If PNP/NPN selection is set as PNP, be sure to connect
the load between the OSSD and 0 V to avoid a
dangerous situation. If the load is incorrectly connected
between the OSSD and +24V, the logic of OSSD
operation will be reversed, and then OSSD will turn to the
ON-state when the SZ-V detects an object in the
specified protection zone. This is a dangerous situation.
 If PNP/NPN selection is set as NPN, do not cause
short-circuit between the OSSD and 0V. Otherwise,
OSSDs keep staying at the ON-state and it causes a
dangerous situation.
 If PNP/NPN selection is set as NPN, be sure to connect
the load between the OSSD and +24V to avoid a
dangerous situation. If the load is incorrectly connected
between the OSSD and 0 V, the logic of OSSD operation
will be reversed, and then OSSD will turn to the ON-state
when the SZ-V detects an object in the specified
protection zone. This is a dangerous situation.
 In case of wiring, you must fulfill the requirements of
Clause 9.4.3 in IEC60204-1 in order to protect against
malfunction due to an OSSD earth fault.
 The AUX output is not allowed to be used as a safety
output for safety-related control systems. Usage of these
functions as safety output could result in the serious
injury or death.
 The laser off input is not allowed to be connected to the
safety output provided from the safety-related control
 The connector cable must have a length less than or
equal to the specification in this user's manual. Usage of
connector cables longer than the specified length may
cause the improper operation of safety functions and
may cause a dangerous situation.

- SZ-V Series User’s Manual - 3

Precautions on Regulations and Other Supported Standards

Standards The SZ-V has been designed in consideration of the following standards
and regulations. For details regarding the following standards, contact the
third-party certification organization, such as UL or TÜV.
 OSHA 29 CFR 1910.212
CE Marking  OSHA 29 CFR 1910.217
 ANSI B11.1 - B.11.19
KEYENCE Corporation has confirmed that this product complies with  ANSI/RIA R15.06 - 1999
the essential requirements of the applicable EU Directive, based on the  SEMI S2-0706
following specifications. Be sure to consider the following specifications  Ministry of Health, Labor and Welfare in Japan “Guidelines for
when using this product in the Member State of European Union. Comprehensive Safety Standards of Machinery” (July 31, 2007,
Notice No. 0731001)
Machinery Directive The SZ-V has not undergone the model certification
examination in accordance with Article 44-2 of the
SZ-V is a safety component defined in the EU Machinery Directive Japanese Industrial Safety and Health Law. Therefore,
Annex V. the SZ-V cannot be used in Japan as a "Safety Devices
for Presses and Shearing Machines" as established in
The SZ-V complies with the following EN Standards and has been
Article 42 of that law.
certified by TÜV SÜD Product Service GmbH.
 EN61496-1 Type 3 ESPE
 EN61496-3 Type 3 AOPDDR
 EN61508 SIL2
 EN62061 SIL CL2
 EN ISO13849-1 Category 3, PLd
 EN60825-1 Class 1 Laser Product

EMC Directive

 EN55011 Class A
 EN61496-1 Type 3 ESPE
As Ethernet cable, use a Category 5e or higher STP (Shielded Twisted Pair)
cable for connection to the network.

These specifications do not give any guarantee that the end-product with this
product incorporated complies with the essential requirements of EMC
Directive. The manufacturer of the end-product is solely responsible for the
compliance on the end-product itself according to EMC Directive.

UL Certification and North American Regulations

SZ-V complies with the following UL, CSA, and North American
standards and regulations, and has received UL certification and C-UL
certification (CCN: NIPM/NIPM7, File No:322137):
 UL61496-1 Type 3 ESPE
 IEC61496-1 Type 3 ESPE
 IEC61496-3 Type 3 AOPDDR
 UL508
 UL1998
 CAN/CSA 22.2 No.14
SZ-V also complies with the following North American regulations.
 CDRH Part 1040.10 (Laser Notice No.50), Class 1 Laser Product
 FCC Part15 Subpart B, Class A Digital Device
 ICES-003, Class A Digital Apparatus

China GB Standards and Regulations

SZ-V complies with the following GB standards and regulations:
 GB19436.3

4 - SZ-V Series User's Manual -

Terms of License Agreement
on Use of the Software
Software License Agreement
OR ANY PORTION OF THE [Safety Device Configurator, GL-R
Configurator, SL-V Configurator, SZ Configurator, SZ-V Configurator]

1. Definition
1.1 “use” or “using” means to access, install, download, copy or
otherwise benefit from using the functionality of this Software.
1.2 “This Software” means the software and all associated
documentation provided by KEYENCE.

2. Grant of License.
Conditioned upon compliance with all of the terms and conditions of this
Agreement, KEYENCE grants you a nonexclusive and nontransferable
license to install this Software on all computers used by your entity in
order to use the KEYENCE product. You may make one copy of this
Software for backup or archive purposes only.

3. Restrictions.
3.1 Except for installation of updates or new functions provided by
KEYENCE, you may not modify or add any function to this Software.
3.2 You may not reverse engineer, decompile or disassemble this
3.3 You may not create derivative works based on this Software.
3.4 Other than expressly stated by KEYENCE, you may not resell,
retransfer, rent or otherwise redistribute this Software to any third

4. Intellectual Property Rights

Except as expressly stated herein, KEYENCE reserves all right, title
and interest in this Software, and all associated copyrights, trademarks,
and other intellectual property rights therein.

5. Disclaimer.
Keyence is licensing this Software to you “AS IS” and without any
warranty of any kind. In no event will KEYENCE or its suppliers be
liable to you for any damages, claims, costs or any lost profits caused
by using this Software.

6. Termination.
6.1 Your license under this Agreement will terminate automatically if
you destroy this Software and the copy of this Software in your
possession or voluntarily return this Software to us.
6.2 Your license under this Agreement will terminate automatically
without any notice from KEYENCE if you fail to comply with any of the
terms and conditions of this Agreement. Promptly upon termination,
you shall cease all use of this Software and destroy all copies, full or
partial, of this Software in your possession or control.
6.3 You will compensate KEYENCE for costs or any lost profits caused
by your violation or breach of any term of this Agreement.

7. Governing Law.
7.1 This Agreement will be governed by and construed in accordance
with the substantive laws of Japan without regards to the principles of
conflicts of law.
7.2 If any part of this Agreement is found void and unenforceable, it will
not affect the validity of the balance of this Agreement, which shall
remain valid and enforceable according to its terms and conditions.

- SZ-V Series User’s Manual - 5

Table of Contents

Safety Information for SZ-V Series ...................................................................................................... 1

General precautions ...................................................................................................................................................................................................... 1
Precautions on use ........................................................................................................................................................................................................ 1
Operators ............................................................................................................................................................................................................................... 1
Environment of use ................................................................................................................................................................................................................ 1
Target machine ...................................................................................................................................................................................................................... 1
Installation.............................................................................................................................................................................................................................. 2
Circuit design and wiring ........................................................................................................................................................................................................ 3
Testing and maintenance ....................................................................................................................................................................................................... 3
Safety Precautions on Laser Product ............................................................................................................................................................................ 3

Precautions on Regulations and Standards ........................................................................................ 4

CE Marking.................................................................................................................................................................................................................... 4
Machinery Directive ............................................................................................................................................................................................................... 4
EMC Directive ........................................................................................................................................................................................................................ 4
UL Certification and North American Regulations.......................................................................................................................................................... 4
China GB Standards and Regulations ........................................................................................................................................................................... 4
Other Supported Standards........................................................................................................................................................................................... 4

Terms of License Agreement on Use of the Software .......................................................................... 5

Software License Agreement......................................................................................................................................................................................... 5

Table of Contents ................................................................................................................................. 6

1. Before Use................................................................................................................................. 11
1-1 Overview of Applications ................................................................................................................................................................................. 11
Applications for stationary installation ................................................................................................................................................................................... 11
Application for movable installation ....................................................................................................................................................................................... 11
1-2 Overview and Configuration ............................................................................................................................................................................ 12
1-3 Parts List ......................................................................................................................................................................................................... 12
SZ-V .................................................................................................................................................................................................................................... 12
Cable ................................................................................................................................................................................................................................... 12
Mounting brackets................................................................................................................................................................................................................ 13
Other options ....................................................................................................................................................................................................................... 14
1-4 Checking the Package Contents ..................................................................................................................................................................... 14
For the standard models ...................................................................................................................................................................................................... 14
For the separate models (Display unit) ................................................................................................................................................................................ 14
For the separate models (scanner head) ............................................................................................................................................................................. 14
For the separate models (system memory) .......................................................................................................................................................................... 14
Replacement window ........................................................................................................................................................................................................... 14

2. Part Descriptions and Functions................................................................................................ 15

2-1 System Configuration ...................................................................................................................................................................................... 15
Display unit and scanner head ............................................................................................................................................................................................. 15
Scanner head series connection .......................................................................................................................................................................................... 15
2-2 Part Description ............................................................................................................................................................................................... 16
Camera ................................................................................................................................................................................................................................ 16
2-3 Protection zone ............................................................................................................................................................................................... 17
2-4 Warning zone .................................................................................................................................................................................................. 17

6 - SZ-V Series User's Manual -

3. Installation on a Machine ........................................................................................................... 18
3-1 Tips on installation ........................................................................................................................................................................................... 18
Light interference ................................................................................................................................................................................................................. 18
Mutual interference .............................................................................................................................................................................................................. 18
Highly reflective backgrounds .............................................................................................................................................................................................. 19
Detection capability in close distance................................................................................................................................................................................... 19
MI Error ................................................................................................................................................................................................................................ 19
3-2 Safety Distances ............................................................................................................................................................................................. 20
Example of area protection (Direction of approach parallel to the protection zone) .............................................................................................................. 20
Example of access protection 1 (Direction of approach normal to the protection zone)........................................................................................................ 21
Example of access protection 2 (In case of approaching of the body or parts of the body to the hazardous area) ............................................................... 22
Example of installing on an AGV (automated guided vehicle) .............................................................................................................................................. 23
3-3 Connecting Units ............................................................................................................................................................................................. 24
Connecting separate model units ......................................................................................................................................................................................... 24
Adding Scanner Heads ........................................................................................................................................................................................................ 24
3-4 Mounting ......................................................................................................................................................................................................... 25
Mounting for integrated setups ............................................................................................................................................................................................. 25
For separate setups: Mounting the Display unit ................................................................................................................................................................... 26
For separate setups or cascading: Mounting a scanner head............................................................................................................................................ 28
Mounting the protection cover .............................................................................................................................................................................................. 29

4. Wiring ........................................................................................................................................ 30
4-1 Power Supply .................................................................................................................................................................................................. 30
4-2 Wire color and assigned function .................................................................................................................................................................... 31
Wire color and assigned function of SZ-V04 type................................................................................................................................................................. 31
Wire color and assigned function of SZ-V32 type................................................................................................................................................................. 31
Wire color and assigned function of SZ-V32N type .............................................................................................................................................................. 32
Wire color and assigned function when the power cable extension (M12 4-pin) is used ...................................................................................................... 32
4-3 Examples of wiring .......................................................................................................................................................................................... 33
Wiring for the SZ-V04 type ................................................................................................................................................................................................... 33
Wiring for the SZ-V32 type ................................................................................................................................................................................................... 37
Wiring for the SZ-V32N type ................................................................................................................................................................................................ 40
4-4 Input and Output Circuit .................................................................................................................................................................................. 43
OSSD output circuit (Safety output) ..................................................................................................................................................................................... 43
AUX output circuit ................................................................................................................................................................................................................ 43
Muting lamp output circuit .................................................................................................................................................................................................... 43
Input circuit .......................................................................................................................................................................................................................... 43

5. Basic Functions ......................................................................................................................... 44

5-1 OSSD .............................................................................................................................................................................................................. 44
OSSD operation ................................................................................................................................................................................................................... 44
Timing chart for self-diagnosis pulse .................................................................................................................................................................................... 44
5-2 Operation modes ............................................................................................................................................................................................. 44
5-3 Minimum detectable object.............................................................................................................................................................................. 45
5-4 Response Time and Scan Cycle ..................................................................................................................................................................... 45
Response time ..................................................................................................................................................................................................................... 45
5-5 Select PNP or NPN ......................................................................................................................................................................................... 46
5-6 AUX Output ..................................................................................................................................................................................................... 46
Maximum AUX output count ................................................................................................................................................................................................. 46
Functions assigned to AUX outputs ..................................................................................................................................................................................... 46
5-7 Interlock function ............................................................................................................................................................................................. 47
5-8 Monitoring External Devices (EDM Function) ............................................................................................................................................... 48

6. Advanced Functions .................................................................................................................. 49

6-1 Switching Protection Zones (Bank Switching Function) ................................................................................................................................ 49
Bank switching methods ...................................................................................................................................................................................................... 49
Number of configurable banks ............................................................................................................................................................................................. 49
Details on the bank switching methods ................................................................................................................................................................................ 49

- SZ-V Series User’s Manual - 7

6-2 Using Multiple Banks When PROFIsafe is Utilized (All Banks Function) ......................................................................................................... 53
6-3 Monitoring the Zone Switching Sequence (Bank Sequence Monitoring Function) .......................................................................................... 53
6-4 Protecting Two Zones at the Same Time (Multi-OSSD Function) .................................................................................................................... 54
Independently switching two zones (Independent bank switching)....................................................................................................................................... 54
6-5 Temporarily Disabling the Safety Function ...................................................................................................................................................... 55
Temporarily disabling the safety function (Muting function) .................................................................................................................................................. 55
Restarting after a suspended disabled state (Override function) .......................................................................................................................................... 56
Displaying the disabled state ............................................................................................................................................................................................... 56
6-6 Monitoring Doors and Other Locations That Change (Reference Points Monitoring Function) ....................................................................... 57
Examples of applications for detection for area protection ................................................................................................................................................... 57
Examples of applications for detection for access protection ............................................................................................................................................... 57
6-7 Turning OFF the SZ-V OSSD (Operation Check Function) ............................................................................................................................. 57
Operation check with laser off input ..................................................................................................................................................................................... 57
Operation check with bank switching ................................................................................................................................................................................... 57
6-8 Reducing Interference Between SZ-Vs (Mutual Interference Reduction Function) ......................................................................................... 58
6-9 Reducing Power Consumption (Power Saving Mode) .................................................................................................................................... 58
6-10 Privacy of Camera Images (Camera Blur Function) ........................................................................................................................................ 58
6-11 Replacing damaged units without configuration transfer (System Memory) .................................................................................................... 59

7. Checking Operation Status........................................................................................................ 60

7-1 Checking the Current Detection Status ........................................................................................................................................................... 60
Checking on the SZ-V display .............................................................................................................................................................................................. 60
Checking on the SZ-V Configurator ..................................................................................................................................................................................... 60
Checking with outputs .......................................................................................................................................................................................................... 60
7-2 Checking the Past Detection Status (Detection History) ................................................................................................................................. 62
Detection History.................................................................................................................................................................................................................. 62
Error history ......................................................................................................................................................................................................................... 62
Checking on the SZ-V Configurator ..................................................................................................................................................................................... 63
Checking on the SZ-V display .............................................................................................................................................................................................. 63
7-3 Checking Error and Alert ................................................................................................................................................................................. 64
Checking on the SZ-V display .............................................................................................................................................................................................. 64
Checking with outputs .......................................................................................................................................................................................................... 64
7-4 Notification of Whether a Person or Object is in the Protection Zone (Detection in the Protection Zone/Warning Zone Output) .................... 65
Checking with outputs .......................................................................................................................................................................................................... 65
7-5 Notification of Interlock-Reset-Ready (Interlock-Reset-Ready Output) ........................................................................................................... 66
7-6 Checking the Timing for the Completion of Start-up (Transition to Normal Operation Output) ........................................................................ 66
7-7 Checking Whether the Intended Settings Have Been Applied (Configuration Code (CRC)) ........................................................................... 66
Checking on the SZ-V display .............................................................................................................................................................................................. 66
Checking on the SZ-V Configurator ..................................................................................................................................................................................... 66

8. How to Use the SZ-V Configurator ............................................................................................ 67

8-1 Before using the SZ-V Configurator ................................................................................................................................................................ 67
System Environment ............................................................................................................................................................................................................ 67
Installing Safety Device Configurator ................................................................................................................................................................................... 67
Starting the SZ-V Configurator ............................................................................................................................................................................................. 67
Selecting the Start-up Method .............................................................................................................................................................................................. 68
Selecting a connection method ............................................................................................................................................................................................ 68
Exiting SZ-V Configurator .................................................................................................................................................................................................... 69
Connecting the SZ-V to a computer ..................................................................................................................................................................................... 69
8-2 Area and Function Names on the Screen ....................................................................................................................................................... 70
Menu bar ............................................................................................................................................................................................................................. 70
Toolbar ................................................................................................................................................................................................................................. 70
Configuration area ............................................................................................................................................................................................................... 70
Subpanel ............................................................................................................................................................................................................................. 71
Main panel ........................................................................................................................................................................................................................... 71
Status bar ............................................................................................................................................................................................................................ 71
8-3 Authorization Level and Settings ..................................................................................................................................................................... 71
Possible operations according to authorization level ............................................................................................................................................................ 71
8-4 Overview of How to Configure Settings ........................................................................................................................................................... 72
How to read the Configuration tab........................................................................................................................................................................................ 72
8-5 Setting Procedure ........................................................................................................................................................................................... 73

8 - SZ-V Series User’s Manual -

1. Determine the configuration ............................................................................................................................................................................................. 73
2. Configuring the settings ................................................................................................................................................................................................... 74
3. Set the zone..................................................................................................................................................................................................................... 78
4. Configure other settings ................................................................................................................................................................................................... 81
5. Communication settings ................................................................................................................................................................................................... 83
6. Transfer the settings ........................................................................................................................................................................................................ 86
8-6 Useful Functions for Setting Zones ................................................................................................................................................................. 87
Automatic drawing function .................................................................................................................................................................................................. 87
Automatic trimming function ................................................................................................................................................................................................. 88
Dynamic drawing function .................................................................................................................................................................................................... 89
Real-time ranging................................................................................................................................................................................................................. 90
Rotating the canvas ............................................................................................................................................................................................................. 90
Simulation mode .................................................................................................................................................................................................................. 90
Checking the camera ........................................................................................................................................................................................................... 91
8-7 Monitoring Operations ..................................................................................................................................................................................... 92
How to read the monitoring tab ............................................................................................................................................................................................ 92
How to read and operate the full screen display................................................................................................................................................................... 95
How to read and operate the camera view ........................................................................................................................................................................... 96
How to read and operate the monitor view ........................................................................................................................................................................... 96
8-8 Checking the Detection History ....................................................................................................................................................................... 97
How to read the History tab.................................................................................................................................................................................................. 97
Checking detection images and video in the protection zone ............................................................................................................................................... 99
8-9 Monitoring Using Communications ................................................................................................................................................................ 100
8-10 Operation Menu ............................................................................................................................................................................................ 101
File ..................................................................................................................................................................................................................................... 101
Edit .................................................................................................................................................................................................................................... 101
View ................................................................................................................................................................................................................................... 102
Image on Canvas ............................................................................................................................................................................................................... 103
Monitoring tools ................................................................................................................................................................................................................. 103
Detection history tools ........................................................................................................................................................................................................ 104
Communications ................................................................................................................................................................................................................ 105
Log-in authentication.......................................................................................................................................................................................................... 107
Language ........................................................................................................................................................................................................................... 108
Help ................................................................................................................................................................................................................................... 108
8-11 Image of a printed document......................................................................................................................................................................... 109

9. Operating the SZ-V...................................................................................................................111

9-1 Turning On Power for the First Time ............................................................................................................................................................. 111
9-2 How to Read the SZ-V Display...................................................................................................................................................................... 112
How to Read the Display..................................................................................................................................................................................................... 112
9-3 Switching the Display (View) ......................................................................................................................................................................... 114
9-4 Operating the Menu (Menu) .......................................................................................................................................................................... 115
Checking the Detection History (Detection History) ............................................................................................................................................................. 115
Checking the error history (Error History) ............................................................................................................................................................................ 117
Checking each setting (Configuration) ................................................................................................................................................................................ 118
Checking the zone settings (Zone Config) ......................................................................................................................................................................... 120
I/O monitoring functions (I/O Monitor) ................................................................................................................................................................................ 120
Other functions and settings (Other) .................................................................................................................................................................................. 120
9-5 Displaying the Detection History (History) ..................................................................................................................................................... 120
9-6 Display When an Error Occurs (Error/Alert) .................................................................................................................................................. 121
Display on the SZ-V when an error or alert occurs ............................................................................................................................................................. 121
Screen transition when an error occurs .............................................................................................................................................................................. 121
9-7 Other Functions and Operations ................................................................................................................................................................... 122
Key lock ............................................................................................................................................................................................................................. 122
9-8 How to Read the indicators ........................................................................................................................................................................... 122
Display unit indicators ........................................................................................................................................................................................................ 122
Scanner head indicators .................................................................................................................................................................................................... 123

10. Specifications .......................................................................................................................... 124

10-1 Models........................................................................................................................................................................................................... 124
SZ-V .................................................................................................................................................................................................................................. 124

- SZ-V Series User’s Manual - 9

Cable ................................................................................................................................................................................................................................. 124
Others ................................................................................................................................................................................................................................ 124
10-2 Specifications ................................................................................................................................................................................................ 125
Specifications..................................................................................................................................................................................................................... 125
IEC61508-related parameters ............................................................................................................................................................................................ 127
EtherNet/IP Specifications ................................................................................................................................................................................................. 127
PROFINET/PROFIsafe Specifications ............................................................................................................................................................................... 127
PROFIsafe communication data ........................................................................................................................................................................................ 128
10-3 Dimensions ................................................................................................................................................................................................... 129
SZ-V .................................................................................................................................................................................................................................. 129
Mounting bracket ............................................................................................................................................................................................................... 130

11. Troubleshooting ....................................................................................................................... 135

11-1 Error State ..................................................................................................................................................................................................... 135
Display and output of the error information ........................................................................................................................................................................ 135
Recovering from an error state .......................................................................................................................................................................................... 135
11-2 Alert State ..................................................................................................................................................................................................... 135
Indication and output of the alert information ..................................................................................................................................................................... 135
Recovering from the alert state .......................................................................................................................................................................................... 135
11-3 Information on the Display............................................................................................................................................................................. 136
Display during normal operation......................................................................................................................................................................................... 136
Display during alert state.................................................................................................................................................................................................... 137
Display during an error state .............................................................................................................................................................................................. 138
Other states ....................................................................................................................................................................................................................... 140
11-4 Troubleshooting the OSSD Operation ........................................................................................................................................................... 140
11-5 Troubleshooting Related to Connection with the SZ-V Configurator ............................................................................................................. 141
11-6 Troubleshooting Related to Ethernet Communication ................................................................................................................................... 141

12. Inspection and Maintenance.................................................................................................... 142

12-1 Precaution During Inspection ........................................................................................................................................................................ 142
12-2 Initial Inspection ............................................................................................................................................................................................ 142
12-3 Daily Inspection ............................................................................................................................................................................................. 143
12-4 Regular (Periodic) Inspection ........................................................................................................................................................................ 143
12-5 Cleaning the Window .................................................................................................................................................................................... 144
12-6 Replacing the Window................................................................................................................................................................................... 144
Replacement procedure ..................................................................................................................................................................................................... 144
12-7 Replacing the Display unit ............................................................................................................................................................................. 145
Replacement procedure ..................................................................................................................................................................................................... 145

Appendices ...................................................................................................................................... 146

A-1. Functions That Cannot Be Set Together ....................................................................................................................................................... 146
SZ-V04 type ....................................................................................................................................................................................................................... 146
SZ-V32 type ....................................................................................................................................................................................................................... 146
SZ-V32N type (When PROFIsafe is not used) ................................................................................................................................................................... 147
SZ-V32N type (When PROFIsafe is used) ......................................................................................................................................................................... 147
A-2. Open License ................................................................................................................................................................................................ 148
A-3. Trademarks ................................................................................................................................................................................................... 148

Warranties and Disclaimers

10 - SZ-V Series User’s Manual -

1. Before Use Protection against entrance into a hazardous area (Access
protection: Vertical detection plane)
If the SZ-V detects someone passing through the specified protection
1-1 Overview of Applications zone, the OSSD goes to the OFF-state to stop the machine hazard.
Even if the scanner head is installed in a high place, by installing the
The applications introduced in this chapter should be considered just as Display unit separately, SZ-V operation is easy.
references. The customer (user) is fully responsible for performing a Make sure to always use the reference points monitoring function with
risk assessment, taking into account the machine application, and for these types of applications. "Reference Point Monitoring Function”
using the SZ-V appropriately based on those results. (page 57)

Applications for stationary installation

Protection against a hazardous area (Area protection: Horizontal

detection plane)
If the SZ-V detects an object in the specified protection zone, the OSSD
goes to the OFF-state to stop the machine hazard. If the SZ-V detects

Before Use
an object in the specified warning zone, the warning information related
to the person approaching the protection zone can be provided by the
SZ-V before stopping the hazard.
If an object is detected, the photos and video captured with the use of
the camera can be saved. The saved photos and video can be checked
on the unit's display or on a computer with a USB drive or via the

Application for movable installation

Mounting on an Automated Guided Vehicle (AGV)

If the SZ-V detects an object (someone or something) in the protection
zone, the AGV stops because the OSSD goes to the OFF-state. The
SZ-V can monitor whether there is an object in the protection zone by
switching between the specified protection zones based on signals
from external devices such as encoders. By installing several scanner
heads on one Display unit, locations that are physically separated in
several protection zones can be monitored at the same time.

One SZ-V can provide protection for two different hazards (Area
protection: Horizontal detection plane)
Two protection zones can be specified: protection zone A and
protection zone B. OSSD 1/2 goes to the OFF-state if the SZ-V detects
an object in protection zone A. Then, only hazard A stops operation. On
the other hand, OSSD 3/4 goes to the OFF-state if the SZ-V detects an
object in the protection zone B. Then, only hazard B stops operation.
For the warning zone, two warning zones can be specified with the
protection zones.

- SZ-V Series User’s Manual - 11

1-2 Overview and Configuration Cable

System Memory  Power cable (18 core connector free)


Power Cable
Display Unit

Connector configuration 19.2 mm x 40.2 mm x thickness 18.6 mm

Cable φ5.8 mm, minimum bend radius 5 mm.
Model Length
Cable SZ-VP5 5m
1 SZ-VP10
10 m
20 m
Before Use

Scanner Head SZ-VP30 30 m

For details on part names and system configuration, see "Part  Power cable (PROFIsafe-dedicated, 2 core connector free)
Descriptions and Functions” (page 15). Cable φ5.8 mm, minimum bend radius 5 mm.
Model Length
1-3 Parts List SZ-VP10PW 10m

SZ-V  Power cable extension (M12 4-pin)

Integrated Models

Cable φ5.8 mm, minimum bend radius 5 mm.

Model Length
SZ-VPC03 0.3m

 Extension cable (M12 4-pin)

These models include the Display unit, scanner head, system memory,
and connection cable.
Type Model Name Display Unit Model Head Model
Multi-function Type (with camera) SZ-V04X SZ-VU04 SZ-VH1X
Multi-function Type SZ-V04 SZ-VU04 SZ-VH1
Multi-bank Type (with camera) SZ-V32X SZ-VU32 SZ-VH1X Cable φ5.8 mm, minimum bend radius 5 mm.
Multi-bank Type SZ-V32 SZ-VU32 SZ-VH1 Model Length
Network Type (with camera) SZ-V32NX SZ-VU32N SZ-VH1X SZ-VCC10 10m
Network Type SZ-V32N SZ-VU32N SZ-VH1

The system memory and connection cable are the same for all models.
 Connection cable
System memory: SZ-VSM Connection cable: SZ-VS005

Separate Models
Display unit Scanner Head

Connector configuration 29mm x 19mm x thickness 19 mm

Cable φ5.4 mm, minimum bend radius 5 mm.
Type Model Name Type Model Name Model Length
Multi-function Type SZ-VU04 With camera SZ-VH1X SZ-VS005 0.05 m
Multi-bank Type SZ-VU32 Standard SZ-VH1 SZ-VS5 5m
Network Type SZ-VU32N SZ-VS10 10 m
SZ-VS20 20 m
System Memory The SZ-VS005 is bundled with fixing plates (for the standard and
Type Model Name multi-bank models) to secure the Display unit and the scanner head.
System Memory SZ-VSM

12 - SZ-V Series User’s Manual -

Cable length specification  For separate Display unit installation:
Display unit standard bracket model: SZ-VB11
Power cable 30m
Connection cable 20 m each *2
*1 10 m or less when supplying power from a battery.
*2 When supplying power from a battery, the length of each connection
cable should be 10 m or less when using two scanner heads, and 5 m
or less when using three scanner heads.

Mounting brackets

 For integrated setup and separate scanner head setup

Adjustable angle bracket (horizontal) model: SZ-VB01 Display unit DIN rail mounting bracket (flat) model: SZ-VB12

Before Use
Adjustable angle bracket (vertical) model: SZ-VB02 Display unit DIN rail mounting bracket (slim) model: SZ-VB13

 Protection cover model: SZ-VB21

Floor bracket model: SZ-VB03

- SZ-V Series User’s Manual - 13

Other options 1-4 Checking the Package Contents
 USB cable
For the standard models
Model Length
OP-51580 2m
Main unit (Display unit, scanner head, system memory, and connection
OP-86941 5m cable)
Dynamic drawing sheet
 IP67 network cable Instruction manual
Main unit connection– cable (RJ45 – M12 4-pin female)
M12-4pin, female
For the separate models (Display unit)

Main unit (Display unit)

Dynamic drawing sheet

RJ-45 Instruction manual

Model Length
Before Use

SZ-VNC03 0.3m
For the separate models (scanner head)
When extending the network cable, please choose appropriate type
Main unit (scanner head)
from below, depending on the connector shape of the equipment you
Instruction manual
would like to connect to.

RJ45 extension cable

For the separate models (system memory)
Main unit (system memory)
Instruction manual

Replacement window
M12-4pin, male
Main unit (replacement window)
Model Length
Screw x 4
OP-88086 2m Instruction manual
OP-88087 5m
OP-88088 10m

M12 4-pin (male) extension cable

M12-4pin, male

M12-4pin, male

Model Length
OP-88089 2m
OP-88090 5m
OP-88091 10m
OP-88092 20m

 Replacement window model: SZ-VHW

 Configuration software <Safety Device Configurator>

The configuration software includes dedicated configuration software
for SZ-V series <SZ-V Configurator>. Configuration of SZ-V is done
through SZ-V Configurator.
The configuration software can be downloaded from the KEYENCE
If you are using the machine in an environment where downloading
software is not possible via the Internet, contact your nearest
KEYENCE office or distributor.

14 - SZ-V Series User’s Manual -

Scanner head series connection
2. Part Descriptions and
Up to three scanner heads can be connected to one Display unit. This
Functions allows multiple zones to be monitored as one.

2-1 System Configuration

System Memory

Power Cable
Display Unit

Benefits of scanner head series connection

 The amount of wiring is greatly reduced with the need for only one

Display unit. 2
Cable  Scanner heads containing different minimum detectable objects,
response times, and other settings can be used together.

Part Names and Functions

Scanner Head Limitation
 Only three scanner heads can be connected to one Display unit.
Display unit and scanner head  When adding scanner heads, the start-up time increases by one
second for each scanner head.
Integrated System  When supplying power from a battery, the length of each connection
cable should be 10 m or less when using two scanner heads, and 5 m
or less when using three scanner heads.

The Display unit and scanner head can be connected together prior to
installation. At the time of shipping, the standard models (“Parts List”
page 12) are already assembled and ready to be installed as an
integrated unit.

Separate System

The Display unit and scanner head can also be installed separately.
When installing the Display unit and scanner head separately, connect
the Display unit and scanner head with the connection cable.

- SZ-V Series User’s Manual - 15

2-2 Part Description Camera

SZ-V04 and SZ-V32

Information Protection zone
display origin
Indicator Setting cover
(Display unit)
Power cable
Right camera
buttons USB port
Right camera Left camera
BACK button

Indicator Left camera

(Scanner head)

When using a scanner head with a camera, images taken with the
2 Detection plane
camera can be monitored, and photos and videos of the moment that
objects and/or people are detected can be saved.
Part Names and Functions

RJ45 connector
Information Protection zone
display origin
Indicator Setting cover
(Display unit)
Power cable

buttons USB port
Right camera
BACK button

Indicator Left camera

(Scanner head)

Optical axis adjustment using the camera is also possible.
Detection plane

For details on the indicators, see “How to Read the indicators” (page

Check photos and videos of the moments objects and/or people are
detected at a later time.
“Checking detection images and video in the protection zone” (page 99)

16 - SZ-V Series User’s Manual -

2-3 Protection zone 2-4 Warning zone
When the SZ-V detects an object (someone or something) in the A warning zone can be configured separately from the protection zone.
protection zone, the OSSD goes to the OFF-state. Prevent the unnecessary stoppage of the machine by configuring the
The maximum configurable distance varies depending on the operation warning zone larger than the protection zone, since the SZ-V can send
mode and minimum detectable object size setting. ”Minimum an alert to an external device, such as an indicator, before the object
detectable object” (page 45) (someone or something) enters the protection zone.
The protection zone settings are configured in the SZ-V Configurator. The maximum configurable distance varies depending on the operation
“Set the zone” (page 78) mode and minimum detectable object size setting. “Minimum
detectable object” (page 45)
The warning zone settings are configured in the SZ-V Configurator. “Set
Protection zone (top view) the zone” (page 78)
Maximum protection zone

P Maximum protection distance Warning zone (top view)

zone origin Front
90° Maximum warning zone

P Maximum warning distance


zone origin

Part Names and Functions

180° 0°
185° -5°

 Example of a protection zone

180° 0°
185° -5°
Minimum detectable

 Example of warning zone

Protection zone

Warning zone

Protection zone

 The protection zone must be configured so as to

ensure the safety distance, which has been SZ-V

calculated according to the laws, regulations, and

standards of the country and region in which the
SZ-V is installed. “Safety Distances” (page 20).
The warning zone is not a safety-related function. Do
 When either multi-OSSD function or bank switching
not use the output for detection in the warning zone as
function is enabled, every protection zone must be
a safety output, which is connected to the
configured so as to ensure the safety distance, DANGER safety-related part of a control system. Failure to
which has been calculated according to the laws,
follow this warning may result in a significant harm to
regulations, and standards of the country and
the machine operators, including serious injury or
region in which the SZ-V is installed. “Multi-OSSD
Function” (page 54), “Bank Switching Function”
(page 49), “Safety Distances” (page 20) Reference  Set the minimum detectable object size in the SZ-V
 SZ-V cannot monitor anything behind the object that Configurator. “Minimum detectable object” (page 45)
the SZ-V detects in the protection zone. (This is a  Even if the object is smaller than the minimum
blind area for the SZ-V.) The responsible personnel detectable object size, it may be detected. But this is not
must perform the risk assessment with taking into guaranteed.
account this factor in case of installation of the  The detection may not be performed in the warning zone
SZ-V. If necessary, the additional countermeasure if the whole of minimum detectable object is not included
must be taken by the responsible personnel. in that warning zone. Configure the warning zone so as
 As shown in the figure above, the detection may not to ensure that the whole of minimum detectable object is
be performed if the whole of minimum detectable included everywhere in that warning zone.
object is not included in the protection zone. You  The scan cycle for the warning zone cannot be set
must configure the protection zone so as to ensure because the scan cycle for the configured protection
that the whole of minimum detectable object is zone is always applied. The OSSD does not go to the
included everywhere in that protection zone. OFF-state even if the SZ-V detects an object in the
warning zone
Reference  Set the minimum detectable object size in the SZ-V
 The response time and the minimum detectable object
Configurator. “Minimum detectable object” (page 45)
size for the warning zone can be different from those for
 Even if the object is smaller than the minimum
the protection zone.
detectable object size, it may be detected; however this
is not guaranteed.
 Two individual warning zones can be set for one
scanner head.
 Using the multi-OSSD function, allows for the setting of
two protection zones individually for one scanner head.
“Multi-OSSD Function” (page 54)

- SZ-V Series User’s Manual - 17

3. Installation on a Machine 3-1 Tips on installation
Note the following items when installing on a machine.
 The protection zone must be configured so as to
ensure the safety distance, which has been
calculated according to the laws, regulations, and Light interference
standards of the country and region in which the
SZ-V is installed. “Safety Distances” (page 20) Although there is no object in the protection zone, the OSSD might go
 When either multi-OSSD function or bank switching to the OFF-state if an ambient light source, detailed below, is located at
function is enabled, every protection zone must be the detection plane, causing the SZ-V to perform a false detection.
configured so as to ensure the safety distance,  Incandescent lamp
which has been calculated according to the laws,  Sunlight
regulations, and standards of the country and  Fluorescent light
region in which the SZ-V is installed. “Safety  Strobe light
Distances” (page 20)  Other infrared light sources (infrared photoelectric sensor, infrared
 The necessary safety distance varies depending on laser, etc.)
the minimum detectable object size and the In order to avoid this situation, ambient light sources should not be
response time you specify. The protection zone located within ±5° of the detection plane.
must be configured so as to ensure the safety
distance, which has been calculated according to
the laws, regulations, and standards of the country Protection zone origin Ambient light source
and region in which the SZ-V is installed. “Safety


Distances” (page 20)
SZ-V cannot monitor anything behind the object that
5° or more
Detection plane
the SZ-V detects in the protection zone. (This is a 5° or more
Installation to a Machine

blind area for the SZ-V.) The responsible personnel

must perform the risk assessment with taking into Ambient light source
account this factor in case of installation of the
SZ-V. If necessary, the additional countermeasure
must be taken by the responsible personnel.
 The SZ-V must be installed so that the machine
Mutual interference
operator is able to go into or approach the
hazardous zone or hazards only by passing through
The OSSD might go to the OFF-state due to mutual interference if
the protection zone of the SZ-V. Strictly avoid
using multiple SZ-V units.
installation that allows the machine operator or a
part of the machine operator's body to go into or
Installations where mutual interference is possible
approach the hazardous zone or hazards without
passing through the protection zone of the SZ-V or
to remain in a position between the protection zone 1. Directly facing each other
of the SZ-V and the hazardous zone or hazard.
 You must prepare the test piece with the intended
minimum detectable object size in order to verify the
protection zone in accordance with the pre-check
test procedures, such as the item specified in this
manual, after installing the SZ-V.

2. Interference caused by diffuse reflection

The SZ-V should be installed according to the following

countermeasures in order to avoid mutual interference.

1. A shielding plate should be installed like below.

18 - SZ-V Series User’s Manual -

2. The height of installation should be like below. Detection capability in close distance

Non-detectable zones
There are non-detectable zones near the SZ-V.

Non-detectable zones when directly attached

X : 777.3 mm
Y : 68.0 mm



3. The angle of installation should be like below. Additional countermeasures for protection must be
provided if there is a space between the protection
zone and the protective structure that the minimum
detectable object is not detected by the SZ-V.

Zone with the limited detection capability

Installation to a Machine
SZ-V might not detect an object with low reflectance located at the
The following countermeasures may be taken to reduce the possibility distance of 93.5mm or less from the protection zone origin. This is the
of the mutual interference. zone with limited detection capability.
 Make the protection zone smaller, if possible. “Protection zone” (page 17)
 Make the minimum detectable object size larger, if possible. Protection zone
“Minimum detectable object” (page 45) origin
 Make the response time longer, if possible. “Response Time and
Scan Cycle” (page 45)
 Change the scan cycles. “Mutual Interference Reduction Function”
(page 58)

You must calculate the safety distance again in order 93.5 mm

DANGER to reinstall the SZ-V with appropriate safety distance if
you want to apply the above countermeasure.

Highly reflective backgrounds

In case of installation of the SZ-V, the responsible
The SZ-V goes into an alert state (alert for a highly reflective personnel must perform the risk assessment with
background) if it detects a highly reflective background within 1.5 m taking into account the possibility that an object might
from the setting range of the protection zone. For more information go into the zone with limited detection capability. If it
about the alert state, see "Alert State” (page 135). is possible, the additional countermeasure must be
taken by the responsible personnel.
Protection zone

Area affected by highly reflective MI Error


When the reflection from a detection object or the background area is

not detected for over 60°, an error will occur and [MI Error] will be
1.5m This function is to prevent people from interfering with the use of
objects that emit very little reflection when very close to the SZ-V.

If there is a highly reflective background within 1.5 m

from the boundary of the protection zone, you must
take a countermeasure, such as reducing the
reflectance or removing the background itself. If you
cannot take the above-mentioned countermeasures,
another 200 mm must be added as supplementary
necessary distance to the protection zone in case of
calculation of the safety distance.

Reference Examples of highly reflective backgrounds:

Metallic glossy surfaces, retro-reflective sheets, and
retro-reflective plates

- SZ-V Series User’s Manual - 19

Protection distances to be configured as the protection zones
3-2 Safety Distances P1 = S - B = 2424 mm
P2 = S + W1 = 3492 mm
The protection zone must be configured so as to ensure the minimum
P3 = S + W2 = 3492 mm
safety distance, which has been calculated according to the laws,
regulations, standards of the country and region in which the SZ-V is Safety distance calculation according to ANSI B11.19-2010 and
installed as well as the specification specified in this user's manual.
Example of area protection (Direction of approach Formula: Ds = K x T + Dpf + A
parallel to the protection zone) Ds: Safety distance.
K: The maximum speed that an individual can approach the
Top view of the Side view of the hazard.
Machine A Hazar- T: The total time that it takes for the hazardous motion to stop,
S zone or for the hazardous portion of the machine cycle to be
Machine completed. This value varies depending on machine type
P2 B and/or the safeguarding device applied.
Detection plane
W1 Dpf: Additional distance for horizontal sensing field applications
without vertical sensing: 1200 mm / 48".
W2 A: Additional safety distance (mm)
Floor, etc
Example of safety distance calculation
S Hazar-
dous When there is cover above the SZ-V K = 1600 mm/s

A T = t1 + t2 = 0.82 s Overall response time
e t1 = 0.32 s SZ-V response time (Changeable)
A B t2 = 0.5 s Max. time required to stop the machine after
Installation to a Machine

Detection plane receiving the OSSD signal from SZ-V *

Dpf = 1200 mm Additional distance
H A = 100mm Additional safety distance of SZ-V
Protection zone
Floor, etc B = 68 mm Distance between the edge of the hazardous
area and protection zone origin on the SZ-V
P1, P2, P3 : Protection distances to be configured as the protection zones W1 = W2 = 1000mm Width of the hazardous area
W1, W2 : Width of the hazardous area
* When using PROFIsafe with the SZ-V32N type, please add the
B: Distance between the edge of the hazardous area and
communication and processing time required for the stop signal to
protection zone origin on the SZ-V
reach the machine after the SZ-V protection zone state turns OFF.
D: Unprotected space

Safety distance calculation according to ISO13855 and IEC61496-3 Safety Distances

S = K x T + Dpf + A
= 1600 x 0.82 +1200 + 100 = 2612 mm =102.9inch
S: Safety distance (mm)
K: Approach speed of the body or parts of the body (mm/s) Protection distances to be configured as the protection zones
T: Overall Response time in second (t1 + t2) (s)
P1 = S - B = 2544 mm = 101 inch
t1: SZ-V response time (s)
P2 = S + W1 = 3612 mm = 143 inch
t2: Max. time required to stop the machine after receiving the
P3 = S + W2 = 3612 mm = 143 inch
OSSD signal from SZ-V (s) *
C: 1200 - 0.4 x H (850 mm or higher)  Additional countermeasures for protection must be
H: Height of detection plane (protection zone) above the provided if there is a space (D) between the
reference plane, for example the floor (mm) protection zone and the protective structure that the
1000 ≥ H ≥ 15 x (d-50) minimum detectable object is not detected by the
d: SZ-V minimum detectable object size (mm) SZ-V.
A: Additional safety distance (mm)  There is a risk of inadvertent undetected access
* When using PROFIsafe with the SZ-V32N type, please add the beneath the detection plane (protection zone), if the
communication and processing time required for the stop signal to height "H" of detection plane (protection zone) is
reach the machine after the SZ-V protection zone state turns OFF. greater than 300 mm (200 mm for non-industrial
application, for example in the presence of children).
Example of safety distance calculation The responsible personnel must perform the risk
K = 1600 mm/s Approach speed of the body or parts of the assessment with taking into account this factor in
body (Constant) case of installation of the SZ-V. If necessary, the
T = t1 + t2 = 0.82 s Overall response time additional countermeasure must be taken by the
t1 = 0.32 s SZ-V response time (Changeable) responsible personnel.
t2 = 0.5 s Max. time required to stop the machine after  In the protection zone setting, you cannot select the
receiving the OSSD signal from SZ-V object size of 150 mm when "H" (Height of detection
C = 1200-0.4 x H = 1080 mm plane) is 1,000 mm or less. You must select the
H = 300 mm Lowest allowable height of detection plane
object size of 70 mm or smaller if you want to use
(protection zone). This must be calculated
SZ-V for area protection (direction of approach is
using the formula below.
parallel to the protection zone.)
H ≥ 15 (d - 50 mm)
d = 70 mm Minimum detectable object size  If there is a highly reflective background within 1.5
(Changeable) m from the boundary of the protection zone, another
A = 100mm Additional safety distance of SZ-V 200 mm must be added as supplementary necessary
B = 68 mm Distance between the edge of the hazardous distance to the P1, P2 and P3 respectively. “Highly
area and protection zone origin on the SZ-V reflective backgrounds” (page 19)
W1 = W2 = 1000mm Width of the hazardous area  We recommend you should have a marking on the
floor for indicating the specified protection zone.
Safety Distances
= 1600 x 0.82 + 1080 + 100 = 2492 mm

20 - SZ-V Series User’s Manual -

Example of access protection 1 (Direction of approach
normal to the protection zone)

 Safety distance calculation method based on ISO13855 and

Formula: S = K × T + C
S: Safety distance (mm)
K: Approach speed of the body or parts of the body (mm/s)
T: Overall Response time in second (t1 + t2) (s)
t1: SZ-V response time (s)
t2: Max. time required to stop the machine after receiving the
OSSD signal from SZ-V (s) * 3
C: Additional distance, taking into accounts the intrusion prior to

Installation to a Machine
actuation of protective equipment (mm).
* When using PROFIsafe with the SZ-V32N type, please add the
communication and processing time required for the stop signal to
reach the machine after the SZ-V protection zone state turns OFF.

Example of safety distance calculation

K = 1600 mm/s Approach speed of the body or parts of the
T = t1 + t2 = 0.58 s Overall response time
t1 = 0.08 s SZ-V response time (Changeable)
t2 = 0.5 s Max. time required to stop the machine after
receiving the OSSD signal from SZ-V
C = 850 mm (Constant)
d = 70 mm Minimum detectable object size (Changeable)

Safety Distances
S = K x T + C = 1600 x 0.58 + 850 = 1778mm

 Reference point monitoring function must be applied

when the SZ-V is used for the access protection
specified in IEC61496-3:2008 Annex A.12 and A.13
(the application where the angle of the approach
exceeds ±30° to the detection plane). In this case, the
tolerance for reference points must be ±100 mm or
less and the response time must be 90 ms or less.
“Reference Points Monitoring Function” (page 57)
 The unprotected space between the protection zone
and the protective structure must be less than the
minimum detectable object size when the SZ-V is
installed, in order to prevent the machine operators
from approaching into the hazardous area through
this space. Additional countermeasures for
protection must be provided if there is a space
between the protection zone and the protective
structure that the minimum detectable object is not
detected by the SZ-V.
 According to GB 19436.3-2008, "if the maximum
distance between the AOPDDR and the reference
boundary is greater than 4.0 m, displacement of the
detection zone greater than 100 mm shall be
detected." In order to comply with this requirement
for SZ-V, this may be achieved by limiting the width
of the objects of the reference point to ≤200 mm. For
the case where the maximum protection distance of
the protection zone is over 4.0 m, this limitation
must be followed.

- SZ-V Series User’s Manual - 21

Example of access protection 2 (In case of
approaching of the body or parts of the body to the
hazardous area)

a, b, c: Width of protection zone in millimeters that covers the

outside of opening to the hazard.
This must be more than {100-d/2} mm.

 Safety distance calculation method based on ISO13855 and

3 IEC61496-3
Formula: S = K × T + C
S: Safety distance (mm)
Installation to a Machine

K: Approach speed of the body or parts of the body (mm/s)

T: Overall Response time in second (t1 + t2)(s)
t1: SZ-V response time (s)
t2: Max. time required to stop the machine after receiving the
OSSD signal from SZ-V (s) *
C: Additional distance in millimeters {8 x (d-14)}
d: SZ-V minimum detectable object size (mm)
* When using PROFIsafe with the SZ-V32N type, please add the
communication and processing time required for the stop signal to
reach the machine after the SZ-V protection zone state turns OFF.

Example of safety distance calculation

K = 2000 mm/s Approach speed of the parts of the body,
such as hands and arms.
T = t1 + t2 = 0.20 s Overall response time
t1 = 0.08 s SZ-V response time (Changeable)
t2 = 0.12 s Max. time required to stop the machine after
receiving the OSSD signal from SZ-V
C = 8 × (d-14) = 48 mm
d = 20mm Minimum detectable object size (Changeable)
Safety Distance
S = K x T + C = 2000 x 0.20+48 = 448mm

 Reference point monitoring function must be applied

when the SZ-V is used for the access protection
specified in IEC61496-3:2008 Annex A.12 and A.13 (the
application where the angle of the approach exceeds
±30° to the detection plane). In this case, the tolerance
for reference points must be ±100 mm or less and the
response time muse be 90ms or less. “Reference Points
Monitoring Function” (page 57)
 If you configure the protection zone in order to protect
the opening of the machine through which the machine
operator can approach the hazardous area (hereinafter
called as "opening to the hazard"), you must configure
the protection zone with the additional width indicated
by “a”, “b” and “c” as shown in below figure, which is
to be larger than the opening to the hazard.
 In case of the application for detection of hand and arm
approaching into the hazardous area, the minimum
detectable object size must be 20mm, 30 mm or 40 mm.

Important If “S” is found to be greater than 500 mm using this

formula, you can use “K=1,600 mm/s”. However, the
minimum value of "S" shall not be less than 500 mm.

22 - SZ-V Series User’s Manual -

Example of installing on an AGV (automated guided Example of safety distance calculation
vehicle) V = 1500 mm/s
T = t1 + t2 = 0.22 s Overall response time
t1 = 0.12 s SZ-V response time (Changeable)
t2 = 0.1 s Max. time required to stop the machine after
receiving the OSSD signal from SZ-V
Sbrake = 1,300 mm Required distance for braking AGV
L = 1.1 Safety coefficient for required distance based
on the wear of braking
Z = ZSZ-V + ZG = 100+100 = 200 mm Additional distance (mm)
ZSZ-V = 100mm Additional safety distance of SZ-V
ZG = 100 mm Supplementary necessary distance, if "h" is
not enough.
h = 60 mm Space between the reference plane (floor)
P1, P2, P3 : Protection distances to be configured as the protection
and the bottom of AGV.
B = 58 mm Distance between the front edge of the SZ-V
W1, W2 : Width of the AGV
and protection zone origin on the SZ-V
B: Distance between the front edge of the SZ-V and
W1 = W2 = 1,000 mm Width of AGV
protection zone origin on the SZ-V
D: Unprotected space
Safety Distances
H: Height of detection plane (protection zone) above the
S = V x T + Sbrake x L + Z
reference plane in millimeters, for example the floor. "H"
= 1500 x 0.22+ 1300 x 1.1 + 200
must be less than 200 mm.
= 1960mm
 Safety distance calculation method based on ISO13855, Protection distances to be configured as the protection zones
IEC61496-3 P1 = S + B = 2018 mm

Installation to a Machine
Formula: S = V x T + Sbrake x L + Z P2 = W1 + Z = 1200 mm
P3 = W2 + Z = 1200 mm
S: Safety distance (mm)
V: Maximum approach speed of the AGV (mm/s)
T: Overall Response time in second (t1 + t2)(s)  Additional countermeasures for protection must be
t1: SZ-V response time (s) provided if there is a space (D) between the
t2: Max. time required to stop the machine after receiving the protection zone and the protective structure that the
OSSD signal from SZ-V (s) * minimum detectable object is not detected by the
Sbrake: Required distance for braking AGV (mm) SZ-V.
L: Safety coefficient for required distance based on the wear of  There is a risk of inadvertent undetected access
braking beneath the detection plane (protection zone), if the
Z: Additional distance ZSZ-V + ZG (mm) height "H" of detection plane (protection zone) is
ZSZ-V: Additional SZ-V safety distance (mm) greater than 200 mm. However, the height "H"
ZG: Supplementary necessary distance, if "h" is not enough. should be 150 mm or more in order to detect the
(mm) DANGER object with the height of 150 mm. The responsible
h: Space between the reference plane (floor) and the bottom of personnel must perform the risk assessment with
AGV. (mm) taking into account this factor in case of installation
of the SZ-V. If necessary, the additional
If the "h" is not enough ensured, you must take into account the risk that countermeasure must be taken by the responsible
the toe or toe tip is caught between the ground (floor) and the AGV. The personnel.
relationship between "h" and "ZG" is as follows.  If there is a highly reflective background within 1.5
m from the boundary of the protection zone, another
200 mm must be added as supplementary necessary
distance to the P1, P2 and P3 respectively. “Highly
reflective backgrounds” (page 19)

* When using PROFIsafe with the SZ-V32N type, please add the
communication and processing time required for the stop signal to
reach the machine after the SZ-V protection zone state turns OFF.

- SZ-V Series User’s Manual - 23

3-3 Connecting Units Adding Scanner Heads

Additional scanner heads require adding additional connection cables.

Connecting separate model units

When purchased individually, it is necessary to connect the Display unit,

scanner head, and system memory.

Reference  For the standard models, display unit, scanner head,

and system memory are connected prior to shipping.
 Please do not remove a packing on top of the connector
part. Without the packing, specification of IP65 cannot
be met anymore.

1. Connect the Display unit and scanner head with the connection
Adding scanner heads to a standard model
When adding a scanner head to a standard model, remove the metal
plate that was attached at the time of shipping and attach the additional
connection cable.

3 M2.6 cross slot screws

Tightening torque : 0.36 N·m
Installation to a Machine

M3 cross slot
M2.6 cross
slot screws

Point The connection cable can be connected to either the

left or right side connector on the scanner head.

M2.6 cross slot screws

Tightening torque : 0.36 N·m

2. Connect the Display unit and System Memory.

M2.6 cross slot screws
Tightening torque : 0.36 N·m

3. Connect the power cable to the display unit.

M2.6 cross slot screws

Tightening torque : 0.36 N·m

24 - SZ-V Series User’s Manual -

3-4 Mounting Mounting with adjustable angle mounting bracket (vertical)
Mounting for integrated setups 1. As shown in the figure, mount scanner head on the adjustable
angle mounting bracket.
Wall mounting (direct mounting) Adjust the position so that the position of the boss on the bracket
meets the position of the hole on the scanner head.
The four screw holes on the unit can be used for direct mounting. The
appropriate screws must be purchased separately.
Recommended screw size: M6 (Thickness of SZ-V mounting part:
Recommended tightening torque: 5.2 N·m

2. Secure the scanner head to the adjustable angle bracket using

the attached four hex-screws.
Hex screw: Cross flat 4mm, length 12mm, M5
Recommended tightening torque: 3.0N·m
Mounting with adjustable angle mounting bracket (horizontal)

Installation to a Machine
1. As shown in the figure, mount scanner head on the adjustable
angle mounting bracket.
Adjust the position so that the position of the boss on the bracket
meets the position of the hole on the scanner head.

Screw to fix the bracket to a machine is not included. The appropriate

screws must be purchased separately.
Recommended screw: M6 (mounting part thickness: 4mm)
Recommended tightening torque: 5.2N·m

Mounting with floor bracket SZ-VB03

1. As shown in the figure, mount scanner head on the floor mounting
2. Secure the scanner head to the adjustable angle bracket using bracket.
the attached four hex-screws. Adjust the position so that the position of the boss on the bracket
Hex screw: Cross flat 4mm, length 12mm, M5 meets the position of the hole on the scanner head.
Recommended tightening torque: 3.0N·m

2. Secure the scanner head to the floor bracket using the attached
Screw to fix the bracket to a machine is not included. The appropriate
four hex-screws.
screws must be purchased separately.
Hex screw: Cross flat 4mm, length 12mm, M5
Recommended tightening torque: 3.0N·m
Recommended screw: M6 (mounting part thickness: 4mm)
Recommended tightening torque: 5.2N·m

Screw to fix the bracket to a floor, etc is not included. The appropriate
screws must be purchased separately.
Recommended screw: M6 (mounting part thickness: 4mm)
Recommended tightening torque: 5.2N·m

- SZ-V Series User’s Manual - 25

For separate setups: Mounting the Display unit (B) When mounting to an aluminum profile

Mounting with display unit standard bracket SZ-VB11

1. As shown in the figure, connect power cable and connection cable
to the display unit.

M2.6 3.0 N·m
0.36 N·m

0.36 N·m

2. As shown in the figure, mount display unit on the bracket.

(C) When mounting to a fence

Installation to a Machine

M5 x L25
3.0 N·m

Screw dimension: M5 x L25

Recommended tightening torque: 3.0N·m
5. Adjust angle of display unit, if required.

3. Fix display unit to the bracket using attached screws.

Recommended tightening torque: 1.5N·m

M4 x L8
1.5 N·m

M4 x L8
1.5 N·m

4. Mount the bracket.

(A) When mounting to a wall

3.0 N·m

6. Fix display unit angle.

Recommended tightening torque: 1.5N·m

1.5 N·m
1.5 N·m

26 - SZ-V Series User’s Manual -

Mounting with display unit DIN rail mounting bracket (flat) 5. Fix display unit to the bracket using attached screws.
Recommended tightening torque: 1.5N·m
1. As shown in the figure, mount bracket to DIN rail.
M4 x L8
1.5 N·m

M4 x L8
1.5 N·m

6. Mount the bracket with display unit to the bracket fixed on the DIN

2. Fix the bracket to DIN rail using the attached screws. 3

Recommended tightening torque: 1.5N·m

Installation to a Machine
7. Fix the brackets together with attached screws.
Recommended tightening torque: 3.0N·m

M4 x L12
1.5 N·m

3. As shown in the figure, connect power cable and connection cable

to the display unit.

M5 x L10
3.0 N·m

0.36 N·m

0.36 N·m

4. As shown in the figure, mount display unit on the bracket.

- SZ-V Series User’s Manual - 27

Mounting with display unit DIN rail mounting bracket (slim) 6. Mount the bracket with display unit to the bracket fixed on the DIN
1. As shown in the figure, mount bracket to DIN rail.

3 7. Fix the brackets together with attached screws.

Recommended tightening torque: 3.0N·m
2. Fix the bracket to DIN rail using the attached screws.
Installation to a Machine

Recommended tightening torque: 1.5N·m

M5 x L10
3.0 N·m

M4 x L12
1.5 N·m

3. As shown in the figure, connect power cable and connection cable For separate setups or cascading: Mounting a
to the display unit. scanner head

Mount the scanner head in the same manner as the integrated setup
installation. The mounting brackets are also the same.
0.36 N·m

0.36 N·m

4. As shown in the figure, mount display unit on the bracket.

5. Fix display unit to the bracket using attached screws.

Recommended tightening torque: 1.5N·m

M4 x L8
1.5 N·m

M4 x L8
1.5 N·m

28 - SZ-V Series User’s Manual -

Mounting the protection cover
Losing the screw caused by the vibration or shock to
1. As shown in the figure, take away release paper on the bracket. the SZ-V must be avoided. It may cause the
displacement of detection plane of the SZ-V. Failure to
follow this warning may result in a significant harm to
the machine operators, including serious injury or

Reference For more information on the dimensions of SZ-V or the

mounting bracket, see “Dimensions” (page 129).

2. As shown in the figure, mount the bracket temporarily to scanner

head using attached adhesive tape.

Installation to a Machine

4. As shown in the figure, secure scanner head and temporarily fixed

bracket to machine. Screw to fix the bracket to a machine is not
included. The appropriate screws must be purchased separately.
Recommended screw: M6 (mounting part thickness: 8mm)
Recommended tightening torque: 5.2N·m

5.2 N·m

5. Recommended tightening torque: 3.0N·m

M5 x L12
3.0 N·m

- SZ-V Series User’s Manual - 29

4. Wiring 4-1 Power Supply
If the power supply for the SZ-V is the converting type, the power
 Always turn off the power to the SZ-V when performing
electrical wiring. supply for the SZ-V must meet the conditions listed below in order to
 You must fulfill the electrical standards and regulations meet the requirements specified in IEC61496-1, UL61496-1, and
in the country or region in which the SZ-V is being used EN61496-1.
when you perform the electrical wiring. (a) A rated output voltage of 24 V DC (SELV circuit, Overvoltage
 To avoid the risk of electric shock, do not connect any of Category II) within +20% -30%.
the SZ-V inputs to DC power sources outside of the (b) Double insulation or reinforced insulation between the primary and
range of 24 V DC +20% or to any AC power source. secondary circuits.
 To avoid the risk of electric shock, be sure that the (c) Output holding time of 20 ms or more.
hazardous voltage must be isolated from all wiring of the (d) A power supply must meet the requirements of the electrical safety
SZ-V with the reinforced insulation or double insulation. and electromagnetic compatibility (EMC) regulations or standards in all
 Do not install the electric wiring of the SZ-V together with countries and/or regions where the SZ-V is used.
or in parallel with the high-voltage electrical or power lines.
 For the wiring between SZ-V and a safety-related
machine control system, both OSSD 1 and OSSD 2 must Important If the power supply for the SZ-V is shared with the one
be always wired to a safety-related machine control for the machine or the other electronic devices,
system in order to ensure the safety. Similarly, both voltage reduction to the SZ-V or noise influence to the
OSSD 3 and OSSD 4 must be always wired to a SZ-V may occur due to the temporary increasing of the
safety-related part of a machine control system if you current consumption on the machine or the other
assign a function for OSSD 3/4. If one OSSD is only electronic devices. Since the SZ-V may go to the error
wired to a safety-related machine control system, it state in such case, the power supply for the SZ-V
results in a significant harm to the machine operators, should only be shared with the one for the load and
including serious injury or death, due to OSSD muting devices. We do not recommend the power
supply for the SZ-V is shared with the one for the
 If you selected PNP/NPN select for PNP, do not cause machine or the other electronic devices.
short-circuit between the OSSD and +24V. Otherwise,
OSSDs keep staying at the ON-state and it causes a

dangerous situation.
 If you selected PNP/NPN select for PNP, be sure to
connect the load between the OSSD and 0 V to avoid a
dangerous situation. If the load is incorrectly connected
between the OSSD and +24V, the logic of OSSD
operation will be reversed, and then OSSD will turn to
the ON-state when the SZ-V detects an object in the
specified protection zone. This is a dangerous situation.
 If you selected PNP/NPN select for NPN, do not cause
short-circuit between the OSSD and 0V. Otherwise,
OSSDs keep staying at the ON-state and it causes a
dangerous situation.
 If you selected PNP/NPN select for NPN, be sure to
connect the load between the OSSD and +24V to avoid a
dangerous situation. If the load is incorrectly connected
between the OSSD and 0 V, the logic of OSSD operation
will be reversed, and then OSSD will turn to the ON-state
when the SZ-V detects an object in the specified
protection zone. This is a dangerous situation.
 In case of wiring, you must fulfill the requirements of
Clause 9.4.3 in IEC60204-1: 2005 in order to protect
against malfunction due to an OSSD earth fault.
 The AUX output is not allowed to be used as a safety
output for safety-related control systems. Usage of these
functions as safety output could result in the serious
injury or death.
 You cannot use the laser off input as safety output. Do
not connect output from safety device that is part of the
safety-related control system to the laser off input. If the
laser off input is connected to the safety output, it may
result in significant harm to machine operators,
including serious injury or death.
 The connector cable must have a length less than or
equal to the specification in this user's manual. Usage of
connector cables longer than the specified length may
cause the improper operation of safety functions and
may cause a dangerous situation.

Reference If the power supply for the SZ-V is shared with the one for
the machine or the other electronic devices, voltage
reduction to the SZ-V or noise influence to the SZ-V may
occur due to the temporary increasing of the current
consumption on the machine or the other electronic
devices. Since the SZ-V may go to the error state in such
case, the power supply for the SZ-V should only be shared
with the one for the load and muting devices. We do not
recommend the power supply for the SZ-V is shared with
the one for the machine or the other electronic devices.

30 - SZ-V Series User’s Manual -

4-2 Wire color and assigned function Pattern (4) to (6) OSSD3/4: Used
Wire color Pattern (4) Pattern (5) Pattern (6)
 Depending on the Display unit model and functions used, the cable
Multi OSSD Used Used Used
colors and assigned functions vary.
Bank switching Used (4
 The functions assigned to the AUX outputs can be changed in the settings. banks or
* The settings are configured in the SZ-V Configurator. For details
Used (2 banks less, or
on the settings procedure, see “Configuring the settings” (Page Not used
or less) independent
Wire color and assigned function of SZ-V04 type
Muting Not used Not used Not used
Brown +24 V
 Depending on whether the functions below are used or not
determines which of the six types of wiring patterns is used. Blue 0V
 “Multi-OSSD Function” (page 54) Black OSSD 1
 “Bank Switching Function” (page 49) White OSSD 2
 “Muting function” (page 55) Gray OSSD 3
Gray / Black OSSD 4
Pattern (1) to (3) OSSD3/4: Not used Yellow Reset input (1/2) / Laser off Bank input b
Wire color Pattern (1) Pattern (2) Pattern (3) input
Multi OSSD Not used Not used Not used Red EDM input (1/2)
Bank switching Used (4 Light blue Not used Bank input A
Not used Not used banks or Light blue / Black Not used Bank input a
less) Yellow / Black Reset input (3/4) Bank input B
Muting Not used Used Not used Red / Black EDM input (3/4)

Orange AUX output 1 (State information output 1)
Brown +24 V
Orange / Black AUX output 2 (State information output 2)
Blue 0V
Pink AUX output 3
Black OSSD 1

Pink / Black AUX output 4
White OSSD 2
Green AUX output 5
Gray Not used
Green / Black AUX output 6
Gray/Black Not used
Yellow Reset input / Laser off input
Red EDM input Wire color and assigned function of SZ-V32 type
Light blue Not used Muting input 1 Bank input A
Light blue / Black Not used Muting input 2 Bank input a  The way the “Bank Switching Function” (page 49) is used determines
which of the four types of wiring patterns is used.
Yellow / Black Not used Override input Bank input B
Red / Black Not used Not use Bank input b Pattern (1) to (4)
Orange AUX output 1 (State information output 1)
Wire color Pattern (1) Pattern (2) Pattern (3) Pattern (4)
Orange / Black AUX output 2 (State information output 2)
Bank switching Not used Used Used Used
Pink AUX output 3
Pink / Black AUX output 4 Bank switching
Single or Binary Encoder
Green AUX output 5 method
Available no. of Single: 8 Single: 10
Green / Black AUX output 6 AUX output 6 AUX output
banks or banks or
(Muting lamp 6 banks
less less
output) Binary: 16 Binary: 32
banks or banks or
less less
Brown +24 V
Blue 0V
Black OSSD 1
White OSSD 2
Gray AUX output 1 (State information output)
Gray / Black AUX output 2 (State information output)
Yellow Reset input / Laser off input
Red EDM input
Light blue Not used Bank input A
Light blue / Black Not used Bank input a
Yellow / Black Not used Bank input D Encoder
input 1A
Red / Black Not used Bank input d Encoder
input 2A
Orange Not used Bank input B
Orange / Black Not used Bank input b
Pink Not used Bank input C Encoder
input 1B
Pink / Black Not used Bank input c Encoder
input 2B
Green AUX output 3 Bank input E Encoder
input 1A-
Green / Black AUX output 4 Bank input e Encoder
input 2A-

- SZ-V Series User’s Manual - 31

Wire color and assigned function of SZ-V32N type

 When PROFIsafe is not used

 Depending on whether the functions below are used or not determines which of the five types of wiring patterns is used.
 “Bank Switching Function” (page 49)
 “Muting function” (page 55)

Patterns 1 and 2 when not using bank switching Patterns 3 to 5 when using bank switching

Wire color Pattern (1) Pattern (2) Wire color Pattern (3) Pattern (4) Pattern (5)
Bank switching Not used Not used Bank switching Used Used Used
Muting Not used Used Bank switching Single or binary Encoder
Brown +24 V method
Blue 0V Available number of Single: 8 Single: 10
Black OSSD 1 banks banks or less banks or less
White OSSD 2 Binary: 16 Binary: 16
Gray AUX output 1 (State information output 1) banks or less banks or less
Gray / Black AUX output 2 (State information output 2) Muting Not used Not used Not used
Yellow (Input1) Reset input / Laser off input Brown +24 V
Red (Input2) EDM input Blue 0V
Light blue (Input3) Not used Muting input 1 Black OSSD 1
Light blue / Black Not used Muting input 2 White OSSD 2
(Input4) Gray AUX output 1 (State information output 1)
4 Yellow / Black
Not used Override input Gray / Black
Yellow (Input1)
AUX output 2 (State information output 2)
Reset input / Laser off input
Red / Black Not used Red (Input2) EDM input

(Input6) Light blue (Input3) Bank input A

Orange (Input7) Not used Light blue / Black Bank input a
Orange / Black Not used (Input4)
(Input8) Yellow / Black Bank input D Encoder
Pink (Input9) Not used (Input5) Input 1A
Pink / Black Not used Red / Black Bank input d Encoder
(Input10) (Input6) Input 2A
Green AUX output 3 Orange (Input7) Bank input B
Green / Black AUX output 4 AUX output 4 (Muting Orange / Black Bank input b
lamp output) (Input8)
Pink (Input9) Bank input C Encoder
Input 1B
Pink / Black (Input10) Bank input c Encoder
Input 2B
Green AUX output 3 Bank input E Encoder
(AUX3/Input11) Input 1A-
Green / Black AUX output 4 Bank input e Encoder
(AUX4/Input12) Input 2A-

 When PROFIsafe is used

Wire color Function
Brown +24 V
Blue 0V
* When using PROFIsafe, use the dedicated PROFIsafe power cable
(SZ-VP10PW). When using a non-PROFIsafe power cable, please note
that all non-power wires will be deactivated.

Wire color and assigned function when the power cable extension (M12 4-pin) is used

M12 connector Pin number Color Function

pin layout (1) Brown +24 V
2 (2) White OSSD2
3 1 (3) Blue 0V
(4) Black OSSD1

32 - SZ-V Series User’s Manual -

4-3 Examples of wiring
Functions differ depending on the Display unit model that is selected. Wiring differs depending on the functions that are used.
The type of wiring that will need to be performed is determined by the procedure below.
1. Select the type that is to be used (SZ-V04 type, SZ-V32 type, and SZ-V32N type)
2. Select the functions that are going to be used. Determine the appropriate wiring pattern to use and the detailed connection method.

Wiring for the SZ-V04 type

Determining the wiring pattern to use

1. Depending on whether the functions below are used or not determines which of the six types of wiring patterns is used.
 “Bank Switching Function” (page 49)
 “Multi-OSSD Function” (page 54)
 “Muting function” (page 55)
Pattern (1) Pattern (2) Pattern (3) Pattern (4) Pattern (5) Pattern (6)
OSSD3/4 Independent
Not used Not used Not used Multi-OSSD Multi-OSSD Multi-OSSD
function bank switching
Used (2 banks or Used (4 banks
switching Not used Not used Not used Not used Used (2 banks)
less) or less)
Muting Not used Used Not used Not used Not used Not used Not used
Examples of Example 1 Example 2 Example 3 Example 4 Example 5
Example 6 (Page 36)
wiring (Page 33) (Page 34) (Page 34) (Page 35) (Page 35)
2. The detailed connection method differs depending on whether the functions below are used or not.
 “Select PNP or NPN” (page 46)
 “Interlock function” (page 47)
 “EDM Function” (page 48)
SZ-V04 wiring example 1
OSSD3/4 Not used
Bank switching Not used
Muting Not used
Interlock Not used
EDM Not used

PNP/NPN wiring example

Safety PLC: Control systems related to safety.
Yellow (Reset or Laser shutdown
Orange/Black (AUX output 2)

Green/Black (AUX output 6)

Light Blue/Black (Not used)

Pink/Black (AUX output 4)

Yellow/Black (Not used)

Orange (AUX output 1)

Gray/Black (Not used)

Green (AUX output 5)

Red/Black (Not used)

Light Blue (Not used)
Pink (AUX output 3)

Red (EDM input)

Gray (Not used)
White (OSSD2)
Black (OSSD1)
Brown (+24V)

Blue (0V)



Safety PLC

- SZ-V Series User’s Manual - 33


Orange (AUX output 1)

Orange/Black (AUX output 2)
Orange (AUX output 1)

Pink (AUX output 3)

Orange/Black (AUX output 2)

Pink/Black (AUX output 4)
Pink (AUX output 3)
Green (AUX output 5)
Bank switching

Pink/Black (AUX output 4)

Green/Black (AUX output 6)
Green (AUX output 5)
Brown (+24V) PNP wiring example

NPN wiring example

Green/Black (AUX output 6)
Blue (0V)
Brown (+24V)

Light Blue (Not used)
SZ-V04 wiring example 2

Blue (0V)
Light Blue/Black (Not used)

K1 K2
Light Blue (Not used)


Black (OSSD1)

Light Blue/Black (Not used)

K1 K2
Not used
Not used
Not used

White (OSSD2)

Black (OSSD1)

Gray (Not used)
White (OSSD2)

Gray/Black (Not used)
Gray (Not used)

3-phase motor

Yellow (Reset input)
Gray/Black (Not used)
3-phase motor

Yellow/Black (Not used)

Yellow (Reset input)

Switch for resetting (N.O.)

Red (EDM input)
Yellow/Black (Not used)

Red/Black (Not used)
Switch for resetting (N.O.)

Red (EDM input)

Red/Black (Not used)

K1, K2: External device (Safety relay, magnet contactor, etc.)

K1, K2: External device (Safety relay, magnet contactor, etc.)

Orange (AUX output 1)

Orange (AUX output 1)

Orange/Black (AUX output 2)

Orange/Black (AUX output 2)

Pink (AUX output 3)


Pink (AUX output 3)

Pink/Black (AUX output 4)
Pink/Black (AUX output 4)
Green (AUX output 5)
Bank switching

Green (AUX output 5)

- SZ-V Series User’s Manual -

Green/Black (AUX output 6(Muting lamp output))

Green/Black (AUX output 6(Muting lamp output))

PNP wiring example

NPN wiring example

Brown (+24V)
Brown (+24V)

Blue (0V)

Blue (0V)

Light Blue (Muting input 1)

SZ-V04 wiring example 3

Light Blue (Muting input 1)

Light Blue/Black (Muting input 2)

Light Blue/Black (Muting input 2)


K1 K2



K1 K2


PLC: Black (OSSD1)

P1, P2:
K1, K2:

Black (OSSD1)

P1, P2:
K1, K2:

White (OSSD2)
White (OSSD2)


Gray (Not used)

Gray (Not used)
Gray/Black (Not used)
Gray/Black (Not used)
3-phase motor

3-phase motor

Yellow (Reset input)

Switch for override

Yellow (Reset input)

Switch for override
Solid state contactor

Solid state contactor

Yellow/Black (Override input)


Yellow/Black (Override input)

Switch for resetting (N.O.)

Switch for resetting (N.O.)

Red (EDM input)

Red (EDM input)

Red/Black (Not used)

Red/Black (Not used)
Not used (usage not possible)
Not used (usage not possible)

Muting lamp (Incandescent lamp or LED lamp)

Muting lamp (Incandescent lamp or LED lamp)

External device (Safety relay, magnet contactor, etc.)

External device (Safety relay, magnet contactor, etc.)

Muting devices (Photoelectric sensor, etc. PNP outputtype)
Used for monitoring, not for control systems related to safety.

Muting devices (Photoelectric sensor, etc. NPN output type)

Used for monitoring, not for control systems related to safety.
SZ-V04 wiring example 4 SZ-V04 wiring example 5
OSSD3/4 Not used OSSD 3/4 Multi-OSSD function
Bank switching Used Bank switching Used
Muting Not used (usage not possible) Muting Not used (usage not possible)
Interlock Used Interlock Used
EDM Used EDM Used

PNP wiring example PNP wiring example K1, K2, K3, K4: External device (Safety relay, magnet contactor, etc.)
K1, K2: External device (Safety relay, magnet contactor, etc.) K5, K6: Solid state contactor
K5: Solid state contactor S1: Switch for resetting OSSD1/2 (N.O.)
S1: Switch for resetting (N.O.) S2: Switch for resetting OSSD3/4 (N.O.)
PLC: Used for monitoring, not for control systems related to safety. PLC: Used for monitoring, not for control systems related to safety.
S3-1, S3-2, S3-3, S3-4: Switch for bank switching S3-1, S3-2: Switch for bank switching
M: 3-phase motor M: 3-phase motor

Light Blue/Black (Bank input a)

Yellow/Black (Reset input3/4)

Green/Black (AUX output 6)

Yellow (Reset input1/2)

Red/Black (EDM input3-4)

Pink/Black (AUX output 4)
Orange/Black (AUX output 2)

Light Blue (Bank input A)

Orange (AUX output 1)

Green (AUX output 5)

Gray/Black (OSSD4)
Pink (AUX output 3)

Red (EDM input1/2)

Orange/Black (AUX output 2)

Green/Black (AUX output 6)

Yellow/Black (Bank input B)

White (OSSD2)
Black (OSSD1)
Pink/Black (AUX output 4)

Gray (OSSD3)
Red/Black (Bank input b)

Brown (+24V)
Light Blue (Bank input A)

Light Blue/Black (Bank input a)

Yellow (Reset input)

Orange (AUX output 1)

Gray/Black (Not used)

Green (AUX output 5)

Blue (0V)
Pink (AUX output 3)

Red (EDM input)

Gray (Not used)
White (OSSD2)
Black (OSSD1)
Brown (+24V)

Blue (0V)

S S K1 K3
3-1 3-2 S1 S2
K2 K4
K2 K1 K2 K3 K4

3-1 3-2 S1 3-3 3-4

K1 K2

K1 K2
K3 K4
K6 4

K1 K2

NPN wiring example NPN wiring example K1, K2, K3, K4: External device (Safety relay, magnet contactor, etc.)
K1, K2: External device (Safety relay, magnet contactor, etc.) K5, K6: Solid state contactor
K5: Solid state contactor S1: Switch for resetting OSSD1/2 (N.O.)
S1: Switch for resetting (N.O.) S2: Switch for resetting OSSD3/4 (N.O.)
PLC: Used for monitoring, not for control systems related to safety. PLC: Used for monitoring, not for control systems related to safety.
S3-1, S3-2, S3-3, S3-4: Switch for bank switching S3-1, S3-2: Switch for bank switching
M: 3-phase motor M: 3-phase motor
Light Blue/Black (Bank input a)

Yellow/Black (Reset input3/4)

Orange/Black (AUX output 2)

Green/Black (AUX output 6)

Yellow (Reset input1/2)

Red/Black (EDM input3-4)

Pink/Black (AUX output 4)

Light Blue (Bank input A)

Orange (AUX output 1)

Green (AUX output 5)

Gray/Black (OSSD4)

Red (EDM input1/2)

Pink (AUX output 3)
Orange/Black (AUX output 2)

White (OSSD2)
Black (OSSD1)
Green/Black (AUX output 6)

Yellow/Black (Bank input B)

Gray (OSSD3)
Brown (+24V)
Pink/Black (AUX output 4)

Red/Black (Bank input b)

Light Blue (Bank input A)

Light Blue/Black (Bank input a)

Yellow (Reset input)

Orange (AUX output 1)

Gray/Black (Not used)

Blue (0V)
Green (AUX output 5)
Pink (AUX output 3)

Red (EDM input)

Gray (Not used)
White (OSSD2)
Black (OSSD1)
Brown (+24V)

Blue (0V)

S S K1 K3
3-1 3-2 S1 S2
K2 K4
K1 K2 K3 K4
3-1 3-2 S1 3-3 3-4

K1 K2

K5 K6
K1 K2 K3 K4
K1 K2

- SZ-V Series User’s Manual - 35

SZ-V04 wiring example 6
OSSD3/4 Independent bank switching
Bank switching Used
Muting Not used (usage not possible)
Interlock Not used (usage not possible)
EDM Used

PNP wiring example

K1, K2, K3, K4: External device (Safety relay, magnet contactor, etc.)
K5, K6: Solid state contactor
PLC: Used for monitoring, not for control systems related to safety.
S3-1, S3-2, S3-3, S3-4: Switch for bank switching
Light Blue/Black (Bank input a) M: 3-phase motor
Orange/Black (AUX output 2)

Green/Black (AUX output 6)

Yellow/Black (Bank input B)

Red/Black (EDM input3/4)

Pink/Black (AUX output 4)

Light Blue (Bank input A)

Yellow (Bank input b)

Orange (AUX output 1)

Green (AUX output 5)

Gray/Black (OSSD4)

Red (EDM input1/2)

Pink (AUX output 3)

White (OSSD2)
Black (OSSD1)

Gray (OSSD3)
Brown (+24V)

Blue (0V)

S S S S K1 K3
3-1 3-2 3-4 3-3
K2 K4
K1 K2 K3 K4

K1 K2
K3 K4


NPN wiring example

K1, K2, K3, K4: External device (Safety relay, magnet contactor, etc.)
K5, K6: Solid state contactor
PLC: Used for monitoring, not for control systems related to safety.
S3-1, S3-2, S3-3, S3-4: Switch for bank switching
M: 3-phase motor
Light Blue/Black (Bank input a)
Orange/Black (AUX output 2)

Green/Black (AUX output 6)

Yellow/Black (Bank input B)

Pink/Black (AUX output 4)

Red/Black (EDM input3/4)

Light Blue (Bank input A)

Yellow (Bank input b)

Orange (AUX output 1)

Green (AUX output 5)

Gray/Black (OSSD4)
Pink (AUX output 3)

Red (EDM input1/2)

White (OSSD2)
Black (OSSD1)

Gray (OSSD3)
Brown (+24V)

Blue (0V)

S S S S K1 K3
3-1 3-2 3-4 3-3
K2 K4
K1 K2 K3 K4

K5 K6
K1 K2 K3 K4

36 - SZ-V Series User’s Manual -

Wiring for the SZ-V32 type

Determining the wiring pattern to use

1. Depending on how the “Bank Switching Function” (page 38) is used determines which of the four types of wiring patterns is used. “Bank Switching
Function” (page 49)

Pattern (1) Pattern (2) Pattern (3) Pattern (4)

Bank switching Not used Used Used Used

Bank switching Switching through wiring input Switching through wiring input Switching through encoder input
method (single input or binary input) (single input or binary input)
Available Single: 8 banks or less Single: 10 banks or less
number of banks Binary: 16 banks or less Binary: 32 banks or less

Examples of Example 1 (Page 37) Example 2 (Page 38) Example 3 (Page 38) Example 4 (Page 39)

2. The detailed connection method differs depending on whether the functions below are used or not.
 “Select PNP or NPN” (page 46)
 “Interlock function” (page 47)
 “EDM Function” (page 48)
SZ-V32 wiring example 1
Bank switching
Not used
Not used
EDM Not used

PNP/NPN wiring example

Safety PLC: Control systems related to safety.

Yellow (Reset or Laser shutdown
Green/Black (AUX output 4)

Light Blue/Black (Not used)

Gray/Black (AUX output 2)

Orange/Black (Not used)

Yellow/Black (Not used)

Green (AUX output 3)
Pink/Black (Not used)

Red/Black (Not used)

Light Blue (Not used)

Gray (AUX output 1)

Orange (Not used)

Red (EDM input)

Pink (Not used)

White (OSSD2)
Black (OSSD1)
Brown (+24V)

Blue (0V)



Safety PLC

- SZ-V Series User’s Manual - 37

SZ-V32 wiring example 2 SZ-V32 wiring example 3
Bank switching Used Bank switching Used
Bank switching method Switching through wiring input Bank switching method Switching through wiring input
Number of banks to used Single input: 8 or less Number of banks to used Single input: 9, 10
Binary input: 16 or less Binary input: 17 to 32
Interlock Used Interlock Used
EDM Used EDM Used

PNP wiring example PNP wiring example

K1, K2: External device (Safety relay, magnet contactor, etc.) K1, K2: External device (Safety relay, magnet contactor, etc.)
K3: Solid state contactor K3: Solid state contactor
S1: Switch for resetting (N.O.) S1: Switch for resetting (N.O.)
PLC: Used for monitoring, not for control systems related to safety. PLC: Used for monitoring, not for control systems related to safety.
S2-1, S2-2, S2-3, S2-4, S2-5, S2-6, S2-7, S2-8: Switch for bank switching S2-1, S2-2, S2-3, S2-4, S2-5,
M: 3-phase motor S2-6, S2-7, S2-8, S2-9, S2-10 : Switch for bank switching
M: 3-phase motor
Light Blue/Black (Bank input a)

Light Blue/Black (Bank input a)

Orange/Black (Bank input b)

Orange/Black (Bank input b)

Green/Black (AUX output 4)

Yellow/Black (Bank input D)

Yellow/Black (Bank input D)

Green/Black (Bank input e)
Gray/Black (AUX output 2)

Gray/Black (AUX output 2)

Pink/Black (Bank input c)

Pink/Black (Bank input c)

Red/Black (Bank input d)

Red/Black (Bank input d)

Light Blue (Bank input A)

Light Blue (Bank input A)

Yellow (Reset input)

Yellow (Reset input)

Orange (Bank input B)

Orange (Bank input B)

Green (AUX output 3)

Green (Bank input E)

Gray (AUX output 1)

Gray (AUX output 1)

Pink (Bank input C)

Pink (Bank input C)

Red (EDM input)

Red (EDM input)

White (OSSD2)

White (OSSD2)
Black (OSSD1)

Black (OSSD1)
Brown (+24V)

Brown (+24V)
Blue (0V)

Blue (0V)
S S S S S S S S K2
2-3 2-4 2-5 2-6 2-1 2-2 2-7 2-8 S S S S S S S S S S
K1 K2 2-3 2-4 2-5 2-6 2-9 2-10 2-1 2-2 2-7 2-8
K1 K2


K1 K2
K1 K2

NPN wiring example NPN wiring example

K1, K2: External device (Safety relay, magnet contactor, etc.)
K1, K2: External device (Safety relay, magnet contactor, etc.)
K3: Solid state contactor
K3: Solid state contactor
S1: Switch for resetting (N.O.)
S1: Switch for resetting (N.O.)
PLC: Used for monitoring, not for control systems related to safety.
PLC: Used for monitoring, not for control systems related to safety.
S2-1, S2-2, S2-3, S2-4, S2-5, S2-6, S2-7, S2-8: Switch for bank switching
S2-1, S2-2, S2-3, S2-4, S2-5,
M: 3-phase motor
S2-6, S2-7, S2-8, S2-9, S2-10 : Switch for bank switching
M: 3-phase motor
Light Blue/Black (Bank input a)
Orange/Black (Bank input b)

Green/Black (AUX output 4)

Yellow/Black (Bank input D)

Light Blue/Black (Bank input a)

Gray/Black (AUX output 2)
Pink/Black (Bank input c)

Red/Black (Bank input d)

Orange/Black (Bank input b)

Light Blue (Bank input A)

Yellow/Black (Bank input D)

Green/Black (Bank input e)
Yellow (Reset input)

Gray/Black (AUX output 2)

Orange (Bank input B)

Pink/Black (Bank input c)

Green (AUX output 3)

Red/Black (Bank input d)

Light Blue (Bank input A)
Gray (AUX output 1)

Yellow (Reset input)

Pink (Bank input C)

Orange (Bank input B)

Green (Bank input E)

Gray (AUX output 1)

Red (EDM input)

Pink (Bank input C)

White (OSSD2)
Black (OSSD1)
Brown (+24V)

Red (EDM input)

White (OSSD2)
Black (OSSD1)
Brown (+24V)
Blue (0V)

Blue (0V)


S1 K1
S S S S S S S S K2
2-3 2-4 2-5 2-6 2-1 2-2 2-7 2-8
K1 K2 2-3 2-4 2-5 2-6 2-9 2-10 2-1 2-2 2-7 2-8
K1 K2

K1 K2
K1 K2

38 - SZ-V Series User’s Manual -

SZ-V32 wiring example 4
Bank switching Used
Bank switching method Switching through encoder input
Interlock Used
EDM Used

PNP wiring example K1, K2: External device (Safety relay, magnet contactor, etc.)
K3: Solid state contactor
S1: Switch for resetting (N.O.)
PLC: Used for monitoring, not for control systems related to safety.
E1, E2: Rotary encoder
S2-1, S2-2, S2-3, S2-4 : Switch for bank switching
M: 3-phase motor

Yellow/Black (Encoder input 1A)

Green/Black (Encoder input 2A-)

Red/Black (Encoder input 2A)

Pink/Black (Encoder input 2B)

Light Blue/Black (Bank input a)

Green (Encoder input 1A-)
Orange/Black (Bank input b)

Gray/Black (AUX output 2)

Light Blue (Bank input A)
Pink (Encoder input 1B)

Yellow (Reset input)

Orange (Bank input B)

Gray (AUX output 1)

Red (EDM input)

White (OSSD2)
Black (OSSD1)
Brown (+24V)

Blue (0V)




S S S S S1
2-3 2-4 2-1 2-2 K2
K1 K2

K1 K2

NPN wiring example

K1, K2: External device (Safety relay, magnet contactor, etc.)
K3: Solid state contactor
S1: Switch for resetting (N.O.)
PLC: Used for monitoring, not for control systems related to safety.
E1, E2: Rotary encoder
S2-1, S2-2, S2-3, S2-4 : Switch for bank switching
M: 3-phase motor
Yellow/Black (Encoder input 1A)
Green/Black (Encoder input 2A-)

Red/Black (Encoder input 2A)

Pink/Black (Encoder input 2B)

Light Blue/Black (Bank input a)

Green (Encoder input 1A-)
Orange/Black (Bank input b)

Gray/Black (AUX output 2)

Light Blue (Bank input A)
Pink (Encoder input 1B)

Yellow (Reset input)

Orange (Bank input B)

Gray (AUX output 1)

Red (EDM input)

White (OSSD2)
Black (OSSD1)
Brown (+24V)

Blue (0V)



S S S S S1
2-3 2-4 2-1 2-2 K2
K1 K2

K1 K2

- SZ-V Series User’s Manual - 39

Wiring for the SZ-V32N type

Determining the wiring pattern to use

1. Depending on whether the functions below are used or not determines which of the six types of wiring patterns is used.
 “Bank Switching Function” (page 49)
 “Muting function” (page 55)
 PROFIsafe communication

Pattern (1) Pattern (2) Pattern (3) Pattern (4) Pattern (5) Pattern (6)
PROFIsafe Not use Not use Not use Not use Not use Used
Not used Not used Used Used Used
Bank Switching through wiring Switching through wiring
Switching through
switching input (single input or input (single input or
encoder input
method binary input) binary input)
Single: 8 banks or less Single: 10 banks or less
number of
Binary: 16 banks or less Binary: 32 banks or less
Muting Not used Used Not used Not used Not used
Examples or
Example 1 (Page 40) Example 2 (Page 41) Example 3 (Page 41) Example 4 (Page 42) Example 5 (Page 42) Example 6 (Page 43)

4 2. The detailed connection method differs depending on whether the functions below are used or not.
 “Select PNP or NPN” (page 46)
 “Interlock function” (page 47)

 “EDM Function” (page 48)

SZ-V32N wiring example 1

Bank switching Not used
Muting Not used
Interlock Not used
EDM Not used

PNP/NPN wiring example

PLC: Used for monitoring, not for control systems related to safety.
Safety PLC: Control systems related to safety.
Yellow (Reset or Laser shutdown
Green/Black (AUX output 4)

Light Blue/Black (Not used)

Gray/Black (AUX output 2)

Orange/Black (Not used)

Yellow/Black (Not used)

Green (AUX output 3)
Pink/Black (Not used)

Red/Black (Not used)

Light Blue (Not used)

Gray (AUX output 1)

Orange (Not used)

Red (EDM input)

Pink (Not used)

White (OSSD2)
Black (OSSD1)
Brown (+24V)

Blue (0V)


IN Safety-IN

PLC Safety PLC

40 - SZ-V Series User’s Manual -

SZ-V32N wiring example 2 SZ-V32N wiring example 3
Bank switching Not used (usage not possible) Bank switching Used
Muting Used Bank switching method Switching through wiring input
Interlock Not used Number of banks to used Single input: 8 or less
EDM Not used Binary input: 16 or less
Muting Not used (usage not possible)
Interlock Not used
EDM Not used

PNP wiring example PNP wiring example

K1, K2: External device (Safety relay, magnet contactor, etc.)
K1, K2: External device (Safety relay, magnet contactor, etc.)
K3: Solid state contactor
K3: Solid state contactor
S1: Switch for resetting (N.O.)
S1: Switch for resetting (N.O.)
S3: Switch for override
S2-1, S2-2, S2-3, S2-4, S2-5, S2-6, S2-7, S2-8 : Switch for bank switching
PLC: Used for monitoring, not for control systems related to safety.
PLC: Used for monitoring, not for control systems related to safety.
P1, P2: Muting devices (Photoelectric sensor, etc. PNP output type)
M: 3-phase motor
L: Muting lamp (Incandescent lamp or LED lamp)
M: 3-phase motor
Green/Black (AUX output 4(Muting lamp output))

Yellow/Black (Bank input D)

Green/Black (AUX output 4)

Light Blue/Black (Bank input a)

Red/Black (Bank input d)

Pink/Black (Bank input c)
Orange/Black (Bank input b)

Gray/Black (AUX output 2)

Green (AUX output 3)

Light Blue (Bank input A)

Yellow (Reset input)

Orange (Bank input B)

Gray (AUX output 1)

Light Blue/Black (Muting input 2)

Pink (Bank input C)

Red (EDM input)

White (OSSD2)
Black (OSSD1)
Brown (+24V)
Yellow/Black (Override input)
Gray/Black (AUX output 2)
Light Blue (Muting input 1)

Blue (0V)
Orange/Black (Not used)

Yellow (Reset input)

Green (AUX output 3)
Pink/Black (Not used)

Red/Black (Not used)

Gray (AUX output 1)
Orange (Not used)

Red (EDM input)

Pink (Not used)

White (OSSD2)
Black (OSSD1)
Brown (+24V)

Blue (0V)


K1 S S S S S S S S

S1 S3 2-3 2-4 2-5 2-6 2-1 2-2 2-7 2-8
K1 K2
L P1 P2 K1 K2 K2

K3 K1 K2

NPN wiring example

NPN wiring example
K1, K2: External device (Safety relay, magnet contactor, etc.)
K1, K2: External device (Safety relay, magnet contactor, etc.)
K3: Solid state contactor
K3: Solid state contactor
S1: Switch for resetting (N.O.)
S1: Switch for resetting (N.O.)
S3: Switch for override
S2-1, S2-2, S2-3, S2-4, S2-5, S2-6, S2-7, S2-8 : Switch for bank switching
PLC: Used for monitoring, not for control systems related to safety.
PLC: Used for monitoring, not for control systems related to safety.
P1, P2: Muting devices (Photoelectric sensor, etc. NPN output type)
M: 3-phase motor
L: Muting lamp (Incandescent lamp or LED lamp)
M: 3-phase motor
Green/Black (AUX output 4(Muting lamp output))

Yellow/Black (Bank input D)

Green/Black (AUX output 4)

Light Blue/Black (Bank input a)

Red/Black (Bank input d)

Pink/Black (Bank input c)
Orange/Black (Bank input b)

Gray/Black (AUX output 2)

Green (AUX output 3)

Light Blue (Bank input A)

Yellow (Reset input)

Orange (Bank input B)
Light Blue/Black (Muting input 2)

Gray (AUX output 1)

Pink (Bank input C)

Red (EDM input)

White (OSSD2)
Black (OSSD1)
Yellow/Black (Override input)

Brown (+24V)
Gray/Black (AUX output 2)
Light Blue (Muting input 1)
Orange/Black (Not used)

Blue (0V)
Yellow (Reset input)
Green (AUX output 3)
Pink/Black (Not used)

Red/Black (Not used)

Gray (AUX output 1)
Orange (Not used)

Red (EDM input)

Pink (Not used)

White (OSSD2)
Black (OSSD1)
Brown (+24V)

Blue (0V)


K1 S S S S S S S S
S1 S3 2-3 2-4 2-5 2-6 2-1 2-2 2-7 2-8
K2 K1 K2
L P1 P2 K1 K2

K3 K1 K2

- SZ-V Series User’s Manual - 41

SZ-V32N wiring example 4 SZ-V32N wiring example 5
Bank switching Used Bank switching Used
Bank switching method Switching through wiring input Bank switching method Switching through encoder input
Number of banks to used Single input: 9, 10 No. of banks to used (no restrictions)
Binary input: 17 to 32 Muting Not used (usage not possible)
Muting Not used (usage not possible) Interlock Not used
Interlock Not used EDM Not used
EDM Not used

PNP wiring example PNP wiring example

K1, K2: External device (Safety relay, magnet contactor, etc.) K1, K2: External device (Safety relay, magnet contactor, etc.)
K3: Solid state contactor K3: Solid state contactor
S1: Switch for resetting (N.O.) S1: Switch for resetting (N.O.)
S2-1, S2-2, S2-3, S2-4, S2-5, PLC: Used for monitoring, not for control systems related to safety.
S2-6, S2-7, S2-8, S2-9, S2-10 : Switch for bank switching E1, E2: Rotary encoder
PLC: Used for monitoring, not for control systems related to safety. S2-1, S2-2, S2-3, S2-4 : Switch for bank switching
M: 3-phase motor M: 3-phase motor

Yellow/Black (Encoder input 1A)

Green/Black (Encoder input 2A-)
Green/Black (Bank input e)

Red/Black (Encoder input 2A)

Yellow/Black (Bank input D)
Light Blue/Black (Bank input a)

Red/Black (Bank input d)

Pink/Black (Bank input c)
Orange/Black (Bank input b)

Pink/Black (Encoder input 2B)

Gray/Black (AUX output 2)

Light Blue/Black (Bank input a)

Light Blue (Bank input A)
Green (Bank input E)

Green (Encoder input 1A-)

Yellow (Reset input)

Orange/Black (Bank input b)

Orange (Bank input B)

Gray/Black (AUX output 2)

Gray (AUX output 1)

Light Blue (Bank input A)

Pink (Bank input C)

Pink (Encoder input 1B)

Yellow (Reset input)

Orange (Bank input B)
Red (EDM input)
White (OSSD2)
Black (OSSD1)

Gray (AUX output 1)

Brown (+24V)

Red (EDM input)

White (OSSD2)
Black (OSSD1)
Blue (0V)

Brown (+24V)

Blue (0V)

S1 E1
S S S S S S S S S S E2

2-3 2-4 2-5 2-6 2-9 2-10 2-1 2-2 2-7 2-8
K1 K2
S S S S S1
2-3 2-4 2-1 2-2 K2
K1 K2

K1 K2
K1 K2

NPN wiring example NPN wiring example

K1, K2: External device (Safety relay, magnet contactor, etc.) K1, K2: External device (Safety relay, magnet contactor, etc.)
K3: Solid state contactor K3: Solid state contactor
S1: Switch for resetting (N.O.) S1: Switch for resetting (N.O.)
S2-1, S2-2, S2-3, S2-4, S2-5, PLC: Used for monitoring, not for control systems related to safety.
S2-6, S2-7, S2-8, S2-9, S2-10 : Switch for bank switching E1, E2: Rotary encoder
PLC: Used for monitoring, not for control systems related to safety. S2-1, S2-2, S2-3, S2-4 : Switch for bank switching
M: 3-phase motor M: 3-phase motor

Yellow/Black (Encoder input 1A)

Green/Black (Encoder input 2A-)

Red/Black (Encoder input 2A)

Pink/Black (Encoder input 2B)

Light Blue/Black (Bank input a)

Green/Black (Bank input e)

Green (Encoder input 1A-)

Orange/Black (Bank input b)
Yellow/Black (Bank input D)
Light Blue/Black (Bank input a)

Gray/Black (AUX output 2)

Light Blue (Bank input A)
Red/Black (Bank input d)
Pink/Black (Bank input c)
Orange/Black (Bank input b)

Pink (Encoder input 1B)

Yellow (Reset input)

Gray/Black (AUX output 2)

Orange (Bank input B)

Light Blue (Bank input A)
Green (Bank input E)

Gray (AUX output 1)

Yellow (Reset input)
Orange (Bank input B)

Red (EDM input)

Gray (AUX output 1)

White (OSSD2)
Pink (Bank input C)

Black (OSSD1)
Brown (+24V)
Red (EDM input)
White (OSSD2)
Black (OSSD1)
Brown (+24V)

Blue (0V)
Blue (0V)


S1 E1
S S S S S S S S S S E2
2-3 2-4 2-5 2-6 2-9 2-10 2-1 2-2 2-7 2-8
K1 K2
S S S S S1
2-3 2-4 2-1 2-2 K2
K1 K2

K1 K2
M K3
K1 K2

42 - SZ-V Series User’s Manual -

SZ-V32N wiring example 6
4-4 Input and Output Circuit
PROFIsafe : Used
OSSD output circuit (Safety output)

PNP output NPN output

+24V +24V

External Device

Brown (+24V)
Main Main

Blue (0V)

External Device


0V 0V

AUX output circuit

Common for both PNP and NPN output


Main (Output)
Circuit device

0V 4

Muting lamp output circuit

NPN output

Muting Lamp



*Muting lamp output will always be a NPN output regardless of

PNP/NPN selection.

Input circuit

PNP input NPN input

+24V +24V

Main Main
Circuit (Input) Circuit

0V 0V

- SZ-V Series User’s Manual - 43

Timing chart for self-diagnosis pulse
5. Basic Functions

5-1 OSSD
The OSSD is a safety output for the safety-related part of a machine control OFF

system. B
When the SZ-V detects an object (someone or something) in the protection OSSD3
zone, the OSSD goes to the OFF-state. “Protection zone” (page 17)
OSSD 1/2 is a pair of safety outputs that performs the output in the same ON
state. Similarly, OSSD 3/4 is also a pair of safety outputs that performs the OSSD4
output in the same state. A B
The SZ-V generates self-diagnosis signals on its internal control circuit to B
A : 50 to 250 μs
B : Approx. 60ms
perform diagnostics on the OSSD. These signals periodically force the C C : Approx. 920ms

OSSD into a temporary OFF-state when the OSSD is in the ON-state (when
the SZ-V detects no objects in the protection zone.).  For the wiring to a safety-related machine control
The internal control circuit receives a feed-back signal (OFF-signal) based on system, the output of both OSSD 1 and OSSD 2
the self-diagnosis, the SZ-V determines that its OSSD is operating normal. If must be used by the safety-related machine control
the OFF-signal is not returned to the internal control circuit, the SZ-V
system in order to create a safety system.
determines that there is a problem with the OSSD or wiring and goes to the
error state.  Similarly, the output of both OSSD 3 and OSSD 4
DANGER must be used a machine control system if you
assign a function to either OSSD 3 or 4.
The number of OSSDs available depends on the SZ-V type.
Type OSSD 1 OSSD2 OSSD3 *1 OSSD4 *1
 If one OSSD is only wired to a safety-related
machine control system, it results in a significant
SZ-V04 type   harm to the machine operators, including serious
SZ-V32 type  injury or death, due to OSSD malfunction.
SZ-V32N type *2 
*1 For more information about OSSD3/4, see “Multi-OSSD Function” Important The devices connected to the OSSD, such as safety

5 (page 54).
*2 When using PROFIsafe with the SZ-V32N, use the Protection Zone
relay or contactor, should not respond to these
temporary, self-diagnostic OFF-signals.
State from the PROFIsafe input data as the safety outputs used in
Basic Functions

the safety-related control systems. When the SZ-V detects an Reference For the input and output circuit diagram, see “
object (someone or something) in the protection zone, the Input and Output Circuit” (page 43).
Protection Zone State goes to the OFF-state.

OSSD operation 5-2 Operation modes

In the SZ-V, two types of operation modes can be chosen from in
Depending on the state of the SZ-V, the state of the OSSD differs. accordance with the application.
SZ-V State OSSD state Operation Standard Mode High Speed Mode
Starting OFF mode (Default Setting)

Normal ON. Advantages  The maximum  The response time can

operation However, it turns OFF in the following conditions: protection zone can be be faster
1. A person or object is detected in the protection large
zone(s) by any of the scanner heads*1  Not easily affected by
2. A reference point is not detected by one of the suspended matter such
scanner heads*1 as dust
3. The laser off input is ON Disadvantages  The response time is  The maximum
4. The laser shutdown bank is selected slower protection zone is
5. Interlock-reset-ready state smaller
6. Waiting for bank input state
7. During ON-delay Reference The size of the maximum protection zone differs
Error State OFF depending on the minimum detectable object settings as
Other states*2 OFF well. “Minimum detectable object” (page 45)
*1 When multi-OSSD is being used, any scanner head that is linked
with that OSSD.
*2 Other states refers to any of the following states:
 Waiting for configuration
 Transferring settings
 Calibrating the window
 Clearing system configuration information
 Testing AUX output
 Changing the password
 Initializing
 Other cases where detection is not performed
Point The alert state does not affect the OSSD state

44 - SZ-V Series User’s Manual -

5-3 Minimum detectable object 5-4 Response Time and Scan Cycle
The minimum detectable object size can be selected for the SZ-V. The response time of the SZ-V is the time from when an object
Depending on the minimum detectable object size that is selected, the (someone or something) enters the protection zone, to when the OSSD
maximum configurable distance for the protection zone and warning goes to the OFF-state due to the detection of the object. The response
zone differs. time can be selected by the user.
Minimum Operation mode: Operation mode: The response times that can be selected differ based on the following
detectable Standard (Default Setting) High Speed settings:
object Maximum
 “Operation modes” (page 44)
size (mm) zone zone zone zone  “Mutual Interference Reduction Function” (page 58)
distance (m) distance (m) distance (m) distance (m)
φ20 mm 1.6 m 21 m 1.1 m 15 m Response time
φ30 mm 2.9 m 23 m 2.0 m 18 m
φ40 mm 4.3 m 24 m 2.9 m 20 m Operation mode: Standard Operation mode : High-speed
φ50 mm 5.6 m 25 m 3.8 m 21 m Default Setting
φ70 mm 8.4 m 26 m 5.7 m 23 m Scan Scan Scan Scan Scan Scan
φ150 mm 8.4 m 26 m 5.7 m 23 m cycle A cycle B cycle C cycle A cycle B cycle C
(Default Setting)
* The settings are configured in the SZ-V Configurator. For details
160 ms 168 ms 176 ms 80 ms 84 ms 88 ms
on the settings procedure, see “Configuring the settings” (page
74). 240 ms 252 ms 264 ms 120 ms 126 ms 132 ms
320 ms 336 ms 352 ms 160 ms 168 ms 176 ms
 The necessary safety distance varies depending on 400 ms 420 ms 440 ms 200 ms 210 ms 220 ms
the minimum detectable object size you specify. The 480 ms 504 ms 528 ms 240 ms 252 ms 264 ms
protection zone must be configured so as to ensure 560 ms 588 ms 616 ms 280 ms 294 ms 308 ms
the safety distance, which has been calculated
640 ms 672 ms 704 ms 320 ms 336 ms 352 ms
according to the laws, regulations, and standards of
720 ms 756 ms 792 ms 360 ms 378 ms 396 ms
the country and region in which the SZ-V is
800 ms 840 ms 880 ms 400 ms 420 ms 440 ms
DANGER installed. “Safety Distances” (page 20)
880 ms 924 ms 968 ms 440 ms 462 ms 484 ms
 If you select the minimum detectable object size of
960 ms 1008 ms 1056 ms 480 ms 504 ms 528 ms
150 mm, “H” (Height of detection plane) exceeds
1040 ms 1092 ms 1144 ms 520 ms 546 ms 572 ms
1,000 mm. You must select the minimum detectable

Basic Functions
object size of 70 mm or less if you want to configure 1120 ms 1176 ms 1232 ms 560 ms 588 ms 616 ms
the area protection (direction of approach parallel to 1200 ms 1260 ms 1320 ms 600 ms 630 ms 660 ms
the protection zone.). 1280 ms 1344 ms 1408 ms 640 ms 672 ms 704 ms
* The settings are configured in the SZ-V Configurator. For details on
Reference Even if an object is smaller than the minimum detectable the settings procedure, see “Configuring the settings” (page 74).
object size, it may still be detected; however this is not * When PROFIsafe is used with the SZ-V32N, 6 ms is added to the
guaranteed. response time.

With faster response time, it is possible to shorten the safety

distance. ”Safety Distances” (page 20)
With slower response time, it is possible to decrease the possibility of
the OSSD turning OFF due to dust or ambient light.

 The necessary safety distance varies depending on

the response time you specify. The protection zone
must be configured so as to ensure the safety
distance, which has been calculated according to
the laws, regulations, and standards of the country
and region in which the SZ-V is installed. “Safety
DANGER Distances” (page 20)
 The response time must be 90 ms or less when the
SZ-V is used for the detection for access protection
(trip device using whole-body detection with normal
approach). The SZ-V may not detect the person in
the protection zone if the specified response time is
more than 90 ms.

Reference  Only one scan cycle can be set for a scanner head. The
protection zone and warning zone response times for a
scanner head can only be chosen from the same scan
 Response times can be individually set for the protection
zone and warning zone.
 When using the multi-OSSD function, response times of
Protection Zone A and Protection Zone B can be set
 When using two warning zones, response times of
Warning Zone A and Warning Zone B can be set

- SZ-V Series User’s Manual - 45

5-5 Select PNP or NPN 5-6 AUX Output
The input and output circuit polarity can be selected from NPN or PNP. AUX outputs are outputs that can inform the user of the SZ-V
 Not configured (default setting), PNP, NPN operations. The number of available AUX outputs and application
functions vary based on the model.
*The settings are configured in the SZ-V Configurator. For details on
the settings procedure, see “Configuring the settings” (page 74). Maximum AUX output count

 If you selected PNP/NPN select for PNP, do not SZ-V04 type SZ-V32 type SZ-V32N type
cause short-circuit between the OSSD and +24V. Number of AUX *
6 4 4*
Otherwise, OSSDs keep staying at the ON-state and outputs
it causes a dangerous situation. Depending on the combination of functions that are used, the number
 If you selected PNP/NPN select for PNP, be sure to of AUX outputs can vary.
connect the load between the OSSD and 0 V to avoid
a dangerous situation. If the load is incorrectly
connected between the OSSD and +24V, the logic of Functions assigned to AUX outputs
OSSD operation will be reversed, and then OSSD
will turn to the ON-state when the SZ-V detects an For details about each function, see the relevant reference page.
object in the specified protection zone. This is a SZ-V04 SZ-V32 SZ-V32
dangerous situation. type type N type
 If you selected PNP/NPN select for NPN, do not Not used   
cause short-circuit between the OSSD and 0V.
State information output *1
Otherwise, OSSDs keep staying at the ON-state and   
(Page 60)
it causes a dangerous situation.
Error output
 If you selected PNP/NPN select for NPN, be sure to
(Page 64)
  
connect the load between the OSSD and +24V to
Alert output
avoid a dangerous situation. If the load is incorrectly   
(Page 64)
connected between the OSSD and 0 V, the logic of
5 OSSD operation will be reversed, and then OSSD
Error or alert output
(Page 64)
  
will turn to the ON-state when the SZ-V detects an
Muted or override condition output
object in the specified protection zone. This is a
Basic Functions

 -- 
(Page 56)
dangerous situation.
Muting lamp output *2
 -- 
(Page 56)
Important You cannot use SZ-V if PNP/NPN selection is set to OSSD state output
  
“Not configured”. Make sure to select either “PNP” or (Page 61)
“NPN”. This is not necessary when PROFIsafe Detection in the protection zone output
communication is used with the SZ-V32N. output   
(Page 65)
Detection in the warning zone output
  
output (Page 65)
Interlock-Reset-Ready Output
  
(Page 66)
Encoder error output
--  
(Page 64)
Transition to Normal Operation Output
  
(Page 66)
*1 The state information output uses two outputs: AUX 1 and AUX 2.
AUX 3 through 6 cannot be used for the state information output.
*2 For the muting lamp output, the SZ-V04 type uses AUX 6 and the
SZ-V32N type uses AUX 4. Any of other AUX outputs cannot be used
for the muting lamp output.

The AUX output is not allowed to be used as a safety

output for safety-related control systems. Usage of
DANGER this function as safety output could result in the
significant harm to the machine operators, including
serious injury or death.

Reference  In the following states, the AUX outputs are forcibly set
to OFF (state of high impedance).
 Starting
 Waiting for configuration
 Transferring settings
 Calibrating the window
 Clearing system configuration information
 Changing the password
 For the input and output circuit diagrams, see “
 Input and Output Circuit” (page 43).

46 - SZ-V Series User’s Manual -

5-7 Interlock function  Timing chart
Detect no
Interlock is a function that prevents the OSSD from automatically going Detect object
into the ON-state from the OFF-state. This prevents the unintended
start-up and/or the unintended restart of the machine if the interlock is
applied to the SZ-V. It is necessary to perform the reset operation in ON
order for the SZ-V to go back to normal operation from the interlock Reset input
condition. To use the interlock function, configure the interlock function OFF

settings in the SZ-V Configurator and connect a reset switch to the 100 ms min.
reset input terminal.
When using PROFIsafe with the SZ-V32N, control of the Reset bits of ON
Interlock condition

the PROFIsafe Output data is required to perform the reset operation. OSSD
*For details on wiring, see “Wiring” (page 30).
*The settings are configured in the SZ-V Configurator. For details on 100 ms max.

the settings procedure, see “Configuring the settings” (page 74).

 Be sure to absolutely confirm that there is nobody in
Reference When you are using the Multi-OSSD function, you can the hazardous zone before the interlock condition is
configure the interlock function for both OSSD 1/2 and terminated (i.e. the machine system restarts) by the
OSSD 3/4. “Multi-OSSD Function” (page 54) interlock reset mechanism. Failure to follow this
warning may result in a significant harm to the
machine operators, including serious injury or
Interlock DANGER death.
For the interlock function settings, select from the following three  If you set the interlock function to
"Automatic/Automatic", you must prevent
unintended start-up/restart and ensure the safety
At start-up At restart Notes
with machine control system except for the SZ-V.
Automatic Automatic Default Setting
 Make sure that the reset input does not short-circuit
Manual Automatic to other inputs or outputs.
Manual Manual
Reference  The OSSD keeps the OFF-state during an error state 5
In this manual, start-up and restart refer to the following. regardless of the configuration of the interlock function.

Basic Functions
Start-up: “Troubleshooting” (page 135)
 At start-up (when the power is supplied, after the SZ-V loads and  When using the interlock function (if the start or restart
the machine transitions to normal operation), mode is set to "Manual/Automatic" or "Manual/Manual"),
 When the SZ-V is restored from an error state through a reset some functions are no longer available.
operation, “Functions That Cannot Be Set Together“ (page 146)
 When configuration is completed with the SZ-V Configurator.
 When the OSSD goes back to the ON-state from the OFF-state, ON-delay
except for start-up The time from when the object detected by the SZ-V is removed from
the protection zone and when the OSSD goes back to the ON-state.
Here, Automatic and Manual refer to the following operations: This ON-delay time can be set from 2 seconds to 60 seconds in one
Automatic: second increments (default setting: 2 seconds).
The OSSD goes to the ON-state automatically if the SZ-V detects no However, if the ON-delay function is not used, the OSSD goes back to
object in the protection zone at start-up or during restart. the ON-state after passing the response time (OFF to ON). “Response
Manual: Time and Scan Cycle” (page 45)
The OSSD keeps the OFF-state at start-up or during restart (interlock
 Timing chart
SZ-V Detect no object
 Terminating the interlock state Detect object
It is necessary to perform a reset operation when the SZ-V detects no
object in the protection zone, in order for the machine to start operation. ON
After the reset operation, the OSSD goes to the ON-state, and then the OFF
interlock state is disabled.
Response time (ON to OFF) Response time (Off to ON) + ON-delay time

Point How to use automatic and manual restart

Reference  The ON-delay does not work if the OSSD goes back to
the ON-state due to the termination of the laser off input.
 Automatic: This mode is used for machines where “Operation Check Function” (page 57)
nobody can enter or approach the hazardous area
by simply passing through the protection zone, or if  The ON-delay does not work if the OSSD goes back to
the ON-state due to the override input. “Override
the safety-related part of the control system other
function” (page 56)
than the SZ-V, such as a safety relay unit, can
ensure the safety with other means.
 Manual: Unexpected or unintended start-up of the
machine or system can/should be prevented.
Prevents automatic restart of the machine even if a
person or object leaves the SZ-V protection zone. In
both cases, the machine can be started with a start
switch or the likes after a safety check is complete.

- SZ-V Series User’s Manual - 47

5-8 Monitoring External Devices
(EDM Function)
The SZ-V can monitor the state of external devices, such as a safety
relay or contactors that are connected to the OSSD, in order to detect
the failure of the external device. This monitoring function is called the
EDM function.
To use the EDM function, wiring between the SZ-V and the N.C.
(Normally Closed) contacts of the external device(s) must be performed
according to the following diagrams.
The EDM input must be open-circuited if EDM is not applied to the SZ-V.
If wiring is incorrectly performed, "Unused Wire error" occurs on the

When PNP is set When NPN is set

+24V +24V
External device 1
Short-circuit current:
External device 2 10mA
Main circuit Main circuit
External device 1
Short-circuit current:
10mA External device 2
0V 0V

Default setting: "Not used"

Timing chart
5 SZ-V
Detect no object

Detect object
Basic Functions

Error condition

Response time Response time

(ON to OFF) (OFF to ON)



Tolerance time* or Tolerance time*

less or more

(1) (2)

(1) The SZ-V continues normal operation because the SZ-V detects
the operation of an external device within the tolerance time* after
the operation of OSSD 1/2 (ON to OFF).
(2) The SZ-V detects an error on the external device and generates
the error state of "EDM error", because the SZ-V does not detect
the operation of external device within the tolerance time.
“Troubleshooting” (page 135)

* The EDM tolerance time can be changed in the SZ-V Configurator.

For details of the settings procedure, see “Configuring the settings”
(page 74).
 0.15 seconds, 0.3 seconds (default setting), 0.6 seconds, and 3

Reference  When OSSD3/4 are enabled, EDM can also be applied

to OSSD 3/4. “Multi-OSSD Function” (page 54)
 For more details about the EDM error, see “Error State”
(page 135).
 When PROFIsafe is used with the SZ-V32N, the EDM
function cannot be used.

48 - SZ-V Series User’s Manual -

Details on the bank switching methods
6. Advanced Functions
Switching through wiring input (single input)
6-1 Switching Protection Zones Banks are switched based on the signal state (ON/OFF) of the bank
input wires. As shown in the following table, it is possible to switch from
(Bank Switching Function) bank 0 to bank 9 according to the signal combination of bank inputs
(bank input A to E and bank inputs a to e).
The number of zones can be set in the SZ-V. The bank switching *For details on wiring, see “Wiring” (page 30).
function is a function that can switch a set of warning and protection
Bank input
zones (Bank) according to external inputs (bank inputs).
A a B b C c D d E e
The bank refers to a combination of protection zone, warning zone and
reference points.
When multiple scanner heads are used, protection zones, warning
zones, and reference points can be set for each scanner head.
Bank switching methods
The following three bank switching methods are available: Bank 6 OFF OFF OFF OFF OFF OFF ON OFF OFF OFF

 Switching through wiring inputs (single input) Bank 7 OFF OFF OFF OFF OFF OFF OFF ON OFF OFF
 Switching through wiring inputs (binary input) Bank 8 OFF OFF OFF OFF OFF OFF OFF OFF ON OFF
 Switching through rotary encoder inputs (encoder input) Bank 9 OFF OFF OFF OFF OFF OFF OFF OFF OFF ON

Number of configurable banks

Reference  When using single input with the SZ-V04 type, the maximum
number of configurable banks is 4. Banks 4 to 9 cannot be
The maximum number of configurable banks, and the number of
 When using independent bank switching with the SZ-V04
protection and warning zones configurable per bank varies depending type, the bank switching method differs. “Independent bank
on the model of Display unit that is used and the functions used. switching” (page 54)
 “Multi-OSSD Function” (page 54)  To use more than 11 banks with the SZ-V32 type or the
 “Independent bank switching” (page 54) SZ-V32N type, single input cannot be used. Binary input
switching should be used.
 The maximum number of banks and zones for the SZ-V04 type
Maximum Per bank  The SZ-V does not start operation if the signal combination of
Bank bank inputs is different from the combinations shown above
no. of No. of No. of
Functions switching
at start-up, because the SZ-V goes to the state of "Waiting for
bank input". The SZ-V starts operation automatically if the
Single 4 1 2 signal combination of bank inputs is the same as one of the
Not used

Advanced Functions
Binary 4 1 2 combinations shown above.
Multi-OSSD Single 2 2 2  If the signal combination of bank inputs is different from the
function Binary 4 2 2 combination shown above during normal operation, the SZ-V
Multi-OSSD changes to "Bank input error."
Independent  Bank switching must be performed according to the bank
Single 2 *1 2 *2 2 *2 transition time specified in the SZ-V Configurator. The SZ-V
switching goes to the error state of "Bank error" if the time does not
*1 Two banks are configurable for both OSSD 1/2 and OSSD 3/4 meet the specified bank transition time.
*2 One protection zone and one warning zone is available for both  For details on the error state, see “Error State” (page 135).
OSSD 1/2 and OSSD 3/4. “Independent bank switching” (page 54)
 Individually insulate any bank inputs that are not used.

 The maximum number of banks and zones for the SZ-V32 type Point Here, start-up refers to the following:
and SZ-V32N *1 type  At start-up (when the power is supplied after SZ-V
Maximum Per bank loading and the machine transitions to normal
no. of No. of No. of operation),
Bank switching method
configurable protection warning
banks zones zones  When the SZ-V is restored from error state through a
reset operation,
Single input 10 1 2
 When configuration is completed with the SZ-V
Binary 32 1 2 Configurator.
Encoder 32 *2 1 2
*1 When the PROFIsafe communication is used, the bank switching  Timing chart
function cannot be used. If you want to use the multiple bank Bank input A
function, use the “All Banks Function” (page 53).
*2 A combination of 4-bank wire switching (single input) and 8-velocity
range. Bank input a
Banks can be switched according to the signal combination of bank
inputs (ON/OFF state combination). Appropriate protection zones can ON
Bank input B
be selected by configuring the SZ-V to switch the banks corresponding OFF

to the hazard and/or hazardous area.

Someone may be able to approach the hazard and/or Bank input b

hazardous area without passing through the SZ-V

protection zone if the bank switching is performed at Valid bank 0 1 2 3 2 - 1

unintended timing. Therefore, you must perform the T1 T1


risk assessment on your own responsibility, taking

Detect no object
into account the bank transition time, in order to SZ-V
Detect object
establish the appropriate control system for bank
switching. ON
Reset input
Reference By designating one bank as the “laser shutdown bank” it is 100 ms max.
possible to stop the SZ-V laser and control the standby ON condition
state when this bank is selected. “Operation Check OFF

Function” (page 57) 1 sec max. Response time

(ON to OFF)

- SZ-V Series User’s Manual - 49

Reference  T1 is sum of the following parameters: Reference  Bank No. is represented with binary code consisting of the
 Bank transition time signal combination of bank inputs A, B, C, D, and E. For
bank inputs a, b, c, d, and e, these are inverted signals from
 Scan cycle (80ms for standard mode, 40ms for High
bank inputs A, B, C, D, and E.
speed mode)
 Communication overhead (15ms)  The SZ-V does not start operation if the signal combination
of bank inputs is different from the combinations shown
 Bank transition time can be selected from the following: above at start-up, because the SZ-V goes to a state of
0.02/0.05/0.1 (default setting)/0.25/0.5/1/2.5/5 (seconds) "Waiting for bank input". The SZ-V starts operation
 If the bank switching function is used for types which the automatically if the signal combination of bank inputs is the
muting function is available (SZ-V04 type and SZ-V32N same as one of the combinations shown above. If the signal
type), the muting function cannot be used. combination of bank inputs is different from the combination
shown above during normal operation, the SZ-V changes to
Switching through wiring input (binary input) "Bank input error."
 Bank switching must be performed according to the bank
Banks are switched based on the signal state (ON/OFF) of the bank transition time was specified through the SZ-V Configurator.
input wires. As shown in the following table, it is possible to switch from The SZ-V goes to the error state of "Bank error" if the time
bank 0 to bank 31 according to the signal combination of bank inputs does not meet the specified bank transition time.
(bank inputs A to E and bank inputs a to e).  When using binary inputs with the SZ-V04 type, the
※ For details on wiring, see “Wiring” (page 30). maximum number of configurable banks is 4. Banks 4 to 31
cannot be used.
Bank input
 If the total number of banks is 16 or less (that is, when bank
0 to bank 15 are enabled), the SZ-V does not check the
A B C D E a b c d e state of bank input E and bank input e because they are not
Bank 0 OFF OFF OFF OFF OFF ON ON ON ON ON related to bank switching.
 If the total number of banks is 8 or less (that is, when bank 0
Bank 1 ON OFF OFF OFF OFF OFF ON ON ON ON to bank 7 are enabled), the SZ-V does not check the state
of bank input D/E and bank input d/e because they are not
related to bank switching.
Bank 3 ON ON OFF OFF OFF OFF OFF ON ON ON  If the total number of banks is 4 or less (that is, when bank 0
to bank 3 are enabled), the SZ-V does not check the state
Bank 4 OFF OFF ON OFF OFF ON ON OFF ON ON of bank input C, D, E and bank input c, d, e because they
are not related to bank switching.
 If the total number of banks is 2 or less (that is, when bank 0
to bank 1 are enabled), the SZ-V does not check the state
of bank input B, C, D, E and bank input b, c, d, e because

they are not related to bank switching.
For details on the error state, see “Error State” (page 135).
 Individually insulate any bank inputs that are not used.
Advanced Functions


Point Start-up refers to the following:
Bank 10 OFF ON OFF ON OFF ON OFF ON OFF ON  At start-up (SZ-V loading completes after power is
supplied and the machine transitions to normal
Bank 12 OFF OFF ON ON OFF ON ON OFF OFF ON  When the SZ-V is restored from an error state through
a reset operation,
 When configuration is completed with the SZ-V
Bank 14 OFF ON ON ON OFF ON OFF OFF OFF ON Configurator.

Bank 15 ON ON ON ON OFF OFF OFF OFF OFF ON  Timing chart

Bank input A OFF
Bank input a



Bank input b OFF
Bank input c OFF
Bank input d OFF


Valid bank 1 6 13 -


Detect no object
Detect object
OSSD Error condition


Reference  T1 is sum of the following parameters:
Bank 29 ON OFF ON ON ON OFF ON OFF OFF OFF  Bank transition time
 Scan cycle (80ms for standard mode, 40ms for High
speed mode)
Bank 31 ON ON ON ON ON OFF OFF OFF OFF OFF  Communication overhead (15ms)
 The bank transition time can be selected from the
0.02/0.05/0.1 (default setting)/0.25/0.5/1/2.5/5 (seconds)
 If the bank switching function is used on types which the
muting function is available (SZ-V04 type and SZ-V32N
type), the muting function cannot be used.

50 - SZ-V Series User’s Manual -

Switching through rotary encoder input (encoder input)  Timing chart
This is a function that is available when encoders are connected to the Bank input A
SZ-V. Zones can be switched in accordance with velocity information OFF

received from two independent encoders. The velocity range (velocity

bank) is configurable in 8 stages. ON

Bank input a
By combining single input wiring inputs, it is possible to switch between OFF

up to 4 wiring banks.
With combination of 8 velocity banks and 4 wiring banks, it is possible ON

Bank input B
to switch between maximum 32 banks. OFF


Wiring bank Bank input b


Velocity range1 Bank0 Bank8 Bank16 Bank24

Speed B
Velocity range2 Bank1 Bank9 Bank17 Bank25 Speed calculated
from encoder 1
Speed A
Velocity range3 Bank2 Bank10 Bank18 Bank26
Velocity range4 Bank3 Bank11 Bank19 Bank27 0
Velocity bank
Velocity range5 Bank4 Bank12 Bank20 Bank28
Speed B
Velocity range6 Bank5 Bank13 Bank21 Bank29 Speed calculated
from encoder 2
Velocity range7 Bank6 Bank14 Bank22 Bank30 Speed A

Velocity range8 Bank7 Bank15 Bank23 Bank31 0

Encoders must meet the following conditions: Valid bank 8 0 1 2 26

 Power voltage of DC 24 V T1 T2 T2 T2

 A rotary encoder that has A and B phase, as well as an A- output (A SZ-V

Detect no object
Detect object
phase inverse output)
 Complimentary output OSSD
Error condition

 Maximum pulse frequency: 100 kHz OFF


The settings can be configured as follows in accordance with the type  T1 is sum of the following parameters:

of encoder that is used and the application: - Bank transition time
Encoder Velocity Setting  5 to 100 (pulses/mm) - Scan cycle (80ms for standard mode, 40ms for High speed mode)
(Number of pulses per 1mm of  Default: 5 (pulses/mm) - Communication overhead (15ms)

Advanced Functions
AGV travel)  The bank transition time can be selected from the following:
Allowable Variation  0 to 45 % 0.02/0.05/0.1 (default setting)/0.25/0.5/1/2.5/5 (seconds)
 Default: 25%  T2 is sum of the following parameters:
Maximum Variation Time  10 s - Encoder velocity recognition time (72ms)
 30 s (default) - Scan cycle (80ms for standard mode, 40ms for High speed mode)
 1 min - Communication overhead (15ms)
For details on each setting, see “Encoder settings” (page 76).  T3 depends on type of error:
- Encoder Mismatch Error: Maximum variation time
- Error related to one encoder only: 400ms

- SZ-V Series User’s Manual - 51

Reference  When the velocity of the two encoders is not the same,  Number of pulses per 1mm of AGV travel
the higher velocity is used as the determined velocity. Calculation method
 It is possible to receive an output for an encoder error. P = p/(r x DAGV x π)
“Encoder error output” (page 64)
 For the SZ-V04 type, encoder input switching cannot be P: Number of pulses per 1mm move of AGV [pulses/mm]
selected. p: Number of pulses per one rotation of encoder [pulses]
 If the bank switching function is used on the SZ-V32N r: Number of AGV tire rotations per one rotation of encoder
type, the muting function cannot be used. DAGV: Diameter of AGV tire [mm]
 During normal operation, the SZ-V results in an error if
one of the following conditions is met.
1. The encoder velocity exceeds the set velocity Calculation example
range. When using a friction wheel attached to an encoder.
2. An input is received that exceeds the maximum Df: Diameter of friction wheel [mm]
pulse frequency (100 kHz).
3. The velocity difference between the two encoders is
more than the allowable variation and exceeds the
Friction wheel : Diameter Df [mm]
maximum variation time.
4. The encoder velocity is zero and one of the Tire of AVG:
following mismatches is detected: Diameter DAVG [mm]
a. Encoder input 1A and 1A- mismatch
b. Encoder input 2A and 2A- mismatch
 The direction of rotation of two encoders must be same,
when AGV is moving. If encoders are used in an
application where the direction of rotation of two encoders
are different, wiring needs to be adjusted like the example
p = 1000 [pulses] Number of pulses per one rotation of encoder
Two encoders are rotated in the same direction. DAGV = 450 [mm] Diameter of AGV tire
Df = 54 [mm] Diameter of friction wheel
r = Df/DAGV = 54/450 = 0.12 Number of AGV tire rotation per one
rotation of encoder
Encoder 1
Number of pulses per 1mm move of AGV
6 P = p/(r x DAGV x π) = 1000/(0.12 x 450 x π) = 5.9 [pulses/mm]
Encoder 2
Advanced Functions

If the object to be detected moves perpendicular to the

detection plane, SZ-V cannot detect the object moving
at speed over 1.6m/s, regardless of the encoder setting.
Yellow/Black (Encoder input 1A) A

Pink (Encoder input 1B) Encoder 1
Green (Encoder input 1A-)

Red/Black (Encoder input 2A) A

Pink/Black (Encoder input 2B) Encoder 2
Green/Black (Encoder input 2A-)

Two encoders are rotated in the different direction

Encoder 1

Encoder 2

Yellow/Black (Encoder input 1A) A

Pink (Encoder input 1B) Encoder 1
Green (Encoder input 1A-)

Red/Black (Encoder input 2A) A

Pink/Black (Encoder input 2B) Encoder 2
Green/Black (Encoder input 2A-)

52 - SZ-V Series User’s Manual -

6-2 Using Multiple Banks When
PROFIsafe is Utilized (All Banks
When using PROFIsafe with the SZ-V32N, up to 16 banks can be used
simultaneously. The detection state of the protection zones and the
detection zones can be read out individually.

Reference  Detection judgement is performed using single

sampling. If one bank is specified separately, it can be
judged using multisampling.
 When using All Banks, a “Laser shutdown bank” cannot
be designated.

6-3 Monitoring the Zone Switching Sequence

(Bank Sequence Monitoring Function)
The SZ-V can monitor the sequence of bank switching so that the
OSSD goes to the OFF-state due to an error state if the SZ-V detects a
signal combination of bank inputs in an unexpected sequence. This
prevents machine operation with an unintended protection zone
selected through the use of the bank sequence monitoring.
For each bank, 3 bank numbers can be assigned to follow. The SZ-V
goes to the error state of "Bank sequence error" if the bank number
indicated by the signal combination of bank inputs is different from the
specified bank number that is to be followed under the bank sequence
monitoring function.
KEYENCE Corporation strongly recommends enabling the bank
sequence monitoring function to specify the proper bank sequence for
the machine application.

Advanced Functions
*The settings are configured in the SZ-V Configurator. For details on
the settings procedure, see “Configuring the settings” (page 74).

<Application example>
When the AGV which mounts the SZ-V moves a certain pth as shown in
the following figure, the SZ-V can switch the bank in the following
sequence, bank 1 → bank 2 → bank 3 → bank 1.
The AGV can stop because the SZ-V goes to the error state of “Bank
sequence error” if the bank number indicated by the signal combination
of bank inputs is different from the specified bank number that is to be
followed under the bank sequence monitoring function.

Reference For details on the error state, see “Error State” (page 135).

- SZ-V Series User’s Manual - 53

6-4 Protecting Two Zones at the Same Time Independently switching two zones (Independent bank
(Multi-OSSD Function)
The independent bank switching function can be used in combination
When using the multi-OSSD function, it is possible to set two with the bank switching function.
independent protection zones for one scanner head. “Bank Switching Function” (page 49)
The two protection zones are called Protection Zone A and Protection
Zone B. OSSD 1/2 goes to the OFF-state if the SZ-V detects an object Normally when the bank switching function is used, the protection zone
in protection zone A. OSSD 3/4 goes to the OFF-state if the SZ-V for OSSD 1/2 (Protection Zone A) and the protection zone for OSSD
detects an object in protection zone B. “Protection zone” (page 17) 3/4 (Protection Zone B) switch at the same time. However, if the
independent bank switching function is used, Protection Zone A and
Protection Zone B can be switched at different times.

6 * The settings are configured in the SZ-V Configurator. For details * The settings are configured in the SZ-V Configurator. For details
of the settings procedure, see “Configuring the settings” (page on the settings procedure, see “Configuring the settings” (page
74). 74).
Advanced Functions

OSSD 1/2 OSSD 3/4 Bank input

When adding more scanner heads, it is possible to assign each Protection Protection
A a B b
scanner head a protection zone for OSSD 1/2 and OSSD 3/4. zone A zone B

“OSSD output selection” (page 75) Bank 0 --- ON OFF -- --

Bank 1 --- OFF ON -- --

If you control two hazard sources independently, you ---
Bank 0 -- -- ON OFF
must fully consider the SZ-V installation position and
orientation. If there is unprotected space where the ---
Bank 1 -- -- OFF ON
operator can approach into the hazardous area, you
must take additional countermeasure against the  Timing chart

Bank input A

Reference Even when using the multi-OSSD function, maximum ON
number of warning zones is two. Bank input a

 To switch the protection zone for OSSD 1/2 (Protection OFF

Zone A) and the protection zone for OSSD 3/4 Bank input B
(Protection Zone B) at different times, use the OFF

independent bank switching function. “Independent ON

Bank input b
bank switching” (page 54)

Valid bank
0 1 0

T1 T1
SZ-V Detect no object
zone A Detect object

Error state

Valid bank
(OSSD3/4) 0 1 -

T1 T1

SZ-V Detect no object

zone B Detect object

ON Error state

Reference Certain functions cannot be used at the same as the

independent bank switching function.
“Functions That Cannot Be Set Together” (page 146)

54 - SZ-V Series User’s Manual -

6-5 Temporarily Disabling the Safety Configuring muting conditions
The settings can be configured as follows in accordance with the
Function application:

The SZ-V04 type and the SZ-V32N type have a function that can
Sequence of  Muting input 1 to Muting input 2 fixed (default)
temporarily disable the safety function when specific conditions are met.
muting inputs  Muting input 2 to Muting input 1 fixed
While the specific signals, which fulfill that condition, are activated, the
 Not specified
OSSD keeps the ON-state even if the SZ-V detects something or
Time period  0.04 to 3.0 (default)
someone in the protection zone, or if the SZ-V detects a change of
between  0.04 to 5.0
position monitored through the reference points monitoring function.
muting inputs  0.04 to 10.0
 0.04 to (not specified)
The conditions, SZ-V settings, peripheral devices, and Maximum  Approx. 1 minute
the installation of those devices in order to disable the muting period  Approx. 5 minutes (Default)
SZ-V safety function must fulfill the conditions specified of time  Approx. 10 minute
in this user's manual as well as the requirements of the
DANGER laws, rules, regulations, and standards in the country or
 Not specified
region in which the SZ-V and those devices are used.
Failure to follow this warning may result in a significant  Timing chart
harm to the machine operators, including serious injury ON
Muting input 1
or death.

Reference  The state of suspension of safety function can be 15 ms max.

checked through the muting indicator and AUX output ON

Muting input 2
signal. The configuration of AUX outputs is necessary to
check the state of suspension through AUX output OFF

signals. 15 ms max.

 Checking through a PLC: Muted condition

“Muted or override condition output” (page 56) Not Muted condition


 Checking an indicator light or lamp:

“Muting lamp output” (page 56) 120 ms max. 120 ms max.

 Certain functions cannot be used if the muting function

Muting lamp output

is used. “Functions That Cannot Be Set Together” (page

Detect no object

Temporarily disabling the safety function (Muting function) SZ-V

Detect object 6
A muting zone can be configured anywhere in the protection zone. The

Advanced Functions
SZ-V goes to the muted condition when the conditions for initiation of OSSD

muting are fulfilled. The OSSD keeps the ON-state even if the SZ-V OFF
Response time Response time
detects an object in the muting zone. (ON to OFF) (OFF to ON)

(Even if the conditions for initiation of muting are fulfilled, the OSSD
T1: Time period between muting inputs (default: 0.04 to 3s)
goes to the OFF-state when the SZ-V detects an object in the
Configurable from SZ-V Configurator.
protection zone where the muting zone is not configured.)
T2: Maximum muting period of time (default: 5 min) Configurable from
For example, it is not necessary to stop the machine when an AGV
SZ-V Configurator.
enters the hazardous area by configuring the muting zone in the
protection zone where the AGV would pass through.
The muting input terminals on the SZ-V must be connected to muting
The responsible personnel must perform the risk
devices to use the muting function.
assessment based on the machine application in
Restrictions on the muting device order to appropriately determine the risk if "Not
specified" is selected for the maximum muting period
 Output must be N.O. (normally open) DANGER
of time. Moreover, based on this result, enact
 Must be a contact output or PNP/NPN output which corresponds to
additional safeguards if necessary. Failure to follow
the settings selected in the selection of PNP or NPN.
this warning may result in a significant harm to the
 Do not use one muting device with multiple outputs in place of two or
machine operators, including serious injury or death.
more muting devices (always one output for one device).
 If the muting device has a timer function that can adjust the output
timing, do not use that function. Point Consider the potential danger due to the muting
sensor unexpectedly failing. Also, note the following
Conditions for initiation of muting when “Not specified” is selected for both the
Muted condition is initiated if all of the following conditions are met. maximum muting period and time between muting
1. Muting inputs go to the ON-state within the specified sequence inputs.
and within the specified time between them.  If the time between muting inputs exceeds 3
2. The SZ-V detects no objects in the protection zone. seconds, the muting state will be terminated
3. The OSSD is in the ON-state. approximately 5 minutes later. (If the time between
muting inputs is within 3 seconds, the muting state
Conditions for termination of muting continues and is unlimited as per the settings.)
The muted condition is terminated if one of the following conditions is
Reference Upon start up, the SZ-V starts from the muting terminated
1. Either of muting inputs go to the OFF-state for more than 0.015
state regardless of the muting input state. The SZ-V is
unable to power on into a muted state.
2. The SZ-V goes into an error state.
3. The laser off input goes to the ON-state ("Operation Check
Function” (page 57)).
4. The power supply is interrupted.
5. The maximum muting period of time has passed.

- SZ-V Series User’s Manual - 55

Restarting after a suspended disabled state (Override Displaying the disabled state
The disabled state of the safety functions can be displayed on the SZ-V
With the safety function temporarily disabled by the muting function, the or output to an external device.
OSSD goes to the OFF-state if that suspension is interrupted for any
reason. If this occurs while an object is still in the protection zone, then
Checking the state on the SZ-V display
the machine remains stopped because the muting function cannot
initiate again since the SZ-V detects an object in the protection zone. Muting state
The override is a helpful function suitable for such a situation. The SZ-V
goes to the override condition when the conditions for initiation of 250mm
Bank0 ABCD Bank0 Head1 ABCD
override are met. When override is activated, an object in the protection
zone can be easily removed.
All of the scanner heads and protection zones go into the override state
MUTING senga
when this function is activated and the safety function is disabled. (It is
not possible to suspend the safety function for only a part of the BACK BACK
protection zone or to disable just one scanner head.) View History Menu View History Menu

Conditions for initiation of override

Override is initiated when the reset input* goes to the ON-state within
0.04 to 1 sec. after the override input goes to the ON-state, and if all of Override state
the following conditions are met:
1. The SZ-V is not in an error state.
Bank0 ABCD Bank0 Head1
2. At least one scanner head detects an object in the protection
3. The OSSD is in the OFF-state. (Including interlock condition) OVERRIDE senga
4. Either muting input or both muting inputs are in the ON-state.
*If the operation check function with laser off input is used, the laser off View History Menu View History Menu
input must go in the ON-state instead of the reset input for the initiation
of override.

6 Conditions for termination of override

Using an output to display the state on an external device
Advanced Functions

The override condition is terminated if one of the following conditions is

met: By assigning the following functions to an AUX output, it is possible to
1. All muting inputs go to the OFF-state. check whether the SZ-V safety function is disabled by signaling the
2. Either override input or reset input goes to the OFF-state. state.
3. The SZ-V goes into an error state.
4. Maximum override period of time has passed. *The settings are configured in the SZ-V Configurator. For details on
the settings procedure, see “Configuring the settings” (page 74).

Configuring override conditions

 Muted or override condition output
The settings can be configured as follows in accordance with the The AUX Output goes to the ON-state if the safety function is
application: temporarily disabled by the muting function or override function.
Maximum  1 minute (default), 5 minutes, 10 minutes
 Muting lamp output
period of time
In addition to functioning in the same manner as the muted or override
condition output, a muting lamp can be controlled directly with the SZ-V.
 Timing chart (Initial settings when the Muting Function is used)
Muting input 1 The following conditions must be fulfilled if a muting lamp is connected
to the muting lamp output.
ON  - In case of incandescent lamp: DC 24 V, 1.0-5.5 W
Muting input 2
 - In case of LED indicator: Current consumption 10-230 mA

Detect no object Muting, override state output, or muting output cannot
Detect object
be used as a safety output for safety-related control
Response time (Off to ON)
or more
DANGER systems. Misuse of this function as safety output
Override input could result in the significant harm to the machine
operators, including serious injury or death.

Reset input Reference The muting lamp output can only be assigned to AUX 6
(AUX 4 for the SZ-32N).
 The muting lamp output will always be a NPN output,
Muting lamp output even if the selection of PNP or NPN is PNP.

Alerts about muting lamp failure, such as a blowout of
ON the lamp, disconnection or overcurrent, can be signaled
Override condition
through the alert output, error output, or state
170 ms max. 160 ms max.
information output. “State information output” (page 60)
ON  The performance of SZ-V under the muting lamp failure
OFF can be defined as either error (muting lamp error) or
alert. The SZ-V goes to the error state in case of muting
T1: 0.04 to 1s Cannot be changed lamp failure in accordance with the default configuration.
T2: Maximum override period of time (default: 1 min) Configurable from
SZ-V Configurator

56 - SZ-V Series User’s Manual -

6-6 Monitoring Doors and Other Locations 6-7 Turning OFF the SZ-V OSSD
That Change
(Operation Check Function)
(Reference Points Monitoring
Function) Using the operation check function stops the laser light and forcibly
turns OFF the OSSD. By using the operation check function, all OSSDs
Reference points monitoring is a safety-related function where the SZ-V can be turned OFF and it is possible to check whether the intended
monitors the position change of a structure (such as protective guarding machine stopped. An AGV or machine can be temporarily stopped by
or a door) located at a specified reference point. Similar to when the putting the SZ-V into standby mode.
SZ-V detects an object in the protection zone, the OSSD goes to the
OFF-state if the position of the structure (such as protective guarding or There are two ways to use the operation check function.
door) varies exceeding the specified tolerance.  Operation check with laser off input
*The settings are configured in the SZ-V Configurator. For details on  Operation check with bank switching
the settings procedure, see “Configuring the settings” (page 74).

Examples of applications for detection for area protection Operation check with laser off input

When the reference point is set on the position of a movable part, such Use an external input to turn off the laser light and turn the OSSD OFF.
as a door, the OSSD goes to the OFF-state if the SZ-V detects the
position change of the movable part.  Timing chart
Laser shutdown



250 ms max.

Examples of applications for detection for access protection

When the SZ-V is used in combination with other protective structures as
safety measures, the configured protection zone may not ensure the safety,
because an unintended area allowing possible approach points could be 100 ms max. Response time (Off to ON)

generated due to the displacement of protective structures or the SZ-V itself.

Advanced Functions
With the reference point monitoring function, the SZ-V can monitor the
position of the protective structure. Therefore, it can ensure the safety Reference If the Start/Restart mode settings are not
since the OSSD goes to the OFF-state in case of position changes of “Automatic/Automatic", laser off input cannot be used.
the protective structure. “Interlock function” (Page 47)

Operation check with bank switching

By designating one bank as the "laser shutdown bank," it is possible to

stop the SZ-V laser and turn the OSSD OFF.

For example, if the laser shutdown bank is set to bank 0 and bank 0 is
selected with the bank switching inputs, then the SZ-V stops the laser
2 or more reference points must be set on one structure so as to ensure and turns the OSSD OFF. The SZ-V goes back to the normal operation
the detection of its position change. As shown in the above "Example of if a different bank number is selected.
reference point", two reference points are set on each of the three
structures (protective structure 1, protective structure 2 and the floor)  Timing chart
for a total of six points (A to F). ON
Bank input A

Reference point monitoring function must be applied OFF

when the SZ-V is used for the access protection Bank input a

specified in IEC61496-3:2008 Annex A.12 and A.13 (the OFF

application where the angle of the approach exceeds

±30° to the detection plane). In this case, the tolerance Valid bank 1 0 1
DANGER for reference points must be ±100 mm or less and the
response time must be 90 ms or less. Additional T1 T1

countermeasures for protection must be provided if ON

there is a space between the protection zone and the OFF
protective structure that the minimum detectable
object is not detected by the SZ-V. SZ-V Detect no object
250 ms max.

Detect object
Reference  Maximum of 15 reference points can be set. zone A

 When using bank switching function, maximum of 15 ON

OSSD 1/2
reference points can be set for protection zone of each OFF

bank. T1+8ms

 The OSSD turning OFF because an object or person Response time (Off to ON)
was detected in the protection zone, or the reference
point monitor function turning OFF the OSSD can be
distinguished with the SZ-V display and the detection
history. “Checking the Detection History” (page 97)
 The reference point monitoring function stops while the
safety function is temporarily disabled.

- SZ-V Series User’s Manual - 57

6-8 Reducing Interference Between SZ-Vs 6-10 Privacy of Camera Images
(Mutual Interference Reduction Function) (Camera Blur Function)
If multiple SZ-Vs are installed in close proximity, their scan cycles can Scanner heads with cameras have the ability to monitor images taken
be changed to reduce mutual interference. The scan cycle indicates the with the cameras, and save photos and videos of the moments that
SZ-V's emission timing. SZ-V has three different scan cycles. Any cycle objects and/or people were detected.
can be selected. Due to privacy considerations, if keeping detailed images is not desired,
When installing two SZ-Vs close to each other, by applying different the camera image can be blurred using the camera blur function.
scan cycles, it is possible to prevent mutual interference between the
two SZ-Vs. The possibility of mutual interference is reduced between Without the camera blur function
three SZ-Vs if different scan cycles are set. The selectable response
times vary depending on the scan cycle specified.
“Response Time and Scan Cycle” (page 45)

6-9 Reducing Power Consumption

(Power Saving Mode)
If Power Saving Mode is selected and the SZ-V is not operated for a
certain period of time, part of the display will turn off. In this way, power
consumption is reduced.

If 30 seconds passes since the last key operation, the display turns off.
Scanner head: Scanner head state indicator
Display unit: Display backlight

However, in the following cases, the display will not turn off:
 In the 30 seconds since the power was turned on
 During an error state
With the camera blur function
6 Default setting: Not used
Advanced Functions

* The settings are configured in the SZ-V Configurator. For details on

the settings procedure, see “Configuring the settings” (page 74).

58 - SZ-V Series User’s Manual -

6-11 Replacing damaged units without
configuration transfer
(System Memory)
All settings and zone data are saved in the system memory. Therefore,
when replacing the Display unit or scanner head, it is possible to
automatically copy all the settings and zone data to the new Display
unit or scanner head by using the same system memory.
If an Display unit is replaced because it broke, the amount of transfer
time is greatly reduced.

For details on the replacement procedure, see “Replacing the Display

unit” (page 145).

Important When connecting an SZ-V unit (Display unit and

scanner head) to the system memory with the setting
information, use an SZ-V unit that has never been
connected to another system memory. If the SZ-V unit
has been connected to another system memory, the
SZ-V will experience an error (system configuration
error) and not function properly.

Reference  To clear a system configuration error, it is necessary to

use the configuration software (SZ-V Configurator) to
delete the system configuration information on the SZ-V
unit. “Clear system configuration” (page 106)
 Transferring new settings from the SZ Configurator can
overwrite the system configuration information. “Setting
Procedure” (page 73)
 Initializing the settings from the SZ Configurator, can
also overwrite the system configuration information.
“Initialization” (page 105)

Advanced Functions
 As the following data is not saved in system memory, it
cannot be copied to a new SZ-V.
 SZ-V panel brightness
 Enable/disable use of the key lock function
 Type of view selected before last power off (Status
view, Monitor view, Camera view)

- SZ-V Series User’s Manual - 59

Checking with outputs
7. Checking Operation Status
Information that indicates the current state of the SZ-V can be checked
through outputs by assigning following functions to AUX output.
7-1 Checking the Current Detection Status * The settings are configured in the SZ-V Configurator. For details on
the settings procedure, see “Configuring the settings” (page 74).
Checking on the SZ-V display
State information output and OSSD state output
The state of the SZ-V can be checked on the Display unit display and cannot be used as safety output to safety-related
with the indicators. DANGER control systems. Misuse of this function as safety
For details, see “How to Read the SZ-V Display” (page 112). output could result in significant harm to the machine
Bank0 ABCD operators, including serious injury or death.

State information output
OPERATION The state information output is a function used to inform an external device of
the current state of the SZ-V through two AUX outputs.
View History Menu
The state information output 1 is assigned to AUX output 1, while the state
information output 2 is assigned to AUX output 2. The state information
output 1 is the strobe signal for information output. The state information
output 2 is the informative pulse signal for the exact state of the SZ-V.
Checking on the SZ-V Configurator The state information output 1 goes to the ON-state for a certain interval.
While the state information output 1 is in the ON-state, the SZ-V generates
The detection state can be checked on the SZ-V Configurator monitor. the pulse signals on state information output 2. If the pulses are counted on
For details, see “Monitoring Operations” (page 92). the state information output, the current state of the SZ-V can be received.
(The state information output 1 goes back to the OFF-state when the SZ-V
has completed generating the pulses on state information output 2.)
The following table shows the relationship between the number of pulses
and the state of the SZ-V. Use this function for monitoring the SZ-V operation
through a PLC.

If multiple states are occurring at the same time, only the state with the
highest priority is output.

7  The number of pulses for the state information output and

Checking Operation Status

Some of the details differ depending on whether the bank switching

function or the muting function is used.
No. of
pulses When using the bank switching When using the Priority
function muting function
Normal operation
1 Normal operation (ON) bank 0 B 5
2 Interlock-reset-ready or reset ON-delay B 1
3 Scanner head 1 protection zone is in detection state A 12
4 Scanner head 2 protection zone is in detection state A 13
5 Scanner head 3 protection zone is in detection state A 14
6 Normal operation (ON) bank 1 Muting state B 3
7 Normal operation (ON) bank 2 Override state B 2
8 Normal operation (ON) bank 3 Muting input is ON* B 4
9 Waiting for bank input A 11
Bank input error or
10 Muting lamp error A 2
bank sequence error
11 Window alert A 7
12 Light interference alert A 8
13 High reflection alert A 9
14 Other alerts A 10
15 Window error A 5
16 MI error A 6
17 EDM error A 3
18 OSSD error A 1
19 Other errors A 4
20 Normal operation (ON) bank 4 B 6
21 Normal operation (ON) bank 5 B 7
22 Normal operation (ON) bank 6 B 8
23 Normal operation (ON) bank 7 B 9
Normal operation (ON)
24 B 10
bank 8 - 15
Normal operation (ON)
25 B 11
bank 16 - 23
Normal operation (ON)
26 B 12
bank 24 - 31
*When muting conditions are not met and the SZ-V is not in the muting
state. For details of muting conditions, see “Muting function” (page 55)

60 - SZ-V Series User’s Manual -

 Priority
Number of pulses coming out of the state information output 2 is
determined by the current status of SZ-V. If SZ-V corresponds to
multiple statuses, number of pulses corresponding to a status with
highest priority will be output.
Status with priority A has higher priority compared to priority B. Within
same priority alphabet, smaller number status has higher priority.
For statuses with priority A, if a status of priority A happens even once
after the last pulse output, regardless of current status, that status will
be latched and output.

 Timing chart
Pulse output is generated from state information output 1 periodically
(100 x T).
When state information output 1 is ON, pulse output is generated from
state information output 2. Number of pulses depends on SZ-V status.

Condition Normal operation (ON) Scanner head 1 protection zone is in Window error Normal operation (ON)
detection state




100 x T 100 x T
1 pulse 3 pulse 15 pulse

Reference The pulse width (T) time can be changed in the settings.
 20 ms (default setting), 40 ms, 60 ms, 80 ms, 100 ms,
200 ms, 300 ms

OSSD state output 7

The OSSD state output operates corresponding to the operation of the

Checking Operation Status

OSSD. This can confirm the OSSD operation through external device,
such as a PLC.
When using the multi-OSSD function, it is possible to select either the
OSSD 1/2 state output corresponding to the OSSD 1/2 ON/OFF state,
or the OSSD 3/4 state output corresponding to the OSSD 3/4 ON/OFF

Timing chart

OSSD state output


- SZ-V Series User’s Manual - 61

7-2 Checking the Past Detection Status  In multi-frame mode, an interval of approximately 30
seconds (approximately 5 seconds for scanner heads
(Detection History) without camera) is required between video savings.
During this period, SZ-V shows “History Saving”, and
The history of detecting people or objects, and the error and alert continues normal operation, but cannot save new
occurrence histories can all be checked. If a scanner head with a videos.
camera is used, photos and videos of the moments that objects are  In multi-frame mode, it is not possible to save a new
detected can be saved. video for approximately 5 seconds after start-up. Also, if
The history of these events can be checked in the SZ-V Configurator or the power of SZ-V is turned OFF while “History Saving”
the SZ-V display panel. is displayed, it may not be possible to save a new video
for approximately 30 seconds after the next start-up.
Detection History  In multi-frame mode, videos can be saved up to 1 million
times maximum.
Saving mode [Single Frame/Photo] [Multi-Frame/Video]
No. of Detection 500 100
saved history
Error history
items Photos 30 -
Videos - 10 No. of saved items 100
Interval Detection No limit Preservation of error Not cleared after power OFF
between history
saves Photos Approx. 1s -
Videos - Approx. 30s How to check error “Error history” (page98)
(Approx. 5s for scanner history “Checking the error history (Error History)” (page 117)
heads without camera)
Preservation of Cleared by power OFF Not cleared after power
detection history OFF Reference  Error history is not cleared by transferring settings from
How to check detection “Checking the Detection History” (Page 97) SZ-V Configurator or restarting the SZ-V.
history “Checking the Detection History (Detection History)”
(page 115)
 To clear error history, push “Clear Error History” button
on the Error History window on SZ-V Configurator. Note
that clearing error history can only be done by
Reference  The following items are included in detection history. responsible personnel.
 Objects or people detected in the protection zone  Error history is cleared when SZ-V is initialized.
 Objects or people detected in the warning zone
 Alert occurrences
 Only photos and videos of people and objects detected
in the protection zone are saved in the detection history.
 Select whether to save photos or videos in the settings.
7 Single Frame/Photo mode
Saves a single frame of the measurement status from the Monitor View,
Checking Operation Status

and when using a camera model, a photo at the moment of detection.

Latest 30 photos will be saved. Saved photos are deleted after
restarting SZ-V.
Saved images can be checked using SZ-V, or saved to PC via SZ-V
 During single frame mode, detection history is cleared
by following procedures.
 Turn OFF the power of SZ-V.
 Transfer settings from SZ-V Configurator.
 Initialize SZ-V from the SZ-V Configurator.
 Clear detection history from SZ-V Configurator.
 Replace the scanner head.
 When the number of saved history reaches its maximum
number, the oldest history is erased to save the latest
detection history.

Multi-Frame/Video mode
Saves multiple frames of the measurement status from the Monitor
View, and when using a camera model, a video from 2 sevonds before
to 2 seconds after the moment of detection. 10 videos will be saved.
Saving order can be selected. Saved videos are not deleted after
restarting SZ-V.
Saved videos can be checked using SZ-V, or saved to PC via SZ-V
 During multi-frame mode, detection history is cleared by
following procedures. Only responsible personnel can
clear the detection history in the multi-frame mode.
 Transfer settings from SZ-V Configurator.
 Clear detection history from SZ-V Configurator.
 Replace the scanner head.
 When the number of saved history reaches its maximum
number, the oldest history is erased to save the latest
detection history. However, if the SZ-V is configured to
save first 10 occurrences, then old detection histories
will not be erased, and new detection histories will not
be saved.

62 - SZ-V Series User’s Manual -

Checking on the SZ-V Configurator Checking on the SZ-V display

“Checking the Detection History” (page 97) “Checking the Detection History (Detection History)” (page 115)
History Photo
1 23:12:58 Warn. Zone A
2 23:13:14 OSSD 1/2
For 2103[ms] Head 3
X= 450[mm] Bank 29
Y = 7068[mm]
3 23:14:02 OSSD 1/2 Back
View ▼ ▲ Update

Checking the error history (Error History)” (page 117)

“Error history” (page 98) ErrorHistory

0: 1:38 [Err code] 0410
Window Error
2 0: 3:15 [Err code] 0410

Window Error
(Head 1)
2:34:55 [Err Code] 0028
Unused Wire BACK

▼ ▲

Checking Operation Status

- SZ-V Series User’s Manual - 63

7-3 Checking Error and Alert Checking with outputs

It is possible to check if an error or alert has occurred on the SZ-V. By assigning the following functions to the AUX outputs, errors and
alerts can be checked through outputs.
Checking on the SZ-V display
* The settings are configured in the SZ-V Configurator. For details on
the settings procedure, see “Configuring the settings” (page 74).
Errors and alerts can be checked in detail on the Display unit display.
Error output
Display state Monitor view or Camera view
The error output goes to the ON-state during normal operation. It goes
Bank0 ABCD Bank0 Head1 ABCD to the OFF-state in case of an error state.
Error Timing chart
Window Error
Window Error
(Head1) SZ-V state Normal operation Error state
(Head 1)

View History Error Menu View History Error Menu ON


It is also possible to see the detailed explanation about error or alert on ON

Error output
the display. This explanation is available in English only. OFF
Window Error
1/2 (Head 1)
Alert output
The alert output goes to the ON-state during normal operation and
Window Error
Window may be polluted or damaged. when an alert is not occurring. It goes to the OFF-state during an alert.
“Alert State” (page 135)

▼ Help Causes of an alert state

For details on how to read the display, see “Display When an Error
 Light pollution on the window
Occurs (Error/Alert)” (page 121).
 Light interference
 Highly-reflective background
 Overcurrent on AUX
Check the details on the website (2D code display function)  Muting lamp output failure (disconnection or overcurrent)
Details of the error or alert can be checked on KEYENCE website.
 Camera malfunctions, memory errors, etc.
Troubleshooting can be seen in various languages by scanning the 2D
 IP address duplication
7 code displayed on SZ-V display using portable devices.
Timing chart
SZ-V state
Checking Operation Status

Normal Alert state Normal


Alert output

Point The alert state does not affect the OSSD state

Error or alert output

Error or alert output goes to the ON-state during normal operation and
when an alert is not occurring. The error and alert output goes to the
OFF-state if the SZ-V detects an error or alert.

Encoder error output

The encoder error output goes to the ON-state during normal operation.
It goes to the OFF-state if an encoder error occurs.

Error, alert, and encoder output cannot be used as

safety output for safety-related control systems.
DANGER Misuse of this function as safety output could result in
significant harm to the machine operators, including
serious injury or death.

Reference The following conditions must all be met to be able to use

the encoder error output:
 The bank switching function is being used.
 Encoder input switching is being used for the bank
switching method. “Bank Switching Function” (page 49)

64 - SZ-V Series User’s Manual -

7-4 Notification of Whether a Person or Detection in the warning zone output
Object is in the Protection Zone Check the SZ-V detection state in the warning zone.
(Detection in the Protection The output goes to the ON-state during normal operation, while it goes
to the OFF-state in one of the following cases:
Zone/Warning Zone Output)  When the SZ-V detects an object (someone or something) in the
warning zone.
Check whether a person or object is in the protection zone or warning
zone.  When the laser off input goes to the ON-state. “Operation Check
Function” (page 57)
Checking with outputs  When an error is occurring on the SZ-V “Error State” (page 135)

By assigning the following outputs to the AUX outputs, it is possible to Detection output in the protection zone and Detection
check whether a person or object is in the protection or warning zone output in the warning zone cannot be used as safety
by outputting the state. output for safety-related control systems. Misuse of
this function as safety output could result in
When multiple scanner heads are cascaded, output behavior can be significant harm to the machine operators, including
selected from the following options. serious injury or death.
 Turns the output OFF when at least one of the cascaded scanner Reference  When using the state information output, the scanner
heads detects a person or object in the zone. head that detected an object or a person in a protection
 Turns the output OFF when specified cascaded scanner head or warning zone can be identified. “State information
detects a person or object in the zone. output” (page 60)
 If multiple scanner heads are used, one of the following
The settings are configured in the SZ-V Configurator. For details on the output operations can be used:
settings procedure, see “Configuring the settings” (page 74).
 If at least one scanner head meets the conditions,
the output goes to the OFF-state (default setting)
Detection in the protection zone output  If all scanner heads meet the conditions, the output
goes to the OFF-state
Check the SZ-V detection state in the protection zone and at the
reference points.
The output goes to the ON-state during normal operation, while it goes
to the OFF-state in one of the following cases:
 When the SZ-V detects an object (someone or something) in the
protection zone.
 When the SZ-V detects nothing at a reference point. “Reference
Points Monitoring Function” (page 57)
 When the laser off input goes to the ON-state “Operation Check
Function” (page 57)
 When an error is occurring on the SZ-V “Error State” (page 135)

Checking Operation Status

 Timing chart

Detect no object

Detect object



Response time Response time

(ON to OFF) (Off to ON)

Detection in the protection
zone output

150 ms max.

- SZ-V Series User’s Manual - 65

7-5 Notification of Interlock-Reset-Ready 7-7 Checking Whether the Intended
(Interlock-Reset-Ready Output) Settings Have Been Applied
By assigning interlock-reset-ready output to the AUX output, it is (Configuration Code (CRC))
possible to confirm whether the SZ-V is ready for start/restart during an
interlock condition. Using a four digit code (Configuration Code (CRC)), it is possible to
The interlock-reset-ready output goes to the ON-state if the SZ-V is check whether the intended settings have been applied.
ready for the start/restart signal during an interlock condition. At this If the SZ-V settings change, the CRC changes. Therefore, by checking
moment, the SZ-V can start/restart the operation through the the displayed CRC, the intended settings can be confirmed.
termination of interlock condition, if the reset operation is performed.

If all of the following conditions are satisfied, the SZ-V is ready to be Checking on the SZ-V display
 The SZ-V detects no object (someone or something) in the protection During normal operation, the number is displayed in the top right of the
zone Display unit display.
 The SZ-V detects something at the reference point(s) (if reference
points monitoring is activated) “Reference Points Monitoring Function” Bank0 ABCD
(page 57).
 The laser off input is in the OFF-state (if the check function is NORMAL
activated) “Operation Check Function” (page 57).
 The SZ-V is not in an error state “Error State” (page 135). OPERATION
Timing chart View History Menu
Detect no object
Detect object

Checking on the SZ-V Configurator
Interlock-Reset-Ready Output
The number is displayed on the Settings tab under "Information at the
time of configuration."
Reset input

* For details on the settings procedure, see “Configuring the

100 ms min.
settings” (page 74).

ON Interlock condition

Response time (ON to OFF) 100 ms max. Reference Each time the SZ-V starts, it self-diagnoses to determine
whether the settings, such as the number of scanner
Checking Operation Status

Interlock-reset-ready output cannot be used as safety heads, match the configuration. If the SZ-V determines
output for safety-related control systems. Misuse of that the configuration is different from the settings, an
DANGER this function as safety output could result in error results.
significant harm to the machine operators, including  If the SZ-V is not configured or awaiting approval of the
serious injury or death. settings, the CRC is not displayed.

7-6 Checking the Timing for the

Completion of Start-up
(Transition to Normal Operation Output)
Confirm that the SZ-V completes start-up and starts normal operation.

Timing chart

Power supply

Normal operation
SZ-V state

Start-up time
(Approx. 8 sec)
Normal Operation

ON Approx. 1.7 sec *

Response time
(Off to ON)

Detect no object

Detect object Detect

* If the object is not detected in protected area during startup, this time will be approx. 0.2 sec.

Transition to normal operation output cannot be used

as safety output for safety-related control systems.
DANGER Misuse of this function as safety output could result in
significant harm to the machine operators, including
serious injury or death.

66 - SZ-V Series User’s Manual -

8. How to Use the SZ-V Installation Procedure
Execute "setup.exe" stored in the downloaded file.
Configurator After that, start installation according to the instruction in the installation
program. When installation ends successfully, the following five
software applications are installed:

8-1 Before using the SZ-V Configurator  Integrated software <Safety Device Configurator>.
 SZ-V configuration software <SZ-V Configurator>.
 SZ configuration software <SZ Configurator>.
System Environment  GL-R configuration software <GL-R Configurator>.
 SL-V configuration software <SL-V Configurator>.
CPU Pentium 4, 1.5GHz or higher
Uninstallation Procedure
Windows XP SP3 *1
Windows 7 SP1 Uninstall any software by using [Add/Remove Programs] from the
OS Windows 8 Windows Control Panel.
Windows 8.1
Windows 10
Required Precautions for Windows 7/8/8.1/10
512 MB or more
memory size If the "User Account Control" window appears during installation or
Free space on uninstallation, click [Continue].
500 MB or more
hard disk
USB 1.1 or higher
XGA (1024 x 768 pixels) or greater, Starting the SZ-V Configurator
High Color (16 bit) or greater
.NET Framework .NET Framework 4.0 or 4.5 needs to be installed *2 Start the SZ-V Configurator using the following method.
*1 Only 32-bit systems are supported.
Step 1
*2 If .NET Framework is not installed, .NET Framewrok 4.0 will be
Click the Windows [Start] button and select [All Programs] - [KEYENCE
automatically installed during the installation.
Applications] - [Safety Device Configurator], or double-click the Safety
Reference Recommended Windows DPI setting is “Smaller (100%)”. Device Configurator icon on the desktop.

The Configurator selection screen appears. Select [SZ-V Configurator].

Installing Safety Device Configurator If the powered-on SZ-V is connected via USB, this item is skipped.

This section describes how to install the configuration software on a

Point When installing or uninstalling the software, log
onto the PC as a user with Administrator privileges.

Before installation

How to Configure SZ-V Configurator

Check the following items before installation.
 Free space on hard disk
The configuration software can only be installed on a hard disk. The
installation requires 500 MB of free space on the hard disk. If there
is insufficient free space, delete unnecessary items to free up
 Windows environment and installation destination
The configuration software is a Windows application and the Step 2
software is installed on Windows. Check that one of Windows
The SZ-V Configurator starts up and the main screen and dialog box
XP/7/8/8.1/10 is installed on the computer and is working properly.
are displayed.
 USB port or Ethernet adapter
To transmit data, such as settings data, from the PC to the SZ-V
series or use the monitoring function, the PC needs to have a USB
port or be able to use an Ethernet adapter. For more information
about the setting method, see the PC manual.
 Help file
The Help file for the configuration software was created in a PDF file
format. The viewing software Adobe Reader from Adobe Systems
Incorporated must be installed onto your computer to use the help
file. The latest version can be downloaded for free from the Adobe
Systems Incorporated Web site:

Downloading the configuration software

The configuration software can be downloaded from the KEYENCE
website. Step 3
If using a computer in an environment where downloading software is Select the startup method and connection method, then click the [OK]
not possible via the Internet, contact the nearest KEYENCE office or button.

- SZ-V Series User’s Manual - 67

Selecting the Start-up Method
e) View the detection history
Select your desired method from the following five methods. When retrieving the detection history from the SZ-V, or opening the
detection history file, the detection history screen appears. “Checking
a) Retrieve the configuration data from the SZ-V the Detection History” (page 97)
Before start-up, retrieve the configuration data saved on the SZ-V unit. Reference  When selecting one of the following items, check that
the computer and the SZ-V Series unit are correctly
b) Create a new configuration file connected first.
Create a new configuration file. a) Retrieve the configuration data from the SZ-V
The [Model selection] dialog box appears. Select the model and d) Start monitoring for SZ-V
scanner head expansion settings, and click the [OK] button. The SZ-V e) Select "View the detection history" and retrieve the
Configurator starts with the default settings. detection history from the SZ-V.
 Also check that power is being supplied to the SZ-V.

Selecting a connection method

Select the desired method of connection from the following methods.

Item Description
Read and write configuration information with a
USB (default)
USB cable.
Read and write configuration information with an
Ethernet Ethernet cable.
(For the SZ-V32N type only)
For details on the connection method, see “Connecting the SZ-V to a
computer” (page 69).

Selecting an Ethernet connection device (for the SZ-V32N type only)

If Ethernet is selected for the connection method, it is necessary to
Item Description specify which SZ-V to connect to over the network. Press the [Select
Model Select the model. device…] button and configure the device.
Select how many scanner heads to
Cascading settings
be added.
Communication Protocol
Select a communications protocol.
(For the SZ-V32N type only)
For the SZ-V32N type, it is possible to configure which SZ-V unit you
want to communicate with.

8 By clicking the [OK] button, a dialog box appears confirming if you want
to select a destination connection. If you want to select that destination
connection, click the [Yes] button. The destination connection selection
How to Configure SZ-V Configurator

dialog box appears.

“Connecting to different SZ-V” (page 107)

c) Open a configuration file

Open a configuration file currently saved to a computer.
The [Open] dialog box appears.
Select the appropriate SZ-V Configurator file (*.szvd) and click the
[Open] button to open the configuration file.

Direct Input
By directly inputting the IP address and TCP port number, it is possible
to set which SZ-V to communicate with.

Select from list

Searches for any SZ-V units on the network and displays the results.
Select which SZ-V to communicate with from the displayed list.

Step 1
Select the network adapter and press the [Search] button.

d) Start monitoring for SZ-V Step 2

Communicate with the SZ-V unit and start monitoring operations. The From the displayed SZ-V units, select which SZ-V to communicate with
SZ-V Configurator retrieves the configuration data from the SZ-V unit, and press the [OK] button.
and displays the data on the monitor screen. “Monitoring Operations”
(page 92)

68 - SZ-V Series User’s Manual -

Reference  If the IP address of the displayed SZ-V unit has not been Connecting with an Ethernet cable (for the SZ-V32N type only)
configured, start communicating with that SZ-V by 1. Open the Ethernet cable cover on the Display unit.
assigning it a temporary IP address.
 To assign a temporary IP address, click the [IP settings]
button and set an IP address, subnet mask, and default
 A temporary IP address cannot be assigned to an SZ-V
unit that has a configured IP address.
 By pressing the [Reset] button, the IP address can be
restored to a not configured state. It is not possible to
restore the IP address of a SZ-V configured with a Static

2. Connect Ethernet main unit connection cable (SZ-VNC03) with

Exiting SZ-V Configurator Ethernet extension cable (such as OP-88086).
a) Joint the three recesses on the Ethernet main unit connection
When exiting the SZ-V Configurator, select [Exit] from the [File] menu. cable connector and three bosses on the Ethernet extension
When changing the settings, the confirmation dialog box appears. cable connector to connect the cables.

Reference  When changing the settings, the configuration file must

be saved before exiting the SZ-V Configurator. If the Join the recesses
SZ-V Configurator is exited without saving, the changes and the bosses.
are lost.
 On the confirmation dialog box, clicking the [No] button
exits the program without saving. b) Turn the screw of the connector clockwise. When connecting the
cable, insert it vertically and tighten the screw while pushing it.

Connecting the SZ-V to a computer

To connect the SZ-V to a computer, use a USB cable or an Ethernet

Only the SZ-V32N type can be connected with an Ethernet cable.

Connecting with a USB cable OP-88086/88087/88088/88089/88090/88091/88092

Recommended tightening torque: 0.8 to 1.0N·m
1. Open the setting cover on the Display unit. Tightening amount: 5 to 10°
3. Connect Ethernet main unit connection cable to display unit, to
connect SZ-V to the computer.

How to Configure SZ-V Configurator

SZ-V Series configuration

Setting cover

2. Use a USB cable (OP-51580 or OP-86941) to connect the Display

unit to the computer.
Ethernet cable
SZ Series configuration software SZ-V Series (SZ-VNC03 and OP-88086,
"SZ Configurator"

 When connecting to a network, please consult with

someone who has knowledge of the network.
 Utilize networking in an environment where the
security against threats is high.

USB cable
SZ-V Series (OP-86941)

 If the setting cover is open, the enclosure rating IP65

cannot be satisfied. Make sure that dust does not
enter the inside.
 Communication is not possible when an SZ-V with
positive grounding is connected to a PC with
negative grounding through a USB cable.

- SZ-V Series User’s Manual - 69

8-2 Area and Function Names on the Screen
This section describes the names and functions of each part on the SZ-V Configurator screen.

Menu bar Toolbar

Configuration area

Panel Status bar

8 Menu bar Configuration area

Displays the menus which execute each function. It is possible to switch to the Setting tab, Monitoring tab, and History tab
How to Configure SZ-V Configurator

For more information about the menus, see “Operation Menu” (page using these tabs.
Item Description
Setting Sets each function.
Toolbar “Configuring the settings” (page 74)

Buttons for frequently used functions are located here. Select the configuration item in the subpanel
and set the corresponding items in the main
Item Description panel.
Creates a new configuration file.  Unit Config.: Set configuration and
management information.
Opens a saved configuration file  Operation: Set the functions to be used.
(*.szvd).  Zone: Set the zones for detection.
Saves the configuration file being edited
 Others: Sets AUX outputs and misc.
over the previous version of the file.
 Communication: Setup communication.
 Transfer: Write the settings to the SZ-V.
Prints the information in the configuration
Monitoring Start monitoring the SZ-V.
file being edited.
“Monitoring Operations” (page 92)
Enter a password to log in to the SZ-V
History Check the SZ-V detection history.
“Checking the Detection History” (page 97)
Logs out of the SZ-V Unit.
Transfers the configuration file to the
Reads configuration data from the SZ-V.

Displays the PDF file of the SZ-V Series

User's Manual.

70 - SZ-V Series User’s Manual -

8-3 Authorization Level and Settings
Display the navigation and SZ-V status.
Three types of authorization levels are available in the SZ-V
The content displayed on the Setting tab, Monitoring tab, and History
Configurator. User capabilities differ depending on the authorization
tab differs.
level setting.

Setting tab Monitoring tab History tab

Authorization Overview Initial
level names password
Responsible Can perform all operations 1111
Maintenance In addition to machine None
personnel operator authorization level,
the following operations are
 Transfer the settings
approved by the
responsible personnel
 Window calibration
 Clear system configuration
Machine Only the following operations Cannot set
operator are possible
(User yet to log  Retrieve settings
in)  Monitor operations
 Check detection history
By default, valid authorization level setting is either responsible
personnel or machine operator only. Maintenance personnel
authorization level is disabled by default. Only the responsible
personnel can change the validity of maintenance personnel
authorization level, or change the password of maintenance personnel.

Main panel
Important The configuration for safety-related functions and the
others cannot be performed without the password.
Displays setting items and monitoring information.
You must strictly keep the password.
The content displayed on the Setting tab, Monitoring tab, and History
tab differs.
Reference  Maintenance personnel can transfer only settings that
have been approved by the responsible personnel. 8
 If the maintenance personnel modifies settings, those
Status bar settings cannot be transferred, even if the settings have

How to Configure SZ-V Configurator

been previously approved by the responsible personnel.
Displays the connection mode, communication status, and log-in  If the responsible personnel saves the approved setting
information. into a file, maintenance personnel can open the saved
file and transfer the setting. However if maintenance
personnel modifies the settings, the setting cannot be

Connection mode Communication status Log-in status

Possible operations according to authorization level

1. Connection mode
Displays how the SZ-V is connected to the computer. Operation Responsible Maintenance Machine
If a connection is not established with the SZ-V Configurator, it is personnel personnel operator
shown as “No connection”. Read configuration from ○ ○ ○
 USB connection, Ethernet connection, No connection SZ-V
Monitor SZ-V operation ○ ○ ○
2. Communication status See detection history ○ ○ ○
Displays the communication status between the SZ-V and Transfer a setting ○ ○
computer. approved by the
 Communicating, blank responsible personnel
Window calibration ○ ○
3. Log-in status
Clear system ○ ○
Displays what authorization levels are the user is currently logged in
configuration information
Approve the setting ○
 Responsible Personnel, Maintenance Personnel, Log-out Transfer a newly created ○
setting to SZ-V
Initialization ○

- SZ-V Series User’s Manual - 71

8-4 Overview of How to Configure How to read the Configuration tab

The SZ-V settings can be transferred with the following procedure:
1. Edit the settings in the SZ-V Configurator.
2. Select “transfer” to send the settings to the SZ-V.
3. Check that the transferred settings are as intended and approve
4. The SZ-V starts operating with the new settings.

“Create a new “Transfer” “Save the configuration

configuration file.” Approve / Transfer to a file” Main panel


Items can be selected by clicking the item name. The background color
of the subpanel indicates the selection status.
Configure the settings in order from top to bottom.
Background Color: Blue
Item is being configured on the main panel.

Background Color: Black

Item can be selected for configuration. Click here to
change the configuration on the main panel.


“Open a configuration file.” “Transfer” “Save the configuration

“Read out the configuration data” Approve / Transfer to a file” Background Color: Gray
Items not configured and cannot be selected at this
These items can be selected once the items above
them are configured.
Once all the settings are configured, the [Transfer]
button can be selected.

8 Main panel
Displays detailed setting items.
How to Configure SZ-V Configurator

For details, see “Setting Procedure” (page 73).

Not approved
configuration file

configuration file

The following settings are not transferred.

 “View” (page 102)
 “Image on Canvas” (page 103)
 “Language” (page 108)

72 - SZ-V Series User’s Manual -

8-5 Setting Procedure

1. Determine the configuration

Click the [Configuration] button on the subpanel and input the configuration information.

Item Description
System Model Displays the set SZ-V model.
Number of heads Select the number of scanner heads the SZ-V connects to.
Properties File name Displays the configuration file’s name.
"untitled_MMDD.szvd" is displayed as the name for new, unsaved files. 8
MMDD represents the date information. Example: January 1st 2016:

How to Configure SZ-V Configurator

Department Enter title or department information.
Up to 80 characters can be entered (40 characters per line).
Responsible personnel Enter the name of the person in charge of configuration. Up to 40 characters can be
Comments Enter any comments here. Up to 100 characters*1 can be entered.
Configuration Date of configuration This shows the date and time that the configuration was transferred from the SZ-V
Details *3 Configurator to the SZ-V*2.
Configuration Code (CRC) Displays a four digit code to identify the settings information*2.
Software version This shows the version information for the SZ-V Configurator software that was used
to create the settings file*2.
Approved status *2 Displays whether these settings have been approved by the responsible personnel.
Both the responsible personnel and maintenance personnel can transfer approved
settings to the SZ-V.
Serial number on Display unit Displays the serial numbers of the Display unit and scanner heads*2.
Serial number on head 1
Serial number on head 2
Serial number on head 3
[View transfer history] button The history of the past 20 transfers can be viewed. The transfer history includes the
following information:
 Date and time of transfer
 File name
 Configuration Code (CRC)
 The serial number of the Display unit that transferred the file
The log in authorization levels of the person who transferred the file
*1 Line breaks can be inserted into comments. However, each line break counts as two characters.
*2 In the following cases, these items will be left blank.
 The settings file is newly created and has never been transferred to the SZ-V.
 The content of the settings file retrieved from the SZ-V was modified.
*3 Displayed only after settings are retrieved from SZ-V.

- SZ-V Series User’s Manual - 73

2. Configuring the settings

Click the [Settings] button on the sub-panel and configure the settings.

Basic settings related to safety Protection zone settings

Item Description Related items Item Description Related items
Select whether to set the SZ-V
input and output logic to PNP or
“Select PNP or
NPN” (page 46)
Operation mode Set the operation mode.
 High speed mode
modes” (page
NPN.  Standard mode (default) 44)
How to Configure SZ-V Configurator

 Not configured (default) Minimum Configure the minimum “Minimum

 PNP detectable detectable object size. detectable
 NPN object size object” (page
Interlock Set the desired reset behavior “Interlock Configurable This shows the maximum 45)
(Start/Restart) when starting and restarting. function” (Page area protection distance. This cannot
 Automatic / Automatic (default) 47) be changed.
 Manual / Automatic The maximum configurable
 Manual / Manual distance varies depending on the
ON-delay Set the delay when starting and operation mode and minimum
restarting. detectable object size setting.
Place a check mark in the Minimum
detectable Standard
[Enable] check box to turn on the object size Mode
delay timer. (mm)
φ20 mm 1.6 m 1.1 m
Setting range: 2 to 60 (seconds) φ30 mm 2.9 m 2.0 m
Default: 2 φ40 mm 4.3 m 2.9 m
φ50 mm 5.6 m 3.8 m
EDM Set the status of the external “EDM Function” φ70 mm 8.4 m 5.7 m
device monitoring function. (Page 48) φ150 mm 8.4 m 5.7 m
 Not used (default) Scan cycle Configure the scan cycle. “Response
 Apply Response time Set the SZ-V response time for Time and
EDM time If the EDM function is used, set the the protection zone. Scan Cycle”
tolerance time needed for the (page 45)
external device to respond within.
 0.15 s
 0.3 s (default)
 0.6 s
 3s

Important Make sure to select the PNP/NPN Select. If the

PNP/NPN Select is not selected, the settings cannot
be transferred to the SZ-V. This is not necessary when
PROFIsafe communication is used with the SZ-V32N.

74 - SZ-V Series User’s Manual -

Warning zone settings  Multi-OSSD function
Item Description Related items
Minimum Configure the minimum “Minimum
detectable detectable object size. detectable
object size object” (page
Configurable This shows the maximum 45)
area warning distance. This cannot be
The maximum configurable
distance varies depending on the
operation mode and minimum
detectable object size settings. Safety Configuration (OSSD 3/4)
Item Description Related items
detectable Standard
High Interlock Configure the reset behavior “Interlock
object Mode
Mode (Start/Restart) when starting and restarting. function”
size (mm)
φ20 mm 21 m 15 m  Automatic / Automatic (default) (Page 47)
φ30 mm 23 m 18 m  Manual / Automatic
φ40 mm 24 m 20 m
φ50 mm 25 m 21 m
 Manual / Manual
φ70 mm 26 m 23 m ON-delay Set the delay when starting and
φ150 mm 26 m 23 m restarting.
Response time Set the SZ-V response time for “Response Place a check mark in the
the warning zone. Time and [Enable] check box to set the
As the scan cycle is the same as Scan Cycle” delay time.
the scan cycle for the protection (page 45) Setting range: 2 to 60 (seconds)
zone, it cannot be set here. Default: 2
EDM Utilize the external device “EDM
monitoring function. Function”
Advanced Settings
 Not used (default) (Page 48)
Item Description  Apply
Reference points Set the reference points monitoring function.
monitoring  Not used (default) Protection zone settings (OSSD3/4)
 Apply Item Description Related items
“Reference Points Monitoring Function” (Page Minimum Configure the minimum detectable “Minimum
57) detectable object size. detectable
Multi-OSSD Set the multi-OSSD function. object size object” (page
function  Not used (default) Configurable This shows the maximum 45)
(OSSD3/4)  Apply area protection distance. This cannot
“Multi-OSSD Function” (Page 54)
Bank switching Set the bank switching function.
be set.
The maximum configurable 8
function  Not used (default) distance varies depending on the
 Apply

How to Configure SZ-V Configurator

(Bank function operation mode and minimum
when using “Bank Switching Function” (Page 49) detectable object size setting.
PROFIsafe) Minimum
Muting Set the muting function. detectable Standard High-speed
object Mode Mode
 Not used (default) size (mm)
 Apply φ20 mm
φ30 mm
1.6 m
2.9 m
1.1 m
2.0 m
“Muting function” (Page 55) φ40 mm 4.3 m 2.9 m
Use second Set whether to use two warning zones per φ50 mm 5.6 m 3.8 m
φ70 mm 8.4 m 5.7 m
warning zone bank. φ150 mm 8.4 m 5.7 m
(warning zone B)  Not used (default) Response time Set the SZ-V response time for “Response
 Apply the protection zone. Time and
“Warning zone” (Page 17) Scan Cycle”
Laser off input Set the laser off input. (page 45)
When using the laser off input, use an external
input to set the SZ-V to laser shutdown. OSSD output selection
 Not used (default) Item Description
 Apply OSSD 1/2 Set which scanner heads have protection zones that
“Operation Check Function” (Page 57)
relate to OSSD 1/2. If you check the check box
MI error Set the time until an MI error occurs. for each scanner head, you can control if the
detection time  5 s (default) protection zone relates to OSSD 1/2.
 2h Default: ON
OSSD 3/4 Set which scanner heads have protection zones that
Reference  The multi-OSSD function can only be set on the SZ-V04. relate to OSSD 3/4. If you check the check box
 The muting function can only be set on the SZ-V04 and for each scanner head, you can control if the
SZ-V32N. protection zone relates to OSSD 3/4.
Default: ON

 Reference point monitoring

There are no detailed setting items. Reference  OSSD output selection can be set only when two or
more scanner heads are selected in the configuration.
 The OSSD output selection can be set to OFF for both
OSSD 1/2 and OSSD 3/4 for a scanner head.
 In the OSSD output selection, users cannot set OSSD
1/2 or OSSD 3/4 to OFF for all scanner heads.

- SZ-V Series User’s Manual - 75

 Bank switching function Encoder settings
When the bank input method is set to encoder input, the [Encoder
settings] button is displayed. Click the [Encoder settings] button and
configure the encoder-related settings.

[Delete wiring bank] button

Item Description
Select the bank input method. [Add wiring bank] button
Bank switching
method  Binary input (default)
 Single input
 Encoder input Switching velocity
Independent Enable the independent bank switching function.
bank switching Place a check mark in the check box to
enable the independent bank switching function.
Default: OFF [Delete velocity bank] button
To enable independent bank switching, following
settings must be set. [Add velocity bank] button
Interlock: Auto/Auto
Multi-OSSD function: Apply
Bank switching method: Single
Use second warning zone: Apply
Laser off input: Not used
Number of Set the number of banks to be used.
banks The setting range differs depending on the
Display unit, bank input method, and if the
independent bank switching function is used. Velocity settings
“Bank Switching Function” (page 49) Item Description
Default: 2 Encoder 1 Specify the number of pulses per 1mm of AGV
Bank transition If bank switching is not completed within the travel for Encoder 1.
time specified transition time, a bank input error will Setting range: 5 to 100 (pulses/mm)
occur. Default: 5
Setting range: 0.02/0.05/0.1/0.25/0.5/1/2.5/5 Encoder 2 Specify the number of pulses per 1mm of AGV
travel for Encoder 2.
Default: 0.1 (seconds) Setting range: 5 to 100 (pulses/mm)
Bank sequence Configurable when using three or more banks. Default: 5
monitoring Bank sequence monitoring is enabled by Allowable Set the maximum value that is allowed as an
How to Configure SZ-V Configurator

choosing “Apply”. variation error for Encoder 1 and Encoder 2. If an error

Default: Not used that exceeds the maximum value continues for
longer than the time set in "Maximum variation
The bank sequence is set separately for each time" the SZ-V goes to an error state.
bank. Setting range: 0 to 45%
Not specified: This permits switching to any Default: 25%
bank (default). Maximum Specify the time until an allowable error is
Specified: Monitor the bank switching variation time detected.
sequence. This permits switching 10 s, 30 s (default), and 1 min
only to the banks specified Switching Specify the velocity at which the velocity banks
(maximum 3). If switched to an velocity switch. The velocity must be set in ascending
unspecified bank, a bank
Unit of input: 0.1 (m/s)
sequence error will occur.
Invalid input: 0.0 (m/s)
Setting range: Bank 0 to Number of banks The minimum and maximum switching
Default: Bank 0 (”1” for “From Bank 0”) velocities are determined by the formula below.
Laser shutdown The operation check function will operate when Max velocity (m/s) = 100 (kHz) / No. of pulses
the bank specified in the assigned bank number per 1mm of AGV travel (pulse/mm) for the
is activated. encoder
To enable the operation check function, press the [Add velocity The threshold of the velocity at which velocity
[Change settings] button, place a check mark bank] button banks switch can be increased. Up to eight
in the [Enable] check box, and then select [Laser velocity banks can be set.
shutdown bank]. [Delete velocity Delete the velocity bank added last.
bank] button
Default: Disabled
[Add wiring bank] Add wiring banks depending on the
Laser shutdown When the operation check function is enabled,
button combination of bank input wires. Up to four
bank switching to the specified bank number will cause
banks can be set.
the operation check function to activate.
[Delete wiring Delete the wiring bank added last.
Reference  Encoder inputs can be selected for the bank switching bank] button
method for only the SZ-V32 type and SZ-V32N type.
Reference If the minimum value of switching velocity is 0.1 [m/s] or
 The independent bank switching function is only
higher, SZ-V goes to “Bank Velocity Error” when encoder is
available on the SZ-V04 type.
stopped. To prevent SZ-V from going to error state while
 The same bank number cannot be set for the bank to be
encoder is stopped, please set the minimum value of
switched to in the bank sequence monitor function.
switching velocity to -0.1 [m/s] or smaller.
Example: "3" cannot be set when you set "To bank" for
"From bank3".

76 - SZ-V Series User’s Manual -

 Muting  Use second warning zone (warning zone B)

Item Description Related items

Minimum Configure the minimum detectable “Minimum
 Muting configuration
Item Description detectable object size. detectable
object size object” (page
Time period Set the time period between muting inputs that
Configurable This shows the maximum warning 45)
between muting is recognized for the start of muting.
inputs Muting is initiated if the SZ-V detects the muting area distance. This cannot be set.
inputs (muting input 1 and 2) within the The maximum configurable
specified time period according to the distance varies depending on the
"Sequence of muting inputs". operation mode and minimum
detectable object size setting.
 0.04s to 3s (default)
 0.04s to 5s detectable Standard High-speed
 0.04s to 10s object size
Mode Mode

 Not specified φ20 mm 21 m 15 m

Sequence of Set the sequence of muting input that is needed φ30 mm 23 m 18 m
φ40 mm 24 m 20 m
muting inputs to initiate the muting condition. φ50 mm 25 m 21 m
 1 → 2 fixed (default) φ70 mm 26 m 23 m
 2 → 1 fixed φ150 mm 26 m 23 m

 Not specified Response Set the response time. “Response

Maximum muting Specify how long muting will last. time As the scan cycle is the same as Time and
the scan cycle for the protection Scan Cycle”
period of time  1 min
zone, it cannot be set here. (page 45)
 5 min (default)
 10 min
 Not specified  Laser off input
Muting lamp Set how the OSSD performs in the case of There are no detailed setting items.
error muting lamp failure.
 ERROR  MI error detection time
 Alert (default) Item Description
MI error This specifies MI error detection time.
The responsible personnel must perform the risk detection time  5s (Default)
assessment based on the machine application in  2h
order to appropriately determine the risk if "Not
specified" is selected for the maximum muting period
For detail, refer to “MI Error” (page 19). 8
of time. Moreover, based on this result, enact

How to Configure SZ-V Configurator

additional safeguards if necessary.

Important Consider the potential danger due to the muting

sensor unexpectedly failing. Also, note the following
when “Not specified” is selected for both the
maximum muting period and time between muting
 If the time between muting inputs exceeds 3
seconds, the muting state will be terminated
approximately 5 minutes later. (If the time between
muting inputs is within 3 seconds, the muting state
continues and is unlimited as per the settings.)

 Override configuration
Item Description
Maximum This specifies how long the override will last.
override period of  1 min (default)
time  5 min
 10 min

- SZ-V Series User’s Manual - 77

3. Set the zone

Click the [Zone] button on the sub-panel and set the zones.
Scanner head selection
Drawing toolbar (1)

Drawing toolbar (2)


Zone display

Drawing properties

Item Description
Scanner head Displays the selected scanner head.
selection panel
How to Configure SZ-V Configurator

Canvas Set the zone that the selected SZ-V scanner head detects. “Canvas” (page 79)
The "Drawing toolbar" is used for zone configuration.
Zone display panel Select the zone to be configured with this panel and also switch whether the zone in question is displayed or not.
* This button is disabled when the independent bank switching function is used.
Drawing toolbar (1) Draw the zone on the canvas with these drawing tools.
(2) “Drawing toolbar (1)” (page 80)
“Drawing toolbar (2)” (page 80)
Drawing properties This shows information related to the drawing.
 [Mouse position] This shows the current coordinates of the mouse pointer.
 [Figure information] This shows information such as the size and angles of figures on the canvas.

Reference See the following section for detailed information on each function.
 “Protection zone” (page17)
 “Warning zone” (page 17)
 “Reference Points Monitoring Function” (page 57)
 “Multi-OSSD Function” (page 54)
 “Bank Switching Function” (page 49)
 “Muting function” (page 55)

78 - SZ-V Series User’s Manual -

Canvas Reference points

The SZ-V scanner head is represented in the center of the canvas. A

Muting zones

grid is shown on the canvas for reference.

Warning zone A*2
Warning zone B
Unconfigurable Show all/hide Switch all banks to be shown or hidden.
area 1 all banks Even if all banks are hidden, the zones of the bank
that is being edited are shown.
Configurable area
*1 Zone being currently edited cannot be hidden.
*2 Warning Zone A is displayed as the warning zone if Warning Zone B
is not set.

 List all zones
Shows zone settings per bank.

area 2

Item Description
Configurable The color of the canvas is white for the
area configurable area.
The configurable area varies depending on the
configuration of the safety functions.
Unconfigurable The canvas background color is light gray for
area 1 areas that cannot be configured.
Unconfigurable The canvas background color is dark gray for
Zone notes
area 2 areas that are not visible to the SZ-V scanner
head laser (blind areas). These zones cannot be
Zone with the The zone within the circle with a radius of 93.5mm
limited from the center of the SZ-V scanner head
detection (protection zone origin) is a zone with limited
capability detection capability.
“Zone with the limited detection capability” (page
19) Item Description
Zones Zones consist of points on the optical axis (user (Bank number) Indicates each bank's zone.
points) and detection zone origin points [Bank copying] button* Copy all regions of the selected
connected by line segments. bank.
The filled in area indicates the zone. [Paste bank] button* Paste the copied zones of the

[Paste zone in reverse]

selected bank.
Paste the copied zones of the
Zone display panel
button* selected bank in reverse.

How to Configure SZ-V Configurator

The contents vary depending on the model and the selected content. [Export] button* Save all regions of the selected
bank in a bank file.
[Import] button* Retrieve and paste the zones
saved in the bank file onto the
selected bank.
[Close] button Return to the Zone screen.
Zone notes Enter any comments here.
Recommended to enter some
information about when this zone
is selected. Up to 100 characters
can be entered.
* When using the independent bank switching function, this button is

Item Description
[List all Displays zones in a list.
zones] “List all zones” (page 79)
Bank This is shown if banks have been set.
[Editing] is displayed on the selected bank.

If the button is pressed, that bank's protection

zones, warning zones, muting zones, and
reference points will be hidden. When pressed
again, they will reappear. *1
Zones The following configurable items will be displayed:
 Protection zone A
 Protection zone B

- SZ-V Series User’s Manual - 79

Drawing toolbar (1) Drawing toolbar (2)
The following tools can be used when drawing on the canvas. The following tools can be used when drawing on the canvas.

Item Description Item Description

[Automatic] Automatically draws a zone based on the [Start real-time Displays the ranging state of the current SZ-V
button detection state of the SZ-V scanner head. ranging] scanner head in real time. “Real-time ranging”
“Automatic drawing function” (page 87) (page 90)
“Automatic trimming function” (page 88) [Pause Temporarily stops the real time ranging display.
[Dynamic] By detecting the specialized sheet, users can real-time “Real-time ranging” (page 90)
button automatically draw zones. ranging]
“Dynamic drawing function” (page 89) [Finish Clears the real-time ranging information on the
[Point Select a user created point or reference point for real-time canvas. “Real-time ranging” (page 90)
selection] the zone currently being edited. ranging]
Drag to select multiple points. [Bottom hold] Holds real time ranging display at the bottom.
[Add points] Add user created points or reference points to Displays the results of a bottom-hold with a green
the border of the zone currently being edited. line.
[Delete all] Clear everything in the zone. This is available only when the real time ranging
[Set a line Add a line connecting two points, as well as the display is being executed.
segment] triangular area defined by the points on that line “Real-time ranging” (page 90)
and the origin. [Clear bottom Clears the bottom hold display.
[Add polygon] Add a polygon defined by multiple user points, as hold]
well as the area defined by these points and the [Zoom In] Zooms in on the canvas.
origin. [Zoom Out] Zooms out of the canvas.
[Delete a line Delete from the area currently being edited an [Full display] Adjust the screen scale in order to show the entire
segment] area defined by the two points on the selected zone of the real-time ranging that is being
line and the origin. executed on the canvas.

8 [Delete
Delete a polygon defined by multiple user points
and the area created by these points and the
[Ruler] This indicates the distance between two specified
origin. [Left rotation] Rotates the SZ-V scanner head direction 45° to
How to Configure SZ-V Configurator

[Set a Add a rectangle with two specified points at the left on the canvas. “Rotating the canvas”
rectangle] opposite vertices, as well as the area defined by (page 90)
these points and the origin. [Right rotation] Rotates the SZ-V scanner head direction 45° to
[Set a circle] Add a circle with a radius defined by specified the right on the canvas. “Rotating the canvas”
points, as well as the area defined by these (page 90)
points and the origin. [Rotation Rotates the SZ-V scanner head direction on the
[Delete a Delete a rectangle with the two selected points angle] canvas. Press the up and down buttons on the
rectangle] on opposing vertices and the area created by input box to track and rotate the SZ-V scanner
these points and the origin. head on the canvas.
[Delete a circle] Delete a circle with a radius defined by specified “Rotating the canvas” (page 90)
points and the area created by these points and [Simulation Start Simulation mode.
the origin. mode] button “Simulation mode” (page 90)
[Freehand Add a freehand shape, as well as the area [Camera] Displays the sensor camera image.
drawing] defined by that shape and the origin. button “Checking the camera” (page 91)
[Set a sector] Add a sector with an edge defined by two
specified points and an internal angle specified
by a third, as well as the area defined by these
points and the origin.
[Freehand Delete a freehand shape, as well as the area
deletion] defined by that shape and the origin.
[Delete a Delete a sector with an edge defined by two
sector] specified points and an internal angle specified
by a third, as well as the area defined by these
points and the origin.
[Undo] Undo the previous operation.
[Redo] Redo the last operation that was undone.
[Number input] Add zones by entering coordinates in numbers
for line segments, rectangles, polygons, circles,
and sector zones.
[Palm] Change the XY direction of the display position.
The mouse icon changes into while dragging.

80 - SZ-V Series User’s Manual -

4. Configure other settings

Click the [Other] button on the sub-panel and configure other settings.

See the following sections for detailed information on each function.
 “State information output” (page 60)
 “Error output” (page 64)
 “Alert output” (page 64)
 “Error or alert output” (page 64)
 “Muted or override condition output” (page 56)
 “Muting lamp output” (page 56)
 “OSSD state output” (page 61)

“Detection in the protection zone output” (page 65)
“Detection in the warning zone output” (page 65) 8
 “Interlock-Reset-Ready Output” (page 66)

How to Configure SZ-V Configurator

 “Encoder error output” (page 64)
 “Transition to Normal Operation Output” (page 66)

State information output Auxiliary outputs

Item Description Item Description

State information Set state information output. AUX 1 to AUX6*1 Set AUX outputs.
output  Not used (default)  Not used (default)
 Apply  Error output
 Alert output
Pulse width Set the pulse width for the state information  Error or alert output
output.  Muted or override condition output*2
 20 ms (default)  Muting lamp output *2 *3

 40 ms  OSSD state output

 60 ms  Detection in the protection zone output *4

 80 ms  Detection in the warning zone output *4

 100 ms  Interlock-reset-ready*6output*5
 200 ms  Encoder error output
 Transition to normal operation output
 300 ms *1 The number of AUX outputs that can be used differs depending on
the Display unit model and the other functions that are used. “AUX
Reference When using the state information output, the AUX 1 output Output” (Page 46).
and the AUX 2 output will be automatically assigned to *2 Select this item only when specifying "Apply" for the muting
state information output. function.
*3 This output can only be assigned to AUX 6 (AUX 4 for the SZ-V32N
*4 When adding scanner heads, select all scanner heads or a specific
scanner head.
*5 Do not select this item when the interlock function is set to
*6 Select this item only when the bank switching function is set to
"Apply" and the bank switching method is set to "Encoder input".

- SZ-V Series User’s Manual - 81

 Wire color and assigned function
The [Wire color and assigned function] button allows users to check
which wire color is assigned to which function with the current settings.

Display settings
Item Description
Power saving mode Set power saving mode.
"Reducing Power Consumption” (page 58)
 Not used (default)
 Apply
Camera blur Set the camera blur function.
“Camera Blur Function” (page 58)
 Not used (default)
 Apply

Detection history
Item Description
Saving mode Set the format to save images for the
detection history.
 Single Frame/Photo (default)
 Multi-Frame/Video
Save First / Last 10 Set the format to save the detection history.
occurrences Select a format only when the image save
8 format is set to [Multi-Frame/Video].
 Save last 10
 Save first 10 (default)
How to Configure SZ-V Configurator

Reference When the image save format is [Single Frame/Photo], the

save format is automatically set as [Save last 30].

82 - SZ-V Series User’s Manual -

5. Communication settings

Reference  The communication settings can only be set for the SZ-V32N type. For other models, "Communication settings" is not displayed.
 For details about communication methods, see the separate "SZ-V Communications Manual".
Click the [Communication settings] button on the sub-panel and configure the communication settings.

 When UDP, EtherNet/IP or PROFINET is selected as the communication protocol

Communication protocol Common Ethernet settings

How to Configure SZ-V Configurator

Select a communications protocol. Checking the change settings check box allows users to change
 Measurement distance data output (UDP) (default) the Ethernet settings. The modified settings are transferred to the SZ-V.
 EtherNet/IP
 PROFINET Item Description
IP setting Set the method to assign the IP address.
Options  BOOTP/DHCP
Item Description  Static IP (default)
Endianness Set the data endianness. Device name* Set the device name. Click the [Edit] button
 Big-endian to edit the device name.
 Little-endian (default) * The device name has the following restrictions.
Measured value Set whether to filter the distance data  Maximum of 240 characters.
stabilization filter obtained from the communication. When  Labels can be up to 63 characters in length.
using a filter, the stability of the obtained data  Characters “a-z”, “0-9”, and “-” can be used for labels.
increases, but the response time decreases.  “-” cannot be used at the beginning or end of labels.
 None (default)  “-” cannot be used at the beginning of end of the device name.
 Apply  “port-x” (x is number) cannot be used.
Diagnostics The notifying error and alarm items can be  “n.n.n.n” (n is number) cannot be used.
(Only when set using the PROFINET Diagnostics
PROFINET is function. If the IP settings are set to "Static IP", configure the settings below.
selected) Item Description
IP address Set the IP address.
Subnet mask Set the subnet mask.
Default gateway Set the default gateway.
[Copy] button* Automatically obtain the IP address, subnet
mask, and default gateway information from
the connected SZ-V.
* This button cannot be used when a device is not selected.

- SZ-V Series User’s Manual - 83

 Advanced settings
When the [Advanced settings] dialog box appears, the setting below
can be configured
Item Description
TCP port number Set the port number to use for TCP
 Setting range: 0 to 65535
 Default: 8637
UDP Command Port No. Set the port number to use for UDP
 Setting range: 0 to 65535
 Default: 8800
Keep-alive time Set the keep-alive time for TCP communications.
 Setting range: 10 to 600 s
 Default: 90 s
Timeout period Set the timeout time for communications.
 Setting range: 10 to 60 s
 Default: 10 s

How to Configure SZ-V Configurator

84 - SZ-V Series User’s Manual -

 When PROFIsafe is selected as the communication protocol

Communication Protocol Common Ethernet settings

The settings of communications protocol are displayed. If you check the change settings check box, you can change the
 PROFIsafe (default) Ethernet settings. The modified settings are transferred to the SZ-V.
Item Description
PROFIsafe settings IP settings Set the method to assign the IP address.
 BOOTP/DHCP (default)
Set the source address. Device name*
 Fixed IP
You can set the device name. If you click the [Edit]
button, you can edit the device name.
 Setting range: 1 to 65534

How to Configure SZ-V Configurator

* The device name has the following restrictions.
 Default: 1
F_Dest_Add Set the destination address.  Maximum of 240 characters.
 Setting range: 1 to 65534  Labels can be up to 63 characters in length.
 Default: 1  Characters “a-z”, “0-9”, and “-” can be used for labels.
 “-” cannot be used at the beginning or end of labels.
Detail settings  “-” cannot be used at the beginning of end of the device name.
 “port-x” (x is number) cannot be used.
Item Description
 “n.n.n.n” (n is number) cannot be used.
Endianness Set the data endianness.
If you set the IP settings to "Fixed IP," you can configure the settings
 Big-endian
 Little-endian (default)
Item Description
Ranging filter Set whether to filter the distance data obtained IP address Set the IP address.
from communications. If you use a filter, the Subnet mask Set the subnet mask.
stability of the obtained data increases, but the
Default gateway Set the default gateway.
response time decreases.
[Copy bank] button* Automatically obtain the IP address, subnet mask,
 Not use (default) and default gateway information from the
 Use connected SZ-V.
Diagnostics The notifying error and alarm items can be set with * This button cannot be used when a device is not selected.
the PROFINET Diagnostics function.  Advanced settings
The [Advanced settings] dialog box appears and you can set the items
Item Description
TCP port number Set the port number to use for TCP
 Setting range: 0 to 65535
 Default: 8637
UDP command port Set the port number to use for UDP
number communications.
 Setting range: 0 to 65535
 Default: 8800
Keep-alive time Set the keep-alive time for TCP communications.
 Setting range: 10 to 600 seconds
 Default: 90 seconds
Timeout time Set the timeout time for communications.
 Setting range: 10 to 60 seconds
 Default: 10 seconds

- SZ-V Series User’s Manual - 85

6. Transfer the settings

Once configuration is completed, the configuration data can be

5. Click [OK] in the confirmation dialog to show the [Confirmation]
transferred to the SZ-V unit.
dialog for the configuration data. Confirm the configuration and then
Before transferring the configuration data, make sure that the computer
click [Accept] if nothing is different from your intention.
and the SZ-V unit are properly connected.
If the [Accept] button is grayed out and cannot be clicked, use the
scroll bar to display all of the settings.
Procedure for transfer
1. Click the [Transfer] button on the sub-panel.

6. The [Confirmation] dialog box appears. Confirm the zone and then
click [Accept] if you find nothing different from your intention.
 The [Transfer] button cannot be clicked if the configuration is not If you have expanded the scanner heads, or are using the
complete. multi-OSSD or bank switching functions, the [Next head] button will
appear next to the zone name, and the [Accept] button will be
grayed out.
2. Click the [OK] button in the transfer settings dialog box. The [Accept] button will become available once all the zones have
been confirmed.

8 In the following cases, the settings cannot be transferred.

 The input and output polarity is not selected. (Except when
PROFIsafe communication is used with the SZ-V32N.)
How to Configure SZ-V Configurator

 There is an empty protection zone.

 The zone that was created is configured beyond the
 The set model and the connected SZ-V do not match.
 The number of set scanner heads and the number of connected
SZ-V scanner heads do not match.
 If encoder input was selected for the bank switching method and
the encoder settings are not configured.
 The connected SZ-V does not support the version of the SZ-V
Configurator which is being used.
 When PROFINET or PROFIsafe is used with the SZ-V32N, the
“Apply Communication Settings” check box is checked, and the
device name is “Not configured".
 SZ-V is not connected with the computer. Important  Clicking the [Not accept] button at step 5 or step 6
will cancel the transfer. If this happens, all
configuration data on the SZ-V unit will be erased.
Pressing [OK] while logged in erases the current SZ-V The SZ-V enters the waiting for configuration state
settings. If cancelled during the following procedure, and “Waiting for Configuration” is displayed.
the SZ-V enters waiting for configuration state and the
 However, the common Ethernet settings are
current settings cannot be restored. transferred, and the SZ-V starts operating with the
new settings. (If the “Apply Communication
Reference When logged in as maintenance personnel, settings other Settings” check box is checked.)
than those pre-approved by the responsible personnel
7. The [Confirm] dialog box appears. Click the [Yes] button or the [No]
cannot be transferred.

3. If not logged into the SZ-V unit, the [Log-in] dialog box will appear.
Enter the correct password to log in. “Log-in” (page 107).
4. The configuration data will be written to the SZ-V unit. After the
configuration data is written, the configuration data is retrieved from
the SZ-V unit for confirmation. During this time, do not disconnect
the computer from the SZ-V.

86 - SZ-V Series User’s Manual -

8-6 Useful Functions for Setting Zones The zone drawn with automatic drawing or automatic
trimming is just an informative zone, which is
These are functions that can be used on the zone settings screen. By automatically drawn by the SZ-V Configurator based
using these functions, it is possible to more quickly and easily set on the surrounding situation of the SZ-V, such as a
zones. protective guarding. Therefore, you must confirm
whether the zone drawn with automatic drawing or
Automatic drawing function automatic trimming is just as you intended, if you
want to configure the actual protection zone
The purpose of the automatic drawing function is to draw the zone according to the zone drawn with automatic drawing
automatically based on the surroundings of the SZ-V, such as a or automatic trimming. Failure to follow this warning
protective guarding. may result in a significant harm to the machine
operators, including serious injury or death.

Reference  Check that the computer and the SZ-V Series unit are
correctly connected first before executing automatic
drawing and automatic trimming.
 Automatic drawing and automatic trimming cannot be
used in muting zone settings and reference point

Automatic drawing procedure

1. Click the [Automatic] button on Drawing toolbar (1).
2. The Automatic drawing/automatic trimming window appears. Select
[Automatic drawing]. This procedure configures automatic drawing.

Automatic drawing and automatic trimming settings

How to Configure SZ-V Configurator

3. Click the [Start] button to start automatic drawing.
The [Automatic drawing] dialog box appears.

Item Description
(Function Select whether to execute automatic drawing or
selection) automatic trimming.
Setting Based on the actual ranging information from
the SZ-V unit, the SZ-V Configurator
automatically draws the zone, taking into 4. Click the [Finish] button to fix the zone.
account the specified space from the 5. Click the [OK] button to complete automatic drawing.
surrounding obstacles.
Use the up and down buttons of the input box,
or input the value directly. Point During automatic drawing, zone is drawn as a bottom
0 to 500 (mm) hold of the detected distance. Unnecessary zone can
Default: 100 mm be eliminated by actually moving objects or
[Default] button Reset the [Space] value to its default value.
Smoothing Checking this check box and executing
automatic drawing, reduces the number of user
points so as to make the drawing easier to see
and adjust.
Default: OFF
[Start] button Start automatic drawing.
[Cancel] button Cancels automatic drawing and closes the
dialog box.

- SZ-V Series User’s Manual - 87

Automatic trimming function

The purpose of the automatic trimming function is to draw the zone

automatically based on the surrounding situation of the SZ-V in the
same manner as automatic drawing. Unlike automatic drawing, it does
this by trimming a zone that has already been set by the user. This
function only affects zones that have already been drawn.

Automatic trimming settings

See “Automatic drawing function” page 87.

Automatic trimming procedure

1. Click the [Automatic drawing] button on Drawing toolbar (1).

2. The Automatic drawing/automatic trimming window appears. Select

[Automatic trimming]. This procedure configures automatic trimming.

How to Configure SZ-V Configurator

3. Click the [Start] button to start automatic trimming.

The [Executing automatic trimming] dialog box appears.

4. Click the [Finish] button to fix the zone.

5. Click the [OK] button to complete automatic trimming.

Reference The automatic trimming function cannot be executed if a

zone was not set in advance.

88 - SZ-V Series User’s Manual -

Dynamic drawing function
Point When dynamic drawing points are added, zones can
The dynamic drawing function detects a particular workpiece (bundled be efficiently drawn by adding points to the corner of
dynamic drawing sheet(s)) on the SZ-V, and sets zones based on these the zone being set.
detected positions. (1) (2) (3)

5. Click the [Finish] button to fix the zone.

6. Click the [OK] button to complete dynamic drawing.

You must confirm whether the zone drawn with the

dynamic drawing is just as you intended, if you want
Dynamic drawing procedure to configure the actual protection zone according to
DANGER the zone drawn with dynamic drawing. Failure to
1. Click the [Dynamic] button on Drawing toolbar (1). follow this warning may result in a significant harm to
the machine operators, including serious injury or
2. The dynamic drawing window appears. Select the execution option.
Reference  You cannot execute dynamic drawing from a position
500 mm from the SZ-V.
 Check that the computer and the SZ-V Series unit are
correctly connected first before executing dynamic
 Dynamic drawing cannot be used in muting zone
settings and reference point settings.
 When detecting the dynamic drawing sheet, place it so
that is faces the front of the SZ-V.
 When starting dynamic drawing, if there is a
highly-reflective object or background, that optical axis

3. Click the [Start] button to start dynamic drawing.

cannot be used to detect the dynamic drawing sheet.

How to Configure SZ-V Configurator

The [Dynamic drawing] dialog box appears.

4. The dynamic drawing sheet is detected in the SZ-V detectable zone.

The detected points are added to the zone as dynamic drawing
points. The added dynamic drawing points are connected and the
zone is set.

During dynamic drawing, scanner head indicator flashes as follows.

Light color Status Details
Green Flashing The zone being edited is in an object
slowly non-detection state
Orange Flashing The dynamic drawing sheet is in a
slowly detection state
Red Flashing The zone being edited is in an object
slowly detection state

- SZ-V Series User’s Manual - 89

Real-time ranging Simulation mode

Displays the detected environmental boundaries of the SZ-V Series Simulation mode is a function that can check operation in a new zone
laser in real time on the canvas. without transferring settings to the SZ-V unit. This function is useful
when minor adjustments to the zone may be necessary.

Real-time ranging procedure

Simulation mode procedure
1. Click the [Start real-time ranging] button on Drawing toolbar (2).
1. Click the [Simulation] button on Drawing toolbar (2).
2. Simulation mode starts.
The [Simulation] dialog box appears.
2. Real-time ranging starts.

3. If an object is detected in the newly configured zone, the [Detection

state] of the [Simulation] dialog box becomes [Detecting].

3. Click the [Pause real-time ranging] button to stop real-time ranging.

During simulation mode, scanner head indicator flashes as follows.
Reference Check that the computer and the SZ-V Series unit are Light color Status Details
correctly connected first before executing real-time Green Flashing The simulation zone is in a non-detection
ranging. slowly state
Red Flashing The simulation zone is in a detection
slowly state
Rotating the canvas
8 Rotate the canvas to change the direction the SZ-V is facing on the
Reference  Check that the computer and the SZ-V Series unit are
correctly connected first before executing simulation
SZ-V Configurator. By aligning with the direction the SZ-V scanner
How to Configure SZ-V Configurator

head is facing, zone settings and monitoring become easier to perform.
 While in simulation mode, the SZ-V unit indicator
alternately flashes red and green.
Procedure to rotate the canvas  The SZ-V continues normal operation with the settings
last transferred even in simulation mode. The new
settings are not applied until the settings are actually
By clicking the [Rotate left] button or [Rotate right] button, the canvas transferred.
rotates in increments of 45°. It is also possible to align with a desired  Simulation mode cannot be used in the muting zone
angle by entering a [Rotation angle] directly. Press the up and down settings and reference point settings.
buttons on the [Rotation angle] input box to track and rotate the SZ-V  Simulation mode can be performed to one scanner
scanner head on the canvas. head at once. If multiple scanner heads are cascaded,
only the selected scanner head goes into simulation

90 - SZ-V Series User’s Manual -

Checking the camera

Check the zone and detection plane on camera images without

transferring the settings.

Procedure to check the camera

1. Click the [Camera] button on Drawing toolbar (2).
2. The currently selected scanner head* camera image is displayed.

Detection plane

Protection zone

Item Description
Detection plane Shows the detection point where detection
laser is detecting an object. If detection is
done in the protection zone, point is shown
in red color. If detection is done out of the
protection zone, point is shown in green
[Mirror] button Displays the camera image in reverse.
[Show/Hide zone] Overlays the zone onto the screen. Press
button this button again to hide it.
[Close] button Close the camera confirmation screen.

*If a scanner head that does not have a camera is selected, a message
appears stating "Cannot display image as there is no camera" and the
camera image is not displayed.

Reference  Check that the computer and the SZ-V Series unit are
correctly connected first before checking the camera.

How to Configure SZ-V Configurator

 Only the camera images for protection zones and
warning zones can be view. It is not possible to check
the muting zone.

- SZ-V Series User’s Manual - 91

8-7 Monitoring Operations

How to read the monitoring tab

Select the Monitoring tab to monitor the detection state of the SZ-V unit in real time.

Full screen display (initial screen*)

Camera view (left/right) Monitor view *

How to Configure SZ-V Configurator

*If all the connected scanner heads do not have a camera, the monitor view is displayed. The monitor view will be the only available display.

Reference  Before selecting the Monitoring tab, make sure that the computer and the SZ-V Series are properly connected.
 Monitoring is not possible if the configuration data on the SZ-V Configurator is different from the configuration data on the SZ-V Series.
Read the configuration data from the SZ-V unit or transfer the configuration data from the SZ-V Configurator, and then start monitoring.
 Monitoring is not possible when the SZ-V enters the waiting for configuration state and Waiting for Configuration is displayed. Transfer
the configuration data from the SZ-V Configurator and start monitoring.

92 - SZ-V Series User’s Manual -

Scanner head selection panel Subpanel
Displays the operating state of the SZ-V.

Select which scanner head to use for monitoring. SZ-V04 type SZ-V32 type or
SZ-V32N type
 Item: Head 1 to 3
SZ-V operation
Background hold button display
This button is for the background hold function.
This function holds the minimum distance measured by the SZ-V on the
Error or alert information display
SZ-V Configurator for each bank. Since the AGV surroundings change
throughout its path, this function will assist in zone setting.
The minimum measured distance (background) is displayed on the OSSD 1/2 display

monitoring panel and the canvas.

OSSD 3/4 display
If this icon is clicked, the minimum
distance detected by the SZ-V will be Bank display
Start/stop background displayed on the gray line. With this gray
hold line as a border, the hold will be Encoder velocity display
displayed with the far distance side as
gray, and the close distance side as
Display by scanner head
white. If changing the bank, the hold
display will be reset, and the shortest
distance hold will display.
Each hold display screen can be stored
in each bank.
If the icon is clicked once again, the hold
display will no longer be renewed. The
held area will be displayed as is.
Reset the hold display conditions. The
area set as gray will return to white.
Clear background hold

Item Description
Reference Background hold also can be executed after using a timer.
SZ-V operation Displays the operating state of the SZ-V.
“Background hold setting” (page 103).
display  Normal operation
 AUX output test
 Laser shutdown
 Laser off input state
 Error State 8
 Waiting for bank input
 Override

How to Configure SZ-V Configurator

 Muting
 Reference point not detected
 History saving
Error or alert Displays the content of errors and alerts.
information display Nothing is displayed when there is no error
or alert.
OSSD 1/2 display This shows the state of the OSSD.
OSSD 3/4 display
This indicates the state of
the OSSD output.

Lights yellow during


Lights yellow-green during


Bank display Displays the selected bank number when

using banks.
Encoder velocity Displays velocity detected by each encoder
display when using the bank switching function
 Ch1: Detected velocity of Encoder Input 1
 Ch2: Detected velocity for Encoder Input
Display by scanner Indicates the detection state of each
head scanner head.
 Protection zone
 Warning zone

- SZ-V Series User’s Manual - 93

I/O monitoring panel  When PROFIsafe is used
This shows the state of inputs and outputs.

 When PROFIsafe is not used

Item Description
Input This shows the wire color, function, and ON/OFF
state of the input.
The contents of this varies depending on the
function, configuration, and input state.
Output This shows the wire color, function, and ON/OFF
state of the output.
8 The contents on this varies depending on the
function, configuration, and input state.
[Close] button Hides the I/O monitoring panel.
How to Configure SZ-V Configurator

[AUX output Turns OSSD OFF and tests the AUX outputs.
test] button
 AUX output test
This function turns the desired AUX outputs ON or OFF. Operate this
function from the [AUX output test] dialog box.

Important OSSD turns OFF during the AUX output test.

Item Description
State Output the pulse to indicate the specified state. Set
information this item only when using [State information output].
Item Description
output 1/2 “State information output” (page 60)
Input data (from The state of the data sent from the SZ-V to the
[ON] button Turn a specified AUX output [ON] or [OFF].
SZ-V) Safety PLC.
[OFF] button The outputs will not be generated until the [Test
Output data (to The state of the data received from the SZ-V to
output] button is clicked.
SZ-V) the Safety PLC.
[Test output] Outputs in accordance with the output state and
[Close] button Hides the I/O monitoring panel.
button each AUX outputs setting.
[Detail] button Details of the Input data and the Output data
[Finish test] Finishes the AUX output test.
are displayed.
button Click the [Finish test] button to restore the state of
all AUX outputs. The OSSD also goes back to
normal operation.
Reference OSSD keeps OFF state during AUX output test.

94 - SZ-V Series User’s Manual -

How to read and operate the full screen display
Bank monitoring panel
When both PROFIsafe and All Banks are used, the ON/OFF state of Full screen display
each bank will be displayed.
To display the bank monitoring panel, select [Monitoring tools]→[Bank
monitoring panel] from the menu bar.

Item Description
Left camera display Displays the left camera image of the
panel selected scanner head. If clicked, the
camera image from the left camera is
Right camera display Displays the right camera image of the
panel selected scanner head. If clicked, the
camera image from the left camera is
Monitor view panel Displays the detection status of the
selected scanner head. If clicked, the
monitor view is displayed.
(Zoom In) Zoom in on the monitor view.
(Zoom Zoom out of the monitor view.
Out) button 8
(Full Display) Adjusts the screen scale in order to show

How to Configure SZ-V Configurator

button the entire zone that is drawn on the canvas.
(Reverse) Displays the camera images and the
button monitor view in reverse.
Overlays the protection zone onto the
camera view. Press the button again to hide
(Show/hide zone)

- SZ-V Series User’s Manual - 95

How to read and operate the camera view How to read and operate the monitor view

Camera view Monitor view

Item Description Item Description

Monitor view panel Displays the detection status of the selected Monitor view panel Displays the detection status and zone of
scanner head. current bank of the selected scanner head.
(Zoom In) Zoom in on the monitor view. Display panel Operates the display.
button (Zoom In) Zoom in on the monitor view.
(Zoom Zoom out of the monitor view. button
Out) button (Zoom Out) Zoom out of the monitor view.
(Full Display) Adjusts the screen scale in order to show button
button the entire zone that is drawn on the canvas. (Full Display) Adjusts the screen scale in order to show
Camera display Displays the camera image of the selected button the entire zone that is drawn on the canvas.
panel camera. (Left rotation) Rotates the SZ-V scanner head direction
Overlays the protection zone onto the button 45° to the left on the canvas. “Rotating the
camera view. Press the button again to hide canvas” (page 90)
(Show/hide zone)
it. (Right Rotates the SZ-V scanner head direction
rotation) 45° to the right on the canvas. “Rotating
Displays the full screen.
button the canvas” (page 90)
8 (View all) button [Rotation angle] Rotates the SZ-V scanner head direction on
the monitor view panel. Press the up and
*How to read and operate both the left and right camera screens is the
same. down buttons on the input box to track and
How to Configure SZ-V Configurator

rotate the SZ-V scanner head on the

“Rotating the canvas” (page 90)
Drawing properties This shows information related to drawing.
Mouse position This shows the current coordinates for the
mouse pointer.
Displays the full screen.

(Full Display)

Reference If all the connected scanner heads do not have a camera,

the [Full display] button is not displayed.

96 - SZ-V Series User’s Manual -

8-8 Checking the Detection History
On this screen, it is possible to check the history of detections of people and objects in the protection zone, and occurrences of alerts and errors.

How to read the History tab

Reference Before selecting the History tab, make sure that the computer and the SZ-V Series are properly connected.

Monitor view
Item Description
Detected position Displays the detected position on the
monitor view.
Displays up to 20 items in display order on
the subpanel. The selected history is
displayed highlighted in red on the 8

How to Configure SZ-V Configurator

Reference If the selected history is the 21st point or later, only the
selected point is displayed in red on the monitor view

Display panel
Item Description
(Zoom In) Zoom in on the monitor view.
(Zoom Out) Zoom out of the monitor view.
(Full Display) Adjusts the screen scale in order to show
button the entire zone that is drawn on the monitor
(Left rotation) Rotates the SZ-V scanner head direction
button 45° to the left on the canvas. “Rotating the
canvas” (page 90)
(Right Rotates the SZ-V scanner head direction
rotation) 45° to the right on the canvas. “Rotating
button the canvas” (page 90)
[Rotation angle] Rotates the SZ-V scanner head direction on
the monitor view panel. Press the up and
down buttons on the input box to track and
rotate the SZ-V scanner head on the
“Rotating the canvas” (page 90)

- SZ-V Series User’s Manual - 97

Subpanel  Saving detection history
Displays the detection history in order from the newest item.

However, if [First 10] is selected for the [Save format] in the detection
history settings, the oldest item is displayed first. "Detection history”
(page 82)

Saving format of history

 Detection history file (.szvh): OFF information and the image when it
went to OFF are saved for all detection history items.
 CSV file (.csv): For all detection history items, OFF information is
saved as text data.

 Error history
Displays the error history in order. The history is displayed in order from
the newest items.

Item Description
[Selected display] Displays the selected history in blue. If a
history item is selected, the detected
position corresponding to the selected
history item is displayed on the main panel
highlighted in red.
[Thumbnail image] Displays the image when the OSSD went
OFF. If the thumbnail image is double
clicked, the [Image/video dialog box] is
Up to 100 error history items are saved; items after the 101st item are
not saved. Even if the SZ-V power is turned OFF, the error history is no
"Checking detection images and video in
the protection zone” (page 99)
Item Description
 If the scanner head does not have a (Refresh) Error history is retrieved from the SZ-V unit.
camera, monitor view when the OSSD
went OFF is displayed.
(Clear Clear the error history recorded on the SZ-V
 If the history item does not have a
8 thumbnail image, “No image” is displayed. error
history) button
unit. Clearing the error history is only
possible when logged in as the responsible
Event The reason for the event (OSSD OFF) is
How to Configure SZ-V Configurator

(Save Saves the error history to a CSV file.
Detection position The coordinates of the position that the
event (OSSD OFF) occurred are displayed.
history to a file)
Detected time The time that the OSSD went from ON to
OFF is displayed. (Time of occurrence*)
[Close] button Close the [Error history] dialog box.
Detected duration Period of time that the OSSD was OFF is

Item Description
(Refresh) button The detection history is retrieved from the
SZ-V and displayed.
(Clear Deletes the detection history.
detection If [Video] for [Save format] is selected,
history) button history can only be deleted when logged in
as the responsible personnel.
(Save The [Save detection history] dialog box
detection appears and the history can be saved to a
history to a file) file.
button "Saving detection history” (page 98)
(Error The [Error history] dialog box appears and
history) displays the error history in a list.
button “Error history” (page 98)
Change page button Select to display the detection history per
100 items.

Reference Check that the computer and the SZ-V Series unit are
correctly connected first before clearing or refreshing the
detection history.

98 - SZ-V Series User’s Manual -

Checking detection images and video in the protection zone

When an object is detected in the protection zone, record the monitor view and camera images and play them back later as photos or videos.
Whether the images are saved as photos or videos depends on the settings. "Detection history” (page 82)

Subpanel Checking images/videos Full screen display

Checking images/videos Camera view Checking images/videos Monitor view

How to Configure SZ-V Configurator

Reference  Camera images can only be saved when using a scanner head that has a camera.
 Photos or videos cannot be played back when the image is being saved on the SZ-V unit. The message "Cannot read out video data
since history saving is ongoing. " appears.
 If all the connected scanner heads do not have a camera, a monitor view is displayed. This is the only screen that can be displayed.

- SZ-V Series User’s Manual - 99

History display panel 8-9 Monitoring Using Communications
Item Description
On the SZ-V32N, information such as error status and measuring
[Event] Depending on the type, the details that are
distance data can be obtained using Ethernet communications.
displayed differs.
The SZ-V32N supports the following protocols:
When using the SZ-V04 or when
PROFIsafe communication is used with the
 EtherNet/IPTM
 OSSD 1/2 OFF  PROFIsafe
 OSSD 3/4 OFF
When using the SZ-V32 type or when
For details about monitoring using communications, see "SZ-V32N
PROFIsafe communication is not used with
Type Communications Manual."
the SZ-V32N type.
[Detection position] The coordinates of the position that the All the data received from the communication of UDP,
event (OSSD OFF) occurred are displayed. EtherNet/IP or PROFINET cannot be used from the
[Detected time] The time that the event occurred is DANGER safety control system. When used in error, there is a
displayed. (Time of occurrence*) possibility that the operator of the device may be
[Detected duration] Period of time that the event persisted is threatened with major injury or even death.
displayed. If the detected duration is not
fixed yet, “----“ is shown.
[Save history] button Save the history information
The icon changes depending on whether
the [Save format] is set to multi-frame mode
or single frame mode.

Save as Save as
video photo

In the case of multi-frame mode, videos can

be saved only after playing them. When
videos cannot be saved, the icon above is
grayed out.
*History items that occurred before the power was turned ON cannot be
displayed. Instead, the running time will be displayed.

8 History main panel

Shows the state when an object or person was detected in the
How to Configure SZ-V Configurator

protection zone as a camera image or on a monitor view.

Click the camera image to display the camera screen.
Click the monitor view image to display the monitor view.

History operation panel

Item Description
[Play]/[Pause] [Play] button
buttons Play the video. This button functions as the
pause button when videos are playing.
[Pause] button
Pauses the video. This button functions as
the play button when videos are paused.
[Frame advance] Plays the video frame-by-frame.

[Frame rewind] Rewinds the video frame-by-frame.


[Show / Hide zone] Shows or hides the zone on the camera

button view.

[View all] button Displays in full screen.

Reference Due to camera blind areas, it may not be possible to

check images of all detected objects.

100 - SZ-V Series User’s Manual -

8-10 Operation Menu

File Edit

Item Description Item Description

New Create new settings. Undo Undo the previous operation.
This operates in the same manner as when Redo Redo the last operation that was undone.
selecting [Create a new configuration file] Copy zone This copies the zone currently being edited
when the SZ-V Configurator starts. to the clipboard.
"b) Create a new configuration file” (page 68) Paste zone This pastes a zone copied with [Copy zone]
Open Open a configuration file saved on the to the selected location.
computer. Paste zone in This pastes a zone copied with [Copy zone]
This operates in the same manner as when reverse to the selected location in reverse.
selecting [Open a configuration file] when the
SZ-V Configurator starts.
“c) Open a configuration file” (page 68) Reference [Edit] can only be used while configuring [Zone Settings].
Close This closes the configuration file currently “Set the zone” (page 78)
being edited.
If editing a configuration file, a save
confirmation dialog appears.
Save This saves the configuration file currently being
Save as Save the file currently being set with a different
name. The [Save As] dialog box appears.
Enter a name for the file and then save the file.
Print The [Print] dialog box appears. Configure print
settings. When clicked, information related to
settings are printed.

When “Image on Canvas” (Page103) has been

set, the printing method can be selected based
on the background image.
 Full display aligned with background image
 Full display aligned with region
 Hide background image
Following information is included in the printed
 File Name
 Information on "Configuration", such as

How to Configure SZ-V Configurator

Title/Department, Name of the person
responsible and comment, date of
configuration, software version, Model and
serial number.
 Configuration parameters
 For the image of a printed document, please
see “Image of a printed document” (Page
Recent files This shows the five files most recently opened
in the SZ-V Configurator.
Exit This exits the SZ-V Configurator. If currently
editing a file, a save confirmation dialog box
*Detection or error history cannot be printed.

- SZ-V Series User’s Manual - 101

View All points Displays user points and setting points for
the remaining beams.
Item Description Shade detected The SZ-V displays the outside of the
Configuration tab The [Setting] tab will become active. area detected zone filled.

Monitoring tab The [Monitoring] tab will become active.

Detection history tab The [History] tab will become active.

Zoom This is a setting for the display of the
monitoring panel and of the canvas.
Zoom in Magnifies the currently
displayed content.
Camera blur Set the camera blur function.
Zoom out Reduces the currently
displayed content. “Camera Blur Function” (page 58)
This setting is used when the check box is
Grid Sets the display of the grid. checked .
Visible Wire color and The [Wire color and assigned function]
 Check box checked assigned function dialog box appears.
The grid is displayed.
 Unchecked
The grid is not displayed.
Grid interval
The "Grid interval" dialog box appears
allowing for adjustment of the grid interval.*1
 Setting range: 100 to 2000 (mm) *2
 Default: 500 (mm)
Cartesian coordinates
 Check box checked *1 The “Undo” function cannot be used to restore the grid interval.
The grid is displayed as Cartesian *2 For inches, 3.94 to 78.74 (inch)

How to Configure SZ-V Configurator

Polar coordinates
 Check box checked
The grid is displayed as polar coordinates.

Display unit Set the display units.

 mm (default)
 in.
 feet/in.
Real-time ranging Displays the ranging state of the current
SZ-V scanner head in real time on the
canvas. “Real-time ranging” (page 90)
Starts real-time ranging.
Temporarily stops the real time ranging
Clears the real-time ranging information.
Holds the displayed real-time ranging display
at the bottom. Displays the result of
bottom-hold with a green line.
Highly reflective Switch whether a highly-reflective
background background is shown or hidden.

102 - SZ-V Series User’s Manual -

Image on Canvas Monitoring tools

Item Description Item Description

Visible Switch the display/hide the configured I/O monitoring Displays the I/O monitoring panel.
background image. “I/O monitoring panel” (page 94)
Settings The [Image on Canvas] dialog appears and the Bank monitor Displays the bank monitoring panel.
settings can be configured. The configured “Bank monitoring panel” (page 95)
background image is displayed on the canvas. Background hold

 Background drawing dialog

It is possible to perform background hold

function after designated period of time.
Startup delay time: After the startup delay
time, background hold will begin.
Hold time: Background hold will be active for
the specified hold time.

To start background hold, press start

background hold button. “Background hold
button” (Page 93)

Reference Use the [Monitoring tools] only during monitoring (when

Item Description the [Monitor] tab is selected in the function selection
[Import drawing Specifies the drawing file displayed on the panel).
file] button* background. The file types that can be
displayed are BMP file (*.bmp), JPEG file
(*.jpg, *.jpeg), TIFF file (*.tif, *.tiff) and PNG file
[Clear] button [Import drawing file] button*
(Zoom Zoom in and display.
(Zoom Zoom out and display.

[Scale] button Change the magnification of the background

How to Configure SZ-V Configurator

image. Select two points which form the
reference within the image, and input the
distance between the two points. The
magnification of the background image is
[Location] button Move the background image.
(Left Rotate the background image 45°
rotation) counterclockwise.
(Right Rotate the background image 45° clockwise.
[Rotation angle] The background image can be rotated at any
angle. Press the up and down buttons on the
input box to track and rotate the background
[Reverse] button Reverse the background image.
[Transparent] The opacity of the background image can be
slide bar set.

- SZ-V Series User’s Manual - 103

Detection history tools

Item Description
Read detection The detection history is retrieved from the
history from SZ-V SZ-V and displayed.
Clear detection Deletes the detection history.
history If [Multi-Frame/Video] is set for [Save
format], deleting the history can only occur
when logged in.
Open from file Open a detection history file saved on the
Save detection Opens the [Save detection history] dialog
history to file box. Save the detection history on the
“Saving detection history” (page 98)
Save detection Opens the [Save detection history] dialog
history to CSV file box. Save the detection history on the
computer in CSV format.
“Saving detection history” (page 98)
Show error history Displays the [Error history] dialog box.
“Error history” (page 98)

Reference Use the [Save detection history to file], [Save detection

history to CSV file], and [Show error history] only when
checking detection history (when the [Detection History]
tab is selected on the function selection panel).

How to Configure SZ-V Configurator

104 - SZ-V Series User’s Manual -

Communications 4. If window calibration completes normally, a confirmation dialog box
appears. Click the [OK] button.
Item Description
Read configuration Retrieve configuration data from the
from SZ-V connected SZ-V unit.
Transfer The SZ-V Configurator transfers
configuration to SZ-V configuration data from the computer to the
SZ-V unit.
Verification Check the configuration currently being
edited against the configuration data on the
SZ-V unit. The results are shown in the Reference Only the responsible personnel and maintenance
[Verification] window when matching is personnel can execute window calibration.
Window calibration Execute calibration when changing the
window. Initialization
“Window calibration” (page 105) Restore the unit's settings to their factory default settings.
Initialization Return the SZ-V to its default settings.
"Initialization” (page 105) 1. The initialization confirmation dialog box appears.
Clear system Delete the system memory connection Click the [OK] button.
configuration history.
“Clear system configuration” (page 106)
Identification & The [Identification & Maintenance] dialog
Maintenance box appears. The identification information
(Only when for the device can be read and written.
PROFINET or “Identification & Maintenance” (page 106)
PROFIsafe is
selected with the
SZ-V32N type) 2. If not logged into the SZ-V unit, the [Log-in] dialog box will appear.
Connect to different Displays the [Model selection] dialog box. Select [Responsible Personnel] and enter the password to log in.
SZ-V (For the Select the destination device. “Log-in” (page 107)
SZ-V32N type only) “Connecting to different SZ-V” (page 107)
Reference Check that the computer and the SZ-V Series unit are 3. The following dialog box appears and initialization starts.
correctly connected first before using the Communications

Window calibration
When replacing the window, it is necessary to calibrate the unit
afterwards. 8
1. The dialog box to check execution of window calibration appears.

How to Configure SZ-V Configurator

Click the [OK] button.
4. If initialization completes normally, a confirmation dialog box
appears. Click the [OK] button.

Reference When multiple scanner heads are cascaded, head Reference Only the responsible personnel can reset the SZ-V.
selection dialog is shown.

2. If not logged into the SZ-V unit, the [Log-in] dialog box will appear.
Select [Responsible Personnel] or [Maintenance Personnel] and
enter the password to log in. “Log-in” (page 107)

3. The confirmation dialog box appears and window calibration is


- SZ-V Series User’s Manual - 105

Clear system configuration Identification & Maintenance
This procedure deletes the system memory and system configuration Identification & Maintenance displays the device information stored in
information for the Display unit and scanner head(s). SZ-V. When the SZ-V32N type is used, the device information can be
read and written when PROFINET or PROFIsafe has been selected in
1. A dialog box to confirm that you want to clear system configuration Communication Protocol. The device information can be read and
information appears. written from the [Identification & Maintenance] dialog shown below.
Click the [OK] button.

2. If not logged into the SZ-V unit, the [Log-in] dialog box will appear.
Select [Responsible Personnel] or [Maintenance Personnel] and
enter the password to log in. “Log-in” (page 107)
3. The following dialog box appears and deletion of system
configuration information starts.

4. If the system configuration information is deleted normally, a Item Property Description

confirmation dialog box appears. Click the [OK] button. IM0 R Displays the hardware and
IM1 R/W Enter the tag information.
IM2 R/W The installation date information is
Press the [Enter current date and
time] button to input the current

8 IM3 R/W
Enter a comment.
IM4 R Displays the signature information
How to Configure SZ-V Configurator

Reference Only the responsible personnel and maintenance for the settings.
personnel can clear system configuration information. [Transfer] button - Transfers the device configuration
information to SZ-V.
[Read out] button - Reads the device configuration
information from the SZ-V.
[Cancel] button - The dialogs closes.

Reference Even if the configuration data such as zone setting is

transferred to the SZ-V, the device information will not be
transferred automatically. To transfer the device
information from SZ-V Configurator, press the above
[Transfer] button.

106 - SZ-V Series User’s Manual -

Connecting to different SZ-V Log-in authentication

Item Description
Log-in The [Log in] dialog box appears. Log in to
the SZ-V.
This cannot be selected if already logged in
to the SZ-V.
Log-out This will log out of the SZ-V.
This cannot be selected if already logged
out of the SZ-V.
Password change The [Password change] dialog box appears.
This allows changing of the password for
the SZ-V*1.
This is only available when logged in to the
Lost Password The [When you forget the password] dialog
box appears. This can be used to reset the
password for the SZ-V*1.
Enable/Disable Maintenance personnel authorization level
maintenance can be enabled or disabled, or its password
personnel can be changed. Only responsible
authorization level personnel can use this function.
*1 The default “Responsible Personnel” password is "1111".
Item Description There is no set default maintenance personnel password.
(Selecting a Select the method to connect the SZ-V to Log in as the responsible personnel to reset the password of
connection method) the computer. maintenance personnel.
 Connect by USB For the details about authorization level, see “Authorization Level and
 Connect by Ethernet Settings” (page 71).
Reference Before selecting log in authentication, make sure that the
When selecting Ethernet connection, it is necessary to set the Ethernet computer and the SZ-V Series are properly connected.
connection device.
For the setting method, see “Selecting an Ethernet connection device Log-in
(for the SZ-V32N type only)” (page 68).

How to Configure SZ-V Configurator

Item Description
Authorization level Displays what authorization level to log in
 Responsible personnel
 Maintenance personnel
Password Enter the password.

Lost password

Item Description
Reference code The code is necessary to reset the
password. Contact your nearest KEYENCE
office with this code to receive a password
initialization code.
Input password Enter the password initialization code.

When the correct password initialization code is entered, the password

is reset to the default setting.

- SZ-V Series User’s Manual - 107

Language Help

The language used in the SZ-V Configurator can be changed. Item Description
User’s Manual View the SZ-V User's Manual (this manual) as a
Item Description PDF file.
Japanese Change the language to Japanese. Communication View the SZ-V32N Communication Manual. This
English Change the language to English. Manual menu is shown only when SZ-V32N Type is
Chinese Change the language to Chinese. selected.
Italian Change the language to Italian. About SZ-V This displays the version information for the
German Change the language to German. Configurator SZ-V Configurator.
French Change the language to French.
Portuguese Change the language to Portuguese.
Spanish Change the language to Spanish.

Reference The SZ-V Configurator starts in the language selected

here at the next restart.

How to Configure SZ-V Configurator

108 - SZ-V Series User’s Manual -

8-11 Image of a printed document

How to Configure SZ-V Configurator

- SZ-V Series User’s Manual - 109

- SZ-V Series User’s Manual -
How to Configure SZ-V Configurator
9. Operating the SZ-V
9-1 Turning On Power for the First Time
When the SZ-V starts for the first time, the following screens are


After about 8 seconds


View History Menu

When “Waiting for configuration” appears, configure the settings from

the SZ-V Configurator. “Setting Procedure” (page 73)

Important  The SZ-V cannot perform normal operations with the

factory default settings. Password input and
configuration are required to start normal operation.
To set the SZ-V functions, use the SZ-V configuration
software. Function cannot be set directly on the SZ-V.
 Until the settings have been configured, OSSD will
remain in the OFF State.

Operating the SZ-V

- SZ-V Series User’s Manual - 111

9-2 How to Read the SZ-V Display How to read the monitor view on the display
Display of the
How to Read the Display OSSD state
Selected bank Bank0 Head1
The display can be switched between three types of displays. number
Code (CRC)
For details on how to switch the display, see "Switching the Display Selected
History Saving
(View)” (page 114). scanner head senga Frame displaying
a special state
Monitor view 2.0m/s BACK
How to read the state on the display View History Menu
Button operation
panel Encoder speed
Bank0 ABCD display
Selected bank Configuration
number Code (CRC)
NORMAL Name Description
Display state Selected bank Displays the selected bank number when using
OPERATION number the bank switching function.
BACK  When using independent bank switching, the
View History Menu bank number is displayed as two digits (for
Button operation
example, Bank01).
Selected Displays the number of the currently selected
scanner head scanner head.
Name Description Display Displays the current magnification of the
Selected bank Displays the selected bank number when magnification display.
number using the bank switching function. There are five levels of display magnification.
 When using independent bank switching, Configuration Displays the Configuration Code (CRC) of the
the bank number is displayed as two digits Code (CRC) current settings.
“Configuration Code (CRC)” (page 66)
(for example, Bank0-0).
Display of the Background color is green: OSSD is ON
Configuration Displays the Configuration Code (CRC) of the OSSD state Background color is red: OSSD is OFF
Code (CRC) current settings. Frame Message for a special state, such as
“Configuration Code (CRC)” (page 66) displaying a interlock-reset-ready, flashes on the display.
Display state Displays the status of the SZ-V. special state The frame is only displayed for a special state.
For details on the display, see "Information on “Information on the Display” (page 136)
the Display” (page 136). Monitor view Draws the detection zone of the selected
Background color is green: OSSD is ON scanner head.
Background color is red: OSSD is OFF When using the bank switching function, the
selected bank zone is drawn.
Button operation Indicates the behavior when buttons 1 to 4 are
Encoder When the bank switching method is switching
panel pressed.
velocity display through encoder input, this is displayed as the
For the meaning of each button operation, encoder velocity (unit: m/s).
see the following: Button Indicates the behavior when buttons 1 to 4 are
 “Switching the Display (View)” (page 114) operation panel pressed.

9 “
 Operating the Menu (Menu)” (page 115)
For the meaning of each button operation, see
the following:
 “Displaying the Detection History” (page 97)  “Switching the Display (View)” (page 114)
Operating the SZ-V

 “Display When an Error Occurs  Operating the Menu (Menu)” (page 115)
(Error/Alert)“ (page 121)
 “Displaying the Detection History” (page 97)
 “Displaying the Detection History” (page 120)
 When using PROFINET/PROFIsafe  “Display When an Error Occurs (Error/Alert)”
(page 121)

Bank0 ABCD
 Monitor view
display NORMAL zone A

View History Menu
zone B
Name Color/Status Description point
SF Red (ON) An error has occurred in the SZ-V.
OFF Normal operation.
Name Description
BF Red (ON) An error has occurred with the Ethernet
Protection zone A/B Displays the set protection zone*.
Warning zone A This is shown if Warning Zone A is set.
Red Receiving a FLASH signal.
Warning zone B This is shown if Warning Zone B is set.
Ranging information This shows the ranging result of the SZ-V
OFF Normal operation.
Series in real time. (Displayed in blue)
LNK1 Green (ON) Ethernet cable is connected to port 1 (2). Displays a set reference point.
Reference point
(2) OFF Ethernet cable is not connected to port 1
*In the muting state, the protection zone excluding the muting zone is
ACT1 Orange Communicating on port 1 (2).
(2) (Flashing)
Reference Even if it looks like an object is not detected on the monitor
view, a person or an object may actually be detected.
Off Not communicating on port 1 (2).

112 - SZ-V Series User’s Manual -

How to read the camera view  Camera direction
Display of the
Indicates whether the displayed camera and mirror display are on or off.
OSSD state Display Mirror
Configuration Icon Description
Camera display
Selected bank Bank0 Head1 ABCD Code (CRC)
Camera direction Displays the left
Selected scanner History Saving Left camera Off
camera image.
head number camera Frame displaying
a special state
Camera view BACK
Right Displays the right
View History Menu Off
Measurement point camera camera image.
Button operation
panel Displays both the left
Center Off and right camera
Name Description images.
Selected bank Displays the selected bank number when
Displays the left
number using the bank switching function.
Left camera On camera image in
 When using independent bank switching, reverse.
the bank number is displayed as two digits
(for example, Bank01).
Displays the right
Selected scanner Displays the number of the currently selected Right
On camera image in
head number scanner head. camera
Configuration Displays the Configuration Code (CRC) of the
Code (CRC) current settings. Displays both the left
“Configuration Code (CRC)” (page 66) Center On and right camera
Display of the Background color is green: OSSD is ON images in reverse.
OSSD state Background color is red: OSSD is OFF
Frame displaying Message for a special state, such as
Mirror display
a special state interlock-reset-ready, flashes on the display.
Mirror display OFF Mirror display ON
The frame is only displayed for a special
“Information on the Display” (page 136)
Camera view Displays the camera image of the selected
scanner head.
Measurement Overlays the position of the measurement
point laser on the camera image.
Does not display the camera Displays the camera image in
Measurement point is red: An object is
image in reverse. reverse.
detected in the protection zone.
This is best suited for when the This is best suited for when the
Measurement point is green: An object is
Display unit and scanner head Display unit and scanner head
detected outside of the protection zone.
are facing the same direction. are facing the opposite
Camera direction Displays the direction of the camera with an
Default setting: Center display camera,
mirror display ON

Operating the SZ-V

Button operation Indicates the behavior when buttons 1 to 4 are
panel pressed.
 “Switching the Display (View)” (page 114)

 Operating the Menu (Menu)” (page 115)
 “Displaying the Detection History” (page
 “Display When an Error Occurs
(Error/Alert)” (page 121)

Reference The color of the measurement point changes based on

whether an object is detected in the protection zone,
regardless of the muting or override states.

- SZ-V Series User’s Manual - 113

9-3 Switching the Display (View)
Basic screen Display change screen

Status view
Bank0 ABCD View Bank0 ABCD

View History Menu View sel.

View sel.

Monitor view
250 mm
Bank 0 Head1 ABCD


View sel. Head Zoom Rot.

View sel.

Camera view
Bank 0 Head1 ABCD


View sel. Head Mirror Angle

View sel.

9 * Also goes back to basic screen when there was no operation for more
than 10 seconds.
Operating the SZ-V

Item Operation details

[View.] Transition from the basic screen to the display
button change screen.
[View sel.] Switch between display state, monitor view, and
button camera view.
[Head] Switch the displayed scanner head.
button Displayed only when scanner heads have been
Scanner head 1→ 2 → 3 → 1
[Zoom] Zoom in on the display. There are 5 levels of zoom.
[Rot.] Switches the display direction in increments of 90°.
[Mirror] Switch the mirror display on and off.
button Default setting: Off
[Angle] Switch the camera view direction.
button Center → left camera → right camera → center
Default setting: Center
“How to read the monitor view on the display” (page 112)
“How to read the camera view” (page 113)

Reference  The display state is displayed as the default setting.

After starting the SZ-V for the second time, the last item
displayed during the last start-up is displayed.
 The camera view can only be selected when using a
scanner head type with a camera.

114 - SZ-V Series User’s Manual -

9-4 Operating the Menu (Menu) Checking the Detection History (Detection History)

Displays the detection history in order. The history is displayed in order

Display screen Menu screen
from the newest item.
Bank0 ABCD
However, if [First 10] is selected for the [Save format] in the detection
NORMAL history settings, the oldest item is displayed first. “Detection history”
(page 82)
View History Menu
Detected period of
time History
Menu 1 23:12:58 Alert
Scanner head
Image 2 23:13:14 OSSD 1/2 OFF
For 0.4[s] Head 3
X= 450[mm] Bank 29
Detection History Y = 7068[mm]
Bank number
"Checking the Detection History 3 23:14:02 OSSD 1/2 OFF BACK
(Detection History)" (Page 115) Error History Detection View ▼ ▲ Update
▼ Enter coordinates or
alert details
▼ ▲

Item Description
Operation Indicates the time an event occurred.
Detection History
time The displayed time is the time from when the SZ-V
“Checking the error history (Error
power was turned on until the event occurred.
History)” (page 117) Error History
Details Displays the details of the detected event.
Configuration Detection in the protection zone
▼ ▲ Enter OSSD 1/2 OFF OSSD 1/2 is OFF
OSSD 3/4 OFF OSSD 3/4 is OFF
▼ ▲ Ref. Point The reference points are not
(1/2) detected in Protection Zone A
Ref. Point The reference points are not
Menu (3/4) detected in Protection Zone B
Detection in the warning zone
Error History
Warn. Zone A Detection in Warning Zone A.
"Checking each setting Warn. Zone B Detection in Warning Zone B.
Configuration Alert
(Configuration)" (Page 118)
Alert An alert is occurring.
Zone Config.
Detected Displays the duration (seconds) of the event.
▼ ▲ Enter time
▼ ▲ Scanner Displays the scanner head that detected the event.
head number Nothing is displayed if an event is not related to the

Menu Detection
scanner head.
Displays the position coordinates if a person or
Configuration coordinates object is detected in the protection zone or warning

Operating the SZ-V

“Checking the zone settings zone.
Zone Config. Alert details Displays the details of the alert.
(Zone Config)” (page 120)
IO Monitor “Alert State” (page 135)
Bank number Displays the selected bank when an event occurs
▼ ▲ Enter
when using the bank switching function.
▼ ▲ Image Displays an icon when a video or photo is being
A video of two seconds before and
after the moment the event occurred
Zone Config.

“I/O monitoring functions (I/O A photo of the moment the event

IO Monitor
Monitor)” (page 120) occurred is being saved.
“Checking detection images and video in the
▼ ▲ Enter protection zone on the SZ-V” (page 116)
▼ ▲ [View] button Check the details of a saved video or photo.
“Checking detection images and video in the
protection zone on the SZ-V” (page 116)
Menu [▼] button Displays the next detection history item down.
IO Monitor [▲] button Displays the next detection history item up.
“Other functions and settings
[Update] Refreshes the detection history.
Other button Refresh and display events that occurred while the
(Other)” (Page 120)
detection history is displayed.

▲ Enter Reference Check up to 100 detection history items on the SZ-V. To

see a detection history item older than the 100th item, you
Enter can check it on the SZ-V Configurator. “Checking the
Select items with the ▼ or ▲ buttons and use the button to Detection History” (page 97)
select them.

- SZ-V Series User’s Manual - 115

Checking detection images and video in the protection zone on  For Multi-frame mode/Videos

the SZ-V History Screen Camera view (OFF Camera)

Easily check detection images or videos of when a detection occurs in History History 2

the protection zone. 1 23:12:58 Alert

Only photos and videos of events when detection occurs in the 2 23:13:14 OSSD 1/2 OFF
For 0.4[s] Head 3 左カメラ画像
protection zone are saved. Photos and videos when detections or alerts X= 450[mm] Bank 29
occur in the warning zone are not saved. Y = 7068[mm]
3 23:14:02 OSSD 1/2 OFF BACK

View ▼ ▲ Update View Type

 For Single frame mode/Photos

Monitor view (Other side)

History 2

History Screen Camera view (OFF Camera)

History 2
1 23:12:58 Alert
2 23:13:14 OSSD 1/2 OFF
For 0.4[s] Head 3 OFF カメラ画像 View Type
X= 450[mm] Bank 29
Y = 7068[mm]
3 23:14:02 OSSD 1/2 OFF BACK
Monitor view
View ▼ ▲ Update View sel. ▼ ▲
History 2
View sel.

Monitor view (Other side)
History 2
View Type Zoom

Item Description
[View Type] Change the display.
button If the [View Type] button is pressed, the menu
changes as follows and a display can be selected.
View sel. ▼ ▲
View sel. Line

[ ] button Switch to the right camera view.

Monitor view [ ] button Switch to the left camera view.
History 2 [Line] button Switch to the monitor view.

9 モニタービュー [
] Play the video.

[ ] Play the video frame-by-frame.

Operating the SZ-V

View sel. ▼ ▲ Zoom [Zoom] Zoom in on the display. There are 5 levels of zoom.
View sel. button

Reference  Camera images can only be displayed when using a

scanner head that has a camera. If the bank is switched
Item Description during the video, the protection zones, warning zones,
[▼] button Display previous image. and reference points are also switched and displayed.
[▲] button Display next image.
[Zoom] Zoom (enlarge) the screen.
button (The zoom are 5 steps)

Reference Display camera images can only be displayed when using

a scanner head that has a camera.

116 - SZ-V Series User’s Manual -

Checking the error history (Error History)

Displays the error history. The history is displayed in order from the
newest item.

Error code
0: 1:38 [Err code] 0410
1 Window Error Error details
2 0: 3:15 [Err code] 0410

Window Error
Operation (Head 1)
time 3
2:34:55 [Err Code] 0028
Unused Wire

▼ ▲

Item Description
Operation Indicates the time an event occurred.
time The displayed time is the time from when the SZ-V
power was turned on until the event occurred.
Error code Displays the code that indicates the error.
Error details Displays the details of the error.

Operating the SZ-V

- SZ-V Series User’s Manual - 117

Checking each setting (Configuration)

Check each setting from the display.

Settings cannot be checked when SZ-V is under waiting for configuration status. In that case, the display will show “Waiting for Configuration”.
Reference  With the exception of some items, such as the display brightness, settings cannot be changed on the SZ-V. To change the settings,
use the SZ-V Configurator. “Configuring the settings” (page 74)
 The bank sequence monitoring settings cannot be viewed from the SZ-V. Check them in the SZ-V Configurator.

Menu Enter Menu Enter Config Base

Display unit Type
Error History
Head Number
Configuration Base 2
Output Polarity
Zone Config. BACK OSSD 1/2 BACK PNP

▼ ▲ Enter ▼ Enter

Select items with the ▼ or ▲ buttons and use the button to select them.

Base Protection Zone A Head 1

Check the basic settings. Check the Protection Zone A settings for the first scanner head.

Display unit Type Detectable Object Size

Displays the selected Display unit model. Displays the minimum detectable object settings.

Head Number Response Time [ms]

Displays the number of scanner heads that are connected. (1 to 3). Displays the response time settings.

PNP/NPN Select Operating Mode

Displays the Selection of PNP or NPN settings. (PNP, NPN) Displays the mode selection settings.

Scan Cycle
OSSD 1/2 Displays the scan cycle settings.
Check the OSSD 1/2 settings.

Start Interlock Protection Zone B Head 1

Displays the interlock settings when OSSD 1/2 starts. Check the Protection Zone B settings for the first scanner head.

Restart Interlock
Warning Zone A Head 1
Displays the interlock settings when OSSD 1/2 restarts.
9 ON-delay [s]
Check the Warning Zone A settings for the first scanner head.

Displays the OSSD 1/2 interlock on-delay setting time. Detectable Object Size
Operating the SZ-V

Displays the minimum detectable object settings.

EDM Response Time [ms]
Displays the OSSD 1/2 EDM settings. Displays the response time settings.

EDM Delay Time [s]

Displays the OSSD 1/2 EDM time settings. Warning Zone B Head 1
Check the Warning Zone B settings for the first scanner head.

OSSD 3/4
* When using the SZ-V04 or when PROFIsafe communication is Protection Zone A Head 2
Check the Protection Zone A settings for the second scanner head.
used with the SZ-V32N
Check the OSSD 3/4 settings.
Protection Zone B Head 2
Start Interlock Check the Protection Zone B settings for the second scanner head.
Displays the interlock settings when OSSD 3/4 starts.

Restart Interlock Warning Zone A Head 2

Displays the interlock settings when OSSD 3/4 restarts. Check the Warning Zone A settings for the second scanner head.

ON-delay [s]
Displays the OSSD 3/4 interlock on-delay setting time. Warning Zone B Head 2
Check the Warning Zone B settings for the second scanner head.
Displays the OSSD 3/4 EDM settings.
Protection Zone A Head 3
EDM Delay Time [s] Check the Protection Zone A settings for the third scanner head.
Displays the OSSD 3/4 EDM time settings.

Protection Zone B Head 3

Check the Protection Zone B settings for the third scanner head.

118 - SZ-V Series User’s Manual -

Warning Zone A Head 3 Muting
Check the Warning Zone A settings for the third scanner head. Check the muting settings.

Period of Time between Inputs

Warning Zone B Head 3 Displays the settings for the time between muting inputs.
Check the Warning Zone B settings for the third scanner head.
Input Sequence
Displays the settings for the muting input sequence.
* When using the SZ-V04 or when PROFIsafe communication is Max. Muting Period
Displays the settings for the Maximum muting period of time.
used with the SZ-V32N
Check the settings for the multi-OSSD function. Muting Lamp Failure
Displays operation settings when a muting lamp failure occurs.
Displays whether the multi-OSSD function is used or not. Max. Override Period
Displays the maximum override time settings.
OSSD 1/2 Head Assign
Displays the scanner head(s) for ON/OFF of OSSD 1/2.
OSSD 3/4 Head Assign Check the settings for other functions.
Displays the scanner head(s) for ON/OFF of OSSD 3/4.
Reference Point Monitoring
Displays whether the reference point monitoring function is used or not.
Check the bank switching settings. Laser Off Input
Displays whether laser off input is used or not.
Bank Input Type
Displays the settings for the bank switching method. MI Error
Displays the MI error detection time settings.
Number of Banks
Displays the number of banks that are being used.
Bank Transition Time Check the AUX output (non-safety output) settings.
Displays the settings for the bank transition time. *Depending on the model and functions used, the number of AUX
outputs that can be used differs.
Bank Sequence Monitor “AUX Output” (page 46)
Displays the settings for the bank sequence monitoring function.
Displays the function assigned to the AUX 1 output.
Laser Shutdown Bank No.
Displays the laser shutdown bank settings for the operation check
Displays the function assigned to the AUX 2 output. 9
Independent Bank Switching

Operating the SZ-V

Displays whether the independent bank switching function is used or not.
Displays the function assigned to the AUX 3 output.

Encoder AUX 4
Displays the function assigned to the AUX 4 output.
Check the encoder settings.
Number of Input Banks
Displays the function assigned to the AUX 5 output.
Displays the number of banks that can be switched through the input
for the single input method.
Displays the function assigned to the AUX 6 output.
Number of Velocity Banks
Displays the number of banks that can be switched through the
encoder input (velocity). State Information
Check the state information output settings.
Allowed Difference [%]
State Information
Displays the allowable error settings.
Displays whether the state information output is used or not.
Allowed Difference Time [s]
Pulse width
Displays the detection time tolerance settings.
Displays the output pulse width when the state information output is used.
Ch1 [pulses/mm]
Displays the settings for the number of pulses per millimeter for Display setting
Encoder 1.
Check display related settings.
Ch2 [pulses/mm] Power saving mode
Displays the settings for the number of pulses per millimeter for Displays the power saving mode settings.
Encoder 2.
Camera blur *Displayed only when a scanner head with camera is
Encoder Velocity Displays the blur settings for saved images.
Check the encoder velocity settings.

- SZ-V Series User’s Manual - 119

Detection History I/O monitoring functions (I/O Monitor)
Check the detection history settings.
This shows the state of input and output wires.
Saving Mode
Displays the settings for whether to save as a single frame mode or
as a multi-frame mode.
IO Monitor
Input 1 OFF Input 2 OFF
First/Last Select Input 3 OFF Input 4 OFF

Displays the settings for the save sequence when save mode is Input 5 OFF Input 6 OFF
Input 7 OFF Input 8 OFF
multi-frame mode.. Input 9 OFF Input 10 OFF

Ethernet Function *SZ-V32N type only
Check the Ethernet connection settings. Output Input
Displays the protocol settings in use. Output
IO Monitor
Endianness OSSD 1/2 OFF OSSD 3/4 OFF

Displays the endianness settings in use. AUX1 OFF AUX2 OFF


Measured Value Filter

Displays the filter settings for measured distance data.
IP setting *SZ-V32N type only
Display State
Check the IP address settings.
ON Input (output) is ON.
IP setting OFF Input (output) is OFF.
Displays the settings for the method to assign IP addresses.

IP Address Reference When using the state information output, "AUX1&2: State
Displays the IP address. Information" is displayed in the AUX1/AUX2 field. ON/OFF
information is not displayed.
MAC Address
Displays the MAC address.
Other functions and settings (Other)
Subnet mask
Displays the subnet mask settings.
Display Brightness

Default Gateway Set 5 levels of screen brightness.

Displays the default gateway settings.

9 Device Name *SZ-V32N type only

Restart Request
Restart the SZ-V. This operation is the same as when you turn on the
Check the device name settings on the network. SZ-V power again.
Operating the SZ-V

Device Name
Displays the device name.
9-5 Displaying the Detection History
Checking the zone settings (Zone Config) (History)
Check the settings for the currently set zones. Displays the detection history. The content displayed is the same as
250 mm
when selecting detection history in the menu.
Zone Config. Head1 Bank0
“Checking the Detection History (Detection History)” (page 115)


Bank Head Zoom Rot.

Item Operation details

[Bank] Switch the displayed bank.
button Displayed only when the bank switching function is
Bank 0 → Bank 1 → ... → Bank 31 → Bank 0
[Head] Switch the displayed scanner head.
button Displayed only when the scanner heads have been
Scanner head 1→ 2 → 3 → 1
[Zoom] Zoom in on the display. There are 5 levels of zoom.
[Rot.] Switches the display direction in increments of 90°.

120 - SZ-V Series User’s Manual -

9-6 Display When an Error Occurs From monitor view or camera view

(Error/Alert) Normal operation When an error or alert

When an error or alert occurs, find out the details on the display.

Display on the SZ-V when an error or alert occurs

Bank0 Head1 ABCD
Display on the SZ-V when an error occurs
Recovering from an モニタービューも
Status view Monitor view or Camera view error/alert

Bank0 ABCD Bank0 Head1

ERROR View History Error Menu
Window Error
Window Error
(Head1) Error
(Head 1)

View History Error Menu View History Error Menu

Display on the SZ-V when an alert occurs
Status view Monitor view or Camera view Bank 0 Head1 ABCD Bank0 Head1 ABCD
250mm ERROR
Bank0 ABCD Bank0 Head1 ABCD Grid or camera
ALERT camera
Window Error

Normal Operation Image (Head1)

AUX Over Current
Alert: AUX Over Current View History Menu View History Error Menu

View History Alert Menu View History Alert Menu Recovering from an
Error BACK
Reference If multiple errors occur at the same time, the detail on the
error with the highest level of priority is displayed.
1/1 Window Error
Screen transition when an error occurs (Head 1)

Window may be polluted or

From display state damaged.

Normal operation When an error or alert

occurs Help

Bank0 ABCD
Bank0 ABCD
Help BACK 9

Operating the SZ-V

Window Error
OPERATION (Head 1) Error Help
View History Menu View History Error Menu

Recovering from an

Error BACK

Reference  The SZ-V recovers automatically from an alert when the

cause of the alert disappears. For details, see “Alert
1/1 Window Error
State” (page 135).
(Head 1)
 Depending on the type of error, it may be necessary to
turn the power OFF and ON to recover from the error. For
Window may be polluted or
damaged. details, see “Error State” (page 135).
 If an alert occurs, [ALERT] is displayed instead of
[ERROR].If 30 seconds passes and the SZ-V has not
recovered from the error or alert, the display will
automatically return to the details of the error or alert.

Error Help

- SZ-V Series User’s Manual - 121

9-7 Other Functions and Operations 9-8 How to Read the indicators
Key lock Display unit indicators

This function locks the SZ-V buttons to prevent incorrect operation.

Enabling key lock

Holding down the furthest left button on the Display unit (button 1) and
the furthest right button (button 4) simultaneously for more than 3
seconds, enables the key lock function.


Using the following screen as an example, hold down and Indicator

simultaneously for more than 3 seconds.

SZ-V04 type SZ-V32 type SZ-V32N type

Normal state Key lock state
Bank0 ABCD Bank0 ABCD

View History Menu

1 OSSD 1/2 indicator OSSD indicator OSSD indicator *1

Disabling key lock
2 OSSD 3/4 indicator None S-COM indicator *2
In the same manner as enabling key lock, holding down the furthest left 3 Interlock 1/2 indicator Interlock indicator Interlock indicator
button on the Display unit (button 1) and the furthest right button (button 4 Interlock 3/4 indicator None COM indicator
4) simultaneously for more than 3 seconds, disables the key lock 5 Warning zone indicator A Warning zone indicator A Warning zone indicator A
function. 6 Warning zone indicator B Warning zone indicator B Warning zone indicator B
7 Muting indicator None Muting indicator
8 None None Link indicator
*1 Always off when PROFIsafe is used.
*2 Always off when PROFIsafe is not used.

 OSSD indicator
Light Status Details
9 Green ON OSSD 1/2 (3/4) is in the ON-state
Red ON OSSD 1/2 (3/4) is in the OFF-state
Flashing Error State
Operating the SZ-V

-- OFF Power OFF state

For details on OSSD, see “OSSD” (page 44).
 Interlock indicator
Light Status Details
Yellow ON OSSD 1/2 (3/4) is in the interlock state
Flashing OSSD 1/2 (3/4) is in the
interlock-reset-ready state
-- OFF Other states
For details, see “Interlock function” (page 47).
 Warning zone indicator A (B)
Light Status Details
Orange ON Object or person detected in Warning
Zone A (B)
-- OFF Other states
 Muting indicator
Light Status Details
Orange Flashing The SZ-V is currently in a muted or
override state
-- OFF Other states

122 - SZ-V Series User’s Manual -

 S-COM indicator Scanner head indicators
Light Status Details Scanner head select
Window state
Green ON PROFIsafe communications are
Flashing PROFIsafe user acknowledge
Red ON F-Parameter error
Flashing PROFIsafe passivation Scanner head state Interlock
-- OFF Other states
 COM indicator  Window state indicator
Light Status Details Light Status Details
color color
Yellow ON PROFINET, EtherNet/IP or UDP data Orange ON This scanner head is in a window alert
communication is established state or a window error state
-- OFF Other states -- OFF Other states
For details on Ethernet communications, see “Monitoring Using  Scanner head state indicator
Communications” (page 100). Light color Status Details
 Link indicator Green ON The protection zone or warning zone for
Light Status Details this scanner head is in a non-detection
color state
Orange ON Ethernet communication is established Flashing In Simulation mode, the simulation zone
Flashing Transmitting data slowly is in a non-detection state
Flashing Connected to the SZ-V Configurator “Simulation mode” (page 90)
slowly While dynamic drawing, the zone being
edited is in an object non-detection state
-- OFF Other states
“Dynamic drawing function” (page 89)
For details on connecting by Ethernet, see “Selecting an Ethernet
connection device (for the SZ-V32N type only)” (page 68). Orange ON The protection zone for this scanner
head is in a non-detection state but the
warning zone is in a detection state
Flashing Muted or override condition
Flashing While dynamic drawing, the dynamic
slowly drawing sheet is in a detection state
“Dynamic drawing function” (page 89)
Red ON The protection zone for this scanner
head is in a detection state
Flashing Error State
Flashing In Simulation mode, the simulation zone
slowly is in a detection state
“Simulation mode” (page 90)
While dynamic drawing, the zone being
edited is in an object detection state 9
“Dynamic drawing function” (page 89)

Operating the SZ-V

-- OFF  Power is OFF
 During start-up
 Setting from SZ-V Configurator
 No operation for more than 30 seconds
in Power Saving Mode.
 Scanner head selection indicator
Light color Status Details
Orange ON  When checking the operation of this
scanner head from the SZ-V
Configurator or when checking the
 When monitor view or camera view of
this scanner head is displayed on the
display unit.
-- OFF Other states
 Interlock indicator
Light Status Details
Yellow ON Interlock condition
Flashing Interlock-reset-ready
-- OFF Other states

- SZ-V Series User’s Manual - 123

10. Specifications
10-1 Models


Standard models

(1) Basic designation

(2) Number of banks 04: 4 Banks
32: 32 Banks
(3) Network blank: Without network connection capability
N: With network connection capability
(4) Camera blank: Without camera
X: With Camera

DisplayDisplay unit model


(1) Basic designation

(2) Number of banks 04: 4 Banks
32: 32 Banks
(3) Network blank: Without network connection capability
N: With network connection capability

Scanner head model


(1) Basic designation

(2) Scanner head model number
(3) Camera blank: Without camera

10 X: With Camera

Connector free type

(1) Cable type P: Power cable

S: Connection cable
(2) Cable length Example) 005: 0.05 m


System memory

Window for replacement


124 - SZ-V Series User’s Manual -

10-2 Specifications


Model Name SZ-V04(X) SZ-V32(X) SZ-V32N(X)

Type Multi-function Type Multi-bank Type Network Type
Detection Minimum detectable object size Diameter 20, 30, 40, 50, 70, 150 mm (depends on the setting)
capability Reflectance 1.8 % min., Speed 1.6 m/s max. *1
Detectable angle 190° (-5° to 185°)
Response Standard Scan Cycle A 160ms (2scans) to 1280ms (16scans) *3
time (ON to Mode *2 Scan Cycle B 168ms (2scans) to 1344ms (16scans) *3
OFF) Scan Cycle C 176ms (2scans) to 1408ms (16scans) *3
High Speed Scan Cycle A 80ms (2scans) to 640ms (16scans) *3
Mode *2 Scan Cycle B 84ms (2scans) to 672ms (16scans) *3
Scan Cycle C 88ms (2scans) to 704ms (16scans) *3
Response time (OFF to ON) Response time (ON to OFF) + 150 ms
Protection Minimum detectable object size: 70 / 150 mm 8.4m (Standard Mode) 5.7m (High Speed Mode)
zone Minimum detectable object size: 50 mm 5.6m (Standard Mode) 3.8m (High Speed Mode)
Minimum detectable object size: 40 mm 4.3m (Standard Mode) 2.9m (High Speed Mode)
Minimum detectable object size: 30 mm 2.9m (Standard Mode) 2.0m (High Speed Mode)
Minimum detectable object size: 20 mm 1.6m (Standard Mode) 1.1m (High Speed Mode)
Warning Minimum detectable object size: 70 / 150 mm 26m (Standard Mode) 23m (High Speed Mode) *4
zone Minimum detectable object size: 50 mm 25m (Standard Mode) 21m (High Speed Mode) *4
Minimum detectable object size: 40 mm 24m (Standard Mode) 20m (High Speed Mode) *4
Minimum detectable object size: 30 mm 23m (Standard Mode) 18m (High Speed Mode) *4
Minimum detectable object size: 20 mm 21m (Standard Mode) 15m (High Speed Mode) *4
Additional safety distance 100mm *5
Maximum measurement distance 60m *6
Maximum number of banks Max 4 banks Max 32 banks Max 32 banks
Multiple scanner heads Max 3
Monitor camera Monitor area: over 190° (-5° to 185°) *7
Display QVGA 2.2inch color LCD
Light source Type, wavelength Infrared laser diode, 905 nm
Laser Class IEC Class1 IEC / EN60825-1
FDA Class1 FDA 21CFR 1040.10, 1040.11 (Laser Notice No.50) *8
JIS Class1 JIS C6802
Rating Power voltage 24 V DC ±10 % (Ripple P-P 10 % or less): When using a converter power supply
24 V DC +20 %/-30 %: When using a battery
Power consumption 11.8W (without load), 11.8W (without load), 13.4W (without load),
55.0W (with load) *9 55.0W (with load) *9 50.8W (with load) *9
Control Output Output Transistor outputs (NPN or PNP is selected by the dedicated PC software)
(OSSD) Number of outputs 4 outputs 2 outputs 2 outputs
Max. load current
Residual voltage (during ON)
500mA *10
Max. 2.5 V (with a cable length of 5 m) 10
OFF-state voltage Max. 2.0 V (with a cable length of 5 m) S
Leakage current Max. 1 mA *11
Max. capacitive load 2.2 μF (with a load resistance of 100Ω)
Load wiring resistance Max. 2.5Ω
Input PNP ON-voltage: 10 to 30 V
OFF-voltage: Open or 0 to 3 V
Short-circuit current: Approx. 2.5 mA (Approx. 10 mA for EDM)
NPN ON-voltage: 0 to 3 V
OFF-voltage: Open or
10 V to Power voltage
Short-circuit current: Approx. 2.5 mA (Approx. 10 mA for EDM)
Non safety Output type Transistor outputs (NPN or PNP is selected by the dedicated PC software)
related output Number of outputs 6 outputs 4 outputs 4 outputs
(AUX output) Max. load current Max. 50 mA
Residual voltage (during ON) Max. 2.5 V (with a cable length of 5 m)
Muting lamp Incandescent lamp (24 - Incandescent lamp (24
VDC, 1 to 5.5 W) or LED VDC, 1 to 5.5 W) or LED
lamp (load current :10 to lamp (load current :10 to
230 mA) can be 230 mA) can be
connected connected
Interface USB USB2.0
Ethernet Standard - - IEEE802.3u
Transmission rate - - 100Mbps

- SZ-V Series User’s Manual - 125

Cable - - STP(Shielded Twisted
Pair) cable or
Twisted Pair) cable.
Category 5 or higher.
Connector - - RF45 (IP65) 2 ports
Network function - - PROFIsafe
Environmental resistance Enclosure protection IP65 (IEC60529)
Operating ambient temperature -10 to +50 °C (No freezing)
Storage ambient temperature -25 to +60 °C (No freezing)
Operating relative humidity 35% to 85 %RH (No condensation)
Storage relative humidity 35 % to 95 % RH
Surrounding light incandescent lamp: 1500 lx or less *12
Vibration 10 to 55 Hz, 0.7 mm compound amplitude, 20 sweeps each in X, Y, and Z
Shock 100 m/s2 (Approx. 10 G) 16 ms pulse, in X, Y, Z directions 1,000 times each axis
Material Scanner head Main unit case Magnesium
Window Polycarbonate, PEI
Indicator part Aluminum, PES
Display unit case Magnesium, PPS, Polycarbonate
System case Aluminum, PPE
Cable length Power and I/O cable 30m or less *13
Between scanner head and display unit 20m or less *14
Ethernet cable - - 100m or less *15
Approved standards EMC EMS IEC61496-1, EN61496-1, UL61496-1 (Type 3 ESPE)
EMI EN55011 Class A, FCC Part15B Class A, ICES-003 Class A
Safety IEC61496-1, EN61496-1, UL61496-1 (Type 3 ESPE)
IEC61496-3, EN61496-3 (Type 3 AOPDDR)
IEC61508, EN61508, IEC62061, EN62061 (SIL2 / SILCL2)
EN ISO13849-1 : 2015 (PLd, Category3)
UL508, UL1998
CSA C22.2 No.14, CSA C22.2 No.0.8
*1 If the object to be detected moves perpendicular to the detection plane, SZ-V cannot detect the object moving at speed over 1.6m/s, regardless
of the encoder setting.
*2 The response time, protection zone, and warning zone is determined by the operation mode.
*3 Add 6 ms when PROFIsafe is used.
*4 20% or more reflectance is necessary for the minimum detectable object in the warning zone.
*5 If there is a highly reflective background within 1.5 m from the boundary of the protection zone, 200 mm must be added as supplementary
necessary distance to the protection zone when calculating the safety distance.
10 *6
Even when using the network data output, the maximum measured output distance is 60 m.
Only applicable for the type with a camera.
p *8 The laser classification for FDA (CDRH) is implemented based on IEC60825-1 in accordance with the requirements of Laser Notice No.50.
i *9 When using the SZ-V with series connected scanner heads, it is necessary to add 9.4W per scanner head. Also, power consumption may
temporarily be higher (maximum 3.6W). Power consumption will be within the specification after SZ-V moves to normal operation.
*10 For the SZ-V04 type and the SZ-V32 type, the load current calculation of the OSSD output and AUX output is 1.5 A or less when using one
scanner head, 1.0 A or less when using two scanner heads, and 0.5 A or less when using three scanner heads. For the SZ-V32N type, the load
current calculation of the OSSD output and AUX output is 1.2 A or less when using one scanner head, 0.8 A or less when using two scanner
heads, and 0.3 A or less when using three scanner heads.
*11 Includes when the power is OFF.
*12 An ambient light source should not be located within ±5° of the detection plane.
*13 10 m or less when supplying power from a battery.
*14 When supplying power from a battery, the length of each connection cable should be 10 m or less when using two scanner heads, and 5 m or
less when using three scanner heads.
*15 Distance between SZ-V and Ethernet switch

126 - SZ-V Series User’s Manual -

IEC61508-related parameters

T1 (proof test interval) 20 years

Hardware fault tolerance 1
Type of element B
Malfunction response time Within the response time
Safe state OSSD OFF state

PFHD (dangerous failure rate per hour)

 No. of scanner heads: When there is 1 scanner head
Type OSSD1/2 OSSD3/4
SZ-V04 Type 7.98×10-9 7.98×10-9
SZ-V32 Type 8.02×10-9
SZ-V32N Type 8.02×10-9

 No. of scanner heads: When there are 2 scanner heads

Type OSSD1/2 OSSD3/4
SZ-V04 Type 8.47×10-9 8.47×10-9
SZ-V32 Type 8.50×10-9
SZ-V32N Type 8.50×10-9

 No. of scanner heads: When there are 3 scanner heads

Type OSSD1/2 OSSD3/4
SZ-V04 Type 8.95×10-9 8.95×10-9
SZ-V32 Type 8.98×10-9
SZ-V32N Type 8.98×10-9

EtherNet/IP Specifications

Compatible functions Cyclic communication

Compatible with UCMM and Class 3 messaging (Explicit messaging)
Number of connections 16
RPI (Transmission cycle) 5 to 10,000ms (0.5ms unit)
Tolerable communication bandwidth for cyclic communication 3,000pps
Conformance Test Conform to CT12

PROFINET/PROFIsafe Specifications

Approved network PROFINET IO communication

Cyclic communication (Data I/O communication)
Compatible functions

Conformance class
Acyclic communication (Record data communication)
Conforms to conformance class B.
GSDML version Version 2.32 S
Basic specifications
Conformance test version Conforms to Version 2.33
MRP Approved as client
Approved Protocol LLDP, SNMP, MRP, DCP
Net load Class 3

communication Update time 1 to 512 ms
PROFIsafe version V2

- SZ-V Series User’s Manual - 127

PROFIsafe communication data

 Input data (from SZ-V to Safety PLC)

Item Bit Description Value
0 Protection Zone A state (OSSD 1/2) 0: OFF
1 Protection Zone B state (OSSD 3/4) 1: ON
2 Warning Zone A state 0: OFF
3 Warning Zone B state 1: ON (No object within Warning Zone)
4 Interlock-Reset-Ready A 0: No-Interlock-Reset
0 Zone Detection State /SZ-V Status
5 Interlock-Reset-Ready B 1: Interlock-Reset-Ready
0: Starting up/Error state/States other than normal operations
6 Normal Operation State
1: Normal operation
0: No error
7 Error State
1: Error State
Bank Number 0 to 15
0: Invalid Bank Number, or only one bank has been set
1 SZ-V Status 4 Bank Number valid
1: Bank number valid
0: Normal operation
5 Laser off state
1: Laser off state
6 Reserved
7 Reserved
0 Head1 Window pollution State
0: Normal operation
1 Head2 Window pollution State
1: Window alert or window error state
2 Head3 Window pollution State
Window Pollution information / 3 Reserved
Head1 State 4 Head1 Protection Zone A State
5 Head1 Protection Zone B State 0: Detection state/Undetectable/Head unconnected
6 Head1 Warning Zone A State 1: Non-detection state
7 Head1 Warning Zone B State
0 Head2 Protection Zone A State
1 Head2 Protection Zone B State 0: Detection state/Undetectable/Head unconnected
2 Head2 Warning Zone A State 1: Non-detection state
3 Head2 Warning Zone B State
3 Head2 State / Head3 State
4 Head3 Protection Zone A State
5 Head3 Protection Zone B State 0: Detection state/Undetectable/Head unconnected
6 Head3 Warning Zone A State 1: Non-detection state
7 Head3 Warning Zone B State
0 Protection Zone A State for Bank0
Protection Zone A state 0: Detection state
4 … …
for each Bank 1: Non-detection state
15 Protection Zone A State for Bank15
0 Protection Zone B State for Bank0
Protection Zone B state 0: Detection state
6 … …
for each Bank 1: Non-detection state
15 Protection Zone B State for Bank15
0 Warning Zone A State for Bank0
Warning Zone A State 0: Detection state
8 … …
for each Bank 1: Non-detection state
15 Warning Zone A State for Bank15
0 Warning Zone B State for Bank0
Warning Zone B State 0: Detection state
10 … …
10 for each Bank
15 Warning Zone B State for Bank15
1: Non-detection state

S  Output data (from Safety PLC to SZ-V)

Item Bit Description Value
0 Reset A 0: OFF
1 Reset B 1: ON
3 Reserved
0 Output
5 0: During normal operation
Laser OFF
1: Laser off state
6 Reserved
7 0: Unaffected
Return to Normal Operation
1: Return to Normal Operation via Rising Edge
Bank Number 0 to 15

1 Bank number 4
5 0H to FH
Bank Number (reverse)
6 For each bit, specify opposite value of bit 0-3
2 0
… Reserved … Reserved
10 15

128 - SZ-V Series User’s Manual -

10-3 Dimensions


SZ-V04 type / SZ-V32 type


With Protection cover model: SZ-VB21



4xφ7 Position for direct mounting


Screw together when mounting the cover

mounting adaptor


Protection zone origin 4(thickness)
Detectable angle
Protection zone origin

38.9 Detectable angle
12.6 Protection zone origin
88.9 129.2
Detection plane 12.6 Protection zone origin 88.9
25(Space for plugging USB cable)

Detection plane

4xφ8.5 Position for direct mounting
Position for direct mounting Screw for securing protection cover










8 (Mounting part)

4.5 (Mounting part) 129.2
181.4 68
143 68

SZ-V32N type
22.1 13.5 53.3
With Protection cover model: SZ-VB21

13.5 53.3






Protection zone origin

Detectable angle

Protection zone origin
88.9 88.9
Detectable angle

12.6 Protection zone origin 38.9


12.6 Protection zone origin

Detection plane
Detection plane


4xφ8.5 Position for direct mounting


Position for direct mounting Screw for securing protection cover











8 (Mounting part)


129.2 4.5 (Mounting part) 181.4 68

143 68

Head only : SZ-VH1(X)
53.1 With Protection cover model: SZ-VB21




Protection zone origin Protection zone origin

190° 190°
Detectable angle Detectable angle

Protection zone origin

Protection zone origin
Detection plane Detection plane

4xφ8.5 4xφ7
Position for direct mounting Position for direct mounting

Screw for securing protection cover












129.2 4.5 (Mounting part)


143 68
129.2 8 (Mounting part)
136 68

181.4 (135)

- SZ-V Series User’s Manual - 129

Mounting bracket

For integrated installation and separate scanner head installation

 Angle adjustable bracket (horizontal) model: SZ-VB01

Head only

4 (Mounting part)
Protection zone origin

Detection plane




Protection zone origin

Detectable angle

Protection zone origin
Detection plane


32N type

Protection zone origin




Detection plane


169 37

204 101





169 37

204 101


 Angle adjustable bracket (horizontal) model: SZ-VB01 (with Protection cover model: SZ-VB21)

04/32 type Protection zone origin

Head only Protection zone origin
Detection plane
Detection plane

6.4 6.4
4x 4x














204 Screw for securing protection cover

181.4 37
204 Screw for securing protection cover 101


10 32N type

Protection zone origin

Detection plane







181.4 37

204 Screw for securing protection cover 101


130 - SZ-V Series User’s Manual -

 Angle adjustable bracket (vertical) model: SZ-VB02
Head only

Protection zone origin

Detection plane


Protection zone origin

Detectable angle

53.3 4 (Mounting part)
Protection zone origin

Detection plane




32N type

53.3 4 (Mounting part)
Protection zone origin


4 x6
Detection plane

53.3 42

170 101






53.3 101


 Angle adjustable bracket (vertical) model: SZ-VB02 (with Protection cover model: SZ-VB21)
04/32 type Head only
16° 4 (Mounting part)

Protection zone origin


Protection zone origin

Detection plane
Detection plane









Screw for securing protection cover

53.3 42 181.4

181.4 Screw for securing protection cover 101

32N type
53.3 4 (Mounting part)
Protection zone origin

Detection plane





Screw for securing protection cover


53.3 42

181.4 101

- SZ-V Series User’s Manual - 131

 Floor bracket model: SZ-VB03

Head only Protection zone origin


Detection plane




4 (Mounting part)
190° Protection zone origin
Detectable angle
Protection zone origin 158 199.4
Detection plane

32N type 158

Protection zone origin

Detection plane
4 (Mounting part)



4 (Mounting part)
170 61

199.4 101

170 61

199.4 101

 Floor bracket model: SZ-VB03 (with Protection cover model: SZ-VB21)

04/32 type
Protection zone origin
Head only
Detection plane Protection zone origin

Detection plane

Screw for securing protection cover


Screw for securing protection cover



4 (Mounting part)

4 (Mounting part)



181.4 61

199.4 101

32N type
Protection zone origin

Detection plane

Screw for securing protection cover




4 (Mounting part)

181.4 61

199.4 101

132 - SZ-V Series User’s Manual -

Separate installing of the Display unit

 Display unit standard bracket model: SZ-VB11

Vertical installation
Horizontal installation
Plate nut (2 pieces included with SZ-VB11)
120.9 3

Screw included : M5xL25 6 pieces


4xØ6 Mounting hole

When installing on flat surface

2xØ6 Mounting hole

When installing on aluminum profile


134.6 110.8 18.8 (8)

6xØ6 Mounting hole
2 (Mounting part)

151 (When using plate nut)

M4 Knurled screw
Thickness attachable with screws included:12 mm max
(When using plate nut)

32N type 32N type



134.6 110.8 18.8 (8)

2 (Mounting part)

151 83.8
M4 Knurled screw
Thickness attachable with screws included:12 mm max

(When using plate nut)



- SZ-V Series User’s Manual - 133

 Display unit DIN rail mounting bracket (flat) model : SZ-VB12

DIN attachment With main unit

86 3xM4 flat head screw
For mounting to the DIN rail

(67.4) 51.4

131.4 35.5 M4 Display unit securing part

32N type 124.5

(67.4) 57.1

131.4 35.5 M4 Display unit securing part

 Display unit DIN rail mounting bracket (slim) model : SZ-VB13

DIN attachment With main unit

46 25(Space for plugging USB cable)


3xM4 flat head screw


For mounting to the DIN rail





M4 Display unit securing part



11.4 35.5


* The SZ-VB13 cannot be used with communication type display unit (SZ-VU32N).

134 - SZ-V Series User’s Manual -

11. Troubleshooting <Timing chart for reset operation> In the case where the SZ-V
returns to normal operation with the reset operation.
Check the state of the SZ-V through messages shown on the Display
unit display. Attempt to resolve the problem related to the message ● When start mode setting is automatic.
shown on the display if the SZ-V does not operate as intended.
Reset input

100 ms min.

11-1 Error State Error occurs Cause of error eliminated

The SZ-V runs a self-diagnosis after starting and checks for any errors. OSSD Error state
In addition to self-diagnosis, the SZ-V also periodically runs a OFF
self-diagnosis test during normal operation.
1.0 sec max.
If an error is found through this self-diagnosis test, the SZ-V turns the
OSSD OFF, and displays and outputs an error. Until the procedure is Detect no
executed to recover from the error state, the OSSD is held in the OFF SZ-V object

Detect object
● When start mode setting is manual.
Display and output of the error information ON
Reset input

Item Description OFF

100ms min. 100ms min.

Display Indicates the factor causing the failure. Error occurs
Cause of error
“Display during an error state” (page 138)
Output If the functions below are assigned to an OSSD Error state Interlock state

AUX output and an error occurs, the output OFF

enters an OFF state. 1.0 sec max. 100ms max.
 Error output
 Error or alert output Detect no

 Encoder error output(Only during an SZ-V object

Detect object
encoder error)
Reference If OSSD 3/4 are being used with the SZ-V04 type, the
The number of pulses in accordance with
following procedure is applied. Two reset operations (reset
the error type can be output by using the
input (1/2) (yellow) and reset input (3/4) (yellow/black)) are
state information output. “State information
required to return the SZ-V to normal operation with the
output” (page 60)
reset operation. You cannot recover from an error using
Configuration Check error information in the monitor the laser off input.
software SZ-V section. “Monitoring Operations” (page 92)
11-2 Alert State
Recovering from an error state
The SZ-V goes to the alert state if it detects either a failure having
The method to recover from an error differs according to the error impact on the operation or an external interference. In this situation,
details. For details, see “Information on the Display” (page 136). alert information is indicated on the information display and is output.
 The SZ-V automatically returns to normal operation if the cause of (OSSD continues normal operation)
the error is removed.
 The SZ-V returns to normal operation if the cause of the error is Indication and output of the alert information
removed and the SZ-V is reset.
 When using PROFIsafe with the SZ-V32N, control the Return to
Normal Operation bit instead of the reset input.
Indicates the factor causing the alert. 11
 The SZ-V returns to normal operation if the cause of the error is “Display during alert state” (page 137)
removed, and power is turned off and back on again.

Output If the functions below are assigned to an
AUX output and an alert occurs, the output
enters the OFF state.
 Alert output
 Error or alert output
The number of pulses in accordance with
the alert type can be output by using the
state information output. “State information
output” (page 60)
Configuration Check alert information in the monitor
software SZ-V section. “Monitoring Operations” (page 92)

Recovering from the alert state

The SZ-V automatically returns to normal operation if the cause of the

alert is removed.

- SZ-V Series User’s Manual - 135

11-3 Information on the Display
The following table shows the messages on the Display unit's display, the state of the SZ-V, and an explanation. It also shows the number of pulses
for the state information output. If an error occurs on the SZ-V, see the table below.

Display during normal operation

The number of
Display state Type pulses for state Details Countermeasures
information output
The SZ-V is under normal operation.
Normal 1
The OSSD is ON.
The SZ-V is under normal operation.
Green None.
6 to 8 The OSSD is ON.
20 to 26 The bank switching function is used
and Bank 1 to 31 is selected.
The SZ-V is under normal operation.
Normal Operation Normal 3 Scanner head 1 protection zone is in
detection state None.
The SZ-V is under normal operation. If the OSSD goes to the OFF-state when
Red Normal 4 Scanner head 2 protection zone is in nothing is present in the protection zone,
detection state see “Troubleshooting the OSSD Operation”
The SZ-V is under normal operation. (page 140).
Normal 5 Scanner head 3 protection zone is in
detection state
Normal Operation The on-delay function is operating,
Red Special 2 "ON-delay” (page 47)
ON Delay OSSD is OFF.
Switch to a bank other than the laser
The laser shutdown bank is selected. shutdown bank. “Operation Check
Normal Operation
Red Special 3 Function” (page 57)
Laser Shutdown
Turn off the laser off input. “Operation
Laser off input is ON.
Check Function” (page 57)
Terminate the interlock function by returning
The interlock function is operating, the SZ-V to a state in which it does not
OSSD is OFF. detect an object in the protection zone, and
Interlock Red Special 3
The SZ-V has detected a person or an then perform reset operation using the reset
object in the protection zone. input.
“Terminating the interlock state” (page 47)
The interlock function is operating,
Red Special 2 Perform the reset operation to restart
Reset Ready
the SZ-V because the conditions for
disabling the interlock are met.
The interlock function is operating,
Terminate the interlock function by
OSSD 1/2 is OFF.
Interlock Reset performing the reset operation using the
Red Special 2 Engage reset input 1/2 to restart the
Ready 1/2 reset input.
SZ-V because the conditions for
“Terminating the interlock state” (page 47)
terminating the interlock are met.
The interlock function is operating,
OSSD 3/4 is OFF.
Interlock Reset
Red Special 2 Engage reset input 3/4 to restart the
Ready 3/4
SZ-V because the conditions for
terminating the interlock are met.
Normal Operation One of the scanner heads does not Ensure that the scanner head detects the
Ref. Point Red Special 3 to 5 detect a reference point(s), OSSD is reference points. “Reference Points
Undetected OFF. Monitoring Function” (page 57)
Muting state.
11 Muting Green Special 6 The safety function has been
temporarily disabled and OSSD is ON.
“Muting function” (page 55)

Override state.

Override Green Special 7 The safety function has been “Override function” (page 56)
temporarily disabled and OSSD is ON.
Waiting for bank input state.
Waiting for Bank Check that the bank input is correct. “Bank
Red Special 9 A bank has not been selected, OSSD
Input Switching Function” (page 49)
is OFF.
The detection history is being saved. The SZ-V returns to the Normal Operation
Normal Operation Green or The next detection history will not be screen once the detection history has been
Special -
History Saving red saved until saving of the detection saved. Videos take about 30 seconds to
history is complete. save.
In preparation of saving the detection
Normal Operation
Green or history. The SZ-V returns to the Normal Operation
History Saving Special -
red The next detection history will not be screen once the preparation is done.
saved until preparation is done.
If the connection with SZ Configurator is
The SZ-V is under normal operation.
Normal - terminated, the SZ-V returns to the Normal
Communicating with SZ Configurator.
Operation screen.
PC Connection Black Operations, such as transferring Once the operations from the SZ
settings from the SZ Configurator are Configurator are complete and the
Special -
being performed. connection is terminated, the SZ-V returns
OSSD is fixed to OFF. to the Normal Operation screen.

Reference  If the type is "Special", the details are shown on the display. If the SZ-V display is “Monitor view” or “Camera view”, the special state is
displayed in a frame. “How to Read the Display” (page 112)
 If the computer and the SZ-V are connected by Ethernet and disconnected without logging out, "PC Connection" is shown on the
display for about 90 seconds.

136 - SZ-V Series User’s Manual -

Display during alert state
This table shows the message displayed when an alert occurs.
The number of
Display state Type pulses for state Code Details Countermeasures
information output
Alert: AUX Overcurrent
Check the wiring between the AUX outputs
The SZ-V detects an overcurrent on the AUX
and the loads, and whether the loads are
output. The AUX output enters the OFF-state
AUX Over Current Normal 14 0003 broken or not. Also check the current on AUX
after the SZ-V detects this alert. (The check
pulse is intermittently output.) The OSSD
“Specifications” (page 125)
continues normal operation.
Alert: IP address duplication Reconfigure the IP address. “Selecting an
Conflict IP
Normal 14 0300 The SZ-V IP address is duplicated by another Ethernet connection device (for the SZ-V32N
device. type only)“ (page 68)
Window alert
Window Pollution
Normal 11 0400 The window of scanner head 1 may be
polluted or damaged.
The OSSD may go to the OFF-state if the
Window alert
Window Pollution situation is left as it is. Clean the window in
Normal 11 0800 The window of scanner head 2 may be
(Head 2) accordance with “Cleaning the Window”
polluted or damaged.
(page 144).
Window alert
Window Pollution
Normal 11 0C00 The window of scanner head 3 may be
(Head 3)
Green or red polluted or damaged.
Light interference alert
Scanner head 1 is experiencing light
Light Interference interference, such as from an incandescent
Normal 12 0401
Head1: lamp, fluorescent lamp, stroboscopic light, or
photoelectric sensor. There may also be
mutual interference between SZ-Vs.
While the SZ-V is operating normally, the
Light interference alert
OSSD may go to the OFF-state
Scanner head 2 experiencing light
Light Interference interference, such as from an incandescent
Normal 12 0801 Take countermeasures in accordance with
(Head 2) lamp, fluorescent lamp, stroboscopic light, or
“Light interference” (page 18) and “Mutual
photoelectric sensor. There may also be
interference” (page 18).
mutual interference between SZ-Vs.
Light interference alert
Scanner head 3 experiencing light interference, such
Light Interference
Normal 12 0C01 as from an incandescent lamp, fluorescent lamp,
(Head 3)
stroboscopic light, or photoelectric sensor. There may
also be mutual interference between SZ-Vs.
Alert: Highly-reflective background
There is a highly-reflective background
High Reflection
Normal 13 0402 behind the specified protection zone of Highly reflective backgrounds must not be
(Head 1)
scanner head 1, which may impact the positioned within 1.5 m from the boundary of
detection capability. the protection zone. (the background itself
Alert: Highly-reflective background must be removed or the reflectance must be
There is a highly-reflective background reduced). Unless the above-mentioned
High Reflection Red
Normal 13 0802 behind the specified protection zone of countermeasures are taken, 200 mm must be
(Head 2)
scanner head 2, which may impact the added as supplementary necessary distance
detection capability. to the protection zone during the calculation
Alert: Highly-reflective background of the safety distance.
High Reflection There is a highly- reflective background behind the “Highly reflective backgrounds” (page 19)
Normal 13 0C02
(Head 3) specified protection zone of scanner head 3, which
may impact the detection capability.
Please check the following:
 If the muting lamp output is correctly
Muting Lamp Alert (Disconnection) connected to the muting lamp
There is a problem where the muting lamp is  If the muting lamp is broken
Muting lamp open Normal 14 0001
connected to the muting lamp output. (The
muting lamp is disconnected or it is broken.)
 If the rating/specification of the muting
lamp is within the range of the muting lamp

“Muting lamp output” (page 56)
Please check the following:
 If the muting lamp output is correctly
Muting Lamp Alert (Overcurrent) connected to the muting lamp
Muting lamp
Normal 14 0002
The muting lamp connected to the muting  If the muting lamp is broken
Over current lamp output has an overcurrent exceeding  If the rating/specification of the muting
the rated current. lamp is within the range of the muting lamp
“Muting lamp output” (page 56)
Camera error
Camera (Head 1) Normal 14 0600 An error has occurred with the camera area
Green or red of scanner head 1.
Camera error Turn the power of the SZ-V off and then on
Camera (Head 2) Normal 14 0A00 An error has occurred with the camera area again. If turning the power back on does not
of scanner head 2. resolve the error, replace the scanner head.
Camera error
Camera (Head 3) Normal 14 0E00 An error has occurred with the camera area
of scanner head 3.
Detection History Error
Transfer the settings again. If that does not
History Store Normal 14 0200 The detection history cannot be retrieved
resolve the error, replace the display unit.
Detection history error
History Store
Normal 14 0601 The detection history for scanner head 1
cannot be retrieved correctly.
Detection history error
History Store Transfer the settings again. If that does not
Normal 14 0A01 The detection history for scanner head 2
(Head 2) resolve the error, replace the scanner head.
cannot be retrieved correctly.
Detection history error
History Store
Normal 14 0E01 The detection history for scanner head 3
(Head 3)
cannot be retrieved correctly.

- SZ-V Series User’s Manual - 137

EEPROM Access EEPROM access error Transfer the settings again. If that does not
Normal 14 0201
Error Cannot read EEPROM data correctly. resolve the error, replace the display unit.
PROFIsafe parameter error.
Parameter 000A
F_Source_Add is incorrect.
PROFIsafe Transfer the PROFIsafe related settings
PROFIsafe parameter error.
Parameter 000B again. If that does not resolve the error,
F_Dest_Add is incorrect.
(F_Dest_Add) Green or red Normal 14 replace the display unit.
PROFIsafe parameter error.
Failsafe 000C
PROFIsafe parameter error was detected.
PROFIsafe PROFIsafe communication error. Check the network cable connection and
Transmission PROFIsafe Communication failed. the value of F_WD_Time.

Display during an error state

The method to recover from an error differs depending on the error type.
 Error 1: The SZ-V automatically returns to normal operation if the cause of the error is removed.
 Error 2: The SZ-V returns to normal operation if the cause of the error is removed and the SZ-V is reset.
 Error 3: The SZ-V returns to normal operation if the cause of the error is removed, and power is turned off and back on again.
The number
of pulses for
Display state Type state Code Details Countermeasures
Color information
Window error
Error 1 0410 The window of scanner head 1 may be polluted
Window Error or scratched.
Window error
Error 3 0421
The window of scanner head 1 may be broken.
Window error Clean the window in accordance with
Error 1 0810 The window of scanner head 2 may be polluted “Cleaning the Window” (page 144). If the
Window Error or scratched.
Red 15 error continues after cleaning, replace the
(Head 2)
Window error window in accordance with “Replacing the
Error 3 0821
The window of scanner head 2 may be broken. Window” (page 144).
Window error
Error 1 0C10 The window of scanner head 3 may be polluted
Window Error or scratched.
(Head 3)
Window error
Error 3 0C21
The window of scanner head 3 may be broken.
MI error (man-made interference error)
MI Error (Head 1) Error 1 16 0411 (1) A structure with extremely low reflectance is
(1) Remove the structure with low
located close to the SZ-V.
reflectance close to the SZ-V.
(2) The SZ-V does not detect any diffuse
MI Error (Head 2) Red Error 1 16 0811 (2) Position a structure outside the
reflection from the object to be detected or the
protection zone so that the SZ-V detects
structure outside the protection zone. The SZ-V
diffuse reflection from the structure.
MI Error (Head 3) Error 1 16 0C11 generates an error if it does not detect anything
over 60 degrees.

OSSD 1 Error Error 2 18 0010 OSSD error (1) Check the wiring for the OSSD. “Wiring”
(1) The OSSD is short-circuited. Alternatively, (page 30)
OSSD 2 Error Error 2 18 0011 the wiring is wrong. (2) Use a load with a surge absorber
(2) The OSSD experienced a surge in voltage function, or apply surge protection to the

due to an inductive load. load.
OSSD 3 Error Error 2 18 0012 (3) The OSSD is being affected by an EMC (3) Check the surrounding wiring and EMC
environment. environment.

OSSD 4 Error Error 2 18 0013 (4) The OSSD is broken. (4) Replace the display unit.

Check the wiring between OSSD 1 and the

OSSD 1 OSSD 1 Overcurrent Error
Red Error 2 18 0014 load, and whether the load is broken or not.
Overcurrent Error Overcurrent occurs on OSSD 1.
“Wiring” (page 30)
Check the wiring between OSSD 2 and the
OSSD 2 OSSD 2 Overcurrent Error
Red Error 2 18 0015 load, and whether the load is broken or not.
Overcurrent Error Overcurrent occurs on OSSD 2.
“Wiring” (page 30)
Check the wiring between OSSD 3 and the
OSSD 3 OSSD 3 Overcurrent Error
Red Error 2 18 0016 load, and whether the load is broken or not.
Overcurrent Error Overcurrent occurs on OSSD 3.
“Wiring” (page 30)
Check the wiring between OSSD 4 and the
OSSD 4 OSSD 4 Overcurrent Error
Red Error 2 18 0017 load, and whether the load is broken or not.
Overcurrent Error Overcurrent occurs on OSSD 4.
“Wiring” (page 30)
Check the wiring between each output and
the load, and whether the load is broken or
Output Over Output Over Current Error (in total) not.
Current Error (in Red Error 2 19 002A Total amount of current on each output exceeds “Wiring” (page 30)
Total) the specification. Check if the total amount of current is within
the specification.
“Specifications” (page 125)
Please check the following:
 If the muting lamp output is correctly
Muting Lamp Error (Disconnection) connected to the muting lamp
Muting Lamp
Red Error 2 10 0018
There is a problem where the muting lamp is  If the muting lamp is broken
Open Error connected to the muting lamp output. (The  If the rating/specification of the muting
muting lamp is disconnected or it is broken.) lamp is within the range of the muting
lamp output
“Muting lamp output” (page 56)

138 - SZ-V Series User’s Manual -

Please check the following:
 If the muting lamp output is correctly
Muting Lamp Error (Overcurrent) connected to the muting lamp
Muting Lamp Over
Red Error 2 10 0019
The muting lamp connected to the muting lamp  If the muting lamp is broken
Current Error output has an overcurrent exceeding the rated  If the rating/specification of the muting
current. lamp is within the range of the muting
lamp output?
“Muting lamp output” (page 56)
EDM (OSSD 1/2) EDM error (1) Check the EDM input wiring.
Red Error 2 17 001A
Error (1) EDM input is not connected to the external “EDM Function” (Page 48), “Wiring” (page
device correctly. 30)
EDM (OSSD 3/4) (2) The external device connected to the OSSD (2) Check the external device and replace if
Red Error 2 17 001B
Error is broken. it is broken.
Bank Input Error
(1) The signal combination of bank inputs does (1) Check the wiring of the bank inputs.
BANK Input Error Red Error 2 10 001C not meet the specification. (2) Confirm that bank switching is performed
(2) The bank switching was not performed during the specified bank transition time.
during the specified bank transition time.
Check the bank sequence and the
Bank Sequence Error
BANK Sequence configuration of bank sequence monitoring.
Red Error 2 10 001D The bank switching was not performed according
Error “Bank Sequence Monitoring Function” (page
to the specified bank sequence.
Encoder velocity error
Encoder Velocity Ensure that the encoder velocity does not
Red Error 2 10 001E The encoder velocity exceeds the set velocity
Error exceed the velocity range.
Encoder Pulse Encoder Pulse Frequency Error (Ch.1)
Frequency Error Red Error 2 10 001F The input of Encoder Input 1 exceeds the
(Ch.1) maximum pulse frequency (100 kHz). Ensure that the output from the encoder does
Encoder Pulse Encoder Pulse Frequency Error (Ch.2) not exceed the maximum pulse frequency.
Frequency Error Red Error 2 10 0020 The input of Encoder Input 2 exceeds the
(Ch.2) maximum pulse frequency (100 kHz).
(1) Ensure that the difference in velocity
Encoder Mismatch Error
between the two encoders does not exceed
(1) The difference in velocity between the two
the tolerance range.
Encoder encoders exceeds the specified tolerance.
Red Error 2 10 0021 (2) Make two encoders rotate in the same
Ch.1/Ch.2 Error (2) Two encoders are rotating in opposite
(3) Check the encoder input wiring. “Wiring”
(3) The wiring for the encoder input is not correct.
(page 30)
Encoder Connection Encoder Input Error (Ch.1)
Red Error 2 10 0022
Error (Ch.1) Wiring of encoder input 1 is incorrect. Check the encoder input wiring. “Wiring” (page
Encoder Connection Encoder Input Error (Ch.2) 30)
Red Error 2 10 0023
Error (Ch.2) Wiring of encoder input 2 is incorrect.
Communication Error
(1) Check the cable connection.
(1) The connection cable is not correctly
(2) Check the wiring and the surrounding
Head connected or the wires are damaged.
0024 EMC environment.
Communication Red Error 2 19 (2) The connected cable is being affected by
0210 (3) Replace the power source, increase the
Error an EMC environment.
power capacity, or prepare a
(3) The power voltage is temporarily or
SZ-V-dedicated power source.
continuously falling.
Unused Wiring Error (Input 2)
Incorrect Wiring If Input 2 is set to unused, make an open
Red Error 2 19 0028 Input 2 is set as unused but is not in an open
Error (input2) circuit on Input 2 with insulation.
Unused Wiring Error (Input 6)
Incorrect Wiring If Input 6 is set to unused, make an open
Red Error 2 19 0029 Input 6 is set as unused but is not in an open
Error (input6) circuit on Input 6 with insulation.

System Memory
Error (Type)
Red Error 3 19 0030
System Memory Error (Type)
The display unit type does not match the settings Check the display unit type. 11
in the system memory.

System Memory Error (Scanner head)
System Memory
Red Error 3 19 0031 Thu number of scanner heads does not match Check the number of scanner heads.
Error (Head)
the settings in the system memory.

System Memory Error (Data)

(1) Transfer the data to the system memory
(1) The system memory data is not correct or
System Memory again.
Red Error 3 19 0032 is corrupt.
Error (Data) (2) Check the wiring and the surrounding
(2) The system memory data cannot be
EMC environment.
System Configuration Error (Display unit)
System Config.
Red Error 3 19 0033 The Display unit is paired to another system
Error (Display unit)
System Configuration Error (Head 1)
System Config.
Red Error 3 19 0424 Scanner head 1 is paired to another system Transfer new settings from the SZ
Error (Head1)
memory. Configurator again, or delete the system
System Configuration Error (Head 2) configuration information. “Clear system
System Config.
Red Error 3 19 0824 Scanner head 2 is paired to another system configuration” (page 106)
Error (Head2)
System Configuration Error (Head 3)
System Config.
Red Error 3 19 0C24 Scanner head 3 is paired to another system
Error (Head3)
Window Calibration
Error 3 19 043E
Error (Head1) Window Calibration Error
(1) Execute window calibration again.
Window Calibration (1) Window calibration did not execute
Red Error 3 19 083E “Window calibration” (page 105)
Error (Head2) correctly.
(2) Replace the SZ-V.
Window Calibration (2) The SZ-V is broken.
Error 3 19 0C3E
Error (Head3)

- SZ-V Series User’s Manual - 139

System Error
(1) Check the wiring and the surrounding
(1) The SZ-V is being affected by an EMC
EMC environment.
Other (2) Install the SZ-V so as not to have the
(2) The SZ-V has experienced strong vibration or
System Error Red Error 3 19 than vibration and/or shock exceeding the
above specification.
(3) The power was disconnected during
(3) Perform the configuration again.
(4) Replace the SZ-V.
(4) The SZ-V is broken.

Reference If multiple errors occur at the same time, the details on the error with the highest level of priority is displayed.

Other states

number of
Background pulses for
Display state Type* Details Countermeasures
Color state
The power is OFF or the voltage is  Ensure that the voltage is within the rated
(Nothing is Normal Check the wiring. “Wiring” (page 30)
- -
displayed) The SZ-V is in “Reducing Power Turn power saving mode off.
Consumption” (page 58) “Display settings” (page 82)
Broken The SZ-V may be broken. Replace the Display unit.
SZ-V Series This is the start screen displayed after the In approximately 8 seconds, the screen will
- Starting -
Start Up power is turned on. transition to normal operation.
(1) Transfer the settings.
Waiting for (1) The SZ-V is not configured.
Red Special - (2) Approve the settings.
Configuration (2) The settings are not approved yet.
“Setting Procedure” (page 73)
*In regards to the display of the "Special" type, if the SZ-V display is "Monitor view" or "Camera view", the details of the special state is displayed in a
“How to Read the Display” (page 112)

11-4 Troubleshooting the OSSD Operation

Situation Details Countermeasures
Take countermeasures according to the description in “Light interference” (page
Light interference may be 18).
occurring. Check the status of light interference through the SZ-V Configurator. “View” (page
Mutual interference due to
Take countermeasures according to the description in “Mutual interference” (page
another SZ-V may be
The SZ-V may detect the floor
or the surrounding
Adjust the SZ-V installation angle and position it so that the SZ-V does not detect
(background) because the
the floor or the surroundings (background).
SZ-V is installed with some
The SZ-V detects the surroundings (background). Move it away from the specified
The background is close to
protection zone. “Protection zone” (page 17)
the boundary of the specified
The OSSD goes to the If the surroundings are highly reflective backgrounds, take into account the
protection zone.
OFF-state when nothing is additional safety distance. “Highly reflective backgrounds” (page 19)
present in the protection zone. The position of the SZ-V or

the surroundings Restore the position of the SZ-V or the surroundings (background). Perform the
(background) has been configuration on the protection zone again.
The structure for the reference
Check the position of the structure on the reference points and the tolerance.
points is not present or is not
Change the configuration on the reference points, if necessary. “Reference Points
located within the specified
Monitoring Function” (page 57)
Laser shutdown function is Either turn OFF the laser OFF input, or switch to a different bank from laser
activated. shutdown bank. “Operation Check Function” (page 57)
The SZ-V has pollution on the
Clean the window according to "Cleaning the Window” (page 144).
The SZ-V detects particles in
Take countermeasures so that the particles in the air do not go into the protection
the air, such as dust, spatter
or moisture.

140 - SZ-V Series User’s Manual -

11-5 Troubleshooting Related to Connection with the SZ-V Configurator
Situation Details Countermeasure
The power is not supplied to
Supply power to the SZ.
the SZ.
For a USB connection
The USB cable is not
connected to the SZ-V, or is Check the USB cable and USB port on the computer.
Double-click the "DPInst" file to execute it. Installation of the USB driver starts.
The USB driver is not installed
The "DPInst" file is in the folder where the SZ-V Configurator is installed.
on the computer.
(C:\Program Files\KEYENCE\SZ-V Configurator\Driver\)
In cases where NPN is
Cannot communicate with the selected in PNP/NPN Select,
Before connecting the SZ-V and computer with a USB cable, either the SZ-V or the
SZ-V. the SZ-V with positive
computer should not be grounded. The brown wire need to be grounded in order to
(Cannot log-in.) grounding is connected to the
start normal operation.
PC with negative grounding
through the USB cable.
For Ethernet connection (for the SZ-V32N type only)
The Ethernet cable is not
connected to the SZ-V, or is Check the Ethernet cable and the Ethernet port on the computer.
The SZ-V network is not
Check the SZ-V network settings. “Ethernet Function” (Page 120)
correctly configured.
Which SZ-V to communicate Select the SZ-V to communicate with through the SZ-V Configurator. "Selecting an
with is not selected. Ethernet connection device (for the SZ-V32N type only)” (page 68)
The model specified in the
SZ-V Configurator Check the SZ-V model in "Properties" on the Settings tab.
mismatches the actual SZ-V If the SZ-V model does not match, create new settings. “New” (page 101)
Configured number of scanner
heads is different from the
Check the number of connected scanner heads.
actually connected number of
scanner heads.
All configurations are not
Cannot transfer the Check that all settings have been configured
The specified protection zone
Check the configuration of the protection zone, warning zone, and minimum
or warning zone is configured
detectable object size.
beyond the specification.
If transferring settings that have not been approved, log in as the responsible
You do not have the
authorization level to transfer
If transferring settings that have been approved, log in as the responsible personnel
or maintenance personnel. “Authorization Level and Settings” (page 71)
The power is not supplied to
Supply power to the SZ-V.
the SZ-V.
Match the settings between the SZ-V Configurator and the SZ-V before starting
The settings in the software Run the settings on the SZ-V Configurator and to monitor the SZ-V operation,
do not match the settings in transfer the settings to the SZ-V. On the other hand, retrieve the configuration in the
Cannot perform the monitoring
the SZ-V. SZ-V to monitor the SZ-V operation according to the current configuration in the
on the SZ-V.
SZ-V. In this case, all settings in the SZ-V Configurator are deleted. Save the file as
The configuration is not
Start monitoring after transferring the configuration to the SZ-V.

11-6 Troubleshooting Related to Ethernet Communication

For troubleshooting related to UDP command communication, EtherNet/IP communication, PROFINET communciation and PROFIsafe
communication, refer to "SZ-V32N Communications Manual".

- SZ-V Series User’s Manual - 141

 If you selected PNP for selection of PNP or NPN, the OSSD is +24 V
12. Inspection and 
and not short-circuited.
If you selected PNP for selection of PNP or NPN, the load is

Maintenance 
connected between the OSSD and 0 V.
If you selected NPN for selection of PNP or NPN, the OSSD is 0V
and not short-circuited.
 If you selected NPN for selection of PNP or NPN, the load is
12-1 Precaution During Inspection connected between the OSSD and +24V.
 All of the AUX outputs are not used as a safety output for
safety-related part of a control system.
Do not use the machine on which the SZ-V is installed  There is no damage to the cable insulation. Additionally, the
if the SZ-V does not operate according to any of the protection against the disconnection or short-circuit of cable, which
DANGER inspection items as listed below. Failure to follow this might be caused by crushing or being caught in a machine, is taken
into account.
warning results in a significant harm to the machine
operators, including serious injury or death.
 Any non-safety related functions described in this manual should not
be used as a safety related machine control.

Performance of maintenance and inspections are critical factors that (3) Pre-check test while the machine is stopped
you must take into account in your risk assessment. When you perform You should do the following pre-check test with the test piece in order to
the risk assessment on your machine application, you must take make sure the operation of the SZ-V while the machine is stopped. In
performance of maintenance and inspections into account. this case, you should supply the power only to the SZ-V.
In addition, it is a responsibility for the responsible personnel to train the The test piece should match the minimum detectable object size you
machine operators regarding inspection and maintenance of the chose.
machine and the SZ-V.
When you mount the SZ-V onto a device, perform the following  The OSSD indicator lights in red when the test piece is present in the
inspection. specified protection zone. This test must be performed for the whole
Note that the following inspection items comprise only a bare minimum specified protection zone. If the bank switching function is applied to
inspection. KEYENCE Corporation strongly recommends including the the SZ-V, this test must be performed for the whole and every
necessary checking items into this checklist based on the judgment of specified protection zone. If the muting function is applied to a part of
the responsible personnel since additional criteria may be necessary the protection zone, this test must be performed during muted
depending on both the machine to which the SZ-V is installed and the condition for the whole specified protection zone, except for muting
laws, rules, regulations and standards in the country or region in which zone.
the SZ-V is used/installed.  The OSSD indicator lights in red when the SZ-V detects the test
You must keep the inspection result along with the machine log. piece at the intended detection plane (height) while the test piece
vertical to the detection plane moves in the protection zone. This test
must be performed for the whole specified protection zone.
12-2 Initial Inspection  The OSSD indicator lights in red due to an error caused by the
open-circuit of the EDM input while the test piece is present in the
protection zone. This is only applicable if the EDM function is applied.
When the installation of the SZ-V is completed, the responsible
personnel must verify the operation of the SZ-V in accordance with the  The OSSD indicator lights in green when the SZ-V starts normal
operation after power on (when "SZ-V Start Up" is changed to
checklist shown below.
"Normal Operation" on the display) and detects no object in the
protection zone with "Automatic/Automatic" for the configuration of
(1) Pre-check for installation conditions
start/restart mode.
 The SZ-V is installed without loose fixture screws, in accordance with  The OSSD indicator continues to light in red and the interlock
the specification of tightening torque in this manual.
indicator lights in yellow, when the SZ-V starts normal operation after
 The machine under SZ-V control can stop running when the OSSD is power on (when "SZ-V Start Up" is changed to "Normal Operation" on
in the OFF-state.
the display) with either "Manual/Manual" or "Manual/Automatic" for
 The SZ-V is installed so that the machine operator cannot go into or the configuration of start/restart mode. Continuously, the OSSD
approach the hazardous area or hazards without passing through the
indicator lights in green and the interlock indicator lights off in the
protection zone of the SZ-V.
event of reset operation, if the SZ-V detects no object in the
 The SZ-V is installed so that the machine operator cannot go into or protection zone at that time.
approach the hazardous area or hazards without passing through
any of the protection zone of the SZ-V belonging to the bank  The OSSD indicator lights in red and the interlock indicator lights in
yellow when the SZ-V detects the test piece in the protection zone
switching function.
with "Manual/Manual" for the configuration of start/restart mode.
 The interlock reset mechanism is installed so that it cannot be Continuously, the OSSD indicator continues to light in red and the
operated if there are any personnel within the hazardous area.
interlock indicator flashes in yellow when the test piece is removed
 The device to activate the override is installed so that it cannot be from the protection zone.
operated if there are any personnel within the hazardous area.
 Safety distance is ensured, which has been calculated according to  The OSSD indicator lights in green after the specified delay time has
been passed if the ON-delay function is applied to the SZ-V.
the laws, regulations, and standards of the country and region in
 The SZ-V does not go to the muted condition even if the muting
12 which the SZ-V is installed. “Safety Distances” (page 20)
 The SZ-V is installed at a location free from light interference, for
example an incandescent lamp and a halogen lamp. “Tips on
inputs are activated in accordance with the specified sequence and
time difference, when the SZ-V detects an object in the protection
zone other than muting zone. This is only applicable if the muting
installation” (page 18)
Inspection and Maintenance

function is applied.
 When two or more SZ-V are installed nearby, the countermeasures  The SZ-V does not go to the muted condition if the muting inputs are
against mutual interference are taken based on the description of
activated with different sequence from the specified one. The SZ-V
“Tips on installation” (page 18).
does not also go to the muted condition if the muting inputs are
 The muting devices fulfill the conditions specified in this manual and activated exceeding the specified time difference. These are only
the requirements of the laws, rules, regulations and standards in the
applicable if the muting function is applied.
country or region in which the SZ-V and those devices are used.
“Muting function” (page 55)  The muted condition is terminated if the specified muting period of
time has been passed. This is only applicable if the muting function is
 The devices used to activate the override fulfill the conditions applied.
specified in this manual and the requirements of the laws, rules,
regulations and standards in the country or region in which the SZ-V  The override condition is terminated if the specified override period of
time has been passed. This is only applicable if the override function
and those devices are used. “Override function” (page 56)
is applied.
 The reference points monitoring function is enabled for access  The protection zone can be switched according to the signal
protection. Additionally, two or more reference points are set on one
combination of bank inputs in case of bank switching function.
structure so as to ensure the detection of its position change.
“Reference Points Monitoring Function” (page 57)  "Bank error" occurs if the protection zone is switched according to the
unspecified sequence. This is only applicable if the bank sequence
monitoring function is applied.
(2) Pre-check for wiring
 The SZ-V power supply is 24 V DC, fulfilling the conditions for the  If there is an unprotected space between the protection zone and the
protective structure, test piece is always detected by the SZ-V when it
power supply as specified in this manual. “Power Supply” (page 30)
goes through that space. This is only applicable if the SZ-V is used
 For the wiring between the SZ-V and a safety-related part of a for the access protection (the application where the angle of the
machine control system, both OSSD 1 and OSSD 2 is wired to a
approach exceeds ±30° to the detection plane).
safety-related part of a machine control system. Similarly, both OSSD
3 and OSSD 4 is also wired to a safety-related part of a machine  The OSSD indicator lights in red when the protective structure moves
exceeding the tolerance of reference point. This is only applicable if
control system if you assign a function for OSSD 3/4.
 The polarity of the power supply is not reversed.

142 - SZ-V Series User’s Manual -

the SZ-V is used for the access protection (the application where the zone other than muting zone. This is only applicable if the muting
angle of the approach exceeds ±30° to the detection plane). function is applied.
 The SZ-V does not go to the muted condition if the muting inputs are
(4) Pre-check test while the machine operates activated with different sequence from the specified one. The SZ-V
The purpose of this pre-check test is to make sure that the machine does not also go to the muted condition if the muting inputs are
(hazards) stops its operation. This test must be performed after you activated exceeding the specified time difference. These are only
ensure that there is nobody in the hazardous zone. applicable if the muting function is applied.
 The protection zone can be switched according to the signal
 Machine (hazard) stops its operation if the test piece is present in the combination of bank inputs in case of bank switching function.
specified protection zone. If the bank switching function is applied to  If there is an unprotected space between the protection zone and the
the SZ-V, this test must be performed for the specified protection protective structure, test piece is always detected by the SZ-V when it
zone for each bank. goes through that space. This is only applicable if the SZ-V is used
 The machine (hazard) still stops its operation as long as the test for the access protection (the application where the angle of the
piece is present in the specified protection zone. If the bank switching approach exceeds ±30° to the detection plane).
function is applied to the SZ-V, this test must be performed for the  The OSSD indicator lights in red when the protective structure moves
specified protection zone for each bank. exceeding the tolerance of reference point. This is only applicable if
 The machine (hazard) stops its operation when the power for the the SZ-V is used for the access protection (the application where the
SZ-V is disconnected. angle of the approach exceeds ±30° to the detection plane).
 The machine (hazard) stops its operation when the interlock indicator
lights in yellow. (3) Pre-check test while the machine operates
 The response time for overall safety-related control system (from the The purpose of this pre-check test is to make sure that the machine
intrusion of test piece in the protection zone to the machine stop) is (hazards) stops its operation. This test must be performed after you
less than overall response time (T) used for the calculation of safety ensure that there is nobody in the hazardous zone.
 Machine (hazard) stops its operation if the test piece is present in the
specified protection zone. If the bank switching function is applied to
12-3 Daily Inspection the SZ-V, this test must be performed for the specified protection
zone for each bank.
The daily inspection for the SZ-V operation and the machine operation  The machine (hazard) still stops its operation as long as the test
should be performed based on the following check items. piece is present in the specified protection zone. If the bank switching
function is applied to the SZ-V, this test must be performed for the
(1) Pre-check for installation conditions specified protection zone for each bank.
 The SZ-V is installed so that the machine operator cannot go into or  The machine (hazard) stops its operation when the power for the
approach the hazardous area or hazards without passing through the SZ-V is disconnected.
protection zone of the SZ-V.  The machine (hazard) stops its operation when the interlock indicator
 The SZ-V is installed so that the machine operator cannot go into or lights in yellow.
approach the hazardous area or hazards without passing through  The response time for overall safety-related control system (from the
any of the protection zone of the SZ-V belonging to the bank intrusion of test piece in the protection zone to the machine stop) is
switching function. less than overall response time (T) used for the calculation of safety
 The SZ-V is installed at a location free from light interference, for distance.
example an incandescent lamp and a halogen lamp.
 There is no damage to the cable insulation. Additionally, the
protection against the disconnection or short-circuit of cable, which 12-4 Regular (Periodic) Inspection
might be caused by crushing or being caught in a machine, is taken
into account. The responsible personnel must perform a regular inspection at least
once every six months.
(2) Pre-check test while the machine is stopped Additionally, you should perform the regular inspection if you make any
You should do the following pre-check test with the test piece in order to change to the configuration on the SZ-V and on the machine on which
make sure the operation of the SZ-V while the machine is stopped. In the SZ-V is installed.
this case, you should supply the power only to the SZ-V. Regular (periodical) inspection items include the following, in addition to
The test piece should match the minimum detectable object size you “Daily Inspection” (page 143).
(1) Additional inspection items
 The OSSD indicator lights in red when the test piece is present in the  The SZ-V is installed without losing the screws for fixture, in
specified protection zone. This test must be performed for the whole accordance with the specification of tightening torque in this manual.
specified protection zone. If the bank switching function is applied to  The screw on the connector cable is fastened tightly to the SZ-V.
the SZ-V, this test must be performed for the whole and every  The SZ-V does not have any change on its position. (Safety distance
specified protection zone. If the muting function is applied to a part of is ensured. The detection plane has also not changed.)
the protection zone, this test must be performed during muted  All wires are correctly connected to external device, and the
condition for the whole specified protection zone, except for muting connection is securely performed.
zone.  There is sufficient life left in terms of how many times the safety relay
 The OSSD indicator lights in red when the SZ-V detects the test
piece at the intended detection plane (height) while the test piece
has been opened and closed.
 There is no damage to the SZ-V that may impair the performance of
vertical to the detection plane moves in the protection zone. This test its protective IP65 structure. Inspection and Maintenance
must be performed for the whole specified protection zone.  The surface of the window is not dirty or damaged.
 The OSSD indicator lights in green when the SZ-V starts normal  The OSSD indicator lights in red due to an error caused by the
operation after power on (when "SZ-V Start Up" is changed to open-circuit of the EDM input while the test piece is present in the
"Normal Operation" on the display) and detects no object in the protection zone. This is only applicable if the EDM function is applied.
protection zone with "Automatic/Automatic" for the configuration of  The muted condition is terminated if the specified muting period of
start/restart mode. time has been passed. This is only applicable if the muting function is
 The OSSD indicator continues to light in red and the interlock applied.
indicator lights in yellow, when the SZ-V starts normal operation after  The override condition is terminated if the specified override period of
power on (when "SZ-V Start Up" is changed to "Normal Operation" on time has been passed. This is only applicable if the override function
the display) with either "Manual/Manual" or "Manual/Automatic" for is applied.
the configuration of start/restart mode. Continuously, the OSSD  "Bank sequence error" occurs if the protection zone is switched
indicator lights in green and the interlock indicator lights off in the according to the unspecified sequence. This is only applicable if the
event of reset operation, if the SZ-V detects no object in the bank sequence monitoring function is applied.
protection zone at that time.
 The OSSD indicator lights in red and the interlock indicator lights in
yellow when the SZ-V detects the test piece in the protection zone
with "Manual/Manual" for the configuration of start/restart mode.
Continuously, the OSSD indicator continues to light in red and the
interlock indicator flashes in yellow when the test piece is removed
from the protection zone.
 The OSSD indicator lights in green after the specified delay time has
been passed if the ON-delay function is applied to the SZ-V.
 The SZ-V does not go to the muted condition even if the muting
inputs are activated in accordance with the specified sequence and
time difference, when the SZ-V detects an object in the protection

- SZ-V Series User’s Manual - 143

6. Hold onto both sides of the window as shown below. Gently pull the
12-5 Cleaning the Window right and the left sides of the window away from the center of the
The SZ-V window is a critical part of the detection system. Clean the unit as shown below. While doing this, carefully pull the window
window whenever there is dust or pollution on it. forward completely.
Wipe off the pollution in the area indicated by the diagonal lines with a If the sides are not pulled out enough, the window may
soft cloth moistened with a mild detergent that will not corrode touch the internal structure and damage it. Please
polycarbonate. NOTICE
make sure to pull the sides adequately while removing
the window.

 OSSD might go to the OFF-state if the window has a

scratch, because the SZ-V falsely detects that
scratch as the object approaching into the
protection zone. Be sure to not scratch the window
during cleaning. 7. Remove the gasket.
 Be careful of static electricity while cleaning due to It is easier if the main unit is positioned as shown in the figure below.
the collection of dust. You should use a cloth that
that does not easily generate static electricity when
rubbed on polycarbonate.

Reference Detection capability might decrease due to the attenuation of

light if the window has pollution. The OSSD goes to the
OFF-state before the pollution on the window leads to loss of
detection capability because the SZ-V has a function to
monitor the pollution on the window. Furthermore, the OSSD
might go to the OFF-state if the window has pollution because
the SZ-V detects that pollution as an object approaching into
the protection zone. Be sure to keep the window clean to
8. Insert the new gasket.
avoid unnecessary OFF-state of OSSD.
It is easier if the main unit is positioned as shown in the figure below.

12-6 Replacing the Window

The SZ-V window is a critical part of the detection system. If the window
becomes extremely dirty or is scratched, replace it.

Replacement procedure

1. Prepare SZ-V and replacement window (SZ-VHW).

2. Turn OFF the SZ-V and all devices that are connected to the SZ-V.
9. Check the direction of the internal structure.
3. Remove the stickers (x4) before removing the screws that secure If the lens is facing forward, rotate the internal structure backward.
the window. Be sure that the lens is not touched while rotating the internal
Discard the removed stickers. structure.

Inspection and Maintenance

4. Remove the four screws which secure the window to the main unit. How to rotate the internal structure.

5. Hold onto both sides of the window as shown below, and gently pull
it forward.
Do not pull it out completely, it should stop shortly after separating
from the back of the unit.
NOTICE Do not touch the lens

144 - SZ-V Series User’s Manual -

10. Insert the new window.
Insert the window until it touches the very back of the unit. 12-7 Replacing the Display unit
By using the system memory, the same settings can be maintained,
even if replacing the Display unit. It is not necessary to transfer the
settings from the SZ-V Configurator.

Replacement procedure

1. Prepare system memory (SZ-VSM) for the SZ-V.

2. Turn off the SZ-V and all devices that are connected to the SZ-V.
11. Attach the four screws to secure the window. 3. Remove the system memory that is currently connected to the
Recommended tightening torque : 0.6N·m. Display unit.
M2.6 cross slot screws
12. Turn ON the SZ-V power and execute the window calibration.
For details on the window calibration procedure, see the “Window
calibration” (page 105).
13. Reinstall the SZ-V in its designated area. After reinstalling it,
perform an initial inspection.

 No person other than the responsible personnel or

maintenance personnel should be allowed to
replace the SZ-V window.
 Always turn off the power to the SZ-V when
replacing the window. 4. Insert system memory into the new Display unit.
DANGER  After replacing the window, always perform window M2.6 cross slot screws
calibration. If you do no perform the window Tightening torque0.36 N·m
calibration, the SZ-V will not work properly.
 Perform window calibration in an environment with
ambient temperature of 5 to 35 °C and with no dust
or dirt on the window.

Do not touch the lens part inside the window. If you

NOTICE touch the lens part inside of the housing, you may
break the SZ-V.

Important  Replace the window in an environment with no dust

or dirt, and replace it as quickly as possible.
 Make sure that the replacement window is not dirty
Always turn off the power to the SZ-V when replacing
or scratched, and has never been used. Also be the Display unit.
sure not to dirty or scratch the new window when
you install it.
 When replacing the window, do not leave the SZ-V
with the window removed.
 Make sure that dust or dirt does not enter the inside
of the window.
 If you do not follow the procedure, you may lose the
IP65 rating.

Inspection and Maintenance

- SZ-V Series User’s Manual - 145

SZ-V32 type
Appendices When using the AUX Outputs (page 46)
 When using three or more AUX outputs
A-1. Functions That Cannot Be Set  “Bank Switching Function” (page 49)
 The number of banks that can be used is limited to 16 or less.
Together  Cannot set “Bank switching methods” (page 49) to switching
through encoder input.
SZ-V04 type
When using the Interlock function (page 47)
When using the Interlock function (page 47)  “Operation Check Function” (page 57)
 “Bank Switching Function” (page 49)  Laser off input cannot be used.
 When used in combination with Multi-OSSD Function, the
number of banks that can be used is limited to two or less.
When using the Bank Switching Function (page 49)
 In that case, even if the "Bank Switching Method" is changed to
binary input, the maximum number of banks cannot be set to  If using 11 or more banks
three or more.  “Bank switching methods” (page 49)
 “Independent bank switching” (page 54)  Cannot set the bank switching method to single input.
 Cannot be used.  If using 17 or more banks
 “Operation Check Function” (page 57)
 “AUX Output” (page 46)
 Laser off input cannot be used.  The number of AUX outputs that can be used is limited to two or
When using the Bank Switching Function (page 49)
 When “Bank switching methods” (page 49) is set to switching
 “Muting function” (page 55)
 Cannot be used. through encoder input

 If using three or more banks

 “AUX Output” (page 46)
 The number of AUX outputs that can be used is limited to two or
 “Interlock function” (page 49) less.
 Cannot be used, when used in combination with Multi-OSSD
 “Operation Check Function” (page 57) When using the Operation Check Function (page 57)
 Laser off input cannot be used.  If using the laser off input
 When using the bank sequence monitoring function  “Interlock function” (page 49)
 “Independent bank switching” (page 54)  Cannot be used.
 Cannot be used.
When using the Multi-OSSD Function (page 54)
“Muting function” (page 55)
 Cannot be used.
When using Independent bank switching (page 54)
 “Interlock function” (page 49)
 Cannot be used.
 “Bank Switching Function” (page 49)
 The number of banks that can be used is limited to two or less.
 The bank switching method changes to the independent method.
(page 54)
 Cannot use the “Bank Sequence Monitoring Function” (page 53)
 “Operation Check Function” (page 57)
 Cannot be used.
When using the Muting function (page 55)

A  “Bank Switching Function” (page 49)

 Cannot be used.
 “Multi-OSSD Function” (page 54)

 Cannot be used.
 “Independent bank switching” (page 54)
 Cannot be used.
When using Operation Check Function (page 57)
 “Independent bank switching” (page 54)
 Cannot be used.
 If using the laser off input
 “Interlock function” (page 49)
 Cannot be used.
 “Bank Switching Function” (page 49)
 The number of banks that can be used is limited to two or less.
 Even if the "Bank Switching Method" is changed to binary input,
the maximum number of banks cannot be set to three or more.

146 - SZ-V Series User’s Manual -

SZ-V32N type (When PROFIsafe is not used)

 Multi-OSSD function
 Cannot be used.
 All Bank function
 Cannot be used.
When using AUX Outputs (page 46)
 When using three or more AUX outputs
 “Bank Switching Function” (page 49)
 The number of banks that can be used is limited to 16 or less.
 Cannot set "Bank switching methods” (page 49) to switching
through encoder input.

When using the Interlock function (page 47)

 “Operation Check Function” (page 57)
 Laser off input cannot be used.

When using the Bank Switching Function (page 49)

 If using 11 or more banks
 “Bank switching methods” (page 49)
 Cannot set the bank switching method to single input.
 If using 17 or more banks
 “AUX Output” (page 46)
 The number of AUX outputs that can be used is limited to two or
 When “Bank switching methods” (page 49) is set to switching
through encoder input
 “AUX Output” (page 46)
 The number of AUX outputs that can be used is limited to two or

When using the Muting function (page 55)

 “Bank Switching Function” (page 49)
 Cannot be used.

When using the Operation Check Function (page 57)

 If using laser off input
 “Interlock function” (page 49)
 Cannot be used.

SZ-V32N type (When PROFIsafe is used)

 All of the input and output wires cannot be used.

 "EDM Function" (page 48)
 Cannot be used.
 "Bank Switching Function" (page 49)
 Cannot be used.
 "Operation Check Function" (page 57)
 The laser shutdown bank cannot be configured.
 "Muting function" (page 55)

 Cannot be used.

- SZ-V Series User’s Manual - 147

A-2. Open License A-3. Trademarks
SYS/BIOS License  Windows 2000/XP/7/8/8.1/10 are the registered trademarks of
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* Neither the name of Texas Instruments Incorporated nor the names of
its contributors may be used to endorse or promote products derived
from this software without specific prior written permission.

NDK License
Copyright (c) 2012-2015, Texas Instruments Incorporated
All rights reserved.

Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without

modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are met:

* Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright notice,

this list of conditions and the following disclaimer.
* Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright
notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the
documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution.
* Neither the name of Texas Instruments Incorporated nor the names of
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148 - SZ-V Series User’s Manual -

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