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Mathematics 263 Written Assignment 1

Written Assignment 1. Methods for First Order ODEs

Due Saturday 10th February 2024

1) For the ODE

y ′ = cos2 (x) cos2 (2y),

(a) Find/state all the values of the constant C so that y(x) = C for all x is a constant solution of the
(b) Solve the stated ODE as an initial value problem with y(0) = π/8.
(c) For the solution in (b) what is limx→+∞ y(x) and limx→−∞ y(x)?

2) Solve the initial value problem

y ′ + y = (x + 1)e−x , y(1) = e−1 .
What is the interval of validity of the solution?

3) Show that the differential equation

(y/x + 6x)dx + (ln(x) − 2)dy = 0, x>0

is exact, and hence find the general solution.

4) Show that the differential equation

ydx + (2xy − e−2y )dy = 0

is not exact. Find an integrating factor to make it exact. Solve it.

5) For the Bernoulli equation

y ′ + y = sin(x)y 3

(a) By making a suitable change of variables find the general solution (as an implicit solution).
(b) Hence, find an explicit solution for the ODE with the initial condition y(0) = −1.

6) By making a suitable change of variable, solve the ODE

(y 2 + x2 + xy)dx − (x2 )dy = 0.

State the solution in explicit form if possible.

7) By making a suitable change of variable, solve the ODE

dy π 
4 cos(4y − x) = sin + x − 4y − sin(4y − x).
dx 2
Rewrite the solution as an explicit solution if you can.
Mathematics 263 Written Assignment 1

8) (a) Sketch the direction field for the ODE

′ x2
y =
y(1 + x3 )

(b) Solve the ODE subject to the initial condition y(0) = 1.

(c) Sketch the integral curve corresponding to the solution in (b) onto the direction field in (a).
(d) What is the interval of validity of the solution to the IVP in (b).


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