Modul 1 Using Pronoun (Menggunakan Kata Ganti)
Modul 1 Using Pronoun (Menggunakan Kata Ganti)
Modul 1 Using Pronoun (Menggunakan Kata Ganti)
Using Pronoun
(Menggunakan Kata Ganti)
Pronoun Table
Possessive Reflexive Pronoun
No. Indonesian Subject Object
Adjective Pronoun
1 Saya I Me My Mine Myself
2 Kamu/Kalian You You Your Yours Yourself/yourselves
3 Dia (lk) He Him His His Himself
4 Dia (pr) She Her Her Hers Herself
5 Dia/Ini/Itu It It Its - Itself
6 Kami/Kita We Us Our Ours Ourselves
7 Mereka They Them Their Theirs Themselves
1. She takes her to her school.
2. I tell him about that.
3. They get me a pen.
Now we continue to Possessive Adjective and Possessive Pronoun (Sekarang kita lanjutkan ke
Possessive Adjective dan Possessive Pronoun).
Possessive = kepemilikan
Adjective = kata sifat (kata yang menerangkan kata benda)
Possessive Adjective is a word which explains the owner of a thing (Possessive Adjective adalah
kata yang menerangkan pemilik dari suatu benda).
1. My book
2. Her friend
3. Their school
Possessive Pronoun is a pronoun which explains the owner (Possessive Pronoun adalah kata
ganti yang menerangkan pemilik).
1. It is mine.
2. The children are yours.
3. The school is ours.
Reflexive Pronoun is a pronoun which reflects the subject or object (Reflexive Pronoun adalah
kata ganti yang mencerminkan subyek atau obyeknya).
There are two ways to use it (Ada dua cara untuk menggunakannya).
Look at the examples below (Perhatikan contoh-contoh di bawah ini):
1. I myself don’t come.
2. You yourself do the job.
3. He himself tells us about it.
4. They do it by themselves.
5. We repair it by ourselves.
6. She lets me do it by myself.