Bahasa Inggris: 250 Soal + Pembahasan
Bahasa Inggris: 250 Soal + Pembahasan
Bahasa Inggris: 250 Soal + Pembahasan
Zainal Alim
Bimbel STAN Jarak Jauh (Gratiz)- Pages FB 2013
31 | Zainal Alim
Bimbel STAN Jarak Jauh (Gratiz)- Pages FB 2013
13. Nisya : How was your holiday? 15. The population growth of Japan is
Shelly : It was nice. We enjoyed it …… relatively low …… the country succeeded
it rained all day long. in carrying out the family planning.
A. so A. because
B. because B. but
C. although C. although
D. unless D. when
According to top executives on the industry, cigarette smoking is merely a nice habit, to be
compared with the chewing gum or drinking your morning cup of coffee, and is no more addictive
that eating candies. But what is in fact the difference between eating donuts and smoking
cigarettes? It is one of possible obesity or possible death.
In the U.S. about 400,000 deaths a year can be attributed to cigarette smoking. Cigarette
makers insist that there is no proof that heart disease, even lung cancer, or any other disease, are
actually caused by cigarettes. They deny adding nicotine to cigarette; they even deny nicotine is
addictive. They say that if it was, how could 40 million Americans have given up smoking in the last
20 years. They compare it to coffee drinking and ask if coffee manufactures are accused of adding
caffeine to their coffee.
Whatever the facts are, there is no doubt however that cigarette manufacturers do try to
entice young people, even in their teens, to smoke, by advertisements and promotions that create
an image even more addictive than the nicotine in cigarettes.
16. The word “merely” in line 2 is closest in 18. The author means by the phrase
meaning to “Whatever the facts” in paragraph 3:
A. absolutely A. including the facts
B. altogether B. despite the facts
C. more than C. omitting the facts
D. only D. not knowing the facts
17. What is the attitude of cigarette 19. What kind of organization does the
manufactures to nicotine? author use in this passage?
A. it has to be added to cigarettes A. comparison and contrast.
B. it is no addictive B. hypothesis and examples.
C. it is better than caffeine C. chronological order
D. it is not as good as advertising. D. description of a process.
32 | Zainal Alim
Bimbel STAN Jarak Jauh (Gratiz)- Pages FB 2013
21. That he is very good at speaking and writing in English and Dutch are not surprising.
(A) (B) (C) (D)
23. The chapters were taught by the professor yesterday will be on next semester’s exam.
(A) (B) (C) (D)
24. The students are finishing their class projects in the room should be more diligent.
(A) (B) (C) (D)
25. The new tile pattern, red flowers on a white background, brighten up the room.
(A) (B) (C) (D)
Taklukkan ! Bahasa Inggris ini merupakan ebook ketiga yang disusun oleh
Zainal Alim.
Sebelumnya, telah ada 5 Rahasia Belajar Asyik agar Lolos USM STAN dan
7 Langkah Mudah agar Fokus Belajar dan Lolos USM STAN.
Beliau adalah praktisi pendidikan dan trainer. Saat ini bekerja di lingkungan
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Bimbel STAN Jarak Jauh (Gratiz)- Pages FB 2013
34 | Zainal Alim
Bimbel STAN Jarak Jauh (Gratiz)- Pages FB 2013
35 | Zainal Alim
Bimbel STAN Jarak Jauh (Gratiz)- Pages FB 2013
24. Jawaban : A
Kalimat itu sudah memiliki kata kerja.
Karena itu, hilangkan ‘are’ menjadi ‘The
students finishing’. Dengan demikian,
‘fishing’ berperan sebagai adjective.
Hal ini disebabkan Present Participle
berfungsi sebagai kata sifat jika tidak
disertai kata bantu. Selain itu, dalam
kalimat itu sudah ada kata kerja.
25. Jawaban : D
Rubahlah ‘brighten’ menjadi ‘brightens’
agar sesuai dengan subjek tunggal ‘The
New Tile Pattern’. Subjek tunggal
memerlukan kata kerja tunggal.
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