Physics BY NKC Sir: Wave Optics

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1. Diffraction and interference of light refers to :–

(A) quantum nature of light (B) wave nature of light
(C) transverse nature of light (D) electromagnetic nature of light
2. The phenomenon of diffraction of light was discovered by :–
(A) Huygens (B) Newton (C) Fresnel (D) Grimaldi
3. Sound waves shows more diffraction as compare to light rays :–
(A) wavelength of sound waves is more as compare to light rays
(B) wavelength of light rays is more as compare to sound waves
(C) wavelength of sound waves and light ray is same
(D) none of these
4. The conversation going on, in some room, can be heared by the person outside the room. The reason for it is :–
(A) interference of sound (B) reflection of sound (C) diffraction of sound (D) refraction of sound
5. Diffraction initiated from obstacle, depends upon the
(A) size of obstacle (B) wave length, size of obstacle
(C) wave length and distance of obstacle from screen (D) size of obstacle and its distance from screen
6. Phenomenon of diffraction occurs :–
(A) only in case of light and sound waves (B) for all kinds of waves
(C) for electro-magnetic waves and not for matter waves (D) for light waves only
7. Diffraction of light is observed only, when the obstacle size is :–
(A) very large (B) very small
(C) of the same order that of wavelength of light (D) any size
8. Which of the following ray gives more distinct diffraction :–
(A) X-ray (B) light ray (C)  –ray (D) Radio wave
9. All fringes of diffraction are of :–
(A) the same intensity (B) unequal width (C) the same width (D) full darkness
10. A single slit of width d is placed in the path of beam of wavelength  The angular width of the principal
maximum obtained is :–
d  2 2d
(A) (B) (C) (D)
 d d 
11. Direction of the second maximum in the Fraunhofer diffraction pattern at a single slit is given by (a is the width
of the slit) :–
 3 3
(A) a sin   (B) a cos   (C) a sin  (D) a sin  
2 2 2
12. Angular width () of central maximum of a diffraction pattern of a single slit does not depend upon :–
(A) distance between slit and source (B) wavelength of light used
(C) width of the slit (D) frequency of light used
13. Red light is generally used to observe diffraction pattern from single slit. If green light is used
instead of red light, then diffraction pattern :–
(A) will be more clear (B) will be contract (C) will be expanded (D) will not visualize
14. Calculate angular width of central maxima if  = 6000 Å, a = 18 × 10–5 cm :–
(A) 20° (B) 40° (C) 30° (D) 260°
15. In single slit Fraunhoffer diffraction which type of wavefront is required :–
(A) cylindrical (B) spherical (C) elliptical (D) plane
16. In the diffraction pattern of a single slit aperture, the width of the central fringe compared to widths of the other
fringes, is :–
(A) equal (B) less (C) little more (D) double
17. Central fringe obtained in diffraction pattern due to a single slit :–
(A) is of minimum intensity (B) is of maximum intensity
(C) intensity does not depend upon slit width (D) none of the above

18. In a single slit diffraction pattern, if the light source is used of less wave length then previous one. Then width of
the central fringe will be :–
(A) less (B) increase (C) unchanged (D) none of the above
19. In the laboratory, diffraction of light by a single slit is being observed. If slit is made slightly narrow, then
diffraction pattern will :–
(A) be more spreaded than before (B) be less spreaded than before
(C) be spreaded as before (D) be disappeared
20. Find the half angular width of the central bright maximum in the Fraunhofer diffraction pattern of a slit
of width 12 × 10–5 cm when the slit is illuminated by monochromatic light of wavelength 6000 Å.
(A) 40° (B) 45° (C)  (D) 60°
21. In a Fraunhofer's diffraction by a slit, if slit width is a, wave length  focal length of lens is f, linear width of central
maxima is :–
f fa 2f f
(A) (B) (C) (D)
a  a 2a
22. In a Fraunhofer's diffraction obtained by a single slit aperture, the value of path difference for n th order of
minima is :–
(2n  1) 
(A) n (B) 2n (C) (D) (2n–1)
23. A polariser is used to :
(A) Reduce intensity of light (B) Produce polarised light
(C) Increase intensity of light (D) Produce unpolarised light
24. Light waves can be polarised as they are :
(A) Transverse (B) Of high frequency (C) Longitudinal (D) Reflected
25. Through which character we can distinguish the light waves from sound waves :
(A) Interference (B) Refraction (C) Polarisation (D) Reflection
26. The angle of polarisation for any medium is 60°, what will be critical angle for this :
(A) sin–1 3 (B) tan–1 3 (C) cos–1 3 (D) sin–1
27. The angle of incidence at which reflected light is totally polarized for reflection from air to glass (refractive index n)
1  1 
(A) sin–1 (n) (B) sin–1   (C) tan–1 n (D) tan–1 (n)
n  
28. A polaroid is placed at 45° to an incoming light of intensity I0. Now the intensity of light passing through polaroid
after polarisation would be :
(A) I0 (B) I0/2 (C) I0/4 (D) Zero
29. Plane polarised light is passed through a polaroid. On viewing through the polariod we find that whe n the
polariod is given one complete rotation about the direction of the light, one of the following is observed.
(A) The intensity of light gradually decreases to zero and remains at zero
(B) The intensity of light gradually increases to a maximum and remains at maximum
(C) There is no change in intensity
(D) The intensity of light is twice maximum and twice zero
30. A ray of light is incident on the surface of a glass plate at an angle of incidence equal to Brewster's angle . If µ
represents the refractive index of glass with respect to air, then the angle between reflected and refracted rays
is :
(A) 90 +  (B)sin–1 (µcos ) (C) 90° (D) 90° – sin–1 (sin/µ)
31. A beam of light strikes a glass plate at an angle of incident 60° and reflected light is completely polarised than
the refractive index of the plate is:-
(A) 1.5 (B) 3 (C) 2 (D)

32. Polarised glass is used in sun glasses because :
(A) It reduces the light intensity to half an account of polarisation
(B) It is fashionable
(C) It has good colour
(D) It is cheaper
33. When unpolarized light beam is incident from air onto glass (n=1.5) at the polarizing angle :
(A) Reflected beam is polarized 100 percent
(B) Reflected and refracted beams are partially polarized
(C) The reason for (A) is that almost all the light is reflected
(D) All of the above
34. When the angle of incidence on a material is 60°, the reflected light is completely polarized. The velocity of the
refracted ray inside the material is (in ms–1) :
 3 
(A) 3 × 108 (B)   × 108 (C) 3 × 10
(D) 0.5 × 108
 2


Que . 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20
Ans. B D A C B B C D B C D A B B D D B A A C
Que . 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34
Ans. C A B A C D D B D C B A A C

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