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The passage provides details about the city of Lvov and various organizations and military units present in the region.

The main organizations mentioned in Lvov are the 13th Army—128th MRD's Lvov Headquarters, the Lvov Guard, KGB, Central Intelligence Agency, and Lvov's Gorkom government.

The main vehicles described on page 47 are horses, wagons, carts, trucks, a HMMWV, and an M2A3 tank.

Tim Ryan & Scott G.

The Scud B Missile ...............................................................27
The Warhead .....................................................................27
Contents Components of the MAZ-543B Launcher/Erector ............28
Bear's Den................................................................................3 Ah, I Knew There Had to Be a Catch ...............................28
Introduction.......................................................................... 3 Preflight Configuration ....................................................28
Referee's Notes.................................................................... 3 The Fuel Shortage .........................................................28
Adventure Overview ...............................................................4 Dangers .......................................................................... 29
Getting Started ..................................................................... 4 More Surprises ...............................................................29
Background ...........................................................................4 The Carpathian Mountains ....................................................30
Caravan to Lvov................................................................... 4 Background: The 70th "White Death" Ski-Troop Unit...30
Mission: Apocalypse............................................................ 6 Background: The 27th (NATO) Tank Division ..................30
Other Avenues ..................................................................... 6 Battle in the Mountains .....................................................31
The Western Ukraine Version of Poker .............................. 6 The 70th's Equipment and Organization ..........................31
Adventuring in Lvov and the Ukraine ................................. 7 Personalities ....................................................................... 32
Lvov ......................................................................................... 8 Colonel Pavel Dresovich ................................................32
Castle Hill ............................................................................. 8 Colonel Ivan Kalishka .....................................................32
Under the Foot of Castle Hill ............................................... 9 Captain Boris Palvolt ......................................................33
Marketplace ..........................................................................9 Peter Trovech ..................................................................33
Central City.......................................................................... 9 Transcarpathia........................................................................34
Industrial Lvov ...................................................................... 9 Uzhgorod ............................................................................ 34
Rising of the Phoenix ........................................................10 Slavava............................................................................... 34
The Destroyed Military District Headquarters..................10 Mukachevo......................................................................... 34
Radiation and You .............................................................10 Chust .................................................................................. 34
Organizations of Lvov .......................................................11 Rachov ............................................................................... 34
13th Army—128th MRD's Lvov Headquarters ...........11 The Clashing of Chariots ......................................................35
The Lvov Guard ..............................................................11 The 27th Tank Division .....................................................35
KGB-"Children of the Party" .......................................12 The 13th Army ...................................................................35
Central Intelligence Agency ........................................... 13 The Logic Behind the Red Bear's Plan..............................35
Lvov's Gorkom and the Government ............................ 13 The 13th Tank Army TO&E ..............................................36
Partisans .......................................................................... 13 The 27th Tank Division TO&E ..........................................41
Encounters in Lvov ........................................................... 14 Partisans .............................................................................46
Rumors in Lvov.................................................................. 14 Drogobych Guard ...............................................................46
General Anton V. Chelkov ............................................ 14
Michael Garret ................................................................ 15
Alex Gondovich ..............................................................16
Major Paul Sedorva ........................................................16
Nathan Zordich ...............................................................16
Mary Cheveska ...............................................................17
Other Non-Player Characters ......................................... 17
The Western Ukraine .............................................................18
Ukrainian Soviet Socialist Republic ................................... 18
Ternopol ..............................................................................18 Credits
Zolochev ............................................................................. 19 Design: Scott G. White and Tim Ryan
Rogatin................................................................................ 19 Development: Tim Ryan
Nikolajev ............................................................................. 19 Art Direction: Shea Ryan
Stryj..................................................................................... 19 Graphic Design and Production: Steve Bryant
Sambor............................................................................... 19 Cover Illustration: Jim Holloway
Mostiska ............................................................................. 19 Interior Illustrations: Tim Bradstreet and Rick Harris
Gorodok ............................................................................. 20 Text Manager: Michelle Sturgeon
Javorov ...............................................................................20 Text Processing: Julie Amdor, Julia Martin, David Stephens
Nesterov ............................................................................. 20
Kalush ................................................................................. 20 Copyright©1989 GDW, Inc. Printed in USA. Made in USA.
Dolina ................................................................................. 20 All rights reserved. ISBN 1-55878-030-0.
Nadvornaja .......................................................................... 20 Twilight: 2000 is GDW's trademark for its role-playing game
Ivan-Frankovsk ...................................................................20 of survival in a devastated world.
Buchach ..............................................................................20
More on the Western Ukraine ........................................... 20
The People's Revolution (Partisans) .................................. 21
Rumors in the Region ........................................................ 21
Olesko Castle ........................................................................ 22
The Aura of Olesko Castle ................................................ 22 PO Box 1646, Bloomington, IL 61702-1646 USA.
Bear's Den Page 3

Den is an attempt to bring their spirits to life.

This module contains the following material.
Bear's Den • Introductory information on the region and its people.
I know a lot about trucks and a wee little bit about fightin'. • Guidance for a referee on developing a Ukrainian campaign.
I've been "on loan," as it were, for 20 months now. Spec4, • Biographies for non-player characters who have or can
they call me officially, but grease monkey is the name I find become significant elements of the region.
meself answerin' to most often. I've been with this elite U.S. • Statistics on a Soviet Scud B missile and the MAZ-543B
strike team since the 5th Division was lost in Poland. Poland launcher/erector.
seemed far away to be sure, but not as distant as me own • Maps of the Western Ukraine, Transcarpathia, the city of
homeland. Lvov, and Olesko Castle.
The States is a big place, but my pining was for the green • Organizations in the Western Ukraine (including the CIA,
fields of Ireland. When they told me where I'd be a goin' on this KGB, partisan bands, 13th Soviet Army, 27th Tank Division,
one, why, I shook my head in disgust. They promised me I'd and more).
be returnin' home soon, but when I mentioned this to the • Geographic descriptions of Lvov and the surrounding
sergeant, he said, "You're taking the long route. "He said there towns.
was someone we had to meet first, someone who could explain • General descriptions of the Ukraine and possible adventures
why we were here without uttering a word. in the surrounding region.
Well, the only two kinds of people I know that don't utter • Tables of Organization and Equipment for the 13th Soviet
words are the drunk and the dead. Army and the 27th Tank Division.
In school I paid much more attention to the bonny lasses sit- • A turn-of-the-21st-century caravan that sets the stage for
tin' next to me than what the teacher was goin' on about. But many possible diverse plot variations.
durin' one lecture in a history class, I remember hearin' of a man
whose love for his soldiers, and his quick sword, made him the REFEREE'S NOTES
best of his day. "He was a soldier's soldier, "my teacher said, As with all Twilight: 2000 modules, Bear's Den is designed
"a king, and a hero. " to be used primarily by a referee. Certain narrative sections ap-
I hear tell that just a handful of years after WWII there was pear in italic throughout the text—these can be read aloud to
a man born behind the iron curtain. The Chinese called him a the players in order to add realism and to help generate the prop-
disciple of Sun Tzu's art; the Ruskies called him the Red Bear; er mood. Several maps and play aids are also included in the
the sergeant called him the devil on Earth. But I know who he middle of this module; these may be removed by carefully pry-
really is—my history teacher taught me all about this one—he's ing the staples apart, removing the middle pages, and then bend-
the ghost of Alexander the Great. ing the staples back. All materials in Bear's Den may be
I inquired of the sergeant why we were going halfway around photocopied for use during play.
the world to play fisticuffs with this fellow, and whether or not If used correctly, Bear's Den will open the door to adventures
he thought it was worth giving up the ghost for. He just looked throughout Eastern Europe. There are a number of keys to run-
at me and said, "You've been in the pan for a long time, boy. ning this module effectively. The Red Bear must appear bigger
It's time to get out into the fire. Those Ukrainian boys need us. than life—like a Patton, a MacArthur, or an Alexander the Great.
They need experience. They need an ace in the hole, and we 're Be certain to use the rhetoric which will have the most chance
all they've got." of swaying the players' traditional allegiances. War is emotional
The sergeant's answers are always smooth like an icy pond, and terrifying; it has never been a walk in the park. Being a good
and twice as dangerous. guy or a bad guy is simply a state of mind.
Before running this module consider reading the following
Bear's Den is a module for use with Twilight: 2000, GDW's • The Art of Strategy (a translation of Sun Tzu's Art of War),
role-playing game of survival in a devastated world. In this R.L. Wing.
module the player characters will become entangled in a plot • Alexander the Great, Arthur Weigall.
by an expatriate Soviet general to gain control over the western
portion of the Ukraine.
The Ukrainian Soviet Socialist Republic was once known as
the breadbasket of the Soviet Union. Its people were nicknamed
"Little Russians." For centuries these people have fought every
imaginable adversary. They have been slaves and soldiers, but WARNING!
one word has always driven deep into their hearts: freedom- Players should not read
freedom from tyranny and oppression.
History paints strange pictures of the Ukraine (or as translated, any further in this text
"the frontier"). Two problems stand out greater than any other. in order to preserve
The first is the steppes (or "fields") that stretch for thousands the element of surprise.
of miles. Until the development of modern nuclear arsenals, the
lack of natural barriers made this frontier nearly impossible to
defend. The second problem is the people's lack of ability to
unify. This melting pot has consisted of people from all
ideologies: from the ancient Turks and Tartars to the modern
Germans and Russians. All have left descendants here. Bear's
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have entered onto the scene of what will be a major conflict

point during the year 2001. (Their goals will most likely include
Adventure Overview placing the odds in NATO's favor.)
I'd always thought that when I finally got into the Soviet It is recommended that the unit have a minimum of one
Union, it would be on a recon for some massive NATO force. Ukrainian-speaking character. Lvov is the largest city in the
Well, there aren't any of those now, and here I am. We want Ukraine to keep Ukrainian as its primary language; Russian is
to go back home and the Paddy wants to jump a boat for Ireland, the second language there. Other important skills for the player
but Sarge has us heading halfway around the globe to do it. characters include Skiing, Combat Engineering or Demolitions,
Don't ask me why; I don't get it. He said that the front was west and Chemistry or Biology. The players should be allowed to
of us. It seemed to me to be all around us. But what do I know? believe Nuclear Warhead is also a good skill to have. Should the
I just drive a truck for a living. group lack these skills, non-player characters can be added at
I thought it would look different, smell bad or something, but many different points throughout the adventure.
I didn't even know we were there until Sarge said, "Welcome Three major methods of getting the players into the Ukraine
to the bear's den, lads. This is the Ukraine. Look alive!" He exist: Have them hired on as security for the caravan (described
laughed and spat out the piece of burlap he had been chewing in Caravan To Lvov); send them as part of Mission: Apocalypse;
on. Nobody else was crazy enough to try making their way or chase them into the region (as explained in Other Avenues).
through this blizzard. This Adventure Overview clarifies all these options.
I can't wait until this caravan gets to Lvov. It's maybe 75
klicks now—that will take an eternity. BACKGROUND
The general situation is one of chaos throughout much of
Bear's Den is an adventure set in the Soviet Union (Lvov and northeastern Europe. This scenario's timeline will begin in ear-
the surrounding area). General Anton Chelkov, nicknamed the ly December of the year 2000. One of the worst winters in re-
Red Bear, is intelligent, insightful, a brilliant tactician, and a cent history has hit the Soviet breadbasket. The average daytime
defector from the Soviet Union. The problem he faces is that temperature for the month of November was six degrees
too much is happening at once. Fahrenheit. The windchill over the steppes of eastern Europe
Chelkov has had a brilliant military career, but that has not has made this temperature almost unbearable. The total snowfall
blinded him. In late 1999, the general came to the conclusion for the steppes in November was 42 inches. It seems as though
that he could no longer fight the Soviet Union's wars and set the snow falls in Russia, blows over the Ukraine, and stops in
out to carve his own free country out of the wide rolling lands the Carpathian Mountains.
of the Ukraine.
GETTING STARTED It was the second day in the Ukraine when we entered Mos-
The player characters have found themselves in the Ukraine, tiska. The people were very excited to see us. The thought of
heading for the city of Lvov. The players may be survivors of a caravan in this weather seemed a bit silly. One thing for sure,
the 5th Mechanized Division and/or soldiers on a mission from it was profitable. The Ukrainians were interested in the goods.
CIA or DIA headquarters. Their force will enter the region of one
of the greatest Soviet military geniuses of the era—the Red Bear In the year 2000 a popular Middle Ages transportation
and his 13th Soviet Army. Based on CIA data, or a fluke, they method—the caravan—has reemerged. Before the war, Leo
Bear's Den Page 5

Pogaski worked in the Polish transportation industry. When the binoculars and a personal medical kit.
war brought destruction and isolation to many of the small cities The remaining 41 wagons are split into two groups. The first
and towns of his native Poland, Pogaski used his experience to group (10 wagons) contains people paying for passage to the
organize small caravans of trucks and cars to bring supplies to Ukraine. The second group (31 wagons) contains merchants
newly impoverished areas. As the war dragged on, his trucks with their various goods.
became wagons. But he still provides the service of a caravan The PTS-M is carrying a cargo of vehicle armor, a small
today. generator, a welding torch, and a medium still. It is towing a
Leo, and others like him, approach local merchants with their 1000-liter fuel tanker and has a bulldozer blade welded to the
ability to secure the goods to be sold. The merchant will either front.
go with the caravan or send one of his trusted people with the A group of NATO troops could easily become part of Pogaski's
caravan to represent his needs and sell his goods upon arrival caravan security. Although he trusts the present group, he
at the destination. wants to continue expanding his caravan business. Playing the
Sometimes refugees will travel behind these caravans, think- caravan part of this scenario can be interesting and should not
ing that this will increase their chances of survival against be sold short. It is an excellent way to let the characters meet
marauders. (Usually these stragglers cannot afford passage.) and talk with some of the people who live here, hear rumors,
This practice, however, is discouraged by the caravans because observe the condition of the towns and roads, and experience
the crowds of slowly moving people actually tend to attract the difficulties of travel in the winter.
marauders. The caravan's stop in Mostiska and Gorodok should be
Very few caravans can afford the luxury of motor vehicles. relatively peaceful. Friendly faces and business as usual should
If a vehicle is used, it most commonly carries defensive be the main theme. A feeling of friendship will fill the air. Even
weapons. The size of a caravan will generally vary from 25 to the garrison troops will not be very suspicious unless large quan-
150 persons. It is rare for caravans to bring many spare horses tities of weapons are openly displayed.
or to travel during the winter months. While the characters are staying at Mostiska, a severe storm
The Pogaski caravan has 124 people, not including the hits the area during the night. Two Soviet soldiers approach the
players. Sixteen of those are trusted mercenaries in Leo's con- caravan on the second day of the player characters' stay. The
tinuous pay; eight of those mercenaries have their own horses. soldiers' unit had been ambushed on the road to Javorov, but
Four mercenaries ride in a wagon which carries a PTS-M and the two soldiers managed to make it on foot to Mostiska, despite
is drawn by four horses. The other four ride in another wagon, the weather. The player characters should perceive this as a
also drawn by four horses. The player characters can be hired tribute to the Soviets' training and determination.
to support this platoon. The local Russian garrison wants to get the two soldiers back
The best method of organizing the caravan is to alternate the to Lvov without detaching a unit of its own, so the garrison pays
horse troops and the players' group on recon. The PTS-M should the caravan for the soldiers' passage. On the third day at
precede the caravan, while the second wagon follows the Mostiska, the storm lets up, and the characters continue.
caravan. The PTS-M has a mounted PK machinegun (with 10 As the the caravan travels on, the player characters will have
33-shot belts of ammo), and the three remaining mercenaries the opportunity to talk with the Soviet soldiers. The two soldiers
each have a RPK-74 automatic rifle. The other four troops on respond positively to the Americans, saying that they think the
the second wagon have AKM assault rifles. Each of the three war is "pretty much over." If asked about Lvov, they will speak
units has a case of fragmentation grenades and two antitank for hours about the city, their comrades, but most of all their
grenades. Plenty of ammunition is also available. Pogaski has beloved leader, General Anton Chelkov—the Red Bear.
another six antitank grenades and three cases of fragmentation The two soldiers will willingly explain that they are members
grenades in his personal wagon. of the 128th Motorized Rifle Division and were supporting a Lvov
Leo also hired for his wagon a bodyguard/driver who carries Guard unit on patrol when they were ambushed.
an AKM submachinegun. While the caravan is moving, Leo will The Red Bear will repeatedly be a topic of conversation. He
usually be on his own horse, but occasionally he rides in his per- is not cruel to the surrounding towns, and his troops think he
sonal wagon. Depending on the situation, Leo will be armed with is a good leader. It would be difficult to find any reason to dislike
either a Tokarev pistol or an AKM assault rifle. He also has a the Red Bear. The two soldiers will speak of the disgusting par-
limited-edition John Wayne Winchester (a .30-30 rifle used for tisans, whose goal is chaos—not freedom. They will also discuss
hunting). It is his pride and joy. Two other wagons have all the campaigns of the Red Bear. They will even discuss the Euro-
food supplies that Leo anticipates the caravan will need for the pean battles against NATO and "the partisan scum." No prej-
duration of any trip he makes. Leo has hired a cook and an assis- udice against NATO troops will be implied in those discussions.
tant to drive these two wagons. Each of the men carries a .22 These are merely soldiers doing their duty.
automatic pistol and has a .22 semiautomatic rifle in his respec- The route between Mostiska and Lvov should be considered
tive wagon. All of Leo's employees have thermal fatigues, a plate dangerous. Partisan bands operate heavily in this region.
insert jacket, a metal helmet, a gas mask, combat webbing, and Approximately seven miles outside of Lvov, a group of 30 par-
a flashlight. The three mercenary unit leaders have a pair of tisans will attack the caravan. The guards aboard the caravan
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will be taken by surprise: Some may be chased off and/or killed. sion. Any covert action that might weaken the 13th Soviet Ar-
The partisans will either capture the caravan or be killed trying. my's hold on the region should be attempted. Upon your arrival
Either way, however, the player characters will witness a small you will contact our agent in Lvov, code name Cromwall. Failure
group of the partisans execute the unarmed Russian soldiers. to complete this mission would ensure the death of the 27th,
If the partisans win the battle, they will ask the NATO troops rebels in the region, and the independent city of Drogobych.
if they would like to be set free, or if they will fight for the cause Should you be captured or killed, the U.S. Civilian Government
of freedom. Should the players decide to leave the partisans, will deny any knowledge of your activities.
their weapons and supplies will be taken (except for a small
quantity of food). The CIA agent will then pause to answer questions about the
If the players leave the partisans, they will barely make it to mission. It is important to keep as much of the mission a secret
Lvov. Once there, the player characters will be approached by as possible. Should the players ask what their reward for com-
more partisans asking for their assistance. pleting this mission will be, the agent will state the typical "for
God and Country..." lines that have made NATO agents famous.
MISSION: APOCALYPSE Should they persist, the agent will offer them supplies upon
The players' unit was recently approached by the CIA. They their return, more missions, or papers of citizenship in the new
always start with all of that "Are you still a loyal soldier?" Lvov. If they press their luck, the agent will show them an un-
rhetoric. The players should be aware of the full mission from signed piece of paper. He will explain that with his signature
the CIA. If the players have DIA contacts, it is possible for the and that of an agent in Lvov it could be the passport home. The
CIA to have asked for assistance. The referee has a choice of document informs an agent in Odessa, Ukraine that passage
using a Mission: Impossible type of meeting where the player should be booked for these soldiers to the preferred port of call.
receives information through a contact point or a face-to-face The referee has a great deal of latitude with this document.
question-and-answer session, like the one here. He can change the city from Odessa, Ukraine to Hong Kong,
The agent either meets the characters in a secluded place or Tokyo, or Al Qatif, Saudi Arabia (where the U.S. Navy has an
takes them to one he knows of. He has a small suitcase with active base). The referee is urged to create the document
him. He opens it and pulls out an envelope. himself. It should look official.

In March of 1999, a division in the western front, known as OTHER AVENUES

the 27th Soviet Tank division, refused to continue taking orders. The referee may decide to push the players east instead of
Late in the summer of 2000 the division declared its allegiance using the before-stated pull. An easy method of doing this ex-
to NATO and began to pick up where the invasion of Poland ists: A splinter force (of 100 troops) from the 3rd Shock Army
left off. It volunteered to enter into conflict with the 13th and or the 4th Guards Tank Army is ordered, through KGB interac-
19th Soviet Armies, which were operating somewhere in the tion, to decimate a group of marauding capitalist pigs—the
Ukraine. These freedom fighters began a trek to Lvov, where players. With their KGB and loyal Soviet antagonists hunting
they planned to declare an independent city and begin guerrilla them, Poland could become a very unhealthy environment.
activities that would paralyze the Ukraine. The referee may wish to combine the Caravan to Lvov and
Unfortunately, the KGB found out about this and informed the Mission: Apocalypse sections. The CIA agent in Mission:
Lvov Military District that the 27th was a threat. Drogobych, Apocalypse may arrange for the characters to pose as security
a town in the Lvov area, immediately revolted. It was supposed guards on the caravan. Or perhaps the CIA has worked out
to have most of the fuel reserves for the area. Drogobych in- something with Leo Pogaski, who may be anxious to strike any
tended to hold out until the 27th arrived. The Soviet govern- blow against the Russians that he can.
ment moved in the 13th to contain the situation. The govern-
ment also supplied the 13th with the tool to deal with traitors. THE WESTERN UKRAINE VERSION OF POKER
(The agent shows them a picture of a missile launcher.) This When Drogobych declared itself a free city and threatened
is a Scud B thermonuclear, medium-range missile launcher with to destroy its oil refineries should the Soviet government launch
what we estimate to be a one-megaton nuclear warhead (pause, an attack against it, the Soviet commanders debated furiously
for effect). as to what they should do. The refineries at Drogobych—and
We believe that the 13th Soviet Army has bigger plans. With the potential for mobilizing the forces which that oil repre-
the oil, and the missile as a doomsday machine, it could easily sented—were crucial to a continued war effort in the Lvov region
control all of the western Ukraine. The 13th Soviet Army has and beyond. After many weeks and heated arguments had
at present an estimated strength of 2500 men and two tanks, passed, the Soviet commanders finally decided to put the mat-
with local guard units bringing that up to approximately 6000 ter in the hands of their famous and trusted leader of the Lvov
troops. The present commanding officer is known to some of Military District—General "Red Bear" Chelkov. This was, after
you. His name is General Anton Chelkov, also known as the Red all, a scurrilous uprising in his district. Although the commanders
Bear. (The players are shown a picture of the general.) He is essentially "passed the buck" to General Chelkov, they did
probably one of the most dangerous men alive. Those of you recognize the dire importance of regaining control of the oil
who know of his exploits are aware that he is a Soviet hero of refineries. To impress upon Chelkov the import of reifying
the Chinese Front. He is personally responsible for slaughter- Drogobych into the Soviet state, they sent Chelkov a Scud B
ing two Chinese divisions in the Battles of the Wall. Forces under biological warfare missile, mounted on a MAZ-543B launcher/
his command are responsible for at least 100,000 deaths. erector vehicle.
As I stated previously, this mission is considered voluntary. The Soviet commanders did not deliver the missile secretly,
Your goal is to either obliterate the Scud B or capture it and turn but they let it be known throughout the area of Lvov that General
it over to friendly forces in Drogobych or to the 27th Tank Divi- Chelkov was now in possession of a Scud B tactical nuclear
Bear's Den Page 7

missile with which he was either going to reintegrate the erring garrisoned and attempt to outlast the 27th Tank Division using
Drogobychians into the Soviet Republic or eradicate them. The guerrilla warfare techniques. In this case it is important to make
missile itself displays the unmistakable nuclear warhead sym- the 27th expend as many of its supplies as possible.
bol. Unfortunately for the Soviet commanders, the Red Bear was The 318th GMRD is to be the main assault force; the 128th
busy consolidating his power in order to sever ties with the MRD will be the highly maneuverable assault force. It will be
quickly waning influence of the Soviet Union. The missile was looking for the weak spot. The 70th GMRD is to deliver the
the last thing he needed to accomplish this, or so he thought. warning when the 27th comes through. The 70th is to fall aside
In 1998, the 27th Soviet Tank Division took heavy losses in quickly and use guerrilla techniques against the 27th or make
the summer offensive near Debrecen. In late 1998, the division its way to one or more of the southern garrisons and hold out.
defected to NATO and began the trek toward Lvov. Heavy Once Chelkov has destroyed the 27th and captured
losses, lack of cohesion, and NATO's desire to bring the 27th Drogobych, he will attempt to increase fuel and ammunition pro-
under more formal control slowed the tank division's progress. duction. He will also dig deeper into the steppes. When he has
NATO troops joined the 27th and spent months retraining and accomplished this, he will roll across the Ukraine. The South-
outfitting it. The 27th was also allowed to rest and regroup — western Theater will be his one day. He believes this, and so
American and English officers and soldiers joined the 27th, par- do his men.
ticularly as intelligence officers and language specialists.
The 27th then proceeded north toward Lvov but quickly began ADVENTURING IN LVOV AND THE UKRAINE
to run low on provisions. It also met heavy resistance from The players should arrive in Lvov around Christmastime. A
Soviet partisans and former allies. The 27th made it to the feeling of good fortune can be noticed in the city, which might
southern foot of the Carpathians in late October but found it mislead the PCs into believing all is basically well. Many avenues
necessary to take several towns in order to gain provisions. With of adventure exist in the European cultural center of Lvov.
partisans attacking continually and the snow falling early, the 1. Become involved with the local revolutionary forces and
27th found itself in a very tight spot. From June of the previous use their assistance to capture the missile.
year, its numbers dropped from approximately 4000 to 3400, 2. Independent of all exterior help, infiltrate the Red Bear's
with 975 of these garrisoning towns in the Transcarpathians. forces and devastate his chain of command. In the confusion,
The fighting force was effectively cut in half. eliminate the missile.
Chelkov learned of the 27th's defection and quickly calculated 3. Move south into the Carpathians and assist the 27th in
that it would arrive on his doorstep sometime in the early winter. breaking through the Soviet 70th Guards Motorized Rifle Divi-
With this in mind, he adroitly prepared for a winter campaign sion's line of defense.
in the Carpathians—an idea most would consider insane, but 4. Assist the Soviet and NATO POWs in their need to escape.
one which either the 27th or the Red Bear might simply label 5. Move into Drogobych and assist the defenders in holding
as desperate. The Red Bear reformed the 70th GMRD into an their ground foot by foot.
elite ski-troop unit and sent it into the mountains to hold back 6. Join the Red Bear in his juggernaut through history. Assist
the 27th. The 70th blasted three mountain passes and sat him in his conquest. In this case, the CIA and partisans will go
waiting by the fourth. to any lengths to destroy the players. The PCs will be used by
Meanwhile, Chelkov continued to negotiate with Drogobych the Red Bear to symbolize his "democratic" attitudes.
in hope of obtaining the fuel without expending his valuable 7. Strengthen the CIA espionage ring in Lvov by joining the
missile. If he could sway the Drogobychians, he would have the fight against the KGB.
fuel for a mobile attack against the 27th, be able to defend Player groups that do not try to hide their western heritage
himself more effectively against dissenters from within, and still will speedily be approached by the partisans of the Peoples'
retain the missile with all its potential for intimidation. But the Revolution. They will be carefully brought into the underground.
Drogobych Gorkom has adamantly refused the Red Bear access The more loyal they seem, the safer they will be. Should the
to the refinery. players be suspected of being in the pay of the Red Bear, the
General Chelkov must gain control of Drogobych and its fuel partisans, out of pure fear, will execute them. This fear is deep
24 hours before the main body of the 27th TD gets through the and cannot be surmounted. Connections with the agent, known
Carpathian Mountains. This leaves him time to move the only as Cromwall, can be made through the underground lead-
Motorized Rifle Battalions of the 318th into position. He will at- ers. Betrayal of his identity would be suicidal. The partisans con-
tempt to supplement the northern garrisons with Lvov Guard sider him to be a savior from the west. He is well known by his
forces when this occurs. The 128th MRD will accompany the code name but has never been seen by anyone except the leader
missile and defend it until it has been successfully launched. of the revolution, whose identity, in turn, is known only by a few.
After that, it will rendezvous with the main combat group to Cromwall will be able to tell the players the location of the
the south. But all of this takes fuel. missile. He will also know the basics on troop concentrations
Chelkov's attempts to scare Drogobych will get more serious and supplies. Cromwall will not be seen in public with the players
in the near future. He does not want to use the missile against and will restrict the meetings to one or two.
Drogobych. The following possibilities exist. Should the players arrange to move south into the Car-
1. If he does use the missile on Drogobych, he will have the pathians, they can assist the 27th by removing some of the
fuel necessary to maneuver around the 27th Tank Division as pressure. The stress of reopening a pass has exhausted the
needed. Speed is everything in combat on the steppes. troops. Constantly fighting to protect it from further damage
2. The surrender of Drogobych without using the missile is dangerous. Should it be effectively closed, it would take un-
means that he can use it on 27th Tank Division if he cannot til the end of March before the 27th could even attempt to travel
outflank the main body. through to the north. Another method of directly helping the
3. Should he lose both the missile and the fuel, he must stay 27th would be to supply it with food and goods.
Page 8 GDW

Lvov The most panoramic view of Lvov can be obtained from Cas-
Lying on the watershed of the Dniester and the Vistula Rivers, tle Hill (Zamkovaya Gora). From 1835 until late 1998 it was a
northeast of the Carpathian Mountain range, is the city of Lvov. 40-hectare park. Throughout history it has based enormous for-
At her full glory, she boasted 111 square kilometers of space tifications that held off enemies of every variety. Once again,
and a population of half a million people. Seven hundred years High Castle (Vysoky Zamok) stands above Lvov as its prede-
of history painted with political turmoil and military assaults have cessor (built by King Casimir III of Poland) did centuries before.
made this one city a jewel in the European Steppes. The glory of High Castle is known throughout the region. At
Lvov was founded in the 13th century by Daniil Romanovich, the cost of hundreds of NATO slaves, Chelkov has nearly com-
prince of Galicia and Volhynia. It is named for his son, Lev. This pleted the fortress. Using metals near the base as increased ar-
city has spent 700 years being assaulted by Tartar-Mongol mor, he has developed a monster capable of supporting 400
hordes, Poles, Hungarians, Lithuanians, Swedes, Germans, soldiers for two years of siege. Most of High Castle's strength
Turks, and Russians. Lvov's rulers have left their contributions: will be in the caverns below, where storage space for 1000 tons
Lofty gothic cathedrals stand with ancient Italian Renaissance of foodstuffs, and double that in munitions and other supplies,
structures. Lvov is so unique that her favorite son, the 1 7th- lies. High Castle will be more than a garrison or a command base.
century poet and historian Zimorowicz, wrote, "This town was It will be a symbol of his strength and his desire to part with
born under such a sky and under such a star that it was des- modern politics. The fortresses which Chelkov plans to rebuild
tined to strive for the beautiful." throughout the region will also give him the ability to hold what
Present Lvov and ancient Lvov blend together eerily. Baroque he has captured—of great significance to the conqueror.
church steeples tower above collapsed warehouses and rubble; The castle mixes modern offense and defense with medieval
the snow covers all. In the northeast section of the city stood style and strength. The Upper Castle is a military structure with
one of the most powerful industrial centers in the Ukrainian tremendous punch, supporting an artillery battery, a heliport,
Soviet Socialist Republic. During the counterattack in Poland, and several heavy machinegun nests. The Lower Castle is a pre-
the NATO armed forces destroyed the region with a three-MIRV liminary defense station. It hosts antitank weaponry, heavy ma-
(200-kiloton warheads) medium-range missile. The missile fell chineguns, and an armored, quick-reaction force. Should Lower
three kilometers short of Lvov's industrial center. The low, air- Castle ever fall, High Castle could still act independently from
burst pattern resulted in one warhead at 3.0 kilometers, the a defensive point of view. Lower Castle supports a number of
second 1.0 kilometer northwest, and the third 2.5 kilometers the Chelkov governmental functions. The Lvov Guard does not
north of the others. The destruction shook the city apart, with enter either castle without permission, although it does have
a direct hit on the emergency military facility placed near the an office in the Lower Castle for interaction with the govern-
city to house supplies bound for the Western Front. ment.
Bear's Den Page 9

Mickiewicz memorial is named in honor of the poet, one of

UNDER THE FOOT OF CASTLE HILL Lvov's favorite sons.
Surrounding the western and southern reaches of High Cas- Northwest of the main street is Verkhovina Hotel, which is
tle lies five of the city's Catholic churches: St. Parasceva Pjat- small and independently owned. It hosts a number of luxuries-
nisa, St. Onufry, St. Nicholas, St. Mary, and the Church of the including electricity—unavailable in the rest of Lvov. Next to the
Benedictines (the first three churches were bruised by the hotel is the closed Museum of Ethnography and Craft. The
nuclear holocaust). The rest of the southern and eastern regions military government feels it is safer if it is closed.
have been laid to waste to supply some of High Castle's building Nearby is the Lvov State University of Ivan Franko which once
materials. Sovetskaya (Soviet) Street, which is a north/south served 12,000 students. A statue of Ivan Franko can be seen
road from High Castle, has the Church of St. Michael of the in the park nearby. South of it is the Polytechnical Institute which
Carmelite Order, the powder tower, and the town arsenal from once held 22,000 students. It was the largest technical institute
ancient Lvov. The powder tower contains the Architects' in the Ukraine and possesses a 700,000-volume library. Both
Guild—a leftover of the Soviet Architects' Union. The neighbor- of these, and the other nine higher education institutions in Lvov,
ing town arsenal contains what was once the Workers' Union are presently closed and guarded by the military government.
and is now named the Workers' Alliance. Together they desire Many of the seven stadiums and athletic facilities were located
to rebuild Lvov. on the west side of Lvov. The bus station and railway terminal
Paralleling Sovetskaya Street is Podvalnaya (Under the Ram- were also west. Most of these were damaged to some extent
part) Street. The west side of the street contains the royal by the nuclear blasts years ago. The Lvov Hotel, which is north
arsenal which now houses the central offices of the government and closer to Castle Hill, was also damaged by the blast. Its
of Lvov, the Church of the Assumption, the Chapel of the Three lower floors are being used by the Lvov Guard as one of its bar-
Saints, and Kornyakt Tower. The church is presently the most racks. Four hundred of the 700 rooms are still usable. The com-
influential in the Orthodox communities. Most merchants and plex also houses a 1200-seat movie theater called the Mir
craftsmen are members of this church. It has been able to ob- (Peace). The guard uses it for military discussion and training.
tain a neighboring four-story building. The first, second, and third The nearby Pervomaiskaya Hotel was left in better condition.
floors contain the new School of the Assumption. The fourth It is also being used to barrack troops.
floor has a small hospital for church members. Beneath the Southern Lvov contains more museums and libraries closed
church are vaults containing deceased noblemen—including Ivan by the order of General Chelkov; the Red Bear's personal guards
Podkova and Constantine Kornyakt, a Greek merchant. One of watch these buildings around the clock to protect them from
the tombs is actually a cache where the church stores extra gold looting. Citizens who wish to use any of the libraries must go
and jewels. A fortune in artwork and $119,000 worth of through a rigorous interview before being escorted in. The
treasure supply the church with an emergency cash fund. Church of St. Nicholas can also be found here. The east side
From the Kornyakt bell tower anything can be seen entering contains the Church of the Benedictines, the hotel Varshavskaya
the city. The tower is 66 meters high. (which now holds troops), and the Medical Institute.
The Medical Institute supplies the best medical treatment
MARKETPLACE available for thousands of kilometers in any direction. In addi-
The Armenian Cathedral and the ruins of the Lvov branch of tion to having several doctors and surgeons employed here, the
the Central Lenin Museum, which burned down almost two institute also has the ability to treat cases of radioactive
years ago, lay west of the Church of Dominicans. The Museum poisoning.
of Natural History and another branch of the Museum of History South of Lenin Park is Park Pogulianka. It has been converted
lay to the south. Both have been closed by the military govern- into fields. One of the larger stadiums can be found nearby and
ment. Between these and the Church of the Assumption, to the is being used to house refugees.
east, is a favorite region of Lvov called the marketplace. Not
one house of the 44 surrounding the marketplace is less than INDUSTRIAL LVOV
200 years old. The Black Palace is one of the more prominent At its height, the city of Lvov supported thousands of in-
houses, and it is the residence of the present leader of the Lvov dustrial workers. It manufactured buses, agricultural machines,
Guard. Neighboring Kornyakt House contains the Merchants' forklifts, cranes, loaders, motorcycles, electronics, TV sets, fer-
Guild of Lvov. The only open exhibits of the Museum of History roconcrete, shoes, knitted wear, confectioneries, gasoline, and
are in three of these Gothic houses. Here visitors to the fair ci- electricity. It was also control center for the Lvov Military District
ty may see the glory of Lvov. In the center of the marketplace of the Soviet Armed Forces. Prewar, industrial Lvov produced
is the town hall, which houses the remainder of the city govern- a tremendous amount of material for the Ukrainian Soviet
ment. Other houses of Lvov's fantastic marketplace are owned Socialist Republic. Three NATO nuclear devices destroyed that
by various rich merchants and local leaders. Lvov.
The Lvov of the year 2000 supplies some machine parts to
CENTRAL CITY other cities. It can produce small diesel engines—as well as
In the center of what was once the Lvov of the 20th century clothing and motorcycles—in limited quantities. The city's in-
is a single memorial. Standing nearly six stories tall, the Adam habitants hope to begin transporting foodstuffs by caravan in
Page 10 GDW

the summer of 2001. They also hope to be able to refine fuel of Lvov. Its surface facilities are now complete rubble. A melted
on a large scale within five to seven years. Perhaps these are T-10 tank sits on the location of the main gate to the base. Its
only the dreams of a once-mighty city committee. main gun now reaches to the ground, and its tracks are burned
RISING OF THE PHOENIX The airburst effectively wiped out everything on the surface
As every historian is aware, the Soviets of 1997 were involved of the base, and the underground facilities are 80 percent col-
in a serious two-front war. The strain on their economic system lapsed. No one has searched the base very carefully because
could be seen during the course of Operation Advent Crown as of the constant danger that the underground passages will col-
NATO elements drove through Wroclaw, Czestochowa, Gdansk, lapse. Note that most of the base is a 1D6 rads per week area,
and Warsaw by July. As the 1st German Army began marching given no protection.
on Soviet soil, the Soviets made a final insane attempt to turn Should the players find one of the melted sewage system drain
the course of the war. On July 9th, 1997, the Soviet Missile tunnels open, they may venture beneath the surface of the base.
Force launched massive tactical nuclear weapon strikes against The Soviets had originally built a portion of the facility below
its Chinese enemies. Chinese retaliation was a complete failure. the surface. Stores of pre-holocaust weapons (at the referee's
Limited strikes against NATO troop concentrations were met discretion) were being held for the 13th Soviet Army. The base's
on a one-for-one basis by NATO. As the Soviet-Chinese front armor was mostly destroyed, although one or two underground
collapsed, the Soviet ground forces were sent at the highest vehicle caches may still exist, albeit in seriously damaged con-
possible speeds to the European front. NATO troops were dition.
stopped by early September as more troops rolled into Kiev and A possible subplot would bring the players here to search for
Lvov. NATO conventional bombers had brought Ukrainian power working equipment for the 27th Tank Division or the partisans.
and oil production to a standstill. They may have been sent by the 13th to see if anything actual-
On September 18th, 1997, NATO tactical missiles dotted ly survived.
Byelorussia and the Ukraine. Kiev, Lvov, and Odessa took hits When the nuclear weapon detonated above this base, it in-
from multiple warhead weapons. Two nuclear power facilities stantaneously combusted all the fuel reserves on the base.
took direct hits. At the time of the attack, Lvov was playing host Should any underground reserves be intact, they would be ex-
to the revitalization of the European fronts. Vaporized tanks and tremely dangerous. A spark could ignite an entire tunnel in con-
troops filled the atmosphere in a holocaust. Lvov's major medical vulsing flames and collapse the entire underground complex.
facility was one of the first victims. Because of its northeast The referee should make adventuring below the surface ex-
location, it was brought to the ground instantaneously. tremely dangerous, but rewarding.
Radiation settled across the city, and a decimated local
government attempted to put the pieces back together once RADIATION AND YOU
again. Urgent messages were sent to Kiev, Odessa, and other You can remove low levels of radioactive contamination by
nearby cities asking for assistance. No reply was received. scrubbing with soap and water. Removal of higher levels of
In the blink of an eye, the Kiev and Lvov military districts radioactive contamination requires more serious decontamina-
ceased to exist. The effect seriously weakened the Soviets' at- tion techniques that would probably kill a person. Different types
tempts to build up their western forces. The last months of 1997 of decontamination equipment include ultrasonic sound vibra-
saw the Ukraine slowly slipping into a new dark age. The 13th tion, wet and dry abrasive blasting, vibratory finishing (similar
Soviet Army was on its way into the Ukraine when all the world to a sander in principle), strippable coatings, hand scrubbing,
burst into flames. Its forces took two months to reach Lvov. acid or chemical cleaning, hydrolasers, and steam decon-
The supplies that were housed for the 13th in the military district taminators. Note that most of this equipment is not readily
base were long since buried by airbursts. available and should be considered rare. For some basic infor-
Cleaning up a city the size of Lvov is no small job. Only a frac- mation on decontaminating large areas, see the article on the
tion of the city was fit for any human occupation, and even this Chernobyl accident in the May 1987 issue of National Geo-
was very dangerous—radioactivity claimed thousands more lives graphic.
in the following year. Digging for supplies and burying radioac- Workers in a nuclear environment must wear respirators and
tive debris took 14 months. Finally, the phoenix has risen. Lvov's complete chemical defense suits, and they must remove the
radioactive northwest is presently no stronger than 1 D6 rads suits carefully without touching the outside. Hand scrubbing a
per hour above the craters. The surrounding region is giving off contaminated person with a soft bristle brush is the safest
a level of 1D6 rads per week. Most of the area bordering the decontamination method. Touching radioactive material would
city has been cleaned up. definitely result in low-level contamination (at the minimum).
A wall of dirt and rubble one-and-a-half meters tall and five This includes the outside of a chemical defense suit or a
meters wide surrounds this edge of Lvov. Here the rubble was respirator that has not been washed. Breathing a radioactive at-
pushed back and buried, and good topsoil remains for half a mosphere is also very serious; it is extremely difficult to wash
kilometer in the rubble's place. Attempts at planting grass here and scrub someone's lungs.
are set for this summer. The idea of planting food here did not A person who is properly suited considerably reduces his ex-
go over well with the local inhabitants; they believe that the posure (as compared to someone who is not suited). Divide ex-
fields south and east of Lvov are sufficient. posure by six for game purposes (unless contamination occurs)
Lvov's post-holocaust population has no more than 10D6 rads and note fractions. The United States nuclear industry tracks
each. The more seriously exposed have naturally long since died. a person's radiation count to the nearest thousandth. For a role-
playing setting, this is uniquely realistic. Dosimetry counters are
THE DESTROYED MILITARY DISTRICT HEADQUARTERS one of the most accurate methods of measuring a body's radia-
The Soviet Lvov Military District Headquarters was northwest tion level. They are chairs which house a computer and sophisti-
Bear's Den Page 11

cated radiation detector that measures dosage. Since most com- 13th), but, in reality, Chelkov tends to get his way in matters
puter hardware has been destroyed by EMPs, it is doubtful that which concern Lvov. He is also a military leader, and although
such hardware is still operational (a computer from the Opera- he has parted from the Soviet government, the people of Lvov
tion Reset section in The Free City of Krakow module could be (certainly the gorkom and many citizens) accept his authority.
used to replace it). Unfortunately, in the year 2000, no available The fact that the general possesses a Scud B missile boosts his
method is sophisticated enough to properly measure exposure position considerably.
levels. The guard's full-time regular force includes a 50-troop head-
quarters unit. The headquarters is located beneath the Lvov
Hotel. Here the direct telephone system connects the various
ORGANIZATIONS OF LVOV outposts of Lvov with High Castle.
The following section details the organizations of Lvov. In the neighborhood of the Lvov Hotel is the mortar battery,
which has three 120mm mortars in a roofless, thin metal
13th Army-128th MRD's Lvov Headquarters warehouse with sandbag-reinforced walls. The battery has 40
The 128th MRD has two major assignments in the Red Bear's regular troops and a sandbagged ammo dump. The first 30
plan (see the organizational chart for the 13th Army for more meters around the warehouse have been turned into rubble.
information). The first major project is to maintain Chelkov's Various traps in the rubble and firing ports in the walls make
original stronghold, Olesko Castle. The second project is to pro- this a dangerous area to assault. Troops who man the mortar
vide central authority from High Castle in Lvov. Those troops battery are Elite.
dedicated to the latter assignment are those mentioned here. Antiarmor activities are carried out by two dedicated antitank
All NPCs in the 128th should be considered the best available platoons. The two units have 25 troops and three RPG-16s each.
(Veteran or Elite troops). A ZIL-135 truck is also available for each platoon. The platoons
The division headquarters is in High Castle, as it presently are armed with AKM assault rifles and three antitank grenades.
stands. It stores a great deal of the supplies marked for distribu- These regular troops are Veteran.
tion throughout the 128th MRD and other 13th Army divisions The strangest element of the Lvov defense is the impression
from Lvov. This is the Red Bear's center of control. that it is able to provide armor to back up its might. The Guard
The 128th MRD has broken down into a shell of its past glory. Tank Company consists of 1 2 Soviet tanks and 40 regular
Few elements of the division are larger than a modern platoon. troops. Five of these tanks are T-86s, four are T-64s, and three
The antiaircraft and antitank batteries reside in High Castle. Sup- are T-55s. Only one of these can be considered completely
port facilities for six helicopters are being constructed in High operational, a T-55. Each of the four T-64s is placed at one of
Castle, too: It is important to realize, however, that the 13th the entrances to Lvov.
Army has no helicopters at this time. A rifle company provides The tanks which form the perimeter outposts look formidable
the majority of High Castle's and Low Castle's security and man-
power. In all, 230 soldiers of the 128th MRD reside in the city
of Lvov. Although the soldiers do not have contempt for the
civilian citizens of Lvov, they are an elite fighting force and go
to great lengths to separate themselves from the local populace.
High Castle and Low Castle will have the ability to hold more
troops than the 128th MRD presently has available in both
Olesko and Lvov. The force's recon company often uses Low
Castle when it travels between the fortresses. Its long-term
housing will be there, but presently it is listed as an element
of Olesko Castle's contingency.
Each of the companies has its own captain. The batteries have
lieutenants in command. The 128th second-in-command is a
major who spends most of his time in Olesko Castle. For im-
portant situations, he is able to travel to Lvov.

The Lvov Guard

Numbering 400 full-time and 1200 part-time soldiers, the
guard can deal with almost any immediate local threat. Many
of its troops tend to be young and inexperienced, but are com-
plemented by a large number of older soldiers whose retirement
ended when the guard was formed. The lack of regular troops
gives this force a mild disadvantage.
The defense of Lvov is no laughing matter to these soldiers
whose families now reside in this city. Guard soldiers have a
serious suspicion and dislike for armed visitors marching
throughout the city. Any guard troops will be likely to inform
armed guests that the open display of arms is not good for their
health. It is not unlike one of the younger soldiers to take the
warning a little too far.
In theory, the guard is not directly under Chelkov (unlike the
Page 12 GDW

and completely operational, but a DShK MG and a PK MG are of Lvov houses the control center for the KGB in the Lvov
the only operational parts of the vehicles. A telephone system Military District. A number of closed-off sewage channels and
connects each tank with a neighboring pillbox. The tank turrets building basements in the southern part of the city have com-
are capable of traversing slowly (30 degrees per 10 seconds), bined to form a facility of tremendous value. Five entrances pro-
but the main guns are no longer functional. Guard soldiers will vide easy access to the HQ. One is an emergency entrance in
not allow close inspection of the tanks by outsiders under any the sewage tunnels beneath the city. The four remaining en-
circumstances. trances are located aboveground in the city. All the entrances
The five T-86s are placed on a small hill which overlooks the are hidden from normal view, and no one operative knows all
southern and eastern exposures of the city. They are dug-in well the entrances (except those operatives of the highest rank).
and seem completely operational from a distance. In fact, only The base is broken into five sectors. Two northern troop sec-
two of the main guns are operational. Operational PK MGs are tors provide personnel housing for special KGB military forces.
located on each vehicle, and a pillbox provides the communica These two sections are capable of supporting 100 troops for
tions hub. The chassis of all vehicles are incapable of movement, one month. Typically no more than 50 troops are housed in the
and the engines have been stripped out. facility at a time. Each sector consists of a common sleeping
The remaining tanks, three T-55s, are located at headquarters. area for troops and sleeping facilities for officers. Latrines, a
The two immobile tanks are dug-in, and most of their parts have mess area, and a common living area complete the design of
long since been scavenged to keep the remaining T-55 opera- the troop sectors.
tional. The configuration of the two immobile T-55s is the same The eastern sector, the personnel sector, is similar to the two
as those at the perimeter posts. The operational tank is always troop sectors. It houses as many as 40 KGB personnel. These
attached to a rifle company when moved outside the head- full-time persons have personal sleeping cubicles, although the
quarters. It has a wear value of 9 and moves at half-speed, but walls are temporary and very thin.
is fully operational. The southwestern sector, the entrance sector, contains a large
The recon company has 100 regular troops. The company has number of sewage channels leading to each of the entrances.
a UAZ-469 with a mounted PK machinegun (MG), one BTR-70 This maze of channels provides a certain amount of security and
APC with a wear value of 3, two ZIL-135 trucks, and a 50-troop contains a variety of traps. This section is the largest of all the
cavalry unit. The cavalry unit has one RPG-16 and 50 AK-74s. sectors. Its common entrance area contains a sandbagged guard
This company is used as a quick reaction force against partisans post, which provides a final measure of security.
and as a guard unit for important caravans. The central sector houses five meeting rooms and a number
The three rifle companies (212th, 566th, and 9th) consist of of offices: The heart of this sector is the control center for the
370 troops each. Twenty of those are regulars, and the re- KGB operations in Lvov. A large military map of Lvov is mounted
mainder are reserves. Reserve duty allows a unit to work two on a table in the middle of the room; a short-wave radio is adja-
weeks and have one week off. This results in one active com- cent to this hub; and a small library complements the corner of
pany on duty at all times. The regular troops are scheduled to this sector. A 100-kilowatt generator located nearby produces
allow 50 percent to be on duty at any one time. electricity for the facility, and a backup generator is also
Each rifle company has one UAZ-469 with a mounted PK MG available. Six 1000-liter fuel tanks and a machineshop are
and one BTR-70. Thirty horses and 1 5 wagons are used for the located here (collectively, the fuel tanks hold 3300 liters of fuel).
transportation of each rifle company. Also a 30-horse cavalry A small, 10-man prison is considered part of this sector and is
has been formed for each cavalry unit, and fresh mounts are guarded when it is occupied. The sector also houses extra food
available. A rifle company is armed with 50 AKMs, five RPKs, supplies (for the facility) that would last approximately one
340 sporting rifles, and a varying number of pistols and month; materiel supplies are also stored here. A constantly
shotguns. guarded and very well equipped armory completes the list of
The Guard Construction Company is responsible for all military central sector's elements.
constructions in the Lvov area. It generally uses forced POW The central sector armory contains a variety of firearms: 12
labor to assist in achieving its tasks. The Castle Hill project and Skorpion, 40 AKR, and eight M231 submachineguns; 10 9mm
the Lvov Perimeter Defense project are its major undertakings. Makarov and two 9mm Parabellum pistols; 10 M16A2s, 45
It does assist in the basic development of other 13th Soviet Ar- AK-74s, and 20 AKM assault rifles; two RPK-74 automatic rifles,
my fortresses. For vehicles, it has a turretless SAU-203 with five SVD sniper rifles, and various shotguns and sporting rifles.
reinforced armored underhull (15 points), three bulldozers, three A PK MG, an AGS-17 grenade launcher, and an AT-4 missile
cranes, four ZIL-135 trucks, two URAL-375 trucks, two launcher can provide heavy fire ability, although these are ob-
UAZ-469s with mounted PK MGs, and 1 5 forklifts. In the com- viously not meant to be used in defending the base. An ammuni-
pany are 210 troops, of which 60 are regulars and 150 are tion dump is sandbagged against a solid wall for additional safe-
reserve units. Weapons vary throughout the company, but most ty. In addition to those weapons and their ammunition, a small
of the reserve units use nothing more than single-shot sporting supply of explosives and a variety of grenades are available.
rifles. The houses above the facility are deserted and in extremely
poor condition. Some have collapsed, with assistance from the
KGB—"Children of the Party" KGB.
The secret police are deep within the heart of Lvov. Their The Secondary Headquarters: The secondary base for the KGB
leader, Nathan Zordich, has gone to great lengths to keep them in Lvov is actually outside the present city limits. A partially col-
alive and active. A KGB operative exists in every city in the Lvov lapsed warehouse has been secretly and selectively reinforced.
region. In Lvov a primary and a secondary base provide the com- The entrances to the warehouse are large functional doors and
munications between the KGB operatives by short-wave radio. a smaller door which looks unusable. The exterior of the
KGB Headquarters, Lvov: An underground base within the city warehouse has been left in poor condition. The warehouse can
Bear's Den Page 13

support 10 KGB personnel for a two-month period. Each per- happened more and more of late.
son here possesses a 9mm Makarov pistol and an AKM rifle for The gorkom itself is comprised of 12 members; a chairper-
personal use. The facility has an arc welder and a 10-kilowatt son, whose sole goal is to represent the 13th Army, directs the
generator. A single 1000-liter tank provides the fuel (it presently meeting. Ten of the members are appointed yearly by larger
holds 960 liters of alcohol). The warehouse is used to house policy or public interest groups to sit on the gorkom as represen-
KGB vehicles and to provide an external meeting area for tatives. Two of the members are from the city government itself
operatives; it can hold 12 normal vehicles. The vehicles under (one is from the Lvov Guard, the other from public services.)
control of the Lvov KGB include two UAZ-469s, one ZIL-135 The Lvov government provides for a number of local needs.
truck, and a BDRM-2 light combat vehicle. Both UAZ-469s have A town speaker announces local events and news at 1 p.m.
PK MGs available for mounting. It is unusual for the KGB to use every day in Mickiewicz Square in front of the monument to
vehicles in combat—it prefers the more subtle method of per- Adam Mickiewicz. Soup lines for the extremely needy are held
sonal assault from inside an organization. daily from 4 to 7 p.m. in a number of warehouses, but only those
who do public service work are allowed in. The sewage disposal
Central Intelligence Agency system is kept functional, as is the drinking water system for
One official member of the CIA lives in Lvov; his code name the inner city.
is "Cromwall." He supports the partisan movement and has
formed a small group of informants in public offices to support Partisans
his goal of a free Lvov. His support of the partisans has ranged The partisan activities in Lvov vary greatly. Partisans prefer
from training manuals to strategic information, and he has to attack small units of the 13th Army which are on caravan
become their best source of information. duty or are travelling between towns, although direct confron-
The CIA agent has recruited a seven-man squad of assistants. tations with the Lvov Guard, 13th Army, and KGB forces oc-
The leader was a sergeant in the Soviet Army and is the only cur frequently. Small assaults on city borders and the POW camp
man who knows Cromwall by face. take place almost every night. Fuel supplied by Drogobych is
The CIA has a small house on the east side of Lvov, on Kiev sold in Lvov to keep the five partisan camps in the region warm:
Street where Sergeant Melova lives. The CIA stores consist of Surplus fuel is sold to buy ammo, food, and other supplies. The
nine AK-74 rifles, five 9mm Makarov pistols, and assorted ex- partisans also rely heavily on capturing enemy equipment and
plosives, grenades, and demolitions materiel. Ammo for the occasionally attacking a small town that has refused to join
weapons is also in great abundance. The CIA has nine horses them. Any type of small firearm can be seen in the partisan
stabled locally by Sergeant Melova. The only way for the players camps. Most weapons are of a civilian variety.
to meet Melova is either through armed conflict or through Crom- Approximately 230 partisans are active within the city of
wall. Melova is familiar with Cromwall's partisan activities but Lvov. They hold out in safe houses throughout the city.
does not interfere. The partisans do not realize that Melova's
band exists. Melova is a sergeant in a Lvov Guard Rifle Com-
pany. (The details of Melova and his secret band will be left to
the referee.)

Lvov's Gorkom and the Government

The committee has loosely controlled the city's legal and
economic branches over the last few years. The committee's
major goal is to rebuild and establish trade over the next 10
years. The primary objective of this plan leans toward supply-
ing the 13th Army—for this reason, it is the Red Bear who con-
trols Lvov.
The plan first took hold during the cleanup which followed
the NATO nuclear strike. Lvov was determined to establish itself
as a Ukrainian powerhouse once again. The city defenses were
emphasized above all other needs in the formation and support
of the Lvov Guard. The constructions on Castle Hill, the
perimeter outposts, and the bases are all part of this major ef-
fort. The second step of the plan includes strengthening regional
food production and beginning shipment of foodstuffs in
caravans; repairing the railways between Ternopol, Olesko, and
Lvov; and reestablishing a regional committee (obkom). The final
step is to reestablish oil refining and heavy industry on a large
scale and perhaps light industry on a small scale.
The gorkom's dream for a new Lvov is carried on at every
committee meeting. At these meetings, the committee sets
various policies, and specific interest groups attempt to define
or sway public opinions on present and future topics. The referee
should note that the gorkom has never opposed a policy pro-
posed by the Red Bear. For the most part, minor details in the
city reconstruction plans tend to become major issues—this has
Page 14 GDW

Should the players be the "freedom fighter" type, they will bomb. A friend of mine saw it. It will bust the Earth's crust above
be watched carefully for a few days, approached secretly, and Drogobych if they use it there. We'll all be dead.
urged to join the fight for the Ukraine. If they join but later decide 7. (Anyone) No one understands that Chelkov is the reincar-
that they are not cut out to be freedom fighters, the partisans nation of Alexander the Great. He is here to capture his world
will have no regrets killing them as traitors. all over again.
Other NATO and oriental troops have joined the partisans 8. (A partisan in Lvov) American soldiers were seen coming
fighting for freedom. Most of these troops are using eastern bloc into town. An entire company is ready to assault the city and
weapons, although a few NATO weapons remain. The histo- lay it to waste. They are angry because of the POW camp.
ries of these soldiers vary and can be played on by the referee 9. (Someone in the Lvov Guard) The army in Ternopol is get-
to strengthen the "war is hell" theme. Most of these troops ting ready for a major drive south to meet the 27th Tank Divi-
were prisoners at the 25th Soviet POW camp, although Com- sion in February. It'll be a bloodbath.
mander Bestolv will not acknowledge any prisoners have ever 10. (A local merchant) Chelkov has ransacked almost all of
escaped. Lvov's museums to decorate Castle Hill, He's also building a
helicopter pad. A friend of mine says he has helicopters at Olesko
ENCOUNTERS IN LVOV Castle. It makes sense.
The people of Lvov do not tend to spend a great deal of time 11. (Someone who lives in Lvov) Chelkov is insane. He thinks
roaming about the streets at night—it is very cold. Encounters the KGB will stand aside while he takes over half the Soviet
at night will be with the Lvov Guard, thugs, partisans, or Union. They'll kill him soon.
refugees, at the referee's discretion. 12. (Someone in the Lvov Guard) Bestolv is stealing from
The vast majority of the citizens are not well fed and do not Chelkov. He thinks he can take over all of Lvov and use slave
have the proper clothing to keep themselves comfortably warm. labor to fortify it. He keeps arming his soldiers for a coup d'etat.
(Any characters wearing parkas or thermal fatigues will be eyed
jealously.) And more than one person has been found dead in
an alley, missing his coat or leather boots. Personalities
Those who work for the government (military or not) are kept The referee may find the following NPCs to be useful.
well fed and warm. The supply of volunteers is endless, but most
are poorly equipped for the jobs that they apply for—either they GENERAL ANTON V. CHELKOV
do not have the education, or they cannot sustain the physical The Red Bear was born in Leningrad during the late 1950s.
labor. He attended the finest Soviet
military academies and entered in-
LVOV ENCOUNTER TABLE to the Soviet ground forces at the
Die Northeast Castle Hill Area Marketplace age of 18. And during the battle
1 Animals Gov't Employee Gov't Employee against China, he was nicknamed
2 Poor Gov't Employee 128th Soldier the "Red Bear" by the Soviet
3 Poor 1 28th Soldiers Lvov Guard military magazine, Red Star.
4 — 128th Soldiers Merchant The Red Bear is one of the most
5 Lvov Guard Lvov Guard Citizen aggressive leaders of the Third
6 Partisan Lvov Merchant Citizen World War. His divisions swept
across the Chinese multitudes dur-
Die Southeast Southwest Northwest ing the first years of the war. An-
1 Ex-student Refugee Refugee ton Chelkov rose from his rank as
2 Ex-educator Refugee Lvov Guard colonel to what was called Sov-
3 Lvov Guard Lvov Guard Citizen ComiFEF (Soviet commander of
4 Lvov Guard Thugs — the 1st Far Eastern Front), at a
5 Citizen Thugs Thugs rank of lieutenant general. When the Chinese government col-
6 Citizen Citizen Partisan lapsed, he was given orders to take command of the 1st Western
Front (SovComiWF). As the 128th MRD entered Tarnow,
RUMORS IN LVOV Poland, it was tactically nuked. Moscow ordered one of its best
The PCs may hear the following rumors in Lvov. divisions to form the 13th Army upon its return. Control of the
1. (Anyone) The whole Carpathian Mountain region is swarm- Ukraine, Romania, and Yugoslavia was needed; Chelkov was
ing with soldiers. They are killing anything that moves. given a promotion to general and ordered to take command of
2. (Anyone) The Red Bear is intending to assault Kiev after the Southwestern Theater of War (SovComSWTVD).
the 27th Tank Division and Drogobych give up this insane battle. When the Red Bear refused to take orders from the Soviet
3. (Anyone) Four thousand people died of the plague in high command in September of 2000, the Southwestern Theater
Mezgorje, but the 13th Army is keeping this information a secret. of War collapsed. The lieutenant general commanding the
4. (Anyone) Olesko Castle has been assaulted by the 1 9th Danube front sent a personal message to Chelkov, "I'll see you
Soviet Army. The KGB infiltrated the castle and helped the 19th. in hell, capitalist traitor!" The major general commanding the
The castle will fall any day now. 1 9th Soviet Army stated, "I hope you are as good on the bat-
5. (Anyone) Partisans have assaulted Olesko Castle and taken tlefield as they say. You'll need it, dog."
the nuclear missile. They demand the surrender of Lvov and of Chelkov is alive with the spirit of battle and the building of
Chelkov himself. an empire.
6. (Anyone) The Red Bear's missile is a one-megaton nuclear His is not a "desire to rule" but one to "defeat all enemies
Bear's Den Page 15

on a field of combat." His spirit is spawned from all that is a

Chelkov is well versed in military history and has read much (ALIAS PETER MOVECKA, CODE NAME CROMWALL)
of "classic" western literature. He has also managed to build Garret has been with the CIA for 15 years. His cover in Lvov
an impressive personal library of classical music. Works like was developed in 1991. He joined
those of Mozart are his favorites. As well as being a skilled the CIA as a graduate of Indiana
pianist, he is fluent in Russian and English. His skill is 40 per- University in 1985, where he was
cent in Ukrainian and French. a liberal arts major (and proud of
Meeting Chelkov: The Red Bear can be very congenial, and it). While working in Latin Ameri-
few would consider him unpleasant to listen to. Should the ca, he found the unique opportuni-
players have the pleasure of speaking with Chelkov, he will be ty to replace a Soviet journalist.
most polite and interested in their past activities. The players He did so quite well.
might get the feeling that Chelkov does not believe he could When he returned to Kiev as the
get killed during this world war. It is almost as though he feels journalist Peter Movecka, a bril-
at home in a war. He will also explain that he holds nothing liant acting career began. He re-
against them because they are all soldiers doing their work. moved Movecka's old compan-
Chelkov will talk for quite a while, if time permits. He will ions from his life by changing his
discuss tactics and war strategies before all else. The players' life-style, and he moved to Lvov.
opinions will be treated as important by the Red Bear. He may Then he worked his way into the
even urge the players, if they seem honestly interested, to join upper journalistic circles. Few peo-
the Lvov Guard or the 318th. He will tell them that, with their ple realized that he not only wrote thought-provoking articles
experience, after a short time with the army they should have in a national magazine, but he also gave Washington D.C. the
no problem elevating themselves to his 128th MRD or maybe real story.
the 70th GMRD. The players should feel as though they have In modern Lvov, Peter is privy to secret supply information
just met a MacArthur, Patton, Rommel, Zhukov, or Alexander and the location of a certain missile assigned to the Red Bear.
the Great. Peter Movecka is a columnist in Lvov's government-controlled,
If mentioned, Chelkov will state that the POW camp is a four-page newspaper. He provides tremendous amounts of in-
necessary evil. He believes that releasing those individuals would formation to his associate, Alex Gondovich. Alex is the only per-
double the effectiveness of the partisans. To him, the partisans son who can identify Peter; Peter intends to keep it that way.
are merely discontent fools who would revolt against anyone. Meeting Movecka: Peter is a typical columnist. He generally
He might even compare them to various Latin American nations. will attempt to interview the new NATO troops in the area, and
NPC Motivation Results: Club Ace: Chelkov is a war leader he has written a number of articles on the POW camp near the
at heart. He is at his best in a combat situation, and he displays city. He is a stern advocate of freedom for the inhabitants. Peter
tremendous tactics and strategy. Spade Ace: Anton Chelkov will attempt to discuss the players' origins. He is hoping that
is likable. His speeches drive men and women toward greater the CIA will send him an elite squad. If he believes the players
honor. This type of individual is more than a man—he is an are in U.S. government service, then he will ask if they would
image. like to arrange a meeting with the local CIA. He will, however,
Referee's Notes: Chelkov is far from insane. He is one of those avoid disclosing his true identity.
individuals whose internal strength is nearly limitless. Chelkov Meeting Garret: The last thing that Michael Garret needs is
eats meals with his troop. He keeps the 128th MRD very tight to die: That would seriously ruin his career. Michael will attempt
and close. New soldiers to the unit will be scrutinized without
his request. All of them would die for Chelkov, and none dislike
He has lady friends from the city, but no one in particular in-
terests him. He is far from being a ladies' man, but he can tell
a story better than most at a party. The referee is recommended
to use a social party within his campaign, especially, if the
players join the local military as part of their plan. A collection
of war stories would bring out the persona of this man at a party.
Should the players seem dangerous he would not hesitate to
incarcerate them in the POW camp, or even kill them. His ene-
mies do not live long if one of their weakest traits happens to
be stupidity. In personal combat, his Recon skill should be con-
sidered 80% and his Pistol skill 85%. He has a 60% in Melee
Chelkov's personal goal is merely to conquer. His admiration
for Alexander the Great runs deep. And he follows true to his
hero's reputation for effective combat but not to his hero's
Anton Chelkov's attempt to strengthen his hold over the
region is critical if his force is to amount to anything in a major
Page 16 GDW

to keep his distance from the players. Their cooperation will keep Referee's Notes: Alex Gondovich is a very tired man—it is dif-
him alive, and he is willing to tell them this. If it comes to never ficult to withstand the pressure he is under—and he will not live
showing them his face, that is what he will do. Michael might forever. If the strain continues for another year, he will most
seem tired or strained—because he is. He has been keeping his likely have a heart attack. Should a major disaster hit the par-
secret for a long time, and ending it would be nice. tisan movement or his personnel, a chance of heart failure does
NPC Motivation Results: Heart 6: Michael is loyal to the United exist. If Alex fails a Coolness Under Fire roll (3), then he must
States (civilian or otherwise). He does not need communism and roll against his Strength (in order to avoid major heart failure).
has no belief in the communists' ideology. Heart Jack: Garret Saving Alex is DIF: MED.
plans ahead. He's not ideological, just in-depth.
Referee's Notes: His cover as a local writer has made him privy MAJOR PAUL SEDORVA
to much information about the region. He indirectly helps Alex Sedorva is the leader of the Lvov Guard. He was a local ex-
Gondovich with the patriotic fight for Ukrainian freedom. The Red Army officer who retired after
strain on Michael Garret is tremendous, and he is not as young 15 years of service. He was a
as he used to be. Should the players succeed in helping the prominent candidate when Lvov
renegade division, he will probably attach himself to them until created its loyal guard forces.
he is relieved of duty by someone from the civilian government. When forces of the 13th Army be-
Staying here is a major decision Michael has made. If the Red gan to enter the city, he welcomed
Bear wins, Garret will probably retire from the CIA. them with open arms. He private-
ly stated that resistance would be
ALEX GONDOVICH foolish and reckless, and the city
Alex Gondovich is the head of the Writers' Union and the se- leaders quietly agreed with him.
cret leader of the People's Ukrai- Slowly this calm, cool soldier
nian Revolution. Alex is a dynamic strengthened his control over the
speaker whose love for political city. Finally, he was appointed
challenge is unrivaled. Presently, chairman of the Lvov Gorkom (ci-
he has turned the freedom of the ty committee). He has nearly com-
Ukraine into a life-and-death strug- plete authority over the city.
gle for him and his peers. He has It is important to note that the Lvov Guard has a communica-
never openly opposed the Red tions office in the Lower Castle but no other offices or forces.
Bear's policies or those of his The Lvov Guard is the primary defense force for the city.
tyrannical followers, but the Upon his appointment to the gorkom, he offered up for sale
thought has occurred to him. On- many of the city's cherished old homes. This was a government
ly a few people in Lvov would move to produce funds for city repairs and defense. He, himself,
place Gondovich as a partisan purchased the Black Palace as his personal home. The price he
leader. He is married and has a paid was never made public. This makes him unpopular, at best,
young son. Gondovich is quick with the local Ukrainian population.
with a joke and never worries Meeting Sedorva: Sedorva will generally dislike the players.
about whether or not you liked it. Generally, he attempts to get He trusts no one, and he is basically greedy and ruthless. Paul
his points across with cold, hard facts. He should not be con- is not very successful at hiding these facts. As a matter of fact,
sidered suicidal, but he does not doubt that he and his family he is terrible at hiding almost everything regarding his person-
would die if he called for open revolution. No, Gondovich is more ality.
than content to make military hits at night and weaken the struc- NPC Motivation Results: Spade 9: Sedorva is an attractive
ture the Red Bear has built. man with a twisted desire to rule Lvov. Club 2: It is not possi-
Presently, his followers are scattered throughout the city. ble to intimidate Sedorva. He laughs it off as the aggressor's
Should he be killed, another would take his place. He fears the stupidity. He is definitely an egotist.
most for his family; he would retaliate without mercy for their Referee's Notes: Major General Chelkov has been looking for
deaths. Gondovich is a practical man. He knows that the a replacement for Sedorva, but he does not advertise this fact —
renegade division is attempting to reach Lvov and defeat the Sedorva has caused him too much bad publicity.
Red Bear, so he hopes are to keep the Red Bear from successful- Sedorva realizes that his power is totally based on the Red
ly defending Lvov. Bear. He wants Lvov, and he is far from smart enough to be
Meeting Gondovich: Few people are not impressed by this afraid of Chelkov. Sedorva has managed to overlook a few
charismatic leader. He is well educated and charming. Rhetoric crimes committed by his troops. Most of the Lvov Guard con-
is more than a hobby to Gondovich; it is a talent. Should the sists of decent Ukrainian, Polish, and Soviet citizens; the re-
players meet this gentleman, they would not be aware of his mainder are hired soldiers, murderers, and thieves. Sedorva is
covert activities—he is very sly. The only method of finding out not happy enough ruling the military and government of L v o v -
who Alex Gondovich really is would be to do so through deep he must control the underworld too.
partisan connections. Alex would not hesitate to have the
players killed if he thought they could not be trusted. NATHAN ZORDICH
NPC Motivation Results: Spade Ace: Very few people are There are many types of empires in the year 2000. The most
more charming and likable than Gondovich. Heart 8: Gondovich frightening are not the would-be Hitlers, or the Khans, whose
has a strong sense of justice. He is not gullible or pompous in desire for power outweighs human courtesy and respect for life.
the handling of his beliefs. The most frightening are the Satans who hide in the woodwork
Bear's Den Page 17

of the countryside—the people whose actions are seen too late. to Krakow when her father, a soldier, was transferred from the
Hidden under the rubble of Lvov Kiev Military District. Mary was on
is such a man, Nathan Zordich. her way to becoming a prominent
Every Soviet military district, in- actress and dancer when war
cluding Lvov, has a KGB force broke out between the east and
deeply entrenched within. And the west. Her family died in the
Zordich has created a private em- nuclear holocaust of Nowy Hutta,
pire which still practices loyalty to near Krakow, early in the war.
the Soviet Union's KGB. Things Mary was a sophomore attend-
here are done his way, and his ing college in the Lvov region. She
way alone. He is a cold-blooded is well versed in the arts and
man with no remorse. Zordich per- sciences, and she is in excellent
sonally dislikes the Red Bear and physical condition. Mary's lan-
is watching him closely. He has guage abilities include fluently
been waiting for the right moment speaking Ukrainian, Latin, Polish,
to strike. and English. She performs with a
Zordich was groomed from high few of her college friends in the
school to be an agent of the KGB. He is fanatically dedicated local nightclubs of Lvov.
to the communist cause, but he does not practice what he When she was a child, her father taught her how to fire
preaches. "The KGB is a tool to clean the party of disease" is weapons and to ski. He was concerned that Mary be more than
his favorite line to use. He does not believe that he, alone, has able to defend herself in the future. Long hunting trips into the
the power to rebuild the party, but he is more than dedicated Carpathians with her father were enriched by evenings of tak-
to keeping it alive in his district. "The Soviet revolution cannot ing apart rifles for cleaning and skinning the day's catch. She
fail," he continuously declares. excelled more out of a love for her father than for the tasks she
When the nuclear holocaust began, Zordich thought ahead. undertook.
He established an underground base in the city of Lvov. He built She became a part of the rebellion, more out of fear than desire
it in the southern district in a number of sewage channels and to fight. She saw the big, beautiful world falling in on itself. At
basements, giving access to the base through a number of present, her activities are oriented around recruiting new par-
houses and public buildings. He then took over a local store that tisans, spying on the local Lvov military, anti-KGB city activities,
sells supplies—this was his main front for operating in Lvov. He and being the second in command of the Lvov unit of the peo-
buys and sells material of all types. The large store is presently ple's revolution. Mary Cheveska is generally invited to most of
one of the best sources of additional finance for the local KGB's the large military social activities and keeps herself as aloof as
covert activities. He has always found that very amusing. possible.
Meeting Zordich: Zordich is never seen in public. He prefers Meeting Cheveska: She appears to be sweet and quiet at large
the safety of a central basement in his complex. The only way social engagements. Should she meet the players in a nightclub,
to meet Zordich is to do so in a sneak assault on the KGB com- she will treat them very nicely (because they are possible
plex or to be captured. Neither course of action is recommend- recruits). Her first goal is to appear not to be for one side or the
ed. If you do not know your way around, the odds of surviving other, but to play the innocent civilian. Her second goal is to
in this complex are very small. Should this actually be ac- determine where the players stand. She may attempt to date
complished, the players will have a very bad day. Zordich would one of the players, if one is an attractive, young officer. It is
just soon as kill a NATO soldier as breathe the same air. If Zor- doubtful that anyone would interfere, but some would prefer
dich needs information, he will probably get it from even the she sees Ukrainian or even Soviet men.
toughest person within 24 hours. NPC Motivation Results: Diamond 7: Mary has a mild
NPC Motivation Results: Spade 10: Zordich has always character flaw—she loves money. Love may not be the best
aspired to new levels of power. He hoped to be a very impor- word; worship is a much better one. Heart 8: Cheveska is
tant man in the KGB. The war is limiting the scope of his dedicated to freedom for her people. She is a strong believer
strength, and Zordich likes expansion. Heart 7: He is extremely that this area of the world has been enslaved to its neighbors
loyal to communist doctrine. When the party talks to him, he for too long.
will listen carefully. Zordich will stop at nothing to keep it alive Referee's Notes: Mary hates the Soviets with a passion. She
and well in the Ukraine. also hates wars, warriors, and all that goes along with them.
Referee's Notes: For a man with no morality, he survives com- She believes that too many people have died for nothing. Her
fortably. Zordich is trained to kill. He can be considered an Elite feelings could become her downfall. She has made no mistakes
NPC and should also be given six scores of higher level. One yet, but that could change.
of those is Pistol (PST 90) and another is Body Combat (BC 85). A recommended scenario would be to have her involved in
The rest are the referee's discretion. Zordich is 31 years old and an assault on the KGB headquarters in Lvov.
is basically bent on bringing the Red Bear back under his thumb,
should the Red Bear go too far. He will undoubtedly fail in do- OTHER NON-PLAYER CHARACTERS
ing anything but killing Chelkov. This really does not bother him. The referee is urged to create leaders and members of the
other elements of the 13th Army, 27th Tank Division, religious
MARY CHEVESKA organizations, the gorkoms and the surrounding environment.
Few people are as outgoing and aggressive as Mary Cheveska. Many unique individuals could live in the Ukrainian region in the
She was born in the Ukraine in the late 1970s. Her family moved year 2000.
Page 18 GDW

The Western Ukraine A populace of 14,000 makes this town the second largest
The following section details the Western Ukraine. in the region. Ternopol is presently the headquarters for the
318th GMRD. A 30-foot-wide, 10-foot-deep moat was built
UKRAINIAN SOVIET SOCIALIST REPUBLIC around the city using farm equipment and heavy machinery. The
The Ukraine of the latter half of the 20th century was often dirt from the moat forms a hill 10 feet in from the moat, and
called Little Russia. The Ukrainian people considered themselves the water in the moat is five to seven feet deep. Before the hill
to be unjustly controlled by Russia. Their serious lack of self- was completed, guard towers were constructed out of wood
esteem has developed due to this control. at various points along the hill—10 towers in all. Each has a
The following are the Ukraine's prewar statistics for 1990. spotlight and a telephone. There is also one exit over the moat;
Area: 603,700 square kilometers. it is a metal bridge with wooden planks that can be removed,
Population: 50,840,000 (72-percent Ukrainian, 21-percent if necessary.
Russian). Farmlands, cattle, and coal provide an interesting income for
Major Cities: Kiev (capital), 2.448 million; Kharkov, 1.554 lovely Ternopol. Trains stopped coming to Ternopol long ago;
million; Dnepropetrovsk, 1.1 53 million; Odessa, 1.1 26 million; the railroad station is presently being used to house refugees.
Donetsk, 1.073 million. They are fed by the city and put to work helping with civil
Agriculture: Wheat, sugar beets, potatoes, fruit, dairy prod- defense and general renovation projects (such as building the
ucts, cattle, hogs, sheep, corn, grapes, hemp, and rye. moat). The station is crowded, and the heating is intermittent,
Minerals: Titanium, oil, coal, manganese, and iron ore. but the building is in good shape, and no one there is freezing
Industries: Steel, textiles, transportation equipment (ships, to death.
airplanes, automobiles, buses, railroad stock, etc.), computers, The city's eight bulldozers, three five-ton trucks, and four trac-
petroleum products, chemicals, machinery (farm equipment), tors now sit quietly in a couple of warehouses. Ternopol had
and tourism (Kiev, Lvov, the Carpathians, and the beautiful four large fuel storage tanks that contained fuel to be shipped
Odessa and Crimea coastal regions). out of the area, but the fuel that remained was confiscated by
The population in the year 2000 is 4.5 million. Every major the 318th. Each tank is capable of holding 100,000 liters of fuel.
city has been bombarded by tactical nuclear weapons. Presently One of the tanks presently contains 25,000 liters of ethanol.
between 50,000 and 75,000 soldiers (military, marauders, and The latest zany project the Ternopolians are attempting is to
militia) are within the Ukraine's prewar borders. directly pipe fuel from one of the tanks into the moat. The theory
It should be noted that the largest single unit is the 19th Soviet is that if they could produce oil or alcohol, they would have
Army, which at last estimate had 16,000 troops. enough to set their moat on fire.
As far as the Russians are concerned, these estimates are the The army is presently turning an abandoned group of apart-
best available. The location of various military units during the ment buildings into a base. It is walling the area in and sealing
winter months has changed since those figures were given in off the lower floors of the buildings. The highest building is five
GDW's Soviet Vehicle Guide. These figures are in the hands of stories, and the army has constructed a 20-foot lookout tower
the KGB and the 13th Army (commanders only). They were ob- on top of it.
tained from KGB channels in September of 2000. Strengths A final note about Ternopol: At last report, the 1st Ukrainian
were not estimable. Army is a mere 230 kilometers to the east.
Bear's Den Page 19

coax some of its refugee population into moving to this town

ZOLOCHEV and taking up farming. The government has helped transport
The nuclear disaster in Lvov had tremendous effects on 200 people into Nikolajev. It has also supplied them with 20
Zolochev. The little town and the neighboring farmers were over- sporting rifles and shotguns for use in hunting, since farming
run with refugees. The people of Zolochev were not hospitable is not a winter activity. The partisans are attempting to infiltrate
and the refugees were desperate—townspeople were badly the population.
beaten and often killed for their homes, cars, and food. In
general, this time is looked upon by the Zolochevians as a fight STRYJ
for survival, and although many family members and friends lost The rest of the 318th is constantly assisting the 50 soldiers
their lives and possessions, the town has pulled together. The garrisoned here in their tremendous effort to prepare for a com-
remaining 1000 people have found a comfortable living by over- ing invasion. The 100 troops present in town at any given mo-
producing food and selling it to Lvov. During the winter they ment are building a fortress around a two-story ranch house on
overhunt and sell meat to the city. a small hill just outside the city. The townspeople are being urged
Most of Zolochev is in average condition, and it has plenty to assist in this effort, and they are being given small food por-
of empty buildings and warehouses. Zolochev is happy with the tions and some coal in return for their efforts. The 3000 people
present arrangement. The protection of the 318th GMRD's gar- who live here have mixed feelings about the Lvov government
rison is more than welcome, and the townspeople are building and the fact that their city was destroyed, but the presence of
a fortress out of the old town hall. A walled-in courtyard is be- the protection afforded by the garrison and the food, and the
ing built as a method of holding out against the partisans. The promise of warmth that the soldiers bring, is welcome.
town council is meeting in the town hall. Before the war, however, Stryj produced oil and sent it to
An interesting side note: Zolochev is 11 kilometers from Drogobych rather than Lvov. Thus, Stryj has always had close
Olesko Castle. ties with Drogobych. The people of Stryj are quite aware of who
feeds them these days, but they are also aware of the current
ROGATIN state of affairs between Drogobych and Lvov. Many of the
The disaster in Lvov had a similar effect on this sleepy farm- citizens are being recruited by partisans—they are biding their
ing community. It presently has a population of 2250 and has time until spring, when they can overthrow the garrison.
basically reaped the same benefits from the government that Stryj still produces small quantities of oil—obtaining 500 liters
Zolochev has, except for one. The garrison commander in a day from the neighboring wells. Unfortunately, the oil is rather
Rogatin feels that he owns the town and everyone in it. He is useless without refineries. The citizens use the oil for fires and
an atrocious womanizer, and he forces all the townspeople to for lubrication. They are hoping to "cut a deal" with Ternopol
work longer hours than is necessary. for 30,000 liters of refined fuel. What they will do with it, no
The population of Rogatin is actively seeking help from either one knows.
the 27th Tank Division or the partisans. Citizens of Rogatin have
assisted the partisans in various activities and are presently re- SAMBOR
questing an assault against the town's new fortress before it Near Sambor, neighboring sulfur mines still produce small
is completed. quantities of the mineral. Presently Sambor sells most of its
The army has destroyed the buildings surrounding a hilltop sulfur to Lvov for the making of gunpowder. But Sambor is at-
which has four warehouses on it. It is walling the warehouses tempting to get into the gunpowder business itself: The benefits
in and building towers. The exterior walls are being sandbagged would be great, although the machinery would be difficult to
as quickly as dirt can be shoveled into bags. The town is being procure. The citizens of Sambor are organizing a summer
forced to assist in this activity, and the strain between the peo- caravan north to Belz for coal. Plans for fixing the railway be-
ple and the army is becoming critical. tween Lvov and Sambor are also underway. Sambor has an old
locomotive and a few flatbed cars. It has been sending parties
NIKOLAJEV south to collect railroad bars, ties, and parts to fix the loco-
Nikolajev was a popular town with the Soviet government motive.
before the war because it had an extremely efficient and pro- The people of Sambor have also been helping the army
ductive string of oil wells. Nikolajev was hit hard by the war; transform an abandoned warehouse and an old factory near the
the population of the city flooded into the countryside as the railroad station into a fortress. The factory roof provides a nice
city was destroyed. One or two oil wells still burn fitfully. Sixty view of the road into town from the south. An apartment
percent of this town has burned to the ground. building on the east side of Sambor has also been transformed
The 318th has placed a garrison in Nikolajev, however. The into a small fort for the soldiers: It has a clear view of the road
garrison has moved into a hotel and an adjoining building. The from Drogobych. Presently this fort is being used as an obser-
rubble is being used to close off certain streets and to build a vation point only. The 3200 people living here hope that the
small fortress. Because of the lack of heavy equipment, the ef- town will reap the rewards of being useful to the military.
forts of the garrison troops has met with only limited success.
The troops are also interested in salvaging the oil wells, and they MOSTISKA
are presently studying methods for extinguishing the ones which The road to Poland runs through Mostiska. Its buildings were
still burn. trampled by tanks and armored vehicles, and Polish marauders
The Dnestr River runs close to Nikolajev, giving the town also attacked the town. When the Mostiska Gorkom requested
another strategic advantage. The soldiers have wired the bridge assistance from Lvov, the Red Bear ordered Mostiska to be in-
and are prepared to blow it up if necessary. cluded in the town garrisons the 318th was creating. The peo-
This last summer, the Lvov government began attempting to ple have received some assistance from the 318th, which
Page 20 GDW

has improved their view of the army substantially. fects, and the army has helped round up stray cattle. In ex-
The garrison here is in a town hotel. With great help from the change, the 3300 townspeople are attempting to produce vast
locals, the troops have built a fortress around the hotel. They quantities of meat as quickly as possible to help feed the troops.
have also destroyed two marauder bands looking for an easy To the west of Kalush are a few oil fields, and to the north,
kill. The town of Mostiska advertises itself as the gateway town. potash.
Its 2000 people have an active merchant trade with Poland. A garrison has been built on the southwest side of the town.
The income that the salt mines formerly brought into Mostiska The buildings were a ranch but now provide a very different ser-
before the nuclear assault has begun to flow once again. vice. The new fort is complete; it sits on a hill overlooking the
road to the Carpathians.
GORODOK A network of low walls and trenches will be used in defend-
This town was reduced to 1400 people when Lvov was ing against the traitors of the 27th TD.
carved apart. Fallout and poisons made it a ghost town for five
months. When the townspeople slowly began to return, they DOLINA
found that no buildings over one story were left standing. The Sitting at the base of the Carpathian Mountains, Dolina is the
present populace is struggling to survive. The town was badly farthest south of the 13th Army garrisons. The 70th GMRD
damaged by the airburst, and the population was drastically sends an occasional snowmobile down the mountains to Dolina
reduced. The present gorkom is trying to push a strong mer- to pick up supplies or new troops.
chant trade with Mostiska. It intends to sell locally produced On a hill overlooking the town with a clear view of the moun-
products to the Poland area. Salt mines that neighbor the two tains, a fortress has been quickly prepared.
towns will also provide a useful income. The mines were used A bulldozer crew worked for a week to dig an extravagant
to house the townspeople during the fallout period, and now five-foot-thick dirt wall. The garrison soldiers occasionally hunt
they will provide the income for those same people. Sales of the partisans who are attempting to help the 27th TD get
salt to Lvov should be on the rise, as well. through the passes.
A garrison is presently set up in the old police station, and Before the war, Dolina was a popular stopover for tourists
the neighboring fire station has been annexed. A wall surround- heading to one of the mountain resorts. Products like coal,
ing them will be finished this summer. grapes, sheep, and salt are produced in Transcarpathia and
shipped through Dolina to Lvov.
The town was mildly damaged by fallout from the nuclear ex- NADVORNAJA
plosions. Unfortunately, its food crops were destroyed as well. This unfortunate town of 4000 was the scene of a tremen-
Strong support for the partisans and a desire for new govern- dous tragedy one year ago. The bubonic plague left no one alive
ment were its downfall. Several people of Mostiska reported see- (anyone not immediately afflicted naturally fled the area). The
ing partisan raiding parties entering Javorov. The 13th Army military found out soon enough and was forced to quarantine
reacted brutally and burned Javorov to the ground. The survivors the city—later it burned the entire place to the ground.
have joined Rebel forces to the north.
NESTEROV An old castle is providing the military in this town with a ready-
Before the bombs, this town played host to a number of made fortress, but the 9000 inhabitants are not sure whether
military units moving toward the Lvov Military District base, or not they can trust the military. (They are waiting for a sign
which was a mere seven kilometers southeast of them. Its one way or the other.) The army only has 50 troops in town,
population was filled with families whose husbands or wives but it has asked the town to form a guard unit of 450 troops.
were based in Lvov. So far the response has been low.
When the bombs fell on Lvov, this pleasant town saw the ex- Cattle ranches and salt mines to the east of town are a large
plosions leap into the sky. This was a bad time to be in town, source of income, as is the oil to the west. The town should
particularly on the northeast side. The inferno lit the sky, be able to help supply meat for the army without any major
buildings collapsed, and the wind blew across Nesterov like a difficulties—unless, of course, the army wants all of it.
flame across paper. Only one-fifth of the buildings survived; all
of these were one story high. Over 95 percent of Nesterov's BUCHACH
population was destroyed—most of the survivors wished that A military garrison has been built around a downtown hotel
they were destroyed, too. Presently, only 1 50 people live in the in Buchach. The general view of this among the citizens in town
shattered village. A garrison has been built to house the 318th is negative. With Ternopol so close, the population fears that
troops. This summer Lvov intends to ship refugees to Nesterov its own strategic value will mean increased troop movement
to rebuild the town. through Buchach. The 2400 townspeople realize that they could
not stand up against a determined garrison of troops.
KALUSH Cattle are the major commodity here.
A thriving community with a large cattle business, Kalush has
managed to weather through the war with little damage. When MORE ON THE WESTERN UKRAINE
Lvov was hit, Kalush provided small amounts of relief. But when Other interesting regions to visit include the city of Rovno,
cattle began to disappear or turn up dead, everything changed. which is over 100 kilometers northeast of Olesko Castle. The
A range war began with refugees from Lvov. The numbers were city was a large producer of chemicals before the war. Rovno
too large for Kalush to handle, and Kalush was quickly over- and its neighboring town, Ostrog (10 kilometers southeast on
whelmed. The town is beginning to recover from the worst ef- the Goryn River), had the pleasure of being conventionally
Bear's Den Page 21

bombed in 1997. It should also be noted that Ostrog is the home

of the West-Ukrainian Nuclear Power Station. Directly north of
Rovno (100 kilometers) is the home of the nuked Smolensk
Nuclear Power Station. Not many people stayed in Rovno.


Like many of today's idealistic political factions, the People's
Revolution seeks to debunk the present government—this hap-
pens to be General Anton Chelkov and his army. The partisans
view the Red Bear's government as self-serving and fascist by
nature. The KGB represents a form of government which has
failed the cause of the people. There are conflicting views within
the partisans' numbers as to exactly what type of government
should replace the present one.
Four hundred-fifty partisans are spread throughout the region;
they are constantly recruiting citizens of Lvov and other sur-
rounding towns, in preparation for the revolution.
Partisan camps can be found throughout the region. Some
were once abandoned farm or ranch houses, but not every camp
in the area is the home of partisans. Many camps house refugees
living off the wilderness, and other camps house marauders
coming home from the front. Although none of the occupied
cities have made the same mistake as Javorov, many people
are helping the partisan cause. Some are fighting for the 1st
Ukrainian Army, while others are fighting for freedom from
everyone. Finding the right partisans can be a problem. One thing
is important: Partisans generally are not known to be a trusting


The players may hear the following rumors while in this region.
1. Lvov will start starving soon. They'll take all our food.
2. The partisans are well armed. I saw 10 tanks ready to move
against Lvov.
3. The Red Bear has sent a platoon to investigate the West-
Ukrainian Nuclear Power Station. It was conventionally bombed
in 1998. The area is lifeless, and a lot of people have seen
strange things: The mutations are everywhere, and people are
like zombies. The Red Bear has ordered a report, and the 318th
is mobilizing to destroy the place.
4. Radiation is all over the east. That power plant is poison-
ing everything. They say that the 19th tried to assault Olesko
Castle but was intercepted by zombie armies. Something evil
is happening.
5. The partisans have been slowing down the fortress con-
struction near Drogobych. They are set on winning this one.
6. The 13th Army is spread really thin. It is counting on the
missile to hold things together. They'll never use it. It's the on-
ly trump card they have.
7. The United States is going to use ICBMs to end it once and
for all. It's only a matter of time now. They can't buy the world
anymore. I heard that the Soviet strategic missile bases are no
longer taking orders.
8. Everything will be okay. Enjoy your Christmas season. Did
you know that the 70th GMRD captured a major 27th TD food
supply? And they're shipping it to Lvov. Maybe we'll get more
9. Javorov is haunted. There are ghosts in that area. Some
of them attacked a partisan unit and destroyed it.
10. NATO surrendered to the Red Bear. Forces everywhere
are turning to him. He is preparing to disband their units and
establish peace.
Page 22 GDW

Castle since the division entered the area. Recently the head-
quarters was moved to the completed office and living quarters
Olesko Castle of High Castle in Lvov. In the long term, the castle will be turned
It was 1998 when plagues ravaged the Olesko area. They over to Lvov Guard forces, but this does not particularly disap-
almost emptied the countryside of life. Two years later, the point the soldiers who are garrisoned here now. Olesko Castle
valley around Olesko Castle is an icy, swampy wasteland. The may be strong, but it is not as exciting as a night in Lvov.
structures that stood as meager homes for the poor are nothing The rooms and housing above the second hall were original-
more than eyesores today. Those few who survived either ob- ly designed for troops, and once again this area of the castle
tained essential medicines or secluded themselves from others. is being used as barracks. Across the courtyard from the bar-
This region of the steppes was once fertile farmland. In the racks, past the stables, lies the Great Hall with an adjacent high
spring of 1999, the Bug River that bordered the village of Olesko tower. This immense building houses the kitchen; above the
overflowed. Changes in the climate have made these cold fields Great Hall are more residences and space which the 128th has
unpleasant, at best, with the swamp being mostly frozen. The allocated for officers' quarters and offices. The Great Hall's base-
swamp ranges from two to six feet deep. Most of it is solid, ment consists of large storage rooms, and thorough steps have
but areas that are not usually contain deep holes; vehicles would been taken to make them cleaner than they were centuries ago.
most likely break through the ice at these points. The military The stored food could feed the 128th for about two months.
maintains a "built up" road to and from the castle. Two guards are always posted at the basement entrance and
have orders to kill intruders, if necessary. Ammunition, extra
THE AURA OF OLESKO CASTLE weapons, and chemical warfare suits are stored in the basement.
Olesko Castle sits on a 150-foot hill in the center of a shallow, The tower was once used to hold prisoners, as well as being
one-kilometer radius valley. The ridges of this valley are nothing crucial to castle defense. A spotter in the top of the tower has
more than plains, and the castle easily overlooks all of this. The been supplied with an SVD sniper rifle, image intensifier gog-
land here rolls slightly. In the summer these plains may appear gles, IR goggles, and a telephone. He provides an early warn-
to be attractive, and some fields may even remind an American ing just in case of attacks. Only Elite and Veteran troops with
character of the central United States during the winter. Forward Observer training are allowed to stand at this post.
Olesko Castle has stood atop its hill for centuries. Although Four white spotlights have been placed along the wall, and
its fireplaces now keep 20th-century soldiers warm, its func- 10 soldiers are always present. Guard duty runs four hours and
tion has changed very little. The stables contain mostly vehicles is not difficult to handle. For the winter months, small shacks
rather than horses. An additional flimsy metal building has been have been placed on the wall for these guards. These enclosures
added to the second hall. This storage shed now holds a large have heaters wired to a generator which receives its fuel from
truck with a missile erector/launcher; the missile bears the Soviet two medium stills. These generators are unusual; most of the
device which identifies it as a nuclear weapon. castle is heated by fireplaces.
Olesko Castle is still very sturdy. Restoration during the 1960s The hill around the castle has been mined. The preliminary
and structural work in the '90s repaired any weaknesses in the boundary at the hill's base is a palisade, tightly bunched wood
castle's walls and foundations and halted its deterioration. The stakes with a shallow ditch in front of them. (This will make
six-foot-thick walls can be seen for kilometers—viewing the partisans think twice before assaulting Olesko Castle.) In the
stark walls over the icy plains gives the impression of power. center of the courtyard is the last menace of Olesko: A mortar
The 128th MRD has had its central headquarters in Olesko battery has a dug-in position. A guard is always posted there.
Bear's Den Page 23
Page 24 GDW










5 0 15 30 45m

=Mortar Battery
=Frozen Swamp
Bear's Den Page 25



Chelkov's M







West Lodgings


X=AA Battery
0 5 10 15 20m M=MG Nests
HMG=Heavy MGs
Page 26 GDW

LVOV 850

Sambor Nikolajev

2000 STRYJ 1000

To Buchach
4423 4170 Bolekhov 1293

4862 2740

5617 3000

Capital 1000
Village 1024 Mezgorje
2838 Rachov
Mountain Kalush


5 0 25 50 75 100 125
5 0 25 50 75
Statute Miles
Bear's Den Page 27

The Scud B Missile

The Scud B missile was first deployed by the Soviets in 1965.
The official Soviet designation for this missile is the SS-1, but The Scud B warhead contains a relatively recent Russian
NATO code named it "Scud." Various upgraded versions of the development in biological warfare. The virus which the missile
Scud missile have entered the theater of war since 1965, but carries is designated "Rex-5" by the Soviet military, and it was
the modifications have always involved increasing the range of originally part of a complex series of nerve gas experiments.
the missile at the expense of CEP accuracy (for example, the Ultimately, the project failed in its goal to create a concentrated
Scud C of 1978 and the Scud D of 1997). The Scud B is the toxin which could be deployed from a warhead, would have a
best compromise between range and accuracy—being extremely high fatality rate in a very restricted area, and would be effec-
accurate at short ranges—which makes it an excellent battlefield tive in any weather conditions. What the project did yield,
weapon. however, was a virus agent which spreads quickly and is
The Scud B is a liquid propulsion missile capable of carrying especially effective in extreme cold weather deployment. In fact,
either nuclear or conventional ordnance. As mentioned previous- due to its crystalline compounds, the Rex-5 virus is not effec-
ly, this Scud missile carries a biological warfare warhead, but tive at temperatures much above zero degrees Celsius.
it should never be forgotten that a nuclear symbol is on the side. The Virus: It takes approximately two hours from initial con-
Guidance of the missile is inertial, but this can be sup- tact with the virus for the victim to enter the first stage of in-
plemented during the early stages of flight with radio commands. fection. This first stage of the virus can easily be mistaken for
For sturdiness and prolonged life in the field, the fins are rigidly any number of things, including the common cold or the flu. The
fixed to the side of the missile—course alteration is achieved effects of the virus are a slight rise in temperature accompanied
by means of a series of spoilers positioned within the motor ef- by very mild stomach cramps. In less than four hours the vic-
flux. Once the motor has burned out, no additional control of tim will enter the second stage where these symptoms will
the trajectory is possible. Originally, in the mid-1960s, the become greatly aggravated, causing the victim to dehydrate,
MAZ-543 was accompanied by a separate vehicle which car- become extremely chilled, and sweat profusely. Perhaps
ried the computer equipment necessary to obtain meteorological the most dangerous effect of this virus, from a military stand-
data, calculate flight trajectory, and provide limited radio- point, is that it causes a drastic loss of equilibrium. People af-
controlled guidance during flight. But by 1996, the advance- fected by the virus will appear to be extremely drunk—they will
ment of technology allowed all these functions to be assumed be uncoordinated, at best, and immobile, at worst. This stage
by a computer/radio unit aboard the MAZ-543B (see Com- can last 12-18 hours. The third stage is a period of general
ponents of the MAZ-543B Launcher/Erector). weakness typical of flu-type illnesses lasting up to 24 hours.
Page 28 GDW

This integration of the flight controls (formerly in a separate

vehicle along with the meteorological computer equipment) in-
to the cockpit of the MAZ itself has had two major effects on
the performance of the system: It has saved the Soviet govern-
ment a tremendous amount of money because a separate vehi-
cle is no longer needed, and it has made it much more likely that
no in-flight course alterations will be made to the Scud B sim-
ply because the operator must be in position inside the MAZ
when the Scud B is launched. More than one misfire has resulted
in the death of the guidance officer (the other crewmembers,
of course, remain at a discretionary distance from the Scud B
missile as it is being launched).
On the other side of the MAZ is a compartment holding five
chemical warfare suits especially designed for use by the Scud
B crew.
Tr Move: 100/30 Com Move: 40/1 5 Fuel Capacity: 450/150
Fuel Type: D, A A Load: 10 tons Veh Wt: 9 tons Mnt: 12 Crew: 4


Firing a surface-to-surface missile is not a simple task; safely
firing a surface-to-surface missile is even more difficult; firing
a surface-to-surface missile with any degree of accuracy is a
matter for highly trained troops who specialize in the operation
of a particular missile and launcher/erector vehicle. Firing the
In game terms, anyone not in chemical warfare gear within Scud B requires the following skills: COM60, ELE60, and
a two-kilometer radius of the missile's detonation will have all MEC50. To aim it accurately requires additionally FOB50 and
his skills reduced to 10 percent and will receive 40 points of MET30.
Stun Damage as the virus takes full effect.
The Red Bear's plan is to take the missile from Olesko Castle Preflight Configuration
down to the Dnestr River, fire it so that it airbursts over To prepare the Scud B properly for firing requires a minimum
Drogobych, and then wait six hours to attack. This way he can of four crewmembers—two must straddle the missile cradle on
overrun the refinery when the virus has taken full effect. top of the MAZ to hook up the computer sensors (ELE60). These
Scud B: The following statistics are for the biological warfare two must also remove all the restraints which secure the missile
missile. while it is being transported, and check the hydraulics system
Price: Unavailable to verify that it is undamaged and that no debris will hinder the
Armament: One biological warfare head cradle's movement. The third crewmember must work closely
Length: 11.25 meters with the first two in order to verify that the computer sensors
Diameter: 85 centimeters are being installed properly. He must also perform systems
Weight: 6100 kilograms (full of fuel, with warhead in place) checks with the computer on the following systems: hydraulics,
Propulsion: Liquid (storable) guidance (computer, efflux nozzles, and side vents), fuel pumps,
Range: 160-270 kilometers (see below) fuel storage temperature and pressure, ignition, warhead activa-
Guidance: Inertial (see below) tion, and tracking (C0M60). The fourth crewmember must set
up the radar dish which collects meteorological data, calculate
COMPONENTS OF THE MAZ-543B LAUNCHER/ERECTOR trajectory using the theodolites which mount on special brackets
The Scud B is mounted upon a MAZ-543B launcher/erector attached to the launcher, and provide the computer operator
vehicle which carries the missile in a horizontal position and with the necessary calculations (FOB50 and MET30).
raises the missile into the 90-degree firing position by means This is the optimum setup—an experienced crew with these
of a series of hydraulics. The MAZ-543B is an eight-wheeled, qualifications would take just under one hour to ready and launch
all-terrain vehicle which is accompanied by a ZIL-157V fuel the missile. A crew of fewer people with a different distribu-
tanker. The MAZ is also typically accompanied by a ZIL-157V tion of the same skills could accomplish the task as well, but
tractor trailer which tows a second Scud B behind it that can it would naturally take longer.
be field-loaded for launching after the first Scud has been fired. Once all systems are verified as operational, the fuel may be
But for gaming purposes, this MAZ-543B has only one missile pumped in, and two canisters of air mounted on the side of the
and no ZIL-1 57V tractor. MAZ are used to pressurize it (this is controlled from the com-
A large panel in the middle of the left side of the MAZ opens puter console on the side of the MAZ). The navigational data
to allow access to the computer equipment. All preflight checks is locked in, and if the fuel systems are operating properly, the
and trajectory calculations are performed here. Meteorological missile may be elevated to its vertical firing position. The
data can be displayed on one small screen, and vital statistics warhead is activated, and the countdown is begun.
for the missile (fuel level and pressure, temperatures, cooling
system status, efflux positions, etc.) can be displayed on The Fuel Shortage
another. The flight controls are built into the left seat of the MAZ Because of the scarcity of fuel, the ZIL-1 57V tanker was not
(the driver of the vehicle sits in the right seat). full when it was delivered to General Chelkov. Player characters
Bear's Den Page 29

will find that the fuel in the tanker fills the missile's tanks less
than halfway. This effectively reduces the missile's range (with
accurate CEP) to 25 kilometers. Attempts to fire the missile at
ranges exceeding 25 kilometers will cause the missile to fall
short of its target (although it will not depart flight since the
Scud B engines are designed to burn only until the apogee of
the trajectory is reached).
The referee will have to judge whether the PCs are able to
discover that the fuel supply is low, and whether or not they
can then calculate the farthest distance the missile can travel.

There are many obvious dangers to firing the missile. The fuel
could be overpressurized and explode; the fuel could be under-
pressurized and not provide enough lift, leaving the missile on
the launch cradle or only a half kilometer away; the trajectory
calculations could be wrong, and the missile might come down
too close to the PCs; or the missile could be damaged when rais-
ing it into position, and it might explode on the launch cradle.
There are also many less obvious dangers. The fuel which is
used for the missile is extremely poisonous—gas masks and full
body suits with gloves should be worn anytime the missile or
fuel is being handled. Breathing the exhaust from the missile
(even the steam which pours out of the guidance vents as the
missile sits ready to launch) could be fatal.

More Surprises
If the characters have a Geiger counter and manage to get
within 10 feet of the missile, they will be able to discern from
counter readings that the Scud B is not in fact carrying a nuclear
warhead. The characters may think one of several things: The
missile is carrying a conventional warhead; the missile is carry-
ing a biological warhead; or the missile is carrying no warhead
at all.
If they manage to open the missile housing, the characters
may, at the referee's discretion, identify it as a biological
warhead by its shape.

MAZ-543 Launcher/Erector Vehicle

SCUD B Missile
1D10 Result
1-3 Warhead
4 Guidance system
5-8 Rocket fuel
9-10 Engine

Note: Will operate on 10-percent damage or less. Problems

will occur with damaged systems in flight.
Components are as follows:
W: Missile (main weapon).
J: Missile controls.
Page 30 GDW


The Carpathian Mountains When the 27th TD defected to NATO, there was an under-
General Anton Chelkov has a vision—his steadfast pursuit of standable lag in its operations until what was left of the NATO
that vision has won him allies and has kept his men loyal. The high command verified that this was not some devious Soviet
people around him know where he stands, and because he does ploy. When NATO was finally satisfied that the 27th TD did in-
not constantly seek to beguile his men but deals with them fairly, deed want to defect en masse, it took even longer for NATO
they trust him. The decisions he makes are rarely contested by to organize, instruct, and "retrain" the Soviets as NATO
anyone. soldiers. But when it came time to actually assign them to an
area, the Soviets already had their own plans, and it was hard
BACKGROUND: THE 70TH "WHITE DEATH ' SKI-TROOP UNIT to turn them down: They wanted to attack the Lvov Military
One of the Red Bear's first independent military acts was to District and assist the 1st Ukrainian Army.
reform the 70th GMRD. He wanted to create a unique unit which The 27th was mentally prepared to carry the offensive to
could take full advantage of the Ukrainian terrain he expected Lvov, although it had nearly 3800 soldiers and was running
to be defending soon. He also recognized the need to create drastically low on provisions (especially fuel) and could not af-
an elite force, something that would keep the spirit of competi- ford to engage Chelkov in the north while being attacked from
tion in the men during the long winter months. the mountains in the south. It was forced to spend several
To accomplish this, Chelkov enlisted the help of two Russian months securing and garrisoning the towns at the southern foot
men, Ivan Kalishka and Boris Palvolt. Together they transformed of the Carpathian Mountains in the Transcarpathians. Many of
the 70th GMRD into an elite ski-troop unit. The competition to the towns, especially Uzhgorod and Chust, did not easily suc-
join this prestigious unit is fierce among Chelkov's men. It has cumb to the defected division. These two cities were especial-
been respectfully nicknamed the "White Death" after an old ly pro-Soviet, and even though they are officially occupied by
Russian tale of an albino panther which stalks invisibly through NATO forces, they are the source of many Soviet splinter groups
the snow, is impervious to the cold, and never leaves tracks. and marauders which constantly harry the 27th.
It always catches its human prey. Under the rigid discipline and The 27th encountered other problems as well. A unit of sol-
inspired instruction of Kalishka and Palvolt—both men were diers from the 27th would make a foray into a city only to come
Olympic medalists in the biathlon before the onset of war—the face-to-face with relatives and friends. One particular platoon
217 men of the 70th have become an extremely effective tool entered a small village outside of Slavava when it was pelted
paramount to the Red Bear's success. with rocks and fired upon with .22s. The soldiers returned fire
When intelligence reports first reached Chelkov regarding the and killed their attackers, only to discover that they had killed
27th Soviet Tank Division's defection to NATO and its subse- one of their former comrades—three of the surviving soldiers
quent plans to move up through the Carpathian Mountains to committed suicide.
engage and destroy him, the Red Bear sent the newly reformed Some of the towns in the area had already erected war me-
70th into the Carpathians. morials to sons, brothers, wives, and daughters who had lost
It left Lvov on October 12, and was positioned and in full their lives fighting against the NATO invaders. There was a
operation by early November. But the 70th's planning and desperate civil war for many months, not unlike the American
disciplined ability to function cohesively have kept the 27th at Civil War, with families fighting each other, until the 27th was
bay, so far. able to overpower the area with sheer numbers. By the end of
Bear's Den Page 31

November, the 27th was reduced to a force of approximately still. So the 27th has sent out various complements of men to
3400 men, 975 of who were assigned to garrison duty in the try to either make it back to Slavava or up into Drogobych, but
cities of the Transcarpathians. the 70th has dealt with them adroitly.
Currently, 517 soldiers are trapped in the mountains, and their
BATTLE IN THE MOUNTAINS provisions can only hold out for another week. The commanders
General Chelkov knew that the 27th was on its way and realize that they need to get their men out, but they cannot af-
guessed that it would be as low on fuel as he was. Thus, the ford to lose more vehicles and burn the precious fuel they need
Red Bear sent the 70th into the field, and it arrived at the Car- in attacking the Red Bear. But since time is of the essence, if
pathians weeks before the 27th. Kalishka, field captain of the the recon teams have not extricated themselves in five days,
ski-troops, decided to limit the 27th's choices. As the snow the 27th will attempt to rescue the recon teams and push for-
began to fall, Kalishka and his men carefully blasted three of ward to Drogobych.
the passes (Uzhgorod, Mezgorje, and Rachov) at their lowest
and narrowest points, each approximately 12 kilometers into THE 70THS EQUIPMENT AND ORGANIZATION
the mountains from the north. The quickly falling snow added The operational theory behind the 70th is a simple, twofold
to both the effectiveness of these blockades and the treachery one: speed and mobility. The 70th consists of 217 men who
of the passes in general. The snowfall also, naturally, gave the have been charged with the task of holding back a force of nearly
well equipped ski-troops the combat edge that they needed. 2700 men. They have managed to succeed, thus far, due to
The 27th had to choose from four expedient passes through their advanced planning, their superior ability to utilize the ter-
the Carpathians as it advanced toward Lvov. It could not af- rain, and their guerrilla tactics for engaging the enemy and
ford to take anything but the most direct route for two simple employing stopgap measures wherever necessary.
reasons: First, autumn was over and winter was setting in quick- The Main Base: The ski-troops' main base is located on a small
ly, and winter travel in the Carpathian Mountains is something plateau to the southern, leeward face of a 3000-foot peak in
to be eschewed at all costs; second, the 27th did not then, and the Carpathians. The main base consists of tents for the various
does not now, have the fuel for extended motorized excursions. guards and weapons crews, a central command tent, a lean-to
The 27th needed to cut a beeline swath through the mountains shelter for the snowmobiles, and a corral shelter for the dogs.
in order to ensure a successful assault on the Red Bear's den. The equipment includes one tracked snowplow with 1.25 tons
As the commanders of the 27th realized their situation and of cargo space, one BMP-120 which mounts the 259 1 20mm
began to argue about which mountain pass was indeed the gun/mortar turret, and a ZIL-135 (which runs but has a broken
wisest choice, they came to concur unanimously on one thing— axle), eight operational snowmobiles and two damaged ones
their first point of attack in the Lvov Military District should be that are being used for spare parts. Four sleds can be hitched
Drogobych. There they could either persuade the Drogobychians to the back of the snowmobiles to convey supplies or up to two
to side with them, or they could overrun the refinery and ob- people. There are also 15 dogs and one dogsled.
tain the fuel that they needed while dealing General Chelkov a The White Death Ski-Troop Unit: This unit of approximately
crippling blow at the same time. The 27th did not know, 217 soldiers consists of one HQ group (34 men) and three
however, that Drogobych had declared itself independent, and "teams" of 61 men each (although the average is slightly lower
that the Drogobych Gorkom was prepared to destroy the refinery due to injuries, casualties, and the slow replacement rate). Each
rather than let any military power capture it and exploit its team has one captain who commands a remote subbase. Each
resources. subbase has one tent, one snowmobile, supplies for the team,
The 27th set up base in Slavava and sent two recon parties and five guards. The team is broken down into five groups, each
of 325 people each into the mountains. The first recon party with one dogsled, one driver, and two squads of five ski-troops.
explored the pass at Uzhgorod and found it unnegotiable. The Thus, the typical number of ski-troopers encountered is five,
snow was already eight feet deep in places, and several vehicles but several squads may band together in an emergency.
were lost, so the party was forced to backtrack. The second The Ski-Trooper: Each soldier must be an expert skier (SKI80)
recon party attempted the pass north of Slavava and proceed- and an accomplished rifleman (CRM70). The typical ski-trooper
ed along the road approximately 11 kilometers into the moun- will carry the following gear: one pair of skis, one AK-74 and
tains. It was descending a steep slope into a valley when the 60 rounds of ammunition, one day pack (containing ski wax,
weight of a ZIL-135 broke a thin snow bridge which the 70th a first aid kit, two emergency fuel pellets, and one day's food
had constructed as a trap. The truck, over 30 men, and most supply), binoculars, goggles, a helmet, and an arctic camouflage
of the provisions plummeted into a 80-meter-deep gorge. The ski uniform with unit/team patch. The White Death unit patch
recon team immediately called for backups, and the first recon has a springing albino panther against the silhouette of a pan-
team was sent in. When the rescuers arrived, the White Death ther paw; the color of the panther paw identifies the soldier as
Ski-Troop encircled them and began to slowly decimate them. a member of either the red, gold, or black team.
The combined recon team is pinned in the pass and has set When the teams are deployed, they rely on advanced plan-
up a "hedgehog" defense (a circle with everyone facing out). ning, rendezvous points and times, and hand signals to com-
But this has not proved particularly successful since the 70th municate to their team members. The ski-troopers carry no
has not attacked its position, and the 27th cannot afford to sit radios—only the team captains and the HQ have them. One
Page 32 GDW

squad generally rests at the subbase while the other is out "ice recommendation from a local dignitary who was a family friend.
fishing." These lone squads look for stragglers or small advance Dresovich dedicated his life to pro-
scouting parties and lure them into ambushes, or simply wait tecting the communist nations of
for them to pass and then kill them. The ski-troopers avoid be- the world. He has no surviving
ing seen at all costs (this heightens their morale because they family—most were killed by the
are in much less danger when they can't be seen—of course diseases of this age.
it drastically lowers an enemy's morale when they can't see who When the counter-offensive of
they are fighting). 1998 left his division without
Occasionally the ski-troops will need to make a full frontal at- heavy tanks and severely weak-
tack on an advancing party, but the troopers are so swift and ened, the military leader moved in-
quiet, and they know the terrain so much better than the enemy, to the Debrecen area. Pavel began
that the outcome of the skirmishes is rarely in doubt. So far the to get less attached to life. In
27th has not been able to send more than 20 men out at a time 1999, when a Soviet marauder
in any one direction. The 70th's general philosophy is to let the band left most of a neighboring
enemy wear itself out climbing over the snowy mountainside village in ruins, this man hunted
first, then attack. the marauders himself. After their
The Dogsleds: The White Death Ski-Troops use dogsleds to extinction, he informed a known
relay information and to carry supplies from the subbases to the NATO sympathizer that he would like to declare loyalty to the
ski squads. They are also used to transport injured ski-troopers forces of the free world. Pavel then informed his division that
back to the main base where, if necessary, they can be taken enough was enough. All loyal "Soviet" soldiers were to put
in a snowmobile-drawn cart back to Lvov. Dogsleds are used down their weapons and step aside because this was now a
in areas close to the skirmish lines because they are quiet, pro-NATO division. Approximately 150 troops did just that. He
reliable, and versatile, and can carry up to 90 kilograms of sup- released all NATO prisoners of war being held and formed a
plies (plus the driver) at speeds up to 20 kilometers an hour. special NATO recon unit.
Each dogsled is approximately 1.5 meters long and .5 meters NATO responded to his request with a Lvov mission: Establish
wide, and is constructed of hand-tooled wood runners with thin a free city, and destroy enemy communications and supplies
aluminum for a floor. The floor is covered with sheets of plastic in the region. Pavel did not realize until too late that his adver-
to protect any cargo the sled is carrying. The seven dogs which sary was the Red Bear. He had fought under the Red Bear and
pull the sled (one "leader" and three pairs) are difficult to con- knew him rather well. Unfortunately it was too late.
trol, at best. It takes a trained dogsledder to drive the team prop- Meeting Dresovich: Pavel is more than pleased to meet anyone
erly, and once the dogs start running, they are very reluctant who would help in his efforts to capture Lvov. He considers
to stop. For this reason each sled is equipped with a metal claw himself to be the highest-ranking NATO person in the vicinity,
tied to a long rope. When the driver wants to stop the sled, he and he will order anyone to do his bidding, should they be loyal.
must pull back on the reins and throw the claw out behind the Pavel is not arrogant but does come across as being confident.
sled. The claw acts like an anchor and helps to brake the sled. Dresovich will ask any NATO troops that enter into his realm
When the sled is moving, the driver stands on the runners and of control to attach themselves to his NATO unit.
must constantly shift his weight from one side to the other in NPC Motivation Results: Club 10: Pavel's favorite activity is
order to compensate for the skittering (or "slipping") of the sled. fighting—his goal is to be the best soldier possible. This has
Sometimes it is even necessary to lean way out (as if tacking made the Red Bear a hero to him. He looks forward to the bat-
on a small sailboat). The driver must keep the reins fairly tight tle of Lvov. Spade 10: Dresovich enjoys controlling the actions
during all this maneuvering, or the lines will slack and become of others. He feels that he is a good leader and deserves their
tangled, which could cause the dogs to topple over each other. respect. He is not pompous.
If this happens, there is a 75 percent chance that a fight will Referee's Notes: It is not difficult to see Pavel enjoying his
break out among the dogs. Such fights have left more than one office and position. He loves combat and considers the Red Bear
team lamed or dead. to be the ultimate challenge. Dresovich is an extremist, at best.
Referee's Note: The 70th's main advantage is mobility—it can He can be considered stubborn as well. One thing Pavel has
hit fast and be gone just as quickly. When deciding its tactics, never done is trust too much.
always remember that it prefers to draw enemy forces apart
in order to ambush smaller parties, perform hit-and-run ma- COLONEL IVAN KALISHKA
neuvers, and avoid large conflicts. It is not heavily armed and Ivan was born in a small town in the Carpathian Mountains.
is essentially an elite guerrilla fighting force designed to slow It is doubtful that any man would have considered him the leader
the progress of a much larger (and more heavily armed) foe. of an elite combat unit, but it is easy to assume that Kalishka
is a bold warrior type. He looks the part. His years in service
have included training school and arctic duty, which make him
Personalities perfect for this type of assault.
The following section details important NPCs. Kalishka was an Olympic medalist in the biathlon before the
war. He is anything but the wrong man for commanding the 70th
COLONEL PAVEL DRESOVICH GMRD, which could just be another sign of Chelkov's ability to
The present commander of the ex-Soviet 27th Tank Division get the most out of his resources.
began his career in embassies within Western Europe. He was Meeting Kalishka: As a soldier, he is probably Chelkov's most
strongly against this war from the first day. Born in Moscow useful officer. As a politician, he is clumsy and bound to anger
in the 1960s, he joined a Soviet academy after receiving a someone in a discussion. If the players meet him, they will better
Bear's Den Page 33

understand the rigid control the 70th GMRD operates under. ities. His plant is physically intact but in serious disrepair. It still
NPC Motivation Results: Club 9: produces small quantities of fuel,
Kalishka believes he is a fine war- but not enough to move a division.
rior, and he strives to better him- The minor production of the refin-
self on the battlefield. He learns eries here will probably end within
from his own mistakes and the er- two years, since Drogobych's
rors of others. His tactics are metal shops are not able to pro-
superb. Heart 6: Kalishka is duce intricate machine parts.
dedicated to Chelkov and listens Trovech is attempting to quick-
to every word the man utters. ly fortify more of his town. Par-
Referee's Notes: Players who tisans sell him minor quantities of
seem more than willing to need- explosives and parts from Lvov.
lessly kill or players who enjoy in- He has kept this connection open,
juring civilians are bound to anger to both parties' advantage.
Kalishka to the point of violence. Meeting Trovech: Trovech is a
Kalishka basically believes in two friendly, strong man. He is outgo-
things: There is a job to do, and all ing and well educated. He sup-
professional soldiers should do that job right. ports NATO connections if they keep Drogobych from tyrants.
NPC Motivation Results: Club 4: Very little stops Trovech. He
CAPTAIN BORIS PALVOLT cannot be intimidated, even though he is concerned about his
Very few men are as purely aggressive as Palvolt. His dream family's welfare and safety. Heart 9: Trovech believes that every
is of taking himself and his men to man has a right to justice, and he is concerned for the welfare
the maximum levels of endurance of all those around him—at least all who are innocent.
and winning. Palvolt was born in Referee's Notes: Trovech is paranoid for the safety of his fami-
Lvov to college professors. They ly. His only son was killed in an accident which he believes to
urged Boris to strive for all that life have been engineered by KGB operatives. Few people could
could provide. He lives every day deny him his fear. If the players provide him a reason for believ-
with that in mind. Most people ing they are untrustworthy, he will avoid contact with them and
believe that Palvolt relaxes when attempt to send them on missions that are more dangerous than
no one is watching. This is not necessary. It will take much effort to convince him of anything
true; he is always "on the go." other than what he initially believes—he is very stubborn.
Meeting Palvolt: If the players
fall into the service of Boris, he will HIT LOCATIONS
be more than able to work them Snowmobile Dogsled
into the ground. Boris is in great 1D10 Result W10 Result
physical and mental condition. He 1 T (Skis) 1-4 E (A dog)
is not a Soviet brute but is a tough 2-3 E 5-7 S
soldier with a job to do. He will not back down from a challenge. 4 F 8 T (Skis)
If the players are working with the 27th TD against Palvolt, he 5-6 D 9-10 D
will not be merciful. He will appear when they least expect it. 7-8 P
NPC Motivation Results: Club 6: Fighting is all Palvolt knows. 9 S
He is good at it and enjoys the constant adrenaline. Club 2: There 10 T (Tracks)
are many types of heroes: those who were in the wrong place,
those who had no choice and the blood surged, and those born
into it. Palvolt was born into it, and he lives it day by day.
Referee's Notes: In actuality, Palvolt has forgotten that relax-
ation is an important element of the human environment. He
will undoubtedly drive himself to physical exhaustion.

When Drogobych declared itself a free city, the small military
presence supported the declaration. Trovech was the chairman
of the gorkom (city committee) at that time and still is. Im-
mediately after the declaration he sealed the area (five kilometers
to the north and 10 to the south) around the city with city guard
outposts. Moscow cried in anger. The KGB has put a price on
his head and that of every gorkom member in Drogobych.
Trovech is a businessman and sees money to be made for Dro-
gobych. Should the renegade 27th reach Drogobych before the
Red Bear is capable of recapturing the city, he will supply it with
the fuel and supplies necessary to oppose Lvov.
Trovech is also manager of one of Drogobych's refining facil-
Page 34 GDW

Transcarpathia The 27th has commandeered the old city hall here as a base
We had made it through the Carpathians, and had fought just of operations, and has managed to organize an effective heating
about everybody and their mother to get down here. We were and water system for the town. Since the 27th arrived, however,
just wonderin' around, when we came across the old cemetery. Slavava has also become a war zone and has suffered many
Just for fun, I kicked away the snow from one of the firebomb attacks perpetrated by angry Soviets who want the
tombstones. 27th out. Since this is the headquarters and over 1800 soldiers
My legs gave out; I just sat there staring. are present, the Soviets receive some help from the partisans—
It said, "To our American comrades shot down in time of although these freedom fighters are somewhat less aggressive
war—may you rest in peace—1943. " than their counterparts in Uzhgorod or Chust.
There's always something to fight about.
Transcarpathia is bordered to the south by the Uzh River and Destroyed by famine in early 1998, Mukachevo had been a
to the north by the summits of the Carpathian Mountains. It is resort community, admired for the ancient culture which the
in this area that perhaps the largest ideological fissures have 14th-century Palanok Castle and the Orthodox Church repre-
grown to tear apart families, pitting those who support the sented. Because the town was not self-supporting, the people
defecting 27th against those who see all NATO troops as fled to richer agricultural towns. The castle and church are in-
invaders. tact—a survey could reveal valuable treasures left behind.

Uzhgorod is the largest city in Transcarpathia. It straddles the Chust, along with Uzhgorod, has supported the strongest
Uzh River in the southernmost region of Transcarpathia; thus, force of anti-27th partisans in Transcarpathia. For 350 years,
it is an important city for the transportation of goods. A 16th- Chust has enjoyed a good relationship with the people across
century castle stands on Castle Hill and overlooks the once ar- the Carpathians. Chust became a respectable city in 1710 when
tistic city, the frozen, snow-swept river, and the icy graves of an extensive salt mine was discovered, and the city began to
heroes from the last world war. trade with its northern neighbors. Eventually Chust did well
When the university was open, before the war began, the enough to build a monstrous castle to protect the mines. The
medical center in Uzhgorod was well equipped and staffed. castle was struck by lightning in 1766 and destroyed—the ruins
Although supplies are low and many of the staff members are still crown the hills above Chust. Chust is smaller and poorer
gone, this is probably the best civilian medical center in the than Uzhgorod, and cannot support as many partisan factions.
Because of its strong cultural ties with the Soviet Union, RACHOV
Uzhgorod did not support the 27th when it defected to NATO. Situated on Yablonitsky Pass in the Carpathians, Rachov is
Although the 27th holds the city with a strong garrison of troops, another resort community that has not faired well since the war
battles between troops and partisans are more and more fre- began. Rachov does have two assets: It commands a good view
quent. Uzhgorod is becoming the headquarters for all anti-27th of the mountain pass and has natural hot mineral springs which
activities. have survived even this bitter winter.
Bear's Den Page 35


Should the 27th overwhelm the 70th in the Carpathian pass,
The Clashing of Chariots the 70th has orders to send a message to Lvov command center:
Commanders of the two forces have differing plans. "We salute you" is the code that will notify the Red Bear that
the 70th can no longer hold out against the 27th. After the
THE 27TH TANK DIVISION message is verified by Lvov and Olesko, the forces of the 70th
While the recon force is attempting to hold its position and will delay the 27th for five more hours and then quickly withdraw
dig in deep, main body forces will be involved in three projects: from combat. The preliminary forces of the 27th and its main
securing the region against marauders and pro-Soviet units; plac- body will be allowed through the pass. The 70th will then go
ing pressure on the 70th; and stockpiling materiel for the battle down into the pass. There it will carefully set explosive charges
against the 13th Army. They hope to last one week against the to obliterate the pass, thus cutting off the 27th's line of sup-
13th Army without having to resupply. They may achieve this plies and retreat. Should the 70th be able, it will then use guer-
in food, ammo, and provisions, but not in fuel. rilla tactics against the 27th's communications and command
Attempts to outnumber the guerrilla forces of the 70th have units.
failed, to date. The recon forces of the 27th have been trapped Upon receiving the message "We salute you," the 128th and
in a narrow pass which they were attempting to secure. When a token unit of the Lvov Guard will immediately move the missile
the 27th is freed (should they survive), its commander has strict into position near Drogobych and fire the weapon against the
orders to secure the first available village as the 27th TD's main city in an airburst. The 128th will follow that with an assault
body moves through the pass. The force will take 12 hours to against the city. It will wait five hours after the airburst before
move through the pass on a good winter day—half that in spring. gas mask-equipped scout units attempt to infiltrate the city.
The mechanized forces will lead main body forces through The 318th will immediately drive south in an attempt to out-
first to form a spearhead against the 13th Army forces. They flank and engage the 27th TD. The 318th will have enough fuel
will be followed by the infantry regiments and command units. for eight hours of combat before it runs dry. The 128th will leave
The infantry garrisons will remain in the Transcarpathian town Drogobych to the Lvov Guard force and drive to resupply the
to allow the drawing of supplies from the region. 318th with fuel. Speed is essential.
When the first armored units reach the village, they will relieve Should this fail, the 128th will withdraw to Lvov and Olesko
the forces of the recon battalion. The recon battalion will jug- with the Lvov Guard. It will also attempt to use guerrilla war-
gernaut toward the secondary objective, Drogobych. The 27th's fare against the 27th TD, if possible, as it retreats. The 318th
main body forces will attempt to locate the enemies and im- will fall back to Ternopol, if it is able. (This will be a judgment
mediately engage them. The object of the engagement will be call for its commander.) It may also attempt to reinforce one
to draw their attention away from the recon forces. Without the of the small towns and hold out.
fuel supplies at Drogobych, however, the 27th's armor will run
dry within one day of leaving the Transcarpathian region. THE LOGIC BEHIND THE RED BEAR'S PLAN
If fuel supplies dwindle, the mechanized regiment will probably Should the 27th be allowed to flee, it would be able to regroup
fall apart. It will attempt to keep a few vehicles moving. The in the Transcarpathians. From there it could carry on partisan
crews of empty vehicles may strip them if they are not in com- activities and perhaps attempt to drive north in the summer
bat. Otherwise, they will be abandoned, and the Red Bear may when the chances of success would be much higher. If the 27th
be able to salvage them. If the 27th is losing the battle, most were completely destroyed, the Red Bear would benefit from
units will cut and run. Those who survive will either desert, increasing the morale of his troops (and the citizens of his towns)
regroup with the infantry regiment, or try to join partisan forces. to an extremely high level. Such a victory would consolidate
Should the recon battalion obtain Drogobych, it will be re- his power and eliminate the petty dreams of the enemies he
placed by forces of the armored regiment. It is hoped that the knows he has within the confines of Lvov. Recruitment of
recon force can then begin the assault on Lvov. civilians into the military might also increase.
Page 36 GDW

25 troops (Elite)
The 13th Tank Army 5 9mm Makarov pistols
Table of Organization and Equipment 25 AKR submachineguns
The 1 3th Army is comprised of three major divisions and one 1 T90 MBT
city guard. These divisions have served in different locations 1 T86 MBT
throughout the Soviet fronts. (See GDW's Soviet Vehicle Guide 102nd Tank Company:
for more information.) Almost all of the 13th Army vehicles 25 troops (Veteran)
should be considered to have wear values between 5 and 10. Weapons:
• 128th Motorized Rifle Division (400 troops) 5 9mm Makarov pistols
• 318th Guards Motorized Rifle Division (1800 troops) 25 AKR submachineguns
• 70th Motorized Rifle Division (219 troops) Vehicles:
• Lvov Guard (1600 troops) 2 T55s MBT (damaged) with horseshoe armor
66th Recon Company:
128th MOTORIZED RIFLE DIVISION 35 troops (Elite)
Location: Lvov (HQ), Olesko Weapons:
Division Headquarters: 6 9mm Makarov pistols
50 troops (Elite) 12 AKR submachineguns
Weapons: 25 AK-74 assault rifles
10 9mm Makarov pistols 1 RPG-16 rocket launcher
20 AKR submachineguns Vehicles:
25 AK-74 assault rifles 2 BRDM-2 armored cars
Vehicles: 2 UAZ-469 with PK MGs
1 BMP-C 1 2 cavalry horses
1 ZIL-135 truck
10 wagons with 20 horses Location: Ternopol, Ivan-Frankovsk, Bucach, Kalush, Zolo-
114th Artillery Battery: chev, Rogatin, Nesterov, Sambor, Stryj, Dolina, Nikolajev, Gor-
30 troops (Veteran) odok, Mostiska
Weapons: Division Headquarters and Supply:
1 5 AKR submachineguns 100 troops (20 Elite, 60 Experienced, 20 Novice)
1 5 AK-74 assault rifles Weapons:
Vehicles: 30 9mm Makarov pistols
1 BM-21 missile truck 20 AKR submachineguns
2 URAL-375 with 2 120mm mortars 50 AK-74 assault rifles
1 MAZ-543 launcher/erector vehicle Vehicles:
42nd Motorized Rifle Company: 1 BTR 70 APC
120 troops (Veteran) 1 HMMWV ambulance
Weapons: 2 UAZ-469s
5 9mm Makarov pistols 6 ZIL-135 trucks
50 AKR submachineguns 4 tanker trucks, 10 tons
65 AK-74 assault rifles Antiaircraft Battery:
4 RPK-74 autorifles 50 troops (Elite)
2 RPG-16 rocket launcher Weapons:
Vehicles: 5 9mm Makarov pistols
2 UAZ-469 with PK MG 10 AKR submachineguns
1 ZIL-135 truck 40 AKM assault rifles
10 wagons with 10 horses 10 SA-7 disposable missiles
44th Motorized Rifle Company: 1 RPG-16 rocket launcher
120 troops (Veteran) Vehicles:
Weapons: 1 UAZ-469
5 9mm Makarov pistols 3 ZIL-135 trucks
55 AKR submachineguns 1 ZSU-23-2 AA gun (mounted on ZIL-135)
65 AK-74 assault rifles 34th Artillery Company:
5 RPK-74 autorifles Company Headquarters:
1 AT-4 missile launcher 5 troops (Elite)
Vehicles: Weapons:
2 UAZ-469 with PK MG 2 9mm Makarov pistols
2 URAL-375 truck 5 AKR submachineguns
10 wagons with 10 horses Vehicle:
101st Tank Company: 1 UAZ-469 with PK MG
Bear's Den Page 37

Heavy Artillery Battery: 1st Cavalry Platoon:

30 troops (Veteran) 50 troops (1 Veteran, 49 Novice)
Weapons: Weapons:
5 9mm Makarov pistols 1 9mm Makarov pistol
25 AKR submachineguns 50 AKMR assault rifles
Vehicles: Vehicles:
3 URAL-375 50 horses
2 D30 howitzers (towed) 2nd Cavalry Platoon:
1 BM-21 missile truck with trailer 50 troops (1 Veteran, 49 Novice)
Mortar Battery: Weapons:
40 troops (Veteran) 1 9mm Makarov pistol
Weapons: 50 AKM assault rifles
5 9mm Makarov pistols Vehicles:
25 AKR submachineguns 50 horses
10 AKM assault rifles 108th Rifle Company:
Vehicles: Company Headquarters:
4 URAL-375S 10 troops (2 Veteran, 8 Novice)
1 82mm mortar (towed) Weapons:
3 120mm mortars (towed) 1 9mm Makarov pistol
403rd Motorized Rifle Battalion: 10 AKMR assault rifles
Battalion Headquarters: Vehicles:
40 troops (10 Veteran, 30 Novice) 1 UAZ-469 with PK MG
Weapons: 2 ZIL-135S
5 AKR submachineguns Armored Platoon:
35 AKMR assault rifles 42 troops (6 Veteran, 36 Novice)
Vehicles: Weapons:
1 UAZ-469 1 9mm Makarov pistol
2 ZIL-135 trucks 40 AKR submachineguns
Mortar Battery: 1 RPG-16 rocket launcher
10 troops (Novice) Vehicles:
Weapons: 1 BTR-80 APC
1 9mm Makarov 1 BMD weapons carrier
10 AKMR assault rifles 1st Cavalry Platoon:
Vehicles: 50 troops (1 Veteran, 49 Novice)
1 URAL-375 Weapons:
1 120 mortar (towed) 1 9mm Makarov pistol
Recon Platoon: 50 AKMR assault rifles
50 troops (Veteran) Vehicles:
Weapons: 50 horses
1 9mm Makarov pistol 2nd Cavalry Platoon:
50 AKMR assault rifles 50 troops (1 Veteran, 49 Novice)
1 RPG-16 rocket launcher Weapons:
Vehicles: 1 9mm Makarov pistol
40 horses 50 AKM assault rifles
2 wagons with horses Vehicles:
1 513th Rifle Company: 50 horses
Company Headquarters: 132nd Motorized Rifle Battalion:
10 troops (2 Veteran, 8 Novice) Battalion Headquarters:
Weapons: 40 troops (10 Veteran, 30 Novice)
1 9mm Makarov pistol Weapons:
10 AKMR assault rifles 1 9mm Makarov pistol
Vehicles: 5 AKR submachineguns
1 UAZ-469 with PK MG 35 AKMR assault rifles
2 ZIL-135 trucks Vehicles:
Armored Platoon: 1 UAZ-469
42 troops (6 Veteran, 36 Novice) 2 ZIL-135 trucks
Weapons: Mortar Battery:
1 9mm Makarov pistol 10 troops (Novice)
40 AKR submachineguns Weapons:
1 RPG-16 rocket launcher 1 9mm Makarov pistol
Vehicles: 10 AKMR assault rifles
2 BTR-70 APCs
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Vehicles: 50 troops (1 Veteran, 49 Novice)

1 URAL-375 Weapons:
1 120 mortar (towed) 1 9mm Makarov pistol
Recon Platoon: 50 AKMR assault rifles
50 troops (Veteran) Vehicles:
Weapons: 50 horses
1 9mm Makarov pistol 4th Cavalry Platoon:
50 AKMR assault rifles 50 troops (1 Veteran, 49 Novice)
1 RPG-16 rocket launcher Weapons:
Vehicles: 1 9mm Makarov pistol
40 horses 50 AKM assault rifles
2 wagons with horses Vehicles:
192nd Rifle Company: 50 horses
Company Headquarters: 513th Motorized Rifle Battalion:
10 troops (2 Veteran, 8 Novice) Battalion Headquarters:
Weapons: 20 troops (Veteran)
1 9mm Makarov pistol Weapons:
10 AKMR assault rifles 5 9mm Makarov pistols
Vehicles: 20 AKR submachineguns
1 UAZ-469 with PK MG 1 RPG-16 rocket launcher
2 ZIL-135 trucks Vehicles:
Armored Platoon: 1 UAZ-469
42 troops (6 Veteran, 36 Novice) 1 BTR-70
Weapons: 2 URAL-375
1 9mm Makarov pistol Town Garrison Platoons: (12 platoons)
40 AKR submachineguns 50 troops (12 Veteran, 20 Experienced, 18 Novice)
1 RPG-16 rocket launcher Weapons:
Vehicles: 1 9mm Makarov pistol
2 BTR-70 APCs 10 AKR submachineguns
3rd Cavalry Platoon: 40 AKM assault rifles
50 troops (1 Veteran, 49 Novice) Vehicles:
Weapons: 2 ZIL-135 trucks
1 9mm Makarov pistol 1 BDRM2 (turret version)
50 AKMR assault rifles (or for 6 of the platoons)
Vehicles: 2 ZIL-135 trucks
50 horses 2 UAZ-469 with PK MG
4th Cavalry Platoon:
50 troops (1 Veteran, 49 Novice) 70TH GUARDS MOTORIZED RIFLE DIVISION
Weapons: "WHITE DEATH "
1 9mm Makarov pistol Location: Carpathian Mountains (Transcarpathia)
50 AKM assault rifles Division Headquarters:
Vehicles: 12 troops (7 Elite, 5 Veteran)
50 horses Weapons:
61st Rifle Company: 15 9mm Makarov pistols
Company Headquarters: 15 AK-74 assault rifles
10 troops (2 Veteran, 8 Novice) Vehicles:
Weapons: 1 ZIL-135 truck (stripped)
1 9mm Makarov pistol 5 snowmobiles (2 stripped) with 3 trailers
10 AKMR assault rifles 12 pair of skis
Vehicles: 1st Motorized Rifle Company:
1 UAZ-469 with PK MG Company Headquarters and Supply:
2 ZIL-135 trucks 10 troops (5 Elite, 5 Experienced)
Armored Platoon: Weapons:
42 troops (6 Veteran, 36 Novice) 10 AKR submachineguns
Weapons: Vehicles:
1 9mm Makarov pistol 3 snowmobile
40 AKR submachineguns 10 pair of skis
1 RPG-1 6 rocket launcher Engineering Platoon:
Vehicles: 17 troops (2 Elite, 5 Veteran, 10 Experienced)
2 BTR-70 APCs Weapons:
1 UAZ-469 with PK MG 2 9mm Makarov pistols
3rd Cavalry Platoon: 15 AKR submachineguns
Bear's Den Page 39

Vehicles: Vehicles:
1 snowmobile with trailer 1 UAZ-469
1 PTS-M cargo carrier 1 ZIL-135 truck
Guard Platoon (4 squads): Mortar Battery:
25 troops (5 Elite, 15 Veteran, 5 Experienced) 40 troops (25 Elite, 15 Novice)
Weapons: Weapons:
1 9mm Makarov pistol 5 9mm Tokarev pistol
15 AK-74 assault rifles 10 .22 semiautomatic rifles
1 RPG-16 rocket launcher 10 .30-30 rifles
5 grenades each 15 AKM assault rifles
Vehicles: 3 120mm mortars
25 pair of skis 1st Antitank Platoon:
1 BMP-120 APC 25 troops (5 Elite, 5 Experienced, 15 Novice)
1 ZU-23-2 AA gun (towed) Weapons:
2nd Rifle Company: 5 AKR submachineguns
Company Headquarters same as Division Headquarters 10 .22 semiautomatic rifles
112th Rifle Platoon: 10 AKM assault rifles
55 troops (30 Elite, 20 Veteran, 5 Experienced) 3 RPG-16 rocket launchers
Weapons: Vehicles:
1 9mm Makarov pistol 2 wagons with horses
50 AK-74 assault rifles 2nd Antitank Platoon:
5 AKR submachineguns 25 troops (5 Elite, 20 Novice)
5 grenades each Weapons:
1 RPG-16 rocket launcher 5 AKR submachineguns
Vehicles: 10 .22 semiautomatic rifles
55 pair of skis 10 AKM assault rifles
4 dogsleds 3 RPG-16 rocket launchers
1 snowmobile Vehicles:
39th Rifle Platoon: 2 wagons with horses
55 troops (25 Elite, 18 Veteran, 12 Experienced) 401st Tank Company:
Weapons: Headquarters is part of city headquarters
1 9mm Makarov pistol 40 troops (5 Elite, 35 Experienced)
50 AK-74 assault rifles Weapons:
5 SVD sniper rifles 30 AKR submachineguns
5 grenades each 10 AKM assault rifles
Vehicles: Vehicles:
55 pair of skis 5 T-86 MBTs (dug in)
4 dogsleds 4 T-64 MBTs (dug in)
1 snowmobile 3 T-55 MBTs (2 dug in, 1 in full working order)
12th Rifle Platoon: Recon Company:
55 troops (30 Elite, 17 Veteran, 8 Experienced) Company Headquarters:
Weapons: 5 troops (Elite)
1 9mm Makarov pistol Weapons:
50 AK-74 assault rifles 1 9mm Makarov pistol
5 AKR submachineguns 5 AKR submachineguns
5 grenades each Vehicle:
1 RPG-16 rocket launcher 1 UAZ-469 with PK MG
Vehicles: Motorized Rifle Platoon:
55 pair of skis 45 troops (20 Elite, 25 Experienced)
4 dogsleds Weapons:
1 snowmobile 25 AKR submachineguns
20 AKM assault rifles
LVOV GUARD Vehicles:
Location: Lvov 1 BTR-70 APC
City Guards Headquarters: 2 ZIL-135s with trailers
50 troops (5 Elite, 30 Experienced, 15 Novice) Cavalry Platoon (5 squads):
Weapons: 50 troops (10 Elite, 30 Experienced, 10 Novice)
15 9mm Tokarev pistols Weapons:
15 .22 automatic pistols 5 .22 pistols
10 AKR submachineguns 50 AKM assault rifles
10 AKM assault rifles 2 RPG-16s
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Vehicles: 70 sporting rifles

50 horses Vehicles:
Construction Company: 30 horses
Company Headquarters: 542nd Rifle Company:
10 troops (Veteran) Company Headquarters and Supply:
Weapons: 30 troops (1 Elite, 5 Experienced, 24 Novice)
10 .22 pistols Weapons:
Vehicle: 5 .22 pistols
1 UAZ-469 10 .22 semiautomatic rifles
Work Platoons (1 through 4): 15 .30-30 rifles
50 troops each (1 Elite, 9 Experienced, 40 Novice) Vehicles:
Weapons: 1 5 wagons with horses
5 .22 pistols 23rd Rifle Platoon:
20 shotguns 103 troops (2 Elite, 1 1 Experienced, 90 Novice)
10 .22 semiautomatic rifles Weapons:
10 .30-06 rifles 3 .22 pistols
5 AKM assault rifles 20 double shotguns
Vehicles: 10 AKM assault rifles
2 UAZ-469S with PK MG 70 sporting rifles
2 URAL-375S 1 RPG-16 rocket launcher
4 ZIL-135 trucks 43rd Rifle Platoon:
3 cranes 103 troops (2 Elite, 20 Experienced, 90 Novice)
3 bulldozers Weapons:
65 forklifts (50 stripped) 3 .9mm Tokarev pistols
1423rd Rifle Company: 30 double shotguns
Company Headquarters and Supply: 10 AKM assault rifles
30 troops (1 Elite, 5 Experienced, 24 Novice) 60 sporting rifles
Weapons: 1 RPG-16
5 .22 pistols 28th Rifle Platoon:
10 .22 semiautomatic rifles 103 troops (2 Elite, 11 Experienced, 90 Novice)
15 .30-30 rifles Weapons:
Vehicles: 3 .22 pistols
15 wagons with horses 10 AKM assault rifles
23rd Rifle Platoon: 90 sporting rifles
103 troops (2 Elite, 11 Experienced, 90 Novice) 1 PK MG
Weapons: 21st Cavalry Platoon:
3 .22 pistols 30 troops (1 Elite, 5 Experienced, 24 Novice)
20 double shotguns Weapons:
10 AKM assault rifles 3 .22 pistols
70 sporting rifles 20 double shotguns
1 RPG-16 rocket launcher 10 AKM assault rifles
43rd Rifle Platoon: 70 sporting rifles
103 troops (2 Elite, 20 Experienced, 90 Novice) Vehicles:
Weapons: 30 horses
3 .9mm Tokarev pistols 164th Rifle Company:
30 double shotguns Company Headquarters and Supply:
10 AKM assault rifles 30 troops (1 Elite, 5 Experienced, 24 Novice)
60 sporting rifles Weapons:
1 RPG-16 5 .22 pistols
28th Rifle Platoon: 10 .22 semiautomatic rifles
103 troops (2 Elite, 11 Experienced, 90 Novice) 15 .30-30 rifles
Weapons: Vehicles:
3 .22 pistols 1 5 wagons with horses
10 AKM assault rifles 33rd Rifle Platoon:
90 sporting rifles 103 troops (2 Elite, 11 Experienced, 90 Novice)
1 PK MG Weapons:
21st Cavalry Platoon: 3 .22 pistols
30 troops (1 Elite, 5 Experienced, 24 Novice) 20 double shotguns
Weapons: 10 AKM assault rifles
3 .22 pistols 70 sporting rifles
20 double shotguns 1 RPG-16 rocket launcher
10 AKM assault rifles
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65th Rifle Platoon: Weapons:

112 troops (2 Elite, 20 Experienced, 90 Novice) 5 9mm Makarov pistols
Weapons: 10 .30-30 rifles
3 .9mm Tokarev pistols Vehicle:
50 double shotguns 1 ZIL-135 truck
10 AKM assault rifles Armored Car Platoon:
40 sporting rifles 40 troops (10 Veteran, 20 Experienced, 10 Novice)
1 RPG-16 rocket launcher Weapons:
55th Rifle Platoon: 10 9mm Makarov pistols
103 troops (2 Elite, 11 Experienced, 90 Novice) 30 AMD-65 submachineguns
Weapons: Vehicles:
3 .22 pistols 2 BRDM-2S
10 AKM assault rifles 5 UAZ-469s
90 sporting rifles Antitank Platoon:
1 PK MG 50 troops (10 Veteran, 10 Experienced, 30 Novice)
18th Cavalry Platoon: Weapons:
30 troops (1 Elite, 5 Experienced, 24 Novice) 20 AKR submachineguns
Weapons: 30 AKMR assault rifles
3 .22 pistols 5 RPG-16 rocket launchers
20 double shotguns Vehicles:
10 AKM assault rifles 3 UAZ-469s
70 sporting rifles 3 URAL-375 trucks
Vehicles: Motorized Rifle Platoon:
30 horses 50 troops (20 Veteran, 30 Experienced)
10 AKR submachineguns
The 27th Tank Division (3400 troops) 10 AK-74 assault rifles
Location: Uzhgorod, Mukachevo, Beregovo, Slavava, Chust 30 AKMR assault rifles
Note: Eighty percent of vehicles will have wear values vary- 1 AGS-17 launcher
ing from 5 to 9. Vehicles:
Division Headquarters and Supplies: 3 UAZ-469s
100 troops (10 Elite, 40 Veteran, 50 Experienced) 1 BTR-70
Weapons: 35th BMP Recon Company:
10 9mm Makarov pistols Company Headquarters:
10 AKR submachineguns 10 troops (1 Veteran, 9 Experienced)
80 sporting rifles Weapons:
1 PK MG 5 9mm Makarov pistols
Vehicles: 10 .30-30 rifles
5 UAZ-469s Vehicles:
5 URAL-375 trucks 1 ZIL-135 truck
2 ZIL-135 trucks Armored Platoon:
10 wagons with horses 40 troops (10 Veteran, 20 Experienced, 10 Novice)
1 BRDM 2 armored car Weapons:
Reconnaissance Battalion (500 troops): 5 9mm Makarov pistols
Battalion Headquarters: 35 AKR submachineguns
25 troops (5 Elite, 20 Experienced) Vehicles:
Weapons: 1 BMP-A APC
5 9mm Makarov pistols 1 BTR-70 APC
20 AKR submachineguns Antitank Platoon
Vehicles: 50 troops (10 Veteran, 10 Experienced, 30 Novice)
1 UAZ-469 with PK MG Weapons:
5 wagons with horses 20 AKR submachineguns
Mortar Battery: 30 AKMR assault rifles
25 troops (5 Elite, 5 Veteran, 10 Experienced, 5 Novice) 5 RPG-16 rocket launchers
Weapons: Vehicles:
10 .22 rifles 3 UAZ-469S
15 AKR submachineguns 3 URAL-375 trucks
Vehicles: Motorized Rifle Platoon:
2 URAL-135s with 120mm mortar 50 troops (20 Veteran, 30 Experienced)
12th Scout Car Recon Company: Weapons:
Company Headquarters: 10 AKR submachineguns
10 troops (5 Veteran, 5 Experienced)
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30 AK-74 assault rifles 3 URAL-375 trucks

10 M16 assault rifles Regimental Supply Platoon:
1 AGS-17 launcher 30 troops (1 Elite, 9 Veteran, 20 Novice)
Vehicles: Weapons:
3 UAZ-469s 2 9mm Makarov pistols
1 0T-64 APC 30 AKR submachineguns
17th BMP Recon Company: 1 PK MG
Company Headquarters: Vehicles:
10 troops (1 Veteran, 9 Experienced) 2 UAZ-469s with trailers
Weapons: 4 URAL-375s with fuel trailers
5 9mm Makarov pistols 1 ZIL-135 with fuel trailer
10 AKR submachineguns 2 10,000-liter tankers
Vehicles: 4 5000-liter tankers
2 UAZ-469s 34th Reconnaissance Company:
Armored Platoon: Headquarters and 3 Platoons:
40 troops (10 Veteran, 20 Experienced, 10 Novice) 100 troops (25 Elite, 35 Veteran, 40 Experienced)
Weapons: Weapons:
5 9mm Makarov pistols 2 9mm Makarov pistols
35 AKR submachineguns 1 2 AKR submachineguns
Vehicles: 88 AK-74 assault rifles
1 BMP-A APC 1 RPG-16 rocket launcher
1 BTR-70 APC Vehicles:
Antitank platoon: 3 UAZ-469s
50 troops (10 Veteran, 10 Experienced, 30 Novice) 2 URAL-375 trucks
Weapons: 2 ZIL-135 trucks
20 AKR submachineguns 55th Motorized Rifle Battalion (350 troops):
30 AKMR assault rifles Battalion Headquarters:
5 RPG-16 rocket launchers 20 troops (5 Elite, 10 Experienced, 5 Novice)
Vehicles: Weapons:
3 UAZ-469s 10 9mm Tokarev pistols
3 URAL-375 trucks 1 5 AKR submachineguns
Motorized Rifle Platoon: Vehicles:
50 troops (20 Veteran, 30 Experienced) 4 UAZ-469s
Weapons: Mortar Platoon:
10 AKR submachineguns 10 troops (5 Veteran, 5 Experienced)
30 AK-74 assault rifles Weapons:
10 M16 assault rifles 10 AKR submachineguns
1 PK MG 1 120mm mortar
Vehicles: Vehicle:
3 UAZ-469s 1 URAL-375
1 OT-64 APC 63rd Motorized Rifle Company (160 troops):
43rd Motorized Rifle Regiment (1000 troops): Company Headquarters:
Regiment Headquarters: 10 troops (2 Elite, 8 Experienced)
100 troops (25 Elite, 60 Veteran, 15 Experienced) Weapons:
Weapons: 2 9mm Makarov pistols
10 9mm Makarov pistols 10 AK-74 assault rifles
40 M16A2 assault rifles Vehicle:
50 Mauser bolt-action rifles 1 URAL-375
Vehicles: Antitank Platoon:
2 UAZ-469s with PK MG 50 troops (20 Veteran, 25 Experienced, 5 Novice)
3 automobiles Weapons:
2 URAL-375S 50 AKMR assault rifles
Mortar Battery: 2 RPG-16 rocket launchers
70 troops (20 Veteran, 20 Experienced, 30 Novice) Vehicles:
Weapons: 4 URAL-375 trucks
40 Mauser rifles 1st Rifle Platoon:
20 .22 semiautomatic rifles 50 troops (15 Veteran, 35 Experienced)
20 .22 automatic pistols Weapons:
15 AKMR assault rifles 45 AK-74 assault rifles
5 AKR submachineguns 5 RPK-74 autorifles
6 1 20mm mortars Vehicles:
Vehicles: 3 ZIL-135 trucks
Bear's Den Page 43

2nd Rifle Platoon: Weapons:

50 troops (5 Veteran, 45 Experienced) 50 AKMR assault rifles
Weapons: 2 RPG-16 rocket launchers
45 AK-74 assault rifles Vehicles:
5 RPK-74 autorifles 4 URAL-375 trucks
Vehicles: 1st Rifle Platoon:
5 URAL-375 trucks 50 troops (25 Veteran, 25 Experienced)
173rd Motorized Rifle Company (160 troops): Weapons:
Company Headquarters: 45 AK-74 assault rifles
10 troops (4 Veteran, 6 Experienced) 5 RPK-74 autorifles
Weapons: Vehicles:
2 9mm Makarov pistols 3 ZIL-135 trucks
10 AK-74 assault rifles 2nd Rifle Platoon:
Vehicles: 50 troops (50 Experienced)
2 UAZ-469 trucks Weapons:
Antitank Platoon: 45 AK-74 assault rifles
50 troops (20 Veteran, 20 Experienced, 10 Novice) 5 RPK-74 autorifles
Weapons: Vehicles:
50 AKMR assault rifles 4 URAL-375 trucks
2 RPG-16 rocket launchers 110th Motorized Rifle Company (160 troops)
Vehicles: Company Headquarters:
4 URAL-375 trucks 10 troops (4 Veteran, 6 Experienced)
1st Rifle Platoon: Weapons:
50 troops (35 Veteran, 15 Experienced) 2 9mm Makarov pistols
Weapons: 10 AK-74 assault rifles
45 AKMR assault rifles Vehicles:
5 RPK-74 autorifles 2 UAZ-469 trucks
Vehicles: Antitank Platoon:
3 ZIL-135 trucks 50 troops (10 Veteran, 20 Experienced, 20 Novice)
2nd Rifle Platoon: Weapons:
50 troops (15 Veteran, 35 Experienced) 50 AKMR assault rifles
Weapons: 2 RPG-16 rocket launchers
45 AK-74 rifles Vehicles:
1 PK MG 4 URAL-375 trucks
Vehicles: 1st Rifle Platoon:
5 URAL-375 trucks 50 troops (35 Veteran, 15 Experienced)
1 54th Motorized Rifle Battalion (350 troops) Weapons:
Battalion Headquarters: 45 AKMR assault rifles
20 troops (5 Elite, 10 Experienced, 5 Novice) 5 RPK-74 autorifles
Weapons: Vehicles:
10 9mm Tokarev pistols 3 ZIL-135 trucks
15 AKR submachineguns 2nd Rifle Platoon:
Vehicles: 50 troops (5 Veteran, 45 Experienced)
4 UAZ-469 trucks Weapons:
Mortar Platoon: 45 AK-74 assault rifles
10 troops (5 Veteran, 4 Experienced) 1 PK MG
Weapons: Vehicles:
10 AKR submachineguns 4 URAL-375 trucks
1 1 20mm mortar 514th Rifle Regiment (1500 troops):
Vehicle: Regiment Headquarters:
1 URAL-375 truck 100 troops (10 Elite, 45 Veteran, 45 Experienced)
47th Motorized Rifle Company (160 troops) Weapons:
Company Headquarters: 10 9mm Makarov pistols
10 troops (2 Elite, 8 Experienced) 40 .22 pistols
Weapons: 50 Mauser bolt-action rifles
2 9mm Makarov pistols Vehicles:
10 AK-74 assault rifles 1 5 wagons with horses
Vehicle: 3 carts with horse
1 URAL-375 truck 5 horses
Antitank Platoon: 901st Reconnaissance Company:
55 troops (15 Veteran, 25 Experienced, 15 Novice) Headquarters and 3 Platoons:
100 troops (25 Elite, 35 Veteran, 40 Experienced)
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Weapons: 5 RPK-74 autorifles

2 9mm Makarov pistols Vehicles:
12 AKR submachineguns 4 URAL-375 trucks
88 AK-74 assault rifles 2nd Rifle Platoon
1 RPG-16 rocket launcher 50 troops (5 Veteran, 45 Experienced)
Vehicles: Weapons:
12 wagons with horses 45 AK-74 assault rifles
20 horses 5 RPK-74 autorifles
Mortar Battery: Vehicles:
70 troops (20 Veteran, 5 Experienced, 45 Novice) 5 URAL-375 trucks
Weapons: 173rd Motorized Rifle Company (160 troops):
60 Mauser rifles Company Headquarters:
25 .22 semiautomatic rifles 10 troops (4 Veteran, 6 Experienced)
15 AKMR assault rifles Weapons:
4 1 20mm mortars 2 9mm Makarov pistols
Vehicles: 10 AK-74 assault rifles
15 wagons with horses Vehicles:
5 carts with horse 2 UAZ-469 trucks
5 horses Antitank Platoon:
Regimental Supply Platoon: 50 troops (20 Veteran, 20 Experienced, 10 Novice)
30 troops (1 Elite, 1 Veteran, 28 Novice) Weapons:
Weapons: 50 AKMR assault rifles
2 9mm Makarov pistols 2 RPG-16 rocket launchers
30 AKR submachineguns Vehicles:
1 PK MG 4 URAL-375 trucks
Vehicles: 1st Rifle Platoon:
1 UAZ-469 with trailer 50 troops (35 Veteran, 1 5 Experienced)
1 2 wagons with horses Weapons:
94th Rifle Battalion (550 troops): 45 AKMR assault rifles
Battalion Headquarters: 5 RPK-74 autorifles
20 troops (5 Elite, 10 Experienced, 5 Novice) Vehicles:
Weapons: 3 ZIL-135 trucks
10 9mm Tokarev pistols 2nd Rifle Platoon:
15 M 1 6 A 2 assault rifles 50 troops (15 Veteran, 35 Experienced)
Vehicles: Weapons:
4 UAZ-469 trucks 45 AK-74 assault rifles
Mortar Platoon: 1 PK MG
10 troops (5 Veteran, 5 Experienced) Vehicles:
Weapons: 5 URAL-375 trucks
10 AKR submachineguns 48th Cavalry Rifle Company (200 troops):
1 120mm mortar Company Headquarters:
Vehicle: 10 troops (2 Elite, 8 Veteran)
1 URAL-375 truck Weapons:
63rd Motorized Rifle Company (160 troops): 2 9mm Makarov pistols
Company Headquarters: 10 AK-74 assault rifles
10 troops (2 Elite, 8 Experienced) Vehicles:
Weapons: 5 wagons with horses
2 9mm Makarov pistols Antitank Platoon:
10 AK-74 assault rifles 50 troops (20 Veteran, 25 Experienced, 5 Novice)
Vehicle: Weapons:
1 URAL-375 truck 50 AKMR assault rifles
Antitank Platoon: 2 RPG-16 rocket launchers
50 troops (20 Veteran, 25 Experienced, 5 Novice) Vehicles:
Weapons: 5 wagons with horses
50 AKMR assault rifles Rifle Platoon:
2 RPG-16 rocket launchers 40 troops (10 Experienced, 30 Novice)
Vehicles: Weapons:
4 URAL-375 trucks 39 AKMR assault rifles
1st Rifle Platoon: 1 RPK-74 autorifle
50 troops (15 Veteran, 35 Experienced) Vehicles:
Weapons: 5 wagons with horses
45 AK-74 assault rifles
Bear's Den Page 45

1st Cavalry Rifle Platoon: Weapons:

50 troops (10 Veteran, 40 Experienced) 2 9mm Makarov pistols
Weapons: 10 AK-74 assault rifles
45 AK-74 assault rifles Vehicles:
5 RPK-74 autorifles 2 wagons with horses
Vehicles: Antitank Platoon:
50 horses 50 troops (10 Veteran, 20 Experienced, 20 Novice)
2nd Cavalry Rifle Platoon: Weapons:
50 troops (5 Veteran, 45 Experienced) 50 AKMR assault rifles
Weapons: 2 RPG-16 rocket launchers
45 AKMR assault rifles Vehicles:
5 RPK-74 autorifles 4 wagons with horses
Vehicles: 1st Rifle Platoon:
50 horses 50 troops (35 Veteran, 15 Experienced)
735th Rifle Battalion (550 troops): Weapons:
Battalion Headquarters: 45 AKMR assault rifles
10 troops (5 Veteran, 5 Experienced) 5 RPK-74 autorifles
Weapons: Vehicles:
10 AKR submachineguns 4 wagons with horses
1 120mm mortar 2nd Rifle Platoon:
Vehicles: 50 troops (5 Veteran, 45 Experienced)
1 wagon with horses Weapons:
3 horses 45 AK-74 assault rifles
Mortar Platoon: 1 PK MG
20 troops (5 Elite, 10 Experienced, 5 Novice) Vehicles:
Weapons: 4 wagons with horses
15 AKR submachineguns 82nd Cavalry Rifle Company (200 troops):
1 120mm mortar Company Headquarters:
Vehicles: 10 troops (1 Veteran, 9 Experienced)
4 wagons with horses Weapons:
49th Motorized Rifle Company (160 troops): 2 9mm Makarov pistols
Company Headquarters: 10 AK-74 assault rifles
10 troops (1 Veteran, 9 Experienced) Vehicles:
Weapons: 2 wagons with horses
2 9mm Makarov pistols Antitank Platoon:
10 AK-74 assault rifles 50 troops (15 Veteran, 20 Experienced, 15 Novice)
Vehicles: Weapons:
2 wagons with horses 50 AKMR assault rifles
Antitank Platoon: 2 RPG-16 rocket launchers
50 troops (1 5 Veteran, 20 Experienced, 1 5 Novice) Vehicles:
Weapons: 4 wagons with horses
50 AKMR assault rifles Rifle Platoon:
2 RPG-16 rocket launchers 50 troops (5 Veteran, 5 Experienced, 40 Novice)
Vehicles: Weapons:
4 wagons with horses 30 AK-74 assault rifles
1st Rifle Platoon: 8 AKR submachineguns
50 troops (25 Veteran, 25 Experienced) 2 RPK-74 autorifles
Weapons: Vehicles:
45 AK-74 assault rifles 5 wagons with horses
5 RPK-74 autorifles 1st Cavalry Platoon:
Vehicles: 50 troops (25 Veteran, 25 Experienced)
4 wagons with horses Weapons:
2nd Rifle Platoon: 45 AK-74 assault rifles
50 troops (45 Experienced, 5 Novice) 5 RPK-74 autorifles
Weapons: Vehicles:
45 AK-74 assault rifles 50 horses
5 RPK-74 autorifles 2nd Cavalry Platoon:
Vehicles: 50 troops (45 Experienced, 5 Novice)
4 wagons with horses Weapons:
121st Motorized Rifle Company (160 troops): 45 AK-74 assault rifles
Company Headquarters: 5 RPK-74 autorifles
10 troops (1 Veteran, 9 Experienced)
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50 horses
1st Armored Brigade (100 Ex-POW NATO Troops) Drogobych Guard (200 troops)
Brigade Headquarters and Supply: Location: Drogobych
10 troops (3 Elite, 7 Veteran) Guard Headquarters:
Weapons: 10 troops (1 Elite, 4 Experienced, 5 Novice)
5 9mm Parabellum pistols Weapons:
10 M16A2 assault rifles 10 .22 semiautomatic rifles
Vehicles: Vehicles:
12 1/2 ton truck with fuel trailer 1 civilian car
1 UAZ-469 with M60 MG 1 cart with ox
Cavalry Platoon: Mortar Battery:
45 troops (5 Elite, 15 Veteran, 25 Experienced) 40 troops (5 Veteran, 5 Experienced, 30 Novice)
Weapons: Weapons:
30 M16A2 assault rifles 10 Mauser rifles
15 AKMR assault rifles 30 .22 bolt-action rifles
Vehicles: 5 120mm mortars
41 horses Vehicle:
2 wagons with horses 1 cart with ox
Armored Squadron: 1st Guard Platoon:
45 troops (10 Elite, 30 Veteran, 5 Experienced) 50 troops (5 Elite, 45 Experienced)
Weapons: Weapons:
25 M16A2 assault rifles 5 AKMR assault rifles
20 M231 submachineguns 30 Mauser rifles
Vehicles: 10 .22 semiautomatic rifles
2 HMMWV SCs with M2HB MG 5 AKR submachineguns
1 M2A3 (1 missile) Vehicles:
2 2 1/2 ton trucks 4 wagons with horses
2nd Guard Platoon:
50 troops (5 Veteran, 45 Novice)
Partisans Weapons:
Location: Throughout area 5 AKMR assault rifles
Note: Organization and equipment are dealt with as needed. 30 Mauser rifles
Regional camps and forces vary in strength from poor to 10 .22 semiautomatic rifles
average. 5 AKM assault rifles
Number of troops varies. Vehicle:
1 cart with ox
3rd Guard Platoon:
50 troops (5 Veteran, 5 Experienced, 40 Novice)
5 AKMR assault rifles
30 Mauser rifles
15 .22 semiautomatic rifles
1 cart with ox
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The 27th
A=Collapsed Bridge
B=Main Body of 27th
0 50 100 150 200 250

Page 48 GDW

3000 D


The 70th X
X=Base Guard Stations
A=Command Tent
meters E=ZIL-135
F=Dog Corral
0 20 40 60 G=Tents

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