Test Toefl
Test Toefl
Test Toefl
1. Amanda Way’s career as a social reformer 3. The Consumer Price Index in the United States _Verb___
__verb__ in 1851 when, at an antislavery the inflation rate (Object/ Noun).
meeting in Indiana, she called for a state (A) as the primary indicate
woman’s rights convention. (B) is the indication
(A) begin (Verb 1) – present primarily
(B) began (Verb 2) – past (C) primarily indicate of
(C) have begun (Have + V3) – present perfect (D) is a primary indicator of
(D) to have begun (to + V1 ) 4. To protect her delicate hands, Fran will not rake (v1) the
2. Thomas Paine, _APP____, wrote Common yard, do (v1) the dishes, or __Paralel structure____
Sense, a pamphlet that identified the (E)Refuses to scrub bathub
American colonies with the cause of liberty. (F)Scrub the bathub
(A) writer of eloquent (G)Won’t scrub the bathub
(B) whose eloquent writing (H)Scrubbing (v-ing) the bathub
(C) an eloquent writer
(D) writing eloquent
5. The greenhouse effect (Subject) occurs (Verb) ___Object_____ (Noun Clause) heat radiated from the Sun.
A. when does the Earth’s atmosphere trap I borrow his novel (1)
B. does the Earth’s atmosphere trap x I borrow what he reads (2)
C. when the Earth’s atmosphere traps Noun Clause bisa berupa WH.Q + S + Verb
D. the Earth’s atmosphere traps What are you doing here?
6. The Rose Bowl, ________ place on New Year’s Day, is the oldest postseason collegiate football game in the
United States.
A. takes x Appositive tidak boleh diawali dengan – Subject+Verb, tobe/v1/v2, That/ In That
B. it takes x Appositive boleh di awali dengan – NP, who/ which + tobe/v1/v2
C. which takes
D. took x (v2 dari take )
7. Experiments (Subject) _Participle__ represent (Verb) a giant step into the medicine of the future.
A. using gene therapy
B. use gene therapy x
C. they use x
D. gene therapy uses
8. ________ off the Hawaiian coastline are living, others are dead.
A. While (contrast connector) some types of coral reefs ada 2 clausa yang dipisahkan dengan tanda koma
(,) membutuhkan 2 konektor untuk menghubungkan kalimat tersebut.
B. Some types of coral reefs (NP)
C. There are many types of coral reefs (S+V) x
D. Coral reefs (Noun/ S)
Particple : turunan dari kata kerja yang memiliki beberapa fungsi. Fungsinya: relative pronoun, adjective, dan sebagai
penghubung antara dua klausa yang subjectnya sama.
Participle memiliki 2 jenis : Present Participle dan Past Participle.
Present Participle:
Ditandai dengan (V-ing) – (me-…/ber-…). Digunakan untuk kalimat aktif. Macam-macam present participle
1. V-ing sebagai kata kerja
(to be + V-ing)
Contoh: The students are (tobe) studying English in class
They were reading a novel in the library.
2. V-ing yang digunakan untuk menggantikan active relative pronoun.
who, which, whom, that
e.g. the girl who stood here is my bestfriend. = The girl standing here is my bestfriend.
3. V-ing yang berasal dari active adverb clause.
Jika terdapat subject yang sama dalam suatu kalimat, maka salah satu subject dihilangkan dan digantikan dg
mengaplikasikan present participle (V-ing: Ketika…, karena…, sambil…,
e.g. When the boy saw the girl, he hid in the bedroom. Seeing the girl, he hid the bedroom.
Feeling ill, the girl cried loudly.
9. Nimbostratus clouds are thick (adjective), dark gray (adjective) clouds __Complement_ forecast rain.
A. what kalimatnya sudah lengkap, membutuhkan complement yang memodify kata benda sebelumnya.
B. which + Verb
C. what they x
D. which they x
10. Some economists now suggest that home equity loans are merely a new trap to push consumers beyond
(preposition) Object/ N_.
A. they can afford x
B. they can afford it x
C. what is affordable
D. able to afford x
11. People who reverse the letters of words (relative pronoun) _Adjective Clause_ to read suffer from dyslexia.
A. when (preposition) trying Adjective Clause: menerangkan kata benda
B. if they tried (if clause) (memisahkan 2 klausa)
C. when tried x
D. if he tries x
12. Featured at the Henry Ford Museum _verb_ of antique cars dating from 1865.
A. is an exhibit
B. an exhibit
C. an exhibit is
D. which is an exhibit
13. Rubber (Subject) from vulcanized silicones with a high molecular weight is difficult (Verb) to distinguish from
natural rubber.
A. is produced x
B. producing (v-ing)
C. that produces x
D. produced (v3)
14. That the Moon appears (Verb) considerably larger at the horizon than it does overhead is (Verb) merely an optical
A. The Moon
B. That the Moon
C. When the Moon
D. The Moon which
Past Particple ditandai dengan (V3)
Memili 3 fungsi
1. Past Participle as a Verb
Contoh: Randika has finished (has+v3) the paper well.
2. Past participle untuk menggantikan relative pronoun
Maknanya pasif
Contoh: The glass which is left in my office (relative pronoun) is broken = The glass left(past participle) in my office is
The task given by Mr. Andre has been submitted.
3. Past participle untuk passive adverb clause.
Contoh: because the boy is left by the girl, he cried loudly. = Left by the girl, he cried loudly
Paid by Josh, the pasta tastes delicious.
That Clause
Memiliki 2 fungsi:
2. That clause sebagai subject
Contoh: That Minnie couldn’t speak more than three language surprised me.
2. That Clause sebagai Object
contoh: The teacher said that the students must come to school on time
15. According to the World Health Organization, ________ there to be an outbreak of any of the six most
Adverb S
dangerous diseases, it could be cause for quarantine.
A. were
B. they were
C. there were
D. were they
Syarat Inversion:
1. Interrogative Sentence (Kalimat tanya)
Why do you come late to my birthday party?
aux S V
Are you eating sugar?
aux S V-ing
2. Kalimat yang di awali dengan adverbial expression + aux/V+S
Cobtoh: inside the house were there two bedrooms, two living rooms, and one kitchen.
Adv.Place aux S
Under the tree lies a boy.
Adv V S
3. Kalimat yang di awali dengan negative adverb + aux/verb+ S
Negative adv : under no circumstance, in no way, at no time, little, seldom, rarely, never, hardly ever, only then, only
later, not only, hardly, scarcely, barely, no sooner , etc
Contoh: hardly had I delivered my presentation when the telephone rang.
neg aux S V3
4. Conditional Sentence tanpa “If”
Tipe 1: If+S+V1, S+will+V1 = If I have the money, I will go to England = should I have the money, I will go to England
Tipe 2: If+S+V2, S+would+V1 = If I won the competition, I would buy ice cream = were I winning the competion, I would
buy ice cream.
Tipe 3: If+S+had+v3, S+would have +V3 =If I had known his phone number, I would have called him = Had I known his
phone number, I would have called him.
16. On the floor of the Pacific Ocean is (are) hundreds (Subject-plural) of flat-topped mountains more than a mile
17. Because of the flourish with which John Hancock signed the Declaration of Independence, A his name become
33. William Hart was an act best known for his roles as western heroes in silent films.
34. Prior to an extermination program earlier this century, alive wolves roamed across nearly all of North America
35. During the 1960s the Berkeley campus of the University of California came to national attention as a result its radical
political activity.
36. Artist Gutzon Borglum designed the Mount Rushmore Memorial and worked on project from 1925 until his death in 1941
37. It is proving less costly and more profitably for drug makers to market directly to patients.
38. Sapphires weighing as much as two pounds have on occasion mined.
39. Like snakes, lizards can be found on all others continents except Antarctica.
40. Banks, savings and loans, and finance companies have recently been doing home equity loans with greater frequency than
ever before.