Current Amplifier
Current Amplifier
Current Amplifier
I’m not sure I understand how current-feedback amplifiers work as compared with regular op
amps. I’ve heard that their bandwidth is constant regardless of gain. How does that work? Are they the
same as transimpedance amplifiers?
A. Before looking at any circuits, let’s define voltage feedback, current feedback, and transimpedance
amplifier. Voltage feedback, as the name implies, refers to a closed-loop configuration in which the
error signal is in the form of a voltage. Traditional op amps use voltage feedback, that is, their inputs
will respond to voltage changes and produce a corresponding output voltage. Current feedback refers to
any closed-loop configuration in which the error signal used for feedback is in the form of a current. A
current feedback op amp responds to an error current at one of its input terminals, rather than an error
voltage, and produces a corresponding output voltage. Notice that both open-loop architectures achieve
the same closed-loop result: zero differential input voltage, and zero input current. The ideal voltage
feedback amplifier has high-impedance inputs, resulting in zero input current, and uses voltage
feedback to maintain zero input voltage. Conversely, the current feedback op amp has a low impedance
input, resulting in zero input voltage, and uses current feedback to maintain zero input current.
The transfer function of a transimpedance amplifier is expressed as a voltage output with respect to a
current input. As the function implies, the open-loop “gain”, vO/iIN, is expressed in ohms. Hence a
current-feedback op amp can be referred to as a transimpedance amplifier. It’s interesting to note that
the closed-loop relationship of a voltage-feedback op amp circuit can also be configured as a
transimpedance, by driving its dynamically low-impedance summing node with current (e.g., from a
photodiode), and thus generating a voltage output equal to that input current multiplied by the feedback
resistance. Even more interesting, since ideally any op amp application can be implemented with either
voltage or current feedback, this same I-V converter can be implemented with a current feedback op
amp. When using the term transimpedance amplifier, understand the difference between the specific
current-feedback op amp architecture, and any closed-loop I-V converter circuit that acts like
Let’s take a look at the simplified model of a voltage feedback amplifier. The noninverting gain
configuration amplifies the difference voltage, (VIN+ - VIN-), by the open loop gain A(s) and feeds a
portion of the output back to the inverting input through the voltage divider consisting of RF and RG.
To derive the closed-loop transfer function of this circuit, Vo/VIN+, assume
that no current flows into the op amp (infinite input impedance); both inputs will be at about the same
potential (negative feedback and high open-loop gain)).
Vo = (VIN+ - VIN-)A(s)
Consider now a simplified model for a current-feedback amplifier. The noninverting input is the high-
impedance input of a unity gain buffer, and the inverting input is its low-impedance output terminal.
The buffer allows an error current to flow in or out of the inverting input, and the unity gain forces the
inverting input to track the noninverting input. The error current is mirrored to a high impedance node,
where it is converted to a voltage and buffered at the output. The high-impedance node is a frequency-
dependent impedance, Z(s), analogous to the open-loop gain of a voltage feedback amplifier; it has a
high dc value and rolls off at 20 dB/decade.
The closed-loop transfer function is found by summing the currents at the VIN- node, while the buffer
maintains VIN+ = VIN-. If we assume, for the moment, that the buffer has zero output resistance, then
Ro = 0ohms
The closed-loop transfer function for the current feedback amplifier is the same as for the voltage
feedback amplifier, but the loop gain (1/LG) expression now depends only on RF, the feedback
transresistance-and not (1 + RF/RG). Thus, the closed-loop bandwidth of a current feedback amplifier
will vary with the value of RF, but not with the noise gain, 1 + RF/RG. The intersection of RF and Z(s)
determines the loop gain, and thus the closed-loop bandwidth of the circuit (see BodŽ plot). Clearly the
gain-bandwidth product is not constant-an advantage of current feedback.
In practice, the input buffer’s non-ideal output resistance will be typically about 20 to 40 ohms, which
will modify the feedback transresistance. The two input voltages will not be exactly equal. Making the
substitution into the previous equations with VIN- = VIN+ - IerrRo, and solving for Vo/VIN+ yields:
The additional term in the feedback transresistance means that the loop gain will actually depend
somewhat on the closed-loop gain of the circuit. At low gains, RF dominates, but at higher gains, the
second term will increase and reduce the loop gain, thus reducing the closed-loop bandwidth.
It should be clear that shorting the output back to the inverting input with RG open (as in a voltage
follower) will force the loop gain to get very large. With a voltage feedback amplifier, maximum
feedback occurs when feeding back the entire output voltage, but the current feedback’s limit is a short-
circuit current. The lower the resistance, the higher the current will be. Graphically, RF = 0 will give a
higher-frequency intersection of Z(s) and the feedback transresistance-in the region of higher-order
poles. As with a voltage feedback amplifier, higher-order poles of Z(s) will cause greater phase shift at
higher frequencies, resulting in instability with phase shifts > 180 degrees. Because the optimum value
of RF will vary with closed-loop gain, the Bode plot is useful in determining the bandwidth and phase
margin for various gains. A higher closed-loop bandwidth can be obtained at the expense of a lower
phase margin, resulting in peaking in the frequency domain, and overshoot and ringing in the time
domain. Current-feedback device data sheets will list specific optimum values of RF for various gain
Current feedback amplifiers have excellent slew-rate capabilities. While it is possible to design a
voltage-feedback amplifier with high slew rate, the current-feedback architecture is inherently faster. A
traditional voltage-feedback amplifier, lightly loaded, has a slew rate limited by the current available to
charge and discharge the internal compensation capacitance. When the input is subjected to a large
transient, the input stage will saturate and only its tail current is available to charge or discharge the
compensation node. With a current-feedback amplifier, the low-impedance input allows higher
transient currents to flow into the amplifier as needed. The internal current mirrors convey this input
current to the compensation node, allowing fast charging and discharging-theoretically, in proportion to
input step size. A faster slew rate will result in a quicker rise time, lower slew-induced distortion and
nonlinearity, and a wider large-signal frequency response. The actual slew rate will be limited by
saturation of the current mirrors, which can occur at 10 to 15 mA, and the slew-rate limit of the input
and output buffers.