Mechanical and Electrical Systems

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CT101 – Computing Systems
• Review the definition of voltage, electric current,
resistance and power.

• Introduction to various electronic components

• Introduction to FET transistor design and principle of


• Use of FET transistor in logic circuits

• Understand a logic gate function

Electrical Charge
• Matter is made up of atoms that contain both protons and
o Protons are positively charged and electrons are negatively charged

• Electric field surrounds every charged particle that can exert

force on other charged particles.
o Field strength is the same for every electron and proton, with a
magnitude of one “fundamental unit” of 1.602 x 10-19 Coulombs.

• A coulomb is a measure of charge derived from a

measurement of electric current – one coulomb of charge is
transferred by one ampere of current in one second
o to get a matter of scale, one coulomb of charge flows through a
120W light bulb in one second.
• A positive electric field around a group of protons will exert a
repelling force on other groups of protons and an attracting
force on groups of electrons.
o Since an electric field can cause charged particles to move, it can
do some amount of work, and so it is said to have electrical potential

• The amount of energy an electric field can impart to unit of

charge is measured in joules per coulomb, more commonly
known as voltage.
o Voltage is used as a short name for electrical potential difference.

• Voltage is a way of using numbers to describe an electric field

o Voltage is the “electromotive force” that can cause charged
particles to move.
Power Supply
• A power supply is a device containing imbalance of
o One side (the negative side) has material containing an
abundance of electrons
o The other side (positive side) has material containing a relative
absence of electrons.

• The electrical potential energy available in the power

supply, measured in volts, is determined by the number
of electrons it can store, the separation distance
between negative and positive materials, the properties
of the barrier between the materials, and other factors.
o Some power supplies (like small batteries) output less than a
volt, while others (like power generation stations) can output
tens of thousands of volts.
• Electrons carry the smallest possible amount of negative
charge, and billions of them are present in even the tiniest
piece of matter.
o Insulators - electrons are held firmly in place by heavier, positively
charged protons. Electrons cannot move freely between atoms.
o Conductors - electrons can move more easily from atom to atom.

• The movement of electrons in a conductor is called electric

current, measured in amperes.
o If a power supply is used to impress a voltage across a conductor,
electrons will move from the negative side of the supply through the
conductor towards the positive side.
o All materials, even conductors, exhibit some amount of resistance to
the flow of electric current. The amount of resistance determines how
much current can flow – the higher the resistance, the less current
can flow.
Ohm’s Law
• In 1825 Georg Ohm demonstrated through a series of
experiments that voltage, current and resistance are
related through a fundamental relationship
o Voltage (V) is equal to Current (I) times resistance (R), or V =
• Resistance is measured in ohms, with the symbol Ω.

- One volt impressed across 1 ohm of

resistance will cause 1 amp of current to flow
(and one coulomb of charge will pass
through the resistor in one second).
- Similarly, 3.3V impressed across 3.3 Ω will
cause 1A of current to flow.
• Collisions occur between the electrons flowing from the
power supply and the materials in the resistor when
current flows through.
o These collisions cause electrons to give up their potential
energy, and that energy is dissipated as heat.

• In electric circuits, power, measured in Watts, is defined

as (voltage x current) or P = V·I.
o The power transferred to the resistor at any given time results
in resistor heating. The more power transferred to the resistor,
the hotter it gets.
o For a given voltage, a smaller-valued resistor would allow
more current to flow (see Ohm’s law), and therefore more
energy would be dissipated as heat (and the resistor would
get hotter).
• The total energy consumed in an electric circuit is
simply the time integral of power, measured in
Watts per second, or Joules.
o Thus, in the circuit below, the electric power delivered to
the resistor is P = 3.3V x 1A, or 3.3Watts and in one second,
3.3W x 1second or 3.3J of energy is dissipated.
Electric and Electronic
• Are collection of electronic components that have been
assembled and interconnected to perform a given function
o The word circuit derives from the fact that electric power must flow
from the positive terminal of a power source through one or more
electronic devices and back to the negative terminal of a power
source, thereby forming a circuit.

• If the connections between an electronic device and either

the positive or negative terminals of a power supply are
interrupted, the circuit will be broken and the device will not

• Components in a circuit are connected to one another by

means of electrical conductors or wires.
o Examples of components: resistors, capacitors, diodes, transistors,
Digital Circuits
Power Supply in Digital

In a digital circuit power supply voltage levels
are constrained to two distinct values:
o “Logic High Voltage” (called LHV or Vdd) and
o “Logic Low Voltage” (called LLV or GND).
o VDD may be thought as source of positive
charge while GND source of negative charge in
a circuit

• GND net in any circuit is the universal reference voltage against

which all other voltages are measured.
• Any nodes labelled GND in a schematic are assumed to be connected into the
same node. Often, a downward pointing triangle symbol is attached to a GND
node in addition to (or instead of) the GND label.

• Vdd node in a digital circuit is typically the highest voltage

• All nodes labelled Vdd are tied together into the same node.
Review of Zeros and Ones
• All data in digital circuits are represented by signals
o A signal in a digital circuit is a circuit net that transports an
output voltage (either VDD or GND) from one device to one or
more inputs connections of other devices.
• The set of voltage values {Vdd, GND} that define the
state of a signal wire in a digital system are commonly
represented by the numeric symbols {1, 0}, with ‘1’
representing Vdd and ‘0’ representing GND.
o it follows that data in digital symbols can be represented by
binary (base two) numbers. One signal wire in a digital circuit
can carry one binary digit ( “bit”) of information;

• Groupings of signal wires (called “bus”) can carry

multiple bits that can define a binary number.
Electronic Circuit
• Resistors
• Capacitors
• Input Devices
• Output Devices
• Connectors
• Printed Circuit Boards
• Integrated Circuits
• Two-terminal devices that restrict, or
resist, the flow of current. Resistor Symbol
o The larger the resistor the less current
can flow through it for a given voltage
as demonstrated by Ohm’s law: V= I*R

• Electrons flowing through a resistor

Carbon Film Through
collide with material in the resistor Hole Resistor
body, and it is these collisions that
cause electrical resistance.
o These collisions cause energy to be
dissipated in the form of heat or light (as
in a toaster or light bulb).
Surface Mount
• The amount of power (in Watts) dissipated in a
resistor can be calculated using the equation
P= I*V = I2R)
o A resistor that can dissipate about 5 Watts of power would be
about the size of a writing pen, and a resistor that can only
dissipate 1/8 Watt is about the size of a grain of rice. If a
resistor is placed in a circuit where it must dissipate more that
its intended power, it will simply melt.

• The physical size and appearance of a resistor is

determined by the required application.
o Resistors that must dissipate large amounts of energy (such as
in a toaster) are relatively large, whereas resistors that
dissipate small amounts of current are relatively small.
o A one-ohm resistance is a relatively small value, and 100KOhm
resistance is a relatively large value.

Two-terminal device that can store
electric energy in the form of charged
o You can think of a capacitor as a reservoir
of charge that takes time to fill or empty. Capacitor Symbol

• The voltage across a capacitor is

proportional to the amount of charge it
is storing – the more charge added to a
capacitor of a given size, the larger the
voltage across the capacitor.
o It is not possible to instantaneously move
charge to or from a capacitor, so it is not
possible to instantaneously change the
voltage across a capacitor. It is this property SMD ceramic at top left;
that makes capacitors useful on many SMD tantalum at bottom left;
applications. Through-hole tantalum at top
Through-hole electrolytic at
bottom right;
• Capacitance is measured in Farads.
o A one Farad capacitor can store one Coulomb of charge
at one volt.
o For engineering on a small scale (i.e., hand-held or desk-
top devices), a one Farad capacitor stores far too much
charge to be of general use (it would be like a car having
a 1000 gallon gas tank).

• More useful capacitors are measured in

micro-farads (uF) or pico-farads (pF).
o The terms "milli-farad“ and "nano-farad" are rarely used.
Large capacitors often have their value printed plainly on
them, such as "10 uF" (for 10 microfards).
Input Devices (Buttons &

Input devices like buttons and switches should be able to
produce VDD or GND based on some user action.

• The slide switches are also known as “single throw-double

pole” (STDP) switches, because only one switch (or throw)
exists, but two positions (or poles) are available

• The push button switches are “momentary” contact buttons

Push Button Switch STDP Switch

Output Devices
Include computer monitors, LCD alphanumeric panels
(as on a calculator), small lamps or light-emitting diodes

• Typical demo boards include some number of individual

LED's, and seven-segment LED displays that can display
the digits 0-9 in each digit position (each segment in the
seven-segment display contains a single LED).

• LED's are two-terminal semiconductor devices (diodes)

that conduct current in only one direction (from the
anode to the cathode).

Output Devices
LED chips are secured inside a plastic housing, and they emit light at a given
frequency (RED, YELLOW, etc.) when a small electric current (typically 10mA to
25mA – a catalogue value) flows through them.

• LEDs will not turn on unless their anodes are some minimal voltage above their
cathodes, typically about two volts (a catalogue value too). If less than the
minimum threshold voltage is applied to an LED, it will remain dark.

LED requires a 2V drop to turn on, leaving 1.3V to

drop across the resistor. Thus, a 130 ohm resistor is
required to cause 10mA of current to flow in the
circuit (3.3V – 2V = 1.3V and 1.3V / 130 ohms =
• They all communicate electronic information between the board
and outside devices.

• Since connectors come in so many different sizes and shapes, they

are usually shown on the PCB silk screen and on circuit schematics
as just rectangular boxes using a “J” labelling.

Flat surface known as
Circuit Board

• Two broad categories:

o prototype or experimental
circuits (breadboards or
o production and/or
commercial sale.

• Production circuit boards

design is done using CAD
software (e.g. OrCAD,
Protel, etc..).

Integrated Circuits
Semiconductor circuits that use collections microscopic
transistors that are all co-located on the same small piece of
silicon. Represented with “U” on schematics or PCBs

• Various functions from simple logic to highly complex

processing functions.
o Some chips contain just a handful of transistors, while others contain
sever al hundred million transistors (e.g. Intel processors).

Dual In-line Package vs Plastic Leaded Chip Carrier

Digital Circuits
A digital circuit represents and manipulates information
encoded as electric signals that can assume one of
two Vdd or GND.
o If a given circuit net is at Vdd, then that signal is said to carry a
logic ‘1’; if the net is at GND, then the node carries a logic ‘0’

• The components in digital circuits are simple on/off

switches that can pass logic ‘1’ and logic ‘0’ signals
from one circuit net to another.

• Most typically, these switches are arranged to combine

input signals to produce an output signal according to
basic logic relationships

Digital Circuits
Assuming a logic ‘1’ is closing the
switch and a logic ‘0’ opens the
switch, in the example the
combination of switches can
implement logic functions
o One well-known logic circuit is an NAND
gate that combines two input signals to
produce an output that is the logic NAND
(negative AND) of the inputs (i.e., if both
input1 and input2 are a ‘1’, then the
output is a ‘0’).
o Another well-known logic circuit is OR
gate that combines two input signlas to
produce an output that is the logic OR of
the inputs (i.e. if input1 or input2 are ‘1’,
then the output is a ‘1’ )

• are arranged so that they can be turned on or off

by signals carrying either VDD or GND

• The transistor switches used in modern digital circuits

are called “Metal Oxide Semiconductor Field Effect
Transistors”, or MOSFETs (or just FETs).

• FETs are three terminal devices that can conduct

current between two terminals (the source and the
drain) when a third terminal (the gate) is driven by
an appropriate logic signal.
• In the simplest FET model (which is appropriate for
our use here), the electrical resistance between the
source and the drain is a function of the gate-to-
source voltage
o the higher the gate voltage, the lower the resistance (and
therefore, the more current that can flow).

• In analog circuits (like audio amplifiers), the gate-to-

source voltage is allowed to assume any voltage
between GND and Vdd;
o but in digital circuits, the gate-to-source voltage is
constrained to be either Vdd or GND

FETs can be thought as electrically controllable
“ON/OFF” switches
More about Integrated
• FETs can also be arranged into circuits that perform
useful logic functions such as AND, OR, NOT, etc.
o Several very small FETs are constructed on a single small piece
of silicon (or chip of silicon) and then interconnected with
equally small metal wires.

• These microscopic FETs are typically implemented using

geometries in the region of 90, 60, 45, 28 or 20
o Since a silicon chip might measure several millimetres on a
side, several millions of FETs can be constructed on a single

• Circuits assembled in this fashion are said to form

"integrated circuits" (or IC’s), because all circuit
components are constructed and integrated on the
same piece of silicon.
FETs Manufacturing

• Ions implant to make silicon chip more conductive in the FET source
and the drain regions – called diffusion regions
• A thin insulating layer is created between these diffusion regions,
and another conductor is "grown" on top of this insulator
• The grown conductor (typically silicon) forms the gate, and the
area immediately under the gate and between the diffusion
regions is called the channel.
• Finally, metal wires are connected to the source, drain, and gate
structures so that the FET can be connected in a larger circuit.
FETs – Principle of

If thesource and
gate voltage
voltage on thedrain
of gate diffusion
an nFET
>= the areas
is threshold
at the same of an (about
as theare implanted
source positive
lead (i.e.,with
then the
begin charged
to presence
accumulateof the particles.
on the
negatively When
gate andcharged an nFETon
charges is used
in in repels
the channel
gate a logic
region circuit,
its source
immediately lead
particles is the
gatechannel to GND,
are repelled.
region netsonegative
that the
Aimmediately nFET
charge thesource,
accumulates like
gate. A net the
the node,
gate, hasa an
forming abundance
under the
of gate, andof
continuous twonegatively
back-to-back charged
region in the particles.
area under junctions
of charge
gate and between
(called pnthejunctions)
source and aredrain
pn junctions
When the prevent
gate voltage
Vdd, a large
in either conductive channel forms and the nFET is “strongly” on.
FETs Summary

• nFETs used in logic circuits have their source leads

attached to GND and Vdd on their gate turns them on

• pFETs have their source leads attached to Vdd and

GND on their gate turns them on
Rules for Digital Logic Circuits with
• pFET sources must be connected to Vdd and nFET
sources must be connected to GND

• The circuit output must never be left floating;

• The logic circuit output must never be connected

to both Vdd and GND at the same time
o i.e., the circuit output must not be “shorted”.

• The circuit must use the fewest possible number of

Digital Logic Circuits
with FETs

• AND structure is created from Q1 and Q2.

o Using just these two FETs, Y is driven to GND whenever A and B are
at Vdd. But we must ensure the output Y is at Vdd when A or B are
at GND.
o This can be accomplished with an OR structure of pFETs (Q3 and
Q4 in the parallel connection).

• The series (AND) structure and parallel (OR) structure are

assembled in the circuit on the right, which is a NAND gate!
Basic Logic Circuits with
Logic Gates

• A bubble on signal (either input or output) means that

signal must be LLV to produce indicated logic function.
Likewise, lack of bubble means signal must be LHV to
produce indicated function.
o The symbols on the top may be considered the primary symbols
(mostly used in schematics)
o Those on the bottom may be considered the conjugate
symbols (properly, each symbol is the conjugate of the other).
Logic Circuits using Gates

• A circuit schematic for any logic equation can be easily

created by substituting logic gate symbols for logical
operators, and by showing inputs as signal wires arriving
at the logic gates.

• Example: Implementing logic function "F = (AB)' + C'B in

two different ways
Reading Logic Circuits

• The logic gate that drives the output signal defines the “major”
logic operation, and it can be used to determine how other terms
must be grouped in the equation.
o An inverter, or an output bubble on a logic gate, requires that the inverted
signal or function output be shown in the output of the “downstream” gate
o A bubble on the input of a logic gate can be thought of as an inverter on the
signal leading to the gate
Logic Circuits

• Two “back-to-back” signal inversions cancel each other.

o That is, if a signal is inverted, and immediately inverted again
before it is used anywhere else, then the circuit would perform
identically. This observation can be used to simplify circuits, or to make them more

• Simplification achieved by removing the two inverters on

signal C, and made more efficient by adding inversions on
internal nodes
o NAND gates (at four transistors each) could be used instead of
AND/OR gates (at six transistors each).
• "Real Digital - A hands-on approach to digital
design“, Clint Cole,
Communication and
signaling system
1. Surveillance and Signal Equipment- fire, smoke and intruder detection and
alarm systems
In general, all signal systems require a surveillance system to process
information including transmitting it and a means of indicating the signal, either
audibly, visually or permanently on "hard copy".
2. Audio .and Visual Communication Equipment - telephone, intercom, public TV
and closed circuit
television (CCTV)
3. Time Equipment - clock and program equipment


1. Detectors ,..
2. Control Unit or Panel
3. Alarm Devices
4. Wiring or Circuitry

1. Automatic System - uses detectors to. trigger the alarm system.

2. Manual System - uses visual detection and the alarm is triggered by hand.
a. Non-Coded Manual Stations - the station locations are not identifiable at the
control panel when it is
Manually triggered. An annunciation panel, however, can be added to the system, to
convert each
station as a non-coded indicating zone. Beyond 10 stations, coding should be
b. Coded Manual Stations - Each manual station is coded and this code is received
at the control
panel, processed and transmitted audibly on the system gongs. The code usually
comprises of 3 to
4 digits; the first number may identify the building number, the second the building
floor and the third
the individual station.
There are four types of detectors:
1. Temperature Detector - the most
common is the Temperature
Detector called the "thermostat".
There are two types:
a. Fixed Temperature Unit - triggers‘
a set of contacts when a present
temperature is reached. This
unit is available in a one-time non-
renewable design that uses a low
melting alloy fusible plug.
b. Rate-of-Rise Unit - activates when the
rate of ambient temperature differential
exceeds a
predetermined amount. This unit may be
combines with the fixed temperature unit
in a single
housing such as in the case of an
automatic resetting unit.
2. Photoelectric Detector - These
detectors react to the obscuration of a light
beam by smoke. They are best applied where
fires produce considerable quantities of
smoke and gas, such as those caused by slow
burning plastics.
3. Ionization Detector -
These detectors operate by
detecting ionized particles in the
air. They do not
detect fires producing heavy
smoke but few particles such as
alcohol and plastic fires.

4. Flame Detectors - These

detectors are of two types; the
Infrared (IR) and Ultraviolet (UV)
Applications are generally industrial
and are highly sensitive.
The function of the
control panel is to
energize the audible
devices (bells, buzzers,
gongs) upon receipt of a
signal from the detector.
Other functions include
shut-off of oil and gas
lines, shut off of attic fans
to prevent fire spread,
and turning off of lights.
Most units are serviced
with an emergency
standby battery.
The typical control functions in the Fire Alarm Panel are:

1. On Coded system- these are

continuous ringing evacuation
type alarm devices, manual or
automatic which can be zone
and identifiable by means of an
2. Master Coded Systems - This
system is also called the
common coded or fixed coded
system and generates four
rounds of code. When the code
is set to ring the bells at 108
strokes per .minute, the alarm is
known a "march time" because
of the rhythmic cadence. This
alarm best applies in the rapid
evacuation of a building and is
frequently used in schools.
3. Zone Coded Systems -
Manual stations are
grouped by circuit into
zones which transmits to
the panel
and ring the zone's code on
the single stroke on or
chimes, thus immediately
identifying the station.
4. Dual Coded Systems -
This system is a
combination of the non-
coded and the zone coded
When an alarm device
operates, it initiates two
different functions - an
identifying coded alarm
in the maintenance office
and a continuous ringing
evacuation alarm for the
whole building.
5. Selective Coded Systems - This is a fully coded system in which all manual devices are
coded and all automatic devices are arranged to trip code transmitters at the panel.
6. Pre-signal System - When it is desired to alert onIy key personnel a system called pre-
signalinzg is used, where it is also selectively coded. The personnel can immediately investigate and
turn on the general alarm manually.

Usually audible such as, bells, gongs and horns. Most common is the a-c vibrating bell and
a weatherproof external bell to alert neighbors and passersby.

A system which is usually de-energized and functions only when activated is called an open
·circuit system. An open circuit system which integrates a trouble light to indicate a
malfunction is called a supervised system".
1.3 Intrusion (Burglar) Alarm System
Intrusion detection is similar to the fire detection system, except that instead of
thermal detection, devices such as metallic tape and micro- and magnetic- switches
are used to detect door and window motion and glass breakage. An eye or a laser
light beam may also be used to detect movement once blocked.
1.4 Sprinkler Alarm- Water flow
switches are installed to monitor the flow
of water in a sprinkler head and when
triggered will trip a coded transmitter,
setting off a sprinkler code to show up on
a sprinkler annunciator board (called a
sprinkler alarm panel).
1.5. Industrial Building Security
These cover electrified security door
hardware that triggers an alarm when a
door is opened without authorization, such
as in exterior doors and doors to restricted


By use of card reader
1. The first level is by simple insertion of a
card by the holder to an electric device
which grants entry when a card is inserted
into it for identification.
2. The second level requires the encoding
of a three-digit number simultaneously
with the insertion of a card. This bars the
entry of unauthorized card holders.
3. The third level involves an attendant
who compares card data through a
This type of station allows a
guard to call in through an
intercom and permits a
general alarm to ring
through operation of a key.
1.6. Television Antenna System
The system functions by amplifying the signal received by the TV antenna and by
means of a special cable, distribute these amplified signals into the various wall
outlets. A system with two or more outlets generally needs a booster amplifier.
1.7. Sound Amplifying system or Public Address System
Consists of the following:
1. Microphone - to pick up the sound and convert it to an alternative electric current
2. Amplifiers - amplifies and controls the current
3. Loudspeaker - converts amplified electric current back into sound much louder
than the original sound entering the microphone
1.8.Telephone and
The intercom system comprises
one or more master stations
(administrative) and several remote
stations (staff), one of which
monitors the front door. The master
station allows selective calling
while remote stations operating
through the masters are non-
The Private Automatic Branch
Exchange or PABX is based on solid-
state technology, thus the entire system can
handle up to 500 lines and trunks, 4
operator consoles. and over 140
simultaneous conversations plus fulI
intercom facilities, all occupying a cabinet
0.60 M x 0.70M x 1.8 M. The operational
features of this system include:
o direct internal and external dialing
o consultation hold ( ability to hold an
outside call while making an inside call)
o conference call capability for internal and
external units
o call transfer and camp-on feature
o automatic call back
o call forwarding
o distinctive ringing for different functions
o paging, executive priority, dictation access,
personnel location and other options
1. Service Entrance - the service connection from a pole or other outside terminal
location ·to a point of entrance into the building. The service entrance may be:
a. Overhead - with overhead exposed wires.
b. Underground - with concealed underground wires in conduits. The service
conduit is usually of rigid iron same for electrical works. Minimum size of service
conduit is %" round. There should be a clearance of not less than 6" between
telephone service conduit and the electric conduit.
2. Protector - generally required in residential telephone lines to protect against
lightning. When a conduit entrance and an interior conduit system are to be installed,
it is desirable to provide a cabinet to accommodate the protector usually a metal box
of same type used in electrical work. Located as close as possible to the point of
entrance, one protector is required for each pair of telephone wires entering the
3. Main Terminal Cabinet or Room - The serviced wires end at the main terminal
cabinet. Small sized wall type terminals are mounted to metal cabinets attached to or
recessed in walls or columns. Large sizes of wall type terminals and frame type
terminals (terminals _mounted in frames accessible from both sides) should be
located in rooms which are intended for the purpose and instructed of fire resisting
4. Vertical Riser Conduits or Riser Shafts
a. Riser Conduits - are used in medium sized installations and consist of a series of
metal cabinets
called splicing cabinets aligned vertically through the building, one on each floor and
connected by a
vertical conduit.
b. Riser Shafts - are required for very large installations and consist of a series of
individual full length
interconnecting closets called splicing closets which are aligned vertically one on
5. Splicing Cabinets or Splicing Closets - permit the riser cables in the riser shaft
or conduit to be spliced or interconnected to the cables or telephone wires to the
various floors.
6. Floor Conduits - connects the splicing closets or cabinets into the distribution
terminal cabinets and to floor ducts. wall outlets, etc..
The different types of phone systems depend primarily on how
heavy your phone traffic is.
- Single-Line Phones.
- Small Business Multiple-Line Phones.
- Large Business Multiple-Line Calls.
The three forms of Lines used for phone systems are analog,
digital, and T1. Here are brief descriptions of the three:
- Analog.
- Digital
- T-1
The basic hardware needed in a phone system consists of the
control unit and the individual phone units. In some systems, IP
Telephony is used.
1. PABX Server
2. The Control Unit
3. Individual Units
4. IP Telephony
Any of these features can appear on individual units, and most of
them are standard.
• Call Waiting Or Multiple Lines. No Block
• Conference Calling. Voice Mail
• Call Attendant. Call Transfer
• Hands Free Calling. Remote Door Entry
• Speed Dialling surge Protection
• RE Dial Battery Back UP
• Called ID
Basic Electrical
Electrical Safety

"Shocking Statistics“

 There are approximately 290 accidental electrocutions

each year.

 An additional 800 people die in fires caused by faulty

electrical systems every year.

 Thousands are shocked and burned as the result of

accidental contact with electricity every year.

 An estimated $1.2 billion in property damage occurs

each year due to faulty use of electricity.

 Electricity is the flow of electrons in a conductor.

 The electrons must have a path to and from its source.

 This path is called a circuit.


 Various electrical devices are used as a part of the


 These devices are used for a variety of activities, such

as turning the electricity off and on, providing
electricity to various lights or appliances, etc.
Types of Electrical Currents
 Electrical current comes in two forms:
 Direct current (DC)
 Flows in only one direction.
 It is usually generated by battery-base electrical systems and used in the
electrical systems of internal combustion engines or flashlight batteries.

 Alternating current (AC)

 Reverses the direction of flow of current many times each second.
 AC is the type used in homes, factories, etc.
Electrical Service

 Service is provided to homes, businesses and other

small users of electricity by three wires from a utility

 Two of the wires are “hot,” each carrying 120 volts.

 The other wire is “neutral,” and provides the return

path for electricity.
Electrical Service (cont.)

 These wires are connected to a service entrance,

which is where the electricity enters a building.

 A meter is used in the service entrance to measure the

amount of electricity being used.
Electrical Service (cont.)

 The service entrance is grounded with a wire

connected to a ground rod driven several feet into
the ground.

 It is needed to provide a return path to the ground

and to carry away stray electrical current out of the
Service Panel

 Follows the meter.

 It houses the circuit

breakers for the
system and is used
to distribute the
power to individual
circuits throughout
the system.
Air conditioner large (1) 20 (240 V) 4800
Air conditioner, small (1) 15 1800
Clothes dryer 33 (240 V) ! 4 (120 V) 8400
Clothes iron 10 1200
Coffee maker 7 850
Computer, desktop 8 960
Dishwasher (2) 12 1440
Dehumidifier 6 720
Drill, electric, small (2) 4 500
Fan (ceiling) (3) 4 480
Fan (furnace, 1/3 hp) (3) 5 600
Fan (portable) (3) 0.6 72
Freezer (3) 4 500
Garbage disposer 6 720
Hair dryer (2) 5–10 1500
Heater (baseboard, 10 ft) 10 (240 V) 2400
Heater (portable) 8 1000
Heater (water, 50 gal) 19 (240 V) 4500
Lamps, incandescent 0.25–1.7 30–200
Microwave oven (4) 6.6 (240 V) 1500
Radio, AM/FM 0.4 50
Range, electric per element 6.5 (240 V) 1500
Refrigerator (3) 5 600
Stereo system 2.5 300
Stove, electric, per element 6.5 (240 V) 1500
Television (color, large) 5 600
Television (color, small) 1 120
Toaster 7 850
Vacuum cleaner (2) 9 1080
Washing machine (2) 10 1220
Water heater, electric 20 (240 V) 4800
 When a circuit uses too much electricity, an
overcurrent causes a circuit breaker to trip,
shutting down the power to that circuit.

 The excessive heat caused by an

overcurrent condition may burn or damage
a conductor’s insulation and cause a fire.

 A circuit breaker is a heat-sensitive switch,

which automatically trips when electricity
demand is too great which causes the
temperature in the conductor to get too
Amps Volts Watts
The following relationship exists between
Amps, Volts and Watts.
 Amperes are a measure of the rate of flow of electricity in a

 Volts are a measure of electrical pressure.

 Watts are a measure of the amount of energy or work that can be

done by amperes and volts.
Identify and draw various symbols
used in drawing wiring diagrams or

What symbols are used in drawing

various electrical devices?

In order to successfully draw a wiring

circuit on paper, one needs to use
various symbols that represent the
Cable Types
Cable Types

One is 14/2 with ground, which has one black conductor, one white
conductor, and a bare ground conductor.
Cable Types (cont.)

A third type of cable is 14/3 with ground, which has

one black conductor, one white conductor, one red
conductor, and one bare ground conductor.
Metal and
Nonmetallic Conduit
Indoor metal and nonmetallic conduit can
keep dust and moisture out of wiring and
protect it from mechanical abrasion. Short
sections can protect wiring close to the
floor used to power washing machines and
clothes dryers in damp basements. These
sections must be anchored to masonry
walls where there are no wood studs for
supporting them. Conduit is also used as
vertical ducting between floors to ease the
task of pulling power and communications
cables through floors. It will also protect all
power and communications cables in
warehouses and other unoccupied storage
buildings where there are no dry internal
walls or ceilings.
Electrical wiring distribution


Additional symbols are used to
identify terminals and indicate if
wires are spliced or just crossing
Corrosion-resistant: Electrical devices made from corrosion-resistant
metals or metals that will corrode if left bare but when plated with
corrosion-resistant metals will withstand corrosive environments. These
devices must pass the ASTM B117- 13 (500-hr) Salt Spray (Fog) Test.
Explosion-proof: Electrical devices such as switches or relays whose
cases or housings are sealed to confine any internal electrical arcing
within that housing. They can also be semiconductor devices that switch
power without producing electric arcs. These devices must meet the
NFPA-70 requirements for use in situations defined by the NEC as
environments presenting fire or explosion hazards.
Hospital-grade: A specification grade for premium-quality electrical
devices that meet the “hospital-grade” requirements of Underwriters’
Laboratories Standard UL 498 for performance, durability, and the
enhancement of patient safety in hospitals and health-care facilities.
They must pass more rigorous tests than industrial or consumer
Plug: An electrical device with male contacts that terminate a
line cord and plug into mating slots and holes of an outlet or
Receptacle: An electrical device with female contacts usually
installed on equipment housings or walls to complete an
electrical connection when a plug is inserted.
Switch: An electrical device for making, breaking, or changing
the electrical connections in a circuit.
Wallplate (or wall plate): A thin metal or plastic cover plate
for enclosing and protecting a permanently wired or empty
electrical box. Wallplates are available in a wide variety of
sizes with different cutouts to admit actuators or outlets.
Weatherproof: An electrical device constructed of materials
with the requisite properties that permit the device to function
as designed despite prolonged exposure to adverse weather.
Symbols (cont.)
Symbols (cont.)

External cap made of tough, durable polypropylene.
Threaded entry helps guide large wire bundles into the
spring chamber. Unique copper-coated spring helps
resist corrosion. Approved for circuits up to 600 V, and
lighting fixtures and sings up to 1,000 V.

Generally, black and red

conductors carry “hot” power or
current from the source to the
devices within the circuit.

 The white conductor is always used to carry the current back to the
Two and Three wire
How to wire a receptacle
All receptacles should be wired such that
the hot or live (black) lead is connected to
a specific side of the outlet, and the neutral
(white) lead to the other.
Types of control switches
Toggle switch
Push Button
Slide switch
Rocker plate
Dimmer switch-
Photo cell –light sensitivity
Infrared- remote
Motion sensor-switch
Pull down switch
Automated software based
The Ohm “” or “R” (cont.)
 Heat caused by
the flow of current
Energy lost due to
electron contact
Resistance (similar
to friction heat)
The Watt “P”
 A function of both voltage and amps
“push” and “amount of juice”
Known as “power”
 Wattage is not a flow of current, it is a
resulting amount of power
 Before true power can exist, there must
be some type of energy change or
Heat (light bulb)
Mechanical (steam generator)
The Watt “P”
• Where did the term Watt come from?
• Actually you could say it came from
• Before we had electricity we had horses
• Plowing fields and pulling carriages and
the like.
The Watt “P”
• And making a lot of horse poop. Or a lot
of horse crap …..or horse sh….
• However the word “lot” was confused
with “watt” as is in “a watt of crap” and
the term stuck.
• So when electricity was invented we
converted horsepower to the term
James Watt needed to sell his steam
engines he was making.
So he put power in the term that people
would understand being horsepower
After experimentation, he found that the
average horse can work steady pulling a
plow at 550 foot-pound per second*
Doing the math, this would equate:
1 hp = 746 W

*the amount of force required to raise one pound of weight one foot
So the term watt used in electricity originated
with James Watt trying to find a way to
measure something people at the time
understood which was “horse power”. Horse
power is the amount of power an average
plow horse can exert.
BTU – British Thermal Unit
 Defined
The amount of heat required to raise the
temperature of one pound of water one degree
In metric terms, the joule is equivalent to a
1 watt = 3.412 BTU per hour
1 kilowatt (kw) = 3412 BTU per hour
Conversion Chart - Power

Common Power Units

Electrical Quantities

E = Volts
I = Amps
R = Resistance (Ohms  )
P = Watt
Ohm’s Law

 Defined
It takes one volt
to push one
amp through
one ohm
 I = E/R
 R = E/I
Formula Chart
Ohm’s Law
R = 144
100 W
I = 0.83

V or E = voltage, I = current, R = Resistance

A light bulb rated at 100 watts. The bulb
operates at 120 volts
100w/120v =
What is its current flow? 0.83 ampere

What is the resistance of the filament?

120v/0.83a = 1202/100W
144 ohms, or = 144 ohms
Example (cont.)
R = 48
300 W
I = 2.5

 A light bulb rated at 300 watts. The bulb

operates at 120 volts

300w/120v =
What is its current flow? 2.5 ampere

What is the resistance of the filament?

120/2.5 = 2120 /300W
48 ohms, or = 48 ohms
Example (cont.)
 100 watt bulb has
0.83 amp current flow
144 ohms of resistance
 300 watt bulb has
 a bigger filament than 100 watt bulb
2.5 amp current flow
48 ohms of resistance
* A bigger filament means less resistance to electron flow.
This equates to more electrons passing through the
filament thus creating a more intense light
Practice Problems
 An electric heating element has a resistance of 9.6  and
is connected to a voltage of 120 V. How much current will
flow in this circuit?

120v/9.6 = 12.5 A
 Using the above question, how many watts of heat are
being produced by the heating element?
(12.5 A)(120 V) = 1500 W
 A 240 V circuit has a current flow of 20 A. How much
power is connected in the circuit?
(240 V) (20 A) = 4800 W

 An electric motor has an apparent resistance of 15 . If 8

A of current are flowing through the motor, what is the
connected voltage?
(8 A)(15 ) = 120 V
Practice Problems (cont.)
 You plan to install a 5 kW electric
heating unit in your home. You want to
operate the unit in the most efficient
way. Would you connect the unit to a
120 V or 240 V electrical system?
5000 W/ 120 V = 41.67 A

5000 W / 240 V = 20.8 A

 In the above, which voltage system is

the most expensive to operate? Uses the
most power? Uses the most amperage?
Uses the larger conductors?

Use same amount of power

120 V uses a larger current thus larger conductors
Problems (cont.)

 A conductor has a resistance of 20 ohms

per 1000 feet of length. The conductor
serves a lamp 200 feet from the power
source. If lamp has a resistance of 72
ohms and a source voltage of 120, what is
the voltage drop across the light bulb?
First find ohms or resistance
Next circuit current
Next voltage drop through the conductors
Finally find actual voltage across the lamp
Problems (cont.)

4 + 72 + 4 = 80 ohms

120 V = (I)(80 ohms)

I = 1.5 A

E = 1.5 A (4 + 4) =
12 volts drop

E = (1.5)(72) = 108
Chapter 9
Please read chapter 9.
 Please review, know and understand the terms
related to fire protection page 284.
 Know the Classifications of Fires 9.1.1
 Know Classification of Hazards 9.1.2
 Know the Use or Occupancy 9.1.4
 Void sections 9.7.7 through 9.7.9.
 Study the remainder of the chapter
 See additional reading CSI specifications
 Article - The Evolution of Modern Automatic Fire
Commercial Buildings
CSI Division
 Includes:
 Electrical
 Piping
 Equipment
 Controls
 Detection of fire and smoke
 Suppression
CSI Division Numbers
Division 21 Fire Suppression (new)
21 10 00 Water – Based Fire- Suppression
21 13 00 Fire-Suppression Sprinkler Systems
21 13 13 Wet-Pipe Sprinkler Systems
21 13 16 Dry-Pipe Sprinkler Systems
21 13 19 Preaction Sprinkler Systems
21 13 23 Combined Dry-Pipe and Preaction Sprinkler
21 13 26 Deluge Fire-Suppression Sprinkler Systems
21 13 29 Water Spray Fixed Systems
21 13 36 Antifreeze Sprinkler Systems
21 13 39 Foam-Water Systems
Old CSI Fire Protection System (See
separate readings – Web Site)
 Division 10520 Fire Extinguishers & Cabinets
Old CSI Fire Protection System (See
separate required readings – Web Site)
 Division 15000 Mechanical General Provisions
 Division 15300 Fire Protection
 Division 16722 Fire Alarm System
 Making sure the various Contract Documents
 Shop Drawing
 Specifications Review
 Coordination

Each specification section within their respective Division shall be

coordinated with all other sections in that division for related work.

The project documents contemplate the complete installation of the

systems described herein, or shown on the drawings, so that at the
conclusion of the construction, the systems will be turned over to the
Owner complete and ready for safe, efficient operation.

The Contractor shall be obliged to furnish and install all such items
normally included on systems of this type, which while not
mentioned directly herein are obviously essential to the installation
and operation of the systems, and which are normally furnished on
installations of this type.
Refer to the Division 1 sections for general coordination requirements
applicable to the entire work. The Contractor shall recognize that the
Contract Documents are diagrammatic in showing certain physical
relationships that must be established within the mechanical and electrical
work, and in its interface with other work including utilities and that such
establishment is the exclusive responsibility of the Contractor. This
Contractor shall be responsible for work fitting in place without conflict with
other trades, where proper planning could avoid interference. This
Contractor shall examine the locations and verify all measurements,
distances, elevations and existing conditions before starting work. Because
the drawings are diagrammatic and on a small scale, all rises, drops, offsets,
etc., have not been shown. The Contractor shall agree to provide and install
the necessary piping, fittings, valves, duets, duct fittings and offsets, and
other specialties to suit such conditions without additional cost to the
Owner. Mechanical drawings shall not be used for general construction
dimensions or for type of material used for general construction. For exact
building layout, dimensions and building materials used Contractor shall
refer to Architectural Drawings.
 False Ceilings
 Tight spaces
 High Rise Buildings
 Determined by length of fire ladder
 Around 75 feet
 Buildings constructed as high rise 50 to over 100
floors and there designs are coordinated by the local
fire departments and fire marshals.
 Consideration for interior materials is paramount
 Codes and structural components need to meet
National Fire Codes.
 Types of Sprinkler Systems
􀂄 Wet Sprinkler System
􀂄 Dry Sprinkler System
􀂄 Deluge Sprinkler System
􀂄 Pre-Action Sprinkler System
Wet pipe systems
 Wet pipe sprinkler systems
 Most installed
 Most reliable
 Simple
 Only operating components being the automatic
 An automatic water supply provides water under
pressure to the system piping.
Wet Systems
􀂄 Water is in branch lines and at the sprinkler
heads at all times
􀂄 Wet Systems cannot be in areas that may
􀂄 Water pressure must be maintained at all
􀂄 Water Pumps are put in place to keep water
pressure at a certain PSI
􀂄 There is no delay in time that water is put on
the fire
􀂄 Require the least amount of maintenance
Dry pipe systems
 Dry pipe systems installed where temperature
will freeze water in a wet pipe system.
 Dry pipe systems are most often used in
unheated buildings, in parking garages, in
outside canopies attached to heated buildings
Dry Sprinkler System
􀂄 Require Air Pressure instead of water in the
Branch Lines
􀂄 The Air Pressure holds down a Clapper
Valve, so that water can not be introduced
into the system, unless the air pressure is lost
􀂄 Used in areas that may freeze
􀂄 An air compressor keeps a constant pressure in
the system
􀂄 When a Fire releases a sprinkler head, the air is
released from the piping, and stops holding
down the valve that was holding the water
back, and water is released
Dry Sprinkler Systems
􀂄 Standpipes are used in stairwells to have
a water way established for hand lines.
􀂄 These systems have a high maintenance
cost, due to corrosion in the pipe with
only air, and a little bit of water.
􀂄 Might take up to 60 seconds to get water
on the fire, depending on how big the
system is.
Dry Sprinkler Systems
Fusible Link Sprinklers vs. Glass Bulb Sprinklers
 All wet-pipe sprinklers are held closed by
either a fusible link or a glass bulb that contains
a heat-sensitive liquid.
 A fusible link sprinkler head has a two-part
metal element that is fused by a heat-sensitive
 Water is only released by sprinkler heads
where the ambient temperature reaches a
specified level
 Glass bulb sprinkler heads have a small glass
reservoir that holds a heat-sensitive liquid.
 This glass bulb holds the pip cap in place.
 When the ambient temperature of the liquid
reaches a certain level, the liquid expands
causing the glass bulb to break, which allows
the pip cap to fall away releasing water.
􀂄 Deluge Valves are used in special areas
􀂄 Sprinkler heads are open at all times
􀂄 Used in High Hazard areas
􀂄 Deluge Valve opens during a smoke or
heat detection
􀂄 Deluge systems are needed where high
velocity suppression is necessary
Designer type of sprinkler
 Over 50,000 types of sprinkler heads available
for designers Based On:
 System Type
 Activation Temperature
 Orifice Size
 Thread Size
 Coverage
 Finish
 Fusible Type
 Types of Sprinkler Heads
 Pendants
 Uprights
 Sidewalls
 Concealed
 Special Coverage

Special Coverage
Foam Water Fire Sprinkler System
 Special application system

 Discharging a mixture of water and low

expansion foam concentrate
 Used with special hazards occupancies
 associated with high challenge fires
 flammable liquids
 airport hangars.
 PBDE’s

 Furniture
 Clothing
 Electronics
There are four stages for
house wiring:
› Rough- in stage
› Wiring stage
› Fixtures and finishing stage
› Testing and operations
•From the power company, we get:
•two hot wires
•one neutral wire.
•The two major voltages available in our
homes are:
•115 VAC
•230 VAC
•Most of the receptacles in our homes are 115
•Washer, Dryer, Oven, etc. use the 230 VAC

115 VAC 230 VAC

Neutral Hot

Hot wires
 Wires:  Wires:
◦ Hot (red/black wire) ◦ Hot (red wire)
◦ Neutral (white wire) ◦ Hot (black wire)
◦ Ground (bare copper wire) ◦ Ground (bare copper wire)
 Screws:  Screws:
◦ Brass (for hot wire) ◦ Brass (for hot wire)
◦ Silver (for neutral wire) ◦ Brass (for hot wire)
◦ Green with green dot ◦ Green with green dot
(ground wire) (ground wire)

115 VAC 230 VAC


 For rooms:
Within the first 6ft of an entrance into a room, there should be an
120volt receptacle outlet and then for every other 12ft there should
be an outlet.
 For the kitchen:
The outlets should be a minimum of 2ft apart.
 Receptacle connection:
On the side of ground the 2 neutral wires are stripped ½ inch and
pushed in the hole. Make sure to pull on it to check that it does not
come out. Now strip the black wires ¼ inch, push them into the hole
opposite of ground.
14 W gauge for bedrooms, hallways, living rooms, and all ceilings.
Duplex Receptacles:
 Some duplexes have 5 wires going into the receptacle, while others have 3 wires
going into the receptacle.
 If a circuit is a feeder to the other circuits, then it has 5 wires: 2 neutral (white),
2 hot (black/red), 1 ground (bare copper wire). The 5 wires you see are actually
power coming in and coming out.
 If it is the end of a circuit, then it has 3 wires: 1 neutral (white), 1 hot
(black/red), 1 ground (bare copper wire)
 Every receptacle holds 15 Amperes of Current. Kitchen appliances have 20
Amperes of Current and Dryers have 30 Amperes of Current.
 Every wire has an adjacent screw
-GFCI: Stands for Ground Fault Circuit Interrupt. This
receptacles is different from conventional
receptacles. In the event of a ground fault, a GFCI
will trip and quickly stop the flow of electricity to
prevent serious injury.
-For kitchens and bathrooms with sinks, GFI
protection receptacles are required for anything
between 6ft from water. Make sure everything is
grounded for safety purposes.
-When does a ground fault occur? It occurs when
electricity passes through a persons body to reach
the ground instead of following its normal path.
-GFCI receptacles protect against circuit overloads,
short circuits, or shocks.
-For GFCI’s, a 12 W gauge is required which is
thicker than the 14 W gauge.
 The GFCI receptacle itself has the Test and
Reset buttons. The reciprocal feeling into the
GFCI main no reciprocal has no Reset/Test
buttons, but will indicate GFCI stickers on them.


• A single pole (one location) or a 3 way (multiple locations) can be put
only on the incandescent.
• You will see 4 colored wires on the dimmer. Blue, yellow, black and
Connecting wires for dimmer:
• Green dimmer Ground leads to Green or
copper wire in wall box.
• Black dimmer lead to Line (hot) wall box
wire removed from old switch.
• Blue Dimmer lead to remaining wall box wire
• Cap Yellow dimmer lead with appropriate
size wire nut.
•REGULAR MEDIUM BASE: used in regular fixtures

•MOGUL BASE: is thicker and is used for street lights

•CANDELABRA BASE: is smaller and is used in paddle/ceiling fan


*On a ceiling fan which has lights, always use a A15

lamp because the filament is thicker and it will last
longer even though the fan causes vibration*
*G-style lamps are used in bathrooms*
*Fluorescent lamps are used under cabinets and
countertops, and are available only up to a wattage of
32 Watts instead of 40 Watts*
Gang Box
•The Gang Box must be UL listed in approval for
electrical work. Deep Gang Boxes are maximum
of 22.5cubic inches.
•Inside the house : All gang boxes must be UL
•Outside the house the gangs used must be UL
approved and suitable for dampness/wet
•According to Title 24 everything in the home i.e.
Bathroom, Kitchen, underneath the cabinets,
laundry room, outside light should have
incandescent lights.
Low Voltage Wires

White….RG6-TV, SAT, DSL, Cameras

You can use red alone but to differentiate

between computer wires and phone wires
you use different colors.
High Voltage Wires

 14/ 2- 15A :is a 14G wire black, white, and ground

used for lighting wiring bedroom plug switches.
anything rated up to 15A.
 12/ 2- 20A :is a 12G wire, black, white, ground,
yellow wire for identification.
 12/ 3- 20A :is a 12G wire black (hot) white
(neutral), red (hot), and ground. In this there are
2 hot wires in one wire. If you have two circuits in
the same area then you could use black for one
circuit & jump the other circuits through red wires
especially in General appliances.
High Voltage wires Continued
 10 Gauge/30 A: is Orange in color used
for Dryers or Ovens if under 30 A. it is
also used for Air conditioning if no more
than 30A is required
 8 Gauge/40/50 A: is a Black wire and is
used in ovens that are over 30 A.
 6 Gauge/50/60 A: is used only in Air
Conditioners and Ovens that have very
high amperage
Low voltage enclosure: TV, Telephone, computers,
cameras, speaker DVR, i.e. communication, run one main
limit is 2RG6 (TV coax) cat 5- phone line or computer line.
When it says TV run 1RG6 i.e. Black wire.


On/Q…………….All 4 wires drop (2cat5 and 2RG6)
High Voltage……Stapled every 4ft 6in
Low Voltage…….Not stapled tightly
1RG6……………TV Only
2RG6……………TV & DVR & HD
Rough Stage Continued…
 RG6-Quad shield: a type of wire that helps to
give a better signal, but not a better picture.
(You could run High Definition signals like
Comcast Internet Company with RG6)
 The wires going into every gang box should
be stapled within 6 inches of the box, on the
 The wires going into Double or Triple boxes,
should be 12 inches away from the box on
the wood.
History of Lifts

• Roman architect Vitruvius, reported

that Archimedes built his first elevator in
236 BC.[13] Elevators were mentioned as
cabs on a hemp rope and powered by
hand or by animals.
• In 1852, Elisha Otis introduced the safety
elevator, which prevented the fall of the cab if
the cable broke. The design of the Otis safety
elevator is somewhat similar to one type still
used today.

• On March 23, 1857 the first Otis passenger

elevator was installed at 488 Broadway in New
York City

• The Equitable Life Building completed in

1870 in New York City was the first office
building to have passenger elevators.[20]
Elisha Otis' elevator patent drawing, 15 January 1861.
1.1 Definition of Lifts

• A vertical transport equipment that efficiently moves people between floors

(levels, deck) of a building, vessel or other structure.

• Generally powered by electric

motor that drive by traction cable and
counterweight systems like a hoist or
hydraulic pump.
Importance of Lifts

• Rapid development : buildings design nowadays built vertically /higher because

of high land cost.

• Basic needs : to bring building user from one level to higher level in building

• Comfort needs : working efficiency for office building or large organization.

• UBBL : building with more than 6 storey must provide lifts system.

• Fire requirements : provide fire lift to be used during fire.

1.2 Lift Categories According to the Function
• Trade Lift

- Crucial to the good performance to clients of the

- Between 6 – 23 people.
- Speed of elevator 200 – 2000 ft/ min.
- Examples : offices, shopping mall and hotels
• Hospital Lift

- Used in hospital & treatment center

- Designed for transporting large carts or furniture.
- Speed of elevator 100 – 350 ft/ min.
- Two sides of front and back doors for loading and
unloading facilities.
- Door width between 900 – 1100mm
• High Residential Lift
- For high rise residential buildings such as flat, apartment
or condominium.
- Needs regular maintenance
because high frequency
of its use everyday or possibility
of vandalism.
• Institution Lift

- Used in library, office, classroom or lecture hall located

at high altitudes.

• Store Lift

- Used to transport heavy goods but depends on types of

good transported.
- Elevator speed 50 – 150ft/min.
- 5000 lbs normal, load haul 20000 lbs.
- Usually used in shoppping complex, airports, hotels,
• Lift of Cars

- Used specifically to lift a car in

multi storey car park or

• The six types of elevators had to be in the form of pull (traction) and
• Form of traction is more commonly used for high velocity.
• Hydraulic type only used to transport goods where waiting time is not
1.3 Characteristic of Lifts
1. Lift needed for the building more than 6 storey.
2. Installation must be in accordance with the regulation in UBBL.
3. Suitable speed 100 – 150ft/min. Too fast will result in a nervous
breakdown to the user. If too slow will cause lack of function.


• Good System – quiet equipment, smooth journey, good condition

and safe at every moment.
• Waiting time – minimum waiting time at any level.
• Aesthetics – Button panel clear and easily reached at appropriate
level. Complete instruction. Decorative lighting and comfortable.
• Movement of door – door movement is quiet and fast.
1.4 Components & Installation of Lifts
Lift sub-system

• Control Motion – includes motor, gear, engines, brakes and power supply.
• Control System - to get control the movements of the lift.
• Door Control – contained motor connecting lift car doors, platforms gates and
door safety devices.
• Safety Control – contain the safety gear,
speed controller for the first balance, heat
and lack of power.
Typical traction lift design
Lift Components

• Platform where passengers or goods is transported.

• Constructed with steel or iron attached with steel frame.
• Fire resistance

Elevator hoist ropes on top of

a lift car
• Equipment to be provided – door, floor panel indicators, button of request,
phone, emergency button, lighting, ventilation and enough emergency supplies.

A modern internal control panel. Notice the buttons

labeled 1 above G. An external control panel
• Divided into 2 types :
1. Closed Lift (typical type)
2. Open Lift (bubble type)

Closed Lift (typical type)

Open Lift (bubble type)

• Constructed with reinforced concrete.

• To accommodate the loading and fire resistance.
• Size of lift shaft space is determined by the number of user.

Looking down the lift shaft of a

hydraulic elevator. The hydraulic
ram is to the left
Gearless motor mounted on the wall in the lift shaft

• Usually placed at the top of lift shaft.

• Placed in room equipped with a lifting beam for maintenance
• Have electric motor, safety gear, guard rail, diaphragm motion
and gear.

• Lift car is equipped with its own door (sliding type).

• Security measure – resist the movement as long as the door is
still open.
• Self closing within a certain time frame.
• 2 types of sliding door :
1. Opened automatically when the lift stops at
every level.
2. Swing door – will open when the lift stopped
at the lobby.

• Work to keep the car and the counterweight.

• Mounted on both sides of the lift shaft which is attached to the
wheel of the car.
• A safety device to hold the lift from crashing down if the rope break.


• To absorb the impact of the lift car when it fell.

• Placed in a room called the lift pit.

• Load borne by the generator is balanced by the

• Connected with a wire rope of the elevator car.
• Function of counterweight :
- To grip the lift car
- Reduce the power of generator
- Reduce the brake to stop the car lifts.
Bulkhead Hoisting Machinery
Penthouse Control Panel

Top Car Clearance

Driving Sheave
Idle Sheave

Machine Beam

Hoisting Cable
Guide Rail

Traveling Cable
Elevator Car Safety

Hoistway Door


Limit Switch

Elevator Pit Buffer

Bottom Car Clearance

1.5 Selection Factor
• Utility – The function must be identified whether for commercial, office
of hospital.
• Capacity & number of lifts – depends on the access building pattern and
building size.
• Speed – depends on the number of stops, numbers of user and
transport cost.
• Type & size of lift gate – depends on the use or function.

• Size of lift shaft – depends on lift cargo capacity
• Depth of lift shaft – depends on the speed of elevator
• Area of space in lift – depends on speed of elevators.
• Mechanical room size – depends on type and size of the lift equipment.

• Electrical panels and power outlets.

• Ventilation fan and lighting in engine room.
• Steps down and power sockets in the wells lift (lift pit).
• The structure for lifting the machinery room.
• Maintanence works.
Building type Waiting time (second)

Office building
- Central town 25 – 30
- Commercial 30 – 45
Residential building
- Luxury 50 – 70
- Medium type 60 – 80
- Low cost 80 – 120
- Hostel 60 – 80
- Class A 40 – 60
- Class B 50 - 70
Function Lif capacity (lbs) Min. Speed Building height (ft)
Office Building
Small size 2500 350 – 400 0 – 125
500 – 600 126 – 225
Medium size 3000 700 226 – 275
800 276 – 375
High scale 3500 1000 > 375
Hotel 2500 Same as above
Hospital 3000 150 0 – 60
200 61 – 100
3500 250 – 300 101 – 125
350 – 400 126 – 175
4000 500 – 600 176 – 250
700 > 250
Residential 2000 100 0 – 75
200 76 – 125
2500 250 – 300 126 – 200
350 - 400 > 200
Commercial 3500 200 0 – 100
4000 250 – 300 101 – 150
350 – 400 151 – 200
5000 500 > 200
1.6 Location & Lift Arrangement
• To ensure there is no interference between passengers who wish to
get into the lift.
• Should be carefully planned so can easily get into lobby and travel
distance is reasonable.
• Maximum travel distance 150 – 200ft
• System layout depends on the number of elevator cars that use the
• Normally the elevator is set in the layout or zoned.

• If there is high traffic , the usage is at optimum level
• Waiting time will be shorten.
Lift Arrangement for 2 car lift

Side by side Not good

arrangement – width Opposite arrangement
of corridor = width arrangement of
of car lift corridor = width of
car lift
ment –
width of corridor =
width of car lift
Lift Arrangement for 3 car lift

Opposite Side by side

arrangement – width arrangement -width
of corridor = 1.5 – of corridor = 1.5A,
2A, where A is width where A is width of
of lift lift
Lift Arrangement for 4 car lift

Opposite Side by side

arrangement – width arrangement -width
of corridor = 1.5 – of corridor = 1.5A,
2A, where A is width where A is width of
of lift lift
Lift Arrangement for 6 car lift

Opposite Side by side

arrangement – width arrangement -width
of corridor = 1.75 – of corridor = 2A,
2A, where A is width where A is width of
of lift lift
Lift Arrangement for 6 car lift

Weak arrangement
for 6 car lift
Lift Arrangement for 8 car lift

arrangement – width
of corridor = 2A,
where A is width of
1.7 Types of lift

• Common type used today.

• Use electric lift cable to lift the
elevator car with the weight and
movement is the catalyst action.
• Use the traction with the motor.
• Used in most building > 60ft.
• Motor room on top of lift shaft will
increase the load of building structure.
Traction elevator motor
• Possibility of noise structure
• Need a lift wells and maintenance
room near the engine room.

• Use hydraulics principles – moves by the action of steel

plunger lift which installed under the car.
• Not suitable for building > 60ft (low rise) – insufficient space
or roof rooms too small to put the machinery.
• Transport load not > 100,000 pound.
• Speed – not > 200ft/min.
• Installation does not increase the building structures because
lifting weight is not used.
• Machinery room located at ground floor
• Shaft area is smaller than electric lift.
Bottom view of a hydraulic elevator

• For people with disability who use wheelchair.

• Or with disabilities who are unable to use ordinary crowded lift of
fast services.
• Mounted on the stair parallel to the ladder


• Buildings over than 60ft high are required to provide fire lift.
• This lift controlled by a system back on in emergencies.

• A lift systems moves continuously in one

direction by providing the same car lifts.
• Provides the movement up and down
• No doors and passengers are forced into
or out of the moving car lift
• Speed – 80 min.
• Suitable for 6 – 7 storey buildings
• Not suitable to used by children or older people.

• Service requirement for high rise building is critical to balance

the upper and lower level services.
• The concept of zone system and sky lobby can be used.
• Usually divided into zones where high level car will not stop or
pick passengers at lower level.
• Zone which too low will takes passengers down to lower levels
such as 5 – 10 levels below.

• Carry passengers without raising double the lift shaft.

• Have two platforms which are increased.
• High transport capacity and reduce floor space
• Number of stops can reduced to 50% - reducing waiting time and
shorter car lift trips.
• Can be used in building which has a same height in every level.
• The main lobby has two levels.
• Must have clear indication of the use in the main lobby to avoid
1.8 : Lift Installation by zone system
• For building not > 15 levels.
• Elevators car stops at every level of the building.
• Used to save space.


• For buildings > 15 levels and < 40 levels.
• System brake into two zone of elevator
• The elevator of bottom and same for the top will not stop at any
lower zone.
• Not effective in the event of ‘off peak’ and interfloor service.

• For building > 40 levels.

• A group lift with high speed moving lift
without interruption from the floor to
the sky lobby.
• The elevator will move with normal
velocity at the next level.
Mechanical and electrical regulations Quiz
True or false
1. Overhead Service Entrance- In Subdivisions, Housing Projects, Commercial and
Industrial Buildings, overhead transmission and distribution voltages are required to
supply power source including transformers, poles and supporting structures.
2. Where building/s exceed 15.00 meters in height, overhead lines shall be arranged where
practicable so that clear space or zone at least 1.80 meters (horizontal) will be left
adjacent to the building or beginning not over 2.50 meters (horizontal) from the building,
to facilitate the raising of ladders where necessary for fire fighting.
3. Where the voltage between conductors does not exceed 300 volts and the roof has
slope of not less than 100 millimeters in 300 millimeters, the clearance may not be
more than 1.00 meter.
4. Service entrance conductors extending along the exterior or entering buildings or other
structures shall be installed in rigid steel conduit or concrete encased plastic conduit from
point of service drop to meter base and from meter base to the disconnecting equipment.
5. Emergency Power Systems- Shall provide electric power for the safety to life and
property when normal electric power supply is interrupted.
6. All mechanical systems, equipment and installations mentioned in the Code shall
conform to the provisions of the Philippine Mechanical Code, as adopted by the Board of
Mechanical Engineering pursuant to RA 8594 as amended, otherwise known as the
Philippine Mechanical Engineering Law.
7. Hoistway pits shall be of such depth that when the car rests on the fully compressed
buffers, a clearance of not more than 600 millimeters remains between the underside of
the car and the bottom of the pit.
8. Minimum number of hoisting ropes shall be three (3) for traction elevators and two (2) for
drum type elevators.
9. Access shall be by means of an iron ladder or stairs when the room is more than 600
millimeters above the adjacent floor or roof surface. The angle of inclination of such
ladder or stairs shall not exceed 70° from the horizontal.
10. The width between balustrades shall not be less than 560 millimeters nor more than
1.20 meters. This width shall not exceed the width of the steps by more than 330
11. Two (2) check valves shall be provided between any feed pump and the boiler in
addition to the regular shut-off valve.
12. The effective temperature and relative humidity of the air to be used for comfortable
cooling shall be maintained at 18 °Celsius to 26 °Celsius and 50% to 60%, respectively,
with 4.60 to 7.60 meters per minute air movement within the living zone.
Parts and
Functions of a
©2012 Dr. B. C. Paul
Note- These slides include figures and
tables taken from the Conveyor
Equipment Manufactures Association.
Credit is given for these figures and tables.
These slides also include material from the
authors own earlier work.
Major Components of Conveyor
 Long Continuous belt
 Carried on rolls - rollers held by frame
 Belt wrapped around pulleys at ends
 Pulleys coupled to gears and motors
 Peripheral Devices to drop on belt, direct
around corner, clean, discharge etc.
Conveyor Parts
Conveyor Parts
How Conveyors Function
 Material Falls on moving belt that carries it
 A continuous haulage system that is not
limited by cycles of batch movement
 Requires a continuous frame and structure
before can transport material over route
Significant Variations
 Belt may ride on a frame with air holes - a
compressor blows air under belt. Belt rides
on a cushion of air.
 Rollers wrap belt entirely around material -
used to allow vertical conveying of material
Conveyor Belting Parts
 Carcass - woven fabric or material for tensile
 Skims - rubber layers between carcass plys
 Braker - fabric coat above carcass to break
impact of load
 Top Cover - A rubber that resists cutting
abrasion and sometimes chemical action
Conveyor Belting Types
 Multi-Ply - multi-ply carcass separated by
skims - traditional - trade-off between
stiffness and strength
 Reduced Ply - complex interwoven carcass
not dependent on separate plys thinner less
stiff for same strength
 Steel - carcass lengthwise steel belts - high
tensile strength - heavy ores long runs
 Solid Woven - Carcass impregnated with
Conveyor Belting Elastomers
 Most Elastomer Covers in Mining for bump
and abrasion resistance - good natural or
synthetic rubber
 Oiled Stoker Coals may need chemical
resistance - neoprene rubber
 Hot process Ores may need heat resistance -
check the carcass too - usually limit to 75% of
Elastomer Covers
Conveyor Belting Splices
 Mechanical
 Fast
 Done by Hand
 Easily done and undone (even when don’t want it
 collects dirt looses strength
 Vulcanized
 Needs big machine and time
 Once done hard to undo
 Provides Superior Strength
 Supports Belt and Material Load
 Built with
 Shaft surrounded by bearings
 Then roll of steel or rubber
 Two main types
 Carrying for material and belt
 return supports belt on return trip
Idler Size and Duty
 Rated by Diameter
 ranges 4 to 7 inches
 smaller is less costly but higher wear and frictional
 5 inches common for mining
 Rated by Weight Carriage
 ranges A to E for increasing duty
 A and B light C and D heavy duty E extra
 B and C common for mining
Carrying Idlers
 Usuallytroughed with 3 equal size rollers on a frame
in mining applications
 Some suspended catenary systems have 5 rollers
 Troughs usually 20 , 35, 45 degrees
 Deeper trough more volume
 Requires thinner belt to lay in trough which limits
 35 common choice for mining
Carrying Idlers
Return Idlers
 Usually Flat and one piece
 Sometimes two piece V for belt training
 Spiral roll to self and belt clean
Specialty Idlers
 Impact Idlers for taking material dropping onto
 Belt Training (Training means keeping in line
in trough)
 Can put idler off center to pull to side
 Can put wheels on edge but wear belt
 Can put v return to pull one way or other.
 Like Roller only belt wraps around
 Head Pulley - turns belt back around to return
- may be coupled to drive
 Tail Pulley - turns empty belt around for
loading - occasionally coupled to drive
 Drive Pulley - Coupled to motor pulls belt -
usually special grip surface
 Snub Pulley - usually used to change
direction of belt and increase the contact
angle with the drive pully (more surface area
to transfer power)
 Take Up Pulley - Used to maintain tension on
a belt left loose enough for some flexibility
Drive Pulley Considerations
 Pulley should be large enough to avoid to hard bend
at point of tension application
 Pulley should have grab - risk of slippage is function
of grab and tension - more grab - less tension - could
mean a cheaper belt
 Place Drive in practical location to minimize the
highest tension in the belt - a head pulley location
often good on a belt up a slope
Loading a Conveyor Belt
 Need to get even load on belt and get
material traveling in same direction to
minimize belt strain
 Chute - may use scalping bars so fines fall on
first and provide cushion
 Transfer Conveyor - wear on short
replaceable belt get things up to speed
 Vibratory feeder
Methods of Loading a Belt
Methods of Loading a Belt
Loading a Conveyor Belt
 Skirt board along edge for about 8 to 10 feet
to keep material on belt and line it up
 Loading points or transfer points are common
spill locations
 Production rate is not really constant
 Simulation programs can aid in determining
speed and belt size for network.
Unloading a Belt
 Over the end of belt
 Flatten to fast and stretch the belt
 Flatten to slow material will spread and spill
over sides
 for 35 degree trough need about 1.5 times belt
width to flatten
 Oftenhave brushes to belt after material
Methods of Cleaning Belt After
Unloading a Belt
 Plow - V on belt pushes off to sides.
 Limited speed about 200 fpm
 Need flat belt
 Tripper - moving plow to one side
 can trip from one conveyor to another
 good for loading multiple silos
Plow for Discharging Material
from Belt
Tripper for Belt Discharge

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