Apparel Merchandising (Oe)
Apparel Merchandising (Oe)
Apparel Merchandising (Oe)
(Skill Track)
Programme Structure
Course Objective:
This course helps the students to get a preview to develop merchandising skills for apparel products. This
course covers the basic knowledge of fashion; textile and apparel industry, Safety Management and
introduction to merchandizing,
Course Contents:
Module-I: Fashion Terminology
The Language of fashion – Introduction to fashion concept; Definitions and meaning, Classification,
Style, Change, Acceptance, Taste, Look, Trends, Season; Color, Texture, Fit, Comfort, Brand or Designer
Label, Fashion cycles. Adoption Theories – Trickle down, Trickle up, Trickle-across and Laver's law.
Fashion clothing categories, Styling & Size range - Women’s wear, Men’s wear Children’s wear
Components A L CT EE
Weightage (%) 05 10 15 70
Course Objective:
This course focuses on the awareness about apparel business plans, market target is and design brief.
Scopes of this course include Market trend assessment, Determine design brief, Identification of Design
brief and analyze.
Course Contents:
Examination Scheme:
Components A L CT EE
Weightage (%) 05 10 15 70
(A-Attendance; L- Learning Assignments; CT-Class Test; EE-End Semester Examination)
Course Objective:
This course is aimed to understand the merchandiser’s way to set the objectives to develop the product
given following the work flow and the norms required. This course covers preparation of Bill of
Materials, Identification of Vendor or Supplier and Evaluation of different parameters.
Course Contents:
Module-I: Vendor Identification.
Vendor database - Method of Identify the vendors for initial development and confirmation on bulk if
approved, Method of update the Vendor database, Swatches collection - Collect all kind of relevant
swatches to meet the design brief from fabrics to trims and get confirmation on the same.
Appropriateness of Tech-pack - Method of appropriate personnel are consulted with to confirm
Examination Scheme:
Components A L CT EE
Weightage (%) 05 10 15 70
(A-Attendance; L- Learning Assignments; CT-Class Test; EE-End Semester Examination)
Course Objective:
This course helps the students to learn how to develop the samples against the design brief for analyzing
and getting it confirmed for bulk production as well as how to plan and process for production. The scope
of this course is Prototype Preparation and Merchandise plan.
Course Contents:
Module-I: Prototype Preparation
Specification sheet follow-ups - Procedure of check the specification sheet prepared in accordance with
standard format. Preparation, coordination and confirmation of pattern cutting, detailed drawings and
mini- markers. Preparation, coordination and confirmation of patterns developed are according to the
shrinkage report, tested and received. Procedure and method of checking of assembled garments
according to specifications sheet and accepted garment assembly techniques. Prototype test report –
Procedure and method of Prototype sent for test report either according to company norms or as per the
buyers standards requested.
Examination Scheme:
Components A L CT EE
Weightage (%) 05 10 15 70
(A-Attendance; L- Learning Assignments; CT-Class Test; EE-End Semester Examination)
Course Code: VFD2551 Credit Units: 03
Course Objective:
This course focuses on the method of organizes and coordinates the pre-production meeting and a well
prepared pre-production file.
Course Contents:
Module-I: Updating Time & Action Calendar (TNA)
Time & Action Calendar (TNA) Follow-ups- Procedure and method of updated on the TNA prepared.
Procedure and method of coordination with all departments in the organization. Procedure and method of
check on mainly with status on the warehouse to know if the raw materials, trims and all necessary
ordered are getting in-house on time.
Examination Scheme:
Components A L Practical EE
Weightage (%) 05 10 15 70
(A-Attendance; L- Learning Assignments; CT-Class Test; EE-End Semester Examination)
Course Objective:
This course is aimed to understand how the merchandiser coordinates with the factory to check on the
smooth running of it to meet the delivery line. This course discus about hoe the merchandiser handles the
program during shipment while the quality check is done and all approved.
Course Contents:
Module-I: Buying House Coordination
Buyer Coordination - Procedure and method of coordinate with buyer or buying house if any
clarification is required that is if any issue raised during production is not well identified internally. QA
or 3rd Party QA - Procedure and method of coordinating with buying house QA or 3rd Party QA for
initial/mid and final inspection of shipment. Procedures and methods of inspection
Examination Scheme:
Components A L CT EE
Weightage (%) 05 10 15 70
(A-Attendance; L- Learning Assignments; CT-Class Test; EE-End Semester Examination)