2012 - Num Ro 84 - Olympic Review PDF
2012 - Num Ro 84 - Olympic Review PDF
2012 - Num Ro 84 - Olympic Review PDF
From the breathtaking sporting
performances to the dazzling
celebrations, we relive the magical
moments, fun and drama of the
London 2012 Olympic Games
By IOC President Jacques Rogge.
The latest news and events from around the Olympic Movement.
A day-by-day photo diary of the stories and events that made
headlines during the London 2012 Olympic Games, including
extraordinary sporting performances by the likes of Michael Phelps
and Usain Bolt, and dazzling ceremonies that enthralled viewers
all over the world.
Joanna Hunter visits Olympex 2012 at the British Library in London to
discover the fervour that surrounds collecting Olympic memorabilia,
while we also take a look at the 18th World Olympic Collectors Fair that
took place in Athens earlier this year.
London 2012 saw Olympic fever break out across the host nation, as
passionate crowds showed their support at sporting venues and Live
Sites, and millions of people experienced Cultural Olympiad events.
New Zealand’s single sculls rower Mahé Drysdale looks back at his
Olympic experiences, including his memorable gold medal in London.
Olympians and figures from the Olympic Movement who have
passed away.
our Majesties, Your Royal of British hospitality. I know that infrastructure will benefit the host
Highnesses, Distinguished generosity of spirit will continue as we nation for years to come. The human
Guests, Ladies and Gentlemen, marvel at the dedication and talent of legacy will reach every region of the
after 17 unforgettable days, we are the wonderful Paralympic athletes. world. Many young people will be
indebted to so many tonight. The Dear athletes, you have earned the inspired to take up a sport or to pursue
Organising Committee, well supported respect and admiration of a global their dreams.
by the public authorities, did a superb audience and you have written a new And now, in accordance with
job. Thank you, Lord Coe and your chapter of Olympic history that began tradition, I declare the Games of the
great LOCOG team! in Ancient Olympia 3,000 years ago. XXX Olympiad closed and call on
We will never forget the smiles, the Through your commitment to fair play, the youth of the world to assemble
kindness and the support of the your respect for opponents, and your four years from now in Rio de Janeiro
wonderful volunteers, the much needed grace in defeat as well as in victory, to celebrate the Games of the XXXI
heroes of these Games. you have earned the right to be Olympiad. ■
You, the spectators and the public, called Olympians.
provided the soundtrack for these These were happy and glorious
Games. Your enthusiastic cheers Games!
energised the competitors and brought The legacy of the Games of the XXX
a festive spirit to every Olympic venue. Olympiad will become clear in many
You have shown the world the best ways. Concrete improvements in
Claudia Bokel has been elected as athlete who competed at the 2006
new Chair of the IOC Athletes’ and 2010 Winter Olympic Games,
Commission for a two-year term, was elected as new Vice-Chair,
replacing outgoing head Frank succeeding Bokel in the role.
Fredericks. IOC President Jacques “I am humbled by the trust my
Rogge officially appointed Bokel colleagues have put in me and want
as Chair following a proposal to continue the successful work
by the Commission. It was also of our previous chairpeople,” said
confirmed at the 124th IOC Session Bokel. “I am deeply committed
in London that Bokel, a former to the topics that are important
German Olympic fencer, has to us as athletes: the Olympic
replaced Fredericks on the IOC Games, the fight against doping,
Executive Board for the duration of the environment, women and
her term. Bokel was elected ahead sport, creating a level playing field
of Alexander Popov and Adam for all athletes, and the Athlete
Pengilly. Pengilly, a former skeleton Career Programme.” Above Claudia Bokel succeeds Frank Fredericks as Chair of the Commission
More than 650 athletes from 165 have an even chance of succeeding Giving is Winning
National Olympic Committees (NOCs) in their Olympic dream. Olympic breaks records
supported by Olympic Solidarity Solidarity administers and manages at London 2012
Scholarships competed at London the NOCs’ share of the revenue from IOC President
2012, winning 72 medals – 21 gold, the sale of broadcasting rights to the Jacques Rogge,
22 silver and 29 bronze. Olympic Games. It works in particular together with London
In addition to their great with the most needy NOCs and their 2012 Chairman
performances, many of these Continental Associations, and uses Sebastian Coe and
athletes produced national records, these funds to develop assistance outgoing Athletes’
personal bests, first country programmes in various areas. Commission
participation and maiden national The scheme includes access to Chairman Frank Above Athletes signed the Truce Wall
medals in specific sports. top-class training facilities and Fredericks, kicked throughout the Games in London
Of the 106 teams who benefited coaches at home or abroad, medical off the IOC’s global
from the “Team Support Grant”, 16 assistance, board and lodging costs, solidarity campaign, During a tour of the London 2012
qualified for the London Games, two and a fixed subsidy to enable athletes Giving is Winning, Olympic Village, IOC President Jacques
won medals and eight won diplomas. to compete in Olympic qualification at the 2012 Games. Rogge, together with members of the
The women’s handball team from events. Scholarship holders are At every edition of IOC Executive Board and the IOC
Norway took gold and the men’s water nominated by their NOC and the Olympic Summer Athletes’ Commission, took part in a
polo team from Serbia won bronze. scholarships are granted by Olympic Games, the IOC ceremony that featured the unveiling of
The Olympic Solidarity Programme Solidarity to athletes according to partners with the UN the Olympic Truce Wall, which has been
enables athletes from around the world their technical level and need. Learn High Commissioner a fixture in Olympic Villages since
to compete on a level playing field. It more about Olympic Solidarity on for Refugees Sydney 2000. The Truce Wall is a
aims to ensure that athletes with talent www.olympic.org. (UNHCR) and the symbolic representation of the belief
local organising that sport can help build a better and
committee to collect more peaceful world. The Olympic
sports clothing Truce, which dates back to the 9th
and distribute it to century BC, supports the idea that
thousands of people throughout the Olympic Games,
in refugee camps individuals, not countries, compete
around the world. against each other in peaceful sport
Thanks to the without the burden of politics,
generosity of the religion or racism.
Olympians, National In 1992, the IOC introduced the
Olympic Committees concept of the Olympic Truce to the
(NOCs), International modern Olympic Games and in 1993
Federations (IFs), and the United Nations General Assembly
other partners of the urged its member states to observe
Olympic Movement, the Olympic Truce. Seb Coe, on behalf
the 2012 edition of the UK government, presented the
of the Giving is Olympic Truce Resolution for the 2012
Winning campaign is Games, which for the first time,
expected to break all received the unanimous support of
previous records by all 193 UN member states.
collecting more than As at past Games, athletes and
100,000 items officials in the Village were invited to
Above Olympic Solidarity Scholarship holder Yuliya Kalina of Ukraine won bronze of clothing. show their support for the Truce by
in the women’s 58kg weightlifting event at the London 2012 Olympic Games signing the Wall during London 2012.
The eyes of the sporting the Olympic Games was stationed countdown clock for Rio 2016
world turned to Brazil in the British capital for the on display at Casa Brasil during
when the handover of duration of the London 2012 the Games.
the Olympic flag took Olympic Games to observe A team of 152 Rio 2016 staff,
place during the and learn. all of whom are participating in
London 2012 Closing Ceremony, On 5 August, Rio 2016 was the IOC’s Observers Programme,
highlighting Rio de Janeiro as able to mark the four years to go and 51 representatives of different
the next host city. date until the Rio 2016 Olympic levels of government, will share
Audiences were treated to a Games. Present for the their learnings from the London
spectacular eight-minute Brazilian celebrations at Casa Brasil, the 2012 Games at a debriefing back Above President Rogge received
show during Rio 2016’s portion of official home of the Brazilian in Rio in November together with a warm welcome at Sochi.Park
the Closing Ceremony, which delegation, were Rio 2016 LOCOG, the IOC and other
included a surprise appearance President Carlos Arthur Nuzman Olympic Movement stakeholders. There were over 100 volunteers
from football legend Pelé. and Stephen Urquhart, the from the Organising Committee for
A large contingent from the Rio President of Olympic Partner Below Rio 2016 staff mark four the Sochi 2014 Olympic and
2016 Organising Committee for Omega, which provided the years to go at London 2012 Paralympic Winter Games present
at the London Games as part of
the thousands of volunteers who
contributed to making London
2012 a success.
For these volunteers, London
2012 provided the opportunity to
gain important experience in many
areas, from competition services
to transport centre operations.
They will transfer this knowledge
to their colleagues from the 26
volunteer training centres for Sochi
2014, as well as to sports higher
education institutes throughout the
country, ensuring this knowledge
is applied at the 2014 Winter
During the 2012 Games, IOC
President Jacques Rogge paid a
visit to Sochi.Park, the base for the
Sochi 2014 Organising Committee.
During a guided tour of the
pavilion with Sochi 2014 President
Dmitry Chernyshenko, he was able
to test out a number of innovative
exhibitions including a sliding
track simulator and a 4D cinema.
He also managed to see part
of the ice skating show that Sochi
put on every day in its specially-
built ice rink.
Two years ago, 3,600 young stage. Throughout the Games Russia’s Viktoria Komova took
athletes made history by there were success stories home two silver medals in
competing in the first Youth coming from the young athletes artistic gymnastics.
Olympic Games (YOG) in that had made the leap from The former YOG athletes
Singapore. Fast-forward to 2012, YOG to Olympic Games. Among certainly made their mark on
and more than 190 of those same those stories was five-time YOG the Games by claiming an
athletes made history again medallist Chad Le Clos, who impressive 25 medals, with
by competing in the London edged out YOG Ambassador the tally featuring eight gold
2012 Olympic Games. Michael Phelps in the men’s medals, eight silver and
The last day of competition 200m butterfly to claim Olympic nine bronze.
for the YOG athletes at London gold; Great Britain’s Jade Jones
2012 saw a gold rush with four won the home nation’s first ever Below Russia’s gold medal- Above Lindsey Vonn shares her
YOG graduates winning medals. Olympic taekwondo gold and winning rhythmic gymnasts experiences with athletes in London
Cuba’s Robeisy Carrazana
Ramirez won the men’s flyweight Youth Olympic Games Ambassador
(52kg) boxing and Russia’s Lindsey Vonn made a surprise
rhythmic gymnastics team – appearance at the London 2012
featuring YOG gymnasts Ksenia Olympic Games to show her support
Dudkina, Alina Makarenko and for all the YOG athletes from Singapore
Karolina Sevastyanova – claimed 2010 competing at the Games.
the group all-around gold medal. The Alpine ski racer took time out
That final day at London 2012 of her busy training schedule to enjoy
typified the success for the class a whistle stop tour of the Olympic Park
of Singapore 2010, showing that and venues. Her first stop was the
their experiences at the Youth gymnastics, where she met YOG
Olympic Games had helped to graduate and Team USA’s Savannah
prepare them for the Olympic Vinsant, who was competing in the
women’s trampoline competition. Vonn
RUGBY AND GOLF LOOK AHEAD timed her visit well as she was able to
watch Gabrielle Douglas win gold for
TO YOG IN NANJING IN 2014 the USA in the women’s individual all-
around. She went on to cheer fellow
YOG Ambassador Michael Phelps and
watch the USA in the Basketball Arena.
Key figures from the sports of Bernard Lapasset, Chairman of programme, also expressed her YOG Ambassador Yelena Isinbaeva
rugby sevens and golf were the International Rugby Board support for the YOG, claiming she (RUS), also showed younger athletes
present in London in 2012 to (IRB), said he hoped the inclusion would have gained enormously the way as she claimed bronze in the
share their excitement about the of rugby sevens at Nanjing 2014 as a young athlete from meeting pole vault. She then stopped by to
upcoming second summer edition would help engage young people competitors from different meet with the IOC President for a
of the Youth Olympic Games at a grassroots level, while Agustin countries and sports and press conference on the Youth
(YOG) in Nanjing in 2014. Rugby Pichot, the former captain of the participating in the Culture and Olympic Games and help spread the
sevens will be making its debut Argentinean rugby union team, Education Programme (CEP). YOG word to younger audiences.
on an Olympic programme in admitted he would have loved to Two years after Nanjing 2014, Another YOG Ambassador who set
Nanjing, while golf will be making have competed in the YOG. rugby sevens and golf are both London 2012 alight was Jamaica’s
its return after an absence of Top US female golfer Michelle scheduled to be included in the Usain Bolt, who added a further three
more than a century, having last Wie, a fierce campaigner to get programme for the Olympic gold medals to his Olympic haul
featured in 1904. golf back on the Olympic Games in Rio in 2016. on the track.
The Luxembourg National sports Romain Schneidera Czech gymnast Vera Caslavska,
Olympic Committee celebrated and IOC President Jacques who won seven gold medals at the
its centenary at a gala event Rogge. IOC Vice-President 1964 and 1968 Olympic Games, has
held on 9 June. NOC president Thomas Bach, IOC EB been awarded the SOC Trophy, the
André Hoffmann welcomed member Patrick Hickey and highest annual award of the Slovakian
guests including Grand Duke IOC honorary member Grand Olympic Committee.
Henri and Grand Duchess Duke Jean and were also The NOC President Frantisek
Maria Teresa, Minister for in attendence. Chmelar gave Caslavska the trophy
during the opening ceremony
of the 25th edition of Gym Festival
in Trnava, Slovakia. Caslavska was
the Czechoslovak NOC President Above Vera Caslavska, then and now
from 1990 to 1992 and was a key
figure in the successful division of NOCs for the Czech Republic and
the organisation into two new Slovakia in 1993.
occasion. Highlights included the exhibitions on the theme of the
Olympic Festival, which was held at the Olympic Games.
The National Youth and handball, was presented
Sports Institute of Côte during a ceremony at the Côte
d’Ivoire recently received d’Ivoire NOC headquarters
sports equipment from the in the presence of Thomas
National Olympic Committee Bach, German NOC President
of Germany. The donation, and IOC Vice-President, as
which comprised equipment well as Lassana Palenfo, Côte
for athletics, football, d’Ivoire NOC President and
basketball, volleyball and an IOC honorary member.
The International At the International During the 2012 Olympic Games in 1996, the Olympian Reunion Centre
Basketball Federation Junior Competition London, Olympians from around the has been a feature at every edition
(FIBA) has launched a in Suhl, Germany, the world were welcomed at the Olympian of the Games, welcoming more than
new website devoted International Shooting Reunion Centre, operated by the World 20,000 Olympians through its doors.
to 3x3 basketball Sport Federation Olympians Association (WOA). The WOA also hosted its first-ever
(www.3x3planet.com) (ISSF) launched its Situated in Wellington Barracks, gala dinner for heads of state, IOC
which provides an individual worldwide “Run & Shoot” event the Olympians Reunion Centre offered members, leaders of international
ranking system for players and – a new Sport for Olympians and their families a place to sports federations and a large number
tournament organisers. All competition socialise and relax during the Games, of Olympians at St James’s Palace
Once players have registered and format. The aim is to while also providing meeting areas, during the Games.
created a personalised profile, they pursue the goals of refreshment services, communications,
can connect and communicate with the IOC’s Sport for live television feeds and assistance Below Olympians and Olympic
other 3x3 users, find team-mates and All Commission by with special reunion functions. Reunion Centre staff gathered in
opponents, locate and sign up to a promoting regular Since its inauguration in Atlanta in London to enjoy the Olympic Games
large number of available tournaments, physical activity for
collecting ranking points every time they health and social
play. FIBA Secretary General and IOC benefits. Run & Shoot
Member Patrick Baumann (pictured is an easy-to-access
above) said: “The launch of 3x3planet. shooting event that
com represents a major milestone in the combines running
development of 3x3 basketball.” with air rifle target
AND BUBKA INTO presents this new
HALL OF FAME format in the spirit
of the Sport for All
programme, but also
Sebastian Coe and to attract new, young
Sergey Bubka (pictured shooters,” said
left) are the latest greats Franz Schreiber,
to join the International Secretary General
Association of Athletics of the International
Federations (IAAF) Shooting Sport WHO’S READING
Hall of Fame. Those already named Federation.
as members to mark the centenary “We are aiming
Who: Canadian
year of athletics’ governing body to develop Run &
gymnast Rosie
include Jesse Owens, Carl Lewis, Shoot as a
MacLennan, who won
Kip Keino, Jackie Joyner-Kersee, grassroots event, an
Olympic gold in the
Paavo Nurmi, Emil Zatopek, Irena easy step into our
women’s trampoline
Szewinska and Fanny Blankers-Koen. sport. We want to
at the London 2012
“I am delighted that two more of my give young people a
Olympic Games
Council colleagues will join the chance to practice
inaugural membership of the IAAF Hall shooting, to play an Where: The Olympic
of Fame,” said IAAF President Lamine outdoor sport, and Village in London.
Diack. “In Sergey and Seb have fun in a healthy
we have two great champions and environment.”
record breakers.”
Michael Stoneman picks out
some of the highlights from 17
unforgettable days of outstanding
sport and unbridled celebration
27 July
Day 1
The London 2012 Olympic
Games burst into life with
an Opening Ceremony that
featured everything from James
Bond and The Beatles to flying
bicycles and literary villains
As fans filed expectantly into the Olympic
Stadium, not even a traditional British rain
shower could dampen their spirits, with
excitement reaching fever pitch during the
final countdown to the Opening Ceremony.
Once triple Olympic champion Bradley
Wiggins had rung the largest harmonically
tuned bell in the world to signal the start
of the ceremony, 80,000 spectators –
and hundreds of millions of TV viewers
worldwide – were dazzled by a vibrant show
that featured a spell binding mix of comedy,
music, dance and spectacular set pieces.
The audience was taken on a whirlwind
tour of British culture and history, which
celebrated everything from the country’s
industrial revolution and its free healthcare
to its contributions to popular music and
children’s literature.
Following the parade of nations, which
saw athletes from 204 National Olympic
Committees (NOCs) march into the stadium,
Queen Elizabeth II officially declared
the Games open. Attention then shifted
outside the stadium, where five-time
Olympic rowing champion Steve Redgrave
received the Olympic torch from David
Beckham and young footballer Jade Bailey,
who arrived by speedboat after travelling
along the Thames.
After entering the stadium, Redgrave
passed the Olympic flame to 19-year-old
rower Cameron MacRitchie, who was joined
by six other aspiring sportsmen and women
on a lap of the stadium. In the spectacular
finale, the seven young Torchbearers each lit
the Olympic Cauldron, made of 204 copper
petals to represent the competing NOCs at
the Games, which rose elegantly from the
ground to form one unified flame.
28 July
Day 2
With the city still buzzing from the previous Many of the British fans had turned
night’s spectacular Opening Ceremony, the out in the hope of cheering home
London 2012 sporting competition began favourite Mark Cavendish to the host
in earnest as the first medals of the Games country’s first medal of the Games, but it
were awarded. was Kazakhstan’s Alexander Vinokourov
The first medals of the China’s Yi Siling enjoyed the honour of who won gold, out-sprinting Colombia’s
London 2012 Olympic winning the first gold of the Games, Rigoberto Urán on The Mall.
securing the women’s 10m air rifle title Thousands of fans also helped create an
Games are awarded, as in front of a sell-out crowd at the Royal incredible atmosphere at the Aquatics
fans turn out in force Artillery Barracks. Centre in the Olympic Park, where the first
And fans were out in force at other evening of swimming finals was taking
across the city to support venues as well, with the sunny weather place. The noise in the venue reached a
their heroes and sporting action helping to create a crescendo during the final of the men’s
feel-good atmosphere across the city. 400m individual medley, when American
The men’s cycling road race, in particular, Ryan Lochte stormed to victory in 4:05.18.
seemed to capture the public’s imagination, “For four years I’ve been training hard,”
with an estimated one million supporters said Lochte. “This is just my first event
lining the streets from London to Surrey for so I’m really happy. I’m ready to rock this
the race. “It was the most amazing thing Olympic Games.”
I’ve ever seen,” said German cycling star And so too, it seemed, were the fans
André Greipel, who finished 27th. in London.
29 July 30 July
Day 3 Day 4
The Republic of Korea’s female archers
set the tone for the day as they continued
their remarkable record in the women’s
team event, winning a seventh consecutive
Olympic gold at Lord’s Cricket Ground.
“Girl power” was evident In windy conditions, Lee Sung-jin, Ki Bo- New Olympic stars set the
across the London 2012 bae (pictured) and Choi Hyeon-ju defeated Games alight with a series of
Chinese trio Cheng Ming, Fang Yuting and
Olympic Games for the third Xu Jing by 210-209 on the last arrow to record-breaking performances
day of competition, with female clinch the title in dramatic fashion. in the Aquatics Centre
athletes taking centre stage as At the Royal Artillery Baracks, shooter
Kimberly Rhode of the USA was in history- Olympic debutants Ruta Meilutyte, Missy
they rewrote the record books making form as she won the skeet event Franklin, Ye Shiwen, Cao Yuan and
in archery, diving, shooting, to become the first American to win an Zhang Yanquan all stole the show on day
swimming and weightlifting individual medal at five consecutive Games. four, producing a series of breathtaking
Olympic and world records were broken performances in the Aquatics Centre to
at the ExCeL arena, where Kazakhstan’s upstage their more experienced rivals.
Zulfiya Chinshanlo won gold in the women’s One of the day’s most incredible
53kg weightlifting event. achievements belonged to 15-year-old
Perhaps the biggest drama of the day, Meilutyte from Lithuania (pictured) who
however, came at the Aquatics Centre, became the youngest Olympic swimming
where China’s Wu Minxia secured her place champion since 1996 as she won the 100m
in Olympic history after completing a hat- breaststroke. Not to be outdone, American
trick of 3m springboard synchro titles. swimmer Franklin, aged 17, won her first
In the pool, France’s Camille Muffat Olympic title in a thrilling 100m backstroke
and Dana Vollmer of the USA then final, while 16-year-old Ye, from China,
completed an incredible day for female broke the Olympic record in the semi-finals
athletes by setting new Olympic and world of the 200m individual medley, having
records in the 400m freestyle and 100m already won the 400m individual medley.
butterfly respectively. New stars were also created in the men’s
diving, where Chinese duo Cao and Zhang
produced a near faultless series of dives to
take gold in the 10m synchro event.
31 July
Day 5
Germany’s Michael Jung received the Tasiadis, of Germany, who took silver.
perfect 30th birthday present on the And in a thrilling conclusion to the day,
fifth day of London 2012, as he won the American swimmer Michael Phelps became
individual eventing gold to become the first the most decorated Olympian of all time,
rider to ever hold the European, world and winning the 18th and 19th Olympic medals
Michael Jung and Tony Olympic titles at the same time. of his career as he took silver in the 200m
Estanguet confirm their Earlier, Jung (pictured) had also enjoyed butterfly before claiming gold in the 4x200m
gold in the team event, as he helped freestyle relay alongside team-mates Ricky
positions at the top of their Germany retain their Olympic title alongside Berens, David Walters and Ryan Lochte.
sports, while Michael Phelps Peter Thomsen, Dirk Schrade, Ingrid Phelps had looked set to win the 200m
becomes the most Klimke and Sandra Auffarth. butterfly for the third successive Games, but
At the Lee Valley White Water Centre, was beaten to the wall in the closing stages
decorated Olympian ever France’s Tony Estanguet was also by South Africa’s Youth Olympic Games
confirming his position at the top of his champion Chad Le Clos, who finished
sport by winning his third Olympic gold in strongly to pip the American by just five
the men’s canoe slalom single, following hundredths of a second. After anchoring the
previous titles in 2000 and 2004. In a USA to gold in the relay, however, Phelps
superb final run, the Frenchman finished ensured that his name was etched into the
in 97.06 seconds, 1.03 seconds ahead record books once again, having won more
of the 2012 European champion Sideris Olympic medals than any other athlete.
1 August
Day 6
Diver Qin Kai defends his 3m
synchro title while gymnast
Kohei Uchimura finally secures
Olympic gold, the host nation
wins its first gold medals of the
Games and Rubén Limardo
claims Venezuela’s first gold
medal since 1968
Chinese diver Qin Kai successfully
defended his 2008 Olympic title on the sixth
day of the Games, as he won gold in the
men’s 3m synchronised springboard diving
competition with partner Luo Yutong.
Qin won gold in Beijing four years ago
alongside Wang Feng, but teamed up with
Luo to win the 2011 World Championships
before claiming his second Olympic gold.
Japanese gymnast Kohei Uchimura,
meanwhile, was finally celebrating his
first Olympic gold after winning the men’s
individual all-around title. The four-time
world champion had to settle for silver
in Beijing in both the team and individual
events, and was second alongside his
Japan team-mates again in London before
claiming his first gold.
At Hampton Court Palace, British cyclist
Bradley Wiggins was also writing his name
into the history books, winning the time
trial to become the first man to win both
Olympic gold and the Tour de France in
the same year. “I don’t think anything in my
sporting career will ever top this,” he said.
While the host nation was celebrating its
second gold medal of the Games, following
the success of rowers Helen Glover and
Heather Stanning in the women’s pair,
Venezuela was marking just its second
Olympic gold ever – and its first since 1968.
Fencer Rubén Limardo won the men’s
individual épée, beating Norway’s Bartosz
Piasecki 15-10 in the final, having defeated
Italy’s reigning world champion Paolo Pizzo
in the quarter-finals.
“I came here to get a gold medal and I
dedicate it to my country,” he said.
2 August
Day 7
The USA’s Gabrielle Douglas clinched
the women’s individual all-around
Olympic gymnastics title following a
gripping head-to-head battle with Russia’s
Youth Olympic Games champion Viktoria
USA gymnast Gabrielle Komova at the North Greenwich Arena.
Douglas is crowned Olympic After taking an early lead thanks to a near-
faultless vault, Douglas never relinquished
champion in the women’s it, producing a series of impressive
individual all-around event, performances on each apparatus to give
the USA its third successive all-around
while China’s Zhang Jike individual title, as Komova claimed silver.
completes the table tennis At the ExCeL Arena, China’s Zhang Jike
Grand Slam as he beats became only the fourth man in history to
complete the table tennis Grand Slam,
compatriot Wang Hao adding the Olympic title to his singles
victories at the World Championships and
World Cup after beating compatriot Wang
Hao 4-1 in the final. Wang, meanwhile, was
consigned to his third successive defeat
in a men’s singles Olympic final.
There was more joy for fencer Valentina
Vezzali, however, as the 38-year-old won
the sixth Olympic gold of her career as part
of the Italian foil team, adding to the bronze
she won in the individual event.
3 August 4 August
Day 8 Day 9
Michael Phelps ended his swimming
career in customary style, winning his 18th
Olympic gold medal as part of the USA
quartet in the 4x100m medley relay. It was
Phelps’ 22nd Olympic medal and provided a
Veteran rowers Mahé Drysdale With 25 gold medals on offer, fitting conclusion to an action-packed day.
and Katherine Grainger finally “Super Saturday” provides a The women’s triathlon kicked things off in
dramatic fashion, as Switzerland’s Nicola
achieve their life-long dreams, string of highlights across a Spirig triumphed over of Sweden’s Lisa
as both finally claim Olympic number of different sports, Norden after a photo finish.
gold at Eton Dorney including the culmination USA tennis star Serena Williams then
completed a career “Golden Slam” in
The Olympic dreams of New Zealand’s of Michael Phelps’ Olympic the women’s singles by beating Russia’s
Mahé Drysdale and Britain’s Katherine career, with the American Maria Sharapova, while Guatemala’s
Grainger (below, left) were finally realised at swimmer winning a record Erick Barrondo won his country’s first ever
Eton Dorney, with both rowers clinching the Olympic medal, claiming silver in the men’s
Olympic gold medals that had eluded them 22nd medal in the pool 20km walk behind China’s Chen Ding.
throughout their decorated careers. China also dominated the badminton
Drysdale finished out of the medals in the courts at Wembley Arena, with Tian Qing
coxless four in Athens in 2004, before and Zhao Yunlei winning doubles gold and
switching to the single scull in search of solo Li Xuerui beating compatriot Wang Yihan
success. He was the gold medal favourite to claim the women’s singles title.
heading to Beijing in 2008 but ended up
finishing third. The 33-year-old finally
achieved his Olympic dream in London,
however, as he held off Ondřej Synek of the
Czech Republic to win gold in 6:57.82.
Grainger had also suffered her fair share
of Olympic heartbreak, winning three
successive silver medals, but alongside
double sculls partner Anna Watkins, the
36-year-old stormed to the Olympic title
with a commanding and emotional victory.
5 August
Day 10
Jamaica’s Usain Bolt wins
an electrifying 100m final to
defend the title he won in
Beijing, while Britain’s Ben
Ainslie becomes the most
decorated sailor in Olympic
history as the he wins the
Finn title to claim his fourth
successive gold medal
Jamaican sprint king Usain Bolt broke his
own Olympic record on the tenth day of the
Games, as he won an electrifying 100m
final in 9.63 seconds – the second-fastest
time ever. The 26-year-old – who won three
Olympic gold medals in Beijing four years
ago – recovered from a poor start to surge
through the star-studded field and win his
fourth Olympic gold ahead of compatriot
Yohan Blake and bronze medallist Justin
Gatlin of the USA.
With seven of the eight finalists running
under 10 seconds, it was the fastest race
in Olympic history, and Bolt was pleased
to cross the line first and become only the
second man – after Carl Lewis – to retain the
men’s 100m title.
“It’s always a great feeling for me to go in
there to win a gold medal and defend my
title, it’s an honour,” he said. “I’m just happy
with it, it is a fast time, the second fastest
time in the world.”
Earlier in the day, Great Britain’s Ben
Ainslie won his fourth successive Olympic
gold medal to become the most decorated
sailor in Olympic history. The 35-year-old
clinched the Finn title in front of huge
crowds in Weymouth after finishing ninth
in a tense final race, edging Denmark’s
Jonas Høgh-Christensen into the silver
medal position.
“I can’t really believe it. I’m just relieved to
have got through today,” said Ainslie
afterwards. “It was always going to be
tough. The race was one of the most nerve-
wracking experiences in my life.”
6 August
Day 11
Cuban wrestler Mijain Lopez
retains his Olympic title, while
Cyprus and Grenada celebrate
their first ever Olympic medals
Cuba’s Mijain Lopez successfully defended
his 120kg Greco-Roman wrestling title on the
11th day of the Games, defeating Heiki Nabi
of Estonia in the gold medal contest. The
four-time world champion became the third
wrestler to win multiple Olympic titles
at 120kg, joining Russia’s Alexander Karelin
7 August
Day 12
and Oleksandr Kolchynskiy of the former
Soviet Union. Iran’s Behdad Salimi (pictured above)
In the Olympic Stadium, meanwhile, confirmed his position as the strongest
19-year-old Kirani James stormed to gold in weightlifter in the world as he added Olympic
the men’s 400m to win Grenada’s first ever gold to his growing list of achievements in
Olympic medal. The reigning world champion the men’s +105kg event.
dominated the race from start to finish to win Iranian weightlifter Behdad The 22-year-old double world champion
in a new national record of 43.94 seconds – Salimi claims the men’s and snatch world record-holder secured a
becoming the second-youngest winner of the convincing win ahead of compatriot Sajjad
Olympic 400m title and only the ninth man
+105kg title, while Russia’s Anoushiravani, snatching 208kg before lifting
to ever run under 44 seconds. Ilya Zakharov ends China’s 247kg in the clean and jerk.
Cyprus was also celebrating its first dominance of the diving In the Aquatics Centre, Russia’s Ilya
Olympic medal, with sailor Pavlos Kontides Zakharov won gold in the men’s 3m
(pictured) claiming silver in the men’s laser competitions and Chris Hoy springboard event to halt China’s dominance
class behind Australia’s Tom Slingsby. wins his sixth Olympic gold of the London 2012 diving competitions
and claim Russia’s first Olympic diving gold
medal since 2000.
The lead changed between three divers
during a dramatic sixth round, but 21-year-
old Zakharov held his nerve to finish with a
forward four-and-a-half somersaults in the
tuck position – the dive of the night – to score
104.50 points.
The Velodrome also provided plenty of
drama as the track cycling events concluded,
with Chris Hoy becoming the most decorated
Briton in Olympic history by winning the sixth
gold medal of his career in the keirin.
In a thrilling final, Hoy – the defending
Olympic and four-time world champion – hit
the front with a lap to go, but was overtaken
by Germany’s Maximilian Levy on the back
straight. The 36-year-old managed to regain
the lead with a blistering finish, however, with
the home crowd erupting as he crossed
the line in first place.
8 August
Day 13
Japan’s Kaori Icho secured a record
third successive Olympic title in women’s
wrestling as the 28-year-old beat China’s
Jing Ruixue in the gold medal bout of the
63kg weight category.
Japan’s Kaori Icho becomes “I felt an explosion of happiness just after
the first three-time Olympic I finished fighting,” said the seven-time
world champion. “Thanks to the people who
champion in women’s wrestling, supported me, they helped me win.”
while Americans Misty May- Beach volleyball stars Misty May-Treanor
Treanor and Kerri Walsh and Kerri Walsh also completed a hat-trick of
Olympic titles, winning their third successive
combine to win their third gold medal in one of London 2012’s most
successive Olympic gold medal iconic venues.
Surrounded by London landmarks such as
in women’s beach volleyball
Big Ben and the London Eye, the American
duo beat compatriots Jennifer Kessy and
April Ross at Horse Guards Parade to
confirm their position as the most successful
beach volleyball team in Olympic history.
“It means the world,” said May-Treanor,
who is retiring after the Games. “It is my last
match, but I’m OK because this has been
a special finale.”
9 August
Day 14
Nicola Adams writes her name
into the history books as she
becomes the first ever Olympic
champion in women’s boxing,
while David Rudisha and Usain
Bolt light up the athletics track
Great Britain’s Nicola Adams made history as
she became the first ever female boxer to win
an Olympic gold medal after beating China’s
Ren Cancan in the flyweight final.
The 29-year-old – who was beaten by
Cancan in the finals of the 2010 and 2012
World Championships – controlled the bout
from the start to win 16-7, having floored her
opponent in the second round.
“It is a dream come true,” she said
afterwards. “I have wanted this all my life and
I have done it.”
Ireland’s four-time world champion Katie
Taylor then added Olympic gold to her
growing list of accolades, beating Russia’s
Sofya Ochigava in the lightweight final as
thousands of euphoric Irish fans raised the
roof of the ExCeL Arena.
“I wanted everyone to see how great
women’s boxing is this week and that is
exactly what we did,” said Taylor. “This is
only the start for women’s boxing and I
cannot wait to see what the sport will be like
in the next few years and at the next Olympic
Games as well.”
American Claressa Shields then
completed the London 2012 women’s boxing
competition by beating Russia’s Nadezda
Torlopova in the middleweight final, with
the 17-year-capping her swift rise to the top
of the sport with a convincing 19-12 victory.
In the Olympic Stadium, meanwhile,
Kenya’s David Rudisha produced one of the
performances of the Games to break his own
800m world record as he claimed Olympic
gold in 1:40.91, and Jamaica’s Usain Bolt
became the first man to successfully defend
both Olympic sprint titles as he added
200m gold to his growing Olympic medal
collection, crossing the line in 19.36 seconds.
10 August
Day 15
The Netherlands successfully
defend their women’s hockey
title, while Maris Strombergs of
Latvia and Colombia’s Mariana
Pajon both claim BMX gold
Defending Olympic champions the
Netherlands won the women’s hockey gold
medal thanks to a convincing 2-0 victory over
Argentina at the Riverbank Arena.
Second-half goals from Carlien Dirkse
van den Heuvel and captain Maartje
Paumen secured the country’s third
Olympic title, equalling Australia’s record
in women’s hockey.
“I’m so happy with the gold medal and the
way we played today,” said Paumen, who
scored with an unstoppable penalty corner
flick in the 54th minute – her 14th Olympic
goal – to become the leading goalscorer in
the history of women’s hockey at the Olympic
Games. “We dominated the game and from
the first minute we showed everyone in the
stadium that we wanted to win this game,”
she added. “I’m proud of the team. Every
player on the team played the best game,
that’s special if you play a final. It’s not easy
to play a good final and today we did it.”
At the BMX Track, Maris Strombergs of
Latvia and Colombia’s Mariana Pajon
won the men’s and women’s BMX titles
respectively, after two thrilling, action-packed
finals in front of a sell-out crowd.
Strombergs – who also won BMX gold in
Beijing four years ago – crossed the line
ahead of world champion Sam Willoughby, of
Australia, and Colombia’s Carlos Oquendo,
who claimed bronze. Pajon, meanwhile,
edged out New Zealand’s Sarah Walker to
take the women’s title, with Laura Smulders
of the Netherlands claiming bronze.
“I can’t believe it,” said Pajon, who
blew kisses to the capacity crowd as she
celebrated Colombia’s first gold of the
Games. “It’s like a dream come true.
I’ve been trying to win this my whole life.
It’s unbelievable.”
11 August
Day 16
Mexico shock Brazil in the
Mexico’s footballers claimed the biggest title
in their country’s history as they beat pre-
tournament favourites Brazil 2-1 in the men’s
final at Wembley to secure Olympic gold.
Oribe Peralta gave Mexico the lead after
just 28 seconds and struck again with a
team won their fifth successive Olympic
title as they beat France 86-50 in the final;
Candace Parker leading them to victory,
scoring 21 points (with 11 rebounds).
Norway also retained their Olympic title in
the women’s handball competition after
men’s football final, as Anthony superb header in the 75th minute, as Brazil’s edging the final 26-23 against Montenegro
star-studded squad – which included the thanks to Linn Jorum Sulland’s 10 goals.
Obame claims Gabon’s first- likes of Hulk, Neymar and Alexandre Pato – In the day’s other highlights, the Czech
ever Olympic medal and had to settle for silver. Republic’s David Svoboda won gold in the
Norway retain the women’s At the ExCeL Arena, Anthony Obame men’s modern pentathlon. At the Olympic
(pictured) claimed a first ever Olympic medal Stadium, Usain Bolt completed a unique
handball title for Gabon, securing silver in the men’s “double treble” as he anchored Jamaica to
+80kg taekwondo category as he beat Bahri victory in the 4x100m to repeat his three gold
Tanrikulu of Turkey in the semi-final, before medals from Beijing in 2008, while Mo Farah
losing to Italy’s Carlo Molfetta in the gold provided a thrilling conclusion to the athletics
medal contest. competition for the home crowd as he
Meanwhile, the USA women’s basketball was roared to victory in the 5,000m.
12 August
Day 17
British musical royalty including The Who, The Olympic flag was then passed
George Michael, Annie Lennox, Take That, from London mayor Boris Johnson to
One Direction and the Spice Girls helped Eduardo Paes, the mayor of Rio de Janeiro,
bring the curtain down on the London 2012 which will host the next Games in 2016.
Olympic Games during a spectacular Closing After the handover, the audience was given
The London 2012 Olympic Ceremony at the Olympic Stadium. a glimpse of what they can expect in four
Games come to an end as the The stunning finale began with the chimes years’ time, with the Olympic Stadium being
of Big Ben before taking a kaleidoscopic transformed into a Brazilian carnival scene
Closing Ceremony provides a journey through the best of British pop featuring hundreds of samba dancers.
fitting conclusion to 17 days of music, featuring some of the country’s The ceremony drew to a close with the
sport and celebration biggest artists from the last few decades. 204 individual stems of the Olympic cauldron
In front of a packed stadium of fans and separating and the Olympic flame being
athletes – as well as hundreds of millions of extinguished after 17 days of incredible
television viewers – IOC President Jacques sporting achievements and unbridled
Rogge declared the Games “happy and celebrations across the host nation.
glorious” before paying tribute to the “This may be the end of these two
volunteers and spectators, who helped make glorious weeks in London,” said London
London 2012 such a great success. 2012 Chairman Seb Coe. “But what we have
“After 17 unforgettable days, we are begun will not stop now. The spirit of these
indebted to so many tonight,” he said. Olympic Games will inspire a generation.”
Jacques Rogge
Postcards IOC President
Seb Coe
Chairman of the London 2012
Organising Committee
It has been an extraordinary hold dear in this country. The
fortnight, just amazing scenes. What British people, day after day, have
I witnessed has been both uplifting filled our stadiums and turned them
and energising. I don’t think any into theatres of sport. There have
country that has staged a Games – been 26 sports where that has
or any city that has staged a Games happened and that, for me, has
– is ever the same afterwards. We, of been, in a way, the defining part
course, have been trusted to do this of this two-week experience.
on three occasions but I do not think
that any country ever looks at itself “What I witnessed has
in the same way, and I think it has
been really important for us to be
been both uplifting
able to showcase all that we and energising”
Denis Oswald
Chairman of the IOC Coordination
Commission for London 2012
We have had excellent sporting many of them who told me that the
competitions and venues, with big Olympic Village is excellent and
and enthusiastic crowds every day. that they are very happy about the
From the beginning, the Organising Games. I am sure these Games
Committee put the athletes at the will occupy a special place in the
centre of the Games. I spoke to history of the Olympic Games.
Gilbert Felli
IOC Executive Director for the
Olympic Games
I believe we all agree that we had race, if you are an athlete, you have
fantastic Games. We could feel the so many fans, so many people
atmosphere in the stadium, in the supporting you along the road, it
city, and along the roads with all is something fantastic.
the open venues, how people were
supporting the Games and how
they were supporting the athletes. “We could feel the
All the members of the Olympic atmosphere in the
Family are thrilled with this city, how people were
outcome. Of course when you are
running a marathon or a triathlon supporting the Games
or competing in the cycling road and the athletes”
Chris Hoy
Great Britain,
cycling, six-time
Olympic champion
This is enough for me, this is
the perfect end to my Olympic
career. How can you top this?
It’s the pinnacle of everything
you’ve worked for.
It’s very hard to explain the “This is enough for
emotions. You try to contain
them for the two weeks of the me; this is the perfect
Games and stay focussed on end to my Olympic
competition and performance, career. How can you
but when you cross the line
and you hear the roar, it’s top this?”
like nothing else. I’ve never
experienced that before.
Jordan Duckitt
Torchbearer and London 2012
Young Ambassador (below, third from left)
I was supposed to be going on I get goose bumps just thinking
holiday but the organisers said they about that moment. It is the biggest
really recommend that I cancel my secret I have ever had to keep.
flights, so I did. A week before the My family knew I was somehow
ceremony, they told us to go to the involved but didn’t know why
Olympic Stadium. Danny Boyle until they saw me on television.
came in; he was so full of energy My parents watched it in a bar in
and started explaining his concept Cyprus and it must have been a
for the show. shock for them. It was such a secret
He started talking about inspiring that even the park staff couldn’t see
a generation and the Olympic torch us, so we didn’t get much chance to
and then he told us that he wanted rehearse and sometimes when we
us to light the Olympic cauldron did, it was the middle of the night. It
at the Opening Ceremony and I has been an unbelievable week and
haven’t stopped smiling ever since. I am still living off the adrenaline.
Chrystalleni Trikomiti
Cyprus, gymnastics
I had the opportunity to see lots so fast. I saw Usain Bolt at the
of the venues and to go to the Opening Ceremony and had my
Opening Ceremony, which was picture with him, as well as Michael
amazing. My hands were shaking Phelps and other big names in the
when they lit the flame. Village. It felt so nice to be amongst
These two weeks have been them. I can’t imagine feeling that
the best time of my life. It’s gone way again.
David Rudisha
Kenya, 800m
gold medallist
Pat Rodgers
Fan from USA
I’m originally from Connecticut,
but we’ve been living in London
since October. The build-up
to the Games has been really
exciting and we were really
happy to get some tickets.
We went to watch some of the
swimming and it was amazing
to see Michael Phelps and “Everyone was
Ryan Lochte – they were really
putting on a show for the cheering for everyone
crowd. It was really exciting else, no matter where
inside the venue – it seemed they were from”
like everyone was cheering
for everyone else, no matter
which country they were from.
Whatever chants started,
everyone else just joined in.
The cycling road race went by
our apartment as well, which
was pretty awesome. Everyone
here seems to have been really
fired up about the Games.
Eduardo Quemada
Spanish fan
We wanted to come to London “We’re really enjoying
because we love sports and it’s
so close to home for us; it’s the it, especially the
perfect opportunity to experience atmosphere here in
the Games. We’re really enjoying it,
especially the atmosphere here in
the Olympic Park.
the Olympic Park. The facilities are Even the weather
amazing, the stadiums look great – is not as bad as we
even the weather is not as bad
as we were expecting!
were expecting!”
Contributors: Michael Stoneman; Jason Dutch; Benjamin Mack, Deutsche Welle
Sarah de Young
Australian fan
The crowds have been really good
and the atmosphere has been
amazing so we’re really loving it.
We’ve been to see some of the
hockey matches and we’re going
to see some of the road races
as well, which you don’t need
tickets for. Everyone seems to
be having a great time and the
venues are fantastic.
The Collectors
Whether it is a lifelong passion or simply a memento of a single that collectibles are Olympic history. It’s
visit to a Games, the collecting of memorabilia is an indispensable good to encourage people – a potential
army of millions of collectors – to collect
part of the Olympic experience, as Joanna Hunter reports your history. Secondly, collecting enables
the general public to be part of the
Games. We can’t all be an athlete or go
he words on the London subway Olympex 2012, jointly organised by the Above to the event, but we can all buy a stamp
poster revealed an undeniable IOC and the British Library and subtitled Australian or a souvenir.”
truth: “Few people will collect one “Collecting the Olympic Games”. It David Blair, Despite its enormous popularity,
of these,” it read, alongside the image of a showcased some 2,500 historical stamps just one of Olympic memorabilia is not the huge
gold medal. Beneath it was a selection of and postal items from 1896 to the present the many money generator one might expect; what
London 2012 logo pins. “But everyone,” day, as well as archive footage, letters, passionate it does generate, however, is passion. Or
it concluded, “can start collecting these.” programmes, maps, and, remarkably, collectors as Maiden puts it, “P-A-S-S-I-O-N”.
Pins depicting everything from National the piece of string used to mark the end of Olympic “Collecting is the sport of the
Olympic Committees, International of the marathon race in 1908. Perhaps memorabilia spectator,” Maiden points out, quoting
Federations, the TOP Partners and London unsurprisingly, the exhibition focused a statement from the Olympex itself.
2012 official mascots Wenlock and particularly on London 1908 and 1948, “It’s all part of spreading the spirit.”
Mandeville were among those released on before bringing visitors up to date to It all began with stamps in Athens in
a daily basis during the Games. But they London 2012. 1896, when two philatelists came up with
were by no means the only collectibles on Although stamps and postal items were a clever idea to help ease the Organising
offer: tickets, medals, stamps, torches, naturally a large part of Olympex 2012, Committee’s financial woes. The Greek
coins, bunting, clothes, mascots, napkins, the exhibition was designed to appeal to government was gracious enough to oblige,
catalogues – even the subway poster – as broad an audience as possible – and and on the opening day of the inaugural
are all available. The possibilities, as far encourage them to become Olympic Games of the Olympiad, 25 March 1896,
as Olympic collectibles go, are endless collectors. As David Maiden, the IOC 12 commemorative stamps were issued
– as, it appears, is the public appetite for Philatelic Advisor and member of the IOC bearing depictions of the Acropolis, the
them, wherever and whenever the Philately, Numismatics and Memorabilia Parthenon and a statue of the Goddess
Games takes place. Commission, who oversaw the exhibition Nike, among others. From those 12 stamps
To help satisfy that appetite was points out, “The logic is grew a global obsession. ➤
“Collecting enables
the general public to
be part of the Games.
We can’t all be an
athlete or go to the
event but we can all
buy a stamp, or a
David Maiden IOC Philatelic Advisor
James Greenfelder
Right A
medley of
from a 1908
athlete’s vest is that by day three I was so much into the
to Olympic pin trading that I stopped going to events,”
postcards and he explains. “My wife got very angry.
commemorative Fortunately I didn’t miss Daley Thompson
stamps of the securing his gold medal.”
IOC Session Greenfelder’s collections – which have
in Singapore, ranged from beer steins to cinema cards,
where London and led to the creation of four websites
was elected dedicated to pins, athlete medals,
to host the participants’ medals and Olympic car
Games badges respectively – grew so vast he
had nowhere to put them. “I covered all
Coin collecting began when the first Commission, the Federation of Olympic the walls in my office with framed pins so
Olympic coins were first struck in 1951, Philately, and an international Olympic I put them on the ceiling,” he says. “I was
and, from 1980, when corporate sponsors stamp expert, attributes his passion to a working on how I could put them on the
began to create commemorative pins at childhood gift from a friend’s grandmother. floor.” Little wonder that he was able to
Lake Placid, frothing spectators into “pin “Now it’s changed,” he says, “but at the donate a collection of some 15,000 pins to
fever”, Olympic memorabilia evolved yet time there wasn’t so much to collect. the Olympic museum in Lake Placid.
again. The first Coca-Cola Official Olympic As a boy I liked sport, and stamps were Historically, collectors have tended to
Games Pin Trading Centre, established interesting because of the artwork, as well be private individuals not officially
in Calgary in 1988, attracted a crowd of as history and geography. I took a small connected with the IOC, but recognition
more than 17,000 each day. Just over book of stamps to school and showed the of the community continues to grow.
30 years later, Coca-Cola describes pin teacher, who encouraged me.” Former IOC Honorary President Juan
trading as “The No. 1 Spectator Sport Of James Greenfelder, also a member of Antonio Samaranch, himself an avid stamp
The Olympic Games”. Some Games also the IOC Philately, Numismatics and collector, was instrumental in forging a
create cult collectors items, such as the Memorabilia Commission, and widely closer association between collectors and
red mittens at Vancouver 2010. regarded as an expert on pins and medals, the IOC and even including philately in the
What drives people to collect? Maurizio fell for pin trading when he was invited Olympic charter. The Olympic Philately,
Tecardi, a member of the IOC Philately, to the Los Angeles Olympic Games as Numismatic and Memorabilia Commission
Numismatics and Memorabilia the guest of a sponsor. “The bottom line was established in 1992, and this year ➤
Near Right
Pin trading is
now an integral
feature of any
Olympic Games
Far Right
Business was
brisk at the 18th
World Olympic
Collectors Fair,
held in Athens in
May 2012
It wasn’t just the Olympic flame that got every other form of Olympic memorabilia
handed over in Athens in May this year – imaginable. And, with the start of the
the Greek capital also played host to the London 2012 Games little more than two
18th World Olympic Collectors Fair. months away, collectibles from 1908
The world’s largest Olympic naturally got special attention.
memorabilia show originally took place Alongside the Fair this year was an
at the Olympic Museum in Lausanne in Olympic Memorabilia Exhibition, charting
1994. Since then it has been held around Greece’s relationship with the Olympic
the world, from Rio de Janeiro to Beijing, Games from 1894 to the present day, and
to the 17th host city, Chicago. This year a temporary Hellenic Post office. Fittingly,
over 100 official participants flocked to the all were located in the Zappeion, the first
event, which was hosted by the IOC and known building to be constructed purely
Hellenic Olympic Committee (HOC). for Olympic use. Official participants
Open to the public as well as collectors were also lucky enough to be invited to
and dealers, this was the place to buy, the flame ceremony in Olympia. The 19th
sell, trade or even simply admire stamps, Olympic Fair, to be hosted in April 2013,
coins, pins, mascots, torches – and almost will be held in Norway.
Emily Ridlington
was blown away by
the sound of the
passionate Olympic
crowds in London
was lucky enough to travel to the and buzzing with both locals and visitors of everywhere. Teeming crowds gathered
Singapore 2010 Youth Olympic Games all ages gripped by the party atmosphere. in parks across London to watch the
as an IOC Young Reporter and witness The noise at the ExCeL boxing arena Games on giant television screens at BT
first hand how sport has the power to bring reportedly hit a high of 113 decibels for Live Sites, absorbed by the action. With
people together. The London 2012 Olympic the arrival of Irish star Katie Taylor, (a jet blankets, flags and children in tow, millions
Games proved that again but on an even engine records 140 decibels) and the became hooked on the atmosphere and
Right Horse bigger scale. The party was wherever Olympic Stadium, Velodrome and Copper engrossed by the mix of live music and
Guards Parade anybody wanted it to be as the Olympic Box – dubbed “The Box that Rocks” – were sporting action. And LOCOG ensured that
provided a spirit reverberated across the world. among other venues where fans raised
unique venue Ignited by the Olympic torch relay that lit similarly ear-splitting noise levels.
for the beach up 95 per cent of the British population Newspapers reported that up to one
volleyball within an hour of its 8,000-mile journey, million people lined the roads of London and
Below energy and enthusiasm beamed from Surrey for the men’s cycling road race on
Throngs of Britain across 16 glorious days of sporting the first Saturday of Olympic competition,
fans flocked to competition. Everyone seemed to open and the big turnout was repeated the
Hyde Park for their door to the Games, whether it was following day – despite the rain – at the
concerts and to travel to a London 2012 venue, catch women’s race and then for the cycling time
sporting action a glimpse of the Olympic torch, or simply trials, marathons and triathlons.
throughout discuss the latest Olympic news with their Even for those who didn’t have tickets
the Games neighbours. The host city itself was alive to live events, the passion was evident
Far right
The noise
levels inside
the Olympic
reached a
when Britain’s
Mo Farah won
his second
gold of the
Games in the
men’s 5,000m
Right Fans
from all over
the world
to attend
the Games,
a carnival
atmosphere in
every venue
Image 8
Chad Le Clos (RSA)
Men’s 200m Butterfly
31 July
Aquatics Centre
y goal had always been than they had been in Athens. most of it. In the final, Ondřej Synek and
to make it to the Olympic I quite enjoy that sort of pressure and myself had put a bit of distance between
Games. When I was selected generally it makes me perform better, but us and the field. I know how strong he is
for Athens in 2004 it was a really unfortunately I picked up a stomach illness in the finish, so I was trying to get away
awesome feeling. I was so excited. You during the Games. There were a lot of but he wouldn’t let me. I had a few doubts
hear stories and watch it on the TV mixed emotions at that time. I was asking whether I could hold on and in the last
and you want to be a part of it. When “Why me? Why now?” I’m very proud that 250m I had nothing left.
I got there I was a bit overwhelmed; I still managed to finish third when I wasn’t Crossing that line first was amazing:
it blew me away how good it was. Even 100 per cent, but there are no excuses. I’d been trying to achieve my dream for
something like the dining hall just I performed as best as I could and it really 12 years and I’d finally done it. When I
made me go “Wow!” gave me an appreciation of what it takes finally got that gold medal, I just couldn’t
I was in the coxless four and I really to be an Olympic champion. stop smiling. ■
enjoyed the experience, but we didn’t Coming into London, I was feeling
perform to the level I wanted to. I pretty relaxed. The support and the Right Drysdale celebrates victory in the
decided after the Games to switch to atmosphere were great; in the heats, it single sculls final at Eton Dorney
the single sculls. It was a big risk, but almost unsettled me because the crowds
thankfully it worked out and I won the were so big and the noise was more like BEIJING 2008
World Championships in 2005, 2006 and an Olympic final. Bronze: Single Sculls
2007. Going in to Beijing in 2008 was a Everything was going well for me until
completely different experience after two days before the final, when suddenly LONDON 2012
that. The media interest and the support the nerves hit me. I realised that this was Gold: Single Sculls
for me from home were so much bigger my third Games and I had to make the
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