Discipline and Ideas

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Discipline and Ideas in the A rational mind imposes control and order in society.

d imposes control and order in society. Modernity is not only about society developing and
Social Sciences 1.HISTORICAL progressing economically or technologically usharing
Social Science 2.SOCIAL changes.
-Social Sciences is studying society. 3.CULTURAL Innovative acts in attaining modernity
-Social Sciences branch of science devoted to the study of 4.PSYCHOLOGICAL Social and cultural innovations
societies and the relationships among individuals within those 5.LINGUISTIC -Promotes national control and order
societies.  6.ECONOMIC/POLITICAL Religious groups
-Social Sciences do help in providing us the necessary *These disciplines enables us to comprehend the complexity -According to weber some religions are worth their beliefs to
perspective to understand the realities around us. of social phenomenon emphasize work-ethics and self - improvement.
What is the importance of studying Social Science? Ethnography Less superstitious and folklore beliefs
- Social science research tells us about effective public -Ethnography comes from the Greek word ethnos meaning By the end of the 19th century we had seen a lot of new
services, active participation in public policy, and engagement group pf people . modern nation or state emerging out of the former western
with local community organizations. -German word graphein which means description. empires and breaking out of the clutches of imperial
-It helps people understand and engage with the key political -It is a detailed description of a specific cultural and social monarchic power and traditions.
and social institutions, thus benefiting individuals and society group that become a central methodological piece of Radical societal changes
as a whole. discipline of anthropology. -Including the rise of democracies, the
What comprises society? -It is an example of how social scientists think about and -spread of religious pluralism and secularization the european
Society engage the notion of society. location of other parts of the world increased social mobility
-Structured relations among institutions among a large *Every day life in Social Science and literacy and the growth of industrial society.
community of people which cannot be reduced to simple -Pattern of activities of people within a society. Growing emphasis on reason and experience
collection or aggregation of individuals. (Giddens and Sutton, -A good source of information about the structure of life of -Rise of modern science and technology.
2007). someone. New understanding of human self and politics.
*When we study our own society, we also examine ourselves Concept of Rationalization (by Max Weber) Modernity has become a blueprint of the city that promotes
and the community where we belong. -Rationalization refers to replacement of tradition, values and individualism and organic solidarity.
*Commentaries and critiques need not to be blunt or emotions as motivators for behavior in society. Emile durkheim
straightforward thus they could be artistic and symbolic. -In a society, human actions, behaviors, patterns of activities -father of sociology and anthropology
Forms of Expressions/ and decision- making are done in a logical manner. -Provided the foundation of modern social science
Commentaries -Rise of Scientific study Functionalism
Graffiti -Development of Capitalism -Society should always strive to be coherent and orderly each
Advertisements -Introduction of bureaucracy institutions does its job.
Political Effigies Modernity -Cultural and social institution are created to perform certain
Installation Art -The self definition of a generation about its own technological functions that will contribute to the overall health of society.
Cinema innovation, governance and socioeconomics. Organic solidarity
Literature -Is a concept that deals not only with the shape in the physical -Independence among differentiated members who are
Social Action and material conditions of society but also with the mental unrelated.
Society vs Nature and behavioral shifts among people. -Overall harmony is paramount.
Nature -Characterized by the presence of urbanism and capitalism Mechanical solidarity
-An image of random and unstructured forces that shape a Urbanism -Basis of cooperation and societies integration is due to
given area. -Is the study of how inhabitants of urban areas interact with similar experiences.
-Events are unrestrained and dynamic the built environment. -Same type of activities ,same area, same lifestyle and Etc.
-The patterns and laws follow an amazing uniformity Capitalism In the end, modernity serve as a counterpoint to traditional
Society -An economic and political system in which a country's trade society.
-Organized, structured, formalized and bound by rules. and industry are controlled by private owners for profit, rather Primitive community
-Idea of Rationalization by Max Weber than by the state. -Consists of small community
-A rational mind imposes control and order in society. Modernity was a phenomenon which challenged the west in -Consists of tribes
the late 19th to 20th century -Smaller in scope
-Gemeinshaft -Nature-  environment: social structures that provides a social 3.Focus- Group discussion- facilitating discussions with a
Modern nice society context of collective action or social phenomena. number key informant guided by the researcher's agenda.
-Civilized society -Culture- shared and collective actions: ideas values are 4.Life history method- in-depth emanation of the social
-Consists of various groups of people demonstrated,exhibited and produce and produced by a phenomenon from the lens of the personal life story of a key
-Bigger scope particular group of people. informant.
-Gesselschaft -Social structure- patterns: of behavior and interaction with 5.Ocular inspection- familiarization with the location and
Social ills have been institutionalized overtime. physical context of the subject area.
-Idea of social class -Action-decisions: activities and interaction made by human Classical frameworks: Evolution and Function
-Class conflict or (working class vs. ruling class) beings in the context of their particular social world. Selfies- is a common phenomenon among us where we aim
-Alarming rate of poverty Academic Discipline of Social Science to document our life and show it via social media.
Positivism Anthropology- scientific study of human, human behavior and Selfie culture- example: groufie, monopod and level up
-Positivisme which means something imposed on the mind by societies in the past and present. standards.
sensory experience. Archaeology- study of human past using material remains. How do we see social reality how should we see it and how
-A philosophy which believes that scientific thought is a Economics- the branch of knowledge concerned with the do we intend to change or reform
superior knowledge than superstition and religion. production, consumption and transfer of wealth. -Theories are our explanatory models where we could
-Each shape the way what society should be studied Geography- study of places and the relationship between analyze, examine and interpret what we see and experience
-scientific mindset. people and their environments. about life ,society and humanity.
-Scientific method - system of techniques of research History- study of past -Across many decades since the formal founding of social
Auguste comte Law- system of rules which a particular country or community science as an academic discipline in the west, there are have
-Proponent of positivism. recognizes as regulation in the think of its members. been many forms of social theories.
-Biology and metaphysics are flawed since they could not be Linguistics- the scientific study of language and its structure. -In contemporary social science theories the analogy for
proven empirically. Politics- academic of study of government and the state. theoretical perspective is commonly expressed by the word
Social facts Psychology- scientific study of the human mind and its lens to  connote that there are various ways.
-Hard evidences of social phenomena are important. functions, especially those affecting behavior in a given The human body
-The prime mover of our actions can be discover highlighted context. -This is a basic and fundamental classical social theories
and examine. Sociology- the study of the development, structure and begin.
Social scientist functioning human society. -We as people who are conscious about our one bodies and
-Prime mover of actions The aim of every social science is to characterize the nature body of the other people give meaning to this biological entity
-Determine dancer armed with positive mindset and use of of human being as a crucial and social entity.
scientific method. Field work Vitruvian man
Establishing the Framework of Social Science -Is the special social research technique of going to field -The vitruvian man was made by lady nardo da vinci in about
*What is the science and the social behind the study of conduct a face to face study of the subject matter. 1490 based on the work of the roman architect VITRUVIUS.
society? -Applied social science disciplines benefit a lot from fieldwork -It represents the beauty,complexity and symmetry of the
-The term social science is a body of and face-to-face, primary and first-hand data-gathering social human frame.
knowledge characterized by an issues events and concerns. -It also represents the vinci's passion for the art , designs and
objective to understand what Ethnography the philosophy of the medical field.
society is and what does it do to -Is a special methodology in social science that aims to Understanding the nature of society based on nature
people living inside it. describe what's constitutes a particular social phenomenon -Classical social theories do provide the foundation.
-society is and what does it to do people living inside it. -Has been very useful because of the nature of data that it -Drawing from the long and rich intellectual tradition in
-The world social situates  the whole discipline in people and figures gather from people, which could not be easily derived philosophy centuries before the age of modernity in
their social context. by a quantitative and statistical method. particularly, the 18th century two or early 19th century those
Theorizing society through social science disciplines Basic ethnographic techniques ideas developed mainly as a response to the most important
Fundamental concept 1.Participant observation- actual and physical participation of discourse at the time:modernity.
-Individual - social actors: active, mindful,conscious, decision the research in group activities. Evolution
making 2.In-depth interviews- formal and detailed interview of key Human evolution
-Human evolution is the lengthy process of change by which -habitats thrive while those that failed to evolve and reproduce
people originated from up ape-like ancestors. died off.
-Scientific evidence shows that the physical and behavioral *Evolutionism became darwinism which aims to promote the
traits shared by all people originated from a ape-like concept of "Survival of the fittest".
ancestors and evolved over a period of approximately 6 White man's burden
million years. -Connotes the white race has the divine responsibility to help
-One of the earliest defining human traits is bipedalism- the and assist the weaker races.
ability to walk on two legs evolved over four million years ago. Function
-Important common characteristics such as a large and David emile durkheim
complex brain, the ability to make and use tools and the -April 15 1858 to november 15 1917 was finished sociology
capacity for language development more recently. social psychologists and philosopher.
-Many advanced traits including complex symbolic expression -He is the father of sociology.
art and elaborate cultural diversity and merge in mainly during -He established the academic discipline with (Karl Marx and 
the past 100,000 years. Max Weber )is commonly cited as the principal architect of
-Human are primates physical and genetic similarities show modern social science.
that the modern human species homo sapiens has a very Functionalism
close relationship to another group of primate species the -Mental states are identified by what they do rather than by
apes. what they are made of.
-The fossils of early humans who lived between 6 and 2 -This can be understood by thinking about artifacts like mouse
million years ago come and entirely  from africa. trap and keys.
*Evolutionist thought declares that nothing is permanent in Structure
this world nor created from nothing. -Is an arrangement and organization of interrelated elements
Charles darwin in a material object or system or the object or system, so
-Natural is charles darwin was born in shrewsbury england on organized.
february 12 1809. Social cohesion and integration
-He embarked on a five-year survey voyage around the world -Are important to keep all the parts functioning together as a
on the HMS beagle. single unit toward a common goal.
-He studies the specimen around the globe and led him to Society creates structure in order to give people's lives
formulate his theory of evolution and his views on the process meaning and purpose.
of natural selection. Types of production
-In 1859 he published on the origin of species. Household-based production
-He died on april 19 1882 in london. -The entire process occurs in the level of the household or its
Theory of evolution immediate community.
-Darwin's exposure to the specimen all over the globe raise Factory- based production
important questions. -Requires bigger labor force and specialized activities to
-Other natural is believed that all species either came into ensure mass production of products.
being at the start of the world or were created over the course Factors affecting the production
of natural history. - physical description of location
-Darwin notice similarities among species all over the globe -Number of for workers/ participants
along with the variation based on specific location lending him -Task and responsibilities of participants
to believe that they had gradually evolved from the common -Behavior and values promoted in this particular work area.
ancestors. Marcel mauss
-He came to believe in that species survive through a process - a french sociologist
called natural selection where species that successfully -The nephew of emile durkheim
adapted to meet the changing requirements of their natural -His academic work traversed the boundaries between
sociology and anthropology.
Oral Communication -The beliefs, customs, arts of a particular society
Communication 1. Verbal and Non Verbal Dimension
-two way process of exchanging information, ideas and Functions of Communication a. “Fast Talk” – “Slang”
feelings between two or more persons either verbally or non Regulation and Control. b. Symbol“OK” and Gesture “Okey”
verbally through a medium. -being able to use language, gestures and emotions to c. High Context Culture – leave messages unspecified.
-Communication is stirring up the mind of another. manage individual or group. 2. Oral and Written Dimension
-Communication is sharing of experiences publicly for the Examples: “Industrialized Nations “
common good - Monroe et al. -A parent telling child not to misbehave UK, Canada, Germany and US -rely heavily on electronic and
-Communication has to be learned and mastered- Pace et al. -Policeman directing pedestrians not to jay walk but cross on technology and emphasizes written messages over face to
The word communication is derived from the Latin word pedestrian lane face communication.
communicare, which means to share, impart, participate, Social Interaction 3. Formal/ Informal Dimension
exchange, transmit or to make common. It emphasizes on -Most popular and primary reason why people communicate. In some culture, personal bonds and informal agreement are
sharing common information, ideas and Examples: far more binding than any formal contract.
messages. It is not merely issuing orders and instructions. Family 4. Intentional/ Unintentional Dimension
-Communication is an exchange of information between two Friends Bonding A.Meeting Deadlines
or more people either verbally and non verbally using a Motivation B.Direct vs Indirect
channel. -this is when the speaker's purpose is to persuade or try to C.Caring vs I don’t care statements
-Communication as a complex process has eight (8) persuade another person to change his/her opinion, attitude How does Culture influence Communication Dimensions?
Elements. or behavior. 1.It affects how people interpret the message.
*THE NATURE AND ITS PROCESS -Examples: 2.It affects how people response and give feedback to the
Examples: -Convincing friends to go to mall message sent.
-Calls, Chats, E-Mail and Letters -Rally Speech 3.It influences the totality of a message.
-Non Verbal/ Gestures Information CULTURE dictates the message, language and dimensions
-Group Talks -used when the speaker wants to make others aware of of communication to be used.
Elements of Communication certain data, concepts and processes- knowledge that may be Elaborating the Influence of GENDER on the Dimensions of
1.Speaker- chooses his/her purpose and crafts accordingly useful to them. Communication
and decides how to deliver it. Examples: 1. Verbal/ Non Verbal
2. Message- this is what needs to be delivered or imparted to -Officers Meeting -Men used assertive words and expect to be understood.
somebody else. -Class Discussions -Women are non-confrontational in their language especially
3. Listener- receives the message. -News Reports with men.
4. Channel- the means by which the message is sent. Emotional Expression -But today Women can be loud and assertive
There are five channels: ears, eyes, nose, skin and tongue -It is when the speaker appeals to the listener's feelings and Ex: Juana Change who doesn’t mince her words when it
5. Response- the only way the speaker knows that the emotions to encourage him/her to act in a particular decision. comes to politics.
message is received. Examples: -And now men can talk about their feelings and cry
6. Feedback- the result of the monitoring of the listener's -Pictures of the devastation Ex: Gary Valenciano
response. of Yolanda 2. Oral/ Written Dimension
7. Noise - is any barrier to communication -Love letters/ Videos -Filipino women written messages are supposed to be indirect
Physical Noise- actual noise The Influence of Culture in Dimensions of Communication and circuitous.
Physiological Noise- when the body become a hindrance to Dimensions of Communication Ex: Days of Maria Clara
communication. 1.Verbal and Non Verbal -But now Filipino women write beyond what was once thought
8. Communicative Situation- has two components this is the 2.Oral and Written to be safe topics for women.
physical location and psychological location. 3.Formal and Informal Ex: Nora Aunor on the Flor Contemplacion Story
Physical setting or physical location - usually chosen for the 4.Intentional and Unintentional 3. Formal/ Informal Dimension
purpose it will serve. CULTURE -Women are expected to wear corporate attire in a job
Psychological Setting- depends on the participants. -A set of shared values of a group of people holds interview but men can get away wearing denim jeans.
-Way of thinking and behaving
-We call everyone by their nicknames even the President and Fourth Model Informal- bypasses the links, skips forward or backward or
the person we meet and talk “Ate and Kuya” Eugene White(1960) even go sideways to achieve the same goals.
-Teachers are called “Mrs.” and “Ms.” even if their first names -communication is a circular and countinous without a Ex: Secretary sharing the announcements to a co-worker
are used. beginning or end. e. Intercultural Communication
-Male bosses in the Philippines usually uses three initials . -concept of feedback -- refers to the exchange of concepts, traditions, values and
Ex: “MVP” for Manny V. Pangilinan -Feedback is the perception by the speaker about the practices between and among people of different nationalities.
“JZA” Jaime Zobel De Ayala response of the listener. Example:
4. Intentional/ Unintentional Dimension SPEECH CONTEXT -Roundtable Discussion on the exchange of views about how
-Filipinos loves to smile A LOT. -Communication may be classified into different we relate with our families.
-How ever smiles may express different emotions not just types based on the number of participants and that is what we -A chinese giving lecture about managing business to Filipino
happiness. call Speech Context. entrepreneurs.
Ex: A student smiling during an exam may make the teacher *There are two major levels of communication Speech Styles
think that the exam is easy or smile may mean nervousness -Intrapersonal Communication 1.INTIMATE
about being able to answer all the questions. -Interpersonal Communication - a non-public style that uses private vocabulary and includes
Final Thoughts 1. Intrapersonal Communication non- verbal messages. This occurs among people who have
-Effective Speaker uses verbal and non verbal communication -It refers to the communication with one’s self. known each other for a long time.
efficiently in sending message to the listener. Ex. Example: Bestfriends eye contact when they see someone
First Model Writing in a diary related to them.
Aristotle Examining and analyzing your final answer in an exam 2. CASUAL
-focus on the speaker and the message the most important Deciding what to eat - a speech style used among friends and acquiantances that
part in this model is the setting where the listener is situated it 2. Interpersonal Communication do not require background information. There is a free and
is the setting that aristotle model . -It refers to communication between and among people. easy participation of both speaker and listener.
The three settings that aristotle model: There are different types of Interpersonal communication: Example: Buying goods in the market
1. Legal setting-meant the courts for ordinary people a. Dyadic Communication Telling a friend how your day went.
defended themeselves. b. Small Group Communication 3. CONSULTATIVE
2. Deliberative settting-meant to be political assemblies the c. Public Communication - a speech style opposite to intimate style because this style
highest of which was the roman senate. d. Mass Communication is used precisely among people who do not share common
3. Ceremonial setting-meant to be celebrations held when e. Organizational Communication experiences or meaning.
they won a war when they lose a leader or had a new one. f. Inter-Cultural Communication Example: Patient and Doctor Discusssion
Second Model a. Dyadic Communication Boss and Manager Meeting
Claude Shannon and Warren Weaver(1948) - communication that involves two participants 4. FORMAL
-Which give us the concept of noise. b. Small Group Communication - used only for imparting information. The speech is well
-This is called the telephone model because it is based on the - requires from 3-15 people to study an issue or discuss a organized and correct grammar and diction.
experience of having the message interfered by the noise problem and come up with a solution or plan. Example: President speech about SONA
from the telephone switchboard back in (1940). c. Public Communication A job interview
-They assert that the message sent by the source or the - one speaker addresses many listeners, collectively known 5. FROZEN
speaker is not necesarily the message receive by the as audience and usually done formally. - a formal style whose quality is static, ritualistic and may
destination or the listener this is due to intervention of noise or d. Mass Communication even be archaic.
anything that hampers the communication. - above any human verbal transaction carried out with the aid Example: Pledge of Allegiance
-example:drop calls that cause echoes or faint signals. of mass media technology. Oath of Office of student council
Third Model e. Organizational Communication TYPES OF SPEECH ACTS
Wilbur Schramm(1955) - refers to the interaction of members along the links in an 1.Locutionary Act
- as the father of mass communication. organizational structure. -is the basic act of utterance, or producing meaningful
-communication can take place if and only if there is an Types of Organizational Communication linguistic expressions. Performing an act of saying something.
overlap between the field of experience of the listener. Formal- uses the proper channels graphically Examples:
Like the signal. Ex: Memos, Announcements and Reports What? (when someone is surprised)
Yipeee ( an expression of happiness and excitement)
2.Illocutionary Act
-is not just saying something itself but the act of saying
something with an intention.
-Stating opinion, confirming or denying something
-making prediction, a promise, a request
-Issuing order or a decision
-Giving advise or permission
There's too much homework in this subject. (opinion)
I'll do my homework later. (promise)
Go do your homework. (order)
3.Perlocutionary Act
- this is seen when a particular effect is sought from either the
speaker, the listener or both. The aim of a perlocutionary act
is to change feelings, thoughts or actions.
"I was born a Filipino, I will die a Filipino." (inspiring)
"It is the bleak job situation that forces, Filipinos to find job
overseas." (persuading)

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