Construction and Building Materials: Zhi Ge, Yuanyuan Wang, Renjuan Sun, Xinsheng Wu, Yanhua Guan

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Construction and Building Materials 98 (2015) 128–136

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Influence of ground waste clay brick on properties of fresh and hardened

Zhi Ge, Yuanyuan Wang, Renjuan Sun ⇑, Xinsheng Wu, Yanhua Guan
Department of Transportation Engineering, School of Civil Engineering, Shandong University, Jinan 250061, China

h i g h l i g h t s

 Concrete with CBP had acceptable workability, strength, and durability.

 CBP had more effect on early-age strength instead of long-term strength.
 The elastic modulus was significantly reduced.
 CBP concrete had high resistance to chloride ion penetration and freezing–thawing.
 Only 10% CBP could significantly reduce the autogenous shrinkage.

a r t i c l e i n f o a b s t r a c t

Article history: The influences of partially replacing cement with ground clay-brick on properties of fresh and hardened
Received 11 May 2015 concrete were investigated. In this study, three different replacement levels (10%, 20%, and 30%) and three
Received in revised form 6 August 2015 types of clay-brick-powder (CBP) with different particle sizes (Type A, B, and C) were adopted. The test
Accepted 10 August 2015
results show that CBP reduced the slump of fresh concrete significantly as the replacement level was over
10%. All concrete specimens had similar density around 2400–2500 kg/m3. As the replacement level
increased, the early age strength decreased. However, as the curing age increased, strength of concrete
with CBP was similar to that of reference concrete. Most concrete containing CBP had 90-day compressive
strength over 50 MPa, 28-day flexural strength in the range of 10–12 MPa, and 28-day splitting tensile
Mechanical properties strength of 2–4 MPa. Static elastic modulus was between 15 and 30 GPa. The specimens had low chloride
Static elastic modulus ion penetrability with total passed charge value was less than 1742 C. After 300 freezing–thawing cycles,
Chloride ion penetrability the strength deduction and mass loss were less than 16% and 1.6%, respectively. The water absorption
Autogenous shrinkage increased with the replacement level, while the autogenous shrinkage can be reduced significantly as
Non-evaporable water over 10% of cement replaced by CBP. The non-evaporable water decreased but not proportionally to
the substitution level.
Ó 2015 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

1. Introduction sustainable. Current researches demonstrate that concrete could

be produced with cement partially substituted by clay-brick-
Cement, the key constitute in making concrete, is an essential powder (CBP) [3–6]. In China, the demolition of brick masonry
building material. In China, 2.5 billion tons of cement, which was structures due to large-scale urbanization produces huge amount
around 60% of the world cement production, was manufactured of construction waste, including large quantities of clay brick
in 2014 with an annual growth rate of 2.3%. Only 10.2 million tons which is normally landfilled. However, the landfilling of waste clay
were exported [1–2]. However, the massive production of cement brick occupies the rare land resources, especially for cities with
not only leads to substantial consumption of natural resources, but limited disposal sites. Therefore, using recycled CBP as part of
also causes environmental concerns due to significant release of cementitious material could simultaneously settle the environ-
CO2 and dust, noise, and other hazardous gases. Partially replacing mental impacts caused by cement production and waste clay brick
cement with other materials without compromising the properties disposal.
of concrete is one of the effective ways to make concrete more Normally, crushed clay brick is used to partially replace normal
aggregate for concrete production. The effects of clay brick aggre-
⇑ Corresponding author. gate on workability, mechanical properties, volume stability, and
E-mail address: (R. Sun). durability, have been studied extensively [7–16]. Concrete with
0950-0618/Ó 2015 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
Z. Ge et al. / Construction and Building Materials 98 (2015) 128–136 129

crushed coarse brick-aggregate could achieve similar compressive 100

strength as concrete with normal aggregate but higher tensile Type-A CBP
90 Type-B CBP
strength, and exhibit lower drying shrinkage [3]. However, other
80 Type-C CBP

Cumulative passing (%)

researches showed increased shrinkage and water absorption rate, Cement
and reduced workability, strength, and elastic modulus when recy- 70
cled brick aggregate was used [13]. Also, as the amount of brick 60
aggregate increased, the chloride ion penetrability increased, 50
wearing and freezing–thawing resistivity decreased. The water to 40
cement ratio and replacement level had significant influence on
concrete containing recycle clay brick aggregate.
Currently limited research was performed to study the proper- 20
ties of mortar or concrete containing ground CBP [17–19]. The 10
major factors that affect strength and elastic modulus of concrete 0
with CBP include w/cm, sand ratio, and dosage and fineness of 1.00 0.10 0.01 0.00
CBP [20]. Research indicates that compressive strength of recycled Sieve size (mm)
mortar decreased slightly when using CBP for partial replacement
Fig. 2. Grain size distribution of cement and CBP.
of cement. However, pore size distribution was improved due to
the later hydration of cement, resulting in higher later-age strength
especially after 90 days. The CBP could also effectively mitigate the
mortar expansion caused by alkali–silica reaction (ASR). The reduc- Table 2
tion increased as the content of CBP increased [6]. Water absorption and strength activity index of CBP.
This paper aims to study the influence of substitution level and Type A B C
particle size of CBP on the properties of fresh and hardened con-
Water absorption (%) 22.07 16.45 12.03
crete, such as workability, density, strength, elastic modulus, water Strength activity index (%) 67.87 59.85 40.20
absorption, shrinkage, durability, and non-evaporable water
(NEW). This study can potentially promote the usage of CBP in con-
crete, thus to reduce the cement content and conserve natural
resources, furthermore alleviate environmental pollution. CBP had larger particle size, lower absorption and strength activity index. Type B
CBP is in the middle. The SEM image (Fig. 3) indicates that CBP particles were angu-
lar and had rough surface texture.
2. Experimental materials and testing methods The coarse aggregates with two different sizes of 5–10 mm and 10–20 mm were
local limestone. For the 5–10 mm aggregate, the specific gravity and absorption
2.1. Experimental materials were 2.28% and 0.79%, respectively. These values were 2.68% and 1.13% for the
10–20 mm aggregate. The ordinary Yellow River sand was employed as fine aggre-
This study used the ordinary Portland cement with major chemical composi- gate with specific gravity of 2.49, fineness modulus of 2.97, and absorption of 2.76%.
tions presented in Table 1. The waste clay brick was obtained from demolition site. Superplasticizer from BASF was employed. The water for mixing was normal tap
As shown in Fig. 1, the clay brick mainly contains quartz, hematite, and rutile. In water.
order to get different particle sizes, the waste brick was first crushed with a jaw
breaker and then ground by the ball mill for different time. In this research, clay
brick particles with three different size distribution, labeled as Type A, B, and C, 2.2. Testing methods
were produced by different milling time. Fig. 2 shows the grading of these three
CBPs and cement. All CBPs had larger particle size than cement. Water absorption The water absorption of CBP was measured according to ASTM C128-15 [21].
and strength activity index of different CBPs are listed in Table 2. Type A CBP had Strength activity index of CBP was calculated as the ratio between the 28-day com-
smaller particle size, but higher absorption and strength activity index. Type C pressive strength of standard mortar and that of the mortar with 30% CBP.
Concrete were mixed and cured based on ASTM C192 [22]. The 7, 28, 56, and
90-day compressive strength, 28-day splitting tensile strength, and 7 and 28-day
Table 1 flexural strength were tested. The static elastic modulus was measured according
Chemical composition of cement. to ASTM C469 [23] at 28 days. The resistances to chloride ion penetration and freez-
ing–thawing were determined based on ASTM C1202-97 [24] and ASTM C666-97
Components CaO SiO2 Al2O3 MgO P2 O5 K2O SO3 Na2O [25], respectively. To measure the water absorption, the lateral and top surfaces
Content (%) 75.4 21.9 1.3 1.3 0.03 2.7 2.0 0.07 were sealed with epoxy. After getting the dry weight of the sample, the bottom sur-
face was immersed in tap water. The samples were then weighted at 24, 72, and
96 h. The absorbed water is then calculated as the mass difference.
For the autogenous shrinkage measurement, the 100  100  400 mm prism
specimen was first cured in the standard environment, demolded after 1 day, then
sealed by the plastic film and placed in the steel frame. The length change was mea-
sured by the dial gage at both ends. During the testing, concrete temperature was
also monitored. The autogenous shrinkage was calculated based on the length
change and temperature calibration. For the NEW, the dry weight of the ground
powder specimen was first obtained by drying at 105 °C for 18 h. After that, the
specimen was heated in the furnace, which was set at 950 °C, for at least 4 h. The
NEW content, which is the mass loss between 105 and 950 °C, was then calculated.

3. Experimental design

Based on the previous research [20], water to cementitious

material of 0.28 and sand ratio of 33% were adopted in this study.
Three types of CBP with different particle size (Type A, B and C) and
three replacement levels (10%, 20% and 30%) were employed. A
total of 10 mixes were tested, including a reference mix. The mix
Fig. 1. XRD patterns of CBP. proportions are listed in Table 3.
130 Z. Ge et al. / Construction and Building Materials 98 (2015) 128–136

(a) Type A (b) Type B (c) Type C

Fig. 3. SEM diagram of CBP.

Table 3
Mix proportion of concrete.

Mix. Type of CBP Replacement level (%) Cement (kg/m3) CBP (kg/m3) Aggregate (kg/m3) Water (kg/m3) HRWR (kg/m3)
1 – 0 496 0 1759 139 6.5
2 C 10 446 50 1759 139 6.5
3 C 20 397 99 1759 139 6.5
4 C 30 347 149 1759 139 6.5
5 B 10 446 50 1759 139 6.5
6 B 20 397 99 1759 139 6.5
7 B 30 347 149 1759 139 6.5
8 A 10 446 50 1759 139 6.5
9 A 20 397 99 1759 139 6.5
10 A 30 347 149 1759 139 6.5

4. Experimental results and discussion that, the strength of reference concrete became almost stable but
it increased continuously up to 90 days for concrete with CBP.
4.1. Workability and density of fresh concrete Concrete with Type C CBP had the lowest value. As for 20% substi-
tution, the compressive strength was 11.5%, 7.5%, 4.5%, 7.6%, and
Fig. 4 illustrates the effect of CBP particle size and replacement 5.2% lower than that of concrete with Type A CBP at 7, 14, 28,
level on concrete slump. In generally, concrete with coarser and 56, and 90 days, respectively.
lower dosage of CBP had higher slump. For concrete with 10% As shown in the figure, the replacement level had larger influ-
CBP, the slump was similar to the reference concrete with an aver- ence on strength than particle size. For concrete with Type B
age deduction of 27 mm. However, as the replacement level further CBP, when replacement level changed from 0 to 10%, 20%, 30%,
increased to 20% or 30%, there was an abrupt reduction in slump. the compressive strength decreased, respectively, by 8.2%, 18.3%,
The slump ranged from 23 mm to 50 mm only for concrete with 25.3% at 7 days, and 2.4%, 5.0%, 12.4% at 90 days.
Type A and B CBP. For type C CBP, the quick loss of slump happened The strength reduction could be caused by the dilution effect
as the content changed from 20% to 30%. The slump deduction was and low reactivity of CBP. Since the water to cementitious material,
mainly caused by high water absorption, angularity, and rough sur- including cement and CBP, ratio was kept constant in this study,
face of CBP. Since the finer CBP had higher water absorption, more when replacing cement with CBP, the effective water/cement ratio
water will be absorbed as more and finer CBP was added, resulting (w/c) increased due to the dilution effect, resulting in lower
in lower slump. Other research also found the workability reduc- strength. The dilution effect was less significant for finer CBP
tion caused by addition of recycled clay brick. One way to solve this because more water was absorbed due to higher water absorption
issue is to pre-soak the CBP or add extra water to compensate of finer CBP. Also, finer CBP had higher reactivity (Table 2).
absorbed water by CBP [16,26]. Therefore, the compressive strength of concrete with Type A CBP
Different from slump, the concrete with CBP had similar density was higher than that of concrete with Type B or C CBP. The contin-
as the normal concrete, regardless the particle size and replace- uous improvement of compressive strength of concrete with CBP
ment level of CBP (Fig. 5). The density was 2400–2500 kg/m3. could be caused by the internal curing and pore structure improve-
ment. Large amount of water would be absorbed by CBP at pre-
4.2. Compressive strength wetting time due to its high absorption. As the relative humidity
dropped with cement hydration, the CBP would release the stored
As shown in Fig. 6, the compressive strength was significantly water, increasing relative humidity inside concrete, promoting
influenced by CBP. In general, partial replacement of cement with cement hydration, and resulting in higher strength. As previous
CBP, regardless of particle size, resulted in a lower strength. The study showed the pore size of mortar with CBP could be refined
reduction increased as the replacement level and particle size with time due to possible pozzolanic reaction, resulting in higher
increased. The influence is more significant before 28 days. After strength at later age [19].
Z. Ge et al. / Construction and Building Materials 98 (2015) 128–136 131


180 Type-A CBP Type-B CBP Type-C CBP



Slump (mm)






0 10 20 30
Replacement level (%)
Fig. 4. Effect of CBP on slump.






1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
Mix No.
Fig. 5. Effect of CBP on density.

4.3. Flexural and splitting tensile strength 4.4. Static elastic modulus

As shown in Figs. 7 and 8, regardless of the replacement level Fig. 10 indicates that adding CBP reduced the static elastic mod-
and curing age, the particle size of CBP had non-significant influ- ulus due to the lower elastic modulus of CBP. The reduction was
ence on flexural strength. Increasing substitution of cement with proportional to the replacement level. Differently, the particle size
CBP resulted in progressively decreasing 7-day flexural strength, had non-significant effect on modulus. The average elastic modu-
which was 67.63% of the reference concrete. However, CBP had lus of concrete with Type A, B, and C CBP at replacement levels
non-significant influence on 28-day flexural strength. The 28-day of 10%, 20%, and 30% were 26.5 GPa, 21.5 GPa, and 17.0 GPa,
flexural strength for reference concrete was 11.7 MPa. The average respectively, which were 18.5%, 33.8%, and 47.6% lower than the
28-day flexural strength of concretes with Type A, B, and C CBP elastic modulus of reference concrete. Khatib also found that the
was 12.0 MPa, 11.1 MPa and 10.5 MPa at 10%, 20%, and 30% elastic modulus was reduced as more fine aggregate replaced by
replacement level, respectively. Same as the flexural strength, the recycled clay brick [14].
28-day tensile splitting strength was also similar for all different
concrete (Fig. 9). The high flexural and tensile splitting strength 4.5. Resistance to chloride ion penetration and freezing–thawing
could be caused by the shape and surface texture of CBP. The rough
surface could result in a larger adhesive force between the CBP and As shown in Fig. 11, concrete with 30% CBP had the lowest resis-
the cement matrix. Likewise, the larger surface area of angular tance to chloride ion penetration with average total passed charge
aggregate indicates that the adhesive force can be developed. of 1682 C. The higher penetrability could be caused by the high
132 Z. Ge et al. / Construction and Building Materials 98 (2015) 128–136

60 replacement level of CBP. The highest strength loss was only

0% 10% 15.2%. Therefore, concrete containing CBP had high freezing–thaw-
55 ing resistance.
Compressive strength (MPa)

20% 30%

4.6. Water absorption


Water absorption of 28-day specimen was summarized in

Table 5. In general, the absorbed water increased as the immersion
time, replacement level, and particle size increased. Concrete with
10% of CBP absorbed less water than the reference concrete possi-
30 bly due to the refined pore structure. For instance, concrete with
10% Type A CBP had the lowest 96-h water absorption of 0.109 g/
25 cm2, which was 80% relative to the reference concrete. As the
7 14 28 56 90 CBP replacement level increased, concrete absorb more water
Age (d)
because adding CBP could form more and longer capillaries due
(a) Concrete with Type A CBP to its high porosity, resulting in higher capillary force [28,29].

0% 10% 4.7. Autogenous shrinkage
20% 30%
Compressive strength (MPa)

As low water content widely used, early-age cracking due to

autogenous shrinkage have become prominent for modern con-
45 crete. One way to mitigate the autogenous shrinkage cracking is
the internal curing.
40 As shown in Fig. 12, substitution of cement with even 10% CBP
could significantly reduce the autogenous shrinkage. The concretes
35 with Type A, B, and C CBP had similar shrinkage value. The differ-
ence was less than 30 microstrain. On average, 35.9% autogenous
30 shrinkage was reduced as 10% cement was substituted by CBP.
Since the hydration of CBP was very slow or even negligible at early
age due to very low reactivity, replacing cement with CBP reduced
7 14 28 56 90
Age (d) hydration products at early age and produced lose microstructure
including less small capillary pores, which, in turn, resulted in
(b) Concrete with Type B CBP
lower shrinkage. Another possible mechanism for reduced autoge-
nous shrinkage is that the CBP had internal curing effect because of
its high absorption. Water would be released from the CBP as the
0% 10% relative humidity inside concrete dropped and keep the capillary
20% 30% porosity of the hydrating cement paste saturated, thus minimizing
Compressive strength (MPa)

the autogenous stresses and strains. This additional water will also
promote the hydration of the cement and pozzolans in the mixture.
Mansur et al. [26] also found that the shrinkage was reduced when
recycled clay brick aggregate was used in concrete, possibly due to
40 the water released from the clay brick aggregate slowly.

4.8. Non evaporable water
Fig. 13 shows that the neat cement paste had the highest NEW
25 value. The NEW values for pastes with different types of CBP were
7 14 28 56 90 similar. As the content of CBP increased, the NEW values decreased
Age (d) but not proportionally to the substitution level. On average, the
(c) Concrete with Type C CBP deductions were 4.2%, 9.8%, and 13.0% for 10%, 20%, and 30%,
respectively. It was obvious that the deduction in NEW values
Fig. 6. Effect of CBP on compressive strength.
was proportional to, but much less than the substitution level.
This phenomenon could be caused by the enhanced cement hydra-
absorption of CBP because the chloride ion penetration is directly tion due to the internal curing and the pozzolanic reactions of CBP.
related to concrete porosity [27]. However, the total charge passed
for all specimens was between 1196 C and 1742 C, which indicated
that all specimens had low chloride ion penetrability according 5. Conclusion
ASTM C1202-97.
Freezing–thawing resistance of three different concrete con- This paper studied the influence of CBP replacement level and
taining CBP and reference concrete was tested. Table 4 indicates particle size on concrete properties. The results indicate that the
that, after 300 freezing–thawing cycles, the mass of specimen CBP could be used to partially replace cement without reducing
was less than 2%. The strength change was increased with concrete properties significantly. The conclusions from experimen-
tal results are listed as follows:
Z. Ge et al. / Construction and Building Materials 98 (2015) 128–136 133

Type-A CBP
10 Type-B CBP
Type-C CBP

Flexural strength (MPa)


0 10 20 30
Replacement level (%)
Fig. 7. 7-day flexural strength.

Type-A CBP
14 Type-B CBP
Type-C CBP
Flexural strength (MPa)


0 10 20 30
Replacement level (%)
Fig. 8. 28-day flexural strength.

Type-A CBP
Splitting tensile strength (MPa)

5 Type-B CBP
Type-C CBP

0 10 20 30
Replacement level (%)
Fig. 9. 28-day splitting tensile strength.
134 Z. Ge et al. / Construction and Building Materials 98 (2015) 128–136

Type-A CBP
30 Type-B CBP

Elastic modulus (GPa)

Type-C CBP




0 10 20 30
Replacement level (%)
Fig. 10. 28-day static elastic modulus.

Fig. 11. Effect of CBP on Chloride ion penetrability.

Table 5
Table 4 Water absorption of concrete with CBP.
The mass and strength loss after 300 freezing–thawing cycles.
Mix. Type of CBP Replacement level (%) Water absorption (g/cm2)
Mix. Mass loss rate (%) Flexural strength loss rate (%) 24 h 72 h 96 h
1 0.92 1.13 1 – 0 0.105 0.136 0.137
3 0.93 10.83 2 C 10 0.093 0.118 0.123
5 1.53 6.79 3 C 20 0.118 0.134 0.139
10 0.52 15.17 4 C 30 0.162 0.181 0.184
5 B 10 0.091 0.113 0.116
6 B 20 0.139 0.163 0.168
7 B 30 0.177 0.217 0.223
8 A 10 0.083 0.105 0.109
1. CBP could reduce the slump of fresh concrete significantly as 9 A 20 0.138 0.160 0.163
the replacement level was over 10%, except for Type C CBP 10 A 30 0.104 0.122 0.122
which could be used up to 20% without large slump loss. All
specimens had similar density around 2400–2500 kg/m3.
2. As the replacement level increased, the early age strength Most CBP concrete had 90-day compressive strength over
decreased. However, as the curing age increased, strength of 50 MPa, 28-day flexural strength in the range of 10–12 MPa,
concrete with CBP was similar to that of reference concrete. and 28-day splitting tensile strength of 2–4 MPa.
Z. Ge et al. / Construction and Building Materials 98 (2015) 128–136 135

Type-A CBP Type-B CBP

Autogenous shrinkage (με)

Type-C CBP Reference






0 100 200 300 400 500 600 700

Time from mixing (hours)

Fig. 12. Effect of CBP on autogenous shrinkage.

Fig. 13. Non-evaporable water of concrete containing CBP.

3. The static elastic modulus decreased proportionally to CBP Foundation for Returned Overseas Chinese Scholars (20131792),
replacement level. The static elastic modulus ranged from 15 and Shandong Provincial Natural Science Foundation of China
to 30 GPa. (ZR2013EEM025). Sincere gratitude is given to the research labora-
4. Concrete with CBP had low chloride ion penetrability and high tory in the School of Civil Engineering, Shandong University.
freezing–thawing resistance. The total passed charge value was Authors would also thank Ms. Li Zheng for her contribution.
less than 1742 C. The strength deduction after 300 freezing–
thawing cycles was less than 16%. References
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